HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12373 P 918 " )~ 7 - \.f -' ( f Lp-J 73 f'1rif BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAlmON: mlS AOREBMEHT SHOUU> BE PREPARED BY AN A1TlIRNEY AND ~VIEWED BY ATIORNEYS fOR 5EI.IJ,R ANI) PUR(;JlAStiR 8tiF01lE lIIONJNO. THIS INDENTURE, made the II day of Rbu.aJf/loos Between HERB);RT G. I'ARMENTER, JR, and MARILYN PARMENTER, his wife, both residing al 1700 Delmar Drive. l.aurel. New York 11948 pany of the first part. and SUSAN C. MCDERMOTT. ~iding atl6 Carlisle Drive, Old Brookvillc, New York 11545 WITNESSETH, thai the party or the first pan, in consideration ofTen Dollars and other valuabl.: consido:ration paid by tbe party ofthc second part, does hereby granl and release unto the party oftbe second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the pany oflbe second pan forever. ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon ereeled, situate, lying and being SEE SCHEDULE 'A' A'I1'ACHED HERETO Said pmpeny being known as and by 1700 Delmar Drive, Laurel, New York Being ~~e same premises as conveyed by deed dated 7nIB7 recorded 7/28/87 in Liber 10375 page 237 Said pn,mises are not in an agricultural district and the pareel is enlirely owned by' the tmnsm-ors. TOGElrHER with all right,title and interest, if any, oflhe pany oflbe first part in and to any Slreets and roods abullinl: Ihe above described premises to lbe center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appunenances and all the c;state and rights of the party of the 1in,1 pan in and to said premises, TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pany of the second pan. the heirs nr suceess.ors and assigns of the pany of the second pan forever. AND the pany of the lirst part. covenants thRltbe party oflbe first part has not done or suffered anything whereby Ihe said prem ises have been encumbered in any way whall:ver, except as aforesaid. AND the party oflbe first pan, in compliance with Section 13 oftbe Lien Law, covenanlS lhatt"" pan)' of the first pan will receive the consideralion fur this conveyance and will hold the righl to rccei ve such conside01ltion as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost oflbe improvement and will apply Ihe same first 10 Ihe payment ofthe cost of the improvement befol'll using any part or the tolnl oflhe same for any ,other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed lIS if it read "panics" whenever the sense of this indenture!kl n."'luires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ibe party of the first pan has duly cxcculed Ihis deed the day and year first above w~itten. . . ~ p~'S. OF: rf!,dut~~~J- HERBERTG. PARMENTER. JR. /!?~!~ N\'SIlA a..id<IIllallh'lll F....... "'.... ,.. IluIIluc" (WOO) .1. t"opyriJlhl c.....o' 0...:1........' " STATE OF NEW YORK SS.: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU 011 the: II day of ~b.oos ,before me, the undersigned. personally appeared HERBERT G. PARMENTER. JR. and MARILYN PARMENTER. personally known to me or provllllto me un the basis of SlItisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (lIJ'e) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity(ies), and thlll by his signaturc(s) ollthc instrument, the indiivi ual(s). or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s)llCtcd. elCeCuted the instrument. , l /)1.. eU ," (/I ct , (signature and officc of individualta1c'lng acknowledgment) : ( , DIU IIRttPFoRD' . . '.. IlOI'AIIY PUBUC" STATE OF NEW 'IOIlK _.....!!2: Dlc:LlO7412l1 ................IN NASlIMI COUH1Y MY CX'u..1I11ON EllPtRE8 MAY Ill, llIolto - . COUNTY OF ) ) 95.: ) On the day of . 2005 before me, the undersigned. personally appeared persOllOllly known tome or proved to me on this basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and lI1:knowledged tome that she: executed the Sllme in her capacity and that by he:r signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individualllCted, cxecuted the: instrument. BARI'3AIN AND SALE DEED Titl.. No L .37 ~.,;)L.I oS:. HERBERT G. PARMENTER. JR. AJ~d MARILYN PARMENTER TO SUSAN C. MCDERMOTT District: 1000 Sedioo: 127 Block: 04.00 Lot: 018.000 County: Suffolk Return Mail To: GREGORY BACHMAN, ESQ. BIANCHI MACRON LLP 390 OLD COUNTRY ROAD GARDEN CITY, NY 11530 Raen'e This S ce For Use or Reeordio Office NVSSA knldcndBl RcIII F.aaae forms on Ho~ (9JOOJ ~:2. CuP)TisIa C..,ft" D..'volurmcN . LIBERTY LAND TITLE AGENCY, LLC as agent lor: LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION Title No. L37224S SCHEDULE A (Amended) All that certain plot. piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. llituate. lying and being at Laurel. Town of Southold. Suffolk County, State of New York. known ;md designated IL~ Lot 48 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Laurel Country Estates" und filed in lhe Office of the County Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 22. 1970 us Map No. 5486, which Lot is bounded and deseribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Easterly side of Delmar Drive distanl the following two (2) I:OUrseS and distunces from the Southerly end of the arc of a curve connecting the Southerly side of Joseph Street with the Easterly side of Delmar Drive; I. South 22 degrees 32 minutes 50 seconds East, 122.81 feet to a point of curve; 2. along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 2956.13 feet. a distance of 140.64 feet to the division line between Lots 47 and 48 on the aforementioned Map. the point or place of beginning; RUNNING THENCE along said division line. North 71 degrees 23 minutes 40 seconds East. 153.57 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 18 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds East. 140.01 feet to the division hne between Lots 48 and 49 on the aforementioned Map; RUNNING THENCE along said division line, South 71 degrees 23 minutes 40 seconds West. 152.62 fcelto the Easterly side of Delmar Drive; RUNNlNG THENCE along the Easterly side of Delmar Drive. the following two (2) courses and distances: I. North 18 degrees 36 minutes 20 seconds West, 77.31 fcetlO a point of curve; 2. along the arc of u curve bearing to the left having a radius of 2956.13 fect. a distance of 62.73 feci to the point or place of BEGINNING. For convcyalll:i"ll only. ir inlondcd 10 be conveyed. I Tog.",er M'i'" GIt riglrl, 'ille Gnd into,..., oJ. ill and '0 allY .,....ts and ( roadr obunill8 ",. ahoW! d.scribed pnmi.... 'n ,lie ant.' lin. ""'reo{. Number of pages TORRENS RECORDED 2005 F.b 29 09:49:00 All Edward P. RoIaaine ClERK OF stFFOLK CWITI' L Doool2373 P 918 DTt 04-30564 Serial # _ Cenific:uc # Prior Clf. # Deed / Mortgage InslrumcOl Deed / Mortgage 1'oIlI Stamp FEES Recording / Filing Stamps :II Comm. of Ed. 5. OIl Mortgage Ami. I. Ba,;ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOlal SpccJAssil. or Spec:. /Add. TOT. MTG. TAX DUIlI Town _ Dual CounlY _ Held for AppoinlmCnl TnmsrerTax 1'\'-- Man.~ion 11 Y covered b"y this mongagc is improved by a one or lwo IIingnnly. or NO Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 5.~ Nolalion EA-52 17 (CounIY) EA-5217 (Stllel R.P.T.S.A. Sub Toml ~ Affidavit Grund Thtal ) 1)~ . The: P or will b fumily d YES If NO. see page # Certified COllY NYS Surcharge Other 15. J!!L Sub Total 11 Disl. =:J Seclion Real Propcn:f Tax Service Agency Verification I Block 5 Co_uni tion FuDd ~ ~ 1000 12700 0400 018000 :tJi PF Tax Due 61 SatisfW:lion.VDischargeslReleases Lisl Properly Owners Mailing Addres.~ RECORD" RETURN TO: h~~a.dm~~ . 3t!fCJ ~~-I6l. .xta~( ~I ~1/r3() Improved Vacanl Land _ TO I() TO TO Title Com an " " Co. Nume l...4 TIlle # ~ nufJolk County Recording & Endorsement Paae ~ 7 This page ronns part of the anached _ made by: ~~~~. "-t/H"A. ~rJ '- r~tM-V (.. 7n Co 7)__ .......c7f- (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is siluated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In IheTownship of J~ IJ~ In lhe VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. lover) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIII 1111 111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 1111 StTPPOLIC COUNTY CLBRIC RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDt! Humber o,f Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0021399 TRANSFJi:R TAX NUMBBR: 04-30564 Recorded. At. 02/28/2005 09.49,00 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012373 918 District. 1000 Section. 127.00 RY"XINBD AND $449,000.00 Block, 04.00 ""UGBD AS Lot. 018.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Bxempt Exempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STA'l'li: $75.00 NO TP- 584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,796.00 NO COIIID.Pres $5,980.00 NO I'ees Paid $7.928.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. D4-30564 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE INSTRtlJIBNT THIS IS HOT A BILL Edward P.Romeine County Clerk. Suffolk County -..- -- . PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRM(Y WHEN WRmNG ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orp...wB.nV.ul or PHONE (5181 473.7222 . FOR COUNTY USE ONLY I ,:? ? 9', Si", 91 * REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT C,. SWIS CoM , STAft Of _ YOIIII , ei-/~t; lorl STAft _Of...... ~ 8ElMCE1 I , cz. 0... DI_ R. J: II d..d I y y.. RP . 5217 C3. _ L /..,),~ ,-?3 1e......1 .~./rl , "":17 .... WI PROPERlY INFORMATION I ,. "-'" L.!} 0 0 I Delmar Drive I lAtcItIon IP1I'I'TNUIIUfII .'.-aT IUlI& L Laurel '10 ,~~,j.p .Jc.l I I 11948 I ""'..- ...- ZflCODI! 2._ L McDermott I Susan C. I N_ LAST....../CQIiIMN'l" -- L I I l.AIT~lt:D/IMNI't -- , >.T.. Indaltl where....... T_ BiII....1o be II1II I _ Ifod",__odd_lol_alformIL- I ~,.r__ I Addreu LUT ~,CDM'oWW L I Cl'l'YQII1'gIMII I """ I ...CIIIIi I IINIT_IlAHDal'Ml:''''''' I .t. ..... the ...... oil ....... I I 'oIP1l...I. OR 0 PIlrtoloPllrcol COnIyr_..o_..-___ RaIl ,.,................ on.M... . .... Pllnrrlng ~ wlh ......... rWon AuIhorIrt bl.- D .. Dood .. Q 'Dd)' iIIan AppnMI_ Requhd fDr T.... D -... L Illl IORI . . 4 91 OC'__IorI__....._ D Bi.. FIIOIITFUT "'"'" -- ..- L Parmenter I Herbert G. Jr. I Nome LAI'T ...., CiDMWft -.- L Parmenter I Marilyn I LAIT __, QlIIIIMY JoR'~ 7. Check the _I ...... which moeI KCU ......, d--' the .. of 1M "......, .. Iha tiIu of MIa: ..-Il1o_____ .. 0wMnhIp Typo .. ~um D ^ ~ One Forni" ......nlI.. H~__ I~~.N_ .. NMllI' Cansbvc:tIon on VIUI'II und D R Z or31:amIly Residential I' Comr1wclol J_ 1M. "'- ~ _.. Agricu"", ....... D C ........ Vaclnt ..... G...._ ... PIAltic_ 1...__.__1~ D I D Non-~ V....nt Land II En"rtIIlnlnlnt' AmUMlMf1t L fOfDIl ....._..In..AQ__ I SALE INFORMATION I 1L a.dl: _ ar I'nON III __ _......._ ........ID ........r.: O.J - 11. .... c:antr.lt Date III I 23 I ^ _ ____or__ -- ".,. YIP B _ ___Compo......._InB...... I 2 I 11 I 05 I c _ Onoo'IIIo~._o_ 12__"_'__ D _ Buyer Of' Seller " eo..rrvnent AeencY or lMdIng lnatiludan ...... Dol' - I: Oood TYPo'" WoITOl1ty.. ......... ...._ _ _ "I- SoIoolF_I.._lhonFaoI___ 13. Pull .... PtIc. I , . , 4, 4 9, 0 O. 0,0, 01 G r: SI&n- ~ In "'- _ T_bOo __.....10 Ooloo , , 0 II _ SoIool_Io....._In_PTIoo (full s.I. PrIce illhII lIDl amount peid for IN properly Including perIOnIl ~rty. I _ OIIIorU_F__-",_"rco__ Th. PIYI"*'t 'MV' "In the form oIlC1Sh. athIr prapeny Of' goodI. or 1M ~ of J ___ rnorIpgOI or cJlher obIigMionLt ,..". round fa .,. __ WIICW'" MIOCIdl 14. ........ the '..... III ......... I . .0.01 ......., ....... In....... , . . . , . I ASSESSMENT INI'OIIMATlON - 00tI-.1d ""lOCI tho 10_ Flnol_t Roll Ind T.. SIU I 11. V_ III ~ .-........... I 0.5117.T__V_....._.._, . . . . . . 6 , 0 0 0 I ..... Intam...... .... , , I 2 1 Ol-LJ 18.___1 1t - L/lurd I ,.. .......,. ca.. 2O.T.._..._I'__III___._____1 I Dist. 1000 Sec. 127 Blk 04 Lot 01St I I I I I I I CERTlFICATlO'!...J I cntU, _ 011111... _ "'_ __ ..liiio.... on........ _ U....... III.., _......... _.. I """~~ _ ........... rI..,. wIIN bille ........ f:A......... r.:t bInID .1I1UIdcct me ID die Ilh... . rJI.... __. .. nlllht Ia die __... ... rlW. ~ !1m!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY 0~-qJ- I 2/11/05 Bachmann I Greg GO" WY_ ...- 1700 I Delmar Drive 516 I 408-3030 aIR, NUMlPI ~""'WIU1iIM.D -- ..""....- Laurel I NY , 11948 arvOJlTClWJlt 11j11T! ..- BY&!! NEW YORK STATE ~~~;~I COpy 2/11/05 .... , - -- ~ .----- - - .. -- -