HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 940 lEI' L. I:A~' '7/ f {}lfG /~ }- 'f- C; "'1...,..,~l5Iatnc. NYC 100la A 28 I-SllldudN.Y.I.T,U,foDllI01 ......n a....................._ ................ 01 Carp.. II". CONSUlT YOUR LAWYER IIFOU SIGNING THIS IIISTIIUMINT - THIS IHSTRUMINT SHOULD IE USED IY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made <m May 8, 2005 BElWEENPatricia W. Congdon, resieling at 49 North Dr., Plallllome, NY, Katherine Congdon Caldwell, residing at 9 Lace Lane, Westbury, NY, Carla Congdon Leone, residing at 51 lIVing St., Arlington, MA, James A. Congdon, residing 'at 23 DilllOOlIllllill Rd., Redding, cr, and John E. Congdon, residing at 49 North Dr., Plallllomc, NY. party of the fil'll part, .Dd , Katherine Congdon Qlldwcll, residing at 9 Lace Lane, W~stbury, NY - 25\ frac1iiAal I ('YZ D - &. :5 ! if inte~st Carla Congdon Leone, residing at 51 lIVing St., Arlington, WI, - 25\ frac1Jllal OCi.47&-&'-t 3 is interest James A. Congdon, residing at 23 DilllOOlIll Hill Rd., Redding, cr, - 25% frac1liaal , Olf 'isq~ - ;j .;;l.J~ interest Joh.n E. Congdon - residing at 49 North Dr., Plandome, NY - 25\ fractionnl interest as teI18:"ts in COIIIIIOn, I ( {! '30 - I 't jlp party of th. """"ad part, WITNESSETH, th.t tho party of Iho lil'll part, in ......idcr.tion of Ten and no/lOO ($10.00) doUan, lawlul money 01 the Unillld Statoa, '~ paid by tho party of the oecood port, dooa 1Icrebr/f,'l".fiaDd rcleoao unto the party 01 tho aocood part, tho bein or ~I lucc.....n .Dd aaeip of the party of tbe(~ forever. ALL thai certain plot, pieoo or panlO! of w4'~ Iho buildinp oDd improvemenll tber-. e.-d, ailuatlt, lying oDd heiDS iIIl<IilIi - al; ~re(/tiil!Tawn of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and3.<1esdibea as' follows: BEGINNING at a point.. wlli'Ch. pQilIt\li!::; st:!:stant SOuth l6Q46'00" East 304 feet from a IIDlIUIIICnt set in thi, sou'i~erl~V~of Peconic Bay Boulevard, and also the northwesterly corner of p~~si!:~\ ~ · or fonnerly of Samuel D. Piquet; RUNNING TIIENCE South 16Q46"OO" 'P.ast along said land now or fonnerly of Smm.tel D. Piquet, 216 feet t~a'Wipt. TIIENCE SOuth 34QOO'OO" !Vest 9~..5q\fe~t to a point in the easterly side of a sixteen foot right of way lead:wg a;rbm Peconic Bay Boulevard to Great Peconic Bay; ~ 11-11'.1\CE North l6Q46'OO" I~est along tlie easterly side of said right of way 278.30' feet to 1I poillt alllllands now or fonnerly of White and Small; TIIDNCE North 73014 '00" East along the last mentioned lands 76.26 feet to the point or place of beginning. TOG!,'TIiER with right of egress and ingress in CO/IIIIOn with others to and from Peconic Bay Boulevard and Great Peconic Bay over a certain right of way, and IIlso the right to thel use of Beachland for the purposes and in accordnnce lvi.th certain conditions as set forth in the deed from Robert E. Visco and Abby C. Visco to Robert E. Visco elated August 27, 1959 recorded on ' November 14, 1960 in Libel' 4904 of Conveyances Page 329. SUBJEcr TO: Rights of the United States Government and the State of New York to erect or relocate it!; bulkhead lines in Great Peconic Bay. Riparian rights of others in and to Great Peconic Bay adjoining the premises herein descdbcd. Zoning regulations and ordinances of the Town of Southold, New York and amendments thereto. Covenants and restrictions, easements and agreements of record, if any, insofar as may now be in force and effect. Said premises being J<noo".'l as 4900 Pcconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel, New York. Being the same premises c:onveyed to the grantors by deed of Patricia W. Congdon, and others dated December 7, 2004 and recorded December 21, 2004 at I.ibt~r 000012361, Page szr" ,.:'c,: " ,',:, ' ~< e:: .' ..oI;~_"'; .~--... . .-- I':-,!;"!'" ~...., ..~~ . ~ ..." -- --...:pi.,.,~ .. . . o....:.-......::~ .. ~--s:,..:-"",.. ~ ~$-- ....- .... . ~~. . ~~. --...~.. ~..... __.~~ ..'..... r~..:.>..,;;J ..~..."L.:o_' ".I. .:u.~ . '- ~",:;"'-' ., ~ -- . .-......""..:"... .~.. TOGETHER with aU risht, tille &lid into",... if uy, of the party of the lint pari in AIId to AllY _ &lid roada abulling:th. abov. doocribed pnm;- to lb. OOIIter liD.. thenlof, TOGETHER with tho appwrtenllDCOl ud all the _Ie aad ripla of the party of the lint part in and to ..id prom. TO HAVE AND TO HOlD die p......ue. hoNiB SrllIItid Ullto the party of the ....,nd part, the hoim or IUO=IO" ud aMips of !be party of the .1lCOIlCI part forever. , AND tho parly of the lint loart COVOllAllIa ~ the party of the lint part hu not done or oulferecl uytbing whcn:by Ihe lAid p.remio.. hove -. incumbered iD uy way whatev.r, except as oforeoaid. AND the party of the lint port, in compliance wilb Section 13 of Iho Lion Law, COVClWlIa thot the party of lhe finl pari will receive the conoidorlllioa for this """ve)"lI/Ic:. and will hold the rishl to receive ow:b conoid. .ralion a. . truol fuad to he applied lint for !be poupoao of payies the COIl of the improvement and will apply th. ..m. first to the payment of tho coal of lhe improvement boforo ueing any pari of tho lotal of the 1I/IJJ1. for any other purpooe. The word lipsrty" shall be con.trued 81 if it read "parlies" whenever the senle of this indc.ature 80 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, II.. parly of tho Iinl part h.. duly ""....Ied this deed tho day and year first abovo wrilton. IN PRESENCE OF: <:l.-- - . .- t'~.w. ~ ~~J ACIOIOWLI!DOMENT IN NEW YORK STATE CRPL ...., State of N"w York, County of IS.: On personally "ppeart'd bd"ore me. the undersigned. penonaIly known 10 me or proved 10 me on the bui. of 0lII1sf1C- IOl)' evidence 10 be the individual(.) whose nllllle(.) i. (arel subsm"bed Ill' the wilbin il1SllUll1ellt and ocknowledged III me that helshcllhey Cllecured the same in hislhelflheir c:apacily(iesl, and thai by IIis1her1lbeir .ignalllre(.) on !he instrumen~ the inlIi- vidual(.), or the peIIOII upon behalf or which the individual(s) acted. e.....led the inslJumeul. (ri~tfD'lIn fJIt1l offI~ DfinJlvidlldl ,,dint IIctltDW/<<<<III"") ACllHlIIOU!IIGMI!NT CUT8lDI! _ YORK lITA"lIW'~_ State or County of sa.: On pcrliDlI8l1y a!ppeared before me, !he undersigned. peIIOIIally Imown III me or proved III me on !he b..is of SlIli.. factory evidl.,ce III be !he indivi....I(.) whose name(1) il (are) subscribed 10 the within ill5lllml<tll and ocknowledged 10 me thaI hel5held..,. esecured !he IlIII1C in hi5lhed!heir c:apacily(ies). and that by hislher/!heir signalure(s) on the in.....ment, Ibe indi- vidual(.). or the pmon upon behalf of whidJ the individual(.) ... executed the insuumen~ and thaI such individual m.... such appearam.'e bd"ore lIle undersigned in (r1UCPf c.Y, Dr ptJIilica/lIIbJi"isiDra Illfll *'~ or (fJfIJfIy"" tIIMr {l1rIff <<......1. H:ptnc',uUnJ (1I'1fd1WN ,fINl "./Jk4 ofittdiriJlIIJl Idm, dd.ow'~J ",~ln anb 6I1r adl WITH Cl:m:ftAJIIT ACAI!f1T Cft",TOI'I Am TITLE No, Patricia l'l. Congdon, Katherine Congclon Caldwell, Carla Congdon I..eone, James A. Congdon, anU John B. Congdon, TO Katherine Congdon Calcll.-ell, Carla Congdon LcoI'lI~, James A. Congdon, and John E. Congdon ., ~ f o u .Ie '; i .2 i :i - . i III AC~ a'IlUIISCRIBINQ __CESI State of New York County of Nassau I IS.: On "J/, t..<j 1:2., 20 0,.(" bd"o", me. the undersigneu. pe"""ally appeared Richard J. O'Brien Ibe sulMcribing wiUICsS(elt) 10 Ibe foresoing instrument. with whom I am personally acquainteu, who, being by me duly sworn: did depose and say thai f-\rllw., "",ido(s) in lif"" "'aa 01 rniIknN i., ill a city. indMrk ,Iw .wff't,'.;,1 Sf,." tt~,., If..,. ""..."" 49 North Drive Plandome, New York 11030 &-=~~~~~~~~.88B~,~iMlli~ 10 be the individual(s) described in and who executed !he fore- going inslnlmeDl: thai said subscribing wilJlCS.'lKIa wa. (ltIIlXi ~!iAA~~~~~~~B~~UlKdp.&~~WReA. execute the same; and that said wilneSSCR Dt the I8I1'lC time .ubscribed hi"h;(~_i. ..ame(lIl as . wilnC5S(CIt) therelo. (0 UIfIb!rt ."".,. Nrw YrJl'k .fl_ bu~" riIy 'N'f'(JNlinJl-"Jnirimllllfll YIllU ,,,_..._,.-...,.,,,,.,,.._,.hon AnU Ihal said subscribing witnessRltl ~ such ~ bd"ore J!l!..undersigncd in ~ ~. /111 /I.!>~ ~ ) 9?~<:;:.~ (YiRlttUllrrtutd4fu,lj'illtll,,'"""'! tal:hr1r "t'btt~) INl!lE FlJ\\51 ~~ NCJrARY PUBUG SIB!tt at New lV'" No, 4712968 OOb O..,iliad In N...'" Cou~ Comrr.lssion [xoiret Au9uln. . SEcrION 128 BLOCK 4 LOT 5 COUNTY OR TOWN :rN(P'( FuR':> T <r- ol-Ob Count)' of Suffolk Town of Southold' RETURN BY MAIL TO: Patricia 11. Congdon 49 North Drive Plandome, NY Zip N.. 11030 II 21 Numher of pages TORRENS ') RECORDED 2005 Jun 13 10:28:05 11M Edward P.RoDain~ a..ERKOF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012391 P 940 DTI 04-44443 Serial # Conilieale tI Prillr Clf. # Deed I Mongage Inslrumenl Deed / Mongago: TlIJl Stamp FEES Reennllng I Filing SlampS 2J Page I Filing Fcc /s_ Handling 5. ...!&.- S_ Mortg:lge Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Suh Total SpcclAssil. TP-584 Notalion EA-52 17 (COunIY) EA-5217 (Slale) s 7< ~.- Sub 1'0101 :3f) or Cenified Copy NYS Surcharge Olher 15. 00 Sub TOlal ,- Jf)'" ()O ;5'S" - C~ Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly Held fllr AppoinlmcN TrlllL<fer Tax lfL- Mansion Tax The propeny L"Overed by Ibis mnngage is or will he improved by a one or Iwo fllmily dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see uppn.priale laX clause on page " of Ihis insuumc;nl. /" ir 0) . Camm. of Ed. 5. 00 R.P.T.S.A. Amdavll G....md TOIllI 4IDiSI.I~clion IZg ~ A.f LoI 5" 5 CommUDity Prelen'lltion Fund Real ProperlY TlIJl Service Agency Verifiealion sidcration Amount $ ~?o.. 'h...~.c.\'(\., W~ Ccv~d Oh . ,~'\ Nor-~ D...."ve. t'la.V\.d.OMe., N'( IlO 3 D s Improved~ ~ VlICunl Land TO --LO.- TO TO 7 Title Com an Information Co. NlIme Title" TI;utTolk County'Recordine & Endorsement Paee Oee..d. (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) This page forms pan of Ihe uunched . made by: , ~~\.c.~a. W. ~~~ln The premises herein is silualed in (1 ,^d o~v-S SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In lhe Township of So l.L ~ cll~ ~*,,,,e..Ir-~ V\ e (o~~do"" eJ1.idwe..ll In !he VILLAGE ~d O~r-;5' or HAMLET of t-o.u.. ~ I BOXES Ii THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/ODD NUmber of Pages. 5 Receipt NUmber . 05-0062524 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-44443 Recorded. At: 06/13/2005 10.28:05 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012391 940 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 128.00 04.00 005.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Fees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/piling $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $155.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-44443 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THB :INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A B:ILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNlY USE ONLY 1,'-(,1,.3" g, ~ CZ. Dltelloed _ded I!... d ...3 'tJ.~ C3._ I I. ~ ,0:;, ~, (,C4.PlIge,4, '{, D, PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.SUItB.ny.U& or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT .. . . I STAll! OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF IlEAL PIIllPEIITY 8ERI/lCII .' C'.SWI8~ RP - 5217 1tI'-511'1'" !In PROPERlY 'INFORMATION ,.r;:::.:L ~:~ P~~~'G 8~ e\u~. L I-().M lr"eA I a1YOIIlTUMI vu.&GI! , ( _ Zll'ccm 2.B_ L Co.lc!we.ll Kc:..-\:ne.['iu (,.rV\.Aof) I ~2.!"-'-~"'e. \..Q.~ -. s) I ...... e'~!'~ECftI" ~ ~ (Ii) Ll '/"In :~A~ t~~t'A.fln-n U~\cbnl~m,5. 1'1 /I'nr-e,don ~'"Thh^ E:J IWIfI .... I NMR' ~ , J.T.. 1~,...._IuI".T_B1""lDbo_ L c.o""~ck,,, Po...-h..\c.\.a. 811llng If,~ 1Un buver.... lilt bclItDm of form) -~ ..... NAIll Addnu. . LMT NAMI L .~n"L.'i.'?:1: \) r\.\lt... ~~~se:t- I 11'l'fJI IN,'(I llo301 lITA1"I .eoa. ..... IORI D (Only If ,.,.......... Check ...... oIIIIPIy:: I II of ParaS. OR Pert of . Plre4l1 0 '" l'IoMinQ IIosrd'" s_......._ Ex... "i 2.. ... S.-Jon _'_Rsqund ""T,_ 0 ,,,,,,,' I C.__""SubdvisMI._u.p_ 0 I Pa..:h-L~lc... vV'(d1'I.d Ofu~s.) flRllT..... 4. tncIiceQ thl ............ of AsNu...... Roll pI"-. tr.......... an the deed .. ..... I -.... . Biz. PllONT...,. a=: l .E-.?.~o n ("5') DCnMh1&.tG ~~I'niv~()- A_f'nne j(l",wtdfon'tf\.-m /~tJn ~Mt" A ...,_t qu. I d 0l>'nfl S' 7. Chedt ,he boz MIDw whIcIa mat IICCUr...1y ........... 1M .. 01 ttHI property It 'II. tlm. of sail: 0IIdI ChI box. u !.QQ, .. 0wnIrIhip Type II Condominium 0 A~." F.mlly ............ E ~ ......Itu.., J ~ Commu.lty..rvics .. - CanslnootIon on V...., t.nd 0 8 2 01' 3 FamUy Rolldontlll F Commen:ill J InduItrIaI lOA. Property LocItOd wilhn 11'1 Agricukurll District 0 C RaId,n,"1 Ytcam und G ApIrtmInt K Public Slrvie, .... Buyw I"OCIIivId . diII:IoMn notice IndicIting 0 D Nor~dM1tilll Vacaftl unci H E~ I AmuamonI L ForIII IhII: the properlY II In .. AgriQl/b,ral ~ I SAlE INFORMATlON l ,.. 0IIdI_ _......,.... CIIIhIIIIIctM -....... to tr..r.: ". s.I. Conltr8CI o.u I I A - !Wa ~ AoIIlivu or Former RllltIvIs ... r-. y.., 8 - --., ~ !We hlwIIn RGIMGd ~ or Porlnan in Bull,... C ~ One of.... Buyers ia ..0 . SlI.... o _ /luvOt.. Sol,., .. GovommrInI ...... 0' Lonrfing ,..tit..... . E _ Dood T... ... W.....ty.. Bsfvoin ... .... lSpocltv Bolowl F _ ..................L-._..."'_I__ o _ S1gnlllconl CIlsngo" ........ _ T_ ...... and....".. J I Sill at B....... II Included In Sill Prico I :8 Ot/Jor 'U~ ...... ArfllCll"ll .... _ ._tv 1loIaw' J__ 7Cr. Ixl :tllo 12. D.,. of s... J T........ ~ ~ ,2<<J5j . MDn:h Day Y.... , ,.0,0.0 I , ., . (FuM Sate Price 111IuI101II1 amount pilid tor tht property Including p.rM>>I'IIl P'OI*lV. . Thil ~Int may bIIln!hl form of cun. arMr propMy 01 goodI. or I" -.umption of mortgages or other obligalionL) ""... fOUnd fa "....,.., wIIOItI doIJM .mount. 14. incIIMh t.h. val_ 01 ,........1 I 0 0 0 I ,....rty,lnc:IudIdlntlle.... . . ~ - . - . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dstll shauld ..lIl1C1lhe 10_ Rnl'_...mont Roll Ind TIX Bill 1 18. =:,..:.: ,.::tram ~ 17. T.... ___ V.... eal III perCiIIIln,..__, I ,"._a.. LZl.q-LJ ..._-...._ LMo...tn. -hAC"," 13. Full.... PriM L .9' rf t- ; C'38"",) ; cDilOO , . "T, , I , ZO. T.. MIIP ~ I .... ldMtiIilIrIaI elf ...... III... fa.... .... .... willi addtIIanII ...........1 I 41388<i I ~2}- '+ -.5 /aoo - /tJg..OO -OYt)()-OIJ~q L-- I CERTlRCA'~ I cor1Il) ..., 011 or.... I..... .._ oaIrm! ... IIrix ..... .... ...... ... .......a ," .... ..... or.-y ............ old __I ............. IluoJ ... ....... or.., ,"d faN ..._ or.......... ,... bcnla ..... uubjoct _ Ia.... .- or.... ..... IlIw ....IMIIi .... -._..... vI_ __ !!!m BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~~!./[j{05 9 J-o..c.e.. l"-lI\~ .....- ....,..... ""'1 "1UM8Dl .nuTIIIAMl'W'IIJIl....u, -.... .....-- w t'~;-~u..1I'1 CnYOIt ,'tMN N 'L , 15"~() ITAlI NCDIll <<~~cU>- \IV . ~~ m.u:. .....1UM \ 5/8)0'5" NEW YORK STATE COpy SELLER ... ..n