HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 105 .... .' ..{- ~ I COIIlI'" :ryOUR LAWYER BEFORe 81G_ nus 1N8TRU~.11D INI_ 8HOULDBI! lI8ED BY LAWYEAlI ONLY /Z-Co-IZ--'f THIS INDENrtJRE, made the 9th day of June, 2005, BETWEEN L !J-)q 3 f ( 0 ~~ :: GREENBRIAR HOMES, INC., a New Yor1< corporation, 59 Hawxhurat Road Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 party of the first part, and Staphen Pizzitola and Colleen Pizzitola, husband and wife, 188 East 70th Street New York, NewYor1< 10021, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten 00/1 00 dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby granl and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or SlICC8SSOf'S and assigns of the party of the second part forever, . :. ALL tii8t certain' PiQi: . piece iX' p&iC8i' 0, land, with the buildings and improvements thereon : ~ed, situate, lying and ~ng at Laurel, Towr{of SOuthOld..eounty of Suffolk and Stale of :.New. York..................................SEE SCHEDULE."A, ATTACHED. HERETO AND MADE A :F.'AATHEREOF:'; .... ." i . . . ...':,.... .. ..' ... . '.':' " ... ~ . , ',- .- . . , . ,. ; '. .. ", t. .' . ..' .', I ~ . .. . -. .' ."' " .. . . ~'. . ". ',. .' I . -. . Being and inl8r)~ to be the same premises as conveyed to the Grantor herein by deed dated. ~ljI~r ~, 2902, ~ rec:onjed September. .1.~, ~ in..~iber..1.~09 cp .870 in. the. Suffolk "-'nty CI..:.L's office .' , . .......,...,.:.., .... ,. :., ,. '. ~ VI 1\ . I ,.I'''' ',' " . . ." ....... " ~..... ". '" -.- ...- ".. ..... . . ," . I :..I.:::~.i....'L~\;::'\:. .. . :'. . .Subject.to .Covenants, Restrictions.:~ments ~~ :'-'9!l!8"'!~C?t:,/'lMXlItI. .' 1". . . ~..~ .' ~~. .. '. . ':c';fhis conveyance. has been:made with the unanifl'lOu~:con~lin writing of all stockholders :". . ::'.:. .of.th8.paity-ot.tIie first part. ..1' ",;': .:'.1'( .. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines theraof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party pf the first part in and to said pramises; TO HAVE AND.TO HOL:[j:U18 premiS8s.h8rein gninted.urito"ttie party of the second part, the heirs or sucx:essors and assigns .of the party of the second part .foi'ever. . .: _ ...... . " ',... .....:.':'...~..~....,'.....:.: ~'.".." ...... ......ANIJ.the.party of the first.:part.covenants:thet the.party..of,.the.tirst:part has not done or :', " surr~ .~ing 'Nt1~r.,~y tI:1e:~d pr:er:niies.hal(e ~n.enc;um~:i'l any way.whatever. . .,:' -..e~Pt ~jlforesaid.'.' ;,." :', I. ..... ( .',' . "., . . .. ~'I .' "'. ...., ~"I>('"'' ~~. ',' :.,. .... :. . . ;' :.'. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13'Of tha lien law:- covenants that . , . th!il. P,8rty of.the f~tP.8rt ~1I .~ve ~e consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the' cOst Or l/ie'lmprcSii8iiiena 'ahel Will' iiPPiy":the 'ume' finii" iciYthit'payment of the cost of the im~m!i!!'!,~'!t.!JSing any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "~ ~L p~;~.i:l!itrued as If it read "parties" when ever the sense of this indenture so requires.,J' ~.:, 010.' \'" . :('X':-I~"'''''':) :.-"" 'I' . '. . .... ".' . ',' . I . ..: .... ,',' IN:vvrtNEStfWHEREOF,ltie piiity of the first part hlis duly ~ this deed the'de}t&nd year first above written. , ,,: .' .. . I ", ." t:.. '.-. .. ~ ....: .".. ". I,:,.,: . ,'," " . '. ......1 . .,": ..... .' . ,_, 04 ..1...., ,., ...;,' '" I."..: . .... " "," .,."... .. .. . . .....:/0 INPRESENCE'OF:,' . ;"-.. "..': '.\'.' .t. .....' .'t':!...1 ,.... ':,,1'. ',j' ....':..1. ,........ I ..: -: I~' . .' ":.::".'.'. ". ...~' GR BRlARHOMES'JNC"':" ....... .., f ........ '1. .' .: . .. .~ .r. . ..... I. .:.... ..... .'. :. '1:' . a;:" . "';' '?l;&.t. ....:. : .':. . . werner Ad8I;' Pres. ..... .., .,." ...... ..r. .' .:. - I ~ r. .., , . ". ...... '.. . .,'. . ....' .; '.'; . ~ ... .-., '. ,': .. . '. .:; ,~ , . ;,..... ;-'. .. ~ .. .' .,. ..... ~. .. .:'.; ; .:. .'.: . .,., .' -', r'; :~ ,:. ~ .~.. .':. TO BE USED ONt Y WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ~ of New YCl/1(. County of Suft'oIk no On thear"- dB}' of June In the ya' 2005. IMlIore me. the underwigned. persolllllly eppeared Werner AdeI personelly known to me or prlMId to me an the beels of IlIIlsfaclory lWIdllllCe to be the Individulll whose ...... II subllc:r1bed to the wIth~ inttrument end -.awIedged to me the! he executed the ..me In hll cepecl\y. end thet by his "gn_ on the IIlIIlIunwrt, the 1_..... or the '*""" uPOl! elf of Ich tlMl indlvlduel ec:tecl, _ the I '. ......'M::.:. . ,.~....\..,..::.'..t...i.:. r,'"' :'.:- '.. ~ .l_, re end otIIce of IndMdu8llalclng ecknowl8dglMRl) IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE StIlle of New York, County of On~e,;r.. C!B}'of .,. Intheyar . b!lfoi'e rne,.the undenigned. personally. eppeered_ ~. . . . ~ personi.ly' known to me or'picMid to me an the _I of elIIlIl'llc:tory lWIdeMe to be the IndMdue~l) whou 1l8IIltI(1) is (ere) IU_blICl to lIie WIthin 1nstruniei1t end eckn""J1ldged lo me lhet h8I8II8Ithey _ the l8ITle In hlslherlth8l, cepeclty(l..~ end lhet b, ~ Bignetulll(l) an the In8lrumenI, the i_~I~ or the person upon blIhelf of which the individue~l) -.t. _ the Inllrument. IS: . "', .; '..:' . . ' :.' ..:.... l:::' .: 'Ii: a::.. -.~: :. ... ',' ;..! : (1lgneture end otIIce of IndMd....lalclng _OIoA.oclg'"IIfIl) ") " __. USllUIlIlIIIl_ :......':..~ealllell ...,......~... ........ ............. '1"'" .'.f-..." . . r.wmE:xniI'R Qrd.~ ,!. ... "......._ :....'. .::' ,'" '. ,. . :.... . :~, t.. .'... I' :":. ;',":. : ~. .....:t-. . ..,..:. ",'- . .'. ",, :~: i. ':. . ", 'it:. .' ;!'"! :. " 'I~ ~.:;:. roBE U8EDONLYWHEJiTHI!"1ACKIInWI'.nm.lENT'ai...anEotrrsli:JE~New~8TATE..' .' :':.'~ .l~ . foo'", . :.....; "0,: .....;:1.: .;~ .~."" :~: '.~ .':'J...: :r. :::". ,~~.:~,:" ~ ,"1 ':..~ l'~ ':.' .... r:' Steta(o'Dls1rictolCol~.TenIIIlrY.orFcnlgn.Counlly):of .-............ , I...."' -. ,. . '... " ,_ .. _.... al:... '.. .. , . I' '. I:.' .'. ...... ..... .. ....f.. ~ . ... ' ':0' On the .... i: .' , di, Of' ~~I'. ,f ., ...... ,.,. lriiii. yea.' . -;-":berOni inii:lhe'unillli-iigiied,'pencjneDy'ippeenid'; ~H,.known to me or ,Pf1lVeCI to me on the bull of IIIlIsI'llc:tory lIIIidellce to be the indMduel(l) whose neme(a) is (ere) aubsaibed tD'1h8 WIthin Instruiritmt end ecknowledged lo me the! heisha'lhey lIXllCUtllll the ..me in hislhlllltheir ce~le8~ end llIet by h1l11W1thlilr StgfWtu're(io) on tM'=IMtru/n8ni:.lIie IndMdIllil(.~ or.tiIe p8rsori up.;;;'b8h8lfol wliiCh' th8linclViilu~ai iicIeiI. executed the !l)Slr)ment;eni:t II"!t such indl\(lduel mee luch'eppeerence ~lIIor8 the underslgned,in tl;Ml.... '.: : -" . .., ':-. In.tthe'CiIy... _ poIlIcel ~-....) ~ .:. ::.. ~~. '.' .~..L .'.f ;:. ..:.:' In (end "-t the smw or Counlry ... _ pleoe the eoknQwI.dgment _ taken) '. '.; .... .:.... ~.,I:. ,: .':' :I....~.:..:.. \..~;:. . -. ....:......; . ....:i f' :"-:. ." I::: ~ . .01... "1.' : ~i~'1 . .'. (~..d~ailnclMdU8lt11~-=ImGl_.tlc"__~_,lr "i". ..11_.... ~. ':." ;", .' :.:.': '.:. . ;"'. '. .~. .'~' ;.. ~ .~. .. ,~. 'J ;: ... ,', \1". ........ . .. . . . . .-: ";':-'~::: :. ::..... .', .::. : ::..: ~ :" , :.,. '. "'..~ ~J '. . .J'I ~.. -::...., .r:': ',' ,. .. -'. '.1-' .. I.. . .. =: ',\..1! ;;.:..: '. :;: ~. . . .. . p'.:'l..... , . BARGAIN:AND'SAIi.E-DEED .:' 1 SECTION 126.00 WlTHCOVENANT.-AOAINSTGRANTOR'SACTS',~ : ::' 'L '. ~ ,~. Bl:OCK- -12.00. ...., __.; .' :"_ ". . - LOT 004.000 11tIe t-i-r~..~-f'l>>_.,.,..... .. . No,'" :......COUNTY,OR.TOWN...~.., "lb.-CS. ~,. '~;1:::...... .'. ......... .. f.. ., OS'-"''fo./-~ STREET ADDRESS . :. '::'c:. "'iQi-" ....I'i': ',i;'~::;" \Dr oq ~ R8COrd~ at Request of .; '~:~"" ~ ~~~,,uu., ':"'-'''-,' ':-d:~!t1ONW.EA':l!i.II'!'I,?-~!N8!:!RANC~~MP~ ""11 ..,., " TO r" .J~ .'1'." 11"-'" ..... I.,~._.. """ " .", .... '. .... '.' '.. .....- .... ,,';''" . ,. -.... . - .-. - RETURN'BYMAIl:TO:" '.. ,1-'-\ \-0\6.. . ~ f5 I I f5 I ~ I ! I . .,. .,r v " w.L '." STMIMIID PaMI DP'1II!Ww.K BCMIa)"'TITU! ~"_I__ -by . 'C,9mmonwealth _.., . .' AI.I'.Df'.~ cu.nww.: == . .... .' ,-. .. I . . 10,'. r .' .. .'. . ". ":.. .' '.. . J ...... COlAloIiwrw.T1I",^"",~-!,I~.~^Nr . . "I ,,' , .... '. '.e.. ". I .'. :. "~ .. . .1 : "-' f. I;"': Goldstick, Weinberger, Feldman & Grossman, P.C. 7 Penn Plaza -1eD' Floor "';.,': _: IIIsWYo.KNY-,10001..' ';. .,: "'.'1 :'1.':':. \. "! ;. .: -aIIrl/:" Borinie'Covey; Esq;....' r.... ;'."-:" ". ;" J~1' .(!I ". . p'" ,:..~:.. to:. ( ."\.', .,'. .'::"_'~.': _ ",' -:. ~"~'.1: I"t' ':.:~ .:. '. ,:;':~f.. ...~ .~:",:' ',::\:""i :.~:;"":': ,......11 ,.. ~...:l. :...c. :.': ..I. . '." . ,. . .:'. ~'I.. .: . I .: :,l. ;." ;,':. '.J '.: .J .,.. I"~ . .:..~:~:. ~;'':.. ..' '.f.: ~ ('. .:...... ':.. . .' j' .:'1.'. '.e I. .:~ !: .:.. ~.:., ':" ~ 1:"1" ..... .... ., .' 'i~. r : ,;. ~.~ I '.: I', .::,,-:... ~./':. .... .,......,'. r.... .~ . ...".. . I'.. : .' 1 ".: . ~. :.... .: .""'i.~'i '.~ r:..: ". ., -. . . . ,t..'!: :"'~""I: .< . .' .." ........ '. ,:. . :.' .:~ ~-' ::. : '.: ~..' ...., ", .. .... ~ . '-. .~....~...t1:....,..::.:..;;:..~... ' .......r I.". "'.' ..:::"~~' I ..":: :~..E.:"'. ':: 'i:-: I t: ':.;' :.-:' ~' .' ...: .,: ~ . -: :-1 "~:..' . , .: .~ ,~, , .......i: . .'. . ." ~ .' I . ......... "- ,.....,. '. ~ ;.. f SCHEDULE A ALL tbat certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situale. lying and being at Laurel, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk: State of New York. known and designated as LoI No. 12 on 0 cerlain map enlilled "Mop of Laurel Links. filed in Office of the Clcrk of the County of Suffolk on November 23, 2001 as Mop No.10712 Abstract 1444, said lot be bounded and described as follows: UEGINNING a~ a poinl on Ibe southerly side of Laurel Trail where sallie is intcrsccted by the division line between I II and 12 on tbe ahove mentioned map; . RUNNING THENCE Soulh 33 dcgrees 56minules 13 seconds En.~t 190.83 feel; TI IENCE along an arc of a curve bearing lu Ihc len having a mdius uf 280.23 feet 0 dislance alung said curve of 85 feci; TIIENCE North 74 degrees 03 minulc.~ 07 seconds Wesl 156.98 feel; TBENCE Norlb 30 degrees 36 minules 28 5CConds West 200.02 feet to the soulberly side of Laurel Trail; TIIENCE along the soutberly side of Laurel Traillhe following tbree courses and distances: I i I. Along an are of a curve having a radius of 606.60 feet a distance of 6.16 feel; 2. Along an ore of a curve bearing to tbe right baving a radius of25.00 feet a diSla.nce of27.99 feet; J. Along an arc of 0 curve bearing to the len baving a mdins of 85.00 feet a distance uf 108.66 fect 10 (he first a(,. menlioned division line and the poinl or place of UEGINNING. Number of ...... 4 TORRENS RECOR~8:' 2JC5 Jun 17 10.56. 16 All Edward P.Ro.aine ClERK Cf' SUFFiX..K COUNW L 000012393 P 105 Oll 04-45324 Serial. CertilicalC . Prior Ctf. . Deed . Mortpgc IlI8lnImaII Deed, MorIp&e Tu Stamp I'IlI:!S Ra:onIing' Pililll Stamp. 3 Page , i'ilillg Pee Camm. of Ed. S. ..!IlL MorI8l8e Ami. I. BasicTu 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. , Assi\. or Spec.' Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual CouDty _ T~~r:XAAx>>O~~. -H-. MlUl5ion Tu . ~ The propetty covered by Ihi5 moIp&c is or will be improved by lODe or two family dwellina ooIy. ,yliS or NO If NO, see Ippropriate ..... clluae on page . of this iDsuumen\. HlDdliog S. ..!IlL TP-S84 NolBlioo EA-S217 (County) EA-,5217 (SUIIC) Sub Tollll R.P.T.s.A. 7'0 ./' AlTldavit CcrtirlCd Copy Reg. C"py SubTotal Grand Total ~ ")a . - Other 4 DislI Real P,..pcny lix Sm Agency VerificBliao .-.... -.. 004.00I 5 Commuul PlestnBdOD hod 05022877 1000 ''PT S\ (I7SFL A) {8-JUN~ .......,-..... 12600 1200 004000 Coosidcntion Amount Due 0 S 1.470.081.00 $ :1t,.'# 00.00 . Improved VacBDILand 6 SatisfactionlOi!lClwpa/RcJcase List Prupaty OwIlllB MaiUoa Addnss RECORD '" RETURN TO. 1D 10 Galdltlek, Welaber&er, Feldmaa &: C,......... Boaaie Covey, Esq. 7 Peaa PJua. 16tb Floor New York, NY 111081 1D TO 7 nile ComJIIIIIY IaI'orm8tloD Co. Name . Nalloaal TIde TltIe.05-7404-610P3 8 SutTolk County Recordi & Endorsement Pa e Thil JIB&C forms part of lhe IlIBChed Bar'JIIla '" Sale Deed (SPECII'Y TYPIl 01' INSl1WMIlNT) made by: Gl"l!lNlbrlar HftIIY4I. I.... The prcmi5is hereiD is 1Iiluatcd io TO SUI'FOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. 10 !he Thwllllhip of Southold 10 Ihc VILLAGE S~bea Pizzitnla .. CoIIHn Pb:dt'" or HAMLET of Laurel BOXES 6 THROUGH. MUST BE TYPIlD OR PRIN11lD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RIlCOROING OR PILING (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I 11111111111 11111 1m I111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFF:ICB RECORD:ING PAGB Type of InBtrumant. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number I 05-0064427 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-45324 Recorded, At. 06/17/2005 10:56:16 J\JI LIBER: PAGB: D00012393 105 District. Section: Block: Lot. 1000 126.00 12.00 004.000 BXAKIHBD AJID CHARGBJ) AS POLLOWS Deed Amount. $1,470,000.00 Received the Following Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'IC $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $5,880.00 NO Mansion Tax $14,700.00 NO Comm.Pres $26,400.00 NO PeeB Paid $47,132.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBR. 04-45324 THIS PAGE IS A PART OP THE INSTRtDIBN'l' THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONI.Y Cl. SWIS Code * REAL PROPERTY TRANS.FER REPORT I~,". 3.!t. fl,,!1 STATE OF NEW YORK STATE SOAAD OF REAL PROftRTY SERVICES C2.DamDMdRecorded I /Jh/ /? /"c;-I d;Jl D.ly =V.lf C3. _ I ,/.;1., '3 , 9'...31 C4. Poge PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 1P.~J7..J/ft "--L 3H5 LocMlon 'r1tYr ........ LauA.cl 7A.a.i.1 I'm[[TIIIAME 70_ oL Southold an""""'" LauA.cl ....... ....... 2....... N.... P.i.zzi.tola LMr ,."..[/COYMN'Y Stcphcn '!RSTNAMI! Pizzi.tola l.ASTMAM!/CO/III'Nlf Collccn ,......... 3. Tax InciCIII whe.. tUlu... lex Billlaf1l to be ... I 8111I.. ;f..hor___Ial_olforml - lAIl~/~ -,..... L lJTIII!ETNUllIEIlAMJ51N"TIitAMf CfI"t 011 TOiIN , I . oJ Plin:al, OR 0 Part of . Plreel PATI! ,.- 5....... Property I SliI':. Ixl rlkJNTrElr-' lIE"'" lOR I 'Nxs . 9, ~ (Only I PM. at. "-all. CMdl _.....-..pIy:. a PllMing 8oIJd..wh SubcllvlIion IUhorit';' ExiIts 0 .. SubdiviIior1 AppnMiI wu Required for TrMlfer 0 4C. Pial ~ for Slbdivilian wilh Mlp Provided 0 4. Indl.. 1M nUlllbM' at Aau......... Roll p.lrclls tr""'" Oft .he .... ..s...., Nom. L (jA.CCIlI.A..i.4A. !lO.CA, Il&c.. LASTlifMll[tCO....'ft' "......... L LAlTNAME,COIIIf'ANY ........... 13. Full SUa Price 1.~.7.0.0,0.0.O.OI , , . IFull S'" Price. I" tal. amount J)lid for die property includinG PlrlonII properly. Thi. piyrnent may be In U" fann at cash, Olher properry Of aooda. or 1M .uumption of mortgagllS or od1er oblig.l1ionL) PItMN fOUI'Id to rh~ n..nttt whole dDill1 MtOUIIt QecIl; th8 t.oa. below .. u.,. .ppIy: & 0Wncnhip Type II Condominium !; ~ Agricultur.1 I ~ Community Ser.rice .. NIIW Conab1lC1ion on "...t lMMI F Commercial J 1nduIUI.. 1M. PIaperIy I..IaUld Wllhin an Agricullur.. m.rict (i Apanmom 1\ Public: Sorvic:o 1. Buvor rec:elvod. disc:lD1Uf8 notice indic:lling H Entertalnm.nt I Amullrllllf'll L Foreat thai 1M property illn an Agrlcullu.. DlllricI 1i. CMct. on. or men of thIN ~ _ .......... to tr...-: SeI. Be1\wen Rlllltiwl at Former RoI8IIvH Sal. Between Reined Companloa or POrtneflln BuiIn.. One af the Buyers is .Im . 181_ Buyer or Sel.... It Gov.rnmenl Ag.1cy or Lending lrtIIirutlon Deed l'ypII noI Worranry or .,geIn and Sahll5pEify BIllow) SaI. of FrlClional or t..Ilhen Fe. IntlrelllSpec:1fy BalOW>> SIgnificant Change In Property &.Iwaen T.... SIatua ,nd SaI, DIteI SDIt 01 BUll... La Included in Sell Price 0lIMw Unusu.! FKttn Affecting Sa. Price CSpoc:ity Belowl Nano D (g D 1. QIICk tM boa bMw which m.,; lICCUI'.Uily dHcribft dw ... of the property at the tlm. of ....: A ~ OM Family .....,on... B 2 or :3 Family Rnid.nCi.1 C Rnid..... Vlant und D Non-Relidenlill Vecant L.nd I SALE INFORMATION I 11. s... Cantnct Det:. 6 ...... / 1,5 I / 11 Dor / 05 Yo.. D' v_ 12. DIte of S", I Tr..m.r 6 ...... 1C. lndic8tl th. VMae 01 ,.,....., I 0 0 I --.....- - ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dale should reflect the Iltest Finll AlUllment Roll 100 Tax Bill ,.. ",-ano 10:9.. (. OI-LJ '9. _ _ No... I ~ Il I ~? . . ,8... 11... 1). , ,. ,~ "1 A -r',-rru c.k:... /LA.Vfto!!!i L I . '..Y..r"'_.........IO~'05I11 T I_V_lolol_In_11 wtIlch information ....n . otI ZD. T.. M.., ldentlierta) I RaltldlndlllrlN ,. man than tour. .... IhMt with -*ItIIoaaI ....ntllllli.n 7000 - 726.00 - 12.00 - OO~.OOO I I CERTIFICATION I I RT1lfy .... 011 fill Ibe ..... fill i_ .._ IIEI Ihls ....... on ..... _ ....... (10 ... ..... rot nv _lid"" aod bdIoI) .... I ....._ 1ho.1ho ........ fllay wIDtaIl'IaIse JIlIImWnt of IlIatnial faIrt heni. .iD lUbjIct .. &0 the ~ III.... ...1 law nIadIve to thr mMiD& ad IIIIDa .,...... ~ !!!lnB BUYER"S ATTORNEY _I ~ 't) """- ~~ .... l 0 CI& I fO..s..t T1 ~ . SI1IaT NMII: wnllliAU'l Coucy LAST..... BOl&I&ic r'.,,_ 212 687 - 3440 ....- 1I1.I'HOIlIIN~" IlJ.~..~~ ND.CA~C. .~" Ub( ......-- IlIcA.ncA. Adcl, PA.CA. NEW YORK STATE COPY B :