HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12408 P 967 L; )J-j t~ P q'{f 1 }J(P- 7 -/l! , , SlJIndard N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8002-Bargain and Sala Deed with Covenanla against GranlOl'sAclll.Uniform AclCnowledgmen\ Form 3290 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SJGNIIIG THIS DOCUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONlY THIS INDENTURE, made Ihlaa: of Jwq BElWEEN , in the year 2005 LISA ZARRO, residing al260 Third Street, Launal, New York 11948 party 01 the first part, and KIMICA LEVINS, nasidlng at 23412 Pac~1Ic Park Drive, Allso VlBjo, CA 92856 panty of the second part, WITNESSETH. that the party of the finsl part, in consideration of18n and 001100 (510.00) dollars, paid by Ihe party 01 the second part, does hereby gnant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns 01 the part!/ 01 the second part forever, ALl. that certain plot piece or parcel (,I land, with the buildings and improvements.thereon erected, silu,~le, lying and being In the See al1eclled Schedulle "A" allached hareto and made a part hereof. Toc;iETHER with all right tiUe end in18nast If any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads ebulting the ebove described pnamlses to the cen18r line thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estata and rights of the party of the fil1ll part in and to said premises; TO HAVE ANDI TO HOLD the pnamises herein gran1ed unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and ,_Igns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenanls that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered In any wey whatever, axeept as aforesaid. AND the party 01 the first part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that tha party of the first part will receive' the considaration for this conveyance and will hOld the right to receive such considenation as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the s,~me for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as lif to naad 'partles" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WlITNESS WHEREOF, the party of U,e first part has duly eXBcu1ed this deed the day and year first abov" written. IN PFIESENCE OF ~q STE.. ART TITLE INSURANCE Ce.. ..PANY Title Number: GBL-NY06 I 405038 SCHEDULE A CONTINUED LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain plot, piece or plll'Cl::l of land. with the buildings and improvements Ihereon en::clcd. situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stale of New York, know and designated lIS Lots 73 and 74 on a certain map entitled, "Subdivision MlIp Section One of Property of George I. Tutbill and others, situale at Laurel, Town of Southold, N.Y." surveyed March 28, 1928 by Otto Van Tuyl, Greenport, New York, Surveyor, and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County ofSufTolk on the 15th day of January, 1929, a.~ Map No. 861, Sll~d 10ls when laken logetherbeing bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING al a monumenl on the northerly side of Third Street distant 250.00 feel westerly from Ihe comer formed by the westerly side of Bray A venue and the northerly side of Third Street; RUNNING THENCE South 69 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds West along the northerly side of Third Street 103.97 feet to a me,nwnent; THENCE North 13 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds West 151.08 feet to a monument; THENCE North 69 degrees 13 mil~utes J 0 seconds East 85.87 feet to a monument; THENCE South 20 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds East 150.00 fcellO the North side of Thiird Street, the point or place oflaEGINNING. SAID PREMISES also being known as 160 3rd Street Laurel New York Issued by: GLOBALSERVE TITLE AGENCY CORP. 6..... SHARROnS ROAD STATEN ISLAND,NY 10309 Telephone: 1-718-701-6110 Fax: 1.718-701-6119 .. " TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE State of New York, County of Suffolk II.: Slate of New YllI1l, County of On Ihe dey of In Ihe year befont me, the undersigned, petlIonally lIppeared 85.: On the :/2'" day of July ill the year 2005 before mo, the undersigned, petlIOnally appearad LISA ZARRO pe..onany known to me or proved 10 me on the basis of setiefaclcry evidence 10 ba the indlvldual(s) whose name(s) II (ere) subllClibed to the within Instrument and edcnowledgedto me that helshe/they executed the same in hl8lherlll1eir capecity(Iea), and that by hl8lher/lhelr slgnature(s) on the Instrument, the In vidual(s) or the pe u behalf of whlcl, the Indlvidual(l) , executed the ins personelly known to me or proved to me on the beaIs or Slltllfactory evidence to be lhe indivldual(s) whose name(l) is (ere) subecribed to the within Instrument end acknowledged to me theI helshelthey executed the same in hislher/lheir cepaciIy(I8I), and thel by hlslher/lheir signature(s) on the 1"""""-'1, the indlvldual(s) or the person upon behelf of whlch the Indlvidue~s) ected, execuled the instrument. CHRISnNE M. SULLIVAN ack ':J~oIfice of Individual !eking the acknowtedgmenl Ouellf1ed In Suffolk County rn A 1J 0 01 SUb 07 ~S'" ""!. J Corrvnllllon Expire. June 10, toY.lt :rg BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Stale (or Disbict of Columbia, Tarri\oly, or FClI81gn Country) of On Ihe day of undersign.ild, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Indivldual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshe/lhey executed the same in hislherllheir capacity(iEls) and that by hlslherltheir slgnature(&) on the Instrument, the Indivldual(s) or person upon behalf 01 whlclh Ihe indivldual(s) acted, executed the instrument, and that such Individual made such appearance before Ihe undersigm!d in the II~ the year before me, the --------------------------------------- I n (11ISIfI the Ciy or _ poIiIic:aI oulldlvision) laken) (and In_ the _ or Country or olller plIO! lIIe '_gmenl WOI (Iigno_ snd oflIce of Indlvlduallaklng .d<_ledgmenl) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH C01IENANTS AGAINST GRANTO~I'S ACTS SECTION /:lJ.Cf) BLOCK 01. 00 LOT OIO.OOOC'II1Z:dY COUNTY OR TOWN UlAJIJ U1lL. STREET ADDRESS TIlI.NO~QofJ..I~Z ZQRR6 TO i~ vit15 S.AFE HARBOR TITLE AGENCY 1529 Main Street J'ort Jefferson, NY 11777 RETURN BY MAIL TO: OCltc;-laS TYWQI 3c:D Y'UcU.$ f1ve1)U1. /...{JU "3JU!..e:5SJ A){ 1/(Jt2.. . II [J HUlI1ht!1" .': f. pnBes . TORIUlNS i I'ECORJ>ED 2005 Sep'13 12:48:52.PI'I Edward P.Romaine CLEPJ( OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L DOO01240Ei' P 967 DTIt 05-06436 S~rlulll Ce,lillcnW" _ (',lurOr.1I . nO.Dllllng Il'illng Slallllll I ~.._ - I I I I , I -'Le :l . -- ~ [lood I MnllgDg" Tull SI811111 L' Deelll MOI.gBgc ImSlnllllellr . . 1'lIge I I'!lillg 1'0;' . · ~jJ__. .- :i. UU . ._-of -. . fl!IlS ~ MallglI!:O Ami. I. BD~lc 1'11. ('Ihllllling "1'),-50,1 2. AddUIDllnl To. __.'--_ SIIIIT,"ol Sl'ec.IA..il. l'lolllioll EA-5'2 I'ICCoulIll'I.._ . '{' .. :9uh'l'nlol ;21 Dr SI,ce. 'A "d. TOT. MTO. TAX EA-:i21'1151n1e'1 It. 1'.'1'.5. ,\. _lC. _ -~.- ==- . _-2: Jill... Dnal Tnwn ._ Dllal COIIIII y ~ II . lilllllllenl Trallsfer:n:. L {, () 0-- Monsioll Tux .' ~~. - Tho I" 0)'0' Iy covo.oll lIy '"ls '!IOlIgn~ ' IIr w!1I ho 1lIIl"oyo" hy K OliO III 'Klllllr dwellillg Dilly. Y8S' '. m 1'10 -- . :---- ('UIIIIII.nr HlI Allidllyil CelliCied CUI'Y I'ell. CU!'l' ,..-' SulJ Tolol l ~~ ____ '0101II( :1'0101_-1.. j d Jr NO, lice 1II'I1lOIlllalc IIlll CIHUIC !,.Ill 1'88" " _ Dr Ih~II~UI. . ~-j ') ------ Olllel ~K -- --r7j.w I - ~U.!fu~oICI ~~clioll/16. l>oG!;lci: 07.0D 11..01010.0."0 lIelll 1'1l1l'Clly Tux SCI vice Au~ncy Velilic.lil~1I 12600 0700 010000 5 COlllllllllllty l~ro.urvlIlllIlI I'll , I deratioll Allloulll *~ 'lXJ $ 71 Snll"l.cli.~nslljls.hOrg.s/'~el~IISos L1.II'IUI'Orly Owners Mai!I."g A;;'hCls __ IIIr.COIUl 110 nUl'!.lIlNTO, . \'flcHull..llml 1'1I ~fZ)._ ' /I [surrou\: 'County !)o.uG(a.S fVl.('}vf)..( 30(')0 f'1 ~ JlC.<J~ AilE, t..u.J(& SJc.c:eSS,III(lIo'll 1...,1' 'flUe CIIIIIII;III.r.l!![lI1~;;(II~ . cu.NII!.uGLD,(iIlL&eMe fdl.e _ . 'Iilloll 6l3L -tVrn{,I'J(JnJ<r~~.__ RCCOl'dinll .& Elldol's~nlCnt J~UI:~ 1'[1 TD '11101s 'jlogo 'mills 1'01l1l1'lile IlIocho,1 ~_._--'2eed. . _- --.-- iliad. . . (SI'IJCIIlY'I'YI'H OIlINSTIUlMHNT) . ___._~.1iL Uf\ fi~_----,- The IIlellllie$ l1e.elnls slllllled III SUFFOLK COUNTY. NBW YORK. ....---...- , TO III II:. TowlI,hll' 01 ~_~&L_.--- _~.._l5.L.LfJ_f.dJ~1.1J/:.L- In 1"0 VILLAOH ___________~-_. ur 1.IAhl~l3Tor __~fMiJ:.~---..--- --.-!JO)<L!:! Ii TIIRlIlIlvlllST fiB TYPIJD OR PRli~TnD IN DI.ACK'J1~K OI-ll.Y I'I\I(I~\ TO IlF.CQRnJl.IL'.OIl I'II.IN . , 111111I11111111111111I11111 "'I'II'~ 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUP.'POLlt COUNTY CLBRIC RBCORDS OFFICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of JCnstrument. DBBDS/DDD Number oj: Pages I 4 Receipt !lumber . 05-0095849 TRANSFBl~ TAX NUMBER: 05-01;436 Recorded. At. 09/13/2005 12.48.:52 PM: LIBBR: PAGE: D00012408 967 District: 1000 Section: 126.00 EXAMInD AND $400.000.00 Block: 07.00 CIlARGBD AS Lot: 010.000 Deed Amo\:l!1t: FOLLOWS Received the l'ollowing rees rar Above Instrument Bxempt Exempt page/Fil.ing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1.600.00 NO COIIlIII.Pres $5.000.00 NO Fees Paid $6.752.00 TRANSFER rAX HUMBER: 05-06436 THIS PAGE :[S A PART 01' THE INSTRtlJIBNT 7HIS IS H07 A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County - ...... fPR COUNTf USE ONLY .' . C'.SWI8I~. 1.7<,'1), ?,Jr,~.4J' . -.'. . C2.DatoD_R_ ~ 1 /J I~:;I * C3. - ,I /.2 ,y, I!:), ~C4. "-, ,f .6 /? I PROPERTY INI'ORMAOON PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httl);,I1 www.orps.st8te.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 .- ~-~---..------- . . REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE Of NEW YllIlX STAn IIOAIID OF....... --.v SElMCES RP - 5217 1lI'Q17.... JWP ""-L ....- 1~l..D S,,.<2 EE T L.Av~cL ...... k I Jvt..KA .....- ,l'rjj8 I I...... ... o ..... L ~<)OU ,HOU) CnY '"' 11MI L Lev INs I.AIIT"'/~ L 1.AlIT....,CClMNN'l' .......... 3. Tu. 1ndIc.. wherlllulan TIA BaI__1D be... I ...... ,...._ __,. _oflonn' '-- Add_ l..AllrNAMl/cmIPAIIY ....rNAIIII I. L ".1iT _..MD.,.u..... arvOlllUWN MATi _cum: ... ......... _........., 01 ..,--..... RaIl piI..... "......... Dn 1M .... 10 N .CI.a1p...... OR 0 ....a1.P_ ..- L =-" NIDN,tHl' Ixl ..... lOR II 'OnIr'_"._~___ 4A.PIonnlIIoBalnlwllh_.........,ExiIIs 0 41. So-.. _ _ Requ/tod tar T....., 0 '-. ()."::l..d.1 'C,-",,_tars-._MoiI_ 0 LI-S'A, .......... .. .....r - L ~t2(.1t"l LAST.....' y L LMrlUllll:'~V .......... 7. a.dt tII. _r below which moIIt ~...... the ute ctI ,he '"'"'" ... the..... "'uk ~ One F.mily_ B 2or31'__1Io1 C Ruidlrltill V.... LMd D Non-R.~ V.."t Lind I SAlE INFORMA]2[) 11.__,1I0Io E~ Ag....llur. I ~ CammuMy_ F Com_. J_, 0.,....,... K PubIIc:_ieo H E_I_ I. ..... ~.._---- .. Ownorohip Typo II CandaonI-. .. NIw ear.uctiDn an V.-nt land -",-LAlcolIlI_..~DiIaicl ---'--1ncIlcoIinsI ""'IM_Io"'..__DIolricI o o o o :; 1 '2.:'2.1 as I " ~ T... 7 1 "2"2.-loS I MoAIh _ v., 11. a.t. ......... of... _ _. _ _ ........ ID tNnIfw: 1M ......n IWIILIVGI or Fonner ~ --Rol_~OI"""""n_ OlIo oIlho...... 11....._ Buyw or SlIer II OallWTVllllllld AguIcy or Lending lMCItution Dood Typo... Wo_ 01......... _ Solo _ly_ -oI_OI'-IIIonFoo__ly_ Big_Cho....ln ~_ T__.nd_DaIr Solo of __ .,_'" Solo Prfco llIhor U_ F_ AIIocdng Solo Prlco,SpocIly_' - ... 1I0Io 01.... , T.- ,4.'O..O,O.l:).O,D.DI , , . IFuII So. Prfco '. "'" ...., omou.. poOl lv, tho _Indud"'" _, _. Thil prfmenIlTl8r belli ItIt form 01 CIIh. DIIIitl pfOpIfIy or gooda. IIlf .... ..eumpIion of mortulgll or DItter DbIgIdonL) ".".. fOund '0 'M """".IIM doRM ImOUIIt. ,...............-..- I ^ 0 01 ___In..._ . . U ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION . Dolo should ..IIOCI tile ,...., Finol _ont Roll .nd Tax Bill '1. FaI ._ ..... ... :....~:.:':.::..... I (). 5 I n. T_ _... v.... III oil _Ill_II 1"'2.., , .0 I-IUJ ,.............._ ~ATTI TUC K ; . .tf, 4(9.0 , , SC.HOOL lJl.s-r~ \ cT 1&. PnIperty ca..1 20. T.. ..... ....:IIerIaI1 RoD ............, II man thin to.... .1tICh sheet with ........ ~I 1000 Id".OO 0,.00 01 Do 000 1 I CERnFlCAnON:J 1 mllfr tIIol oil."... - '" _........ GO ... ro.rm.. _ ... __ '10'" .... 0(111)' _....... ~ oad I....... ... _ ............ of an, ....... .....1'......... fA IIIIIerIIiIfDn bI!'rtIn wDllllldf.L'I me eo die In-' . tfltht......... nlldve 10................",...... ....._~ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~ /(/... 't:IL t....../~ {"'" ..,.,.......'UI.. Ij-1 Jar 'r .11..9,;tAL (joVGLAS ~ .....,. ..... ~ CnY "11MI -- S'lb llIWACDm 3S P.- /;J,OO ...-- ~::;, 1l2..UD NEW YORK STATE COpy