HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-07/28/1980HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr.. Chairman FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. Southold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765-19~ A regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board was held at 7:30 p.m., Monday, July 28, 1980 at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Present were: Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Frederick E. Gordon, Vice,Chairman G. Ritchie Latham, Member Bennett 0rlowski, Jr., Member (8:10 p.m.) Paul Demery - L. I. Traveler-Watchma~ (a short time) Mike Stahl, Suffolk Times Ronald & Edith Reese minor subdivision. Albert Albertson, Jr. appeared before the board for clarification of the right-of-way. It presently extends to the rear property line and property of Zebroski. The Board willwant this 50 foot right, of-way reserved for future dedication but at this time it will be required tb~t it be improved for emergency access. William Pappas and Demetriou family. These gentlemen are contemplating the Drossos property of 7-1/2 acres which is across the street from Drossos Restaurant. It is business-zoned and they would like to make application for a multiple use for motels. There is municipal water but Mr. Gordon cautioned them that there may be trouble obtaining adequate sewage because of the clay strata. Test borings will be necessary. The gentlemen were advised that application must be made to the Town Board through the Town Clerk. Dawn Estates (Cleaves Point, Section IV). Mr. Gordon made an inspection of this property and all buildings have been demolished and removed. The board will require six new maps showing the four lots with a building only on lot 4. Upon receipt of these maps a public hearing will be scheduled. Planning Board _~r -2- ~ ~y 28, 1980 On motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED to set 8:30 p.m., Monday, August 25, 1980 at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as the time aud place for a public hearing on the question of the approval of the minor subdivision of Ronald & Edith Reese located at Southold. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Latham, Gordon The Board has reviewed the proposed amendments to the subdivision regulations as prepared by Town Attorney Tasker; The Board has chosen to eliminate three lines and will seek the advice of the Town Attorney as to the legality of same. The Section will read as presented with the following removed. ,, ..... and finds that, had the owners of the lands involved in such determinations applied to the Planning Board for such approvals as may have been required, that such approvals would have been granted." On motion made by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED to set 8:00 p.m., Monday, August 25, 1980 at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York as the time and place for a public hearing on the question of the approval of the following amendments: The Town of Southold Land Subdivision Regulations, constituting Chapter Al06 of the Code of the Town of Southold are hereby amended as follows: I. By ~mending the definition of "Subdivision" contained in Section Al06-13, to read as follows: SUBDIVISION - The division of any parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, plots, blocks, sites or other divisions of land, with or without streets or highways, including any extension of any existing~street, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or building development, and including resubdivision; provided, how- ever, the term "subdivision" shall not include the set-off or creation of a single lot from a parcel of land, provided that before any such set-off or creation shall take place, the owner shall submit such proposal to the Planning Board for its approval and determination of whether such set-off or creation constitutes a subdivision. In making such determination, the Planning Board shall give consideration, among other things, to: Whether the lot to be set-off is of such character as to be suitable for the intended purpose without danger of flood or other perils. Be Whether adequate provision is or will be made for drainage, water supply, sewer disposal and other necessary utilities and improvements. Planning Board -3- ~ hly 28, 1980 Whether the lot to be set-off is of such size as to conform with the present or future development of neighboring lands. De Whether the proposed set-off will be consistent with the present or future stre~t~lay~out of the neighborhood. E. Whether the proposed set-off will require the extension of municipal facilities or services. F. Whether the proposed set-off will be iu harmony with the future growth and development of the town. G. Whether adequate means of access and off-street parking are provided. H. Whether the proposed set-off will adversely affect present or future uses of neighboring lands. If the Planning Board grants approval to set-off a lot as hereinbefore provided, it may impose such conditions as it deems necessary or appropriate. II. By ~mending said Chapter Al06 by adding a new Section thereto, to be Section A106-53 to read as follows: Section A106-53 Approval of Board of Appeals Actions Heretofore and between the period from January l, 1971 and September 5, 1979, the Board of Appeals made certain determinations en appeals to it involving area variances and/or the relocation of lot lines and/or the set-off of lots, all of such determinations being set forth on a schedule caused to be compiled by the Planning Board. Many of the Board of Appeals determinations on said schedule may have required approval by the Planning Board. However, due to misunderstanding, inadvertence or oversight, the owners of the lands involved did not thereafter apply to the Planning Board for its approval. In the intervening time, many of the lands involved in such Board of Appeals' determinations have been sold, and/or built upon in reliance upon the Board of Appeals' determinations and the subsequent issuance of building permits and/or certificates of occupancy. The Planning Board has reviewed all of the determinations set forth on the aforesaid schedule. In view of the foregoing, the Planning Board (and the town board as evidenced by its approval of this amenSment) determines that ~n extreme hard- shipi~would be caused if such owners were, at this time, required to obtain approvals from the Planning Board. Accordingly, it is hereby determined that any Planning Board approvals that may have been required with respect to the Board of Appeals determinations~ set forth on said Schedule are hereby deemed to have been granted with the same force and effect as if the same had been submitted to and approved by the Planning Board in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. It is further determined that said Schedule Planning Board v -4- ~tY 28, 1980 shall be endorsed by the Chairman of the Planning Board and filed in the Town Clerk's office simultaneously with the effective date of this amendment. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Gordon, Latham 8:00 p.m. Public Hearing on the question of the approval of the minor subdivision of Anita McNulty and Helen McNulty located at Laurel. John Diller, Esq., appeared on behalf of the applicants. Mr. Raynor read the legal notice of heariug and presented proof of publication in the Long Island Traveler-Watchman. Mr. Raynor: In the file we are in receipt of the filing fee, form to the Suffolk County Planning Commission, correspondence to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, resolution approving sketch plan and setting Planning Board as lead agency and setting tonight for the hearing, legal notice, correspondence from Mr. Diller along with the decision from the Board of Appeals setting off the property and the metes and bounds description and application in duplicate, short environmental assessment form, drainage and grading statement and certificate of title. As there is no road construction there is nothing in the file from the Superintendent of Highways. As is the policy with this board, we will ask if there is anyone present this evening that would like to speak in opposition to this proposed subdivision. Hearing none, is there anyone present this evening that would like to speak in favor of this subdivision. Mr. Diller: I am here primarily to answer any remaining questions the board might have. It is obvious since we started back in February with the Zoning Board of Appeals and now with you gentlemen that we are in favor of the application. In connection with the proceeding before the Zoning Board of Appeals where adjoiuing property owners received notification I did get letters from the people from the east indicating they were in favor. (Mr. Diller read letters from Mr. and Mrs. Ehlers and Mrs. Thoet). Aside from that, if there are any questions I would be glad to answer them. Mr. Raynor: Is there anyone else present this evening that would like to speak in favor of this subdivision. One of the questions that has come up is the configuration of the properties. We usually pick this up on sk~ch~-.~plan. I will let you look at what is marked out. We try to avoid the flag lot configuration with every effort because it has led to different types of problems with boundary disputes and uses of driveways and things of this nature. We would prefer a right-of-way going with the lots. Mr. Diller: Wouldn't there be less chance of dispute if the lot had a legal fee simple right to the road. If you are dealing with a right- of-way both the front lot and back lot people can use the same piece of property. It seems to me cleaner and clearer if what is shown Planning Board '~, -5- ,?Rly 28, 1980 on here to the east is without question the property of the southerly lot and the northerly lot owner cannot do anything with it. Mr. Raynor: All I can tell you is what we have run into is that as a result this was why the board is bringing this up. Mr. Diller: I would be more worried about my dependence on the other people into a future situation. Mr. Raynor: We would see that the covenant with regard to the right-of-way is tied up. Your question is with lot~27 Mr. Diller: You said the problems you have run into are boundary disputes. Mr. Raynor: Flaglots in general have not worked out. It is a poor planning technique. Mr. Diller: If a while ago it had been raised it wouldn't have made a difference. Do I have to go to the Board of Appeals on this configuration? Mr. Raynor: This wouldn't affect the Board of Appeals decision because it is based on an approval from the Planning Board. Mr. Diller: If they have approved this and now in granting the Planning Board's approval you are changing the boundaries, isn't it quite possible that I have to go back and start a proceding with the zoning board? (Mr. 0rlowski arrived at this point.) Mr. Diller: I wonder why the surveyor did this. Is there any formal joint meetings between yourselves and the Zoning Board in terms of whether before you make final action there would be any way of knowing. Mr. Raynor: We will touch base with them and get back to you. Is there anyone else present this evening that has any information? Mr. Gordon, Mr. 0rlowski, Mr. Latham? (all negative) Hearing none, we will deem this hearing closed and thank you very much for coming down. John J. Miesner, Jr. change of zone application on property located au ~u~cnogue zrom A Residential and Agricultural District to B-1 General Business District. Mr. Miesner and David Horton appeared. At present there is 200 feet depth of business property at the location. Danny Xaelin and business are on one side and Glover's truck terminal is on the north. Across the street on Cox's Lane it is already zoned business. Mr. Miesner owns a piece of property of over an acre immediately to the north of this piece and Mr. Raynor questioned wh~t would be done with this and the suitability of this also being zoned business was discussed. Mr. 0rlowski and Mr. Raynor will make a field inspection of the property and it will be discussed at the next meeting. Planning Board ~ ~ -6- ~ly 28, 1980 Cyprus right-of-way. James Bitses, Esq., appeared on behalf of Mr. Cyprus. This matter has been before the Planning Board in regard to the change of a right-of-way which had previously been approved bY the Planning Board inthree contio~ous minor subdivisions. The opinion of the Town Attorney on the matter will be sent to Dr. Bloom's attorney and to Mr. Bitses and a decision will be made on the request at the next meeting. 8:30 p.m. Public Hearing on the question of the approval of the minor subdivision of Samuel B. Prellwitz located at Peconic. Mr. Prellwitz and William B. Smith appeared. Mr. Raynor read the legal notice of hearing and' presented proof of publication in the Long Island Traveler,Watchman. Mr. Raynor: In our file is receipt of the payment for the subdivision fee, a letter from our board to the New York State Department of EnvironmenTal Conservation with regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, a letter from our board to the Suffolk County Planning Commission, resolution approving the sketch plan, declaring lead agency and resolving to set the public hearing, copy of the metes and bounds description and the letter regarding drainage, roads and grading, a copy of the application, correspondence in the file in regard to action by the board of appeals, a short environmental assessment form, correspondence from the adjoining owner, Jody Adams, and other copies of the submission. As is the policy, is there any~me that would like to speak in opposition to the proposed subdivision. Hearing none, is there anyone present that would like to speak in favor? We have had this before us with several configurations. Is there anyone present that would like to speak in favor or has any information that may be either pro or con? Mr. Smith: Did the committee find everything satisfactory in reviewing it? Mr. Gordon: The only question was on the right-of-way and the engineer is going to, inspect it to see if it is a suitable right-of- way as far as the base and everything. I am sure it is. Mr. Raynor: We have not gotten anything back from the County or from our inspector yet. It is conceivable we will do something with regard to the width of the right-of-way but what if any additional construction is mandated would be the determination of the board after getting a field report from our inspector. You gentlemen have any questions? Mr. Gordon, Mr. Latham, Mr. 0rlowski? Mr. Gordon: Do you have any trouble with two cars passing on the right-of-way? Mr. Prellwitz: Cars would have difficulty in passing but all the lots concerned have access to Indian Neck Lane. Mr. Raynor: Would it be conceivable to restrict your access off your right-of-way to lot number one? Planning Board -7- jl y 28, 1980 The secretary brought to the Board's attention that access had not been provided to the beach for the inland lots. Mr. Prellwitz answered that au error had been made on the map and that walking access will be available to the beach and a right-of-way will definitely be shown. Mr. Raynor: Do you gentlemen have anything else for us? Does anyone have anything else? (all negative) If there is no further information we will call this hearing closed. On motion made by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. 0rlowski, it was RESOLVED to approve the sketch map of the subdivision to be known as Harbor Lights~ Section IV subject to road profiles, drainage and necessary engineering. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Gordon, Latham, Orlowski Cove Beach Associates. Richard Cron, Esq., appeared and questioned the status of this subdivision. He was informed that it was in the hands of the Town Board for its determination as to whether this can be subdivided in the cluster concept. Whitcom Realty Company. Richard Cron, Esq., appeared and questioned the Suffolk County Planning Commission condition that there be a 60 foot wide area provided in the east-west right-of-way for an eventual east-west road. All other areas have provided 50 feet. Mr. Raynor asked Mr. Cron to submit his protest in writing. On motion made by Mr. 0rlowski, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED, that whereas, a formal application for the approval of a subdivision plat, entitled Minor Subdivision of Lloyd E. Terry was submitted to the Planning Board on May 13, 1980, and an application fee of $100.00 was paid on May 13, 1980, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the said subdivision application and plat at the Town Hall, Southold, New York, on June 30, 1980 at 7:30 p.m., and WHEREAS, the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met by said subdivision plat and application, Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the application of Lloyd E. Terry for approval of said subdivision plat prepared by Roderick -8- i ~y 28, 1980 Planning Board .x_~, ~ Van Tuyl, P.C. and dated April 16, 1980 and amended May 15, 1980 be approved and the chairman of the Planning Board be authorized to endorse approval on said subdivision plat subject to the following: 1. Receipt of covenants signed by the applicant and in recordable form stating that the property to the south owned by Mr. Terry will be developed as a major subdivision if it should come before this board in the future. 2. Consideration of conditions of the Suffolk County Planning Commission. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Gordon, Orlowski, Latham On motion made by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Lath.sm, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board declare itself lead agencyfor the subdivision of property of Antone J. and Eloise Norklun. This project is unlisted and an initial determination of non-significance has been made. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Gordon, 0rlowski, Latham On motion made by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was RESOLVED to grant approval to the sketch map of the minor subdivision of Antone J. and Eloise Norklun located at Orient, said map dated June 30, 1980. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Gordon, Orlowski, Latham On motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED to set 7:30 p.m., Monday, August 25, 1980, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, as the~time and place for a public hearing on the question of the approval of the minor subdivision of Antone J. and Eloise Norklun located at Orient. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Gordon, Orlowski, Latham On motion made by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. 0rlowski, it was RESOLVED, that whereas, a formal application for the approval of a subdivision-plat, entitled Minor Subdivisionof Robert W. BrOOks, was submitted to the Planning Board on April 30,1980, and an application fee of $30.00 was paid on April 30, 1980, and Planning Board ~.. -9- ~ _jj,y 28, 1980 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the said subdivision application and plat at the Town Hall, Southold, New York, on June 30, 1980 at 8:15 p.m., and WHEREAS, the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met by said subdivision plat and application, Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the application of Robert W. Brooks for approval of said subdivision plat prepared by Chandler, Palmer & Kiug and dated October 1979 with additions March 1980 be approved and the chairman of the Planning Board be authorized to endorse approval on said subdivision plat subject to the following condition of the Suffolk County Planning Commission being placed on the map: The property shown on this map is located in close proximity to Elizabeth Field, au airport, and there- fore may be subject to noise emanating from the facility and from aircraft taking off and landing. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Gordon, 0rlowski, Latham The following resolution was introduced by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Gordon: Pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review Act and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 amd Chapter /Ill of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that Southold Town Planning Board as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION The minor subdivision of Robert W. Brooks is a three-lot residential subdivision with a building existing on each lot on ~8,828 square feet of property located at Fishers Island in the Town of Southold. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: An environmental assessment has been submitted which indicated that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has not indicated any objection to this project although it has indicated that all subdivisions within 300 feet of tidal wetlands and/or waters require a permit from that agency. The Suffolk County Department of Health Services has not made an objection but indicates that a precursory review indicates that there are problems with the existing sewer line and that individual disposal systems will be required, as well as public water. Planning Board ~J, -10- ~ly 28, 1980 The project will meet all requirements of the Code of the Town of Southold Subdivision of Land Regulations. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ms. Muriel Tolman, Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Gordon, 0rlowski, Latham 9:00 p.m. Public Hearing on the question of the approval of the minor subdivision of Rush and Elizabeth Forq~er located at Mattituck. Richard Cron, Esq., appeared on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Raynor read the legal notice of hearing and presented proof of publication in the Long,Island Traveler,Watchman. Motion was made by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried to dispense with the reading of the metes and bounds description if there be no objection. There was no objection. Mr. Raynor: I have a receipt from the Town Clerk's office regarding the application fee, correspondence from the New York State Depart- ment of Environmental Conservation with regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, correspondence to the applicant's attorney declaring the Town Planning Board lead agency, approving the sketch plan and setting the time for the public hearing. I have application for approval of plat, statement from the attorney with regard to no grading, new roads or drainage structures and a short environmental assessment form. That is all I have in the file. As is the custom of this board, I will ask if there is auyon~ present this evening that would like to speak in opposition to the proposed subdivision. Hearing none, is there anyone present this evening that would like to speak in favor of this proposed subdivision. Mr. Cron: If it pleases the board, you have my reasons as to why I felt the whole procedure was unnecessary but since we are stuck with it I move the subdivision be approved. Mr. Raynor: Is there anyone else present this evening that would like to speak in favor of the proposed subdivision. Is there anyone present that has any information that should come before the board at this time. Mr. Gordon, Mr. Orlowski, Mr. Latham. (all negative) There being no further questions, we will adjourn the hearing. On motion made by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. 0rlowski, it was RESOLVED, that whereas, a formal application for the approval of a subdivision plat, entitled Minor Subdivision of Rush M. Forquer~ Jr., and Elizabeth F. Forquer was submitted to the Planning Board on June 24, 1980, and an application fee of $50.00 was paid on June 24, 1980, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the said subdivision application and plat at the Town Hall, Southold, New York, on July 28, 1980 at 9:00 p.m., and Planning Board -11- ~j]ly 28, 1980 WHEREAS, the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met by said subdivision plat and application, Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the application of Rush M. Forquer, Jr., and Elizabeth F. Forquer for approval of said subdivision plat prepared by Roderick Van Tuyl, P. C., dated June 20, 1980, be approved and the chairman of the Planning Board be authorized to endorse ~oproval on said subdivision plat. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Gordon, 0rlowski, Latham Mr. 0rlowski made a motion, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried to approve the minutes of the meetings of May 19, 1980; June 2, 1980; June 16, 1980; and June 30, 1980. There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Ortowski made a motion, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Re spectful~submitted, ~an, Secretary Henry ~ ~aynor,