HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12388 P 949 ;!G-II-.21 < '. Sla~od N. Y.B.T.U. Form 8002 . Ilaqjain and Sale DIed, with C.-anl ogainol Gnlnlofl _ - Uniform AcknowIOdgmonl Fonn 3290 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT.THISINSTRUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the ~daY of ~ ,2005 BETWEEN LAWRENCE J. CERVON, Truetee under IndenbJre of Trust of Lawrence J. Cervon (RBYOClIble Intervlvos Trust) dated February 18,1991, residing at 3700 South Ocean Boulevard. Apt. 608, Highland Beach. Florida, 33487, the party of the first part, and L 11 ~x~ 0-4.. '~ l~ q l\ q 8460 PECONIC BAY BOULEVARD, LLC, a Florida L1mltl8cl Liability Company, with an address of 3700 South Ocean BoulBvard, Apt, 608, Highland Beach, Florida, New York 33487. party of the second part, and WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, In consideration of Ten and 00I1oo-($10.oo)~lars, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and releaB8 unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, All that certain plol piece or parcel. of lend, situate. lying and being at Matlituck. in the Town of Soulhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more partlcularty bounded and described as fellows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Peconic Bay Boulevard at a concrate monument set at the northwest corner of the premises hereinafter to be described, and adjOining land of James Pullman; RUNNING THENCE elong the southe~y side of Peconic Bay Boulevard North forty-one (41) degrees ten (10) minutes East seventy (70) feet 10 another concrete monument and to land now or forme~y of James H. Rambo; THENCE along said last mentioned land South twenty-sevan (27) degrees two (2) minutes Twenty (20) seconds Eas~ three hundred seventy-one 22/100 (371.22) feel through a concrete monument sat near the top of the bank 10 ordinary high water mark of Great Peconic Bay; THENCE along said high water mark of Great Peconlc Bay South forty four (44) degrees forty-two (42) minutes thirty (30) seconds Wast seventy (70) feet 10 land of the SBid James Pullman; and THENCE along said last mentioned land and through a concrete monument set near the top of the bank North twenty-six (26) degrees for\y-elght (46) minutes thirty (30) seconds West, three hundred sixty-seven and 17/100 (367.11) fee 10 a concrete monument and 10 the southerlY side of said Peconic Bay Boulevard at the point or place of BEGINNING. SAID PREMISES being known as 8460 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel, New York. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated April 6, 1991 and recorded In the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffclk in lIber 11249 Page 265. TOGETHER with all right, litIe and interest, if any, of the party of the first part In and to any slreels and roads abutting the above described premises 10 the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the firat part in and to said premiB8s: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in eny way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with Secticn 13 of the lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a lnust fund to be applied first for the pUrpo&e of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first 10 the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as If ~ read "parties" when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year first above ~n. ! IN PRESENCE OF: i tA.~ L. rct.b.- fJ~ ~ 5. :t::) CDlo::., t' , TO BE USED OHL Y WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Slale of New York, County 01 Sullolk, as: en the day of . in the year befol1l'me,the undersigned, personeBy ~ personelly known \0 me or proved \0 me on the bellI of saUlIIaclary evidence \0 be the Incllvidual(l) whose name(s) 18 (el1l) subscribed 10 the within instrument end acknoWledged \0 me lhat httlshellhey executed the 88me In hl8lherllheir cepecity(iea), and thai by htslherllheir ligne1ure(I) on the Inltrument the individueKI). or the peI1lon upon beheW of whiCh the individual(l) acted. execuled the instrument. Slate of New York, County of SuIIolk II: On the day of , In the year , belol1l me, the under8igned. personaly appeared pel'lOll8Uy known \0 ma or proved \0 me on the besll of setisf8c:toly evidence to be the Individual(l) whose name(l) il (1118) sub8cribed \0 the within inatrumenl end acknowledged \0 me 11181 he/sheIthey executed the 88me In hislherl\helr capeclty(les). snd thai by hI8IherIIhIllr signlllul1l(s) on the inl"umenl, the Indlvldual(I). or the person upon behsW of which tha indlvldual(l) actad. 8lC8ClI1ed the inllrumenl. (lIgnalul1l end oflIce of individual laking acknowledgment) Notary Public (lIgnatul1l and 01f'1C8 ollnclivlduallaklng 8cknowtedgment) Notary Public T2 ~E II:D.QHL,U!!l:I'filI:IiA:H.Ql!J!LEDGMEItJ IS MADE OUTS~Y~ Slate (or Djalri--.I e..l.."d:lio, Tu..a..'J' ~ r...aIlP. """,'lr1) of J.7".~ Counly 01 /:f9/711,e,:;,.-e 'IS!" On the 'OIL day 01 ~ . in the year 2005, balol1l me, the undal1ligned. personaUy appelll8d LAWRENCEJ.CERVON personally known 10 me or proved \0 me on the ball. of I8ti&faclory evidence 10 be the individuel(s) whose name(l) i. (1118) lubsaibed 10 the within Instrumenl and acknowledged to me thai heIsheIIhey alCllCUled the 88me in hislherllheir capecl\y(le8), and thai by hialherl\helr aignatul1l(s) on the Instrument. the IndlviduaKs). or the peI1lon upon behalf of whiCh the Individuel(l) acted, executed the inatrument, end 11181 such indlvldual mllde such appearance baIoI1lthe under8lgned in the -1hlM emcn ('r'l..LO:h:t in lie.. dcl'~J rlcviria . (r-t the City or othar political ~on) (end In....lIle nl(Y.or other pleca the Kknowtedgment weslaken) ~ Individual laking ackllowledgemanl) 8.IWClIUlN 1lY----.1lO1l1111l ElIPI&:_lm -....-""'- BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Title No. LAWRENCE J. CERVON, Trustee under Indenture of Trust of Lawrence J. Carvon (Revocable Inlervivos Trust) TO 8460 PECONIC BAY , LLC Recorded al Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CO\tMO~WEAL TIIlA."I-:D TITLE 1)I!u,,;'R.AIliCf. CO\lPA'\,IY ST_FORMOF_YORK_CIf'Tm.E~ _ Dis_ by o Common~~!.~~~,......", i i I II! ~ o w !l ~ w ~ .. ~ i Il! , -; ~2 3 .- J RE:oRDED 200S May 25 10: 08: 30 RM Edward P.Roaair~ C1.ERKOF SUFFOLK COllHTY L oooolT.28 P 949 011 04-42123 NllI{Ibcr of pag.. TORRENS Serial II Certificate II Prior Ctf. II Dcod / MOJt&I&o InalNmenl Dcod / Mortaage Tax Slimp FBBS Recording / Filing Stamps 4 Page / Filing Fee Hlndllng TP-S84 5' S MorlgI&e AmI. 1. Bule Tax 2. Additional Tax EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (State) R.P. T.8.A. ~ ~ ~ Sub Total --lr" " Jcj Sub Total Notation Convn. of Ed. Amdovil -- ~ CCertiI1ed Coov :::.;r_y Rei- Copy Other S~ SpecJ AssiL Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTO' TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionment _ TroDsfer Tax 0 - Monslon Tax " _ The property covered by this mortgago is or will be Improved by a one Dr two family dwell1n& only. 11 YES orNO_ If NO, .ee eppropriate tax clause on page II _of ibis inslnImcnI. ., -- ~- /5 Sub Total GRAND TOTAL , Real Property Tax Service Apm;y VerificatiDII 6! Communi Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due S Improved t ./ t_nl~t._ _ _ ._Cl."'....;""__ ___D.LW._ - .,...~ ""\ ""I ~~ ".. "''' "" "'".. : . I .~iJ Initials L ." -" - I,; 7 SatisfactionslDiachargealRel..... List property Ownen Mailing RECORD a: RETuRN to: Stamp Date scant Land 10 , TO TO TO IICIIIIAI. ..-~IDRIlOI.lDSA, & lilli_IlIAD, P.O. BlIl4Z4 IIA11I1UCIl. 1.1 UI5I 9 Suffolk Coun 8 Title Company Information CD. Name TItle # Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pert oftbe attBl:bcd Deed made by: Lawrence JJ. Cervon" Trustee (SPEClFYTYPE OF INmUJMENT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK OOUN1Y. NEW YORK. TO In lhll TOWDShip of In !be VIUAGE or HAMLET of SOuthold 8460 pcconic Bay Boulevard. LLC'. BOXES 5 TIiRU 9 MUST BE lYPED ORPRlNI'ED IN BlACXINK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING ORFIUNG. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DDDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt NUmber . 05-0056200 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-42123 Recorded. At. OS/25/2005 10.08.30 AM LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012388 949 Deed Amount: Section. 126.00 BXAMINBD AND $0.00 Block. 11.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 021.000 District: 1000 FOLLOWS Received the Po11owing Pees For Above Instrument Exempt Bxempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CODIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $154.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER. 04-42123 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRtJKINT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . -PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR'COUNlV USE ONLY C;t. SlMS Cod. e~ ~JT f?,!' c.. "-I ,9oS',f'1 . lit REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT Ie{, 7.3, ~ g, '71 STATE Of NEW YORK STATE IIOARD OF IlEAL ~ SEIlV\CU C2. D_ Dood R_rdod RP - 5217 a.Book PROPERTVINFOR~nON t. ...........1. 8460 I...ouaIDn STlMY..... .N1n....JItI peconic Bay Boulevard .""T NNM: Laurel 11948 QTY 011 TOWN ...- ..- z. au.,., ...... 8460 Peconic Bay Boulevard. LLC LAIr NAIII/CQMWfY ...UIlNAIIII LASI NAMI fCDoW'Mft' -...... 3. T.lI. Indic:Itt..... Mure TDlC BIlls .,.10 bllCIl II1II'.. if ott.r than bu~ addr_ 'II baIIom 01 form. I -.. 'MTNMlt:/CQIIPtorN NIl,..... ITMIT M.UIDI AND 1I1IIiI HMIIIi """00__ ."TI :.ca.. ....- ........... 81.. rllO'\l~rUr Ixl DE". IORI ..,.j .50 1OnIy' Perl 01 . P...o a... _....,..ppIy: '" PIIMIng __ S_ ""_EldIlI 0 .... SubdvClion ~.. Recaund lot TT_fo, 0 c......._ror...__............. 0 ... Indiuht ,,. number of &-vwnt RoI ........ 11'........ ... the dnc:I 1 I .olParcolli OR D Pltlot.Plrcol ..So.... No.. lAIr...... '1X'lII~,,"" nay hMIt LAlTWM'ICOIIIIPAIn' ....,- "~ Ono F..mty RakSIlnllll B 2 or 3 Family "-kient1l1 C Rnidantill VICIni Land D Nan.R..ldlnUII VICIni LInd I SALE INFOllMATION l '1. .... ConINcI D.hI 1. ChIlCll: 1M bcur ....ow which molIIlICcurately ducrIba thl .... of the praperty It 1M I..... at ...: Chedr. t" ........... _ tMy ....y: 1 .. OwnerIhlp TyPt is CondomInium I ~ Community SMtice .. New ConIlrucLIon on VKanI: land J Industrial 1M. property I.or:.r.d widIin 11\ AgricU'bUII DiItricI K Public:. Serviat 1GB. Buyel recllved I diIcIaI&HI nodciI inclcaing I. Forll1 thII the prapMy . In an Agril:ulU.. DiItIIct '5. ChecII. _ .. men at __ Il8ndIkIIw IIIPflIIcIII* to IrMIIer:: ,\ $ala Balwuen Re~ or Former ReI.Iives 8 511t BIIween Rellmcl Cornpan_ or PMnetI in BUlinen C OM of the Buyn Is IIso . SeDer D Buyer or Seller II Govermad Agency 01 Lencling InIIiwllon Ii Daod Typo _ WI...... or Iloogoin and _ l8Podly IIoIowI F 51. of FrKlioMI or lAIu dwI Fw In__ tSpecify BeIowt cr Signir.c.m Chlngo in Property BlIWHn TaXllbI. SLlluI and s.Ie Dalu n &.Ie of BusIne.. II Included in s.It Price I OIlIer U....... F........-u.g SaI. Pllco ISpociIy _ J Nono , /h,M4.. -10 <tl...II....s L.lC E ~ ........"'., I: CommelClal G _ H Eruot1llnmanll Amu8amam o o o o ..... I DIy , v'" ,z. Dar. of SaI. I Transl.r ,Z, r;b~1 llIy v'" '3. Full Sa&e Price . . ,0. (I, (I I , , . (FIJII SlIt Price II lhe 10101 amount peld lor Ihe ptOpIf'Iy Including PtfIORII PfOPIrtY. This pltymont may t.. In die 101m 01 c.sh. CKher properly or goodI. or tho ......mption of mortgag. or other obIlg.aions.t ,.",... round I'D rh. nNrnI wIIoIIr daIIM HIDWIr. 1'" Inctat. 1M .... .. persan.l1 I . 0 I 0 I 0 I propefty Inc:IucW In 1M .... ;. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 081a should reflect: thetl.e.. Finel Aaeument Rolland Tex Bill ,.. ~"==-U:frarn 10. 'II n. Total A-..d V...... I"'" p..... In tr""" I , ; ./~/()tJl , ,.. Praporty au. .K. I, tJ I-LJ ,.. School......... Nome I h1Arrr-rVCk ZOo ru M-.t IdendO_tlll RoD ICIIntifiwlllll maN than four. altllch IhMt wIItII .ddIIJOnaI ..nt.....wJ ~00-126.00-1l.00-02l.000 I I CERTIFICATION I I ,'H'III'Y .... aD '" 1M IIrmI of Inr..-dun t'nkrtld on ibis rwm Iln' lnII= .... nIIT'CI't Un thr baa 01111)" ~ GIld hetitf) and IIIDIIenIMd ..... Ibe III8Idq uI H'''' ..lW'uI rl6e ~.. vi DIIIlI'riuJ Cad.... .W 1IUh)"ft .. Ia IIw Dnn'iloklm of thr Ill!llllIIuw nIad"" to tU .... .- .... ut.... IaIIramnII. !!l!n!! BUVER'B ATTORNEY LLC Sider & Kron, P.A. Sider LAlT.w.u. Donald c. -, .... 3700 I South Ocean Boulevard, Apt. 608 "flU' IllUIIIlII 111IHT NAMt WTIR SAlIJ 561 391-1100 ....- ...--- Highland Beach FL 33487 CITVOIITOWN IfAtI .. .... H!.rnl NEW YORK STATE COpy