HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12374 P 15 W'CR.; Re\'.~ (.~;r,'rm~k.) ':J~' / L)d.-.31'f fo(\,' lis: 1000 ;ec: 128.00 ;1 ock: 04.00 .ot: 025.000 lei- g--lf - ~ <.) 51.1UI.,d N. Y. B.T. u. FOIltll1OO2 . -1.11...... ..1\1I s... DeN. _. ~..nl 'piAU C.M...', ACII_Indi\"hl..&I nr CoapollcioII C.iftllllbn~) , y~ 1 ,~n"'J _, _ LAWYU ___11_ 1IIII"'_-lH.___IIlOULD _... _,,iAWYI" _,. , ~ 'I1IIS D1DDnURI, made the 26th clay of January , in Ibe year 2005 ~ Joan Crosson (as to 60X). Kevin G. O'Rourke (as to lOX). Kathleen A. O'Rourke (as to lOX), residing at 4080 Peconic 8ay Blvd., Laurel, NY 11948 and Helen Mary E. Crosson (as to 20X) residing at 200 Lexington Avenue, Oyster Bay, NY 11771, all as tenants in common . porty of the ,.... put, uul Joan Crosson, Kevin G. O'Rourke. Kathleen A. ,O'Rourke, Bay Blvd., Laurel NY 11948 and Helen Mary E. Crosson, Avenue, Oyster Bay, NY 11771. as joint tenants survivorship porly of the seamd put, wrrNIIIIEI1f.that the parly of the lint..rt, In coalideratioo of Ten Dollan and other ....uable CDIIIideration paid by the party 01 the _d part, does &amy Brant aad r.1ease unID lhe parly of the _d pari, the heir. or ._ and aui.... of the party of the Ri:oDd part forever, AU. tbat certain Jl!ot, piece or pan:eI of Iud, with the buildinp and Im...u._ta thereaa orccted, aitaate, IJiDland bel. lathe Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, Ste of New York, bounded and described as follo~s in Schedule A annexed hereto and made a part hereof residing at 4080 Peconic residing. at 200 Lexington with ri ght of ....' Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first pari .1 by deed dated A\lgust 7, 1998 and recorded September 2, '1998 in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk in Liber/Reel 11914 at Page. 925. This deed interxled soley 1D caWert a t.lI1n:y in lDIIIDI1D joint telin:y with right of survi vorshi p. . , . . TOGETH~I{ with all rieht, t!tl. and i'!wOI" il any, of lhe pony of the fint part in and ID allY .t...... and mad. abulllDll the abo... descnbed premIses to the center line. thereol: TOGETHER with the appurl~1 .IId an Ih., .'lal~ and nll,ht. ,of the party of the fir.t part in &ad to aid premi...: TO IIA VE AND TO HOLD th. prenuleS herem Ilranted unto the party of the aecond part, the hein or 'V"I:a1orS and.auiCU 01 the ,>arly 01 lhe ..rond pari forever. ' ,: .,' ~,; I I ..-.... . Ii.. .; I~ C.:JL\I....:I;."~UU ~.1. :1:7.: 'i~.I''''7~' .~.~-t' C-.... '~.: . :. ' AND the ~f~;~I.t1~;.~~.t pa~~~'~....~. that t"!' party of the ~rot part bu.not d';'" 9;'~u'fj~~ed anythinll whereby \1Je,sa,d rrem.... !'&~. !!Hn eiii:l!mbered. an any way whit....r, eiu:ept a. a1tiresaid. AND th. ""rty.o , the: firat, pori: ,!, eom,Pliance w!lh Seetion 13 oIth. I.ien Law, eovenanl. that the party o' th. ~ral pori WII\ ....,.. the con..iderabon lor thi. conveyance and will ,hold lhe richl to .......i.. .ueh con.id- c",tlon .. a I,:,,'t fund 10 be applied fint for the ,..r...... 01 payinll the .co.t 01 the imfro_nl and will apply the sam. first to th. pal'mont 01 the COlt 01 the Improvement belor. WIne any 'lOrI 0 lhe total of the same lor any oth.r pur....... nit word """rty" sholl b. construed as if il l-ead ..porli.... whenever Ih. sen.. 01 thl. indenture 10 requires. IN. wrrNESS WHEREOF, the parly of the lirll part has duly executed this deed the day aad y.ar first above wrlllen. . ~ ,..... Ix PIES,XC", OF: ~ 4. ,., r ~ C/JOan rosson &~r41ii-- 4- Kevin G. Rour e I aD K I' I . STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ILl COUNTVOF 5UFFOllt . STATE OF NEW YORK) r:.l.L..J )~. COUNTY OrJ ...".,.--- . On lb. ?6da~ .~ _'n Ih.LA ~hororo m..lh. undenipod, lIy. mI kif. 'IA<<~,I),~:;"dJ.~~ _oily known to me or pro,'ed 10 me on th. boolS Or"'il~"'~ evidoocc to ho the incliYidu.III) wbole nomel"'," (orclsubscribed 10 tb. wilhin inltrulllOllt .nd ocknowledSed 10 me ,hat holsholtb.y ..eculed lbe..... ill hislhorllbelr c:opocity(iesl. 0IId dUll by hislhcrllh.ir 1Ii.-...c.1 on tho inllnlmeal, . iYiduol(ll. or th. penon upOn hobolr or which th. IndiYi (I).eI, .<cuted tho .inlllUmelll. On."" 26 doy or Ja=~ho _ 2005hor... me, the lIIldenignod, penonoIly ~ -. -c"'wn; 14.>/~ to. OtL<//Of.. _nolly known to me or proved to me on the booiJ .rllliJlKtory evidence to belbe iodiYiduolC.) whooe 1lII1IO(.) ill CmllUbscribed to th. within Inmumcnl and odlIIowledpd to me lhal be10bellhey .....led the ...... in hislhcrllbeir C8JI'ICiIy(ieo), ond thol by hislberllheir oilPJllUle(.1 on tho inmumoar. the indivtduol(.), or tho pencm upon bebolrorwhii:h Ih7)*" exCCUled Ihc 'nmumem ~ Id' . 5 naD ., MlIIIIf .-1 No. 01'ZU48llOeOO ~ ~ . For .ck.onrIo!I.ID..III11....ISM-..::'~~ .. SI.1e, D1l1rfd oICOI........ TorrflOly. ~o....r F....... co..try aa om.. 0 IDdIYldu.llllkln. .rknowl "'.1 ArM.._. PAULETrE ZU 1'-"" &Ubl/c. Slale at ~ v..~ : au.,; O. 01ZU48508o(j ....11 Carntnii8fa':~!r' N.a.au Cau!IlY . .......... January 20.20.$ IlL: On Ihe _ doy of in tho yeot _ befbre me, Ibrlllldenipod. pcmmally apparcd _ ._. ... pmonolly known to me or proved 10 me on the booi. of IltiIl'lc1llry evldaM:e to be Ibc indiYiduolC.1 whose name(.) is (arollUbsaibed 10 Ihr within inmumoalllld ..knowledged hi me dill beIIhcIIbcy ex...lod Ihc ...... in hiolberllbeir ......ily(i..l. thai by bislhorllhcir Slgn.,ul"O(' I on th.IIIS\J1ImenI, the indiYiduol(.). or the _ upon behoJfofwhlch IhelndiYiduoll.1 iCled, executod Ihe inSlrumenl. und thOl such indiYidUlI mode oue.b opp..,..,.. before the UIIdeniped I. die _. _ . _ _.. __. __~ n_' IIn.rrllh. clly or olhor political subd,Yi.,.. ond th....1O or counlry or other plaoethe ..knowledS....1 woo I.ken). SIp.l1Ire .Dd om.. .r Indh1dul t.kl...ck..wltd...... .. FDr arka."ledpleDtI t.ken DUlllde ofNnr York scat~ JlalliII laIl "'t .tell WIfII CovENANT ACAINST GIAN101"S ACn TITU No. 437-5-29707 Joan Crosson, Kevin G. O'Rourke, Kathleen A. O'Rourke, and Helen Mary E. Crosson . TO Joan Crosson, Kevin G. O'Rourke, Kathlenn A. O'Rourke and Helen Mary E. Crosson SECTION 128 . 00 ILOCIC 4 .00 LOT 025.000 COIINTY 01 TOWN 5uffol k Rec:ucclld At. RoqueSl: of FIIIt "_1110 I........ O>Iopony 01 Now V""" ..YUaN ay MAIL TO: ITAIrIDAID ... Of ItIW ~ .... Of 11ft! UNIII__.... 11.......",., FirtJ' American Till, JIlltlra7lCl C.omptlllV of NI1/) lid ~ . Kevi n G. 0' Rourke 4080 Peconic Bay Blvd, laurel, NY 11948 Z1p1lo. " I I a I I I . I I. '... . .. ." :to - . .. "-' .;. TlTLEVEST AGENCY,. INC. a. agent for FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK SCHEDULE A (lJeBcrlptJon) TITLE NUMBER: 437-5-29707 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of 'and, with the bulldinga and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Laurel, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point at a concrete monument on the southeasterly side of Peconic Bay Boulevard distant 324.2 feetsouthwestarly from e stone monument marking the division line between land of Arthur Aten and land now or formerly of Frederick Russell; RUNNING THENCE along land of Arthur Aten south 15 degrees 04 minutes east 293.6 feet to a concrete monument and land now or formel1y of Thomas; RUNNING THENCE south 74 degrees 56 minutes _t79.91 feel along land of Thomas to a concrete monument and land now or formerly of Thoma. Rushmore; RUNNING THENCE nortli 15 degrees 10 minutes west 221.23 feet along said land of Thomas Rushmore to a concrete monument to the southeasterly side of Peconlc Bay Boulevard; RUNNING THENCE north 32 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds east 1 06.1 feet along the southeasterly side of Peconlc Bay Boulevard to the monument and place of BEGINNING. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: Said premises also known as 4060 Peconlc Bay Boulevard, Laurel, NY. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY, If Intended to be conveyed: Together with all rights, IiUe end Interest of, In and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises, to the center line thereof. . Schedula A (Description) Page 1 of 1 ~ " .:JlYJ5 CV>~Sl' H~5J!6 ~ ..... P. AGI.... Ct.IRK OF SUI'FQLK Ct)1.Jrn'( L. DOOO "'~3'Jlj P.()/~ ~T."r 0 ~- 30b39 Numhor of pages TORRENS Serial # Cc:ni ficate # . Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mongage InstrUment , Deed I Mongage Tax Slamp FEES Recording I Filing Stamps 3 Page I Filing Fee Handling 5. 00 10 Mongage AmI. I. B...ic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub Total Sp.:cJAssil. or TP-S84 Notalion EA-S2 11 (County) Suh Total EA-S211 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A. ",2 & - tl::2. Comm. of Ed. 5. J!!L Grand Total I ~;)... rA -" Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appojn~o _ TI".msfcr Tax Mansion TWl The propeny covered by this mongage is or will be improved by a one or lwo family dwelling only. YES ur NO If NO, see appropriate lax clause on page # of this instrUmenl. J -;1C1-0 Allidavit Ccnificd Copy NYS Sun:hn'llc Other 15. J!!L Sub Total Sectio~l)() Block t:J-tOcl S Co_wdty Prelenation Fund Consideration Amount $ ...0 ~ S ..... ()- 12800 0400 025000 CPF Tax Due Improved ,c. 6 SalisfaclionsIDischarges/RelealleS LiSI Property Owners Mailing AoIdre,s RECORD '" RETURN TO: Y~\I~1'J C-.. O'lPo"f~~ ~I 4D~D ~c.ONtC) &; BI'M ~*'N)\&-\ Ny l\qf( 7 Vacanl Land TO / /f1J1) TO TO Title Com an Information Suffolk Count Co. Name TIlle # & Endorsement Pa This page fomls pan of the attached Qrt')~~v ~.Ol-~ PE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: In the Thwnship of In the VILLAGE or HAMU:."'T of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR ALlNG. TO Q..f(')'?A"l,v I Otne f~ . The premises herein is siluato:d in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ~\ 'rl-"nrl\c.l " (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1I1111111111 1111111111111 SUPll'OLlt COtlNTY CLERIC RECORDS Oll'll'ICB RECORDING PAGB Type of In.trument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number : 05-0021561 TRANSll'ER TAX NUMBBR: 04-30639 Recorded. At. 02/28/2005 11151.54 AM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012374 015 District: 1000 See tion : Block. 128.00 04.00 BXAJaNED AlII) CHAJtGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 025.000 Deed Amount: Received the Po11owing Fees For Above Instrument Bx8lllpt Rv'""lpt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS BRCHG $15.00 NO BA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO TrllZ1sfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fee. Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR. 04-30639 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THB INSTRtlKBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County Cl. SWIS ~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM 'INSTRUCTIONS: http:// WW\I!I.orpll.state.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAl PROPERTY 'mANSFER REPORT ,* STAlE Of NEW WJlU( STAlE IIOARD OFIIl!AI. _,.__ FO~ COUNTY USE ONL V 1'1, 1, .3, (t, 6. '11 ./ CZ.o.teD__ I ~ /~.g IO~ I 0., Y_" CUoak I I, tR,.:3, 1.,'- IUPogel/), (S, PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 MNa17 In Jm 1'~1 4080 ~~ Sl.....'~ peconic Bay Blvd. .....- .. ...... ,..",. ~ J. Tax nIituI where fu&ure TIJL BiUlIIr8 10 bI tent I IIIIIIng '____.._or_. -.... I 4080 Peconic Bav Blvd. IoTllttT -.-R MD ITIIaT...... 4. I~,.. number .. A........... Rail ...... tnnIhrNd on the ...... LAr.' ..... , COYMIft' FIQT NNIt Laurel ""''"'- ..=... I Ixl 81z. HIOtlor..n .._ (j.i>S..s.Ch NIl.... L_T.....'~ O'It~ ..... lOR I . ..... . I NY. I 1194B STAn: lIPccm: 1lIoIv1_"'.__..__ 4A. A.,ning BNrd with Sl.Cdi.illb:. AuIhorIry ExIItI 0 ....CL~IIionAppnMl_.......IorT....... 0 Co PIralI Appmved lor SubdMllon wWI MIll PnMd.d 0 I . of ~ruII OR 0 Part of. Plircel I./IIT ...., CDMMJ,"Y 'J. a..- the boa....... whIah molII ......., ........ tIIII UN 01 the pI'OpII'ty d....... cI..r.: ^~ OnoF..m1y _., H 20l3F.mlly~ C AoIIdwlIl YlCMIlJtnd IJ Non-RllirMntlll V~ Land I SALJ; INFORMATION I 1', .... ComncI: DM:. E~ Ag.....Itw.. I ~ CommwnItv_ F Commuciol J ,_ G _ K N1k80ova H EnltlUilwneRt / AmUlOrnent L FOflll \ - I~.lo I C(J I Do., ,I. a.- _ at..... flI_ ........._ -....................-.r. 12. o.te of .... I Tr.....r 01 I 26 I 05 ManII 0., v_ ^ II C I> E I' G " I J -.......-.. -- BIle BItwMn ReIMId Compenia or PII1nerJ In Bullnou OlIo oIUle ...... 10 _ a SaIlor ........ _.. --'...... Loncing-- Dood r_... ~.. Bo'llllln and 8010 CSpac;/y_ 8010 or -... ar.... IbM .. _ CSpac;/y Solow! S...... Chonua In "'- -. r_1IIa SIM.. and _ lloloo Sill 0I1__.1ndudtd in ~ Price Other U......I F_. ~ 5010 Prica _1y_1 - . " 0.0.0 I , , . IFull Sa6t Priw il b cc:ua ImDUnI pIid far I" prGpIIty indudItIllI ,.,.onI1 ~rty'. Thil pIYfI'IIIftI mlY be In the form at alii. other ptOpIrty or IIOOdI. or 1M -.mpdon ", _....hcwobllgotlona.1 __.....____ ...==== I .'O~O, 0 I. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - IloIo ohauld rotIoot tho ,_ Fino' __n1 Roll and Tax Bill 11 FuU SIIe Price 1L V.. aI.&- .1IIM1IaI from I __Ilan_ I 11.r___earoll_In__, I ; ; /1) . f. &>:t:7 I , 'o. ......... _ I 2 .1 . 0 I-LJ 11. _ _ _ I SOU tho 1 d ....T......__oI/W_III_......'....._____, ~../n()c. ~1J:' oy I J:U.., 1"J.i> tf"("; l.-<'"' , CERTIFICATION I I ......,., .... oil '" UIe ....... '" laTannolluo ....nd an ..... rann .... InIt ... ........ 'Ia UIe bMI '" "'1 __ ... _... I _ .... ... -.... "'any -- ........."'_IlIct....... wIQ.....,.., ........ .._........"'...._.... _.. ...-.._..... "'__ BUYER BUYEJrS ATTORNEY -f~,~t7~ I I"ht"hr 0...'11: , .... - 4080 ......- Pcconic Bay Blvd. 11'II!ITNu. WTnIMW MIA Laurel ""''"'-- NY 11948 If~n ..CIClm. SELLER ~. &/2h /<. Zz~Ar NEW YORK STATE COPY