HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 445 LIlLI c; r L+Lf7 ,', US-i-It-/- .--- l Form HOC)2 (11/9\1) . .!O~I _ ~lIIJWn ~ Sale o.."Cd.. wilh CM'C'nanlJ qail1'A QraaIior', ~Indivkbllll or Corpcqr.ion. lsinpclJlc:el) OON8ULT YOUR LAWYD...... IICIIp'.... nu....'dIIMIIIIT - TIII8 _. ~ aHOULD _ ___ n LA~ ~Y. '\l ~f THIS INDENTURE, made lhe 20th day of July 2005 .. BETWEEN EDNA A. BEIRNE, as EXecutrix of the Laat Will and Testament of Michael E. Beirne by letters issued 2/17/2005 under Nassau County Surrogates File No. 305343, residing at 186 Voorhis Ave., Rockville Centre, NY 11570, and LESLIE ANN BEIRNE, as Trustee under Last Will and Testament of Michael E. Beirne by letters issued 2/17/2005 under Nassau Surrogates File No. 305343, residing at 3760 ~ Mineola Rd., Mattituck, NY 11952, and JOIlN F. MCFEELY, residi!l'3 at 5900 PecOnic Bay Blvd., Laurel, NY 11948, as Tenants in Camlon, being the Successors in Interest to ~ Associates, a New York partnersnip, pany ofthe first pan. and TaoiN OF SOUTIlOLD, a municipality having a principal place of business at 53095 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, NY 11971-0959, party of lhe second pan. WITNESSETH. Ihallhe pany of the fi"l pan. in eonsideralion of len dollars and other valuable eDll5ideralion paid by lhe pony uf lhe secund pan. doe~ hereby glanl and ",I...., unlO lho pany of lbe second pan. lhe heilS or successors and L,signs of rhe party of lhe 5CCOnd pan forever. ALL IhaI cenain plOl, piece or pan:el of land, with the huilding.. and improvcmcn15 Ihereon erected. ~iIUaIC. lying and hcing in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly described on "SCHEIXlLE A" hereto annexed. BEING the same premises as conveyed to ~ ASsoCiates by deed recorded in Liber 9852 at Page 350. ~~ WHEREAS, this certain plot, piece or parcel of land more fully described herein shall remain in its current state and its open space areas shall be sterilized and remain as open space for the express purpose of protecting the aquifer and water supply and said open space areas shall be kept in a natural state 'in perpetuity, excepting only property minteoance activities as my be appropriate to effectuate the foregoing purposes without illpliring the essential nature and open space character of the open space areas. ibis paragraph does not preclude the use of the open space areas for passive recreation purposes. TOGETHER with .11 ri;llI. litle .nd interes,. ir any. "I' lhe pany of the firsl pan. in und to any sir.." and ro:ld. .bullin; the above-de<eribed premi.e. 10 Ihe center line. lhereof: TOGb'THER wilh Ihe .ppunen.nee. and alllhe ..Iale and righl' nl' Ihe pany of Ihe 1i..1 pun in and 10 .aid premil<Cll: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe premise. herein :sr~nie'LI uillo th... pany uf the: f.~cond part. the he in; or ~ucC'cs"'orK ;lnd a"si~ns uflhe party or the ~un,j pan forcwcr. I AND the f'lilrlY ul".lhe first pari t'l.lVcnants thallhe pany ("Ir the fin-I p;Ul hu:!O nOI done ur :riutTered anything wherehy the said prcmi"c,," have been l:'ncumbc:red in any way whatC'ver. except as afoR:SQid. ANI) the: rarty of the lirst pari. in ~urnpliOlnce with Sec.-tion 1:\ of the I.ien Law. ....)\.enant:o. th.lllhe parly toll' th",. tirst pari will rc\"civc the: consideration fur Ihis clInveyancc aud will hold the ril!ht hl receive such consider- alion a. a Irusl fund 10 he .pplied lir.' for Ihe purpo.e or p.ying Ihe eO.1 of Ihe improvemenl .nd will upply the !iumc finn 10 Ihe payment of the cusa of the inlproycmenl before using any parlor the tutal or the same ror any nlher purp"sc. The wl'rd "parl)'- ~hall be cllnslrucu as if iI read "partie~" whenever lhe xense ur Ihi", indenture su requirC'.'i. IN WITNESS WHER":O"~ Ihe p.ny or lhe li,,1 p.rl h.. duly e.ceuled lhi. de.'lllhe duy .nd ye.r lirsl ah<lve wriuen. 1/'10 I'K"~I!"'I: (IF: ~t2...6~_ A BEIRNE, as Executrlx ~~.>>a '!'rUSa18 JJdd:-~ ~p~ . . Stewart Title Insurance Company nu. No. 23-8-3525 Schedule A DescrlpUon (AMENDED 07/1412005) ALL Ihal cerlain plol, piece or parecI of land wilb the buildings and impIOVemenlS lbemn erectcd.lying. siluale aad being at Lawel. Towa of Soulbold. coualy of Suffolk and Slale of New Yodt mole particularly bow1dcd and described as follows: . BEGiNNiNG al a moaumenl oa Ibe northerly side of MaiD Road (NYS Roule 25) which marks !he easterly line or lands now or formerly Harold AVC8t wilb!he wesledy line oCplemises described. herein and; . RUNNiNG llIENCE along said lands now or Cormerly Harold Aveni: I) North 19 degrees I I minules 50 seconds west 262.45 Cect; 2) Soulb 73 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds west 77.20 ICclto a conClele monument and lands now or Connedy Town of Soulhold; THENCE oorlh 19 degrees 57 minules 00 seconds wesl along said laads now or Cormerly Town 01' SouIhold 5 19.41 Ccetlo a poinl; 'nIENCE aorlb 21 degrees 30 minules 10 seconds wesl. 590.93 Ceello lhe walers of Laurel Lake; TIIENCE along tic lines which mark the walen ofLaun:l Lake Ibe Collowiag courses and distances: I) North 76 degrcc:s II minutes IS seconds easI36.26I'cel; 2) South 75 degrees 02 minutcs 37sccoads east 94.00 feel; 3) Soulb 59 degrees 10 minutcs 02 sec:oads eaSl90.72 feet; 4) North 64 degrees 35 minules 19 sccoads cast 40.88 feet; 5) North 35 degrees 53 minutcs 55 seconds easl48.14 feel; 6) North 17 degrees 52 minules 43 seconds easl67.c.4 Ceel; 7) North 06 dcgnlcs 51 minulci 24 seconds easl8S.40 CeeI; 8) North 27 degrees 10 minules 03 seconds west 86.43 feel; 'fOGDTHnR with all rigbI. title and inlerest of the parlY 01' lbe firsl parI, in and 10 Ibe land lying in !be stnlel in front 01' and adjoining said prcmilel. . . . . 'llIENCE north 40 degrees II.minules 30 seconds C1S1441.27 feet to a monumeul and lands now or Cormerly Suffolk County WaIcr Aulbority; ~ .. THENCE along said lands now or CornlCrly SufCoIk Coun~y Willei' Authority: I) South 62 deyees 21 minules 50 scc:oada ClISlI72.45 feci; 2) South 37 depees 00 miDuleS 40 secuncls easl162.93 CllCl; 3) South 06 degrees 09 minutes 50 scconds cast 2S I.GS feel; 4) South 36 degrees 211 minuleS 00 seconds cut II H.O!I CecI: - 5) South 32 degrees 00 minuleS 20 seconds east 92.42 CecI: 6) South 22 dcpees 38 minuleS 00 scc:onds cut 279.24 feel: 7) South 30 dcpees 42 miDulcs 40 seconds easll6.U3 feet; . 8) South 35 dcpecs 01 minulClllO seconds calli 370.95 feet to a monument and lands now or fomlCrly Scott R.. Albrechl; . nlENCE along said 1ands now or Connerly Scotl R. Albrecht: -~_. '1) South 64 degJeCS 17 minuleS 22 seconds west 141.70 feet; 2) South 33 dcyees 27 minutes 12 seconds eaSl2~4 Cec\1O lands now or formcrly Long Island Rail ROIId; l1IENCK along said lands now or Cormci1y Long Island Rail Road: I) Soulb 46 degR:CS 53 minuleS 39 seconds west 196.04 feet; 2) South 78 degrees 03 minulcs 40 seconds west 139.84 feel; . 3) South 72 degrees 51 minuleS 10 seconds west 21S.63 Ceclto lbe 1I0rtherly side of MtinR~: --- nJENCE south lIS dcpecs 44 minutcs 00 seconds wesl along thc northerly side of Main Road 295.39 Ceet to the poinl or pllll.'C of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all right. tille and interest oC \he pmy of lbe lirst purl. in and 10 the land lying in the street in Croat oC and adjoining said premises. . '. . .' [2::'2 -. l Serial # RECORDED ..' 2005 Aug 08 03:05:25 Pit . Edward P.Romaint ClERK OF SUFFIl.K CWlTY . L1D~I:?402, IP 445 . [lTlI os-Od72 . . i. Number Dr pall"' TORRENS Certificate # Pril.'r Clf. # ~ Deed I Mortgl\&e InsilufRCnI DCed I Mortme Tax S!3mp . ..' . . .... . " Recording I filing Stamps " ., . ~ .'. . . 4 , FEES . " .. 'r .; .~.~ . -. . ,", Page I filing Fee Handling TP~514 Mortgage Ami. . .-~ 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax . Notation Sub TDtal EA.52 17 (COUllly) EA.5217 (State) _ :?~b Total Comm. of Ed. s. ill2..-- Spec:.1 A5!;il. . Or Spec./Add. TOT, MTG. TAX . DuaITDwn_DuaI Counly_ Held fqr ApportiDnment ~ . '" . .n;, Transfer Tai" ,.... . i.r . . 'I "0 . " R.P. T.B.A. I~ Affidavit C.rtifled Copy ""- Reg. CDPy Other ,1) ~b Total GRAND TOTAL ~ 5.(" .- Mansion Tax ~ . .' I _ 'Ibe pro",rty covered by !his mDrtgage is Dr will be.imprDved by a one ~r, two ramily dwelling only. . ., YES .' "or NO , If:NO, see appropriate lax ela&ise on page # _oflhisi!'sllumC!'I.... '.: Real Property Tax Service ^fP.9 Verifi\=l!tioq Dill. SeetiDn . B loel< Lot 6' .Co~uQity Prcscrvalion Fund Consideqltion Amount $" ' Initials 1000 12500 0100 014000 :000 CPT' Tax O!Je ....:.s..+ Improved V SIBn'P Dale Vacanl Land 3 Satisfac'lIVUoVUI:t'-'IIG1IS,-"lWnGI'l:Il.:tC''' Ld.a.P"IUJlC1Ll '=Iftllc.a....a..III." Addres RECO~ & R~TURN TO: Town of' Southo1d P.CI. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11791-0959 Attn: Melanie -'0 TO TO TO 9 .. 8 Title Company I!1for~atioD CD. Name Stewart Title Insurance Title # 23-5-3525 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Thi~ page fol1l1S \XlrI of the altached deed (SPEC.1FY TYPE OF INSlIUJMEl'lT ) nlade by: Edna A. Beirne, as Executrix, etc. 100 premises herein is silualed in SUFFOLK OOlJNIY, NEW YORK. :. _:'f!." In !he Township of In !he VILLAGE or HAMLET of Southold 1'0 TIlE TOliN OF SOUTHOLD Laurel BOXES 5 TIU{U 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PPJNTFD IN BLACK INK 01\11. Y PRIOR TO ~RDING OR flUNG. (' I 1111111 1111 11111 11m 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUPFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFJ:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 7 Receipt NUmber . 05-0082505 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-01272 Recorded. At. 08/08/2005 03:05:25 PM LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012402 445 District. Section. Block: Lot: 1000 125.00 01.00 014.000 BXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount. $2,900,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Extllllpt Extllllpt Page/Filing $21.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CCIDIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $256.00 TRANSFER TAX NOMBBR. 05-01272 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRtlJIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County Acknowledgement lIIken In _York SlIIl8 State 01 New Yol'k, County of Suffolk , ss: Stete 01 New York, COUnty 01 On the 20thdey 01 July . In the yee. 2005. before me, the undersigned, personally. appeared Edna A. Beirne, as Executrix personally known fa ma or proved to me on the baala of satlsfaclory evidence to be !he Indlvldual(a) whose nome(e) Is (are) subscribed to the wfthln Instrument and eclcnowtedged to me Ihat he/she/they executed the aame In hlslherlthelr capecity(lea). end thet by hia/herltheir algnatura(a) on the instrument, !he Indlvldual(s) or the person upon behall 01 whtch the indlvldual(a) aclBd, BXIlCUled the Instrument 2~+ KAREN J. HAGEN NOTARY PUBUC, StBtB 01 New ~rk No. 02HA4927029 Quellfled in SuIfoIk County "l CammllBlon ElcplIll8 March 21. 2O.I!Jl.. Acknowtedgement by Sub8<<lblng Wltn..e ..ken In _ York S_, . AcknoWIecIgement taken In New York SlIIl8 SUffolk . ss: On the 20th ~ay of July . in the year 2005. before me. the undersigned, personally appeared Leslie Ann Beirne, as Trustee peraonally known 10 me or proved to me on the baals Of Htlsfaclory BYidenc8 to be the Indlvkllel(s) whoea name(a) is (are) sub8crlbed 10 lh8 within instrument and sclcnowfBdgBd to me that ha/ahellhey executed the aame in hislherlthelr capaclty(lea). 'and that by hilllllerlthelr slgnature(s) on the Inslrument. the Indlvidual(s) or !he person upon behaW 01 which the indhlldua~s) aclBd. executed !he instrument. Nl~~ KAREN J. HAGEN NOTARY PUBUC. State 01 New ~rk No. 02HA4927029 au.Jifieclln Suffolk County AL ConvnIsaIon &plraa March 21, 2O..Iii3ii' Acknowledgement "ken outalde New York !lla1e State of New York, County of . aa: . State of , County of , aa: . (or inaert Dlatrlcl of Columble, Terr~ory, Passeaalon or Foreign COUnlry) On the day 01 , in the year the undersigned, personellyappeared . before me, the aubscribing wftneaa to the foregolng Instrument. with whom I am personally acquainted. whO being by me dUly sworn, did depose and Bey, that he/shellhey reslde(s) In thet he/ahellhey knoW(a) to be the Individual described In and who BXIlCUled the foregoing Instrument: that aeid subscribing ~.-s wes present and saw Hid execule the aeme: end thet aald witnaas at the aame time subscribed hlslharllheir name(a) as a w1tn..atharelO. rille No.:__ EDNA A. BEIRNE, as Executrix, etc. TO 'laiN OF SOOTIIOLD " Distributed by ~1IicaRO TItle Insurance 'Company On the dey 01 . In tha year the undersigned, personally appeared . before me, personelly known to me or proved to me an the basla of Htia!aclory evidence 10 be the IndiYiduel(a) whose nome(a) Is (are) subscribed to the ~hln instrument and aclcnowfedged to me that he/ahelthey executed the same In hlslherlthelr capacity(lea). that by hia/herlthelr slgnature(a) on the Instrument. the lndiYkluai(sl or the person upon behaJf 01 whICh the Indlvldual(a) acIBd. axecuted the instrument. and that auch Individual mada auch appeal8noa before the undersigned in the (add !he city or polillcal subdivialon and the state or country or ather place the acknOWledgement waa taken). SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAIL 10: The Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, In Attn: Melanie 11971-0959 Zip No. i I .. l!; !l ~ i Ii i , . RIDER TO DEED BETWEEN EDNA A. BEIRNE, LESLIE ANN BEIRNE and JOHN F. McFEELY as Tenants In Common, being the Successors In Interest to NOFO ASSOCIATES AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATED JULY 20, 2005 AS SET FORTH in Chapter 59 and Chapter 6 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold OPEN SPACE acquired by the Town pursuant to the provisions of those chapters shall not thereafter be alienated, except upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the Town Board after a public hearing and upon the approval of the electors of the Town voting on a proposition submitted at a special or biennial town election. No subsequent amendment of the provisions of those Chapters shall alter the limitations imposed upon the alienation of development rights acquired 'by the Town prior to any such amendment. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. , :I Y' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD By: ~~ 1J. &~ Martin H. Sidor . Deputy Town Supervisor STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ) )ss: On the 20th day of July, 2005, before me personally appeared MARTIN H. SIDOR, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Individual whose name Is subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same In his capacity as Deputy Supervisor of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, and that by his signature on the Instrument, the Individual. Dr the municipal corporation upon behalf of which the Individual 'acted, executed the '~ . -~ fJ KAREN J. HAGEN NOTARY PUBUC. Stat.. of NIlW York No. 02HA4927029 Qualified In Sullolk County ",L ConunUIon ExpiI8I March 21, 20 t:4..7 '., STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK )s.~.: On Ihe 2bH.. day of July in the year 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared JOHN F. McFEELY. pel'l'onally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the basis of satisfaclory evidence to be tbe individual whose name is subscribed 10 the within instrumenl and acknowledged 10 me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on tbe instruinent, the individual or the pel'l'on upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. 1:{}7~ KAREN J. HAGEN NOTARY PUBUC, State oI2l1Naw'lblk No. Q2HA4927ll ~L Oualilieclln Suftolk CounIY PO Commla8lon ExpIres March 21, 20_ PLEASE me OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSmUCTlONS: http:// www.orps.11Bte.ny.ul or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FO~ COUNTY USE ONLY Ct. _ eo. 14, 1,'~ t,'t.~ cz. Dn. Dood ~o..rdod 1 . t I , I dJ U......I MDnU'I IMy' y.... C3. Book I I,. q 't. 67, ~I C4. .....1 '-(,.Lt, s: * REAl PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE Of NEW YORK STATE IIOARII Of RUL -.nY SERVICES RP - 5217 .NZI1'...J/ft p~OPERTY INFORMATION ',=1 5145 Main RoiId ...... -- .IIID' NUll Southold Q'I'l"OIl1'UWN Laurel -- 11948 ,.,.- Z. ...... L The 'l.'OWn of Southold NIIm. .....-r..M/'Il! /caarAM' ...1...... lI.A5TWM!/COIIII'ANY tRT .... J. Tu ........ whirl futuro Tax Bills.. 10 be ... I .._ ij__buY"'_IoI_dl.....1 -- LAlT --.,lXII/'PAIfW ....... flM(T .....ANDImHT..".. art CM nMtrI IrAII ,.,.- &.DoocI ~. ""_ xl 51.. MOHr , Beirne, Edna A. LUT ruo-./COM'MY DO'" 10lI1 ...d . lOnIy.-"'--"-- ....___SllbdIvIoIan__ .. Cl:,.....--JIIionAppranl.. RequiIIld forTransfw ac. _ ~ lor SubdMoIan wil/l Map _klod o o o ..-..............- I I I D Roll ....,all ......r.n.I .. the.... ~. of PIIn:ela OR Plirt 01 . P.uI I. ..... No... Beirne, Leslie Ann ,..r..,... McFeely. John F. I.AITJMM;ICClMI'ANY .... MME ^~ 0.. Family Ruidenlill B 2 or 3 Family ....ndl.1 C ReIkltrltill VIaIA Lind D ""'_1 V_ Land I SALE INFORMATION I "..... CantrIlct o.te E~_" F c.n-.... . G __ H ~/AmUMmlnt I ~ eommu.llv_ J 1nd_1 K Publlc_.. L __ -...----- "_Typolo~ I. N_ ConIIr......r.on on V-=ant Lind 1CIA.1'nlporty__..Agric.......IlIoI"" .... Buyer 1ICIivId. diIdoI&n nClice Indiclling ........ _ ..I. on Ao<IcIA....--- o o o o 7. Check 1M box below wbleh ...., _ur....,. d__ till ... of the PfDJ*tY It tM thn. at ....: '2. D..... _, 1 T_ 16 I 30 I 05 - .., y- 7 Id.n I 05 - "" - lli.~_........aI~-~. __~to~ A_ 5.I1o___ar"--__ R _ Solo _ ...- Camponlu ar P,....... In """'- C... 0lIo"'..........._._ D!. _. ar..... 10 _,..", ar Landi.. InIlll\lllon I! _ Dood T...... _...ty ar ........ ond _ _ _ F _ _..._ ar ~ lha. FoG .......I_ry-. G _ 8Igri1lconl Chongo In _ -. T_ SIaIuo ,lid Solo Do.. H _ _ol"",,,-._I.SoIoPrlco I """" 0IIw Un_ ....... AfflCling &010 ..... ISpocIfy _ J '-::- Nona .~, 11 ,0, O. Q D. ~ ,8.8 I. , , . IFul1 SaI'. Prico Is the uuI lmourw plid b tho propcwty' incfudina PlrIOII&I JlIDI*'Y. Thl, ~.... mIY b, In the form of cath. other property or goods. or 1M aaumpllon of morIpgII Dr adW obI6gIbonL1 ",.".. round 10 UItI ....,., wIIoIe dDIW MICUIf. ...-....-..-- I ,0,,0.8 I property IncIudIld In .... .... . . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 00... ohould reflect "'" I..... Finol _ml.t Roll and To. Bill I ". FuI .... ..... '''=~=from I n ,I; 117.T....~v.....af..~.........,.,1 ~ ; .3 .1 .9 .0 .0 , ,.. _ ao.. 16 .3. 21_LJ ,.........__ 1 Mattituck ....T..._-oI/--I.---....-----1 1000 - 125.00 - 01.00 - 014.000 I I CERTlFlCAnON I .......". "'"' oS..... _vr_...- on Udo '""" Oft......... _110Iloo ........,................ _....._"'"'...-... "l1li)' riIlUI__.... _.................. -...... _..w........... __ ......................... ad Dos..-- BUYER BUYER'S ATTtlRNEY ~~. .!IIIf I ~ p.O. Box 1179 I '7/~ ..n WilllO/l. Eaq. .... - Mary ...- srRftT NAM WTUlIAUI 631 653-1443 .....,......... -..... ....-- Southold I 1J:?;L~ j4{..~~ ro :;-.a$ NY 11971-0959 lJI'ATI "caul! NEW YORK STATE COpy 17-..JA-tJ:J .."