HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12036 P 623 16 (, ::';,. I i J'~ / ()J l)J1J30T~~lAND TITLE HEGISTRA TION LA \\T. orrrttftratr of IDttlr. No. 21t54 First Registered February 6 1930 mFIll:3bISTRICTCERI~CATE8L~O. 245~OT , ~.! r(' r; ~) - . CElli)' [ll[[E:u..' / . ., i (. 0" I.., , ; '...,I . . ,./,' . J \i:.' . I, WARREN P: GREENHALGH, Registrar, of the County of Su./folk, in the State of New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that GEORGE CLARK of Yaphank, Suffolk County, New York married to Clnil1l4 0 + - -Z:-( - .. &i) ~~(f~: .,., RrGIITMIl 1S the Owner of aft m7.'a: in the fillowing Land: Euate in fee simple /000- /;(5- 3-/5 ALL that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being at Laurel, Suffolk County New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwesterly corner thereof at a concrete monument set in the southerly line o~ s~ of State Highway; running from Riverhead to Greenport; running thence along said State Highway South g20 7' West 204.10 feet to another concrete monument andland of Carlton M. Pranckard; running thence along land last mentioned, South 190 01' East to land of Long Island Railroad Company; running thence westerly along land las/t mentioned to land of Charles J..McCarthy; running thence along land last mentioned North 180 39' West to the southerly side of said State Highway at the point or place of beginning. ~ ALSO ALL that "DESCRiptio.,; '00(.5 J.Jcr CJ,.o.s.c.' /ODO- j;/.J_t._Ooo tract or parcel of landsituate lying and being at Laurel, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeasterly corner thereof at a railroad monument on the southerly side of land of Long Island Railroad Company and westerly line of land of Oar It on M. Pranck!l.:t:~ and running thence along land of Pranckard South 190 I' East 1112.7 feet to a concrete monument and land of Z. pasturnack; running thence along land last mentioned, South 690 59' West 393.3 feet to another concrete monument; running still along land of Z. Pasturnack North 190 15' West 710.3 feet to a concrete /JJ~...ICiO... monument and land of Charles J. McCarthy;/ thence along land last mentioned, 1.1(,. North 690 32' East 192.15 feet; thence still along land of McCarthy North , 180 39' West 313.8 feet to land of Long Island Railroad Company; thence along land last mentioned, North 460 54' ~st 221.5 feet to the pOint or .....,.10 . .. q " I .', '. . FIRS.T CERTIFICATE NO._..,.2!!5!!............... SHEET NO......2. place of beginning. p< Ur-'AoCATII6(t:. ALSO ALL that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being at Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeasterly corner thereof adjoining the southerly line or side of land of Long Island Railroad Company, and at the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Hattie Boone; running thence along land last mentioned South 190 50' East 407.2 feet; thence still along land now' of cHat tie Boone, South 190 11' East 2!!!2.6 feet to a concrete monument on the northerly eide of State Highway; running from Riverhead to Greenport; thence along the same South 540 36' West 173.5 feet to an old Wood Road; thence running northerly along the same to a concrete monument set in the southeasterly corner of land of Joseph Burnskill; thence\ along land last mentioned North 160 28' West 228 feet; thence still along'land last mentioned North 240 35' West 270.15 feet to land of Long Island Ralroad Company; thence along land last mentioned, North 470 35' East 184.55 feet to the pOint or place of beginning. ALSO ALL that tract or pa.rcel .of land situate lying and being at Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: , BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner thereof on the north side of the State Highway running from Riverhead to Greenpirt and adjoining an Old Wood Road and running themce along said State Highway. south 540 2' West 302.43 feet to a concrete monument; thence north 190 5' West 376.60 feet to another concrete monument and land now or last mentioned north !!!!!!o formerly of Joseph Burnskill; thence along land I 0' East 159.9 feet; thence still along land last mentioned south !!!50 15' East 152.10 feet to a third parcel of land last above described, thence running concrete monument, and / southerly in a straight line to the point or place of beginning. *ALSO ALL that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being at Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwesterly corner thereof at a concrete monument in the south side of the State Highway running from Riverhead to Greenport, running thence along the same north 540 2' East 324.47 feet; thence still along the same north 500 36' East 151.2 feet to theland (now or formerly) of Hattie Boone; and thence along the land of the above named South 190 II' East 16.7 feet totje ald Main Road; thence running along said Old Main Road South 240 7' West 285.3 feet; thence still along the same South 70 7'West 367.1 feet; thence still along said Old Main Road South 300 7' West 125.7 feet; thence North 190 5' West 489.60 feet to the point /000" /). J. - 7.. (.. if C. t, j. 6. 7//. 7./ or place of beginning. , Subject to the estates, easements, incumbrances and charges hereunder noted. WITNESS my hand and official seal at River_ head, N.r.Ahie 24th day of/February 1930. -, ~', / , ~ //'> l' I] .((;/,1'/"( / ;~-~:.-- --r;"'rr-;" //U;-0~-_.~ . ! / /Registrar. ( , , ',--/ .~', ! ...." -:",,' '. TOCOUMTY~ ,UNDDDDDLlBD 12036PC623 ., .~; . 1-;. <, '- . , i. (, BIOOJID. DrOaNTO" ..: TORRENS: [i2 12036PG623 Number of pages TORRENS RECORDED 00 APR 2 I AM 1/: 07 IftdtJ(DUUmQ~~~H8 Certificate # ~ 'I pI '"0'"'' Dr C. tu\,\,1 F r.',!~r.: ~ IIIE .' . l'vl It-.. CLEr::\ c' '." ""11- - ( Je'i [. aLii Cl"d ~"TY _'..-1\ JftIw~lIil!llW!llW----S1iBli Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording I Filing Stamps 4 FEES Page I Filing Fee Mortgage Amt. Handling TP-584 RECORD & RETURN TO TORRENS L Basic Tax 2, Additional Tax Notation Sub Total EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) Sub Total Comm, of Ed, 50~ Sped Assit. Or Spec, I Add, TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionment Transfer Tax R.P.T,SA /JIG , I Affidavit GR.AND TOTAL o Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause"on page # of this instrument. Certified Copy Reg. Copy Sub Total Other s~~.. . Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Dist. Section Block Lot 6 Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ ,:(5.00 A-R.CC: L I 0300 0/5,000 CPF Tax Due $ (J-tC.c.. t'L JL ;Z :;I. , 00 0 ~ ,00 000. Q. /) ''00<'''> "'\1'- C'l-<:Is'c.. ,....c.. IJrr. 000 ;/:;1.,00 d7,oo 000,.oo,-/A S~tisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Addres . RECORD & RETURN TO: Improved See. Ptrmc;Jc.~- Vacant Land ~~ RECORD & RE TOR TO TD TD URN TO NS 8 Title Company Information Co, Name Title # 9 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonns part of the attached CERTIFICATE OF TITLE (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT ) DHE: made by: The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 5 TERU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) 00 00 ~~ .pla ~I" , ~ IIlmllH aocK, LOT ~~[ili[0~ ~~~,~ ,()oA\ , /) /-..cA1rLJ Ie IllITllICT I!CmN 'flu I L aOClC 3 - u.tJ LOT ~~~~ feA Iilo~ 'Prl- , IIC1lOH aocK lOT ITOJJ om lIIJJJJ lll!CmH aOCK LOT ,DTIIJ DID lIIJJJJ .', rl..OCK DID aaca DID aOCK DID DISTRICT SECTION om ITDJJ " DISTRICT om LOT 'DJJID DISTRICT OJ]] BLOCK [[[0 IllOClC [[[0 I --- IECmH BlOCIC IT1llJ [[[0 8EC1lON 1Il0Cl< ITlID [[[0 :~t~"~; :1....4 ,:~., ,~. . "., '$' 'il '.~ . '" . .~,... ; ,'\~.".,1 1..... . " '!.,.. ~~'" .' .,:..