HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12397 P 587 , " : ' .. '. .. C->,( I-- " ~i7 ,bf-7 .~ ') ~ . G I L 2 - cr -9, Co ~ NY <JIB. Quitc')aim Oe:ed - In....ividull or Corpon.liua (5inJk Shcft) (!'iYlfrU IllJOo1) cnNSVI.T \'UIiR IAWn:R Ilt:FtIRESIGNI"'G 1'11I.'1 I~STRUMF""", niL' 1,,';TRVMt:/<fSunul.ll nt: usm R\'IAwn:n., UNI.\' THIS INDENTURE, m.de the RETWEEN \"1 d.yorl....d\ }Y\Ar ,inlheyear2005 William Tufano and Millicent Tufano, his wife, residing at 2482 Camp Mineolll, Mattltuck, NY 11952 pany of the lirst p.n, and William Tufano and Millicent Tufano, as Tenants In Common, residing at 2482 Camp Mlneola, Mattltuck, NY 11952 pany of Ihe =ond pan. WITNESSETH,thallhe pany urlhe firsl pan. in consideralion ufTen Dollar;; .nd olher valuuhle cunsideraliun paid by Ihc pany of the second pan. d"". hereby rem;..,. release anLl ~uitclaim unlo the party oflhe second pan, lhe beirs or SUL'Cessors .nd assigns or Ihe pany of lb. second pan fon:vcr. ALL Ih.tcenain pint, piece or parcel nf land. with the building. and improvemellls thereon erected. .iluale, lying and being in the Mattituck, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York. SEE SCHEDULE 'A' AtTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The grantors herein are the same persons as the grantees in Deed dated 8/28/1989 recorded 9/5/1989 In L1ber 10922 at Page 421. TOG ETHER with .11 right, tille anLl inle"",'. if any. of lhe par\y of lhe Ii"'t pan of, in anLllo any "reels and roa<is abulling the abovc.de.<cribcd poemi,",s 10 Ihe eenler lin..lhercof; TOGETHIiR with the appunen.ncc. and .lIlhe eslalC and rights of the party orlbe lirst part in and to said premises: TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the pn'lIIises herein granted unto Ihe paIly urthe secnnd p.n. the heirs or su....""'" .nLl ....igns of \he party or d,. second part forever, AND the party orlhe Ii"'l pan. in compliance ..'jth St.'Clion 13 oflhe Lien Law, COven'lIIl.' Ihatthe pany "rlhe first pall will receive the Ctlnsidcnuion for Ihis"""llveyaoce Bnd will huJd Ute righllu n:ceivc 5UC'h (,ooosiderl1tion llSa trust rund to be upplied fi"'l for the purpose of paying the N!ll of lhe imprclVemcnl and will opply the ..me firstID the payment of the ",,"I of Ihe improvcmcnl hefon: using ony pan of die lotal orlhe sume for ony oilier purpo...., The word "pony" sholl hceoll.<trued..< ifil read "panics" whenever the sense or this indcntun: so requires. IN PRCSENn UI': w USE Al"!,NOII'{.EDG.\lf:NT FORM BEWWWlTHINNEII'YORKSTAT/i()NI.Y,' , S;"I""rNewYork:Counlyur Suffolk 1&&.: 6~ Ih;' \,\y "I'M.. &:II "^^~ in lhe y= 1005 belUre me. lhe undo..ign.d ;..~Jy peored William Tufano and Millicent ufano , per><lDlIIl)' knuwn It> me or pnlVed 10 me ,.. the basi.. of ..lisf""IU'Y pel>Ollwly known III me or proved III lIIe on the ba.,is of liOIlisru.:1I1I}' eviden.:., III be the in.li,iduaUs\ whuS<' nwne(s\ is Ian:,...t.w:rihc:d W I"" eviden.....u be the individuol,s\ wlwt<c Mlnels) i.<lwe' ...boaihcU I.. the within insLlUmenl and o.:knowledfiCd III me thaI """"""they .lll.'CU1m within illsll\lmcnl and acknowledged 10 me Ih:1l hdshellhey CXC:CUIm the some in hislher/lhei W(iesl. and thaI by hislherlthcir the same in hisl11erllhcir capacily(iL..). and Ih:1l by hislhcrlthcir signawn.o(s\ on the inst me the individual's). or the pe""OI upon sigll,nurelsl un lhe i"'LlUmenL 1he indivWoal15l. or thc pe..on UP" bL'ludf of wbich lhe i v' s\ acte<l~ex :uJed lhe insLlUlllenl. bd1aIr ur which thc individual(sl "'-100. execlllm lhe illlo'lrUDlCDl, FLANNE OLSEN NotlUY Public Stale New YoItl No. 020 ll80lI Qualll1ed In Sui III CounIr_ w""I Ca/ftIIlIIIIOII expr. aD, ... ACI(,"III"/.EJJGME^T J'0IlM FOR Ulil-: WITHIN NEil' YOIlK STATE O,YI.r, {.'Yt1K' YIH'i S,,~'ri/tillJ: Wilrlt.rs t\rtn.,,,'lnJ"""~If' C'nlfic'Q/e/ SlaleorNew\'.II'k.Counlyor I....: On ,he u.y of in Ih. yeW' belilll: me. the undtl>i~ned, pcn'Clnwly appeared Ihe subscribing WillleSS 10 the r,,,,,soing in.<lJU",enl, ,,'ith whonl I am pcnlUI1lIlIy acquainled, who. heing hy me duly swum. did <kp""" and ",.)'1h:1l ""'shelthey ",.i<lc('1 in (if the pUle"f' of f\.WiJtonCt';5 in u dlY. inc:luJt! ~ 111r~1 wid Slretlm,,,,bt'r. if uny. 11u!"",Jl: thaI hel,hcllhey knOW(s) III be the individual d...,rihl.-.J in and wh.. exee..1cd the f""'goinS instrument: lhat said !'ub~bing wiU'ICS." was prt'scnl und s::&w said exe<ule lhe same: :wi thai ..id willlCS.' allhe same li",e sullM:rihl.'Cl hislhc."fltheir lWlll.is} as a witnrs..; 1.tk:n:IO. QUITCLAIM DtJill Tm.F.NtJ, Tufano and Tufano TO Tufano and Tufano FIDELm' NATlOSAL Tm.F. INSURANCE . CO:\U'AS\' 01' Nr.w YORK . 'M,'t..l'tw'nl,/'1:1t i':' .w,..""".1)(.. Fide/ily ,J:;:#_../' II,..", ,..,.. lid j_l,*JJW "al'riMrool ~ It o 2 " ~ II: ... o !I II: ~ w ... If '" ~ w > .15 "' w II: U...,.; ACI.'\'OWI.f3K'oIIE,\T FCNIM IIFJ.QII'1I1ntIN NEW roRK STA1'F.O,vU: SliIleorSewYork, COIInly..r ,...: On the day or in the YCllT herore me, the undC/lligned. pcr.;onaJly O/'flO'.JR:d ACKto.'OWI.Jo:tXi.ClE,\T "ORA' FOIl U,<E OlmillJl-: Nt::II')"QRK STATIi (),vU: /0rI, ,1:iluz, r)I' FII",~II C;I'Ih.'rul t\rtn.n.i,d''''1'1Il C Im/l'''''''' , , . . . . . . .... . . , , ... .. . , . , , , , , , , , .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . I...: fn""l"I'~ VtlUH' b;,h ,,,,"N. ClIulllry. l'n...jn~ &J1' At"nidpglifJtJ On thc day of in the )"W' befon: me. lhe undcr.<igncd personolly appeored pem1ll:llly known II' me or proved 10 me on the bo.,i.. of ..tisf~ evido:...... 10 be the individwl(s) w....., na"'els) is (='liI,bso:ribed kl thc wilhin inslIUmenl and ockoowlOOj:cd 10 me thaI """""'/they ex....uled the """'" in hi.<lherlthcir l::lplICily(ies\, Ih:1l hy hi"""'" their signalu..,(s) on the insLlUmcnL the indiYidual(s\,orthc """"n UpOIl behlllrurwhich the individualls) acu:d. e.ecUll:d the in.<lrumenl,and thai such individual II1IIlle such 0J1IlCllIUIl''' before the ulllleriigned in the (I,u,.n tlu: dry Of (.tlU'r pt./iliL"aI.fubdi\'i,\ifln (JIIJ 1lIf! S""I! fJr c:rllll",,' Qf tll~r I"Uc 'r lire (J,ilu.I""ltVKlrrcnl M"US laun}. DISTRICT 1000 SEmON 121.00 IlI.OCK 09.00 loT 009.006 COL'.'I/TY OK TOWN Suffolk RECUR/IEII ,,'I' REQUFST Of' t"idellly NulloDal T1d.l.......llII<e Company orN.w Yolk RF.TURN RY MAli. TO MT, and Mrs. William Tufano 2482 Camp Mlneola Road Maldtuek, NY 11952 " SCHIDULE: A ALL that certain plc:t, piece or parcel of land, wi th the buildill;ls an:! imprOl/enents thereon erected, situate, lying ail:! toing at' Camp Hineola, lIamlet of Mattituck, Tcwn of Soutlxlld, Suffolk Count;y, New,York, bounded and described as follows: BEGIMolIN:; at a point located 'the following eight' eBl courses and distances' frau a point mrked by a IIDriwrent set' on the westerly line of a 25 foot right of way known as Camp Mineola Road, fO!:lrerly known as 'Reeve Averne, said lll::II"UlIIlnt IMrking tho southeasterly cOmer of land of&.Leycbn:' , .(~..;r , 1) South 4 degrees 49' mi~tes East; alon:l said westerly line of said 25 foot right of way, a distance of 30 ;05 feet to 'land 'of Ri ta G. Young; , 2) South BB degrees 29 mirntes 30 seconds l~est along'said last IIIlntioned lands' and lands of Mildred II. Q:e~ry and Dxothy H. Dettner, fO!:llDrlY..Leone D. Howell, a distance of 230.39 feet, to a point; 3) South 4 dogrees 49 mirutes East along said last mentionocl lands and larxls of Hiller and Gregory and Dettner, a distan~ of 254.14 feet to a point" a!'d lands of Mondo" formerly of Fay; 4) South B5 degrees 10 minutes Hest along said ,lands 'of Manda a distarlO3 of 50 feet to a point1 5) South 4 degrees 49'minuteS East, still along said lands of MOndo a distance of 150 "feet to a' point IMrked by a I:IOnunent and lands of Fhillips; , 6) South 85 degrees 10 mirutes West along said lands 'of Phillips a distance of 66.35 feet to a point IMrked by a llrinulref\t; 7) South 6 degrees 17 'mil1Jtes 40 secorxls West still along said lands of Fhill1ps 'a distance of 64.47 feet to a point marked by a lIDn..unent 'and lands of Fhillips; , B) South 84 degr~s 50 minutes 50 secancls ,West along ,sa id, lands of Fhillips and lands of Yaung ark! Kelly a distanCe of 421.27 feet to a m:mument" which is the point of..BmINNIr-.'G; , R!JNNING THE2>lCE South 8 degrees 32 mil1Jtes 20, secorxis West along laOO now or forn-erly of fart' a distance ,of 192.12 feet; THENCE South 5 degrees 06 minuteS east a distance of 32.09, feet to land now or forn-erly of Cahill; THENce SOUth 6 degrees 03 mirutes West a distance of 160 feet more or less to ~igh wa~er line of Peconic Bay; T~CE: in a westerly direction along high water 1106 of Peconic Bay ,a distance of 125 feet !lOre or less to land fornerly of' C.E. Allen nOo' of Patrick and Mal:}' Cicorelli; RUNNIN:> TtIENCE along said L!inds of Patrick and Mal:}' Cieorelli the fo1100'ing two courses and distances: (1) North 14 degrees 20 mirute.s ,20 secon:ls East a distance of 245 feet m:ire or less to a nOnwrent; (2) North 7 degrees 20 mirutes 20 seconds East a distance of 146.11 feet 1 TfIDolCE ~rth 84 degrees 50 mirntes 50 seconds East a'distance of 262.53 feet;r ' ' THENCE South " degrees 34 mirutes 20 seconds West 30.44 feet; 1liENCE South 84' degrees 50 minutes 50 seconds West -181.58 feet to the j,Xlint or place of BEGINNIN:>. TOGE:THER with a right of way in canllon with others over the follewirt;j described 50 foot right of way: BEXiINNING at a point on the westerly side of Camp Mineola Road , at the intersection of the southerly line of an existirt;j 50 foot right of way with the Westerly line of Camp Mineala Road which poirit is South 16 degrees 51 minutes East a distance of 437.60 feet fran the intersection of .the westerly side of Carrp ~lineola Road with the southerly. side of Kraus Road; RJNNING 'nlENCE the. fOllOo'irt;j. 18 courses; 1) Along lands na.. or fOlJllerly of Kreh, South 73 degrees 09 minutes west, 150.00 feet; thence 2) Along lands now or fOlJllerly of Kroh, South 16 degrees 51 mirutes East, 320.00 feet; thence 3) Along lands nOo' or formerly of Kreh, South 73 degrees 09 mil1ltes West; 232.00 feet; thence . , 4) Continuirt;j alOng lands new or fOlJllerly of Kreh,. South 30 degrees 29 minutes 40 'seconds ~est, 87.05 feet to a point nark.ed by a !lOn.ment. \1IClrkirg the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Rcsa Kreh; thence 5) Along land of Rosa Kreh and Peter Kreh, South 14 degrees 20 minutes East, 266.21 feet; thence' '. 6) Contirning a1On~l'said land of Peter Kreh and land of C.B. Allen, South 4 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds West, 490 ;34 feet to larid of KellYl thence 7) AlOrt;! said land of Kelly, land of Hart and other. land of C.B. Allen, South 84 degrees 50 minutes 50 seconds West, 302.31 feet; thence . -2- DJ \;ontinui19 a10n;l said 1aro of Allen, North 73 degrees 39 minutes 40 second West, 164.31 feet;- ,thence . 9) Still along said laro of Allen, North 25 dogrees 13 miruto::; East, 60"0 feet to other lan.! of A:ltet:' Krohl, thence 10) Along said lan.! of Krah, South 69 dogrees 47 mirutes East, 144.43 feet; thence ll)Continuln;, alon;, said larxl of Krell, Nort,li 84 degrees 50 'mirntes 50 seconds East, 252~35 feet; thence 12) Still a10n;l said lam of Krell, North 4 ~grees 34 niinutes 20 soconds East, 439.85 feet to land of Strong; thence 13) Alan;, said lands of Strong, North 14 degrees 20 mirntes IJest, 276.50 feet; thence '. 14) Along la n:!s rr::1fI or fOJ:Jrcirly of S tron;" North 3 0 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds East, 127.20 feet to a point marked by a monument; thence ' . 15) Continuin;, along laros now or formerly of Kreh, North 73 degrees 09 minutes East, 201.52 feet; thence 16) Still a10n;l said lam now or formerly of 'Kreh, North 16 degrees 51 minutes West, 320.00 feet; thence 17) St ill a10n;l sa id lan:! now or f0Lm3rly of Krell, North 73 degrees 09 minutes East, 200 feet; thence 18) Alan;, tile wosterly side of C~ loIineola Road, South 16 degrees 51 minutes East, 50.00 feet to the point or place of BEIiINNIN:>. TCGE'l'fJER with an easenent in camen with others of 12 feet in width IlOre partiCUlarly described in the Dac.1aration of Easenent made by Folly, Deach Limited as of l'bvember 9, 1987 and r8COl:ded December 4" 1987 in Liber 10465 cp 467 in the Office of the Clerk' of Suffolk County. ' TCGE'l'HER with a Right of Ilay in camen with others fran the premises' over Camp Hineola Road to Kraus Road, a public highway. TCGETlIER with a Right of Way in camen with others to use the recreation area on James Creek, but only to the extent of tho party ,of the first part's interest therein. , 'lOGETHER with a Right of Way' in CCIlIIlDn with others Over the followi19 described 30 foot' Right' of Ilay: ", BEriINNOO at a' point marked by a IlIOOJment set on the westerly line of a 25 foot Right of way known as Camp Mineola Road, fomerly known as . Reeve Avenue, said IlDlUn>3nt markin;l the SOUtheasterly co;-ner of land of ;(ol(/;'T- Leyden, an:! running thence the fo11owiny 16 courses: (1) Sooth 4 degrees 49 cdrntes East,' 30.05 feet; tJ:lence (2) South aa ~es 29 minutes 30 seconds west, 230.39 feet; thence (3) South 4 degrees 49 mil1Jtes East, 254.14 feet; thence -3- (4) South 85 degrees 10 millJtes West, 50.0 feet; thence (5).' South 4 degrees..49 minutes East, 150.0 feet; thence (6) South 85 degrees 10 mirutes ~;est, 66.35 feet; thence (7) South 6 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West, 64.4.7. feet; thilnce (8) Sooth 84 degrees 50 mirutes 50 secords West, 239,.69 feet; thena) . . (9)" North 4 degrees 34 minutes 20 seo:mds East, 30.44:.feet; thence (10) North 84 degrees 50 mirutes 50 secOoos East, 210.0 feet; thence (11) North 6 degrees.17 minutes 40 secorxls East, 68.69 feet; thence (12) North 85 degrees 10 rnirutes East, 61.0J feet; thEince (lJ) North 4 degrees 49 miB.ltes \Iest, 150.0 feet; thence (14) North 85 degrees 10 minutes East, 50.0 feet; thence OS) North 4 degrees .49 minutes Ilest, 255.9J feet! thence (16) North 88 degrees 29 minutes JO secorxls East, 260.50 feet to the point of BEIiINNING. SUIlJEX:T 'IO the requirement that the lot cailprisi~ the premises may not be further subdivided pursuant to the tez:ms of the Minor Subdivision mapped September 21, 1976 by Roderick Van Thyl P.C., licensed larxl surveyor, and filed as Map No. 139 in the Office of the Clerk of the Town of Soutlx>ld Plannir>;l Board. . SUIlJEX:T 'IO the follaoir>;l Declarations recorded in the Office of the Clerk. of Suffolk County: .'lhe l:eclaration in Liller 8568 cpo JJJ and Declaration in Liber 9104 cpo 397; and party of the second part, by acceptance hereof, agrees to be bQ.md by all.of the obligations contained in the aforesaid Declarations, accruirg fran and after the .date hereof. SUIlJECT 'IO the aforcmantioned 50 foot right of way rumirg over the northerly portion of the premises. . BEING AND INTENtED 'IO BE a portion of the sane premises that were conveyed to Folly Ileac:h Limited by Ceed frcrn C. Edlicnds Allen, dated June 15, 1970 and recorded June 24, 1970.in'Liber 6762 cp J6 in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk. County, and being the premises known as "Lot J" of the Hiner Subdivision hereinabo.re referred to... . . ,,' .' ..... . . Number of pages TORRENS Seri31 I; 0' Certificatt: ;, _.~~, \ Prior Ctf. # ___~ Deed _ Mortgage Illstnll11l:mt Deed I Mo,'cgoge T,x Slomp IJ FEES Page I Filing Fee H.ndling -i .00_. 5_ TP"S84 . NO:3Iion ----- -- EA-j217 (Coumy) ~- '7- ~- :b11- Sub Tet"! L'? r;, EA-S217 (Sltte) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5. .QQ.... Affidav;t Certified Copy Reg. Co;:>y Sub Tot.~ J 2 ~ _ Grond TOI.ll~ / - (JJ ., , I /5" _ Other 122.00 Block 09.00 Lot 009.006 Reo! I'ro;:>eJ1y Tax Serv j Ct .Agency Verification 05026696 1000 12200 DilDO 0011006 ~ (RCSE A \13....Ul 6 Sutisfllct;oll/DischargesIRelease Lisl Property Owners Muiiing Adcress RECORD & nETURN TO: Mr. and Mrs. William Tufano 2482 Camp Mineola Mattituek. NY 11952 7 RE"..llP.DEl' 2005 Jul 14 O~:42:04 RM Edward P. ROOliline CLERK OF SUFFOlY. COUNTI' L D00012397 . P 587 D HI 04-48~26 Reco'c;!Ig I ;:ilil:g St"'~ps Mortg:lge Aml. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additiono' Tax Sub Total S;>cc. I AS5it. or Spec. / Add. TOT. MTG. "IX Duai Town _ Duai COUllt)' __ _ I-ieid for ....ppoilltl11.nr ."A.... ImnsferTax --1/!- ____ Mansion Tax '_ ___ , r I The property covered by this li1o;gage is or wiU be imp:-oved by c en: or two family dwelling on:y_ YES __ or NO __ If NO. see appropri;.~:e ~;~'\: ~!D.use on Jl3ge #____ o( (hi~'s!.rL!mc:mL 5 Communit . Preservation Fund Consideration Ar:1oum S_ CPi'Tax Due $ imP'iOted , VQC~IIH Land :1- 'rD I iI . --.- TO ____ T!J __'_ Title Company Information Comeonwealth L~nd Title In.. Co. Co. NL!r:1e Title # s This page fon1)s part of the u,racheel '_ D~ed " " (SPECIFY TY?=: OF lNSTR UMENT) - __ _ ll1:1d~ by: U'i 11 i::lm T'IIf.Rnn ;lnd M'f 11 ieent T.!!fanCl-_ The ?remisLc: ~en~in i~ siL~~led in SU!'FOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO II; [he Township of In ,he VILLAGE Southold WIlliam Tufano and Millleenc ~ufano ---__ orHAMLETo~ ___. , BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BF. TYPED OR PRlt.TED IN DLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDIl\a OR FIL:..'-IG 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Typa of Instrumaot. DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 7 Receipt NUmber . 05-0072961 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 04-48926 Recorded. At: 07/14/2005 09.42.04 AM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012397 587 District: 1000 Section. Block. 122.00 09.00 EXAJaNBD AND CHARGBD AS I'OLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 009.006 Deed Amount: Received the Following Feee For Above Instrument b~t Exempt Page/Filing $21.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart. Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CODIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Pea. Paid $161. 00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-48926 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TKB: J:NSTRUKBNT THIS IS NOT A BJ:LL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY CT. aWlS Codo -PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:/I www.orpa.stale.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ::~./1',~':~1 it. .. . ~fr .: ',,!.-I C4. Pllgol , '), <f'. 71 STATli OF NEW YOIII( STATli SOARD O. REAL PROPEIITY SERVICES . . C2. ~o Deed R_dod RP - 5217 C3.Book PROPERTY INFORMATION ,. ~..I 2482 ..-u IfIIlUTNlU..:Il AP4J17.....JNI Camo Mineola :l1...INAMI ~mit'hnlt1 ""'00'- ~"'I"1r ~2 2.Bu.,., N..... TufAnn lAIr NAIll: ICQWltoN., ~illiJlm ..,-- I Tufano LAIr.....' COMWf'/' Millicent JPIIT""" 1 ra IndicII:I whn fulure Toll( Us.. to be..nt ailing if ather INn buyer.... fit bottom rA form>> I Ad...... LAlrNAMtI~ HIIIINAIIIIo lIo'IIIIU......." AND.r_1T "'.. ""'DO""'" STATE .. .... 4. In~ the n...... of ~nt Roll Plircels It.n........ on .... dMd I. ~::.... I -.-l X I SJZI r-tohT rUT IXl"ill 10RI ACIlkS,' - 1OnIy......"'._~..__: 4A. PIol1l'ing _ _ SubcIMIlcn Allhorhr ExlolI D 48. SubdM.Ion Appro_I WI' Requl-' for TIII_' 0 OC ...... ApptOVld ... Subd_ whh Mop - D I 'of P'.cell OR D 'Irt of . P.tCll 1.- ....... Tufano IASIICM1i '~IWY William tN' NMA 13. Full s.lt Prke Tufano M~lUcent LAir IiIAMII! I toWNft' ,..., ItAME 7. Cheak 1M box Wow whIah moat .ccur.tll, dncribes the .... o' the prol*1y It the _lmII of_a: ChecI& the boll. below II they apply: .. OwnaIShlp TW- is Condominium ~ Communlly SlJVICC S. New Conwuaion on Vaelnt Lend. J IndulUl.. 1M. Propurty LOCIIOd within an Agrk:uAIIT.1 0IItrict Public Service 1.. BUVIf NIlIMd . diIcIoM.Il1I rXJI:lc:8 ~Inu L ForaI lhu tho PfOPeRV II klan AQncuIwr" DIIldct '1. a..Ir _.. me.. af..... eondIdDruI _........... to .........: " SeIe Between AcNtIveI or Former AuUva 8 SlIIo Batwaon .....Ini CornpMin or PBrInor. In 8u.in... C ON of the BuYer. 111110 . s.ne. D au..... or SoIIor .. Govarnmanl Agoncy or Lending In.uIUUon n Doad Type nul: Wlnwuv Dr Bargain anc:l SaI. (Spaclfy Balow) t" SaSe of Fraccional or La. thin Fee ItUDrelllSpeclfy &.Howl G Signfflelm Chlngtln Property BttwMn T.~ SUll.lI and SaI, Dalla H $lie of BUIinoII. Included In 511.. Price I 01"" U....... F'ClOrI_'" SIIc Prtco Is.-Hy-.., J None F. ~ "ri,.'..., to: ComtTlllrclel (i Apiutmllnl H Entertalnmenl' ArnllMmenl D D D D A~ Ono FlI'nrly Rolidenl.al y 2 01 3 F.mliy Rnidlnli,l C RuidanUal VaClnt land D frton-Rer.idonllal VKIftI ~nd I SALE INFORMAnON ~ 11. .... ContrMl DMe ..- / Do, , .- 12. DI" of s.a. , Tr.n".r ~ , II -~ 04(' /2005 r... . ,-0,-, ,0,01 , , . lFuU Silo Prico lllhe tala! Imounl paid lor thl property including plIrlONll proporty. This paymlnl may be in the form at .", other PrOPaa1Y or goods. or rhlllAUmfllian 01 mGflpg.. 01 Olhttr obIpllOnl.) "..,. round ro Ib, rtNtM wItoIt CIOIyr 1mOCRlI. L 14. II'ldbta the value or peIWOnIIl I I 0 I JlJ property incIudMIlrt th8 .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DOli Ihould reflOCllho lotti' Fin.' _limon! Roll ond T.. Bill '''''''af~RDIIlrvm I which InIormI'Iian tIIIlm I 17.T...._V....loIo11_..........11 .}'")' , , LL..l-J1-u '8.Sdooal__' (YJI1J.1-'~-1f J( - l 'u/...(haj./i/ '". _ au. zo. Tn Map Identlll.rlall RoI ........crJ IIf mare titan four. IttIIch IheeI: with eel...... idlntllertaU 1000-122.00-09.00-009.006 I I CERTIFICATION I I C'tnify U. .u 01 liar Itftnl.; ." InI'QnIUdJoa ,'nhon:d na Ih~ farm Ian! Irue lad Dn'ft.111D .... ... allD)" knaw", .. bdWl and I UDdrrllaDd dIld .... IIIlIIdaa rI any willful ruN lllallmtaa ulllllllariul t'ucI btrfin \lID ftUbJrd m.an IhI' Dl'V\i.4aM of thto Dl"DIIII.... .....,,. Iu tht ..-una uad IIlinI rI.... IIIII~ BUYER'S ATTOIUEY ~ BUYER 1 .. ~ .. _-4.~iJt!. .r-::.: I .~J~5 2~ I (),~(IloL. lIT. 111M w.....ua" t1 fA.f-!' ht" Ie. !\JV 11Q5? CITY till IOWN 5"". :.!'fi' com . ....,- _r_ -- ""'""'" ...... ELLER NEW YORK STATE COpy