HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12441 P 678 (~1 Y-\o NY 014 '. Full Co.-. A W.-..aty DIed ladMdaalarCOIpOAIiaI. (Slap SbIa)(NY1mJ 1003) CONlAJLT YOtJa LAWYER BEFORE SlCNING TlUIINSIRUImNT - 'IRIIINI11WMINTIIIOULD IE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY G;)',).f THISINDENTURE,lIIIIdq.,tbe IIf day.f N()f~~""" ,lntheyear 2005 BE~EN PEIER BOURBOULIS residing at 14J2 6Jld Street. Bruuklyn, New Yurk 11226 - and - KANELLA CONNELLY, fomerly known as KANELLA OF-ONES lesiding at 2J92 Oak Bend DrIve, Apt. 1216 Paln. Halbu~r, Flulida 34683 puIy "fthe fust port, ond PEIER BOURBOULIS and MARIA BOURBOULIS, as tenants in cu~~un each residing at 14J2 6Jrd Street, Blooklyn, New Yurk 11226 port)' ..flho _ port, WITNESSETH, thll the port)' of the filii port, in _on often doIlan ODd other valuable considerIlion paid by the port)' of the _ port, does benby snnl ODd releue IDlto the puIy oflho IIlCOIId port, the heim or_ ODd ..iliplS of the port)' oflbe ......d port forev.... ALL I~cerlain plot,pioo:c orpan:el oflood, wilb the bnildill8l ODd ilOJllO'iC2llO'ltbereon -. siluIle, lyinsODd belnsiam at Laurel, in the tuwn uf Southhold, County uf SuFFulk and ~ State of New York, known and designated as Lut Nu. 15 un.B certain nlap entitled "Map of Laurel Country Estates", and filed In the SufFulk County Clerk's OfFice on June 22, 1970 as Map Nu. 5466. SUBJECT to cuvenants and ~estrlctluns uf recurd affecting said pren,ises~. Sec. 127 Bluck 4 Lut 6 BEING the saRle prenllses conveyed tu the granturs frun. INLAND HOMES, INC. 'by deed dated Oece~ber 16, 1974 and recorded In the Cuunty Clerk's Office uF SuFFulk in Liber 7770 Page 9 un Oecen,bel 19, 1974. ~AIO PREMISES being known as and by 2065 Oel~ar DrIve, Laurel, New York. TOGETHER with 011 riJbl, litie ODd intaelt, ifony, of the port)' of the fint pill in ODd to ony _ ODd roods ~ the above .....ribed pmniaea to Iho cenla' IiDa thereof; TOGElllER willi the appurtenancea and 011 the ..101<, ODd rights of the port)' of lb. fint port In ODd to oaid prern;-; TO HA VB AND TO HOLD the premi... berein snnted unto the port)' of the _ part, the hein or .............. ODd ...i.... of the port)' of the _ port forever. AND Iho puIy of the filii port, in oomplianl:c wilb Section 13 of the Lien Law, OIIVeDIIIla tbIl the party oflhe filii port will recei.. the __on for Ibis _ ODd will bold the riahl to recei.. sacb c:onaiden1ion u a bUll I\md to he applied lint for the JlUI]IOIIl .fpoyins the COIl of the impIo.....ent ODd will opply the IIII1ll filii 10 the payment of the COIl of the im_t beftKe 1IIin& any port of the total of the lime for any olber purpoae. AND the port)' of the fUll port........... u foil.....: tbat oaid port)' of the fint port i. seized of the oaid pmn_ in re. simpl., and bu aood riahl to convey lb. same; tbat lb. party of the _ pari oba11 quietly enjoy the oaid premlsea; Ihallho oaid pmniIea are free lium incumbroncea, acepl u afoIeuid; thaI the port)' of!be fiIIl port will ......... or pnlCIIIe ony further .... ')' ........... of the title 10 oaid premisea; ODd lhal oaid port)' of the lint pari will f_ WIIIIlIltlho title 10 oaid pmniaes. The word "pIIty" oba1l be OOIIItrued u ifil read "pIUIiea" whenever Iho..... oflbis indenlUre 10 requi.... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thepuly oflhofirslparl budulyexeculed this cIeed the day ODd year lint abovewrillen. IN .aElEJlfCE OF:. tb P.= tL ~ Peter BOurbuwlrs ~mf"~ ~I/~ Kaner a Cannel y, Flkla Kanella Oeunes L Iif-Lfl...{/ P ~78' USIlADlNt1WlElJGlllRJ81 M/lDWMIJe' /IIIlW l'(MK',,)TAmurw.r: s..,..I'N...VOIIe,CoouII7ar ~:lngs I": in"~ 200 011... i1d1y'" (Y~ ,,~..1tJ.tJ\ -...........so. 1.> ~......,oy--, Peter Bourbuulis , .......,ay_....or...........III.._... .. , _Ill be Ibe hIMduoI(s)-......oo 11<-)_.... __oad....' 11 .......Woellbey_tho ....,-......~~oad....by............~.11II .. _ tho iIIdM&bI(.~ or""'" _ _or_... iodmdud(s}......-...- -h11 . otrt. ".. ruJta~pub d -...- ..,NlID._d....YoltI ....- au...I~ ......~ -__DiL ___l.IIIr_____" (N<wr"'*~-A-........~ s.... oI'N... VOIle, Co....,. or I __: Onllle dayof inllle,., bef........theUllllonljpwxl,......,..ny~ tIle..-.._lotller......n.~ wllhwboml"; ....-Iy............. wbo,bein.by..dulYIWUD,d"lIIdcpooeoad lOy..... beIIhoIIhcy Rlridc(.) In (If..,...tI/-.....d1Ji......"..----.,. ..... """'il; ..... bcIIheIIhey kDow(l) III be tile IndiYldtW descnDod in ond ..... .....Ied tile filnIoIall inItnuncnI; IhIlIlld IlIbocribiq _ _..-art 1IId_1Ild _ tile tome; ond IhIlIIid wl_ lithe ....ti..llIb.c'ibecl hillbcrflhelrname(.)u.__ W AIUlANTY DIED ""'" fW.CUWIWnI) Tm.B No. PETER BOURBOULIS and KANELLA CONNELLY f/k/a Kanel,la Deones TO PETER BOURBOULIS and MARIA BOURBOULIS, as tenants 1n CUlhnlon FmEUTY NAnONAL TITLE INSURANCE e;;::MPANYOI'NEWYORK ~IDIUI . .6FrM1Jty "V J' "....",. .......,..M........ , i I ~ o ~ ~ i ~ I -~--..,; ..&~?~CoIudJoI !tw. ." .CMr&OI'M.ura.n ?(IlJ' ,-- 011...,., dlyofNDIJP.. in"~ .,,:vo~- "'It~tho . 0 p~ . ~_IIl"" 1Il..."'..._or_, _Ill be.. l-mmo(I)II(n)_.... __oad """'1bII~,_.. ....,............ ...~oadlholby~~I)1II ...,.,.,.., . ~,,"'.....__af_tho nIIvkDI(s) _tIle_ I ---...__l.IIIr____ONil fOwltl/_...F......-~'b ,.~~ ~ T~. .E". .Of. f:I..OIlJ.Q~, . r;.QljljrY..Q~.. !':(IfA.-S I u.: /CMItIItI"""'" s.r. c...",,,......,,, ~.,..JIM 011 1h00....day of IIP~",."- inllle)'Oll' 2005 belbre me,IIIe.-.;pod, penaaoIly ~ Kanalla Connelly . penaaoIly_lrI.. orpiaw:d Ill.. III tIlebalisar...-y cvicIence IrI bellle indMduaI(.) _nne(I) iI(II'C)_becllrI tile .wlIhIn _. .... lICIlMwIadpd IrI me .... ho/sbeIIhoy eoocoIIolI tile.... iD _CIpICity(ioo~ ""byllillbedlhefr "-""II) III tba i_ tile 1ndividuoI(1~ <<tile _ upaII biboItotwhlch Ihalndividllll(l)aclod,_ ....inIlnanent,lIId Ihat _ indMduoIlIIIda_ belbre dIe.........-..m inIhoCo"',,"'t~ of ~,,-s. (Iutn ,...",.,.po/IIJt:tIl........,........orCfJ!IIa"YIIr -- ...". \j...._..~ ...=....~;~ ~*: . ..." :* \~, 1D01l2152'; ....."'~~M.. "~~'''''''d<~ ......,~.tiT~~, 11l111'U'" no c u IlImUCT S8c'noH 1 27 BI.ocK. 4 LoT 6 CouNTYORTOWN Suffulk 2065 Oel~ar Drive, Laurel, NY 11~48 D.'CXJaDmATMI1JI/PTOF . I'IdoUtJ NI_ TIlII_~ .rN... York MORRIS fLVER, ESQ. 1406 West 5th Street Bluoklyn, New York 11204 _--.--___m_ - - . PlEASE TYPE OR PReSS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM , INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.llote.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FO" COUNTY USE: ONL v 1/ 'I. 1...3, t, cr, f/ I C1. SWIS Code " REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ...._-,- I,.j}, J.J..,~Jt7J.1 ITAlE OF NEW YORK ITATE MIMD OF AEAI. PIIOPEIITY RIMCU cs._1 I...;r,.lt,l.f, \1..._lh., 2. P- I RP - 5217 , IlJO.Qn"'JNI PROPERTY INFORMATION "=~.l..... 1 Delnlar Dr !ve I S...I....... ~~1Jthll'd I Laurel I 11948 I - -- ....... ~urboul1S I Peter I - ,-,......... _1- ~urboulis I Maria I IIIMIII . ,...- I. T... ...... .Iln .... rllC Bill.. .. be ... I I I -.. 1f......1lw1n~.....C.boltomolfDnn) ""'_'~""" -- -- L..T___~_ I aTYIIII11lIIlIII I s."n I ...- I of. ....... .... ..... .. - -.. I 11,ofhtc8IIOftD...nof,PwC1ll 1ONr..... of...... CIIIdI......-...r: ...................--...... "'flllnnlnglDlrdwllh~AuIholIIyb'" 0 ...... _ 5 .2 alklbdlvll*ln AppnM'l WII ftIqund far Tn.... 0 - L- Ixl ..... 1..1 - I C.1'IrcIII~Ior5ubdlvlllanwllhMlpPnMdld 0 .... IfIllllT,.T ..- L!\'ill'aE' ~ I Pater I I - ,...- u. .. .' .. ~,nn.llY (F/k/a Deones) I Kanella . I NM'I/~ f_."- 7. a.eII.... ......._ .................,.......... _ III till......,. lit tM 11- at__ CIIIdr. 1M ..... ..... _... ...... .. 0wnerIhip 1WI is CandomIniI.m 0 A~_- E~"",""'" ~--~- ..-..CanIIruClIOn DI'IV-*"lMICI 0 B 2or3Fllllilly......rcIII F eom....rdli J ....... '&U. PIapIny I..oc-.d ...... .. AgrlIUDnI DisIicr 0 C ........... 'v...c LInd 0_ .....- ,........rIllIMd.cIIIIlIoIInrlllllDllrldlaMlrle 0 i) ...........IlIIIIVIeI..Llnd H EnIMIw-. f""""'" L _ "'''''prllpII'Iyil~lIIl~DIItrII:I I SALE INfOAMAllD!!J ,..a...:._.......,..............................r.r. "..... c.ntnItDl" I nl, J J A ... ~ RelllllWSorforrNr ReIItIvw - ... ,- B .. ___ ....... Com...... or I"MIwIs in...... C an.aftN&uy.rs......... 12.. Dn......./Tr:...,.. I II J 11 / 05 J 0 aurw-...... 0lMr1'lllWll AtItJtttcy or UIndII'ICI ~ - ... ,- . o.d 1P _Wlrnnty'or....In..... ~.... F 1M 01 F....... DI' ~ IhM FeI iNllwt ISpIaIfy IIeIDwI D .0 ....... ChllICII'" PrDpIr1y ~ T...... .....Ind SIll o.tn 11. ........I'rb I . . . . . . . . .0,01 " Sill 01....... II IndudId in ..... Prb . . . iFul .... P1b. tt.lCUI.nKMllpsidlot.........-.r 1rIdulIng.......~. I OIMrU~~AllsdingSl"PriclCSpecffrIilblwl Thill ~msy.mltllfDrmolCllh.ClIMrplOplrlYorgoodl.ortlwlllUl'ftPllonol J .... rnorIPIJISorOltwr............ "'--lOfJIIdlll:lrlll,..,..,""""...xHIf,. 14. ....... die .... .. ........ I . , . . .0.0.01 ....................... . . I ASSESSMENT IM=ORMAnON - Detlllhould ntI1Ic:a the ..... RrwI Aaeumlllnt Roil Md T. Bill 1L y.., of ..................... L..C.......2J 17 T..... A.-...d v..w........ III ......... I 8. 7.9 DI I . i , ..... .......... ..... . , I ...-.- 12 1 . OI_LJ ...___ L MBttituck I IlL Ta............. f W ~ 11_.... __.......... wtttI...................., .... I C;;ec 127. Bluck 4. Lot 6 ---l I I I I I I I I CEllTlFlCA1lON J I ftItIJ daII .. ..1.....,............. ..... _1bII..... ..... ....... cornd lID..... III..., ~... .....,... I ....,.... ... 1Ill'...... fII..,..... ....-..-.....w kI__'" -..- _10.. -w.- .............. .......110.. __...... oIlWM ~ !!!In!! BlIVEn ATTORNEY t- P..Lc;... e... I.. .a.~ I III J'i 105 f"lyer I Morris ....-- _ft ........ -. .... I 1432 83rd Street 718 232-7990 I I .....- ~_~..uI -- -- Bruuklyn I NY I 11228 C11'Y l1li lOWN ~.ft ...- HY.I!! NEW YORK STATE . COpy P.. 6~ _Ll~' '- ~ Number DC paacA 3 TORRENS Serial II C<nirICIIC II Prior elf. II Deed f MOl..... l.slnImenl Deed f MonaollC TIIX Slamp FEES :II Page f Fili.. Fee Handling TP-S84 S. J!!L S_ Notation drf EA-S2 17 ICou.ty) EA-5217 ISla"') R.P.T.S.A. S 7S-- ~.-- SubToIlII Comm. of lid. 5. 00 Affidavit Cenified Copy NYS Sun:1wge Otbcr Sub lblal 1C}f) /'1-9- ~ 15. 00 Grand Total ~Di'l. Real P'''peny Tax Service Agency Verification O~7391 1000 12700 0400 006DDO ~~ ~ Sati.factio.sIDi"'h....,.tReIeases Li.t Property Owne.. Maili.. Add""" RECORD &: RETURN TO: !(ORRIS FLYER, ESQ. JL406 West 5th Street l~rook1yn, NY 11204 -..; RECOROED :'006 I1ar 22 Oll iO;26 F't1 Judi II> R. Pascal. ClERKIlF Sl.FFlJLK COOOY l DOOO12441 P 6711 on 1lS-3l9J5 Recordi.. f Filins SllImps Monsaae AmI. I. Buic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Talal SpecJAssil. or Spec.fAdel. TOT. MTG. TAX Duallbwn _ Dual Coumy _ Held for Appoi.tment TransferTIIX U _ Mansion Tax 5 The property covered by this """'PI" ill or will be improved by a one or two family dwcllins only. YES or NO If NO. / tax clause 00 page is insuumcnl. 7- 11-1 ... ~tiOII FaIId Improved v..... Land _ 11J TO TO TO Title Com nla n Information ::J Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Pa~ Thi.JlIllleformspanofthea_hcd WarTlIIlty Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) PETER BOIJRBOULI S and KANELLA CONNELLY made by: _ The premises bcrcin is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO PETER BOURBOULIS MARIA BOURMULIS ,. the lbwnship of In the VIU-AGE and Southhold or HAMU,-r of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR lU RECORDING OR FILING. Laure 1 {nu~r\ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Iustrument. DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 3 Receipt NUmber : 06-0028775 TRANSFER TAX BOMBBR: 05-31935 Recorded: At: 03/22/2006 01:10:26 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012441 678 District: 1000 SectiOD: Block: 127.00 04.00 ......J[[NBJ) AND CHARCDD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 006.000 Deed AmOUDt: Received the Pollowiug Pees For Above Iustrumeut Bxempt kempt Page/Piliug $9.00 NO HllDd.liug $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO TrlUlsfer tax $0.00 NO CDIIIIIl.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX NtDIBBR: 05-31935 THIS PAGB XS A PART 01' THE XNSTRtJIIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale Couuty Clerk, Suffolk COUDty