HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12390 P 55 'I, i;; j), 7 - ~-: - ~ CONSULT YOUR lAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT. THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY LIJ>'1O p O~ THIS INDENTURE, made the eRo:!I- day of /1JA'I , ~oas BETWEEN JOHN N. scocxrlZO, Individually and as surviving tenant by the entirety of DOROTHY M. SCOCOZZO, deceased, residing at 1750 Laurelwood Drive, Laurel, New York 11948 party of the first part, and DAVID COMMANDER and ELIZABETH COMMANDER, his wife, residing at 795 Laurelwood Drive, Laurel, New York 11948 party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that tha party of tha first part. In consideration of dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and relaase unto the party of tha second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forevar, All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and. Improvements thareon arected, situate, lying and baing In the SEE AlTACHED SCHEDULE A PROPERTY DESCRIPrION DIST: 1000 SECT: 127.00 .: BLOCK: i 05.00 Wf: 003.000 BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same prmises es conveyed to the party of the first part described in the deed to the grantor recorded in Liber 8643 page 154 to John N. Scocozzo and Dorothy M. Scocozzo TOGETHER with all right, UUe and interest, If any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the abova described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein grented unto the party of lhe second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part. forever. AND the party of the first part c9V8"ants that the party of the first part hes not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have bee,n encumbered in any way whatever. except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. in compliance with Section 13 Df the lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consldereUon for this conveyance end will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to ba applied firsl for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvemenl and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvemant before using any part of the total of the same for any other purposa. The word 'party' shall be construad as if it read 'parties' when ever the sansa of this indenture 80 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the firsl part has duly executed this deed the day and ~r first above writtan, IN PRESENCE OF: h'. " SIandar<l N.v,a.T.U, Fann 8002 . 8aJgaIn and SlIIe Deed. w11h Cowl...... 8lllIInal GnlnIllr'I AcIs - Uniform __nl Form 3290 TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE IN NEW YORK STATE StaI8 of New York, County of&iF~ aa: Onlhe J.O dayof mA'! Inlheyear..200S" berare me, the underslgned, personally eppeered JOHN N. SCOCOZZO penIOI18Ity known 10 me or proved to me on !he be81s of a8llsfectory evidence 10 be lhe Indlvldual(a) whose neme(s) Is (ere) subscrlbed 10 lhe within Instrument end acknowledged to me lhaI heIshe/Ihey executed the same In hlslher/lhelr capeclty(les), end lhaI by hlslher/IhBlr s1gnature(s) on lhe Inllnlmanl, !he 1nd1vldU8~S), or the peraon upon behalf of which Ihe IndMdual(s) aCl8d, exacutad the Instrument /JLb.1~'1 R..~ (slgnature end offtoe of Individual laking acknowledgment) PATRICIA L FALLON Notary Public, Stale Of New 'IbItc . No. 01FA4850148 Qualllled In Suffolk CounlY Commission expires April 24, m1 StaI8 of New York, County of On the dsy 01 In lhe yesr belore me. the undersigned, personeDy sppeered pel1lOlllllty known to me or proved to me on lhe basis of sedsfaclory evtdence to be the Indlvldual(s) whoSB name(s) Is (are) subllcrtbed to the within Instrument and acIcnowtedged to me thai hel8he/they exec:uted lhe same In hlslher/lhetr capeclt)<(les). and thai by hlslherlthelr slgnature(sl on the Instrument. the Indlvldual(s). cr the person upon behalf of which the Indlvldual(s) acted, executad Ihe Instrument. ss: (signature and office of Individual laking aclmowledgment) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Sta1e (or DtI1r1c\ of Columbia, Territory, or Foreign Country) 01 89: On lhe appeared pBIICI1lIlly known to me or proved to me on the basis of ssUsfactory evldance to be the Indlvldua~s) whose neme(s) Is (are) subllcrtbed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me thai helshellhey executad the same In hlslherllheir capecl1y(1as), and thai by hlsiherllhelr slgnatura(a) on the Instrument. the Indlvldual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the IndMdual(s) acted. exacu1ad:lhe inllnlmanl. end that such Individual mada such appearance before the undersigned In the dsy of In the year baIore me. the undersigned. penIOI18Ily (Inserllhe City or oIh8r poDllCaloubdlvislonl in (snd Insert the Sl8IB or Country or other place the 8cknawIedgmen1 _laken) (signature and office oIlndlvldUlI18k1ng sck.-!edgn 1&01) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No. JOHN N. SCOCOZZO TO DAVID COMMANDER and ELIZABETH COMMANDER, his wife DIST: 1000 SECTION 127.00 BLOCK 05.00 LOT 003.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk Co. STREET ADDRESS Recorded al ReqlMSl of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO: STANlIAIllI FORM OF Naf'WORlCIlOARD OF 1l1lE UNDERWRrTER8 DI8Irtbut8d by ...., LandAmerlca _ Commonwealth Goggins & Palumbo 13105 Hetn Road, P.O. Box 65 Msttituck. NY 11952 eo......'_lIIll.lnd__Campony RISIIM! 1IflII...ACE FOR un 01' IU!CORDING OI'I'ICI " \. '.. , j. ..., SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being Laurel, Town 01 Southold, Suffolk County, New, York known and designated as Lot No. 16, on a certain map entllled, "Map 01 Laurelwood Estates", Laurel, Town of Southold, ,Suffolk County, N,ew York survey completed July IS, '1969 by Van Tuyllll Son and lIIed In the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on May 17, 1971 under File No.. 5595; said lot being bounded and described as follows:" . " ". " ' BEGINNING at a monument on the comer formed by the intersection of the northwesteriy side of Woodside Lane the northeasteriy slde,of Laurelwood Drive;, ' RUNNING THENCE North 16 degrees 26 mlnutcs 20 seconds East, 306.00 feet; THENCE North 65 degrees 07 minutes 10 seconds East, 95.00 feet; THENCE South 23 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds East, 183.62 feet; " THENCE South 38 degrees 42 minutes 50 seconds West, 32B.83 feet to /I monument and the northeasterly side of Laurelwood Drlv~; , . THENCE North 23 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds West along said northeasterly side of Laurelwood Drive, 100.00 feet to the comer at the point or place of BEGINNING. . , . . , .' Certificate of Tille .' .- Number of pages TORRENS REr.oRDED 2005 Jun 01 09140125 AM Edward P. Rotn.li roe CLEl1K OF SUFFOlJ( COUNTY L ??oo12390 P~ OTl 04-42974 Serial II CcrtifiCIIIC II Prior Clf. II Deed I Mortgage InslrUment Deed I Mortgage 1ltx SllImp I'EES Rccotding I filing St:lmp5 3 Page I Filing Fc!e Handling 5. 00 Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tax Z. Additional Tax Sub Thtal SpecJAssit. TP-584 Not:llion or EA-52 17 !COUDty) EA-5211 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. Sub TOIaI Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Hcld for Appointment TransfcrThx .1.ltJ4. 4IL- Mansion Tax GDctJ Affidavit Grand TOlal /6J- The pl'llpcrty covered hy !his mOl1Jluge is or will he improved by a one: or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. oce appn>priatc laX c1uusc on page II of !his inslrUnlCnl. Cenilicd Cnpy NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Sub TolaI Other ~ Block os.oo Lot OtJ3.ooa S CommUDity PnlMnratioa Fund Real Propeny Tux Service Agency Verilicution - - . " 1000 12700 0500 003000 Consideration Amount $ .:I:?1:..tJ1I1).m 6 SutisfllClion.~ischlll'JlC8/Rclcu.o;es List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD" RETURN TO: WILl..Illm (!. GotrGUJ,s I .€SQ . GD6GIAlS .J. !JALUMdO P. 0, BOJ.. tis P1n-rr/TlJCK I N If 11'fS'';'' CPF Tax Due S __ Improved -./ V;OCUDl Land TO TO TO 7 Title Com an Information Co. Name ~"',""AMIIE1I..rl/- lAI.I r, TItle II RJlCIS Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page form.. pan nf the llIt:1chcd gALeA/AI A-NIJ SALE !Jl'!7I11 (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMEJIIT) mode hy: .JOllA.) AI. S c:.6C6::z. ::z.t) The prcmioes herein i. situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Township of ._ SO"""'O~II /)nV'IJ ~mm~lJE7' AND In the VILLAGE E~:z.IlI1ETJ1 (111h1hNINIJDt. or HAMLET of L,q'U!.5L.. BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 StJPl'OLlt COOItPl'Y CLERK RECORDS OPP:ICB RECORDING PAGB Type of ID8t~t I DDDS/JmD I!IIuIIber of Pages I 4 Receipt HUmber I 05-0058493 TRARSPZR TAX HUMBER: 04-42974 Recorded I 06/01/2005 Atl 09140125 All LIBBR: D00012390 PAGB: 055 District I 1000 Sect ion I Block I 127.00 05.00 ....."'IIIIIIED ARD CHUGBD AS I'OLLOWS $526,000.00 Loti 003.000 Deed. AmDunt I Received the FolloWing Pee. por Above :l:n.trumeDt ....-.pt h-.pt page/FillDIJ $12.00 110 1laDd1lDIJ $5.00 110 COB $5.00 110 IIYS SRCJlO $15.00 110 BA-C'l'Y $5.00 110 BA-STAU $75.00 110 TP-584 $5.00 110 Cert . Copies $0.00 110 1U"1' $30.00 110 SC'1'll $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,104.00 110 CaIIIm.Pres $7,520.00 NO Pee. Paid $9,776.00 TRAHSI'I:R TAX IIU1IBElh 04-42974 'l'H:l:S PAlm :l:S A PART 01' '1'BB DT8'1'1l......N'1' 'l'H:l:S :1:8 110'1' A B:l:LL Edward P. Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ~R COUNlY USE ONLY Cl. SWIS Code 1..1./,1,;3, g, ~,11 C2. D... Doed __ I L / I d!)~ c,y v.... ca. _ I I, ;;..1 ttPJ C4. "-I.J, 5..5'. PROPERlY INFORMATION * ' ~ I '". . -;, STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL I'IIONRTY lIiRYICE8 RP - 5217 1II'4.Z17"'t JIft '."'-"'1 .....- 1750 ..... - Southo1d Cln'QIlI IIM't Laure1wood Drive. Laurel. New York 11948 1511l5U__ Laurel. New York ...... 111948 .. cooe UrIIT....../~...y David -- ....... No... Commander I.ASrNMllICOllll'Alft' Elizabeth -- Commander I. Tn IndicIIe wiler, fulUl'I Tax Bills ere ID be.. I ...... K__"'-_IM_oIlom1l. ....- ..,..,. ..... , CCIIIMNY I'IIIST....... srllUl ......AJIOI'nIUT NMI! art QIlIlOWN STATI .. cooe ;' "=:""I ..... -..., Ixl ....., IORI . . J . 1 ql ..... 1OnIy. _ a1. _ a...o. .. __ ....PIlInring__SuIIcIIYlIlonAUlhorilYE>OtOo D ... __.......... _ Il0o..... "T._ D OC'Po...._..s.._n_....._ D ... IIIcIIcaM the ftU"'" 01 .&---- Uln.. ~... J D Ro.......__........_ 1..... O. I 'o'P_ OR ....01....... Scocozzo John N. ..80'1or Nom. LAlI......../~Y -- LU'NAllt/~ -.- ~' One Famllv Rllldenlill R Z or :I Family ReItdIntiIIl C RIIidInIiII VlClnt Ltnd D ~VlIGMlUnd I SALE INFORMATION I ", We ContI-=t DM. E~Agrlcuilll"l F Com.....,)" G .......... H E_I_ I ~ Commu.,;... Sorvlco J _... II: ...- Sorvlco L F.- -...----- I. awr..tIIp Type II Condominium .. ..... ConICruc:don on VIGMt land ,... "'"- l.ClCOIod _ on Agricul... 0;,,"" ,. B.."... I..... diIl:IaIIn....1ndicIIIng .....1ho_..In..___.._ D D D D 7. Ch_ tII. box MIow whIdJ mOlt 1CCUId11, ...... ... 11M 01 U. ....-rtY at .he 11m. of ....: 1&. CMIII ... or ......,. __ _ - _ _ appIubIt to.......r.:: ""'" / "'" / v_ A B C o Ii F G H I J Sale """n ~ or Fonner Ro&Iciww SaIl &.tween ReIlt8d CcImpM_ or PlfInOrIln Bualnea OnoalltttB........_.SoIIoT Buyer or Bel.... iI aav.mment Agency or ~81nat1b4ion llood lyPo _ __ .. 1o'llOln ond Solo ISpocI~ Iolowl ....a1_..~.....Fott___ S1gnlllcom CIIo_.. _ _ T_ SloIuo ond Solo DoIoo 8M at bin.- . IncIudGd In 51111 Price OthotU........ F__Irtg.... PYIco __ Nono 'Z. Dolo 01.... I T_ 5/ ..lo / (J~ UGnII c., y.... 1:1. Full S. Pt'Iu ..s. ~,{, , 0,0 ,{) , 0 , 0 I , , . (FuR SIll PrIce .. thI tcoI amoum PIkI for lhe properlY Including PDfSDNII praputy. '""-..,...,a1MY be in die fonn of UIh. __ prDpIfty or uoodI. 01' Cht IllUmptlan of morIgqa Of' other abIiQ1dcln1.) PINN IOUItd to ".,..,,,, who4I doIUt MIOUIIt '4.1"""''''-'01..-1 I -;-6,0.0 I- ........ .......... In the .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 00.. should ...1Ioc:l.... 1_ Finll _mint Ralllnd r.. Bill ,.. ::'''L';''.,...i:.~!Iam IIJ -I/tI!i n. T.... _ v....laI 011...... In _or! L.... I ; .S.3.0.ol , ,.. "'- a.. Id-.J .Ol-U ,.._.__ I SIJU77IOI.A IO.T....._I__IoIIll.....__._____1 1000; 127.00; 05.00; 003.000 I I CERTIFICATION j , ....., _ II ...... ..... 01_ -...... .......... _ ..........- 'ID .... bool vllIIJP ............... _ .... I uadr-'-O .... .... 0I0Id0Il of UQ' _..... _ _.......... will oubJocI.......... .....- ..lite -....... _ ID............................._ ~~ BUYE~ .5"/.)'1/4 5 BUYER"8 ATTORNEY -.l . I ~ Coggins william r~ ..."n.- I DA..r rfUJ , ~ ~__ NIT""" David COlDIDBnder I p. (J. .Box ..:211 631 298-4200 anllln'''''''' ST1IUT__W'l'P1AUI AN"COIlI! IILlPHONl.......-A LIII.I,{€J... cnv ... ..... I Ni{ IrAn Ilq~7 .. .... ~-'" h -~"'I-I., ~ Sc~o DA" NEW YORK STATE COPY