HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 369 (22--9-) '--Z77~30-S r-I J2/{) e >bC; CON8ULT YOUR LAWYER BI!FORE 8lGNING TlUINBTRIIMENT.ntI8IN8TRIIIIENT BIIOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, msdethe/" dsy 01 June, 20OS. BETWEEN CHARLES J. ZAHRA, /'lIlIiding at 1830 PIka Slra8t, MatUtuck, NY 11952 party 01 the Ilrat part, and JEFFREY' '. STRONG, rasiding at 1095 Waatviaw Drive, MatUluck, NY 11952 party 01 the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party 01 tha llrat part, In consideration 01 Tan ($10.00) dollan pald.by tha party 01 the second part, doea hel8by grant and ral8B88 unto the party 01 tha 88COnd part, the helra or'sL/Ct'ellora and 88I1g1ll 01 Iha party 01 the second part loraver, ALL that certain plot, placa Dr parcel 01 land, a1tuate, lying and being at MatUtuck, in the Town of Southold, County 01 Suffolk and State of New York. being mol'll particularly bounded and described aa follow&: BEGINNING allha northeast comer of pl'llmlsea herein to be described, distanllha following three (3) coUllea and dlslallC88 from lha IIOUlhweal comer 01 lha land now Dr formerly of Zebroaki: (1) South 35 dagl'll88 19 minutes 00 seconds Waat, 302.73 feet; (2) South 18 dagl'll88 48 minutes 20 88COnda Eaat, 108.14 lset; (3) South 71 degl'll88 11 mlnutB8 40 88COnda Weat, 328.00 feel to tha true point 01 beginning; RUNNING THENCE from aaid true point of beginning, South 18 degl'll88 49 minutaa 20 seconds Eaat, 40..00 leat; THENCE South 71 degr88l11 mlnutea 40 seconds Weat, 11.38 feet; THENCE along James Creek and along two (2) tie lines the following COUI8B8 and distances: (1) North 4 degrees 11 minutes 00 88CDnda Weat, 2.55 feal; (2) North 27 degl'llea 28 minutes 40 seconds Waat, 37.98 feet; THENCE North 71 degl'll88 11 minutes 40 88COnds Eaat, 16.43 leet to the point Dr placa of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE tha same pl'llmi8e8 conveyed to Charles J. Zahra, aa to an undivided Ollll- half Interest, by Deed mede by James J. KnIh, lJkIa James J. Krah dlblaI MatUtuck Marlna, dated 5/1012002, I'llCOrded 61412002 In Uber 12169 at paga 686. TOGETHER with all right, title and Interest, if any, of the party of the llrat part In and to any stnsels and roads abutllng the above described pl'llmi8e8 to the center IIIl8l1 thereof; TOGETHER with lha appurlal1ll/1C8ll and Blithe estate and rlghla of the party of lha flrat part In and to said premi8B8; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pl'llmi8e8 herein granted unto the party of lha 88COnd part, the helra Dr sucC8B80ra and B88lgna of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the llrat part covenants that the party of the fira! part has not done Dr suffered anything whereby the said pl'llmlsea have been encumberad In any way whatever, Bllcept as aforasaid. AND the party of lha llral part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, covenantslhatlhe party of Ihe flral parl w1lll'llC81ve the conalderatlon for this conveyance and will hold the rigid to receive such consideralion aa a lrust fund to be applied llral for lha purpose of paying the cosl of the Improvement and will apply lha same llrat to the payment of lha cost of lha Improvement before using any part of the tolaf ollhe same for any olher purpose. The word "party" shall be construed 88 If Itl'll8d "parties" when aver lhe sense of thle Indenlure 80 requll'll8. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of lha firal part has duly exllCUled this deed the day and year firat above wrttten. (}!...J;$?- -... N.VB.T.U. Form 8002 .1lorgaIn'" _Deed, wllhCcll8lonl"Cl"lnMllr_._-Uniloml AaknoooIodgmIll' Form 3290 TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE IN NEW YORK STATE SIaIe 01 N8W Vork, County 01 .Sl ~/ I- , Ill: - IS: SIaIe 01 New Vork, County 01 sa: On Ihll/" day 01 June In the Yllll/' 2005 belore me, the underBigned, p.-.ally eppllllflld CHARLES J. ZAHRA pllnlllll8lly known 10 me or proved 10 me on the b8lIIa 01 salielaclory evIdenc:e 10 be the Indivldual(e) whose name(e) 18 (are) eub8cr1bed 10 the wfthin In8llumenllll1d acknowledged 10 me thaI hat8hel\hey _ed the serne in hlelherltheir ClIpacily(iee), and IhaI by hlelherllheir elgnature(e) on \he lne\rumenl, thelnd"lVicUd(e), orlhe perllOIl upon b8ha1I 01 which the Individual(e) lICled, _ed the IneInment. ~vr- ~ _(elgnalW1l and oIIlee ilrfi ....,.) .- Notary Public, S\a\a 01 New Vork Cu81111ed In Sullclk County No. U1 MC473485ll __ Commie8ion Expires 1G-31-2QO.ll TO BE USED ONL V WHEN THE ACKNOWl r:I'VJMENT 18 MADE QUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE On the day 01 in the y_ belOl8 me, the underalgned, personally eppllllflld I*'8OIl8IIy known 10 me or proved 10 me on the b8lIIa 01 eallelaclory 8YIdence 10 be the Indivldual(e) whose name(e) Ie (are) eubeoribed 10 \he wfthln In8Inmenl and acIcnowIadged 10 me Ihal hatehatlhey lIllICuted the same In hl8lher/lheir ClIp8CiIy(lee), III1d lhat by hl8lh.-llheir eignalure(e) on Ihe lnelnment, the indivIdueI(e), or the pnon upon behalf 01 which the indivfdual(e) acted, executed thelnelrument. (eJsp1alure and olllce 01 Individual I81cing acknowl8dgmenl) Stale (or Di&lricl 01 Columbia. Territory, or Foreign Country) 01 88 On the day 01 In the yeer belOl'8 me, the und....1gned, p""""",11y eppllllflld PllnlOll811y known to me or proved to me on the baeia 01 88\lelllCIory 1IY1d8nce to be the Indlvidual(e) whose name(e) 18 (are) eubecribed to the within Inelrumenllll1d lICknowIedged to melhal he'eha'lhey _ed the eerneln hlelherllhelr cepecily(lee), and thaI by hlslher/lhelr ellJ18lure(e) on the fne\nmenl, the Indlvldual(e), or the penon upon behalf 01 which thelndivldual(e) acted, executed the In8Inmenl, III1d that euch Individual made euch appeerence belore the undersigned in the In (lnurl\he aty or other pc1lllcel8UbdMllon) (and In88rt \he S1af8 or Country or other place \he ecIcnowIedgm8lll_ laken) (~re and o"ice 011ndlviWal takng 8CIcnowledgm8lll) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS SECTION 122 BLOCK 9 LOT 5 COUNTY Suffolk STREET ADDRESS Ad__ Ablllnlct Inc. TItle No: L-277930-S Recorded at ReqUBa\ 01 COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ITMIDMD AM OF NBV YORK IIOAN)OFTITLE UN..-......tI,. !lIoIIIIIaI by Oonwealth CoMwoMw1w.TlI Lvm Trru INIU&ANCIi ec...ANY ChII..... R, CUddy, E8q. 44& Griffing A\/8Ilue P.O. Box 1647 R1~, NY 11901 ''-'-''C' ..."'" REllERYE 1N8..ACE FOIlIl8E OF IlECORIlIND OFFICE Numherof pagesJ TORRENS REc(!R~ED 2005 JLn 20 11:03:26 RJ1 Edward P.Rooail'te CLERK OF SUFFOLK COlJoITY L 000012393 P 369 DHI 04-45537 Serial # _ Ceni ficale ~I Prior Clf. # Dcc:d / Mongage I nslnlmenl Deed / Mllftgage 1'.IX Slamp !-"US Recording / Filing SIl1mp" ~ Hundling TI'-584 5. 00 Mortgage AmI. I. Bu.~ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Suh TOlal SpeeJAssil. .>'.tge / Filing Fcc I Nmalion or lOA-52 17 (c..unlyl EA-5217 (Slale) R.I'T.S.A. Suh TUlul ,'~ '. Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly Held fur App<limmcnl c-..... ., Tr.m.ofer Tux ..J .. " Mansion Tax The propeny covered by Ihis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or lwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriale wx clause on page # of this inslnImenl. Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 ~_. Affidavil Cenified Copy N YS Surchnrge Olher 15. 00 Sub Tutal Grand l',lal 0)3 9 - . 04. nD . OOS". 000 5 Commwdty PltlervatiOD Fund 12200 OgOO 005000 Consideration Amount $ /'Z..S,Ci){J.O'Z) CPF Tax Due $ - 0 -I ()()O Improved 6 Smisfa,clionslDischargesIReJcaSl" LiSI Propeny Owners Mailing Addrcs.o RECORD & RETURN TO: / Vacant Land ChaY-\es R CuM~ I t~ I Y'-15 GtntfiV\f\ AVen~ P,O, -gO)<: l~ 'R',vB\'~head I t-J'( IlQo I TD TO TD 7 8 Suffolk Count Co. Name Title # L - .::l - s Recordin & Endorsement Pa e d~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: Thil' page forms pan of lhe: attached 'E ~ S Cha.Y'"!-t>c; T ~a \-, ra. The premilCs herein is situaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YOKK. In the Township of S>~ \ d. In the VILLAGE~ ~ I J ',. L L. or HAMLET of . Q"fTTlUc.. f--. BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. ]ftf~ L- ITOStro~~ (over) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111111 SOFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 3 Receipt. NUmber : 05-0064871 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER: 04-45537 Recorded. At. 06/:il 0/2 005 11:03.26 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012393 369 District, 1000 Section. 122.00 """I(J:NJilI) AND $125,000.00 Block. 09.00 CHARGBD AS Lot: 005.000 I'OLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCEG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $500.00 NO Camm.Pres $1,000.00 NO Fees Paid $1,739.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-45537 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THB INSTRtlMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . . .. PLEASE 'TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// WWW.orps.stat8.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUN"fY USE ONLY I r: 7, l.n. c?rl CZ. Dote _ lIoc_d I (Zf I -?i.P 10",;-1 C3._k I /~.3,r, ~C4.P. PROPERTY INFORMATION Cl.6W1liiCade "-L tJ /-e ..J"---"-- ~.~ LocItion STWUT ~ 111III111AM1. L C,Y "".,.:::~"'e-c....>t4 ~ "( I z. Buyar L 5+Yz> vtc\ NIIm.~ L .....r ,.,..,IXM'ANV 3. Tax Indicllll ..... bLaI Tax BIll... to bcr AnI Billng if ochIr thin tIuyIr .... (It boIIom 01 farm) I -- LAIr NAIl[ I CCMWft' L IiTRnT M11MU1: NilD Illll:tT NMIIr. anQR101lWN * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE OF _ YORK STATE SOARD OF REAL ..-anY SERVICES RP - 5217 aNIl' Rtt J1n ~~.~ ~cL:t"&~ ~~+frecr' II - _cca FIM I .... RRlT...... IrATI! .,""" .COnIy . PM: 01 . ,..... a.- . .... apptv: ... Planning Board with SubcioMion Authority ExIa D .. SubdIviIlon ApprovIl wu RIquired for T,_or 0 4C.P__..._IvIol.._Mop_ 0 4. IndicIte tM ......... of A.---1IIIt ___""tho_ I 'of Plrcell OR 0 Pwt or . PIIrcel I.:::.... I SI.. lOR I Ixl I........ ...... -.." L.~~ ....... ..... L LAlTNAllEI<:ollPAhY .0 '1" Chad es rIIST..... ;:T. . the boa betow which moet 1lCCUf-.l, ducrillln the a.. of the JIICII*tY at the time of ....: .......... E~Ag"'._ I~C_~ F Cam_ J """"""" G _ ~ II; Publ~_ II .~_n1J_ I. F.- ,I ,~,5.0.0,O, 0,0 I , , . IFull SIll Pric, is the totIlarnounl peid for IhI pcoporty inclucing pel8Ol\lll property. Thl. paynwII may ba In U. form aI cuh. olhDr proparIy or gooda. or the allUmptlon af mortgllgN or GIber oblipdonl.) ".,.. fOUIId ro 1M ......., ..,.. daIfM amount. ,..::::::==="' I ,~~-,.. lO,OI ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - 0.11 IiIouId IIl1oc1lhs _ Finol_l RaIl ond To Bill A Omt Family Rnld.ntllil R 01' 3 F.mily RnIdtntlll C ....ldenUll V.... LInd o Non.RaaidenIIlI V.... Land I SALE INFORMATION I '1.....~Date IO~ I ~O 105'1 You ,I. 0.- 01 .... , Tran....' IOiP I /G:1 I OSI IblII o.r V., 13. FuU .... ..... L a.ar. the.... beIDw _.., ~ & ~Ip 'TyPe II Condominium .. NeW ConItruction on VlCGl'lt Lind 1M. PraDeItV ~ within In ""iculbnl DiIIric:t ,. Buvu........ dlldolurl ........... .thMtt.pI'ClI*IylllnanAgric:u/llnlD!ltricl D D D D lIS. ChedI one Dr .... 01-. cor- -- _ _....... '" truIIIr: A SN s.tween FWMiw. or Folmer Relltivtl B SeIo BoIweon Ra-.d eornp.n.o. or PartnerI in 8uIlne.. C Ono "'Il1o ...... .. _ . _ D ~or_"_Agoncy...La_I"'i1uIIon \. " Oood Typo... W......, or _ ond _1$_ _I \ f' .... of FrlCllonll or lIM INn F.. ...,.. (Specify BIIown . G SignHlcara Chongo In",-"" _T_ _and Salollatoo H s.Je of ...~ I. Irduded in $lie Prfce I 01,,", U......I F-.. _ng Sol. ..... CSpoclIy _I J Nana ~\fiA.A. Ohl2-bd..-P Ih~~+ 'lLV.."'_RallhomIO <:::1 I I 0 0 I ___ 'J 11.T__V_Ial"_~_1 . . ... , , , 1I._C1_ I), , ,U-LJ 11.___ I ;J:l:. l:;;z... ~~-C~I.lQ OES.ll..J 21. Tu MIlt ..........., RoIlMndIia1st II more...... four. 8IIICh theeI: with IIIlIdhIonIIlderrllll..n \ '.:2::;L 00 005'. ~rJ 1000 I oq .~() I CERTIFICATION I I ..rtJl'r _ .. f11111r _ of_ ......... ... IhIN r..... ... ........ _ ...... baol of..,.......... and _ aad 1_ ,... .... nuoIdaa ofllllY wiIIl'ul r.... __ of_.................1I oulI,JIa ........ ...."..,..oflh.......... _......lIIIIlllnIlaad 1IIIIIIl"'1lIbo_ !!!r!!!! BUYEII'S AnORNEY Y#~ I.j.~ roq-S- I We~t\)ielA ) lX. STJIIPn' _II "IIKT NoUK WTDIi-..w ~y lq ITAlI! Z1PaIDl ~fJZ I .... c.~~ I C.h ((fie$. ~. l..AITNAIIII! ...,.NAMI ~3' ;z,c.q -9,2on AllU.caDI 1'IL11'HQ1l1,.......... NEW YORK STATE COpy