HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 970 .. - .. .' or 218, S_ N. Y.B.l'.U. Form IIOOSA-&.......... Deal. Individual orCGlpCllllIim (.in.l..hccl~ 11-98 f )7~{p- (1 BIurnbaJF...........In<. Publisher. NYl'lOOIJ L/2 [fer2 P (I -7 \ I C CM.". T\'nIIR I AWVEIIRanRRSK:!Ili'I!K:TNIIINft'8l1MF.!'lrT.THIS 1~(;MF-IIIT!lHOIII.D IIF.llSF'..D.'Y ..l.WYIF.IUUWU' THIS INDENTURE, made on the,;)till. day of July 2005 BETWEEN Raymond C. Colnccl, residing at 410 Warren Avenue, Mamaroneck, New York 10543 as l:xccutor of the last will and teSlament of BaJrbara A. Colucci whtJ died on the 11 th day of November 2004 plII"ly of the first part, and Robert S. Colueel, residing at 79 Susan Drive, New City, New York 10956 and Laura Allison. residing at 384 Palmer Road, Yonken, New York 10701 as tenants In common. plll1iy of the second part, ,late of Mamaroneek. New York WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, to whom Iellers lestllmcntary were issued by the Surrogate's Coun, Westchester County, New York on April 25, 2005 and by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testament, and/or Article II of the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law, pursuant to the distribution of the estate does hereby grant and release unto the p,arty ofthe second part, the distributecs or successors and assigns of the pany of the second part forever, ': ALL that ccnain plot. piece or parcel ofland, with the buildings an improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and being in the Town of Southhold, County of Suffolk aud State of New York aud more partleularly described in the Schedule "A" anuexed bereto. '., Thi~1 conveyance of the decedent's Iwtdivided ~ interest in the propeny is the result ofthc renunciation of said decedent's ~ interest in the pmpcny by Raymond C. Colucci, as the surviving tenant by the entirety. " TOGETHER with all right, titlc and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any strccts and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appunenanees, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the IlSlate therein, which the party of the first part has or has power to conveyor dispose of. whether individ- ually, or by vinue of said will or otherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the IllUty of the second part, the distributecs or successors and assigns ofthe party of the second part forever. ANI> the party of the first part covenants that the party oflhe first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. Subject to the trust fund provisions ofseetion thineen of the Lien Law. The word "party" shall be construc:d as ifit read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires, 1]Ii WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part bas duly executed this deed thl: day and yc:ar first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: Estate of Barbara A. Colucci BY:~ ;J ~0. cML, Ray ond . Colueel, Eneutor . .. .. :;;".. .. (lESCRIPTIO:l! ALL that certa:l.n lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at loaurel, Town of Southold, COl.U1ty of Suffolk and State of Hew York, known and designated as Lot No. 51 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Laurel Park," and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 5, 1925 as Map:.Mo.' 212;: '. . . .. ......:.:. :~" ..;.\.....0:. ~~'.~~.", ... .:"-:.< ':-' ". '. .... . ,.'. .'~ .:; ,,:' :...~:. :~~;. ~-~ ": ...... ~ . ... ." .' ..... '.... 'lI.....:...:\.o; ".' ,,-, ,': '~".' . ~., ':' ... " . .... .: . ":' : . SCHEDULE A . .....:. :..~:::.:...~':~.~< ':. . . ,. .. . -. I 1 21 Number of pages Tl:>RRENS 4 Serial # Conilkale U Prior Or. 1# Recordinll Filina Stamps 7 ndeCompanyl~onnaUon Co. Name fii::. t! ::r n,s. &,. 1111e If JDO - 9 /7.. Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This p"l.le forms pan of tho BUUChed ~.d made by: f()/f'l'Iond e. C'qJuc/!/, tlSEXi'4U7TJr (SPECIFYTYPEOFINSTRUMENTl Estate of Illlrbara A. Colucci Deed. Monguge In~lrument Deed I Monpae Tax Stamp FEES 2] I Page I t'i1ing Fe" I TP-5H4 m._ JD ~ .olL 5 Hanlllinll NOlation EA-5217ICuUI1l,YI .5 SubTotal ~f) ~ 15 .?o=. EA-5217 (SIBle) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. Ilr 1::11. 5. .Q!L Mrillllvil Ceniricll CLIP) /a5 I ;::;'~.. GiraRd TOlal _ vO( Lot t; Reg. CUllY Sub Total Olhe,' /5 1.10.0 .. Dislnct Re.,1 Pmpc... y 11l)' S&:I"\oj\.',,' Agcn.:y ""-rilicilli'lll ] Secli.1Il / :z 7 1 o lock t, ~~ '"" moo 0.00 oogooo .' 6 S,"isfaclil.lnlDischargeIlReleo5e List Propeny Owners MaiJins Address RECOIID & RETURN TO: Ed.,ard A. DaVidson, Esq. 100 l!aIIlaroneck Avenue P.O. Box 546 Hallaroneck, New York 10543 ~ RECOR[IED 2005 Rug 10 02,4::01 PM E;toJard P. ROMaine CLERK OF SUFFtu COUNTY L ??oo12402 P 970 DTi 05-01669 I Mansase Amt. I. B~ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. I Assit. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTa TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment ~ Transfer Tax l/.J _ , Mansion Tax The properly covered by litis motgase is or will be improved by u one or IwO family dwellins only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate lax clause on palle /I of this instrument. 5 Communlt Preservation Fund Coru;ideration Amount S CPF Tax Due S Improved Vacant Land TO TO TO The premili. herein i. silualed in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In Iho Township or Southhold In tho VILLAOE or HAMLEr of Laurel BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BB TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDlNO OR f'lLlNa (over) TO Robert S. C:olucci and Laura Allillon '. III~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111 StJFPOLK COtlNTY CLBRK RECORDS OPPICE RBCORDIHG PAGE Type of I:n.trument I DBEDS/DDt' Humber (If Page. I 4 Receipt Humber I 05-0083415 TRAHSPKR TAX NmlBBR: 05-(11669 :aecordedl Atl 08/10/2005 02141:01 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012402 970 Di.trict:1 1000 Section. Block I 127.00 06.00 EXAMJ:NBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 LotI 009.000 Deed Amc.unt I :aeceiveell the Following Pee. 'or Above I:nstrumant ~""'Pt Exempt Page/Pi. ling $12.00 NO H8ndli:o.g $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO :&:A-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO TrlUl.fer tax $0.00 NO COIIIII.Pre. $0.00 NO Pee. Paid $152.00 TRANSPER. TAX NUMBER. 05-01669 THI:S PAGE I:S A PART 01' THE I:NSTRlJMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County CT. SWIS Code - --- --- -PLEASE TYPE OR PR.ES~fFIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stsle.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 "004- q917~ REAl PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT * STAlE OF NIW YORX STAlE IIOAIlII OF lEAL PROftIIlY 8ERVICEll fOR COUNW USE ONLY I~?, 3,,:r,f',rl CZ.____d ~I/e '~..rl C3._ ,.1 ,~,0 a.2JC4.PogeL, ,r,1',OI PROPERTY INFORMAnON RP - 5217 .P.~17""1i't1 '.-vLl700 Loutlon all.11 NUIMIR L Southhold ""'lOO'- N. Oakwoocl Dr1ve 11lII'IT fMMI ....... I 11948 lPCOllI! I. .... L Colucc1 Name ual..../~ Ilobert S. -- L All1son lAST ~, COWAlIV Laura f.rNAlllf 3.T.. lndiclltwhlrefulureTIDCBillllIf1lObeAnl SlUng h____III_.._ L Colucc1 Ad*.- LAIT NMlIE/rD/fIHIHIf L 410 Warren Avenue Mamaroneck 1'....I........"'llDIU...;1MMI C'lVDlTOMlI ~..JV'd c. 5. Dood I -v .... """".... Ixl "'''''' lOll" ACRU' .5'. 7 I I N..Y. I 10543 ......TIi Zll'COOi COnIyW-...____.....1r. ....""'MIng--__..Emm 0 ..s-.__Roqu....'..T.._ 0 C. "'-' Approved .....Sulld..__ Mop "'_ 0 4. ....... the ............ III "---""1UIt ... JIll............... Oft .he dud 1 I , or P.rcoCI OR D Pan af _ '.real 1.- ...... L!tstate of Barbara A. Colucc1 LAST ICAMlI COMM.'fY L bLIf)l./),yJ C. (!11"cC:/~ LAST IrIAW: , COMMIrY 1 E XeI!.Ll1or"1 FN'NMIII ......- 7. Qwdl: the bctlllMlow wldch I'MIt _.-Jy ...... tile UN aI the prDpIfty .. 1M tIma of ~..: -...----- I. ~ T_" Ccndomlnlum ~ Cammunlly Sentlce .. New ConIlrucdon 011 V8CanI unci J In""""" lOA. "'-'Y L..- ....... .. Agricu...., _ . Public_ 111.__.__1-.0 L Fat.. ....... _...., AQricuhurIIIlIIIna ,.. ChIdr. OM....... "'_ ..d..... _.......... to trlnller: ,\ &.I. ...,..,.. Relatlvu or Former Relatives 8 s.&e ~ ~ Comp.t_ 01 Partnn in Bu.ineu Can.ol the Buyers II .110. Seller o ~'" _II -.-Ago.... or Londlnu .......Ion E 0tId TW- not W.rerny or IIIrpln Met Sale 'Specify 8afowJ I' Solo 01.......0""' 0' Lou _ FoG _I_Iv Balowl o S1a_nt Chongo .. "'-'" _ TlXlbIo _. -.d SIlo 01... II SIlo"_._..SoloP",", I lldoor U"""'"' F..... -nu SIlo "".. I_Iv_ J Nono Estate d1str1but1on of 1/2 1ntereat o o o o A~ Ono FomiIy ROII"'ill E~ ",-'rol R 2 or 3 Family RIIidlntll.l F Commercilt C __ VlClnt I.oncl 0__ o ____I.ond H E_,'Am_ I SALE INFORMATION I I "'fA 11. ... ContnGl 0.- I I - .... v.., 12. Dete 01 58, I Traut. 7 126 I 05 - Do. v_ 13. FuU .... Prl_ . ..0,0.01 , , . (Full $lie Prien II the 10lil .mount pMI far lhe PlDI*tY Including ~ ptaplny. Thill peymtnllNly be In dl. form of c:ah. othIr property or QOOdI, or the ltIaIIIlpcJon 01 nMJrtgIgII Dr other otlIlptions.) ,.,..,. IOUnd 10 ". ItHfIIf __ doIW MnOunt. ,..............-..- I ,0. 0 I ___In...._ . .>'\ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. OlIO ol1Cluld rolloct .he IIlH' FiMI_men. Roll .nd TIX Bill ,I. ::::."~=trorn 10 ,5 I 17. T__V_I...._.._I ; ; '-. I a 0 I , 1L Property CIa... . /2. 1.0 I-LJ "._Il1o__ 1 (h,.Jf., f<,c.c.k.. -L,..~~-el 20. T.._Idoo_,__...IIII____.......____1 ~1:2.7 /3t.,c:.k. " Lcr<=J 01 InrunaloUna ........ ... II1II1.... on lrUt ... __ 110 "'" .... '" IIQ' .........1lIId boUoI) ond I __ Ihul "'" DlIillnA or_r.r -....lIIIIlJo<1-...... ...........01'.. -'..... _~............._ llllnaor__ , BUYER BUYEII"S ATTORNEY GA" 7j:v,jo.s Su.S;........ ~ rl K ~lr\.e.1" I(~.,J ......-"'AJ'y I A..J 'f I ''''lll l~ ~ ~~ C~V-,Q ----,' ..W~ IU\'IIIIIGIMIUJIIl '7C} .3'4 11...1'....... ~ C!"..t""l Yo,../cu~ """.. ... Dav1dson !.AIr,... 1 Edward ....'NA.. 914 1C)'1~h 1070/ l/rCXlOC. . -- 698 - 8255 ~_. NEW YORK STATE COPY.