HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12441 P 510 " ~ '. C~..~~~\i:.le" .' 't> () 100 S I).~ '9 0 D?-'O V (Y. '7l' \ J' :J~Mtrlct 11)00 SecLion l~).OJ l:lluck 02.00 eo, - .. ::nLto " -.. u Ce..~ C l(rs~;.l. -S- .::,- .' ~ARGArN mo SALE DilEO .' . . t.J. THIS INDENTURE, made the'::' day ofCc\ ' ,two thousand five I d- ~- ;) - /3,. I " BETWEEN CORNELIUS c. MAGINN and VIRGINIA MAGINN, his wife, residing at 850 Bungalow Lane, Mattituck, NY, Parties of the filllt part, and MARGARET MAGI NN, 124 LaBonne Vie Drive, patchogue, NY 11 m, JAMI'SC. MAGINN, 91-37245111 Street, Bellerose, NY 11426, EILEE~?r.l345 West Mill Road, Mattituck, NY 11952, SUSAN McALLlSfER, PO Box 78~'!i~;?gue, NY 11942, and CATHERINE O'BRIEN, 10 N. Poquatuck Avenue, East Moriches, NY 11940, Parties of the second part, WITNESS ETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration ofTen Dollalll and other valu~ble consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the parties of the'second part, the heirs or SUCCCSSOIll and a.signs of the parties of the .econ~u.J<ii'll~'.(:Ilch.;m undivided twenty perrent (20%) interest a. tenants in common, ALL tha~lUliIto)PI9},.!,iece or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying aftd\1iell'ig'l!it'~ttitUcJk, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point the following courses and distances from the comer formed by the Intelllection of the Southerly side of Bungalow Lane with the Easterly side of Maratooka Road: 1. South 6.10 27' 40" East, along the Southerly side of Bungalo\v Lane, 933.73 feet to ilmds now or formerly of Edward R. Grohoski, Jr. and Sara Foster; 2. South 240 01' 00" West, along last mentioned land, 196.1 feet to the Northerly side of Center Street, the point or place of beginning; RUNNING THENCE South 86'57'00' West, along the Northerly side of Center Street, 8286 feet to lands now or formerly of Agnes Lindsay; THENCE North 03'03'00" West along1ast mentioned lands, 42.55 feet; THENCE Southeasterly along the Southerly line oH'arcel I herein, 93.15 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. (Triangular piece) ,""". ~ SUBJECT TO a life estate hereby reserved by the Grantolll Cornelius A. Maginn and Virginia Maginn, for the lives of both Grantors, . SUBJECr TO the reservation of special power of appointment attached hereto. ,./ BEING AND INTENDED TO BE THE SAME PREMISES conveyed to the party of the filllt part by Deed dated June 14, 1986 and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, County of Suffolk, on February 27, 1987 in Liber 10258, page 475 of Deeds...... l. 9y9, 'f. ~'"3? TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the fillltpart in and to any streets and road abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETH ER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the filllt part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the ",'Cond part, the heirs or SUCCCSSOIll and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the filllt part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the filllt part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the filllt part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be constTued as if it read lIparticsl1 whenever the !;ense of thillt ind~nture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the filllt part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. In presence of: ...~ I L J;)..l.flf I I P \) 10 I I I Sf A TE OF NEW YORK TITLE NO: District Section Block Lot 55: 1000 123.00 02.00 ~&.JmIIlI~.1 County of Suffolk .- ", " " . . '. . .~. 4 e~ tary Pu c :;t&J "* ...,~ . _""rmo? Return by Mail to: John J. Reilly, Esq. Reilly &. Reilly, LLP 170 Old Country Road, Suite 308 Mineo]a, NY 11501 ,--,. .. IL'" \.. '. . . . . . ..".. " RESERVATION OF SPECIAL POWER OF APPOINTMENT The grantors reserve the power to appoint the premises, or any portion thereof, outright or upon trusts, conditions and limitations, to anyone or more of the issue of the grantors. This power shall be exercisable during the grantors'lifetimes by a deed making express reference to this power and executed and recorded prior to the grantors' deaths, or after the grantors' deaths by a provision of the grantors' wills or any codicil thereto making express reference to this power. No exercise of this power shall be deemed to release any other interest of the grantors, including any reserved life estates, unless such a release is explicitly made. The exercise of this power shall not exhaust it, and unless the . power is exercised by will or codicil, the deed recorded last shall control as to any ambiguities or inconsistencies. If the power is exercised by will or codicil, said will or codicil shall control as to any ambiguities or inconsistencies. Unless written notice is recorded at the Office of the County Clerk within three (3) months after the death of a grantor, or the pendency of proceedings instituted for the probate of such grantor's will and codicil, if any, setting forth the Court in which said proceedings were instituted and the file number assigned thereto, it shall bcconclusively presumed that this power was not exercised by such grantor's will or codicil. , .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Matt/tuck, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF BUNGALOW LANE. DISTANT 840.9 FEET EASTERLY FROM THE CORNER FORMED BY THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF BUNGALOW LANE WITH THE EASTERLY SIDE OF MARATOOI<A ROAD, SAID POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING BEING THE DIVISION LINE BETWEEN THE LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF AGNES LINDSAY AND THE PREMISES HEREIN DESCRIBED: RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 63 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF BUNGALOW LANE, 92.83 FEET TO LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF EOWARD R. GROBOSKI, JR. AND SARA FOSTER: THENCE SOUTH 24 DEGREES 01 MINUTE 00 SECONDS WEST ALONG LAST MENTIONED LAND. 196.1 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF CENTER STREET: THENCE WESTERLY ALONG LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF CHARLES W. WICKHAM, 95.15 FEET TO LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF AGNES LINDSAY: THENCE NORTH 24 DEGREES 08 MINllTES 00 SECONDS EAST ALONG LAST MENTIONED LAND, 200.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF BUNGALOW LANE AT THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. FoR COUNTY USE ONt V PLEASE lYi'E.OR PRESS ARML Y WHEN WRlliNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hllp:{1 www.orps:state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 1'1':15 F' $" r I 'a.".,.__ I 071J.1 lC?.fo., co._ r 1,)',4 ~ ,r:C4...:I51.o C1. SWIS Code * ' , ~ I .. REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT ..." .t- - .' IITAlI! OF IEW YDRlC STAlE IC)AN) OF tEAL PRDPBITY ~ RP - 5217 uo.&l!l7....." PROPERTY INFOFIMAnON 1. = I 850 I Bunaalow Lane &lII!D_1I rf\ I~'- ~thol~ I'IATnT1:)rt:' ~ - MaRinO. rnoyc:...,,~ :r~ .... loQl_l~ --.:;I'C'- , Ivi II..."" . C,IeY\ (YI</.I.\I"W )"...."1 Lo\P......,~ ..... ~.- ~'.5_.L 0' AI " ~ ~.t..:...~.- ~ ~ ~ .~.-... I 11952 l1I'aJD[ -- I.T. ~.mcnl'uhnT..8iIII_tDbe"" _.. ifOlhlr"-n~.....tdIomoflarmJ I -- Ma21nn 1.....'..-/CfJIIIIWf'I Cornelius C. and V1ra1nia "-- 850 Bungalow Lane ~__.IIIroD.I"'I_ Mattituck tlltlllll~ I NY 111952 ~..,. :r.CICIl2 ...... - .... _fUr IxL ~ 1OIlIr.....I1I.......a.c........~ 4A.PllnnlngBolld.....,SU~AIItholIlyeaa. 0 &WIdlvIIionA,plMl..RIqulrudrurrr._ 0 4C.1Wml ~ for SubdivlliDn with Map Pl1MdDd 0 4......................~1 RaI~~ _the"-d 11.ofPllrcallCJIIIDp.rtotlhn:ol ~~ lOR I _ 3 7 I .- - IlAGIRN L~T_J~l' eORIIELIUS e. AIID VIRGINIA ...-T1lIIIIII'I' LAliI_,COIIMM' -- ~~::=:=I C .........IV__Ln D Non-RlMlent_ YKlnt Lind I SAlE It-EORMATlON I 11. ....CenIr_ DIal '~-". F """"""'" G _ H ErdmIrlnrntnt'~ I~C."""'~""'" J _. K PuIIIic8lr\oiai L FDr'IIl ". CheIk......_..........,-.: .. Ownership Type II CondonWllum .. Now eor.ructIon on "-"lind 'M.~~wItIlinM~Dill:nc:I ... ..,................ nobill ~ 'CbaI.lhoptOpllty.In.,~DIItril:I: o o o o 1. a-.. the..................... _......,....... the _ fI6the,..operay IttMtInw aI.-Ir. 'I- a.c. _ _ __ IIII__....................-.r.: IZ. DrItlt III....' n..t.r ..... 1 ... 1 v_ "I 10 1 03/05 ..... ... - " R C o "' I' G " I J &l1a~"""Clf~~ Sill BItwMn ........ ~ or Partncn In BuIfnnI Onlt_a'...Buy.willlm.Sallar ....ClfSelleril Govarnrn.ltAgewlcyorUndlng IrwtltuIlan DIIcI Tp nDt Wlrmny Dr..... and ilia ISpacitt BIIowI SllaofF.....Dra.-tt.nFw~lSpIcIfyBelowt SIgnKlclm OIInglln I'ropIrty ~ T_lM St8lLIIII1d Sail o.t. SIll of B__ iIolrdudld IfI SIll PrlaI 0lhIr UnuIUII F-*n~ &III PrIllllISpdfv BIIowl ..... UI.FuII........ I",. .. n~ , , . IF~ SIft ~ II dr. tcI&II-n pIid far.. prclI*Iy.....ng panmlIl pRIIIIIfty. nw. payrnanI mayblln thllorrn ofCMh.aChIr praplfty'argaadl. or thI_mptlDn at mortgagnorodl"ob/Ig:IIloN.l ""'*'rourrdlOrhe__lIIIIolIdrJMttMllllUlX. eIFT ,.............................. I ,0.0 I "...., ....... In ... .. . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - 0.11 thoukl rekt 1he IBtmt Rnal Asu.rnInt FlaIl ancl Tax Bill I":::"af~,=hm L.O......a....1J 17. T...........V....W..,....,In......,1 .4 1 0 0 , ,.. PnpIrty CIIIIl I 2. 1. 0 t-L!J 11. IIcIIooI DIIbkt N.m. I MATrlTUCK ... T..... ~,.. ~ II man tMn.... an.h 1MIt............. ~I District 1000, Section 123, Block 02.00 It ~t () 13. 00 I Lot ~- . 1.3, , .1 I CERTlfICATION I I arII')'......,...... f1IlIII'onaIlIIIlatMftdemlblllllnnlftlnlR -' DWftd I.........~.,. ~"'IldIrf)""''''''''''''Ibr__ ,,~ ...... .... ---.. rJI....... r.. .... "1oUIUa1_ ~.... ........ II.... .... ..... rNlht" Ia _..... -' ..." WIIe....nIftIIab. ~ IlUYUl'SA~Y Margare Maginn 124 I La Bonne Vie Drive ,Anl.r: 111Ii.r_ II'WTt;UIIl/lITIIIlOoW"""'" REILLY JOHN J. ,-- -- 516 I 248-2434 UlAaD: ~......u ..~" ~i I JI?,2 -..s' ... .<wv_mm J COpy PBtcho2Ut! 0"""_ NY 11772 ....." ~COIlr L-- fi'-. Ii:.::: "'':'"~ i.:::: \'ill:'c., ;~ ~~... ~ NUmberor ~ S- .!.'.;'-.;" TORRBNS' .;...~'.\~:.,...". ~.. . ':!j.l~}';'l O. PriDr'Cif. II' . '. . Deed I Mortpae InslJUment -' REClJRDED 2006 I1ar 21 02: 52: I~ "" Judi'" R. Paocal. IUIlK OF SlFFtlJ( ClUlTY L 000012441 P 510 on 05-31800 3 .-., ."1' . . .:l'qlllJl1JiDaFee. _~_ ...#~ 't,' 'A:': ..... ..... . . '" Hu;.uu:, . _---l: .Jl!L .i11'-Ss4 . .:.....; 'i":""-"':"""- _ Deed I MortBISC Tax Slimp FIlI!S Recording I Filing Stamps R.P.T.S.A. Comm:ofEd. '!:>o--=--- Mortpg. AmL I. BuicTax 2. AddilionaJ Tax Sub 'lblal SpeeJA..iL or Spec./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX DUll Thwn _ Dull Counly _ Hdd for Appoinun'$b Tnmsf.r Tax Mlnsion Tax . )11....11.. '-. ~ ;\ ". NOIIIillll' ... EA-S217 (Coun'Y)__ _ EA-5217 (Slale) Sub Total _---2: 00 Affidavit '. Ceriuied Copy ReI. Copy Other Grund Thlal 1'55 J The prclJlOIly covaed by Ibi. morIgage i or will be impmved by. Ion" or 'WI family dwelling only. YES or NO UNO, see appropriate .....1.... on page" __ or Ihi 'inlttumcnl. '0- .!: CommWllty Pre_tlOD Fund rp -- - SubTotal , --- 06002302 1000 12300 0200 013001 ~ (RewA -A) <{~c., .,. s Real Property ':Tax~ AifIiiii . ..verificallon Improved x IS .Satlsf...lonsIDUc..rpNReJ..... LisI Propeny Owncn Mailing Add.... '. _ RECORD" RETURN TO: Vncanll...and _ ~<;. ',..' TO TO _Ie> TOM) ,J. '/.-(;( L-L 'f E:::::. tcf ~E I t.- L-j 'r-. ~t:, L.L '1.. ()O 0(..0 CO'1IT'~j ~O[7 ~v \ '\ t 30 g; Cn. Nam. I '- ... I f';OJ Ti,l. # . Suffolk Count ecordin &" Endorsement Pa e '1111. POSC form~ p.;n u'f 'h. ~1i.E';;d' ~. .. "~['l;; ') .' . ,.. (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUIiIEN\r> c'v, Q lJ i: LI u ,....; c. d1A ?>IIJ i> Th. Jl"'miscs herein iuiIU,'ed in . V I ~(;" lJ ri\ i'-1I\ (", IJ ,.) SUFFOLIC COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In .he Th....hip of :"::)... '-' " t-\-i)(.. ~ M A,ti" r''J "" " l\'lt\t , P IJ .1"~1 r- :'> In th. VILLAGE .\l~j,;u\l. tlL-tFlJ liiLl..t\un.::t:: J'r1,,^MLlITnr 1--1A.,....,Tvc.:.t[.. BOXES ,'THRU 8 MUST OJ! twE1:1~ ~~\~~1Wm:^CK INK OltLY I'R.OR TO RE~ORI)jNC 011 FI!.ING. / m ..'do hy: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 , SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFJ:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type ef Instrument: DBBDS/DDD Number of Pagesl 5 Receipt Humber 1 06-0028329 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-31800 Recorded 1 At: 03/21/2006 02152:15 PM LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012441 510 District: 1000 Section: 123.00 BDMJ:HBD AND $0.00 Block: 02.00 CHARGBD AS Lot: 013.001 POLLOWS Deed Amount 1 -Received the Po11owing Pees Per Above Instrument Bxempt Bxempl Page/Piling $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SReBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CODIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $155.00 TRAHSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-31800 THIS PAGB IS A PART OP THE INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County