HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12387 P 161 uf-s't1 v\~ \ I\~ <?>lP50'S ' --Bargain and Sale Deed, with COvenant alllllnst Grant.~s Acts--Indlvlclual or COrporatlon (single sheet) CCINSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING nus INSTRUMENT---THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. c.... THIS INDENTURE, made the iil1."'da"V'01'= Two Ttlousanll Five BETWEEN Ifl'- GRACE M. HOUSER. reSiding at 326 Mountain Way, Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950 party of the first part, and GRACE M. HOUSER. residing at 326 Mountain Way, Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950; GRACE PERRET, residing at 326 Mountain Way, Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950; and DONALD HOUSER, residing at 100 Cemetery Road, Fly Creek, New York 13337, as tenants bv the entirety with the right of survivorship party of the second part, ---r-.~ 7 - G,-i3 WITNE'5SETH, that the party of the first part, In consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by Ithe party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or SUCCeSSl)rs and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Laurel, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, being the westerly part of Lot #47 on the map entitled -Map of Laurel Park, Property of Ravatone Realty Corporation, Laurel, L.I.N.Y., made by Daniel R. Young, P.E. and L.S., New York State Ucense #1404", filed In the Suffolk County Clerk's Office at Rlverhead, New York, on October 5, 1925, under Map #212, more particularly bounded and described as follows: COMMENCING at the northwest corner of said Lot #47 at a point formed by the intersectlon of the northerly line of said Lot #47, and the easterly line of North Oakwood Road, running thence easterly by and along the northe,rly line of said Lot #47, 200 feet to a point and land of Nina Aldlno; running thence southerly by and along the WE!sterly line of Nina Aldlno (which line Is at right angles to the northerly line of Lot #47) 80 feet more or less to' a point in the southerly line of Lot #47; running thence westerly along the southerly line of Lot #47, which line is also the northerly line of North Oakwood Road 180 feet more or less to a point at which a curve begins; running thence along the boundary line of Lot #47 and the northerly and easterly line of North Oakwood Road (In a survey having a radius of 40 feet and a chord of 58.5 feet to a point; running thence northerly along the wE,sterly line of Lot #47 and the easterly line of North Oakwood Road 40 feet more or less to the poInt or place elf JlEGINNING. . .Q.'''''ToiaT ,1000 ~~""''''''I \2.,.00 ~\OClC. 00.00 lOT OI~,Cf)(). EXCEF'TING FROM ABOVE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Laurel, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New YClrk, being the westerly part of Lot #47 on a map entitled -Map of Laurel Park, Property of Ravatone Realty Corporation, Laurel, LI.N.Y., made by Daniel R. Young, P.E. and L.S., New York State License #1404", filed In Suffol~: County Clerk's Office at R1verhead, New York, on October 5, 1925, under Map #212, more particularly boundc!d and described as follows: COMMENONG at the northwest corner of said Lot #47 at a point formed by the Intersection of the northerly line of said Lot #47, and the easterly line of North Oakwood Road, running thence easterly by and along the northerly line of said Lot #47, 160 feet to a point and other land of the District Director of Internal Revenue as of June' 1, 1966; running thence southerly along the westerly line of other land of the District Director ofInternal Revenue as of June 1, 1966 (which line Is a right angles to the northerly line of Lot #47) 80 feet more or less to a point In the southerly line of Lot #47; running thence westerly along the southerly line of Lot #47 which line Is also th'e northerly line of North Oakwood Road 120 feet more or less to a point at which a curve begins; running thence along the boundary line of Lot #47 and the northerly and easterly line of North Oakwood Road on a curve having a radius of 40 feet and a chord of 56.5 feet to a point; running thence northerly along the westerfy line of Lot #4'7 and the easterly line of North Oakwood Road 40 feet more or less to the point or place of BEGINNING. Being ilnd Intended to be the same para!1 acquired by deed dated 9/22/01, recorded by the Clerk of the _County of Suffolk on 10/11/01 In Uber 12146 Cpo S34. ' ,'. ,,' ;, . . ." . - , . ~.- .~. T.t)GI!THER with all rtght, title and Interest, If any, of the party of the first partln~llnd)!~ a~~ streets and roads abultlng the above descrtbed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenanceS and all the estate and rtghts of the party of the first part In and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLO the premiseS'hereln granted unto the party or the second part, the heirs or successors and a5llgns of the party of the second part'fllreiter. '.', " AJND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, except as aroresald. AIND the party of the first part, In CXlmpllance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, covenants that the party of the first part will mcelve the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the rtght to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be appllecll first for the purpose of paying the cost or the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost or the Improvement before using any part llf the total of the same for any other purpose. TIle word "party" shall be construed as If It read "parties" whenever the sense of this Indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of'the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENI::e OF: A~?t1. -p/~ GRACE M. HOUSER 105". STATE OE..N~.QRK - ) ) 55.: COUNTYOFSl:lfh..LK,) . MO(t'\ \ Qr.rd , On the 'ZZ- day ~ in the year 2005 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for said State, personally appeared GRACE M. HOUSER known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Individual whose name 15 subscribed to the wi 1/1'" rume d acknowledged to me that she executed thl! same In her capacity and that by her slgnature.o e In ent e Individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the m' .' .-.... ',..-_..~ ... .1 i~-: J ..... . .' ~. :f '';' :". :: ~ ~ - ~-...... ~. -; ;.!. I~ . - . '. -. ~ ':. \ " '" . ~. Bargain and Sale Deed wnrH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR's ACTS TO O,~s:\cT i 000 SECTION 127.00 BLOCK 06.00 LOT 013.000 COUNTY OR TOWN - SUFFOLK/SOUTHOLD TAX BIWNG AODRESS: 326 MountaIn Way, Monis Plains, New Jersey 07950 TITLI! NO. {:l\C ~ tJo -s GRACE M. HOUSER GRA.CE M. HOUSER, GRACE PERRI:"T, and DONALD HOUSER RE1UI.N IIY MAIL TO: DANIEL C. MOONEY, P.C. 11700 MAIN ROAD P.O. BOX 702 MATTmlCK. NY 11952 RESERVED FOR USE BY COUN1Y Q.ERJ( Number of p1ages TORRENS :3 UJ2 Prior Ctf. 1/ RECORDED 2005 Hay 13 01:50:08 PH Edward P.Roooai"" CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUHTY L 000012387 P 161- D TI 04-40748 Seriol # _ Cenifieale 1/ Deed i Mongage Instrument Deed / Mongage Tax Stamp FEES Recording/ Filing Stamps 2J Page / Filjn~, Fee Handling TP-584 9 -- Notation ~-- 7&:)_ t"l)Cf) Suh Total Monga!!e AmI. I. Rasie Tax 2. Additional Tax Suh Thlal Spee.lAssil. or 5. 00 __5_ EA-52 17 (County", EA-5217 (SUllel Reg. Copy Other =---- Sub TOIal ----1!.2. - Grund Thtal 1;Z -S- /Ljq~ Spcc./Add. _.._ _ TOT. MTG. TAX . Dual Town _ Dual Cuunty _ Held for Appointment --A-- Trunsrer Tax -----3.f- - Mansion Tax _ The pmpcny covered hy this mongage is or will he improved hy a nne or two family dwelling only. YES or NO Comm. or Ed. 5. 00 R.P.1~S.A. Affidavit Ccniticd Copy ~ \.6"- 4 Distnc~ Real Propcny Tax Service . Agency Veri lieation Ir NO, see appmpriate rax chlusc nn page 1/ of this il}s!", n ,...... y, -tJ ~ 05!-~18270 1000 pT s ~SFL A \~~AY 12700 0600 013000 ".0 5 Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ Improved V .' 6 SatisfaC:lionsIDischargeslReleases List Propeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: OPlNIEL C. MOCNEY P.C. H.100 fnPt1:N ~~D . P.O. M~ -'02- t\.A,." -n I."'l'tC\<. I "-1" \ \(~52 Titlel/ 'f\c lluffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page DEED (SPECIPY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Vacant Lnnd _..L....- TO __I f) TO TD ICE This page furms parI of Ihe aunehed .__ made hy: C!:,RI\C"E: N\. Hn\.lS~B The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO 10 IheTownship nr ~OllTHOLD-. G(~,,~g M. HOUSER InlheVlLLAGE GRPCE P"ERRE1"- ~LQ1I~~RorHAMLETof BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (n\'cr) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFJ:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type of~ Instrument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt: Number : 05-0051918 TRANSP'ER TAX NUMBER: 04-40748 Recorded. At: 05/13/2005 01.50.08 PM LJ:BBR: PAGE: D00012387 161 Distric't: Section: Block. Lot. 1000 127.00 06.00 013.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS Deed ADilOunt: $0.00 Received the POllowing Pees Par Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/p'i1ing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO EA- CTY' $5.0(1 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.0(1 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.0(1 NO CODIIIl.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $149 . 00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-40748 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRtlMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM., INSTRUCTIONS: hltp:/I www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) "473-7222... FOR COUNITY USE ONL V 1,1.(,1,.3, f,g, 91 C2. o.te, DMd -_...... I .s , /.a ,&$ I IIONh u.y v.... C3._kl/,Q,.3,8, 11C4.PIII'II J,b, t, C1. SWIll Code PROPERlY INFORMATION , REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT it STATE OF NiW VDRK STATE BOARD OF IlEAL PROPERIY"VICU RP - 5217 .,..:17....."" 1.P_'" L . I"., () I.Dudon &IIM'~ l ; tJ \A r-e -",I CI1YO'l~ ~= I ~~~r I r;~~lJ ~ e. r ~/f:fJWNlt l"5a k I.U M J. 12 A- I ~"/ ....... : ~~:tJM. -- ~ l. T.. kdcllll ..... ruw... T.. BIll, .. 10 ba ... L IIIIInI " othar IhIn turar.... tll boUom aI formt -- LM1' ~ ICCM'NW sr"l!T ,..... NfO STlW!T "*! U2,tf"J : """- I I Irig ,.cgm 4. 1ndIut. .... .......... '" A__ .__1 RoD ...... truIf8rnd on .... .... en" 011 TOWIt . j' I . 01 Pan:a. OR D Pert of . Pwcel 1OnIy....... . _I.,.... __ 44__""511__"- 0 4I.S.__-_forTr_ 0 41:.__....__....._ 0 ).1\ s. ::.... 1 II.. .:I:p.QCo' 1 - Gra c.e --- Ixl IIUIlt I (IR I FIIOItII'PI:!T &.s_ N.... l~O uSe..r L,., NAME tCOlWoVlY LAlTICAlC/COIltJPIo~V 7. Check the box below which molt ........... ...... the ute of... property .. tM time III ....: F..-:''MM! E ~ "',~ultu'" I ~ CcmmuniIy leNa f Com_' J Ind_' G A_nt K Public SoN"" " e_lIAmu_1 L ...... '1. A R C D E I' G H I J A~'F_Y_I B 2 or 3 FmUIy R........ C __ V........... o NOIrt-Ruid1mi11 VlICMt Land , SALE INFORMATION I 11,..... eon..... DIh r--"- -. " . ~.J', -, o-'i ~ Ct." v.., 12. D.o,. 011....' Tr........ !J ,~'2. ...... .., Y.. ,051 a.- th. __ MIaw _ tt.r apply; .. 0wnerIhIp Type II Condominium I. New Construction on Viani lMIcI _P_L..-,"",,",onAgricul__ _S...._.__1ndicalIng ..... _ loin.. Agriau_ _ o o o o _....... 01... _~. 4........... ~ It e.cw.en ~ or Fanner ReIMiYat Sale Bocwaen Re&ad Compan'- or PIttnInI1n &u.in... One of the II&Iv-s milia . SaIlor Buyer or Seller . GoveIn~ Agerqo or Lendinlllnstltution Daad Typo... Warrny '" Borgaln and SaIolSpocllr_ _............"'.........Faoln......_lr_ S1g_a.ngo In Pro_ _ T_ _ end SaIto 00... .It at ...... is Included In Sele Price Other Un...... FecIan AHDGting Solo Price (Specify BeIowI Non. . ,,0.0.0 I 1 , . (Full S1110 Priccl II the tolIl amounr J*d for the Pl'Opll1y Including perlONl property. lit. PIYI"Imt mil" blln rhe form 01 coh. other property Of goodI. or lho IllUmpllon of McrlpUH or other obIipIiona.1 ",."." round UI 1M,.,..,.. "".. doIIM amount 14. Indlonl.... vatu. at......1 I 0 0 I . , . ,II .........,. InIIuded ... the .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dot. ahould ..Doot .h.'..... Flnol A..._. RoIllnd Tox Bill 11. Full.... PrICle 18. ::"afar:~I:.=trom 10.51 17. r.............v..... kaf.a......In........ I 1 ; .~ 0 , () o . I ,.. PrDpMy CI_ ~,! .OI-t!J II. School _ Nome 1 ~ou-n-lO<<-O H. Tn MIIP ......... , Had 1d.ntiIiM11111f men than four. 8ttKtI ..... wftlllIdcIIIoMIldInWiM1Ill ~2Q.::.1~7.00-D(p.OO-O /4. 000 I L- I CERTIFICA'~1 I conll)' ....,..."'........"'_ _ ua UIIo""" ~_ ....................... "'lIlY................ _ ad 1_-....IIIol.......... oflllI ._1_ _ nI_1lIcI ........ wDI....... ..... ... ... Ill... law........ 10'" ........... ... Ill.. """- BUYER'S ATTORNEY A-ol.l&er .~;1I1n 1.At /)llill ta.,' n We.. \oJ ''''''TN~II .-rwaT.......1NTl1l1ALl1 7 M "rr~ )a i 1"15 an' OR"~ NJ I 0'1'1.'50 STAn. Zl"a;a. I ~ ~ ~~ hi. ~~~~IO ~~M. Ho\ls.e.r- .... "U OD f\-e...J I ,D, t'\ ie. I c1. LAIT MAW''' MIl'...... Ilia / ~t-1I00 hfi CQOI, 1'IL!PMl:INf Nl.IMIM NEW YORK STATE COPY