HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12425 P 970 , ! L .J /L})') . , P 1/10 .. I II~ i!Jlq ~!'a;!; ..'"'lile j!;i; ~ ( . l;z 7-&-q .3004-- J , blt'l...S Sr.""'" N. Y.1. T.U. ,....IM2: ....... A StIlt DInI .11II n'VNI......... ......... .....11IdMd.... er C......... ......__1. 5-tI CONSlIl.T YOUR LA.wn:a BEFORE :SIGNING TillS I~STRCMENT-THIS L"ISTIllIMF^T SHOULD BF.lJSED BV lAWYER ONLY THIS INDEI''TURE. made thc3 iy of November, ZOO! BETWEEN I" ( . ,C_j r ". Raymoad C. Colucci, resldlall at 410 Warrea Aveaue. MlUIUlI"onec:k, New York 10543 al to bls uadlvlded oae-ball (I/Z) la~e_rest ,Ia I~ '!,roperty party of the tirst part, and Robert S. Colucci as Trustee 01 The Ra)'IIlOad C. Colacci Irl"e\'ocable Trult, with aa address 01 1700 N. Oakwood Drive, Laarel, New York 11948 party of lhe second part, WITNESSETH, that thc party e,f the first part, in consideration of \cn ($10.00) dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby gnmt und release unto the party ofthc second part, the heirs or successors and &Ssigns of the party of tile second part ~~rever. ALL that certain plol, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon ereeted, situate, lying and being in the Towa 01 Southold. Couaty 01 Suffolk aad State 01 New York aad more particularly described In the Scbedule "A" attacbed bereto aad made a part hereol. ra.t..! 12- 1- Bkc.\c: 10 l-t; ~ 4"0,.1'" ~ Sou.:ft.i:i l~ &,.......! 'j: S....H-o \ t:... The party of the first part shall Jretain a life estate in said premises. TOGETHER with all right, title: and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the fllSt part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or suecessors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the fll'st pILIt covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have, been encumbered in any way whatever. except as afon:said. AND the party of tile tirst part. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party ofthe first part will receive the C<lnsidcrstion for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a bust fund to be applied frn for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement befon: using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. 'The word 'party" shall be constrUed as if it read "parties" when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WJ11IlESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~r.~. Raymoad C. Colucci or:..c:CRIPTI(i~ ALL that certain lot, piece 01" parcel of land, situate, lying and being ILt Laurel, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 51 on a certdn map enti tIed, "Map of Laurel Park, II and filed in the Office of the Cle,rk of the County of Suffolk on October 5, 1925 as Map 110. 212. . " . ..~. .. . SCHEDULE A , .- , Number of pn,ges TORRENS ~ Serialll _ Cerlificate II PriurClL/1 Decd , Mongage Inslrument Deed I Mongage Tall SlliIIIp . FEES II /j- Palle I f'i I i Il~: Fec Bundling S JllL t(' TI'.584 Nlllal;lln EA-S217 (Cuunty) Sub TOlal J..7 ~- 7'>'_ 30 :.- . EA.5217 (Slale) R.I'.l~S.A. Comm. <If Ed. S. .QlL AITid..vil Cenili.d Copy 1;;0; 9 Reg. C"I'Y Sub TOlal Other I'S" Orand TOlal . 4 Di~fjl;~IO Block G:, LoI 121()0 0600 009000 Sectioll /2 Rc..1 PllIpen)' Ti-IX S~1'\'i...:t: Agem:)' Veri lil".l1 hlll . - '0 ~~~~95 1000 RLPA A 16-DE~ ~ Sali"faclinIl/Di!iCharge~~~le:se l..i:II'ropeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RliTURN TO: Edward A. Davidson. Esq. P..O. Box 546 HID Malnaronec k Avenue MilIDaoneck. New York 10543 RECORDED 2005 Dee 16 12:52102 PM Edward P.RoIIalfl@ CURK OF SUFFOlK COUKTV L 000012425 I' 970 on 05-1%73 I Rec:ording I Filing SlampS Mongage Ami. I. Basic Tall 2. Addilional Tu' Sub TOlal Spec. I Assil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual CounlY _ Held for Appointmcp~ Transfer TIllI .TI::... Mansion Tu The propeny covered by lhis molgage is or will be improved by a one or IWO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see approprillle IIIlI clause on page j f Ihi instru I. 5 , Communlt Vacanll..and TD~ TO TO 7 TItle Com any Information Co. Name if" A~ C<>vYJ :r. ~ . Tidej 3004-- II b 2..~ ~Sut'folk County Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This Imll" rorms pan Ill' Ihe ~llIach~d PE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: Raymond C. Colucci The premisis herein is situated in SUffOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In lhe Township of Southhold . . The Ra:,mond C. Colucci Irrevocable TrllRt In lIIe VILI..AGE or HAMLET of Laurel BOXES Ii THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDINO OR FILING (over) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111I11111111111111111111 l~tJlI'lPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of' Instrument. DBBDS/D:OD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt: Number . 05-0130556 TRANSli'BR TAX NOMBER: 05-19673 Recorded. At. 12/16/2005 12:52.02 PM LIBO: PAGB: D00012425 970 Distric:t. 1000 Section. Block. 127.00 06.00 BXAK[NBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 009.000 Deed A:D:lOunt: Receive,d the Following Fee. For Above Instrument Bxempt Bxempt page/F'iling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CT1' $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copi.. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transf'er tax $0.00 NO COJIIII\.Pre. $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 TRANS:n:R TAX NmlBBRI 05-196'73 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County , FOR coultrv USE ONt V PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHElII WRmNG n~FORM--- INSTRUCTIONS; http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~ CZ. D_ DoIed_ordod ~'~ ca. _ J? ,'-I, Z-c5C4. po~ g * c,. !IWIlI Codo PROPERlY INFORMATION '.I'r-'Y L 1700 l.ocIItIDn '1I1UtNUWIIR (' ~~ld) z. a_ LIbe Raymond C. N.... LAIT NAMf I COIIIIANV I N. Oakwood Drive ''''''NAMIr. ) _nUA......J.. """.. Colucci. Irrevocable '!rust I "1IIS11tAMl L LASr NAIIt I coYI"AlI"I 'IIIST NAMe 31. Tu Indicltl w.... fuluro Tax BIll II. 10 bI .....1 L BIIInll if other thin buyvr Dddreu I.e: bonum of form) Add_ 1A5f NANII COMIIIINY L STIIUT NUMB AND ..-...!ET NMII' C1T"f OR TO'IIN .. IrIcIIate the numa..r at ~_ment Ron pllra1. t._........dI OII'M dMd I J , of P.reels OR 0 Part of .. Parcel 5._ ""'- &Izo .S.'71 . IORI Ixl Aau' R10NTf'tET ..... ..a_ N..... l Colucci 1MINA"'/~""Y RaY)ll~d c. ....., l LASTNlt....,~ "RSTIIAMI l. ctMtck tM box Wow willet. most M:CllnlteIy AIert_ the un of the pI'OIMI'ty .-: th. 11m. .. ..a.: A~ 0.., FomNy_" n 2 or 3 Family RasidanlieJ C R..idenlieI V_nt...... D NoIl.Resldentlal VICIni Lind I SAlE INFORMATION ~ ". 8_ Corrtnlct DIdt ~~=~~ G _nl H E,.lRainrrleflt I AmUMment '/\J IPr 1 1 MDnIII OIly v_ ~ Communily So..... J Ind.....1 . PublicSllrvlce I. _ STATE Of NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERlY lIERVICU RP - 5217 .1'4217....JWI l11jm, . F1nST"Nt't ITA'll N""'" IOnIr._",._I~.lIloy_1y> 4A. PIInnlng Board with Subdlvilion Aulhorlty blsES 0 48. Subdivillon ApprM _ Aaquhd farTrw1Ifur 0 "'_~lorSubdiYiolon_""'_'" 0 ~lM__"""'___ e. OwMrshlp Type il Condominium t. New Canmuc:fion on VKllnI Lind 'OA. Prupony L..- wllhln on oV<ulbU"Ddu.. ,1&...,.. ~ a cllcmwv nata IndlCIIIng that Ihl propI'ny II in an Agricullural DIIlrict o o o o 11. CIIIIII: OM Of ,... of ~ aandIIIa.. _ w.. .. tD tNMIer: A SlIe Belween R_ivel or Formor RoIattvaa B S.1a Batwuan RDiIIhtd Companlu Dr Plirtn... in &u.inali C 0... or 1M BuVln '- ..... . s.I.... D Buyer or hi.... .. Governmlnt AgtnCy or llnding InMtMion Ii Dood Typo not W...lncy or .rguln and SIll. ISpoc:ify Below. F Solo .t FrocIlanoI .. Lan I.... ... _ 18pKJIy a_I G Slgnifleo'" Chango In Plopol!y -. T_ SIaIuo and Solo Dol II Solo of SIAl.- 10 lncIudod In Sol. Prico 1 om.. lJrlUMJaI F.ICIOl'I Affecting Sol. Pric:8 ISpoc:lly Solow) J Nan. /t'I:.l1tHr" cJf""fya:..Il4Tertl/''.J. J.i. ,,,,,+e;~'r I Lot ,~ I CERllACA'~ I ,..nII'y ...., . or... II.... or _ ndrnd lID tbklUnD .... 1....1IIIlI_ (10... """ '" lIlY _.... ond boUdllllllll _ ..... IboIlUlldn& ,Il" OIlY wlDlI~ .....""", or -.rIoIliIcI ....... wUI mbJ... .... ... .....1do... ""ho ..... .... .......... 10 ... .......1IIIlI1IIIaa or fabo I.............. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY 12. DIIte of SIIi.el TrlRlhr 11 1.3 "'" 1 05 ..., u_ , . , 0, (I . II I , , a cFull S... F'rlel II the toll! ,",ount pilei for lh1 praPtRY' ind&u1inu pM'1Df111 propM'ty. This p,lymlIRl rMy bII in thI farm of CIIIh. othIr PfClpil'ly IU goodI. or IhI aeumpllon of mortp". or 01'" obIi(Jllllonl.) PfoaN rrMlllU to fhDIIf'tINtt wboIt ~ _mount. 131. Full.... Prlcl "."_"0.'-"'_01 I , II , II I ,..,.....__Inlha_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Delo ""auld rell'" ,o.lll8lt Fino' _mont Roll ond TOll Bill ,.. Y- '" .- -.... RoI fram I 0 oS I 11. T.... _ Vol............... In .._ I which InIlarmMlan uUn '0. --. CIuo 12. 1. Ol-U 't._._Nom. I Mattituck - Laurel 20. Till M. Ict.ntI.....11I1 RoB Idlntlllerr.111 ..... 'Mn .... IItKh ....... with .dIIIIonIIIldlatlliII1sJl I Sectlon 127 I Block 6 dl~+- :z;..t~U~ !/ ,,6')3 Sc...&<... ~ rl v:t .....IT.....W""a&LIll ~ tN:., "''I ; .'.IOD , ; \000 Davidaon Edward A. LA.' NMI[ PlMT... 914 I 698-8255 NIL.A CODL ILLLPHOM. NUMIHI ---t.1!~ Clf; I AlrX !~.('6 SELLER ~~0'~'1 II /~/;,..J M11' . r NEW YORK STATE COPY