HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12426 P 79 LI )~f)u'"' P 7{1 1) \~ ~d-~ ~\/ O~ ~\\) 1:-; jru U~-4-ID WI. O~ 1~3g5 NYoc:ti . Barpin :.nd Sale ~d wilh CO\'C1\;Ift1 apin"'l Ciranll.... AcIA IndivldLwI nr C''fpllnlliun tSihJ;lr Sheel) (NYHnJ 80(2) l.."OSSl1I,T \'OUR LAWYKR BF.mRE S1Wo;ISG TillS 1l!b'TRUME..Io"l'. TillS Il\ISTIl.UMEI\1T S1IlIUW BF. USf.11 BY I.AW\'F.IL~ OSI.\' q- THIS INDKNTUKt;. mode Ibe BETWKEl'i JOHN R. DALY, residing at 3840 Eastwood Loop, Ankorage, Alaska 99504, and MAVRA E. DALY, residing at 150 Blrcb Drive Soutb, Laurel, New York 11948 d.)' of November . in Ibe year 2005 pony of Ihe Ii,.. I"'rt. and MAURA E. DALY, residing at 150 Bircb Drive Soutb, Laurel, New York 11948 ~ , . party of Ibe llCl'Ond I"'rt. WIThESSETH.lballhe party of Ibe fi,sll"'rt. in cnn..id....'ion ofTen Dall... and olbe, valuable con!lidera,ion I"'id by Ibe pany oflhe second pari. docs hereby gl3Jll.nd n:lcase unlO lhe party oflbe second p3r1.lhe heirs or succeSSOrs and ...igns of Ibe I"'rty of lhc second port fon:v",. " ALL dull ccl1llin plol. piece or ,,"",01 orlUlIII. wilh!he buildings and improvem.rlls thereon crccu:d. silUOb!. lying and being in Ihc Schedule A attached herel:o. Premises more commonly known as 150 Birch Drive Soutb, Laurel, New York 11948 Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to tbe Grantor herein by deed dated 7120/99 and recorded in the ornce ortbe Clerk ortbe County or Suffolk on 8/3/9910 L1ber 11979 at page 990. ",., .", '. , TOG.....,.HKK wi'b all right.li~e.nd in..",... ifany. oflbe panyoflhc lirst part of. in .nd 10 any slreets and mads .butting the abovc-desaihed premises 10 Jhc cc:nler lines Ihereof: TOGETHER wilb lhc .ppurtenances and all the cstale and rights oflhc party ohhe fltSt part in.nd 10 said premises; TO HA VK AND TO nOLD lhc pn:mi... he",in granled unlo Ihc party of lb. second pan. lb. heirs or successors and ....igns of Ihc party of Ibe second part fon:v.... AND Ihc party of Ihe lirsl part covenant. Ib.. ,he I"'ny of Ihc firs, pan has nol dOlle or .uffered anything whereby Ibe s.id premises have been incumbered in DRY way wh::r.tcver. except as .fon:uid. AND Ihe party of the lint part. in compliance wilh Secl;on 13 of the Uen Law. covel1MlS Ibalthe I"'rtY of the Ii",. part will n:ceive!he consideration for this conveyance and will hold Ibe righllO ",ceiv. <uc:b consider.IiOll us u INSl fund 10 be .pplied lirsl fo, Ibe purpose of paying the COSI of !he improvement and will apply Ihe same lirslto lhe payment of Ihe cosl of Ihe improvement hefore using any pan of Ibe lOIaI of the same for any olbe, purpose, The word "party. shall be construed as if il ",od "panics. whenev., !he sen... of ,his indl:nlUre so requires. IN WITNESS WHERt:OF. lhe Il"Irty of lhc li"'l part hIlS duly executed Ibis deed the duy and year Ii..... above wrillen, Ill! PRt:SF.NCF. Of: Schedule A Description Title Numtler WI-05-1238MWS Page 1 ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT,PIECE OR PARCEL OF lAND WITH THE BUilDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ERECTED, SITUA TE,l YING AND BEING IN THE TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK. MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNI~G AT A POINT ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF A 16 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF TH~ HEREIN DESCRIBED PREMISES. SAID POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING BEING ALSO DISTANT 120.09 FEET SOUTHERLY AS MEASURED ALONG THE WESTERLY SIDE OF SAID 16 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY FROM THE CORNER FORMED BY THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF PECONIC BAY BOULEVARD AND THE WESTERLY SIDE OF SAID 16 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY; RUNNING THENCE FROM SAID POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING NORTH 73 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 8 FEET; RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 16 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST:- ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID 16 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY. 91.00 FEET; " RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 73 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WeST PARTLY ACROSS SAID 16 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY AND ALONG lAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF E.G. BELZ 83.00 FEET TO LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF MCGOWAN; RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID LAST MENTIONED LAND THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES AND DISTANCES; 1. NORTH 16 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 55.00 FEET; 2. NORTH 73 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 75.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY SIDE OF SAID 16 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY; RUNNING THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY SIDE OF SAID 16 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY NORTH 16 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 36.00 FEET TO THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. USIiACKNOK7F.DCiMEATt"OllM IlliUJWIIomll,y Nf.w You STA71iO/llU': , USI!ACtr/IIOWTF.DC'oMENTtYIIIMIIF.1nwW1TllI/II Nliw You STA7rlO/III.F: ,...: SlateofN""VIII'k,Counlyof }...: SlDteofN.wVork,Counlyof Suffolk On the 9 day of November in the year 2005 bef"", me.'lhe Ulldcnigm:d. pcn;uIIl1lly llppean:d Maura 1~. Daly . peniOI1:Jny 'I<nown 10 me or prow:d to me OIl !be basis or lI:Jli.'lfucrory e<idencc 10 be the indi\idwll(s) whose IlOIIIC(sl is 1...,1 sub<l:rihed to the within in.'IIlumcnt and ac:kn<>wledgod to me (haI helshe/lhey c:xecuh:d the """" in his/hcr1lheir capacity( and dUll by hi.lhl..r1lheir signalurc(sli 1n.'IO'IImenl,' viduallsl, or t!lI: penon upon behalf of w' individu :tell, .lecured Ihe inslnamenl. i IIII"'RIA WHITE tarv Public. St!18 01 Nll!w York No 0111II15010392 ~ QlJlIUlll!Id in. Sutfoll( Caun:'" n . Commission E~I.es Mllrch 29.-~- ACIINOWUi/K'oMt:NT FOIlM FOIl USE WmllN Nl!w YORK STA71i ONI.Y: (Nfl... r'lI* S"'.lrrfbins Wi"."s AcAnowWpwIII C.nlJ'lo".' Stalufl'i...Vork,Counlyof ,...., Onthe _or ~theycar before me, the undc..igned, personally appeared the sohscribing ..itn.... to Ihc foregoing in..wmen~ wilh whom I om pl"'UI1:Jlly :ocquoinlaI. who, being by me duly sworn, did dcp<loc and say that bclshcIIhcy resick.1s1 in lif,h'I>hJ~. uf....idenc. is;',,, dr)', indwl"M.un1 WId.""" rIJIIPIM', if"".", rMn.oft: tl101 hclsbcl1bcy knoW\sl to be the iOldividual described in and who exOCUll:d the foregoing insuumcnl; that said lIiubscrihinJ witness was pn:scnt and saw Mid execute dIe <IlI1lC; and lhal ..xl willleSl; a' the same time .......'ribed hislhcrllbeilr name(s) as . witocss thereto. BAKG"L'11<SALEDEED .mll'OYE....,A~ AQIJIItIT nI.vm..s ACn Tm.IiNo. WI-05-I238-MWS - John R. Daly and Maura E. Daly TO Maura E. Daly FIDEI.rl'Y NATIONAL TITLE INSURAf\;CE . COMPANY OF NEW YORK 1..l/t.".",wrw/~!lJ c>W_iIf,. FiIl.,ily ..1?'~._I_" 1f".r",...,.s.r....,rltP~ III U it o I " 8 III " ~ III CII ::> f ~ c III CII ~ i III .. .J' ..\ -., On the day of in the yoar bcfon: mc:. the: uadetsignod. pctIOIUIIly appeared pctSOI1lIIly I<nown to me or pro\"" to me on Ihc bo<is of slllisfacrory ..idc:nce to be the individuul(s) whose n:une(s) is (...,1 !IIIb!cc:nbed to the wilhin illllllUmcnl and adcnowledgod 10 me thuI helshelthey executed the s:unc in hillIherIdu:ir eopscily(ic:s~ and that by hisllu:rltbcir siJlllllllll'O{sl on the il\5D"Umen~ the individulll(s~ or the penon upon behalf or which the indi\idoalls) Dl.1lXL elecured Ihc instnunenL ACIiA'OWI.l1OOMRJ\T FOItM FOIl USIl OUIsJDBNf.w YOIIA' STAT/iO,Yl Y: /OoI.,,-...F...r." G....""~ fi!;;;:i--~T" ,S~tllA(A~,~"Mty"~(Nc,~,~~,"~ (C"""'N \'ltlUfr with SIIIlI. C"""",, Pnwilltr dr MlIIIldp.di", On die II day of November in the year 2005 beforo me, the UDdenrigned. pcn;onally appeared John R. Daly , pcn;onaIly knoWiIto me ... JI'"O'-.d to me on the basis of satisflu:rmy evidence to be the individual(s)""""" name(s) is (are) subscribed 10 the wilh~ insllUlllelll and acknowledged to me that hdsheItbey ........11<1 the some ~ hislbcdlheir copat:ity(ics). that by hislht:d their signalUll:(s) on the instrumcnL the indi.idual(s~ or the penlon upon bebalf of which the individuaJ(slllClCd, exc:cuted the illlllJUmen/. and that such individual mode such 0""""","",, before the undetsigm:d in the (I,..." tItt city ur MM, poIillcrJ/ .ubdilJisWn alld rIu! Jlme Or<'OUlIlry ur MM' piaN! rIu! IJClw>wltdgm.N .....1IlknI~ DIS7RICf 1000 SECTION 128.00 BLOCK 04.00 RECORDED AT RIiQUf:.lTQf" t'ldellly N.tlo..... TWe blllllJ'llllce CompIlJI)' of New Vork RF./VRN BY MAlU-o Catherine E. Miller, Esq. Spada Ardam Slbener & Miller, PC 64 Smlthtown Blvd. Smltbtown, NY 11787 .. .-- . '1 21 L./ Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Cenificute ;~ Prior C1f. # RECORDEII 2005 llee 1708.15,44 rn Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOlK COUNTY L ??oo12426 P 079 IITI 05-19756 . Dee,j. Mongage InslrUment Deed , Mongag~ Tu Stamp Rccordinj,! , Filing Stamps I J:J:= FEES Page' Filillg Ft.", Handling 5. ..!XL TP-584 Notation EA-5217 (County) Sub Total EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. ,?;D- Comm. of Ed. S. ..Q!L Affidavit . I Cenified Copy R~g. Copy Sub Tota.l Otller Grund Totul t~~' ~DistriclI1000 Sectinn 128.00 Block 04.00 Lot Real Propeny 05042822 1000 1:2800 0400 010000 Tax Service, Agency Verification 010.000 5 ~ractiOnIDis~harg~JRc1e-a.~ Li~; Pr~~ny Owners Mailin~ Address ...:J UN'" RECORD & RETURN TO: Catberlne E. Miller, Esq. Spada Ardam Sibener & Miller, PC 64 Smitbtown Blvd. Smithtown. NY 11787 Mongage AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub 1'01:11 Spec. , Assit. or Spec. J Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointme~ Transfer Tax ~ , Mansion Tax The propeny covered by this motgage is or will be improved by a one or tWO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax cluuse on page # of tIlis instrument. Communlt Preservation Fund Considrration Amount S CPF Tax Due S Improved Vacant Land TO TO TO 7 TIde Company Information Co. Nume Inuaeoastal Abstract Title # WI-05-1:zJ8MWS TIutTolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 'Ibis page forms part of t1ie auuched 0 Ba'l8ln & Sale Deed wltb Covenant (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) John R. J)~1y a!ld Maurll Eo Oal)' made by: The premisis herein is situated in TO SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of Southold In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Laurel BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK iNK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG Cover) Mllura E. Dilly 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD Number ,:)f Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0130782 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05..19756 Recorded: At: 12/17/2005 08:15:44 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012426 079 Distric'~ : 1000 Section: 128.00 EXAMINED AND $0.00 Block: 04.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 010.000 FOLLOWS Deed Aml:)unt: Receive.! the Following Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/F:Lling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.0Il NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.0Cl NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transf"r tax $0.00 NO Ccmm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 TRANSFBR TAX NtlMBBR: 05-19756 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P. Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County -- t.;;;. .....- .. FOR COUN"lY USE ONLY Cl. SWII~ Cod. ,* STATE Of NEW YOIUI. STATE 10_ Of REAL PROPEJllY _ICES RP - 5217 .P.~17"""" PROPERTY INFOR',ATION I.Pr_L 1:30 Loa1ion !o........, NUMll'1II L SOOl'HOLD ClIY(Jft lOW,. BIRCH DRl'VE srom ........: 'UIM" 1 LAUREl" 'WOOl 1l9<'8 ".""" 2. Suyer L DALY NIIm. L..STNAMl'/COMM.... 1 MADRA E, J.tII.I........ L lAST NAY", COMPA'll'" "IIlIil ~...w. 3. Tn Inlfic:ata whcfe fucuI'D Tu Bils.... ID bD IIInI. DA Billing if olhor Win buYtr IddRlll fll. botlom of bml L L Y ~ I.ASI hW&./CCM"AfrIl' L PO nox =c.1 1 LAUREL > S;lC:tl NUIIIIJ:IIIA"CI..nu:.r......: CI.yc;..lIOW.., 1 MAURA E. ..ra..INAMII 4, 1ndIc;at. the nurnbw of AauamMt Roll p.....lillru........ on tM dHd 1 J * 01 1'11...1. ORD 1 ~ 1 119<'8 lAl11 .lI...ax. (Only I _ ora ,_ Ch... .. ..... -'" P_rt of _ P_n:eI .fA. Planning &o.d with $ubdivieion Aumority E~ 4B. SlDtivision ApcwCMI_ RMluirld for Tranller I. C Pan:aI Appravod tor SubdlYislon with Map Pravldod o o o 5. Dood I. 55 S~rty >~'\I1Hcir: oz. I X 1 n l>>"H .1 OR 1 '.v:..,.' . I. _ Nom. l DALY JOHN R. IASfNAMP/CO~~ fins- '\loW[ l DATN MAURA E. IAfTNoIIIP/COMM."-' rlRST..wc: 7, a.cIr. tM lbu "low which' most aocurmly dftCrtaa.l1 thlI .... of IM"...rty .. .... time of ... A~ On, F.mlly Residential H 2 or 3 Flmlly Raidunli..1 C Ru.doNial VDGlJnt land rJ NOll-RlSidenlial V&lnt LRnd I SALE INFORMATION I 11. ....COA1rMt lid. F. ~ AgricuhuraJ F CummorGitll (j Apartmanr H Entllrtllnm'nt I Amusement I ~ CommuniIV' SerylCO J Indulllrial It.: Public: Sarvia I. Fore.. ~"'bo__"__1or- I. Own_hip Typo is Condonlln1UIn .. New Corwtruetion on VlCl8l'lt LancI 1. Property L~ wilhln.n AgricuIMII Olwld 'IB. Buvor rucelvod . dla:losurv nuII~ ilKkatlng thIIt Iho ~ Ia in an ~ricuiturRl Disrricl o o o o -... I Oar I YR- 1&. CIIICk ~... ...... at __ GDnCIIIIana _ ~- .. III ~ A S111e BetwMn RelMivM Of Former ReIMlY81 II Sala &.IwHn a.lahld Comparrltl 01 Partne... In Busin.. C X One of the Bu.,.... I. 11110 . Soller D Buyar eM' Sillier Is Gnv.rN1HH1t Agency or Lending Iftl'titutian r:. DMd Ton- not Warranty ar ~ .nd Sale (Specify BeIowI f &ilIa of Frac:lional or ~. than Fa Iota,.. ISpeclfy Below) o S1gnRlcant Chanu- In Property BItWtreIn T..... SUt~ .nd Salo 0- o H Sale of BUlin... illncludod in SIIe Price I 011.... UnUlual FICtOrS Affection ~ID Pric:o tSpaclfy Belowt J Nan_ 12. D-. of Sills I Tr.MhiI' ~~ -0- ~O.OI , , . <<Full ~ Price iI the tOlDI wnDUnt IP- fnr th. properlY including psrsonal property. This prf'lrMII1t may bo In tho form of c:uh. ccher prapsny or gooda. or rN ...umpClon of mortgayos (Ir othl'f' obiigalions.l PIMA round to rM MIl"" ~. dol"" ,maunt, - I OJ 1 Vow 13. FuU SU IIlrIM L 1., ........... ......01........1 I . .. I 0 I property II..... In 1M .... . I ASSESSMENT' INFORMATION - 0euI Ihould _. Ill. tllOll Flnll_1IIlI Roll Ind TI. BUI ,.. v... '" AI'--....,.. RoM hIn I O~ - .........-- . / --- 17. T.... _ V_IeI"........1o _I I ; ; 1.. PnIperty .(111_ I 2EjO. 1-l..!.J II. ......._ _ I .!'73889 2Q. T.. .... .lIHtIII-cI. I RoIldenlln.tsl (If men 'INn ":tUr. MIl.. ... with acIcIItIouIldsntIIIsI1.U 1 OQCI-128.. OO-CY:.. 00-010. 000 I I CERTlFICATlONl I ..rtly .... oD or.11o 1-. of .........._ ....nod ... IhIlo G.... on' Inlt .... _1110 .... bail '" my _....... ... ~ IlDd I .........nd thUl .... ......... ~=.~L-.~..;l:;::-.~::-.:;;..~::- ."""'......T."' ~ . ~ _.... ....,_ 150 BIRCH DRTVE SOUi'H !o~1!'1!T NU"'" .TN:LrNAM[INIL.....~1 6:?1 ........ :>60-7800 TtLtI'IIClNIr."''Iola1l T.J>;UREL NY 1 J 9118 c;v 011 TOflIN flTA.. ........ ~ . - - .' :16/tr- NEW YORK STATE COPY '-:> ;;'.~' ". ,'. ~ ". .,; , . 'H. A;'':'' ....w 1.......... ~.,....". . ",' .'b.'. ......\ '. ..... . _.. ....