HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-03/08/1973 APPEAL BOARD MEMBER Robert W. Gil]ispie, Jr.~ Chairman Robert Bercjen Charles Gri~onis, Jr. $¢rg¢ Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. Southold Town Board of Appeals -~OUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. 119'71 Telephone 765-2d'60 MINUTES SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS F~rch 8, 1973 A regular meeting of the Southold Town Boa~d of Appeals was held at 7:30 P.M., Thursday, March 8, 1973, at the TOWn Office, Main Road, ~outhold, New York. There were present: Messrs: Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman; Charles Grigonis, Jr.; Fred Hulse, Jr. Also present: Mm. Howard Terry, Building Inspector. Absent: Messrs: Robert Bergen and Serge Doyen, Jr. Decision of the Southold TOWn Board of Appeals on Appeal No. 1715, The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, 650 Stewart Avenue, Garden City, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article VI, Section 600 C-3(a), for per- mission to erect ground Sign° Location of property: north side of Main Road-, Mattituck, bounded north by Bethany Cemetery; east by Bethany Cemetery; south by Main Road; west by Ardprop, Inc. and Factory Avenue. THE CHAIR)~N: As you know, we have to make our decisions iu public. Our thoughts on this application are that if we granted it we would be defeating one of the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance. ~e have g~anted a sign to Mattituck Shopping Center, Inc. The sign advertises the business conducted on the premises. After investigation and inspection the Board finds that applicant requests permission to erect ground sign on the north side of Main Road, Mattituck, New York, The findings of the Board are that The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Compa%v lease a portion of the premises of the ~mttituck Shopping Center, Inc. and enjoy commercial ~outhold Town Board of Appeals - 2 - March 8, 1973 advantages of a shopping center; that the shopping center has been granted permission to erect a substantial standing sign in the parking lot which will describe the business activities conducted on the premises, namely, Mattituck ~hopping Center, Inc. The Board finds that permission to erect more than one standing sign on the premises of Mattituck ~hopping Center, Inc., under Article VI, Section 600 C-3(a), advertising the individual business of the applicant will establish an undesirable precedent for all the businesses conducted in this and future shopping centers. The Board finds further that the safety and carrying capacity of Route 25, one of the two main east-west routes in the Town, would be seriously diminished by any increase iu the number of standing signs in the Mattituck area; that a series of large standing signs, such as might be initiated by a favorable decision, would tend to increase what has been described by the Suffolk County Planning Commission as ~vlsual pollution", a condition frequently encountered in the Str~P com~mercial development now existing on Route 2% in MattZt~ck. Federal, State, County, and Town policies support the need to control unnecessary advertising signs. Further, the Board finds that ~hetcenstruction of standing signs iu pa~king lots decreases the usefulness of parking facilities; that adequate advertisement of the several businesses conducted iu this shopping center may be obtained by wall signs permitted under the Ordinance; that the foregoing findings are supported by the ~outhold TOWn Board, Southold TOWn Planning Board, and various civic organizations, and are in the interest of the public; that no hardship exists or is created by reason of the Board's findings. The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and Justice will be served and the legally established of permitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed. On motion by Mr. Giliispie, seconded by Mr. Grigonis, it was RE~OL~ZED, The Great ~tlantic & Pacific Tea Company, 650 Stewart Avenue, Garden City, New York, be DENIED permission to erect ~round sign on premises located on the north side of ¥~in Road, Mattituck, New York, fo~ the reasons stated. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- ~ssrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Hulse. ~outhold Town Board of Appeals -3- March 8, 197~ For the record: M~. Henry Raynor, Vice Chairman of the Southold TOWn Planning Board was present to hear the decision of the Bouthold Town Board of Appeals on Appeal No. l?l~, The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company. ~Ir. Raynor stated that he came for the purpose of requesting that the sign be denied for the reason that the Board has already granted a sign des~nating the .shop. ping area, and each store may PUt up an ~on premises~ bu~ld~_ng sign. He said that his opinion is that it would set~a precedent for every other business if this were granted. He also stated that permitting a variance would detract from the design of the 8moa and, for the above reasons, he came to the hearing to request that the application be denied. Mm. Cha~:~les Cummings also was present to hear the decision on Appeal No. l?l~, The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company. F~. Cummings stated that he came to the hearing for the express purpose of Opposing the granting of the sign as applied for. Decision of the ~outhold Town Board of Appeals on Appeal No. l?0~, Henry Zabohonski, Fishers Island, New York, for ~er- mission to b~ild ~.l~u~.~g with reduced setback and side yards. Location of property: Central ~venue, Fishers Island, New Tork. After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the application concerns Henry Zabohonski who has an irregularly shaped piece of property zoned Heavy Commercial, more or less opposite the Town Beach. He originally applied for a building of 100 feet by' 120 feet. The lot is three qnarters (~/~) of an acre, more or !ess, and has seven courses, and fronts on Central Aven~e. Adjoining it to the north are two residential lots. The Fishers Island Utility Company has an easement over the property for a lead covered electric line which serves all of Fishers Island. This application calls for a ~2,000 sq. ft. building. In order to insert the building on this property it would be necessary to place it behind this easement and at one point it would be 2 feet from the rear line of the property which is a fill pit. There would be 13 feet to the property line at the northeast corner and approximately I foot against the easement at the southeast corner. At another point there would be 31 feet from the property line of the rear yard. Our new 0rdiuance requires 200~000 sq. ft. for an industrial plot. This lot is non-conforming. Our new Ordinance also requires 100 feet for a rear yard and 100 feet for a front yard, and 50 foot side yards. Therefore, some compromise has to be made in this situation. One of the Board's tno,aghts is that there should be at least 20 feet of side yards and 25 feet of rear yard against the fill Pit, and a setback of at least 5 feet from the easement which carries the lead cable; and the~e should be no vamiance in bulk parking Sc~thold T~ Boa~d of Appeals - regulations. M~. Zabohonski owns pro can be used for additional bulk parki Among other points that came up of garbage and rats. N~v. Zabohonski March 8, 1973 ~rty across the street which ~g requirements, if necessary. ~t our hearings were control ~lans to have interior garbage disposal. 'Another point involved the loading zone for trailers. The Board believes that the load~ng zone Should be on the sb~h side near Fishers Island Utility Company, Inc. The Board agrees that there should be substantial side yards subject to site plan approval of the Southold Town Planning Board, and that the building 4hould be 5 feet from the Fishers Island Utility Company easement which is l0 feet in width. We have a Plan of Property to be conveyed by West ~nd Land Company, Inc. to Henry & Annette Zabohonski, Dock 8ire.at West Harbor, Fishers Island, N. Y. - Chandler & Pal.~er, ~ng~neers, File No. F.11.57,.describi~g an additional property of the applicant, approximately 3/~ of an as~e (more or less), across Central Avenue to the east of subject property. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties er unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in ~heimmediate vicinity of thSs property and in the same use distrzct; and the variance will n~t change the character of the neighborhood, and will observe the spirit of the 0rdmnance. On motion by N~. Gillispte, seconded by Mr. Grigonis, it was ' · 1 RESOLVED, Henry Zabohonzs, F~she~s is_~nd, New York, be G~NTED permission to build building ~ith reduced setback and sideyards on prope~y located at Central Avenue, Fishers Island, New York, subject to the following conditions: That any building constructe8 shall be no closer than 25 feet to the northerly property line, uo closer than 1% feet to the souther~v probert~ line, and that there shall be at least 25 feet of~rea~ yard against the fill pit, and that there shall be a setback of at least 5 feet from the l0 foot wide easement of Fishers Island Utility Company, Inc. The front yard area shall be determined by the position of the building in relation to the easement. That garbage accumulation shall be performed inside the building in sealed contain~r~. No garbage shall be atlewedto accumulate outside the building. 3. That this approval is subject to site plan approval of the ~outhold Town Planning Board. Sonthold TOWn Beard 'of Appeals March 8, 1973 4- That whatever bulk parking requirements arennecessltated by whatever floor plan is evolved for this building shall adhere to the minimum require~ent of 350 sq. ft. per 100 sq. ft. of sales area. In the event that the lot ~nder application has an insufficient area for bulk pa~king requirements, the applicant shall be required to furnish the necessary bulk parking require- merit from land across the street which is at a distance of approximate~ %0 feet. The necessary land to furnish this requirement shall be considered a part of this action, and may not be disposed of separately. Vote of the Board: Ay s. Messrs: Gillispie, ~rigonis, Hulse. PUBLIC HEARinG: Appeal No. 1725 - 7:45 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Mattituck Inlet Marina & Shipyard, inc. for permission to erect and maintain an ~off premises~ directional sign on premises of Aldrich Lane Realty Associates, northeast corner of Main Road and Aldr~ch Lane, Laurel, ~ew Tork, accordance with Article III, Bection 300 C-6 of the Building Zone Ordinance. Fee paid The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a special exception, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. The Chairman also read letter dated August 24, 1972 received from ~. Frank Born (agent for the owner), Born Realty, 217 Osborne Avenue, Riverhead, New York, as follows: eli is with m~ full consent and knowledge that I give permission to the Mattituck Inlet Marina & ~hipyard to erect a sign on the property at the corner of Aldrich Lane and Route 25." THE CHAIRMAN: is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this applioatlon? (There was no response.) THE CH~!RF~N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) After investigation and inspection the Board finds that applicant requests permission for a special exception to erect ~outhold Tc~n Board of Appeals -6- March 8, 1973 and maintain an "off premises" direction sign on premises of AldrichLane Realty' Associates, Laurel, New York. The Board finds that Shis is a directional sign in the interest of the public and the policy of the~Town is to encourage leisure time activity. The Board agrees with the reasoning of the applicant. The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and justice will be served and the legally established or permitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed. On motion by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by ~k?. Hulse, it was ~ .RESOLVED, Mattituck Inlet Marina & ~h.~pyard, inc. be GRANTED pe~mmssion to erect and maintain "off premmses" directional sign on premises of Aldrich Lane Realty Associates, Laurel, New York, as applied for, subject to the following condztion. That the sign be located no less than 5 feet from the property line. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Giliispie, Grigonis, Hulse. PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 1726 - 7:55 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Mattituck Inlet Marina & Shipyard, Inc. for a special ex. ception for permission to erect and maintain an ~off premises" directional sign on premises of R~v H. Reeve on southeast corner of Sound Avenue & Aldrich Lane, Mattituck, New York, in.accordance with Article III, Section 300 C-6 of Building Zone 0rd~nanee. Fee p~id $15.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a special exception, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. The Chairman also read letter dated August 24, 1972 received from Roy H. Reeve, owner, as follows: "It is with m~ full consent and knowledge that I give permission to the Mat~tuck inlet Ma~na & ~hioyard, Inc. to erec~ a sign on m~ property at the corner of Aldrich Lane & ~ound Avenue.~ THE CHAIHMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? (There was ne response.) Southo!d ToWn Board of Appeals -7- March 8, 1973 Ttie C~IRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak a ' ga~nst this application? (There was no response.) ~fter investigation and inspection the Board finds that applicant requests permission for a special exception to erect and maintain an ~oFf premises" directional sign on premises of Roy H, Reeve, Sound AvenUe & ~ldrichLane, ~attituck, New York. The Board Finds that this is a directional sign in the interest of the public and the policy of the Town is to encourage leisure time activity. The Board agrees with the reasoning of the applicant. The Board finds the. t the public convenience and welfare and justice will be served and t~he legally established or permitted use of neighborhood property or adjoining use districts will not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed. On motion by Mr. Hulse, seconded by Mr. Grigonis, it was ~SOLVED, Mattttuck Inlet Marina & ~h~oya~d, Inc..be GRA~TED psrmissien to erect and maintain "off premi~s~ dlrect~onal sign on premises of Roy H. Reeve, ~ound Avenue & Aldrich Lane, Mattituck, New York, as applied for, subject to the following condition: That the sign be located no less than 5 Feet from the property line. Vote of the Board: Lyes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Hulse. PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 1727 - 8:0% P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of F~ttituck Inlet Marina & Shipyard, Inc. for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning O~dlnance. Article VI, ~ection 600, Subsection C, and Article VIII, Section ~ubsection B, for permission to erect identification sign on sidewall of building. Location of property: south side Mill Road, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Mill Road; east by Mattituck Creek; south by Shore Acres Subumv~szou, ~est by J. Leo Grande, M. Chudiak and M. Galburt. Fee paid $1%.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a special exception, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. The Chairman: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? (There was no response.) ~outhotd Town Board sol Appeals March 8, 1973 THE C~L~MAN: Is there ar~one present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) F~. HOW~RD TERRY, Building Inspector: The applicant wants to use the whole side ef the building. THE C~I~MAN: It should be limited as to the size of the sign as stated in the Ordinance. MR. TERRY: The building is about 30 Feet long. They want to lO6ate the sign from the eaves to the height of a bumper on a car~ After investigation and inspection the Board finds that applicant requests permission to erect identification sign on sidewall of b~llding on.the south side of Mill Road, Mattituck, New York. The Board agrees with the reasoning of the applicant subject to the sign meeting all the requirements of the current Zoning Ordinance. The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and Justice will be served and the legally established or permitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed. On motion by ~Lr. Grigonis, seconded by Mr. Hulse, it was RESOLVED, Mattltuck Inlet Marina & Shipyard, Inc. be GRANTED permission to erect identification sign on sidewall of building located on the so~th side of Mill Road, Mattituck, New York, subject to the conditions of the current Zoning Ordinance, as £ollows: ~ticle VI - Section 600-C(b) ~Yall Signs: One (1) sign attached.to or incorporated in each building wall on a public street and advertising o~mly the business conducted in such building, providing such sign does not: Vote of the Board: Exceed two (2) square feet in total area for each horizontal foot o£ such wall, and Exceed in width one hnndred (100%) per cent of the horizontal measurement of such wall, Exceed l0 Feet in height, and Project more than one (1) Foot from such wall. Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, P~lse. ~outhold Town Board ~o_~ A~ppeals - 9 - March 8, 1973 PUBLIC HEA~iNG: Appeal No. 172§ - 8:1~ P.M. (~.$.T.), upon application of Oconee Construction Corp~, 67 West Main Street, East [slip, New Tork, a/c Dr. Carlos Tejo, for variance · ~ to Article III, ~ect~on 302 and ~ulk ~ched~le of the Building Zone 0rdinanc.~ to maintain an accessory building in front yard ~ea and with insufficient side yard. Location of premises: south ~ide of Maple Avenue (Private Road) off east side of Grand Avenue,~. . Mattftuck; bounded north by Maple Avenue; east by Mo Smith, '~outhby Long Creek; west by M. & P. Surer. Poe paid $1~.00o The Chai:~m~n opened the hearing by reading the application for a varianc,~, legal notice of hearing, affid~vit ~ttesting to its publlcati~n in the official newspapers, ant not~ce to the applicant. THE CHA~N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak For this appli~cation? (There w~s uo response.) TH~ CHA~: Zs there anyone present who wishes to speak against this ~plication? (There w ~s no response.) After in~stigation and inspection the Board Finds that applicant requests permission to maintain an accessory building in front yard ~vea and with insufficient side yard on the south sid~ of Maple &venue (Private Road) off ~he east side of Grand Avenue, Matti~uck, New Tork. The findings o£ the Beard are that applicant app~ied for a two car garage, 22~ x ~0~ in size. The garage was to be attached to the one story Framehouseo However, the garage ha~ net been attached but is adjacent and very close to the easterly line of applicant's property (2 feet off the line). The Board also finds that Part of the blacktop driveway extends over the line to the east, and appears to be about ~ feet over the line. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would not produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is not unique and would be shared by all properties alike in the i~diate vicinity of this propertyand in the same use distrfct~ and the variance will change the character of the neighborhood, and will not observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by ~. Grigouis, it was R~SOLVED, 0conee Construction Co~p., 67 West Main Street, East Isllp, New York, a/c Dr. Carlos Te$o, be DENlqED permission ~outhold TOWn Board of Appeals - l0 - l~a~ch 8, 1973 to maintain accessory building in Front yard ~rea and with insuf£tcfent side y.a~d on premises located on the south side of ~ple `Aven~e (Przvate Road) off east side of Grand Avenue, ~ttituck, New Tork, as applied for. it is the decision of the Board that the garage m~st be moved to conform with the original building application, and that the blacktop must be moved from the adjoining property to the east. The garage after bein~ attached to the house shall be no closer than forty~-nine (49~ feet to the front yard property line, and at least ten (10) feet from the property line to the east, as origtnal~ projected. The ~outhold Town Boa_wd of &opeals s~ts a sixty (60) day period from today's date, March 8~ 1973, mn which the applicant shall com~ormwith the original building application. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Hulse. PUBLIC HEARING: `Appeal No. 1729 - 8:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Patrick & Margaret Walsh, Mill Road, Peconic, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning 0rdinauce, ~A~vticle III, ~ection 301, for permission to divide property with insufficient area and frontage. Location of property: Lot #11, Map o~ Bailey Park, and Lot #9, Map of Blanche T. Dickinson, Peconzc, New York. Fee paid The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a variance, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attes~ing to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CH~L-~I~A.N: The application is accompanied by a sketch indfcat~ng that .applicant is the owner of ~.,ot #9 (50 x 200~ on Mill Road), a~d ~s also the owner of Lot #ll (~0~ x 140' olus on Fasbender _Avenue). Lot #9 is contiguous to Lot .~tl. ~ THE Ot~.IRF~N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? MR. P&.TRICK I~AL~H: The only reason we want to dispose of this lot is that it is of no ~se to us. M~. Clark and Ym. Davito own adjoining property and it is mnch more valuable to them. Southold Town Board of Appeals ll - March 8, 1973 MR. CL~K: We bought the property' from N~s. Walsh's mother. Clark & Mr. Davito discussed map with the Board) MRS. WAI~.: Would there be anything against our selling the lot~ THE CHA. L~MAN: No. However, it could only be used as an accessory use. It is less than one-fifth of the present re qu ireme nt. THE CPL~IRMAN: is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) ..~Jter investigation and inspection the Board finds that applicant requests permissiou to divide property with insufficient area and frontage. The findings of the Board are that this division will not increase the density of population and this transfer will facilitate access to and from the property of N~. Clark and Mr. Davito, a Joint ownership. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood, and will observe the spirit o£ the Ordinance. On motion by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by ¥~. Grigonis, it was RESOLVED, Patrick and Margaret Walsh be GP~INTED permission to divide property'with ins~fficient area and frontage on premises: Lot #ll, Map of Bailey Park, and Lot #9, Map of Blanche T. Dickinson, Peconic, New York, and permission to sell Lot ~ll to Ne. Clark and Mr. DeVito, a transfer to Joint ownership, on condition that this property shall not be used for residential purposes. However, it may be used for accessory residential purposes to their existing lot. Vote of the Board: 4yes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Hulse. For the record: The Chairman gave a brief explanation of the decision of the Bosmd ouAppeal No. 171% to a representative of The Great &tlantic Pacific Tea Company who, because of weather conditions, was unable to be present when the decision was given at 7:30 P.M. Southold Town Board of Appeals - 12 - March 8, 1973 For the reco~d: The Chairman gave a brief explanation of the decision of the Board on Appeal Nc. 1728 to a representative of Oconee Construction Corporation who, because of weather conditions, was unable to be present for the hearing which was scheduled for 8:15 P.M. PUBLIC HEARIh~: Appeal No. 1730 - 8:40 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Herbert ~uncy, 0rcha~d Lane, East Marion, New Pork, For a permit to build an addition on existing dwelling with reduced side yard area. Location of premises: Lots #64, 65, 66, Section II, Gardiners Bay Estates, East Marion, New York, in accordance with Bulk Schedule of Building Zone Ordinance. Fee paid $15.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application For a variance, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CHAIRMAN: Is t~re anyone present who wishes to speak for this ~oplieation? (There was no response.) THE CHAIRM~..N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) After investigation and inspection the Board finds that applicant requests permission to build an addition on existing dwelling with reduced side yard area on premises located: Lots #64, 65, 66, ~ec. ii Gardiners Bay Estates, East Marion, New York. The Findings of the Board are that the plot plan indicates that the addition to the present structure would be on the southwest corner of the building and would enclose an open porch which is presently there. The Board agrees with the reasoning of the applicant. TheBOa~d Finds that strict appticSti°n of 'the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is ~niqu? and woul~ not be shared by all properties alike in the ~med~ate vicinity of this Property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood, and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. Southold Town Board of Appeals March 8, 1973 On motion by ~. Hulse, seconded by Mr. Grigonis, it was RE,sOLVED, Herbert Nuncy, Orchard Lane, East ~rion, New York be GRANTED permission to build an addition on existing dwelling with reduced side yard area, as applied for. Location of premises: Lots #GM, 6%, 66, Sec. Ii, Gardiners Bay Estates, East ~rion, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Giilispie, Grigonis, Hulse. PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 1731 - 8:50 P.M. (E.~.T.), upon application of Joseph and Helen Rakowski to convert existing dwelling into two zam~ly dwelling. Locatzon of proper~y: north side of Private Road (~#22) off east side of Westphalia Road; bounded north by Mattituck Creek; east by' J. &rignon; south by Private Road ; west by L. Ford; in accordance with Article ~ZZ, Bection 300 B-1 of Building Zone Ordinance. Fee paid ~15.00. The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a special exception, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CH~IRI~N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application~ RIC~RD LARK, ESQ.: The application states the facts. The Building Inspector has informed us that the premises have lost their non,conforming use as a boarding house. It was used as a non-conforming use untilMrs. Lester~s death. It was rented out in the summer months but also had a few year round residents. ~t the present time both families are living there. I have a survey dated December 6, 1971 which shows the r~lationship of the house to the lot and to the water. The house has been ex- tensively fixed up on the outside because the Rakowski's ran into termite damage. They request that they be able to live there and have a separate kitchen and living accommodations. (Mr. Lark discussed the survey with the Board). Both F~. and Mrs. Rakowski are here tonight in case you wish to ask them any questions. THE CHAIRMAN: You understand the problem. We require 80,000 square feet in area for a two family house. MR. RA. KOW8KI: We bought this property for my son so we could live together because I am losing my eyesight and I would like to have someone close by when i do lose it. ! am limited as to what kind of job I can do now. ~outhold Town Beard of &pPeals - 14 - March 8, 1973 THE CHAIR~N: Does anyone else wish to speak for this application? (There was no response.) THE CH~IRN~N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? MR. E. J. ARiGNON: I bought property fromM rs. ~chelin a couple of years back. (Mr. Arignon showed survey to the Board). We have PUt up a one family house. TEE CH~IRI~..N: ~Nhere do you llve? MR.. ARIGNON: In the city. Before I even bought the property I thought it was one family zoning and that I would have to comply' with all the rules and regulations for a one family house. Now, I find someone is going to downzone my property. Their's will probably go up in value. I would like to see the area kept as a prime area. We are on a small right of way. We have no Town maintenance. We can't have too much traffic back and forth. I don't feel that they' should be allowed a two family house. Mr. Rakowski knew this beforehand. THE CHAEMAN: Under our Ordinance 80,000 sq. ft. is required if you are going to have separate cooking facilities. There are some big old houses where a two family' situation is better than allowing the house to deteriorate. We don't have any real choice in this particular situation. ~R. R~TTI (neighbor): (Mr. Ratti showed the Board what he stated was an official survey). This is my property in back. I was told when i bought this property that I was in violation on side yards, frontage and square footage. I was told that the house had to be moved and I had to comply with all the new regulations. It was a pamt of one estate which was subdivided. When I bought it i was told the cottage had to be moved. I made numerous trips over here from the Bronx and had the house moved back to conform to front and side yards. I had to comply with the minimum square footage of the area and had to seal up the screened porch. I feel it is only just if i had to co~oly with all these rules and regulations that someone who buys a bigger house should also look into these things. I considered using it as a two family house but was told it was one family zoning. THE~ CH~IRI~N: I think I can save everyone a lot of time. We are unable to grant this application. We don't have the power to grant it. It would be illegal of this Board to usurp the Town Board which is the legislative authority of the Town. This is au appoint- ive Board and we are held within strict limits. We can not do the legislative job of the TOWn. Our zoning calls for 80,000 sq. ft. for a two family residence. The non-conforming use which has been abandoned for two years is no longer permitted except by' special exception. ~he size of the plot would prevent us so we are constricted from granting this appeal. This is one of the types of ~outhold Town Boated of Appeals March 8, 1973 cases that went to the Court of Appeals in Albany when we took it upon ourselves to grant a two family house. We were overturned in ~lbany because we were usurping the function of the ToWn Board which decrees lot sizes. We really are operating under special instructions in this case. I don't believe there is any particular need for a rebuttal period. MR. IARK: I respectfully accept the Board's decision. After investigation and inspection the Board finds that applicant requests permission to convert existing dwelling into two family dwelling. The findings of theBoard are that property does no~ meet the proper zoning requirements as to area of lot size whzch must be 80,000 square feet; and the non-conforming use, which can be renewed any time within two'years, was abandoned for more than two years and is not renewable. The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and justice will not be served and the legally established or permitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will net be observed. On motion by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by M~. Grigonis, it was RE~OLVED, Joseph and Helen Rakowski, Westphalia Road, Mattituck, New York, be DENZED permission to convert existing building into two family dwelling for the reasons stated. Location oF property: north side of Private Road (PR#22) off east side of Westphalia Road, Mattituok, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gilllspie, Grigonis, Hulse. For the record: ~mmediately after the above hearing concerning appeal of 2~. and Mrs. Rakowski, M~. Ratti reported to the Board that his wife had been threatened by the Rakowski,s as they were all leaving the meeting place; and that this is not the first time that this has happened. PUBLIC M~R1-NG: ~ppeal No. 1732 - 9:05 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Frank Vanecek to amend and modify the action of the ~outhold Town Boa~d of ~ppeals on Appeal No. 1424 by adding a gasoline dispensing pump at a non-co~mercial marina. Location of premises: east side Narrow River Road, Orient, N. Y.; bounded north by Ho Demarest & ~ons; east by Hallock Bay; south by Plainland Realty Corp.; west by Narrow River Road. Fee pd. $15.00. ~outhold Town Board of Appeals - 16 - March 8, 1973 The Chairman opened the hearing by reading the application for a special excePtion, legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. The Chairman also read the Decision of the Southold TOWn Board of Appeals on Appeal No. ~!24 dated May 6, 197I which referred back to ~ppeal No. 565, Edwin H. King, September 5, 1963. TH~ CHAIR~&N: Zn other words, the conditions under which this marina is being operated were outlined in September 1963. The following people have written letters opposing the granting of this application: Mrs. Newell G. A!ford, Jr., HalF cake DAve., Orient Mrs. Jean H. Tiedke, President of League of Women Voters-Rlverhead Cynthia Beer, Brown's Hills, Orient Mary D. Dorman, Orient Village ~ylvta Newman, Brown's Hills, Orient Anne MacKay, Brown's Hills, Orient Robert Gordon, Brown's Hills, Orient Robert and Eileen DeMaria, Brown's Hi~s, Orient Lyndal Brandeis, Main Road, Orient Beatrice E. Eastman, P. 0. Box 261, Orient Lana Tannebaum, Narrow River Road, 0~ient Robert Berks, Halyoake Avenue, Orient THE CHAL~i~AN: Zs there anyone present who wishes to speak for this application? MR. ~NK VANECEK: I did not m~ke this application for the purpose of getting rich. We had an incident last su~er when some kids got stranded and no one was ~round, no one had any gas to get to them. ~o, we just thought it would be a nice thing to have for people who keep their boats there but if so many people feel this way about it ~ would just as soon not do it. THE CI~!R~N: Do you wish to withdraw your application? I~. V&!~ECEK: No. THE CH~IR2~N: These hearings are not r~n on a popularity basiS. There are many things that we a~e not permitted to do. A "marina~ has not even been very well defined. Few people in the world can define it. ~o, it was stated in our first Ordinance that marinas were by special e~ception of the Board of Appeals. Then we discovered that everyone wanted to have a marina. ~t was limited to six boats. Obviously, if you are going to build a dock big enough for six boats yo~ are going to charge rent. ~. King said under oath that he owned twenty or so boats. We were making an attempt to distinguish between commercial and residential. We were trying to keep this as a non-commercial marina. One of our Southold Town Board of Appeals - l? - March 8, 1973 thoughtswas that it would not be a good thing to have gasoline there as you were not going to be there to tend it, but the basic reason was to prevent commercialization. We still feel the same way about non-conform, lng mmrinas. TO perform all the services you would have to have it zoned "C~ which would give you permission to do a lot of things. All of this was before the tremendous ecological thrust. Everyone is an instant expert. There has not been enough research. The Federal government is eliminating a lot of the research grants which would t~ach us something about water, which we are highly' ignorant about. So, thatts the background. If you want to withdraw the application, Mr. Vanecek, you certainly may. M~. VA~CEK: i don't wish to withdraw. THE CH~IRP~N: Does anyone else wish to speak for this applic at I on? ~. RUF~IER (interested bystander): ~at difference does it make if you pu~P gas from a hose or dump it from a can? He wants to do this for the convenience of people renting space. I think there is less chance of spillage by using a hose. _MR. VAS~ECEK: I built new styrofoam docks and I can show you the holes from spillage. Gasoline just dissolves it. 2~R. RUi~PLER: It's pretty hard to get gasoline on Sunday. TEE CEALRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? MR. GORDON NAC~ARLA~E, Conservation Chairman for the North Fork Audubon ~ociety: I wo~ld like to leave a statement with you. (~tatement opposing g~anting of application in file). LOP~A~NE ~. TERRY, North Fork Enviro~ental Council, Inc.: I would also like to leave a statement. The only' other thing we have to add concerns sanitary facilities, to limit it to four ~on~ daylight use. (~tatement opposing granting of application ~n r~le.) THE CH~IP~i&N: This Board is aware of the problems but the Board of Health would be concerned. We certainly can't overrule the Board of Health. ViHGIN~ MOORE: I am a member of a number of different Conservation Societies. Z am opposed to the installation of a pump on ecological grounds. Z am also, for whatever it may be worth, qualified as aeaman in the Power Squadron and they tell us a lot about how to handle gasoline and there was not any guarantee about less spillage from a pump or a can. They always said take your gas can out of your boat to get it filled rather than having the £umes going down into your boat. I am a boat owner and a friend ~outhold TO~ Board of Appeals - 18 - March 8, 1973 of a lot of the people who wrote letters. The Vanecekts might be interested to know that when they bought the marina these same people who w~ote were terribly glad because they all thought that they were a nice couple and they Felt they would not spoil the marina. They were delighted to have them here. THE C~LAiRNAN: We ~ve ~ad this same situation before where people speak against something ~althoug~h they a~e clients. In your case, we find that your two points of view' dontt cor~lict. Mi~ MOGHE: We should buy sail boats in preference to power boats and be very careful of what we PUt into the water. ~R~. V~VECEK: t would probably be the one to pump the gas. I am a school teacher, I teach 7th grade. It was only under the pressure of a lot of people last summer that I came to you. I really don~t care about selling gas. It was not that important. Perhaps t should learn to sail. W~nen they need a rescue I~ll try' to help out. MR. WILLIAM T~: i Just learned that the Suffolk County Department of Health has refused a cesspool to a home nearby the marina (to the west of the marina) unless the ground level is raised S feet. T!TE CHAIR~N: Do they have to approve the water system on the house the Vanecekts built? MR. HOWARD TERRY, Building Inspector: That was approved a long time ago. ~ter investigation and inspection the Board £iuds that applicant requests permission to add ~ gasoline dispensing pump at a non-commercial marina located on the east side of Narrow River Road, Orient, New Tork. The Board Finds that ~dward H. King, deceased, obtained permission to operate a residential m~rina on t~? premises under application ou September 5, 1963, Ajopeal No. 565. On &pril 6, 1965 the King Marina became a non- conforming use by' reason of &mendment # 68 limiting the number of boats to six. The Board finds, further, that on May 6, 1971, concerning the same premises, Rudolph & ~dua Koubek, Appeal No. ~!24, were limited as to future activities, as Follows: 1. All ~oerations must conform to existing law. 2. Permission is granted to remove the old barge and replace with floats. 3. ~ale of gasoline, soft drinks, and ice is prohibited. ~. All commercial or business activity, including vending machines is prohibited. 5. Storage of boats other than those of the owner is prohibited. 6. Use of these facilities by commercial fishermen or party boats is prohibited. 7. The number of pleasure boats which may use this facility is limited to no more than 75. Concerning Appeal No. 1732, Frank Vanecek, M~rch 8, 1~73, to amend and modzfy the action of the ~outhold Town Board of ~ppeals on Appeal No. 1424, the Board is in agreement that the decision on Appeal No. 142~ should be upheld. ~outhotd TOWn Board of Appeals - 19 - Ma~ch 8, 1973 The Board finds that the public ~onvenience and welfare and justice will not be served and the legally established or permitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts willbe permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the 0rdiuauce will not be observed. On motion by Fir. Gillispie, seconded by' ~Lv. Hulse, it was RE,sOLVED, Frank Vanecek, Orient, New York, be DENIED permission to amend and modify the action of the Southold TOWn Board of Appeals on Appeal No, !~4, as applied for, and the Board of Appeals reaffirms its decision as described. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gtllispie, Grigonis, Hulse. PUBLIC P~EING: Appeal No. 1722 - 9:15 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Xenophon Damianos to amend Board of Appeals action No. 1394 and variances according to Building Zone Ordinance, Article X, Section 1008; Article XII, Section 1204 and Bulk Schedule. Location of premises: Map of Greenport Homes, Main Road (Route 25 or West Front ~treet) and 9th Street, Greenport, New York. The Chairmmn opened the hearing by' reading the application to amend Board of Appeals action and variances on &ppeal No. 1394, legal notice of hearing, affidavits attesting to its publication in the official newspapers, and notice to the applicant. THE CHA!RN~N: There was a previous hearing held on Pebruary 15, 1973, which was recessed to tonight with the thought that more accurate plans could be worked out. THE CHAIRMAN: Is there a~vone present who wishes to spea~ for this application? GEORGE E. LECHTRECKER, E~Q.: I am here to speak for the application, and Dr. Damianos is also here. THE CHAIRMAN: Do you own the property now? I~R. LECHTRECEER: We are under contract. TEE CHAIRMAN: Our t~inking was that the former Resolution would have t0 be modified in order to be of interest to Dr. Damianos. An engineer was to consult with our building inspector. We are here now to listen to y~r proposal. Southold Town Board of Appeals - 20 - March 8, 1973 ~. !ECHTRECKER: As was requested, Mr. John Olsen, our engineer, met with ~. Terry on the 22nd of February. They went through the layout with respect to setbacks and sideyards and we tried to get it into a workmanlike form. We have a sketch which I believe met with 2~. Terry~s tacit approval. We are trying to meet the various objections as to what is required lu terms of setbacks in order to develop this non- conforming use. THE CHAIR~N: is there a~voue here representing Greenport? MR. LECHTRECKER: No, but we met with some of their representatives today. We are so far encountering no problems there. As you know, this is a complicated problem but we are anxious to get going on this project. Dr. Damianos is very enthusiastic. We have a trailer down there and I think that caused some consternation. The idea was to show that we ~eaut business and we wanted to do all the things that could be done ahead. However, we have to await your feeling here. We will try' to build but at the same time make it as easy' as possible for the people who are now living there. We are making all one bedroom apartments. We will give them time to vacate. We can't get anyone out without going through a court procedure. We apologize for anything any telephone man or electric man may have said. Even if we wanted to we could not run roughshod. If the people have been upset, we apologize. THE CH~_.IRI~N: Dri-Gents application was approved. not as attractive as the one Dr. Damianos is proposing. is a difference in approach. it was There ~MR. LECHTR~CF~R: It was contemplated that something better had to be done than what is there now. It was becoming dilapidated. It was not even providing good accommodations. Dri-Gen wanted to eliminate in stages and provide five buildings. We said we were interested if we could atilize existing buildings and add ~ew buildings Which would be much more attractive, more in keeping with your area. TWO years ago Dri-Gen could have forced people out through legal means. The property' has to be improved by someone. It can't be left as it is now. It's not a new problem. Probably some of the people living there did not know that there had already been approval For elimination. You are not losing anything by approval of this application. Ne have to get building plans and we have to do it in an orderly way. The reason for the trailer being on the premises is that we wanted a little place to keep tools and a place to take telephone calls. We are just suggesting what we think is a more attractive layout and some of the people who live there will continue to live there. However, everybody's needs won't fit a one bedroom Southold Town Board of Appeals - 21 - March 8, 1973 apartment. I don~t think there a~e any leases, it can be terminated by either side. The landlord can't PUt you out. He has to go to court and it takes about six months to do it. We want to dO it in a nice way. It's to our benefit to work with you and to accommodate you. There will be a disruption and some people will have to be inconvenienced, ~. RG~E~!~RYHUGHE~(tenant of Greenport Homes): is no housing in the area. There PL~. LECHTREC~ER: You are living in substandard housing. MR~. HUGH~: I have seven children. ~. LECHTRECKER: i can't solve that particular problem. Even if the Dri-Gen proposal went through you would have to move. T~ CH~°~N: The Dri-Gen proposal was to demolish and replace as~they went along. That also was limited to one bedroom apartments. Some people certainly would have been displaced. MR. IECHTRECKER: There is a problem that this lady has that we have Found in Bellport and in Patchogue, and I don't thinkwe can solve it on this particular project. E~. HUGHES:~ There are 96 people on the premises, 55 of whom are children. More than half are children. MRS, FP~NCE~ KtO~KZ (tenant of Greenport Homes): I have! been inquiring about apartments and they want $200 a month, $200 for security, and $200 for brokerage fees. We don't have that kind of money. Our work is here. I k~uow it's substandard housing. I have an eighteen year old boy and two girls, and I have two bedrooms. have four bedrooms. F~. CHARIE~ 0R~TEN: I have thre~ children. I also live in Greenport Homes. MR~. K!O~KI: The people in this area don~t make high enough incomes on J~bs to meet the high rents. Also, people are saying they don~t want children. (~s. Florence Eckhart was also present to represent the Greenport Homes Tenants ~sso~iation.) Mrs. Hughes submitted the Following letter from Greenport Homes Tenants &ssoclation: ~outhold Town Board of Appeals - 22 - March 8~ 1973 ~We are concerned because our housing is apt to be lost. We have .neither the funds or proper size families for the proposal. There is no alternate housing for us. ms residents of this area we feel such a large retirement tyl~e project will backfire on Greenport. Many retired people moving into this area have lost their big company' pensions and have found it difficult to survive rising costs on Fixed income. There are two results: No voting at school elections, hurting our children; and eventually misuse of the one or two people units. No codes have been enforced in the Town or Village yet. The proposal does not fit our needs and can easily' increase our housing problems severely in the Greeuport area. We urge both the Village and Town to avoid assisting this proposal. We need replacement of housing For people here now. ~Je ask you not to let us become displaced people." MR. LECHTRECEER: This is a very human problem that is not going to go away. i don~t know how many children were there when Dri-Gen went in. It will probably get bigger. THE CEAiRi~N: i don~t k~ow of any public housing going up. 2~. LECHTRECKER: They will have certain remedies which the courts will give them but we can't take on any greater responsibilities. I don't know if any of you people are recipients of ~ocial ~rvices. I don~t know the problem. All ! can say is, we understand it. Dr. Damianos is a General Prac- titioner. He is not a real estate speculator. He has been involved with a nursing home for elderly people. !fou people are the human problem that stands in the way. People oppose public housing. You can't sell public housing under this climate. We are not coming in to run roughshod over you. We are trying to work out a layout that we think is attractive and which is economically Feasible and which is not so sky-high that people can't afford it. We will try to use as much of what is there as we can. We will limit the bedrooms which is a limitation on the number of children. MRS. KIOSKI: It goes back to discrimination against children. MR. IECHTR'ECKER: Only' pre-school children could get into this accommodation. Most schools are interested in preventing density of school children. The only other problem we have here is that under part of the Zoning Ordinance there has been a change in that the square footage area is 850 sq.-t.f whether it~s a~no~ase~ or apartment. Southold Town Board of A~ppeals - 23 - March 8, 1973 8%0 sq. f~. makes for odd shap?d and immense rooms. Dri-Gen showed 59D sq. ft. We Would lmke uplto 650 sq. ft. We have three types: 620 sq. Ftc, 640 sq. ft., and 650 sq. ft. Most municipalities make a difference between aps-~tment houses and dwelling houses. We have met with ~. Terry and understand the setbacks. We have made a rough layout which will be polished up some more for the Planning Board. MR. HOWARD TERRY, Building Inspector: For the record, we went ever the plans and our recommendations are that: Provision be made For a common laundry room; three buildings of over 125' in length would need a length variance; interior court- 40 feet instead of 60 £eet; setbacks have been worked out; parking will be acceptable; living area to be cut down to 650 sq. ft. instead of 850 sq. ft.; fire walls between one and two story sections. The ~tate MultiPle Residence law requires you to have two units fixed for handicapped people and our thinking was that two apartments could be placed by' the laundry room, which would also be convenient to parking, it would all be in one corner. I showed preliminary plans to the Planning Board and they are going to request a Utility Room for lawn mowers, etc. We also recommend that the street be paved so a fire truck can get in to the westerly line of the property. The Planning Board is waiting for a revised plot plan showing trees and shrubs for site plan approval. THE CHAIRMAN: The Planning Board will review it on the 28th. ~R. LECHTRECEER: We are going to have our own staging problem. We were going to start with the Front ones but then we ran into problems. We may have to work around people. (~. John 01sen showed Map of Greenport Homes to the Board and the Chairman asked the tenants who were present to indicate the location of their homes). MR. JOHN OL~EN: (Engineer) · had one survey party come out. We will number the buildings with paint. At the same time we will indicate what buildings people are living in and will stay away From those as long as possible. We will talk with N~. ~ons~ll as we go along. We will have underground electrical service and the whole new project is to maintain existing sewer lines. The intent is to have an open green belt so it will be decorative. We will be building 60 new units and utilizing 40 old ones. We were prepared to be ready next Wednesday so we will be prepared with the Final plan for the meeting on March 28th, and the meeting with N~. Monsell on Monday night. Southold TOWn Board of Appeals - 24 - March 8, 1973 ~R~. SHERIPT~ K~TZ: I assume this will go before the Village Board. Iq. 0LSEN: The size o£ the apartments wilIbe no less than 600 square feet and no more than 650 square feet. We will have fire walls. There will be 100 bedroom units exclusive of the office, laundry room and utility room. We will have landscaping and a buffer zone. There will be 150 parking spaces. There are existing fire hydrants on the area. THE CH~IR~tfAN: In order to accommodate this plan there would have to be separation and length variances. Nti. HOW~'ARD TERRT: The inner court would be landscaped and the parking space dictates ~0 feet instead of 60 feet. ~. JOHN OLSEN: Everything that ~. Terry' has mentioned will be on the site plan for the Planning Board as recommended by the Building Inspector. THE CHAIRM~N: This is an extension of the special exception which was granted for non-conforming use in the past. The number of units considerably' exceeds the demsity requirements. You could not do this any'where else in Town but all the utilities are in there: water, sewage, electricity, telephones. I don~t believe there is any place in Town that could ever do this again. Except that the people here will be displaced, it will be advantageous. MR. DRISOOLL: The Supervisor of ~outhold Town can help and the Mayor of Greenport can help. HUGHES: We went to see the Mayor. ~fter investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant, Dr. XenophOn Damianos, has contracted to purchase from then' ~rz-Gen Realty Corp. the property formerly known as GREENPORT HO~. ~ Map of Greenport Homes was filed in the County in 19~2, defining 28 lots on a 7.13 acre tract on which fifty- one, two or three bedroom dwelling units were constructed t0talliug 100 bedroomm for emergency, housing during World War II, Ten of the original units were abandoned or destroyed by fire. Action #1394, decided on january l~, 1971, granted permission to replace the buildings then on the site with five 20 unit buildings, each building to consist of a one bedroom apartment with not over 650 sq. ft., subject to condzt~ons. Dri-Gen Realty Corp. did not implement &cti°n ~1394. Then, as now, the project combines a number of Services un~qu~ in the T~n including water, sewage, gas, electricity, garbage removal, cablevision, reasonab~' close access to shopPing facilities. The current project will not increase density as originally projected and is limited to 100 single bedroom un~t~, is generally approved by the several Boards of.the TOWn and the Suffolk ~ounty Planning D?partm?n~, as well as the adjoining Village of reenpor% and various civic organizations. Southotd TOWn Board of &ppeals - 25 - March 8, 1973 The unique problems of convertir~ deteriorated housing by private initiative are not readily adaptable to all of the needs of all of the present tenants. According to testimony' there are 96 people on the premises, %5 of whom are children. The present opportunity to rebuild a blighted area may' not be repeated. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties or unnecessary' hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood, and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by l~k~. Gi!lispie, seconded bY' N~. Hulse, it was RESOLVED that action on &ppeal No. 1394 be rescinded and that the current action~ppeal No. 1772 be substituted therefor - specifically that Dr. Xenophon Damianos be GRANTED permission to move, if necessary, ~0 existing dwelling units and combine, if necessary, such units with 60 units of new construction in order to create 12 buildings in accordance with the preliminary site plan of Greenport Homes drawn by Richard J. Norkaitis and John ~. 01sen~ Centerport, N. Y., architects and engineers, dated 1/i2/73, subject to site plan approval of the ~outhold Town Planning Board, with the following conditions: & Laundry Room, subject to approval of Bui!dir~ Inspect°r, shall be constructed in the southwesterly area of the property between proposed buildings running parallel to the Rai~oa~ and other proposed buildings paralleling the westerly llne. Dwelling units for the handicapped shall adjoin such a laundry room and facilities in the laundry room shall conform to State Law, as it relates to the handicapped. 2. Some of the buildings m~y ex~eed 12%'. 3. Front and Sideyard setbacks existing on February 15, 1973 may not be decreased. Firewalls shall be constructed where required by the Building Inspector. gt least 1%0 parking spaces shall be toque.ed under the bulk requirements of thecurrent Zoning' 0rd~nance' as outlined in the proposal of 1/12/73 or as located by' the Planning Board, ~outhold Town Board o£ Appeals - 26 - March 8, 1973 10. ll. ~ general utility building for storage of service equipment shall be constructed, size and location subject to approval of Building Inspector and Planning Board. Interior roads, access roads, and other site plans shall be subject to approval of the Planning Board. Access shall be from Ninth Street. All roads and parking spaces shall be bituminous surface~. Each dwelling unit shall contain at least 600 sq. ft. but not mo~e than 650 sq. ft. Final~~ plans shall be subject to approval 'of the Suffolk County Planning Commission. Vote of the Board: .~ves:- Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Hutse. ~uffolk County Pla~ing Commission Approvals: Joseph Froenhoefer: For local determination with the under- standing that adequate F.-street parkmng is to be provided on subject premises in cor~ormity with the Zoning Ordinance. Ethel ~ ~ . ~ort~s. ~or loca~ determination with the ~ derstand~ng that t~ mini~m lot a~ea ~equ~rement be adhered to as stipulated in Condition 2 of Board of Appeals. Theodore & Jacqueline Bittner: For local determination with the understanding that conditions are to be adhered to and adequate offstreet parking provided for the contemplated use. Utilization of subject premises ~ay be considered for a number of years before the Board of A~peals renews their prerogative. C~orge ~qetmore: For local determination with the understanding that the original p~e-existing non-conforming detached sign be removed to insure complete compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. g 30 day time limit to be enforced in accordance with suggestion of ~uffolk County Planning Commission. Charles Gagen: For local determination. The Board should ~autiously excercize discretionary power in granting sub-standard lot area variances which only serve to undermine the effectiveness of established precedent for the c nt~nuance of such a practice. O ' Triades: For local determination. ~outhold Town Board of Appeals 27 - March 8, 1973 Decision of the Southold Town Board of Appeals on Appeal No. 1720, Jack Driscoll, North Oakwood Drive, Lan.tel, New York. ~ Public Hearing was held on February 15, 1973, 8.45 P.M., at which tirade decision was reserved subject to receiving survey describing the current deeded right of way', consultation with the Town ~ttorney', and approval of the Planning Board. The application requested a variance in accordance with TOWn Law, ~ection 280A, for approval of access concerning property located: Right of Way, north side of Henry's Lane, Peconic, bounded north by' E. A~xien; east by Private Road and Pe¢onic Shores ~ubdivision; south by Ga~ido and others; west by Right of Way' and Waimey. ~fter investigation and inspection the Board Finds that applicant requests approval of access. The Board finds that applicant owns a lot consisting of 46,373 square feeb in area on existing private road off north end o£ Henry's Lane, Peconic, New York, on which he wishes to build a one family dwelling for his own use. The Board agrees ~ grant temporary access to the property subject to conditions. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance w~ld produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by' all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood, and will observe the spirit of ~he Ordinance. On motion by Fn~. Gillispie, seconded by ~. Hulse, it was RE~0LVED, Jack Driscoll, North Oakwood Drive, Laurel, New York, be GR4NT~D temporary approval of access over existing right of way from Henry's Lane over property of Four Bails Realty', Inc., a distance of 1,000 feet or more to property of Jack Driscoll, northeast of Pour ~ails Realty, inc., subject to the following conditions: That such right of access shall cease when property of Four Sails Realty, Inc. is subdivided and new access to this property is approved by the Planning Board. That access must be subject to the approval of the Building Znspector so that there is at least 16 feet of ~nimpeded access with a solid base accomplished by the addition of bank run fill. That this access road may not be construed as being the right of way For ~ny other residential properties or any future properties of Four ~ails Realty', Inc. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gill!spic, Hulse, Grigonis. Southold Town Board of ~peals - 28 - March 8~ 1973 Decision of the Eouthold Town Board of Appeals on Appeal No. l?21, ~tanley J. Waimey, Orchard Street, New Suffolk, N. T. A Public Hearing was held on. February l~, 1973~ 9:00 P.M.~ at which time dec~sion was reserved subject to receiving survey' describing the current deeded right of w~¥, consultation with the Town Attorney, and approval o£ the Planning Board. The application requested a variance in accordance with the Town Law, Section 280A, for approval of access concerning property' located: north side Henry's Lane, Peconic, New Tork, bounded north by Axien$ east by Right of ~ay and Driscoll; south by Four Sails Realty, Inc., west by C.P.F. Land Corp. After investigation and inspection the Board finds that applicant requests approval of access. The Board finds that applicant owns a lot consisting of ~1,974 square feet in area on existing private road off north end of Henry's Lane, Peconic, New Tork, on which he wishes to build a one Family' dwelling for his own use. The Board agrees to grant temporary access to the property subject to conditions. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties or unnecessar~ hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood, and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by' ~. Gillispie, seconded ~y ~. Grigouis, it was RE~OLVED, Stanley J. Waimey, Orchard Street, New Suffolk, New York, be GRANTED temporary approval of access over existing right of way from Henry's Lane over property of Four Sails Realty', inc., a distance of 1,000 feet or more to property of Stanley J. Waimey, northwest of Four Sails Realty, inc., sub,oct to the following conditions: That such right of access shall cease when property of Pour ~ails Realty, Inc. is subdivided and new access to this property is approved by the Planning Board. That access must be subject to the approval of the Building Inspector so that there is at least 16 feet of u~nimpeded access with a solid base accomplished by the addition of bank run fill. That this access road may not be construed as being the ~ight of way' for any other residential properties or any future properties of Four Sails Realty, Inc. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Hulse. ~outho!d Town Board of Appeals - 29 - March 8, 1973 On motion by }r~. Gillispie, seconded by }~. Hulse, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the $o~thold TOWn Board of Appeals dated February 15, 1973, be approved as submitted, subject to minor correction. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Huise. On motion by >~. Gillispie, seconded by 2&v. Grigonis, it was RESOLVED that the next meeting o£ the Southold TOWn Board of Appeals will be held at 7:30 P.M., Thursday, 2~.arch 29, 1973, at "O the Town Office, Main Road, ~out~ ld, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gitlispie, Grigoni~, H~ise. On motion by ~. Hulse, seconded by' Mr. Gillispie, it was RE,sOLVED that the ~outhold Town Board of Appeals set 7:30 P.M. (E.~.T.), Thursd~v, March 29, 1973, at the TOWn 0~fice, Main Road, Southold, New York, as the time and place o£ hearing upon application of Gordon G. Bishop, 600 Clearview Avenue, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IZI, Section 300 C-4, and ~ection 302, For permission to construct private garage in front yard area. Location of property': west side Gardiners Lane and so, th side Clearview Avenue West~ east by Gardiners Lane; south by Dart; west by John F~Lhall. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs: Gillispie G~gon_s, Hulseo 0n motion by ~Wh~. Grigonis, seconded by ~. Gillispie, it was RE~LVED that the Southold ~own Board of Appeals set 7:40 P.M. (E.~.T.), Thursday, March 29, 1973, at the Town 0£fice, Main Road, ~outhold, New York, as the time and place of hearing upon application o£ James F. ~rray, Vansten Road, Nassau Point, Cutehogue, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, ~eotlon 304 and Bulk ~chedule, for permission to divide property with less than required area and frontage. Location o£ property: Lots 4 and %, Map of Peconic Bay Properties, Inc. Vote o£ the Board: 4yes:- Messrs: Gilllspie, Grigonis, Hulse. Southold Town Board of ~Ad0peals - 30 - ~rch 8, 1973 On motion by ~. Gillispie, seconded by ~2r. Grigonis, it was RESOLVED that the ~outhold Town Board of Appeals set 7:50 P.M. (E.S.T.), Thursday, Me, ch 29, 1973, at the Town Office, ~in Road, ~outhold, New York, as the time and place of hearing upon application o£ Dante Ho Catullo, 15 Rossiter Avenue, Yonkers, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance Article IZI, ~ection 301 and Bulk Schedule, for permission to divide property with insufficient area and frontage, Location of property: north side Bailey Beach Road, Mattituck, bounded north by other land of applicant; east by right of way and Gatz; south by Bailey Beach Road; west by J. Little. Vote of the Boa~d: ~yes:- Messrs: Gzil~sp~e, Grigonis, Hulse. On motion by I,~. Gilllspie, seconded by' ~. Hulse, it was RE~OLVED that the ~outhold TOW~ Board of &ppeals set 8:00 P.M.(~,S,T.), Thursday, ~rCh 29, 1973, at the Town Office, Main Road, $outhold, New York, as the time and place o£ hearing upon application of Joseph and Ma~y Eirwin, Bay &venue, Cutchogue, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, &rtiole iii, ~eetion 301 and Bulk Schedule, for permission to divide property with less than required area and frontage. Location of property: Lots #ll8 and ll9, Map of Nassau Farms, Peconie, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Hulse. On motion by ~iv. Hulse, seconded by Mr. Grigonis, it was P~OLVED that the Eou~hold Town Board of Appeals set 8:05 P.M. (E.~T.), Thursday, ~1~rch 29, 1973, at the Town Office, Main Road, ~outhold, New York, as the time and place of hearing upon application of Carl and Frances Chapman, Mattituck, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, &rticle iii, Section 30~ and Bulk Schedule, for permission to construct dwelling with less than required setback. Location of property: Lot #12, Map of ~alt Lake Village, Mattituck, New York. Vote of the Board: &yes:- Messrs: ' ~ ~ ' ~ G~ll~sp~e, Gr~gon~s, Hulse. ~outhold TOWn Board of Appeals - 31 - MarCh 8, 1973 On motion by ~iv. Grigonis, seconded by Mr. Hutse, it was RESOLVED that the ~outhold Town Board of Appeals set P.M. (E.~.T.), Thursday, March 29, 1973, at the Town Office, 2~in Road, ~outhold, New York, as the time and place of hearing upon application of Elizabeth A. Allen and Jane C.hambers, 280 Henderson ~treet, Jersey City, New Jersey, fm~ a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, for permission to use existim~ accessory building as dwelling. Location of property: west side Stars Road, East Marion, bounded north by ~tars Road West; east by Stars Road; south by Philip Frumenti; west by Balders, Weiss and others. Vote of the Boa~d: 4yes:- ~essrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Hulse. 0n motion by 2~. Huise, seconded by 1@. ~±mzspme, it was REEOLVED that the ~outhold TOWn Board of Appeals set 8:30 P.M. (E.2.T.), Thursday, March 29, 1973, at the Town Office, ~in Road, Southold, New York, as the time and place of hearing upon application of Edcho Corp., 320 Front Street, Greenport, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article VII, S:ection 700 B~, for permission to operate public g~age. Location of property: north side Sound Aven~e, Nattituck, bounded north by L. I. Railroad; east by A. Tnthill; south by ~ound Aven~e; west by A. Palkovich. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Hulse. On motion by' M~. Grigonis, seconded by 1@. Gillispie, it was R~'SOLVED that the ~outhold TOWn Board of Appeals set 8:40 P.M. (E,~.T.), ~hursday', March 29, 1973, at the Town Office, M~in Road, ~o~thold, New York, as the ti~ and place of hearing upon application o£ Williamm Constructing, inc., 320 Front Street, Greenport, New York, for a variance in accordance with Article IZI, ~ection 303 of the Zoning Ordinance for permission to constr~ct dwelling with less than average setback. Location of property: east side Corey Creek Road, Southold, bounded north by ~. Hau; east by ~. Meyer; south by J. Dunke~; west by Private Road, Corey Creek Road. Vote of the~ Board: ~yes:- Messrs: Gi!lispie, Grigonls, Hulse. ~outhold Town Board of Appeals - 32 - March 8, 1973 0n motion by l~fr, Gillispi~, seconded by ~o Grzgon~=, it was RESOLI~ED tb~t the Southold Town Board of Appeals set 9:00 P.M. (E.S.T.)~ Tht~sday, March 29, 1973, at the TO~ Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, as the time and place of hearing upon application of Robert E. Levy, Harbor Lights ~Drive, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with &rtlcle IIi, Section 300 C3 and ~ection 302 of the Zoning Ordinance for permission to construct garage in front yard s~rea. Location of property: Lot #8, Map of Harbor Lights Estates, Section One~ Southold. Vote of the Board: ~es:- Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Hulse. On motion by i~. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Hulse, it was RE~OLVED that the Southold TOWn Board sol Appeals set 9:10 P.M. (E.~.T.), Thursday, March 29, 1973, at the TOWn Office, ¥~in Road, ~o~thold, New York, as the time and place of hearing upon application of Dorothy M. Robohm, Main Road, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, A~.ticle IIi, Section 301 and Bulk Schedule, for permission to divide property with less than required area. Location of property: northeast side of Youngs Road, Southold, bounded no, th by C. Schwarz; east by Midfarm Road; south by H. Co~oy and J. Prass; west by Hill Road. Vote of the Board: e · ~"~ -~ ' Grigonis, Hulseo On motion by' ~. Hulse, seconded by M~. Grigonis, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board ~f Appeals set 9:20 P.M. (E.S.T.), TD~rsday, l~arch 29, 1973, at the Town Office, Main Road, So,.tho!d, New York, as the ti~e and place of hearing upon application of ~arah E. Gillespie, Smith Drive North, .~onthold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, A~ticle III, Section 300 CI for permission to use building as doctor's office, doctor does not live in same building. Location of property: east side Maple Lane, Southold, bounded north by B. Hellman; east bY L. Edson; south by D. Pettit; ~ Road). west by' Maple &ve~e (Private Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Grigonis, Hulse. ~outhold TO~n Board of Appeals - 33 - t~vch 8, 1973 The Meets-rig was adjourned at 12:~). R~bert W. G~l~isp~e~ Jr., Chzi~man