HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12218 P 249 L 122(,8> P d L/q ( L 0- / L - / forlIIIOO1(9I991" _ - ......_ SIIIe Oord, _c_ .""o-or".AN-_ ...e...... 0.. <......., anrl'.,.,...-. ._.....11- ~ -........" m~' "...... ~ IllILU.._..a.-..._..... THIS lNDENT'l1RE. made lbc~ day of October, 2002 BETWEEN . . Joseph Manzi and Mary Manzi, his wife both residinq at 9 Rockhall ,. Lane, Rocky Point, NY 11778 ami party of the r1l'lt pan. IWl Joseph G. Manzi, Jr., Irrevocable Trust dated 03/28/00, residinq at 12 Monroe Street, Rocky Point, NY '11778 party of lbc sewncI pan. WlTNESSETB. lbaIlbc party of lIIe first port. in tOlIIidcnliicm 0( tl1n doIlan ami 0Ihcr 'oIalulblc ccmsilIorralion paid by (be party of lbc sewncI pun. does hcteby amntlWl ",Icaa W1l0 the porty of the _II port, the bcln Dt' ................. IWl ....iJDS oflhcparty ofltle sewncI part feever, . ALL 1Il1ll CCl'lain plot. piece Dt' pamtl of land. with the buildi"iS IWl i~ then:on mcIOlI. sibwe. lying ami beina in the SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. TOOETHER wllll all righl. title a.nd lntcn.'lll, if IUIY. o( the party of tbe first part. ill ./HI ICl any stl'CClS aIHI roatIs abullinll!he allove..Kribed premisn 10 !he center lines lheteof; TOOBTHI!It ...illt tbe appunenan_ aIHI all the estate and rights of lbe pmy oflbe lim pan in a.nd 10 IIald premises; TO HAVilAND TO HOLD lbe premises hcteln graJIICd unlO !he party of the $l:COnd pan. the heirs Of __son and1lQ1ans of lbe pmy of \he second part fon:w:t'. AND !he pony of the fil'll pan covenants \hal!he pony of !he first pan has nol done Of suffered lUI)Ithing whcteby the &aid premiSlHl hove been encumhen::d in any way whatever. ">weptllS aJ'orel4id. AND Ihe pony of lhe lint pol'\, in compliance with Section 13 of lite Lien Law, eovenlUl15 lhallbe pony of lite fml pan will n:ccivc lbe COnsideration for litis eonveylltlCe and will hold lite righllo receive such consider- ation as a lnISl fund 10 be applied firsl fOl the purpose of Plyinllhe C061 of lite implOvemenl and will apply Ibe SlIme first 10 Ihe payment of Ihe eosl of Ihe improvement before using any pan of the lotal of the SlIme for Dny other purpose. The word "plltly" shall be construed as if it road "paftics" whcMver tbe sense of Ihis indenture JO requites. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, \he plUty of tbc first plltl hIlS duly eucutcd wrillen. ,,.~Of>: . . ""'a..ululgl ,_1IIll.en In NewYark SIIIlll SIIIlll of New'Vbrk, County of S., P F.~ , sa: ...."._ _._IU< . ,. -,8';'7 .""....w.""V" lr-~" ~ ~/~ ~.. On lIla 1f,.J' dell of D, T. . In lhe ye8t .;!...,a. befora _. tha undefllI9n8d. penonell)'8llPHt8d J~II ~..; ". ,., 1>>; H-.,t; JIlIflOl1lllly known 10 ma (It proved 10 ma on the ba"s 01 HlI__ry ..._ 10 be the indMcIUel(e) wllose neme(s)ls (a/8) IIbecIlI:lld to lhe wftIIln IMtNmenI end IldlnowIlIdgIId to .... that helsllelllley ellllCUllICI the .ama In hllllharllhelr cepeclly(lesl. and thel by hllllharllhelr .!gnalllra(s) on lhe InaIn.m8nt. Ills lncIlvt$Ial(s) or lhIl psraon upon b8haIl 01 which lhIlIllllWklual(sllCllld. 8IIIICII!ed !he ~ 0uJ; --Lt....- '/" 'ROUUI! 11II--- .....PlIIJC.__.... Ol-..-:;s1I CIIIo'3Idil_CIluIIlr c, . IlqoI:;:.J"..,SI::..2,u(, IIclullllilllflllMlIl brill JllblllllWlII_.......lnNew Yark SIIIlll AcIll._.....lIg.m.nt.....ln NewYollc..... ~ of New 'Ibrk. Counly of ~u: . befora me. On the . dell of . In !he year the undenllgnlld. pel1Mln8lly IIppslIIlId pI_nally k_ 10 ma or plCMId 10 "'" on the ballls of 8lIIlIIacIofy twldenc:e 10 be !he InclMdual(l) whoa8 lIIIl'lI8(a)lI (a/81 IlI.II:llIcriba 10 Ill. Mlhln IlI8Irumsnt 8lI!l acIcr-'ellged 10 ml Ihll hlllllhl/llley execulad thl aama In hilllharllhalr capaclty(I88I. end thai by hlsIhar/lllalr slgnalll"ll, on the Insbumanl. lhIl indMduBl(1l) 0' Ih8 psraon upon blIhaIl of whlch !he indMduBl(1' ac:IlIlI. IIad lhIl Inwumsnf. Aclmlllll Il. ...d4li11can auIIldll NewYollc .... S_ of New'Vbrll. County 01 . sa: . S1a1II of . Counly of . .: . (ot Inllt! DIItric:l 01 CcIumbla. TiIttllory. Poll_Ion or FoIaIgn Country) On Ih8 dell 01 . In Iha year !he undII"~, personally appserad Ih8 II.lb....,.M." wilnI88 10 Iha lOtagclng lnelrumenl, willi _ I am psI1Mlft8lIy acquUnllId. who balnll by me duly lIOWOflI. did d8poaa end lIlY. IhaI haI8haIIlley nIIlcle(s) In il before me, illst ll8I'IIlUII1I1ay Icnow(s) 10 be the lndMdual dllecriblId In end who _1lIod the foragolng InstnJmIn!: IhaIlISId IIA>oIc>lbl. oQ wilnI88 _ pnssanI end _ "lei ellllCUlI Iha saml; Ind thai said w"na.. at thl u.... lima a.AIsctibed ~ nIflI8(a)u. _ theraIO Tille No.: On lhl. dell of . In lhe yaa' Iha undlrslgnad. personally appearad . beIDr8 me, peraonally known 10 ml or 'prOftd 10 ml on thl beaill of lIlia~y 8111d_ 10 be the lncIivldual(s) wllose nIflI8(al II (_I 8Ub8crlblld to 1111 wIIIIln InslJUm8nt and at*now1lldgad 10 ml Ihat heJlh8/IIIey lxeclJlad Ihl same In hlslharllhelr caplcllr(les). that by hislharlthel, slgnaturals) On the ~ thl Indlvt$lal(ll) or lhe JI8lIIOlI upon balItdI 01 whlch 1118 IntNduId(s) ac:IlIlI. .-:utlId lhIl inIlrument. and IhalIUCh IndMdusl made IUCh 8P!I88I8l1Cll b8!lOAllhe undalllgrlad In Ih8 (Ildd Iha dIy Of polltlc:allllfldM.icM. and lhe llablll (It country or olhIr place the RCkllllWledgamant ... taken). SECTION BlOCK LOT TO COUHTY OR TOWN Joseph G. Manzi, Jr., Irrevocable TRust Joseph Manzi and Mary Manzi II Distributed by OIl" .11de IDsunmce Company II I I ~ . ~ 2 f I MTURIlllY IAAlL 10: Charles R. cuddy, Esq. 445 Griffinq Avenue P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, 'Hp,.J.1901 SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel ofland, with the buildil1g$ and improvements thereon erected, situate,lying and being in the Hamlet of Laurel, Town ofSouthold, County ofSulI'olk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No, 9 as shown on the subdivision map entitled ~Map of Laurel Links., filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on November 23, 200 I as Map No. 10712. BErNG AND INTENDED TO BE part of premises COIlveyed to the grantor hlll'ein bY. deed dated December .1!t... 2001, and recorded simultaneously hereWitli. / ,/ Ntunber.of pIl&<S TORRENS .SCriaI#' I CeI1lflMC # Prior Ctf. /I ; I 2 L!... 4 Deed I ~ Instrument Deed I ~ 'fax Stamp "fa P8&e I Filint. F.., Handling T1'-S&4 Notation M-S2 11 (Colllltyl EA-S217 (Slate) Ill'. T.SA Comm. of l:lt. Amdavit Cmilicd CC'PY !kg. Copy OIher s Stamp Date lnilills 7 Satisfactions 9 h.. .- ~- _ Sub Talal ~.~ s QQ....... / S- -== Sub l'ota1 GRAND1'OTAL Rnl Property Tax Service Agency Verirntion Dist. SectiOll Block tat ... - - - ~~ 1000 12600 1200 001000 ~}__~'_"~._A RECORD" RETURN TO: 00 Chad.. 1Il.. Cuddy, Esq. 445 Criff1ng Avenue P.O_ llox 1547 Rherbead, IllY 11901 J ~ 2002 ~ 01 0J,!ll;I20 PI! EdI.la..u P .llaI>aill!' eLm< Of Sl.JFFlllj( COUHTV l 600J12218 P 249 tiT. 02-13820 Recording I Filing SIampt MotlPl<' Amt, 1. Ilasic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssiL Or SJIl:C.fMd. 1'01'. MTG. TAX DuaITown DualClIII1Ily_ I JeW for Appor1lonmenl _ Tranir... Tax t:? ""'-lonl'ax ___ _ The prop..-Iy C'OVCI'ed by this IIIUC1P1<' is or w ill be 1m proved by a one or two rom ily dwoUin& only. VES or NO If NO. He Ipproprillllllax clause 011 JllIIlI: /I _orthisinlllnl_, COmnlUmty Preservation Fund Consideration Amount S CI'F Tax Due S -0 - Improved _/ Varanl Lood L. TO TO TO 8 Title Compauy Informadon Co, Name Tilletl Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 'I his JXlIlC forms part of the llltached Deed (SPEOFYTYPE Of' INSTRUMENT) fl'uule by: Joseph and Mary Manzi '{be premises bcrein is sitlllllcd in SUFFOl..KCOUNlY, NEW YORK. TO Joseph C. Man.1. Jr.; Irrevocable lTu8t In the- TO\\nship of in the VUJ.AGB or HAMLET of Southold J..A'nrel UUXF..<; 5 n IRU 9 MUSr IHi 'IYl'EI) OR 1'RIN1W IN BLACK INK ONLY PRiOR TO RECOROINO OR flUNG, (OVER) IIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIMIIIIIIII IIIIIIJI S'O'Pl"OLIC. COtJilll'k CLBU RBCORDS Ol"P:ICB RBCORD:IHG PAGB 'l'ype of Zaatn=ent. D31U)B/DDD Humber of Page.. . 'f'RMSPBR TAX J!1tJJI8BR: 02.13820 JlacoJ:ded. At. LJ:BBR: PAGB; 11/01/3002 03.06.20 PM D00012218 249 D1.trict. 1000 Section. Block. 126.00 12.00 lI!Y-..nnm .um """"'RCHm AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 001.000 Deed Amcnmt. JIaoaived the 1!'011owiDg 1'_. Pag./PiliDg COB EA.CTY TP.584 RPT Trans far tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 I'or Above Z_tll:\llllellt Bumpt NO JI.1IdUDg 1m lfYB S'lmCIlG 1m EA-S'l'A'l'B 1m Cart.Copi.. 1m SC'l'J( NO eo...pr.. I'.a. Paid $$.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $102.00 BxBlllpt 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m '1'JtAIJSPBa TAX NtDIBlUh 02.13820 THIS PAID IS A PART 01' '1'HB INS'l'Jl.'OIIJ:lrr Idward P.~~in. COUDtyCl.rk, SUffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS, http:// www,orps.state.ny.us or PHONE 1518) 473,n22 1~.7 3f. D 9-1 C2 Oa.. Deed Reoo<ded ~\ . ~ C3 Book J~~'C4 p: ,. FOR COUNTY Use ONI y Cl. SWlS Code PHOPEHTY INFORMATION Prupmy let"'i!)" Mf.~~l<i"'Vr:l""\Ml~ .~,}'Jt~",,/I w '. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE Of NEW VOIU( STAYE.EIO.MO OF REAL MOPE"RTV $ERViCt.$ RP - 5217 kl'-~;n ~ ~N" 1.Ihly-jtf Namll "k;tlll'el ..,.,~~~!i\I7-{;-~'M.afl"'i, Jr.. Irre'''ooa~le.~pf6..~at()d 3/:<8/00 .,~., ".,~~_J 1j,'~; f:>;ij,-\iFF'^ 3_ i6J( 8tlhllg ~~ 11,1\Ciltc wi"!>,;: h,cl\ViJ tax ffwli a'i!l ru tv;: *'ltl' !i!"".lr_w hVVf:r ilu.,1'*_$' '$ bo'!t('f':>1')' 101'''1. ~f~~ CtlI.'WA'.. r1<Ti I#At~. 4 inditate 1he ;hll'llb_ of AlI;~~$tJUt"l Roli paulo1h. hill"'~e-ne-d on the ~lj I, . bt F'illt;dor. Of' 0 f'."i'f l>t.. F'iI/U' u Deed Prorwrtv S'}:i' xl OR 6 Sdlil'r l\IlltfW ,*~r()~,>iM;;- iCkiW Ii: P4n of . P~re.!i C~lX;;k iIt. tbo:~ ttpp"': .$A "lirn'r'J Ek~a~d ....;1' SU;Y;>/i"i," AlithWNt lXiE1S 0 48 Sul;qi'i:,"im~ APP:C...iil '#,,110 Ile<Jl1knl fill ,r;v,Mtor <tC ;ilf(;~1 ~'\p(jl:;)V2d f:D' Sl1(v,}l'm"~~ \\11'11 M~li P'eyi:1.w D Tnt::pph Iln~' >';;"", i ~ Check the holHS o.low oathey $pplv; fl o.">,flerlihin Tyfll'l is Cn!U$nm,n1l2f1 1 ChDCk thl! lWJ( bl}tow which mQ6t aot.c"t"tefv d,uaib8$ tha use ~f thl' property attbe time oi ni.; :! h,lW Corwtnj~i.}f; 00 YM'::df", l;!1('1~J "~ 0(,,, f8fi'ty ~~!ii.tli'!Ptiii H 70" "] "~'n;:" Res:dfl~F;< l.' f(e;.ct<..Wlul V;h;j'il\ LiOll;; D ",m ""',d"',., "''''0< ic"", r'" LH F, Cl-1 l;tj i:fIlt)nio'!j"':1.lr<1 A0'\h;0fl1\Wll A!;Ifitl.lfLI""i C"mcrw'c'" ,;'par,,,':lX'1 SALl' j!..;FORMAT10N 11. SMI;: CQntrw Date l:i! Oattl of Sa!-b " fnmllter lOi ";,h IS, fun S1tJe?tJe-1t , , ~~LLQ 101 ;>.' ~"'(>jl;rll'.. In.;:lmJinll ptllu"ul ';;)i;lb,~}th"" O'9~!>,,}' i'to':'.:i-,,"mwml "ii:Wfifflt w1tnw ti,;;llM .ilIlKltie:'1 1'l!1);.rll.,f'fi>""t;..&>(, nli:lJl ;w'<j\.;m Thk....ilI'fI11i141 iiHiy Ix; il!lhek'h11 'Ji;:rtj!4"~':'f ?Itw<<,bi'ij.:.liijjh !4 kldte1JU~ the- \'Blue o-t pt'~'50u...1 p;roperty indllded in m. sa'e ASSESSMeNT INfORMATION o ~.~ CQmn'1:.;.'iit" St~'<::tJ 10\1..Hlrillf f'ulllT S~f'\'M:C fr;'1\~t lOA, PI('11NtV ';.JA:;11!!>..1..:iIH:, ~n .",r'..;u,tJ'il' Lfu;t'lc' 108 S,wer $I.-;tived a dicd'hunt !\IIlti~;d ,,'::lirll:((j~ :",ot ',!'to" ptOlXlfly 1& in '9~ '\1!'l!tuiHil'JI Chmiel D o '6. C'hftlr ON\! Of matll at 1"'" eondlt:iom H lQn)4Qnlt to mNlhw: r{ ,\ fl ( D J. e C. II I I Sill€- BClwtJe'" '1,,'1!.tf'l,l'\Ji D( fwmwfhj'ilh"M.\I $itl...- Bi11'l\li-.l(<lfl IklulW: CQfOP;,nHJ1 1;. PlltrM~ ,r. ~1,JS'mll'ffi Orlft Of t}lt/ t\!W.HS :1; .196 :;. S#i!.! Buy,;., ,;! Sv-t::v' It;; Go_mf'$111 Aj)UfH;:r 0' Llfniiug 1(]l'lliruti(l~' lJ&.edlvp!! ootWmnm::1' ll' fk"IJi>"" 1Ini S~llJ jS~i"v &j",WI $..1<0: ().f f11h:,r;,r...:;;' (fi'$:,.II\,W f'('v hlV;'~51 is:::>i!C:fv Boi{)W'] SiyniF:..I!Y: ;:ilB~l'J" :r. ;"roper:.y !'-".h"'",,"," ;;;~,",lIA $t:J,1.1\i "ni) S<Jii<' LIi.l1!.I" Silk' <)1 &ut,;W\:1 :" Imt!f,t;.I1rd ,f; 311\;' p,ipc Olh'F j",wAwl Fi"~Wf!;. Alfrn';(in(}?>xP i'ti<c<:,. 1St_NAy fi+-k",., N'Y'li ;",^""L~", ... U Data thOllJd n.'lftoct the t;rtllS1 F'Jl1al A!liles$-if1f!'m Roll rind T4x ai'l 16 V..rof A&$emru~t RoUfron1 wfIid1il1(c"m..tfol'la~ v~a. pt'(\perty cw~ :< ' "'-LW,J-L 11 Tuta' A~lMisrd V.l!... Ijn 1~tC*4 ll1 mMl(l1! 19 ""'0" ...."" _::. t1IFTLfk:~" 20. flIx MAp ktaU(in.rl51 I RQU ~lflfltiJll 111 tnot. m.., fO\,Jf~ 1ll'tUt!:l't $hdl wim addItion.l iodtntlhcrl$.l) I 1 000- '125.00-04.00-024, QQ2.1fllg I 1.,,_. CERTIflCATJON 1 'cn1ir~ lttut all Ilf ,be ~ of infmmatilm _tt,rwl fil'l1hlti linm ai"t"troc tll1d ("(It'f<<f (td 1hto t:k'It Ilr nt;t know~ and hdld, ADd r undd)dand Jh~f the rtmlolng (It' ~li) otiUhd fill""" stalrtmcnl ~tf' ml,wrinl r~('t bnt1n will Mlb:in1 nil.:' W llw pi'ufhlllwJl or Ow ~ law rrlatln I~I fIw I1Uikiug tmd min,g or fffIM-' ittlitrumtub." BUVER /7. / ~'7~ .1..: v- ~.; ./ . .rt'111J~(vtJ fi<J tt!.i.Jr:~~!()LldJ) ,n Trustee ",,",..12.,_,...._ ."--L.Mn1"1 rt"lP SrrAo1!- """0' l "'/JI~H' snH. \ hAM', ',;l;l""fR i\o\\ i' /~. /a;1 ---.J BUval'S I,rrORNEV ~.uddy ....A~.l..M'Ij CharI!;!,"'. f8S~I#~ JiJJ ....IA-G."". 16<) A/no _. 'n;:pjoj"!lf~iW!H, NEW YORK STATE .; COP)'