HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12471 P 39 " " . Lt }L! -;1 pc) cl District 1000 section 128 Block 04 Lot 022.001 022.002 . 12~ - L/ - 2 :Z 2 FN'ln KOn.2. fQ/IJI)) - .zU'-1 _ HprJUln IIftIJ SlIle ~"CII. with Cuvaumtlll ..,wlllll Gruntor'~ ActI-lndi\l'iduw UI" Cc.U'parluwn. (sinlk' .hccn _LT YOUII LAW'IIIII_II_ nue.U1r"-oor - TNleIIl8l'IIU_IllDULIJ.. _IIY LAW'IIIIIe DIlLY. THISINDENTURE.madelhe d.-a"J dayor A.~~".t xwW 2005 Bl-;TWl-;l-:N TERRENCE M. SULLIVA.~ and SANDRA r.;. SUr,LIVJ.\N, his wife, both residing at 4452 peconie Bay Blvd., r;aurel, New York J.J.948 puny (If the Ii.., pun. and ~ERRENCE M. SULLIVAN and SANDRA G. SULLIVAN, as Tenants in Common both residing at 4452 peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel, New York 11948 p4r\y of the second pari. WITNESSETH. that the puny of the lirst pun. in eon,idel"~'ion of ten dnllars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of Ihe o;ceond purl. doe, hcn:by granl und rcle.... unto the puny of the ..cond purl, the hei.. or SlICCC.1IOIS and ,"Wl!.' 'VhH.~rty of I~ second pun fo,,:ver.. , . , . . I\t't;-I~at <'enaID 1'10(. pIece ," pun:el of land. Wllh the buddlDllS and Improvements thereon erccIL-d. ""uate, IYlDg and heing ixllll: at Laurel. Town of South old. County of Suffolk and State of New York. more particularly bounded and described IllI follows: BEGINNING at a monument set at the intersection oCthc southeasterly line ol"Peconic Bay I Boulevard with the cWiterly line of thc land now or formerly of Robert A. Potdevin, and which monument is the following course and distance from a monument set at the intersection ofthe I northwesterly line of Peconie Bay Boulevard with the easterly line of Delmar Drive; (I) North 39 degrt:l:s 13 minutes 25 ~-conds East 477.84 feet across Peeonie Bay Boulevard and running thence from said point of beginning: North 32 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds East along the southelL~terly line of Peeonie Bay Boulcvard 108.08 feet to a monument and land now or fomlcrly of L. P1I.-chavicius. fonnerly of Fn:derick Russell; RUNNING THENCE Soulh 14 degrees 51) minutes 20 seconds East along the llmd now or fomlcrly ofL. Pleehavieius 250.00 feet to a monumcnt and land of Norma Goodwin and Raymond T. Goodwin; I THE~CE South 75 degrees 00 minutes 40 sl.'Conds West along the land of' Nonna and Raymond T. i Goodwin 80.52 fcct to a monument and land nOlWor fomlerly of Robert A. Potdcvin; THENCE North 14 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds West along the land now or fomlerly of Robert A. Potdevin 177.54 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. The above described parcel of land is eonvcyed subject to a right-ol~way over the Icllowing described parcel of land: " CONTINUED ON RIDER annexed hereto and made a part hereof. TOGETHER wilh all ri~hl, tille and i.lleresl. if any. or the party of Ihe lirsl part, in and 10 any SIr....ls and roads ahulling the ubove-deseribed premi.es 10 the celller lines Ihereor; TOGEl'H~R with the appurtenllnces and allthe eslale and rights "nhe party or the 1i"sI part in and 10 .aid premi""s: TO HAVEANDTO HOLD the premi.e, herein grall~U:u~IO"lhe pany ur Ihe ...-.:ond pgn:'the hei.. or suceesso.. and assign. or Ihe parry or Ihe seeolld purl rorever. (...... .;\ , . I ':-'.-' '. ~. _ ,~ ,1l," . . .. AND ,he p,!lrly'.ul J~. ~~.~:Ln ~\~~.nunls Ihatlhe pany ollhe rl"'parl ha. nul dune or suffered anylhlllg wherehy Ihe 5uid prcmhr.clIo hav&: been encumbered in any way wtuue\'er. exccpl m. uforc!\uid. AND the party of Ihe fi"lparl. in compliallee with Seelion 13 of the Lien I.aw. covenants thai Ihe I",rty of the (irsl pun will receive the eonsideralion for this conveyance alld will hold lhe right 10 receive such eon.ider- alion as a Iru.t rund to he applied firs' for the purpose of payin!! Ihe eust 01" the improvemenl and willllpply Ihe same finll 10 the puyml:nl of Ihe emit or the improvement heforc using any part (If Ihe IOlnl ur the same fur any ulhe:r purpn....c. The wurc.l '.party- ~hul1 he cURslrued u" if il read "punics" whcm:vcr the ~nM: uf this indcR1ure su rCf.luin:s. ..," IN. WITNESS WHERl-:OF.lhe pany of the Ii.., pun has duly execuled Ihi. deed Ihe duy und yea,' li"st ..hovc wrlllen. _______ a "'/ . . IN.H','hse",,>: ~ q J~ Terrence M. Sullivan S~~ ., , RIDER to Deed between TERRE:-lCE M. Sl,;LLlV AN and SANDRA G. SULLlV A:-l, his wile, and TERRENCE M. SULLlV AN and SANDRA G. SULLIVAN, as Tenanls in Common. Premiscs siluate at Laurel, Town of South old, Counly orSulTolk and State of New York BEGI~NI"G allhe monumenl allhe northeast comer of the above described parcel ofland wId running thence from said point ofbeginning. Soulh 14 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds East along the land now or formerly of L. Pleehavicius 250.00 fect to a monumenl and land now or formerly of ~orma and Raymond T. Goodwin: THENCE South 75 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds West along the land of Norma Goodwin and Raymond T. Goodwin 15.0 feel 10 a point; THENCE North 14 degrees 59 minutes 20 s~'Conds Weslthrough the above described parcel ofland 236.44 fect to a point in the southeasterly line of Peeonie Bay Boulevard; THEtl:CE ~orth 32 degr~'Cs 54 minules 20 seconds E,L~t along the southeaslerly line of Peconic Boy Boulevard, 20.22 feet to Ihe point or plaec of BEGINNING. ' BEING and intended 10 bc the same premises conveyed to Terrence M. Sullivan and Sandm G. Sullivan, his wife. by Deed dated October 27. 1993 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Olliee November ]2.1993 in Libel' 11651 ntpage 815. PARCEL II ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel ofland, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, siluate. lying and being al Laurel. Town of Southo]d, County of Sunblk and Slole of New York. more particularly bounded and described lIS tallows: BEGltl:l'ING at a monument set on the easterly line of the land now or fornlerly of Robert A. Potdevin. and which monument is the following courses and distanecs'from a monument set at the intersection of Ihe northwesterly I ine or Peconie Bay Boulevard wit~ the easterly line of Delmar D~ : (I) North 39 degrees 13 minutc:s 25 seconds East 477.84 feet across Peconie Bay Boulevard; {2) South 14 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds East 177.54 feet along the land now or fornlerly of . Robert A. Potdevin; . . . '. RUNNI:-.IG THE~CE from said 'point of beginning, North 75 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds East along land now or fornlerly or Raymond T. Goodwin and Karen Golden'SO.52 feet to a monument and land now or 'form'erly of L. Plechavieius. fornlerly of Frederick Russcll; ", . THENCE South 14 deg~'S 59 minules 20 seconds East along the land now or formerly of L. Plechavicius 309.55 fect to the high water mark of Peconie Bay; THENCE Southwesterly along the high water mark of I'econic Bay 10 the land now or formerly of Robert A. Potdevin, a tic-line along said high water mark having a bearing and distance of South 31 degrees 28 minutes 20 seconds West 111.75 feet; THENCE tl:orth 14 degrees 53 minute~ 00 seeond~ West along the land now or formerly of Robert A. Potdevin 386.29 feet to the point or place ofBEGINNll\G. TOGETHER with a right-uf-way over the land now or formerly of Raynlond T. Goodwin and Karen Golden described as follows: BEGI:-.1NING althe northeast comer ofIand now ur formerly of Raymond T. Goodwin and Karen Golden; . RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning, South ]4 degrees 59 minules 20 seconds East along the land now or formerly of L. PI~'ChnviciWl250.00 fcct to a monumenl atlhe northeasl comer of the aho\'\: described parcel of land; THENCE South 75 degrees 00 minutcs 40 seconds West alung the northerly line of the above described parcel ofIand 15.0 ti.'Ct to a point: THENCE North 14 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds West through the land now or fornlerly of Raymund T. Goodwin and Karen Golden 236.44 feet to 11 point in the southeaslerly line of I'econie Bay Boulevard; i~ . . THEl'CE North 32 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds East along the southeasterly line of Pcconic Bay Boulevard. 20.22 fect to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING and intended to be the samc premises conveyed to Terrence M. Sullivan and Sandra G. Sullivan. his wife. by Dced dated October 27, 1993 and recorded in thc Suffolk County Clerk's Office Novcmber 12.1993 in Libcr 11651 pagc 816. /"~ /' /" ; ; ; .I J , ! . Acknowtedgemenlleken In New York SIlIIe Stale of NBW York, County 01 Suffolk Acknawllldgemen1 leIl8n In New York Stele , ss: Slata of New York, County of .88: On the 'J,.. '\....Iday of ~ ~ . in the yeal2 0 0 5, before me, the undersigned, per~all\..';PPeared Terrence M. Sullivan and Sandra G. Sullivan peraonelly known to me or proved 10 me on the l1asla 01 BBllalaClOry evidence to be tha IndMdual(a) whose namela) 18 (ere) subscribed to the within InBlrument and acknowladgad to me thaI he/ahe/they execuled the same In hlBlhernhelr capaclty(las), and thaI by hialher/thelr algnature(a) on the inBtrumenl. the Indlvldua~a) or the person upon behalf of whiCh the Indlvldual(s) acted, executed the I~atrument. . ~o-~ GEOFFREY J, O'CONNOR Notary Publlo 811m1 01 New YaIIc No. 112-41180780 Qualllled In Suffolk County 0 '- CommIIIlon ExpII8l January 2, all_ Acknowledgement by Subscribing W11nB8e lBk8n In New York Stele . before me, On the day 01 , In tha year the undersigned. personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basla 01 sallslectory evidence to be the IndlvlduBI(a) whose name(a) la (are) aubBcrlbed to the w~hln Instrument and scknow1edged to me that helahBlthey executed the aame In hlBlherlthelr capaclty(iea). and that by hlBlherlthelr algneture(a) on the InBtrument, the Individual(a) or the person upon bBhBlI 01 which !he Indlvlduel(a) ~. executed the InatrumenL Acknawllldgement lBk8n outside New York SIBle Stale 01 New Vorlc. County of , ss: . State of . County ot . ss: . (or Insart Diatrict of Columbia. Territory, Possesaion or Foreign Country) . before me. On the day of , In the year the underalgned. personally appeared the subscribing wIIneaa to the foregotng Instrument, with whom I am personally acquBlnted. who being by me duly aworn, did depose and aay, that helshellltey rsslde(s) In that helshelthay know(a) 10 be the Individual described in and who IIlIlIcutad the foregoing InBtrumenl: thet aald subscrIbing witness was present and aaw sald execute the same; and that Bald wltneaa at the aame time . subscribed hlSl11erllhelr name(s) aa a wIlnBBa.thereto. Tille No.: TERRENCE M. SULLIVAN and SANDRA G. SULLIVAN, his wife, TO TERRENCE M. SULLIVAN and SANDRA G. SULLIVAN, as Tenants in Common Ii I .Distrlbuted bY. . Chicago 'ntle In~uraDl'e Company " II I ~ a: l!i m ~ a ~ i a: .,.......;::..... On the day 01 . In the year the undersigned, peraonally appeared , before me, peraonally known to me or proved to me on the baala 01 aatisfactory evidence to be the Indlvlduel(a) whoae name(a) la (are) aubscribed to the within Inatrument and acknowledged to ma that he/ahe/they executed the aame In hlBlher/thelr capaclty(les), that by hla/herlthelr algneture(a) on the InBlrument, the IndMdUBI(a) or the peraon upon beh811 01 whICh the Indlvldual(a) acted. ellllCUted the instrument. and that such individual made such appearance befors the undersigned In the (add the city or pollllcal subdlvlBlon and the state or country or other place the acknowledgement was taken). SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RI!lVRN BY MAIL TO: Geoffrey J. O'Connor 46 Main Street Southampton, NY 11968 Zip No. . I~ 2 J . Serial # RECORDED 2006 Sep 25 03: 34: 35 PI1 Judith A. Pascale CLERK OF SUFFOlK COUNTY L 000012471 p 039 Drl 06-06953 Number of pages TORRENS Cenifieate N Prior elf. N l)COd / Mor1l!Bge Instrument Deed / Mortpae Tax Stamp FEES Recording / Filing Swnps 4 NOlation IS .- S .- S c: Mongage AmI. I'age/ Filing Fee Handling '1'1'-584 I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tu. Sub Total R.P.T.SA S -===-- Sob Total ~ ...:::::. ~SO ro.. EA-52 17 (County) Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other Sob Total SpecJAssi!. Or Spec. / Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionment _ Transfer Ta. -=-0'- Mansion Tax The property covered by this 1lI0nJ!lllle is or will be improved by a one or two fum ily dwelling only. YES orNO If NO. see appropriale lax c1au.e on page # _ of this inSlrumenl. HA-5217 (Slate) Comrn. of Ed. Aflidavil SQ2- GRAND TOTAL 1 12800 12800 Lot 022001 022002 Consideration Amount $- - 5 Stamp CI"I' Tax Due S Dote I "lproved Initials 7 SalisfaetionslDiscllii-geslRelcaseS List"Property Owners Mailing Mdi"es. RF:CORD" RETURN TO: GEOFFREY J. O'CONNOR 46 Main Street Southampton. New York 11968 Vacant Land TO -.JO 1'1) TO 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Title # - 9 Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fomlS port llrthe attached Deed (SPEaFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: TERRENCE M. SULLIVAN and SANDRA G. SULLIVAN. his wife The premises herein is silualed in SUFFOLK COUNW. NEW YORK. SULLIVAN, as Tenants in common In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Southo1d TO TERRENCE M. SULLIVAN and SANDRA G. Laurel IIOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE WI'ED OR l'IUNfED IN BLACK INK ONLY I'JUOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUP POLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICB RBCORDING PAGE Type of Inatrumentl DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages I 5 Receipt NUmber I 06-0093794 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBERI 06-06953 Recorded I Atl 09/25/2006 03134135 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012471 039 Deed Amountl Sect:l.ODI 12B.00 BXAlaHBD AND $0.00 Blockl 04.00 CHARGBD AS Loti 022.002 D:l.atrictl 1000 I'OLLOWS Received the Po 1 lowing I'eea Par Above Inatrument ....."""III't Bxempt Page/Piling $15.00 HO . KaDdling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 HO IlA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STAT&: $75.00 NO TP-5B4 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $50.00 HO SCTII $0.00 NO Tr"8Dsfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pre. $0.00 NO Peea Paid $175.00 TRANS PER TAX NUMBBRI 06-06953 THIS PAG&: IS A PART 01' TBB: INSTR"DMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hltp:/I WWW.orps.state.ny.u8 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY , I r'\ ""::2 ~q REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CI. SWIS Cod. ~ STATE OF NEW YORK C2. Dele DMd _ ~ I?J.. <; ~ I STATE 80ARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 .....5;11'......,., a._ PROPERTY INFORMATION ,. ~~ I 4452 "-~I ITIlUT NUIIIIII I Peconic Bav Blvd. ........- z. au... Nam. ~9r~pf Southold a.v.~~ Laurel -- 111948 """"'" Terrence M. "T~ Sullivan LAIT NAIll! I COMPANY Sandra G. -- 3. T.. IncIcaIe.... fUlln T.. PI...lO belllf'll I ..... If ""'or"'" buyor oddr_Ial_" farm) -- LASTNMIII/ClJlllrATf folllSIMNIIf. ITI'UT....... AND lnuT...... a1Y~11JIIIN STAT! ~.""'" 5.::::...., Ilq!tLftlxI559.55 ftoRl Biz. DlPfN .~. . IONy ..... .. . -. CII.... u Ihoy oppIy: rIA. Planning Board wldt. SubdNlsion Authorily ellills 0 ..._~__forTr..,,", 0 c. _~r."Su_wiIh MopP_ 0 4._"''''-''''_ I RalI,.,-_ 011..._ .').. I . of P....1o OR D Port 01 . P....I .. ....- Nam. !ulli van T .....1 toMPAHY Terrence M. ,-- !1'JJ;la~ ~=/~r1J c:. 13. FuII..,rIce , ,,0 ,0,0 I , , . (Full Sale PrieI illhe toral amount paid for th8 property Including pllIOnII PfGptrty. This plymom may be in IhI form 01 cnt'I. auw propeny or goods. or the ...mptJon at' mortu... Of other obUglCions..J "- IOU"" hi' 1M,...,.,,""" rIoIIM oMJGUnt _...__.lh.,_1y: .. ewnerlhlp Type it Condominium F. ~ Agricultural I ~ Community ServiCII 9. New ConII1ucx1on on Vaeln. Und F Cammorclll J IndUltrilI 'lOA. Propeny LocIted wilhin In AgrlculNral Dlltrlct. o Ape""",,,' K PullIIcSO...... _..,.,.-.__1ocicalIng H Enlilftllinment' ArnUMrMnt L For..t thIt the praperty Is In an Agrlcullural DImIcI: 11. a.- _ or mont 011.... CIDIIdIdana _ "'ppU ......... to--.lw; Sale Between Rel__ or Former RIIMivoI s.Ie ~ ReJIbId Compenlet or P..-tnerI in B..l~ One of ilia ....... 10 _ . SOIIoo Buyer or SellGr i. Goverrwnent Agency or L8IlI:lng InIIltudan Dud T_ ... W....... DI IIorgoin end S.1o ISpodfy _I .... 01_'" DI Lou.... F. 1_ (Spocily_ Slgnlllollnl CII_1n _ __ T...... SllIIua.... Solo O. Sale 01 BuUneu ..Included in s.Ie Price 0Ih0t U.......I F...... _. Solo Prica ISpoc;fy lIoIowI No.. .. ~&..~.. /0. \.-+:~-"" .,......cr'k.'l!.- o o o o 7. Chec* Ihe box below which mosl __, ........... .e of tile property II .. '11m_ at ....: A~ OnoF__1 R 2 or 3 FemUr Resldlnliel C _ Y..... Lend D Noo-_ V..... Lend , 5AllINFORMATION l 11. .... ConIrIlCl D... 12. Dele of ....I Tflln.... o'i" 1 """'1 oS- I Manln _ V.. r----r----r'O'5-' YDIllIt Der v... 14.._...._01_ I ,0,0,0 I --....- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. D... _lei ..nOClthe ...... Final 'Ia.......... Roll 100 Till alii 'I. :""'..=-...": I..... I 0 ,4 I 17. Toto' _ V"" 101" ,.,- . _II ; ; 1 1 . 3 0 .0 I ; . 11.__ I 2 , 1, 0 l-LJ 'I. 8chool_ Name /CBK:l Mattituck ZI. Tu....._/Rolld..._colI8___._____1 1000 - 128 - 04 - 022.001 1000 - 128 - 04 - 022T002 I I CERTIFICATION I 1..nIlJ I/Iot.. of Il1o ....... of _............II1II r_ ""' true .... nHftd no Il1o ..... of IllY -.... ODd boIioIlODd I __ the _ill.. """'" wIII'uI......-~ .... ............_....... ........,_..w ........... ...100 _.... -......ll1llkIn<< "'l1li...11___ !!.!!m BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~Gl ?It J')~ i/~J/)s Te~~~waM. Sullivan ~q ~ :r-q~ 0' r Geo~ J. dd~7 IP~~nni~ Bav Blvd. ITllHTNUMIf_ Inu.TNA..:~1ALD 631 _. COOl 287-4567 ---. Laurel NY 11948 ""'...""'" "'''1' .""'" SEUER NEW YORK STATE ---- ?JffJ~1 COpy /~~ I/z)/DS ...... -- Sullivan .... Terrence M.