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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12376 P 270 l P_~70 I p :nD I I I . . - '. (L[;-ro-/2- r.fll\'lIIII.l' YOlllll.AWvt:R B.:FORK SIIClNlN(l 1lllS 1:\'I1IIIMEN'r.TIIIlI llo'S1llIlML.....IIIICHILP BE IISI:P BY IAWVEHlIO:llLY TillS INDENTURE. mlllle the 41' day of February, 2005 BETWEEN Lacl Schull7.and Jill Fiengo, husband and wife'residing al24 4'" Place, Brooklyn, New York 11231 party of the fU'St pan, and Lael Schull7. and Jill M. Schultz, husband and wife, residing at 24 411I PllICC, Brooklyn, New York 11231 l"IIty .fthe - JlIIfI, WITNESSETII,1hat the party of the first part, in considenuinn of SI.OO (lIIIO) dollan paid by the party ofthe second part. docs hereby granl and release until ~"e party of ~ second part, the heirs or sueecsson and assigns of lhe party of the second 1111I forever, A LL thai eenain plDl. pi.... or plJ'(:e1 ofJand, with the buildings and improvements thereon em:ted, situate, lying and being in the Town ofSouthold, County orSuITolk and Slate of New York described in Schedule "A" "Being and intending to be the: same premi5CS described in lhat certain dCl:d from Albert J. Cusa, Albert Cusa, Frank Cusa and Michael Cusa, the sole distributes and heirs at law of Lillian Cusa, deceased dated June 2. 1997 and rec:orded on June 25, 1997 in liber 11837 page 464 in the SuITolk Counly Clerk '5 Office." TOCETHER with all righL title 111<1 interesL ifany. Of the party of the first part in and 10 any stn:cIs and mads abutting ~ above described premi... to the e:emer lines thereof. TogriIer with IIIe appwtanc:es and all the .tste and rights of the party of the first pan in and to said premises; TO HA VI! AND TO HOLD the premises glllllled unto the party of the ......d 118Ft. the heirs or SUCCOISOrs and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party oflhc first part covenants lhallhe party of the first party has not done or suITered anything whereby the said J'I'OI11ises have been <'IIcumbered in MY way whalever. except as aforesaid. AND the party of the fint part, in compliance with Section I J ofllle Lien Law, covenants thai the party of the first pan will ....ive Ihe eonsidenlion for Ihis conveyance and will hold IIIe right to m::eive such consideration as a IJUsl fund In be applied first for the JIWPOSll of paying the cost ofimprovemem and will apply lhe same fint to the payment of the cost of improvemem before usi"llany part ..fthe IOtsl of the same for any other purpoIe. The won! "party" shall be eonsU'Ued aslfis read "parties" whenever the sense ol'this irlllenture so requires. IN WITNF.8S WHF.RFDF. the party ofthe lirst part has duly executed the deed the day and year first above written. IN PRr:SENCE OF: I~ J",~. SIandard N. Y.D.T.U. Fonn IClO:!-Rorgin and Sak I)eed. wid'! CDVI:I1U1t apillKl ("manLlN'". Aca.....Unifunn Ac....mawlcdgclDC'nl PORM 3290 Schedule A Description Title Number SH.70057.o4-5 Page 1 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situale, lying and being situate near Mattituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake set on the Westerly line of a 10 foot right of way running from Peconlc Bay Boulevard to Great Peconlc Bay 190.04 feet Southerly along said Westerly line from its Intersecllon with the Southerly line of said Peconic Bay Boulevard, being the Northeasterly comer of the premises herein described; RUNNING THENCE along said Westerly Iineofsald 10 foot right of way South 20 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds East 190.04 feel to a stake; THENCE along land now ell' formerly of Edward G. Abitz South 67 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds West 61.29 feet; THENCE along land now ()r formerly of Edward G. Abitz North 20 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds West 190.0 feet; THENCE along land now ell' formerly of Edward G. Abitz North 67 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds West 62.19 feet to the point of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with a right of way in common with others to whom such right has been or hereafter may be e:onveyed by Edward G. Abitz upon premises bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the Southerly lie of Pec:onlc Bay Boulevard at the Northeasterly comer of Lot 105A ss shown on a map entiUed, "amended Map of Property of Mattituck Park Properties. Inc." filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map 801; RUNNING THENCE along said Southerly line of Peconic Bay Boulevard North 67 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds East 15.02 feet to a stake: THENCE over land now orformeriy of Edward G. Abitz South 20 degrees 39 minutes 10 sec:onds East 190.0 feet; THENCE along land now 01' formerly of Edward G. Abitz North 67 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds East 48.98 feet to the Northwesterly comer of the premises hereinabove described; THENCE along said premises South 20 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds East 10.01 feet ConUnued On Next Page Schedule A Description - continued Tille Number SH-70057-lW-S Page 2 THENCE over land now olr fonnerly of Edward G. Abitz South 67 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds West 64.00 feet to land now or fonnerly of Mattituck Park Properties, Inc.; THENCE along said land North 20 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds West 200.01 feet to the point or place BEGINNING TOGETHER with a right of way in common with others over the right of way created in agreement between Anne M. Baum and Williams F. Abitz recorded in Liber 344 of deeds at page 328. .- J 1'0 alo: lIM'O ON'.'" WIlt:,. Till( ACKN'IIWI.KlM':Io:.MlIN1' IA MAD": IN Nt:w YORK n"..n: SlD1C orNew York, County or 'NL'WW All: ~....., of New V...k, Counly 01" ss: On the 411I day or I'chnJary in the y.... 200' before me, the undcnlllll<<l, JICl"!'lIlII!ly ......- 1...1 Schult.und JIll ~'ClIJlO 00 the clay or in the year ber""'.... lhe unelaslgned. personally app:on:d l'tCI'IOnally kl1m\on to me: nr rrovcd to IN, on 1hc hail of ...W'lIdory CYidenl:e 10 be the individuolCs) whose .........) is ,are) ouboocrihed In the wi.hin illlllnlmeollnd ....oowledaed 10 me lhsI hclliheIthcy oxccull:d the """'" i. hislherltlu:ir O:XpICily(ic$).1nd Ih.. by h_ silllllllUn:lsl 00 the in.lrumeo~ Ihe indivldual(.). ,,, III............... hduoJforwhieh lhe . ividuaJ(o) .......... '1UIlrUnIm~ perIIllIIIly known to me or proved In me on the hasi. or m'i.llK:tury evi_ta he.he individaal(Slwhooc names(1) is (arel ",loIerihed b. the wi.hin instrumeollnd oeknowlodged \0 me thai hclllho:Ithey....UI<d the..... in hilllherllheir eapociIy(Ia).1nd duoI by hislhcrllheir lri&nlIlun.1.) on .he instrumen~ lhe Indivldulq.), or lhe penon upon hehalr or which the individaal(ol IICled, executed the ir,"uumenL lligrwurc and omce or i CMOIJINE RIZZUTO .... Public, Sta,. "'_... No. 0lRIOO807lllI CUlftod in SutIoIl ~ Ct.......4A...1 expfr. Jutt I. mw TO HI[ 1!!iI":" ON WII....NTlIF. A.(~KNnwl.II.G"U:N'I. UI MAnK Oln"II)"~ or Nr.W YORK Sl'A.T..: (,,;11II"I.... one! om.. orindividual ....i<ing....nowJed&meal) SIaIe (or Ilislrie\ orColllll1hi.. TerrilOJY', or I'on:illll (:OUnIY) or .s: On the clay of in lhe year herore .... the undorsignod, penonolly apJlClll1'll 1'moJnaJly known 10 me or proved to.., oolhe bulris"rsatisraelOryevidenee 10 belln: individual(.1 wll<"'IUIIIICI'1 is (lOR) .uboeribed \0 lhe wilhln inSlMllCll\ Ind Ol:ImowIedp \0 me Ih8I heIshcI1Ity""eeuled Ihe same in hi_heir .....ily(ios) and .hll by hisllterltheir sil\llllun:(sl Oft Ihe illSlrurncn~ Ihe Individual(.). cwlhe ....... upon beha1r of which the individual.o) IIC\cd, txccull:d the illSllU1llC:ll~ unci Ih8I such indlvlduol made such _ herore the undcnlancd in the in linscn lhe City CW OIher political subdivision) (Ind inscn lhe SIaIc CW County CW ClIher piece the acknowlcdgmeol was laken) (oigna1.... and off....r individuallakinJ: oeknowJed&meal) 1)1~'lRICT 1000 SIJC110N 126.00 IIUICK 06.00 RARGIN AND SALE DEED wnll CON\'ENANT AC;AINllTc;IlAN11Ill'S A(.T!l 'n"'N..~t+~ '7(')f'n'l=!M-S" LOT 012.000 Leel Schultz and Jill Ficngo C:OUNl'Y OR l"OWN SU~l"OI.K STRmrr AllIlRl:s.~ 10190......... lIay 'Iau_ Maniluck, New York 11932 TO lac' Schultz and Jill M. Schullz R.:conlo:d III RcqUCSI or ~m~TI"'~Qm~W~WYM 5.......... Form of New y",k IIaord ..oTk.. u_... DioIribulcdb)' RlmJKN IIY MAli. TO: Firsl AmcriclllTillc II'ISlnDCCCamplnY ofNeW' Yort 633 "1Iird Avenue NcwV.....s.wY....IOOI17 212-922-9777 BOQ.437-1:!34 Law Off... or~...... M. RIIbenone. 36 Maple Place ~NcwY'nIlDJO La 0 t Schut Tj CA.NJ. J-tit SchuL rs ~t 4+h AO-CJ- ~rook\~n I rt.L\ 11c9.31 ~o. Name U ...c...J TIlle II -~ TIutTolk County Recordin & Endorsement Page e (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 1 21 Number of PllJlFS TORRENS Serialll _ Cenilicate " Prior Clf. It Deed. Monaage Inslrumenl Deed I MortPlle Tax Slllmp II=: FEES Page I Filing Fee Handling 5 .in... TP-584 NOlalion EA-5217 (ClIunIY) Sub Toral' EA-5217 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A. ~ Comm. of Ed. S...!llL Affidavil Cenilied Copy Reg. Copy Sub Total Orand Tolal J..5!j Olher B~,00 Real Properly 1'..., ScrvicCl Agency Verificatiorll 12600 0600 012000 ''1 ~alisfa.tionlDischargcsIRelensc List Propeny Ownen Mailing Address RECORD & RETIJRN TO: RECORDED 2005 liar 11 OJ. 14: 43 PM Edward P.Romaine Cl..EIlK OF SUFFOLK COUNTV L 000012376 P270 DTlI 04-32394 Recording I Filing Slamps Mortgage AmI. I . Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub Tulal Spec. I Assi!. or The propcrl covered by Ihis rnalgage is or will improved by . one or lwo family d mng only. YES or NO IfNO. pale It 5 Preservation Fund J CPF s s Improved Vacant Land /0 TO TO TO Thill paae forms pari of Ihe al\ached _ IIUldc by: ~~. n............._i. I' _ _. < TO In Ibe Township of l.U.l!....\. ~uJ:~-t rILl JdllLli8ln the VILLAGE _ or HAMLET of BOXES" THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RI!CORDINO OR FII.ING (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. SCl!.ct:hold I 1111111 11111111 11m 111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COtJN'J:Y CLBRIC: RECORDS OFFICB RBCORDING PAGE Type of In.trument. DBBDS/DDD NUmbe~ of Page.. 5 Receipt Numbe~ . 05-0036178 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 04-32394 Reco~ded. At. 03/11/3005 03.14 .43 Ii'K LIBER: PAGE: D00012376 270 Di.t~ict. 1000 Sectioiu Block. 126.00 06.00 EXAKINBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 012.000 Deed AIIIoun t I Received the Following Fees Fo~ Above Instrument lbr""IPt Bxempt Page/Filing $15.0Cl NO Handling $5.00 NO CO:&: $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.0Cl NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.0[1 NO C.~t.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.0[1 NO SCTK $0.00 NO T~ansf.r tax $0.0[1 NO COIIIlIID.P~.. $0.00 NO ree. Paid $155.00 TRANSFER TAX NCMBBR. 04-33394 THIS PAG:&: IS A PART 01' THB INSTRmo:JlT THIS IS NOT A BILL EdwaM P . Romaine County Cle~k. Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY II{, 1. 4 g,.~ 1:2.0."1__ I ~, ~/'~~-fl a._I 1.4.:3, '1.~lc.."""Iq>, r,t), PROPERlY INFORMATION 1.-L~qO I ~t>nic.. J3..,. u.-. LiiJiiit+ucJ:. .....- I 2.1u... LSc.huLl'Z-. ....... LMI...../~ , L Cl. &WIS CocIe ,. STATE OF NEW YORK STATE IIOAIID Of REAL __ _VlCEll RP - 5217 1II-IZ17...'" ~Jt,JJnrrl .....1.. I~ IllUJYl' 11l9Sdi "'COIlf I. Tax lncliCllO white lulu... Tu ..... to bit IlII'lt L ..... W'____loI_oIlarml ~ . LAlT......'cmI'liHY r-MTMAME L '1IlHT~MID~' JMIK crrv.._ !J 'DfP.,. OR D PIInof.PlICOI 1T41'1' .. .... "=""I SIn HION'.....r Ixl ...... 10111 """. . 10000._oI._____ OA. _no _with __ _ Em. ... II bt..,IIiaIl.ApprrMlII_ RIqund forT"... C.__for__...._ D D D ... IndIuta tIN, number at a nut RaIl pMCeIs ~_""...4 an 1M ..... ..- ...... L ~~J:tz- Lfj,~ lAc..\ _.- :rIU ....n.,.. 7.~i:::-~'-:-~~='."''''~~~:::: ~=-:-:=n:: B R 2 Dr 3 Family RnidnieI F ComrnIIciIII J ~ 1GA. PrepIny Loca.d ~ en Agricullural CiIIrk:I . 0 C Ruil:llnlilll V~nl UncI 0 ~ K PublIc Service ,. auv- nIXIiwed. diIl:IaIln .....,ndIeItlng 0 D Nort_...V__..... H En.....lnmon"Am_ L ..... ........_"....AQricullurIII);otIicI I SAlE INFOR~ 'I. _ ........."'- _ _""'-lD_... 11. .... ContI.... Dat. I I A S8III BItwMn ReI...... or Forrnar RUttv. ManIII E)ay' YN' n BDtwoan Releted CompulllM Dr Partnera in C 0..01"_."'._ D Buyer or lei_II Gov.fMIDI1I Agency or lMIding IRltiMian I! Daod",- ...W.''"'''Y'' _.... _ _IV- F _oIF_..IMa.......__IV_ G SlgnlllcorwCMnoo In _ _ T_ s-......" Dotoo II _oIl1u11...laind_..__ , Othor U..-I F-.:'-" _ .......CS_ BaI"", I ...... '2. Dat8 of .... I T,...., 102. '0&./ ,oS'; ,.., - v_ . , ' 0 , 0 I , . IFul1 s.. Pria ill 1M tatal amouN pIId tcw thI prapMty Including PtfIORII property. Th!. PllVf'*IIIn1Y be in lhe torm 01 cuh. 0Iher properly or gaadI. Dr thI.-.mpIiDn Dr rnonpgu, c:r DthIr ob/igItiDnI.) ""... raund ro the............. ~ ,..-....-..- I 0 0 I --....- ~ ' ASSESSME'IT INFORMATION - DIIllI Ihould _tho 'a_ Final Aa_ Rolland Tax Bill ,1. fill .... '1_ ,.. :,:......::=' ..:: tram ~ .o~ 11. T..... ___ v..... tar......... In ......... I l:t, I ,Ol-U ,..___ I~ J.J..ho Id , ; . ..J.:rr:;.nl , .... PrDpMtf ell. a T.. Map .~ IlIDIIkIIInIIIIMUt {If ..... "... _II', ..... ..... willa ......... ~1 I '3er.,_,':'I..(J() 13ft.. "".tV bf 1.1.DfX1 I I CERTlFICATlONI I m1U'y ..... ... fJllbr .... 01 ~ ftdIoNd .. lid. ...... ..... an. .... ClIII'ncl tlo lhe .... ~ 1111_..... ..... beIiIn and I ........ il.." &hid ':I- IIIIIk1IIe ~~-ArI-=-".~-"'" _"aI"'_"w_~~==;::rI__ ~~ I;;/'-i/OJ/ LM'_ ,__ J('f<Ct) I Qrv--Y)}I-1!-Y~ V I5I"J ~.." ~WIUWIJ i 18;f- ~~'-h )(".{ I ~ l(J!X, ~-~ ~~--~ I~c/k- -- TtL["IOt.I:..~ NEW YORK STATE COPY "