HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12216 P 42 L (Z-<'- I 50 f o'fL ~ F_IllO.!(9I'1ilI-20M-II......IIII_Il<od.WI1JlC__....._'Acu_r..r.-orC__ l'iqleolactl 11- l1&"..-... __..,aa...- -......-. .-..........-,.] ",-.~.,'n .. 11-.. THIS INDE1"iTURE, made lbe 23xd day of BETWEEN August. , t\<<) thousand IlIId bolo LI\lJREL LINKS, tIro.. a not-for-profit oorporation with an office at (no number) tBin Road, Jallle6pOLl, liew York 11947, 12b-12- L plul)' of lbe lint pan, IlIId I~ PA'lUlELL, residing at (no nWllber) East. Legion Avenue, Hattit:uclt, New York 11952, pllUty of !be RCOnd pen. WITNESSETH, thallIm pIIlI)' of lbe lin;1 pen. In <'OI:I1idcnIiion or len dnIlars and oII1tr wl,,",* COfUIidmIlion pIid by Ihe pari)' of Ihe !<<OIId pIIlI, does hctcby gr&Ilt ud I'ClcaJ;e unto lbe pari)' of the lIeCmld put !be hellll or SllCl:eSSOrS IlIId wipll orlhe pari)' of !be RCOnd pan forever, ALL thal conlUn plot, pioce or 1""""1 of land, with !he buildinp and i~ Ihmlon <ft'Clal. .ituare, lying.. beina in Ihe mlet of Laurel, Town of Soulhold, County of Sulfolk and Slate of New York, known and . gnatcd as Lot No. lOon II certain map entitled .Subdivision Map ofLaurcl Links., filed in die ulfolk County Clerk's Office on November 23, 200 1 lIS Map No. 10712. EING AND INTENDED TO BE part of premises conveyed 10 the grantor herein by deed dated ber 14, 2001, recorded on December 20,2001, in Uber 12159, Page 270. his conveyance is made in the regular course of business of the corporation and does not onstilute all or substantially all of ils assets. '()GETHER WITH the right ofingrcss and egress to and from the Main Road (S.R. 25) over rel Way, Laurel Court and Laurel Trail. . IU""'Lm&. _~EI.a*' lIItCdtJ L .....hMI'\fH.~.... ""'~tr .....~ .. t ~tri .uDlh d nllifllr' . ::Iij dlUI Ll.biIlW~ IIdll.uIlfxTOGETHEIt willt!be IlpjIWUll&nces IIIId all.. es,,"te IIIId rillht. or.. parI)'ofihe fitstparlln and to said pn'mi"".;TO IIAVEANDTO HOLD tbeplCllllses llenin ~;antcd unlO the puny or th~ second pan. tbe hel", or IlIC'CelIOOn aod ....iBJII of the pany of tbe ""rood pan fon:w:r. AND" parlY of Ihe first pari cOYCDlIolIthat tbe parly of Ihe flm. pari hili not clone or lufl'med an)'tllinll wheldly the: ....d premises hav~ been cllCumben:d ill ally way wltatev~r, es"llt as aforesaid. AND Ihe purly uflhc lirltpan. in complianc~ with Scclion 13 orlbc Lien Law, covenants thai the pany oflh<: first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the rillh! 10 receive such consider- alion as a trust fund to be applied Ii,.t for lhe pllrpOle of payinllhe cOIl of Ibe improvement and will apply lhe some timlo the paym~nt of the cost of tbe improv~ment hef,,", using any part of the lotal of the ..me for any olll~r purpose. The won! "pany" shall be ''OII51l1led lIS if il !MIl .plrties' wheneYff lhe ..,nse of this indenllln: "'" "",vi"",. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the lint pan he. duly .xecuted Ibis deed the day IIIId )'eor lim a\love writlen. Is l'US1!."<a: OF: :JEl:!!:! IIolu-'Ullan*1t tDIIn In New'l'lDltl StIIIIII SIaIe 01 New '!bill, ~ 01 SUffolk *'.0. ,",1 I ~ .:fJ~ " a cla1DII.J.._.._.l.....1n New York ... . lIS: SIaIe 01 New Yorll. County m .lIIS: On ilia 23 ., 01 August ,In I/Ie year 2002, beIore me. IhlI uncl8Il11gMll, pjtrIonally 'appeared Ol\.Ym SlI.1'AND ptIlSOnally knoWn to ma or plOVlld to me on the baaie 01 -~Illry 1l\I1d&...:e to be Ihe 1ndMdual(a) whOM name(I)Ia (_) .-..:rbld to Ihe wllIlin ~ and .I;limg\".dgad to ma IIllt hlIIallenhey a_led ilia _ma In hlalherllllelr capacltyl.a). lInd lIlat by hlalllarlthalr tlgnature(.) on the lnstrumenl. ilia inlIIIIdl.Ial(.) or ilia pei"Dl upon bIll8Il 01 wIllch Iha In/IvtduaI(II adIld, -..tad ilia ln8l:Nment. &tL- Nol:ary 'Public ROBERT DEFRESE NoIaly Public, 8lata 01 Naw'tbrk l-"i..i' J .No, Ot0Ell035117 CMftIlad In 8lIlrOIk Call"" ()U JComn' 'm Explrea Oc:tober 24. _ AilllaIClOllllldlliellw.... by lIuIl. 1bL... Wlh.... tDIIn In New lbItI SIlIIlI (:PI-'Xt.;.\ i"/.':T'[fl-!.: Stale 01 N.... Yorlc, County 01 On Iha day 01 , In ilia yuer ilia undanllgnad. pII:8OnaIIy 8ppt11lrad parsonally known to ma or plOVlld to ma on Iha be.fa 01 IIIIlI&Iat;toly avIdanca to be ilia IndivlduIIIa) whoa name(a) II I...) ,ubIcrlbad to ilia :MlhIn IIIIlrumanl and acIu1o.1l Iga.j to ma lhal helahellhey uaculad ilia '.ma In hlal'harlthalr ClIIIlIGllY(laal. and lllal by hl8lherllhalr Ilgnalura(al on tha fna1rumenl. the IndMlUlla) or ilia pei"Dl upon bIll8Il 01 whlcIl Iha 1ndNkIulIl(s) aclad. -..tad the Inalnlment. . t before me, lICk ""Ii1IJlg._lllllllln oulalde Newlbltl SIlIIlI , IS' . State 01 . County 01 . ., . (or ImIet1 DIIllrICI 01 Columbia, nm1lory. PaeMMlon or Foreign Country) On the day 01 . In ilia year IhlI uncltInlgnad. paracnally appeared ilia IIIDcrIbIng ~ to ilia lDtagoillg InIInmlanl. wIlIl whom I ern ptII80I d)' lIllqIllIlnlIad. who belng by me duty IWDm. did dapaea and aay,lhal llaIlIIIeIIhey rnkIa(.)1n . befcm me. lhal haIlIhaIIhey ~')l I'~~ 1 ""\ to be the rndIYicli~i;fIji:Ilb8d"iR'8nd VI&' -."9d Iha kN"illl ~ that IIlIld stlbIcI1blng wItnell8 WB8 IIl-.lllllll_1IlIld 8ll8CU1e lIle ume; .nd lllat Hid wltn_ aI Ihe ume time IllDcrlbad 11IlI/harIIl1.Ir'name(.I......wIIn8n lIler8Io. TllIe No.: LAUREL LINKS, tIID. 10 ~i PA'lt:8ELL Distributed by adcaao 11tIe IIIIlIInl.I1Ce Company On Ihe day 01 . In the yaar Ihe undanllgnad. pII:8On8lly appeared . belore me, parsonllly known to me Or p,owd 10 ma on ilia _18 01 HIialIIclOry evId8nce to be ilia 1nd1vidu8l(81 WhOM '*'"l(e)1a lere) eubec:rIbed to lhe wIlIlln III8lnIment and acknowllldtlad to me thet helahlllthey _curad the uma In hlalller/llleir capacItYI"'), thaI by hilllherlthalr algnaluralellln IhlI lnatrumant. ilia lndIYIdutlIla) or Illa panIOIl upon hahaft Gf willett ilia IndMdulll(e) tICl8d, -..tad ilia 1naIru-. llIIlllllat -" lndMdutl mada -" appae._ baIom the unde!lllgnad In ilia (adcllhe clty or poIItIcalllU~ III.I"CM and ltIe llIlIIa or _ry or oIIlar place thlI acknowIadg8m8lll WB8 WIan). SECTION BLOCl< LOT COUNTY ORrowN RETURN BY MAL TO: ZIp No. I I ~ I I .1 B ' I .J [i2 l ~ NUIIIbo.., ofpqn TORRENS o RECllRDEl> . 2002 Oc\ 22 08.24.23 Ail Edward P;RouiM' ClERI( €I' SUFFllIJ( COJHTY L 0011012216 P 042 DTII 02-12123 Serial II Cel1ilkate 11_ Prior Of. II Deed , Morlp&c InSU'\lment Deed, MoJt&lle Tax SlImp FEES Recording' Fillni S1a'nps 4 "IF , Filinl Fe<: HondJing TP.S84 Monpge AmI. I. Rule T.. 2. Additional 1'.. NOUIIion Sub Total . EA-S2 17 (COlIIlry) CA-5217ISlah!J _ Sub Tolal S Q2....... Sp!cJAssi\. Or Spec. 'AWl. R.P.T.SA Comm. of f\ll. .W , '1'01'. Mru. TAX Dual Town OuaICounty_ IIcld fur APflMimunmt _ ....; T....'ferT ~_ Manlion T 1M propcn vmd by 1lIi1 mertPllC is ur wlll be ilnpro dW('llina only. Y~S If NO. see _oflhiJ OI'NO_ "lie lax cl_ on page # _. AlI1dllvil CmiflCd Cop)' Reg. Copy . Other 15.:: /' Sub ToIal -GRANDTOT^l..~ ~ Real Pruperly 1'ax. Servillf AaencY Verir...ioll Dill Section B klc:k l..ol 6 Sla.np (J 02039988 1000 12600 1200 002000 :.. ~;~ - .. .-- 1 SatisfactionsIDiKhargeslRelnscs List Prnpcrty Owners Mailinll Add RECORD" UTUR.N TO: CPF Tax I)ue '" ~IClO . acanll..lIJId X TO --11laL TO . ~~ fJ~- Ro. U..,... 6/<< ~, "" '1. /1'1'1' TO/ 9 Suffolk Coun 8 Title Company Information "Ibis piI8C forms pari of the lIIIached , 11Iadt: by: ~...~' .;,--i 'A. ~T.) (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) lbc pmnises herein is silua1l!d in SUFFOLK COIJIIITY. NEW YORK. TO tt"y""'Y ;:]1;"-'.,// In lhe Tov.nship of In lhe VIlLAGE or HAMLET of .5 a"l...~J J.O ^ -L~.~ ~ R.. III )XI:5 5 lllRU 9 MUST BE TYPe) OR PRINTED IN BlACK INK ONLY PRIOR to RE<.:ORDINO OR HUNG. (OVER) IIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111~lgllllllllll .UE.-uLlt Com...a.-Z CLBRlt RBCOJtDS OnXCB RBCOJmDIG P.I.GB '.rype oi! 1000t...:___t 1 I'l'II!'Il!Y\I/DDD P-w- o! ......1 3 "I'RAIIS1'IISl, 'l'AX IlIlJIIBBlh 02-12123 ReC!0Z'de4: A'a LIBBRI PAGE. 10/22/2002 08.2.1123 ... 000012216 Do&2 Dl.trict: 1000 Sect.lon: 126.00 B1CCl]U 12.00 Lot: 1 002.000 J;leed. ~t.: .....-....:... AIID ('II'.a.'DIDP.n AS IOLLOWS. $180.000.00 ReC!.t'N4 t:be rollowiag ..... ~ Abon XU~ lex _t JIiIO ...._1 tug JIiIO IIY8 If' ,-('qCJ JIO SA-ftAB 110 C8Z't..COpl.. 110 SC'1'II 110 Caaa...~. 1'__ Pd.CI $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $720.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.100.00 $2.91'.00 IlK !lot. JIO JIiIO JIiIO 110 JIO 110 ....'I'iliag COB SA-en '1'1'-58' IUi"I' 'lrllDllfer tax TD...,.. TAX ~I 02-12123 TlaS PAGE XS A I'M'R 01' '!lIB DlSTRl:JIPII'I.' 1ldwaz'CI Ii'. RcIIala.e Co1mty Clerk. SUffolk Co1mty ........1> PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-S217 Rev 3197 1. Property L- Location STREET NUMBER T"'W?rl' 'T'>-'1i1 ST E TNAME L-~l$.~1" CITYOR 0 Jita\!f-91 111948 ZIP CODE 2. Buyer Name 1 Patc.'1ell lAST NAME I COMPANY Greqory FIRST NAME L- LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) Address (/1 <-I, fI ! j /t. FIRST NAME '.l"'{;'---""1 LAST NAME I COMPANY L-i' L. Of I;' I ;,. STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME ( !7(~-ve 11'../, L{I STATE /1, '1/1 ZIPCQOE CITY OR TOWN 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed 5. Deed Property Size L.- FRONT FEET I X 1 lOR 1 ACRES' . 7;33 1 (Only if Part of 8 Parcel) Check 8S they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided o o o 1 # of Parcels OR D Part of a P~rcel OEPTH 6. Seller Name ~luroWIL.inks, Ltd. LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME L-. LAST NAME / COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box be~ow which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C X Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residential Vacant Land E ~ Agricultural F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment / Amusement I ~ Community Service J. Industrial K Public Service L Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land lOA. Property Located within an Agricultural District 10S. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District o o o o 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: 11. Sale Contract Date 04 / 12 I 01 1 Month D" Year 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 08 / 23 / 02 I Month D', Year A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 13, Full Sala P,i.. , 1 , '3 , 0 , 0 , () , 0 , 0 , 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate t~e valUIJ ~f personal 1 I I I I I , I 0 , 0 1 property mcJu~ln the sale , ., .. .AIl$m~.~~fE~lI'~!ftIIWI\imtfltil~~i,j,iil;lSlolt~f,~Mill 16. Year of Assessment Roll from 1 rl1 .11'11 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transfer) 1 which information taken ; ; ; 1 ,8 3 I 18. Property Class 1- U 19. School District Name 1 ~'-";l"'ri hll""k-C')lt-f"'hn<ylA 20. Tax Map ldentifie'rlsll Rollldentifier(sl (If more than four, attach sheet with additional identifier(s)) 1:2.(, ~ p... ~;).. 1 (\QiO-1'2,>. 00 12.Q(}-OOl. gOO I ~ I certify that all of the items of infonnation entered on this fonn are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any wiUful false statement of material fact herein will subject me to the orovisions of the oenaIlaw relative to the making and ftUng of false instruments. , ~..__'""_ ... .~_. ,_~ _m 12L 25J ,'!..;' \, ._:\. I.) BUYER -n / "(l.r / < d C-.. . .. ~.. 'l.. r.~ DATE LAST NAME FIRST NAME CITY OR TOWN STATE /--." I / J~ II UYJ .:)~ SEllER SIGNATURE I ZIPCOOE BUYER'S ATTORNEY /) i\.UY" - r, ,,^,,_X STREET NUMBEfl STREET NAME (AFTER SALE) AREA CODE f TELEPHONE NUMBEA ., 1'- I , 1\ DATE Au J ;?,2.