HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-12/07/1981 HENRY E. RAYNOR Jr,. Chairman
William F. Mullen, Jr.
Southold. N.Y. 11971
765 - 1938
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board was held at
7:30 p.m. Monday, December 7 , 1981 at the Town Hall, Main Road,
Southold, New York. Present were:
Chairman Henry E. Raynor, Jr.
Member G. Ritchie Latham, Jr.
Member William F. Mullen, Jr.
Member Bennett Orlowski, Jr.
The board discussed the proposed subdivision of William C. Bolenius,
located at Cutchogue. Abigail Wickham, acting attorney, requested in
her letter dated November 13, 1981 to separate 1.6 acres from a parcel
totaling 60.5 acres enabling the applicant to retain a portion for his
residence and sell the remaining farm land. Map dated March 11, 1981,
and amended October 15t 1981.
On motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was
RESOLVED that the map of William C. Bolenius, located at Cutchogue,
dated March 11, 1981, and amended October 15, 1981 be granted approval
to set-off, 106-13.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Latham, Mullen, Orlowski
The board discussed the proposed two lot minor subdivision of Chester
A. Mayer. It was the concensus of the board to have Mr. Rudolph Bruer,
acting attorney meet with them at the next meeting to discuss the ad-
jacent property owners, and any other principal that may be involved.
Mr. Raynor appointed Mr. Latham to field inspect this property and re-
port to the board at the next meeting.
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On motion made by Mr. Orlowski, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was
RESOLVED to ~rant a second and final 90 day extension for the ap-
proval of the subdivision entitled Golden ~iew Estates, with an
expiration date of January 15, 1982.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Latham, Mullen, Orlowski
The board discussed the proposed three lot minor subdivision of Reliable
Associate~, located at Mattituck (property of Joseph Yaboni and Myron
Hauptman). It was the concensus of the board that Mr. William J. Clark,
Esq. meet with them at the next meeting to discuss the proposed config-
urations and any future plans for the remainder of this property, as the
board does not understand the layout of this subdivision. The secretary
was instructed to send the ZBA correspondence stating such.
James W. Dawson minor subdivision After field inspecting this property
the board questioned whether the wooded area on lot ~4 was located on
the adjacent property. It was the concensus of the board to refer this
proposal to the Council Advisory Committee for their comments and recom-
mendations on the proposed layout.
Jon Kerbs/Lakowitz minor subdivision - At the request of the board, Mr.
Robert Tasker, Town Attorney met with the board to discuss this proposal.
Mr. Raynor informed Mr. Tasker that this subdivision had received approval
from the Department of Health and the ZBA had approved the four substandard
lots subject to Planning Board approval. Mr.- Tasker referred to his letter
dated November 12, 1981; once a variance has been granted, the lots in
question are then conforming. When asked if the building, to be moved,
should be condemned, Mr. Tasker stated it was not within Planning Board
jurisdiction to question whether a building s~u~l~ be condemned. At such
time when the building is moved, it will have to meet the unsafe building
law. The Building Inspector is the law enforcing officer , having the
authority to serve the violator with a summons or warrant to bring jus-
tice. He determines if all requirements are met. Any violations should
be brought to the proper attention. He asked if the Planning Board should
view such proposals before the ZBA. Mr. Raynor said this action has
already been taken; in the future all applications will be sent to the
Planning Board before the ZBA views it.
Long Island Nurseries - The board discussed this subdivision with Mr.
Robert Tasker, Town Attorney. The proposed four lots contain over
three acres on each parcel. The Suffolk County Planning Department had
dissapproved the map, as stated in their letter dated September 8, 1981.
The Planning Board requested that covenants and restrictions be placed
on this property, which were agreeable to the applicant at an earlier
meeting. A letter from the applicant, dated December 4, 1981 suggests
an alternative to having covenants and restrictions, would be for him to
withdraw this proposal and submit a major subdivision consisting of 22
lots. Any future development would create a problem with access and
problems with traffic. The board did not make a determination on this
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Mr. Tasker stated that either plan would have to meet the subdivision
The board discussed the proposed subdivision of Long Island Cauliflower
Associations. Pierre Lundberg, acting attorney, requested in his letter
dated November 3, 1981 that this subdivision be processed as a set-off.
A field inspection report was given on this property. The board was in
agreement that should the property be divided, the driveway located at
the southwesterly corner of the property, to be conveyed to Mr. Dart, be
used, thus eliminating possible traffic problems.
On motion made by Mr. Orlowski, seconded by Mr. Latham,~it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a set-off (106-13)
to Long Island Cauliflower Association with a condition that the drive-
wa~---i~n~'~he--southwesterly corner of the property, to be conveyed to Mr.
Dart, be used.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Latham, Mullen, Orlowski
Joseph Droskoski minor subdivision - A field inspection was done on this
property. The committee noted, if the applicants acquire this ~ acre
parcel, it will provide them with approximately % acre building lot, thus
conforming with the lots in the area.
On motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Orlowski, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a set-off, 106-13
on the proposed subdivision map of ~ & Joseph Droskoski, dated
February 17, 1971 and amended September 16, 1981 located at Orient.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Latham, Mullen, O~lowski
The board reviewed the maps submitted by Lawrence Tuthill, P.E., of
Hill Crest Estates, with his recommendations and comments designated in
red. The board noted the following:
Recommendation ~2 noted a decrease in a steep grade of
about nine feet.
Recommendation ~3 noted the addition of approximately
750 feet of additional piping.
Recommendation ~4 noted an area for a 22 foot dike.
Commen~ ~1 noted an ommlsslon of a turnaround by elim-
inating the roadway and mak&ng a walkway.
Comment ~3 noted an insufficient building lot. The board
computed the buildable area to be 50' in width, decreasing
to 25', suitable to build.
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Conunent 95 noted lots 936 and 937 with reversed lot lines
running east and west, thus eliminating a turnaround area.
On motion made by Mr. Mullen, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board accept Lawrence M.
Tuthill's recommendations~ dated October 17, 1981 on the subdivision
entitled Hill Crest Estates, located at Orient.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: R~ynor, Latham, Mullen, O~lowski
Dalchet Corp. - The board will field inspect this property and report
their findings at the December 28, 1981 meeting. The secretary was
instructed to request additional maps from the applicant.
On motion made by Mr. Orlowski, seconded by Mr. Latham, it was
RESOLVED that approval of access be .granted ~280-A) to the lot 967,
located at Cedar Beach Park, for the issuance of a building permit.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Latham, Mullen, Orlowski
Joseph Krupski, Bucci~ Colonial Corners - The board discussed the revised
maps submitted by William Smith, agent. It was the concensus of the
board that Mr. Smith meet with the board December 28, 1981 to discuss the
encroachment of the two-story building on lot 92 into lot 91.
On motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Mullen, it was
RESOLVED that a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board be
held January 18, 1981 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold,
New York.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Latham, Mullen, Orlowski
John and Nancy Pearson/Vescur - The covenants and restrictions submitted
to the Planning Board October 13, 1981 were acceptable to both the Town
Attorney and the Planning Board. The two lot minor contains a 15.9 acre
parcel and a 3.1 acre parcel. The proposed covenants and restrictions
will run in perpetuity.
On motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Orlowski, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board declare itself lead agency
in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act for the minor
subdivision of John and Nancy Pearson/Vescur, located at Southold. An
initial determination of non-significance has been made.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Latham, Mullen, Orlowski
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On motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Orlowski, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the sketch map
of the subdivision entitled John and Nancy Pearson/Vescur~ located at
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Latham, Mullen, Orlowski
On motion made by Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Orlowski, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board request that John Davis
inspect the access to lots located in West Creek Estates, filed map
#3848, and Bexidon Estates, filed map #1472 and report whether the
roads are improved to the Planning Board sepcifications.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Latham, Mullen, Orlowski
Pauline Pharr site plan - The board discussed this proposed site plan.
Prior to this submission, the Planning Board granted a set-off, enabling
the applicant to build one retail store; the plans now reflect two
buildings. Building ~1 would allow the 25% coverage required for this
B-Light District. The future construction of building ~2 would Dpt them
over the coverage. In view of the amendment to the parking p~oviseons,
a field inspection will be made on this property prior to the next meet-
ing. The board will refer this to the Building Inspector and request a
report indicating retail and storage area to conform, with parking re-
quirements for this property.
Armand Bartos - It was the concensus of the board that the applicant
comply with road report ~206, submitted by John Davis, and the acting
attorney be notified of such.
Czartosieski site plan - The board will field inspect this property
prior to the December 28, 1981 meeting, at which time the applicant will
have submitted a parking plan of the area for the board to review.
Baxter Properties - Mr. Raynor read his letter dated December 4, 1981
stating the four lot minor subdivision is in violation of three of the
covenants and necessary action will be taken to revoke the~subdivision
unless they are amended immediately. A copy of the letter was sent to
the Building InspEctor, Town Board and the applicant's attorney.
The board discussed a cluster proposal submitted by William Smith, agent.
A field inspection was done on this property located at Southold. The
secretary was instructed to advise Mr. Smith before the board can make
any determination, the map must reflect contour lines,~marsh area, lot
size, acreage, etc. Without such information, the board is unable to
consider this area accurately.
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Mr. Spohn and Mr. Duell, members of the North Fork Aviation Association,
requested information concerning any current plans to update the develop-
ment plan in Southold Town. Mr. Raynor stated that funds were not avail-
able at the present time, but a number of things have been implemented,
one of which is the layout of all the wetlands in the area; active in
this committee are Ruth Oliva, G. Ritchie Latham, Lorraine Terry, and the
North Fork Environmental Conservation. Mr. Raynor also informed the
guests of the two family housing study, which Fred Go~don and Marie
Johnson had supplied a tremendous amount of input. This study was fin-
ished in July and the recommendations were submitted to the ZBA and the
Town Board. Also in the progress was an updated road map that includes
the subdivision roads and other Qdd parcels that have been dedicated or
taken over by the town. This plan will ~esult in the preservation of
1000 acres of farm land. Mr. Spohn and Mr. Duell expressed their interest
in a new development plan and would like to help when the time comes.
Ruth Oliva asked the board how they arrive at the number of lots and
open space on a cluster proposal, such as Richmond Creek Farms. The
board explained that based on the location, the buildable area can vary
from 100% to 50%.
Being no further business to come before the board, Mr. Mullen made a
motion to adjourn, seconded~by Mr. O~lowski, and carried. Meeting ad-
journed at-9:25 p.m;
Respectfully submitted,
Susan E. Long, Secretary
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