HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12413 P 146 _. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ...--- ci ~~ u ~'" . i!!~ l! 02 -.!II .., >- li> ...~~ ;:~~~ 311 .,;-<S; -C~-=cO Eii;s::~ cCLUS~ i1.!:;g~ o::_~e , ". 3008- BetiDe CONSUL" ''OUR LAWVER BEFORE B1GNN; nt81NS1l11J1ENT- TIlllIIIlITRU!EIIT llHOlJ..D BE UliED BY LAWYF.RS OI\LY THIS INDENTURE. made the 8 day of 2005 Sept. BETWEEN Edward Haworth residing at 6725 Pealnlc Bay Blvd., Laurel, NY 11948 party of the first part. and Debora" Seidenberg residing at 2575 Pelisade Par1<way. Bronx, NY 10463 !I 'I party lOf the second part, WITNESSETH. that the party 01 the rust part. In consideration of Ten dollars paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grant and raleasa unlo the party I)f the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns 01 the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvemenRs thereon erected. situate, lying and being In the r....... 0'" SOul'''O~ h r (AU.eu. Co....J')..... s..HoU:: ..sTA~oF""/or/::.. SEEA1T.'CHEDDESCRIPTION -iSC,.., ,,^I>IO~ "/I/tTrc."I.M.'1 DxSc!""dr.l> 7',(VB',.. / 8 I: t.~ €. !;: " b...... ifSovLc.II~j!D .:> ~ s ..5T'"'l.1 r' o. L 1+ \)~ L }J Q. W ~'i'.-:),S ! to/' " e:.:em'" fl<:o,.,'<<' 8;Jf I ,I II II ~ I 11 TOGETHIER with aU right. title and Interest, W any, lOf the party 01 the first part in and to any streels and roads abutting lIha above desalbed premises to the center lines theraof; TOGETHER witl1, the appurtenances and all the estate and rights 01 the party of the first part In and to said premises; TO I-lAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein grented unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and .salgna 01 the party lOf the S8CXlnd part forevar. AND the party of the first part covenants thet th. party 01 the first part has not don. lOr sulfated anytihing whereby Ihe said premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, except as aloresaid. AND the party o1lhe first part. in compliance with Section 13 01 the Lien Law, COIIenanls Ihat the party of Ihe first part ..ill receive the consideration for this conwyance and wil hold the right to recaive ouch consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for Ihe purpose 01 paying Ihe cost 01 the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost o1lhe impnovement before using any part of Ihe tote! 01 the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if It reed "parties" whan ""er tho san... lOl this indenture so requires . IN PRESENCE OF: IN WlTIlESS WHEREOF, the party 01 the first part has duly executed this . th,e day and year first above written. /J~~/L,- Standard N.Y,B.T.u. Farm 8002 - Bergaln and Sare Deed, with Cov8nanI against Granb)l"'s Ads- Unill:wm Adalowtedgmel1l Form J;ZSO .~. . , -- ~ ..1 ANI._/('I ~ , . FIrst American Title rnsurance Company of New Ycri' Policy No. Y 3008-89102 SCHEDULE C DESCIUPTlON ALL TllAT CERTAIN PlOT, PIECE OR PARCEl. OF LAND, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING AT L.AUREL, TOWN OF SOUTliOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOUOWS: COMMENONG AT A POINT FORMED BY THE INlERSECTlON OF THE NORTHERLY UNE OF GREAT PECONIC BAY BOULEVARD AND lliE EASTERLY UNE OF LANDS FORMERLY TliE ESTATE CARLTON M. PRANKARD AND THE WESTERLY UNE OF LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF KATHLEEN REILLY (FORMERLY MRS. HERBERT CONKUNG); AND RUNNING THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTliERLY UNE OF GREAT PEalNIC BAY BOULEVARD SOUTH 450 30' SO. WEST 69.73 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A MONUMENT, AND LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF GREGORY AND DARLENE OLSEN (FORMERLY cmIER LANDS OF THE ESTATE OF CARLTON M. PRANKARD); THENCE NORT1i 410 36' 10. WEST ALONG LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF GREGORY AND DARLENE OLSEN (FORMERLY cmIER LANDS OF THE ESTATE OF CARLTON M. PRANKARD), 2SO FEET THROUGH A MONUMENT ,TO LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF HARVEY B. POLLAK (FORMERLY EVERETT P. COOPER): THENCE EASTERL~' ALONG THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF HARVEY B. POUAK (FORMERLY EVERETT P. COOPER) NORTli 4Bo 23' SO" EAST 167.53 FEET TO THE EASTERLY UNE OF LANDS FORMERLY OF THE ESTATE OF CARLTON M. PRANKARD AND BEING TliE WESTERLY UNE OF LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF KATHLEEN REILLY (FORMERLY MRS. HERBERTCONKUNG); THENCE SOUTH 19" 45' 40" EAST (DEED), SOUTH 19" 53' 00" EAST (SURVEY) ALONG THE EASTERLY UNE OF LANDS FORMERLY OF THE ESTATE OF CARLTON M. PRANKARD AND THE WESTERLY UNE OF LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF KATHLEEN REILLY (FORMERLY MRS. HERBERTCONKUNG) 265.33 FEET TO TliE NORTHERLY UNE OF GREAT PECONIC BAY BOULEVARD, THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. ~.' #fa , . . . . . TO BE IIGatQNL.YWHEN me &I"tIUI"'IIM av:ll--rrmll&1'II: IN NEWYOIIK BrATE S_ofNewVor1<,CounIyof f4 fL"" (cI'ft.... . as: S_ofNewVor1<,Cauntyof sa: Onlho ~of..sEP-r:' inthereer-I""".3 Onlhe dIIrof In the,... before me.lhe underalgned, peraonaIJr e~ before me,!he under8lgned, perwonallr _ared E"OwA"lD H A-Wo~rH penona11r ~ II me or proV8if 10 me on the belIIa 01 PlI-lr k.-n 10 me or proved 10 me on !he bula of lI8IIaIecIorr evidence 10 be Ihe Indlvldual(a) whoae neme(e) Ie ..a~ ..- 10 be the IncIIvtdueI(a) whoae name(e) 18 (ere) aubecltbed 10 lhe within InalrUmentendllCknowledged 10 (ere) au_bed 10 Ihe wIlIlln 1_ end lICknOwIedged 10 me lh8t heIeIIlIIIl1er IIll8CUIlld the ..me In h1_r me 11181 ll8I_r _ad 1ho ..me In h_r cepecItr(Iee), and IheI b)' hlalherIIhelr aignlllunl(e) on!he c:ep8Cl\r(lee). _ lII8I b)' hIaI_ Ilgnelunl(a) on the i~ lhe IndIvId....(.). orlhe _ upon behellofwhk:h IllIIrumenl.lhe Indlvicluel(a). or IIIe _ upon beheWof_ thelncllvtdual(a _. executed lhe I lhe IncIM_(a) ec:led, _Ihelnalrurnenl 01.: re and oIIl !eking e_dgmenl) (Ilg""",re end oIIice or Indlvidu8ll8klng 8CknoWIedgment) ROBERT IIERF.NGARTEN NOWJ__oINoW_ No.02BE02li1310 _ in___CaunIy CommiIokln E>cpIr-. _ 31.l!OOll :roBEIMllmQflLVWNEN 11fE ~ av!IIENTBMADE t'IlIrrB"II: NaVVORK STAn;: S18le (or Dia1ric:t of Coilmbl8. Terriloly. or Forelgn Counlry) 01 II: On the dIIrol In the rear before me. lhe unclerolgned. peraonally appeared pensonellr _ to me or proved 10 me on Ihe _ oIl1111lefec1ory evlde...... 10 be the Indlvidual(a) whoae name(a) I. (ere) lIIAboo.o!bed 10 lhe wIlhin Inatrument and-.owtedged 10 me lhel heIaheIlher _lhe _In hIaIherIIIIeIr cepecllr(lea). end IheI b)' hIaIherIIheIr algnelunl(al on thelllllrurnent. the 1ncIIvIcIulII(.). or lhe _ upon beh8W of which lhe Indlvtduella) _, _Ihe lnalrumenl. andlll8l auch Individual medii euch a_ence before Ihe unclerllgned In lhe In (end _1IIe _ or CClunIry or _ pI8co IIw -..........,.._l_ -I (_... CIty or _ pdIIIceI-1 (.ignlluntend_oI~~""'~._oll BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH CO\/ENANI' _GIWlTOR'S ACI'lI JClO!- 8" 10>- TIlle No. DISTRICT 1000 SEC1lON 1.:J..6. 00 BLOCK I O. 0 0 LOT O/er.oOil COUNlY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS TO R8canIlId al ReqU88\ of THE JUDICIAl. TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY LLC RETURN BV MAIL TO; llIIIItbo.- .., 1lIE JUlllCIAl. mu -.wICE AllI!IICV LLC _IWINaBKAVBIE 11."'-_ ~NY1" "4-311.1710 . _t.TITLE TY\ Ifl't I:: ~SO ;II F~r.J&~~' E"S~ ,1../"0 lIu c:... ('J / I 0 o~)..-- wrMDUlDPOaMO'IIIWYOIIICIIOMDOfI TITLe""", __... i I I II .. !l f .. ~ . I & I ;0, f<{' Nwnbeiofpages J-. TORRBNS Serial * , RECORDED 2005 Oct 05 02:26,40 PM Edward P.Romaino CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNlV L 000012413 P 146 OTl05-09746 Certificate # _ Prior Ctf, #I Deed , MOl'l/laae IlI5trull\llllt Deed' Monaaae Tu Stamp fIlES Recordln,I Fililll Stamps JJ Page I Fllin& Fcc _ Handlilll TP.S84 /).. - S.,OO (- ~ID M01'l/lageAmI. I. Buic Tu 2.. Addilioaal Ta Sub Total Spcc:JAnil, or Spec./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual1bwn _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinlmenl TrIlllferTu d.~t). ~ Man.ian Tu Nol&tion EA.S2 17 (County) BA.S217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. J. SIIb Total ~- 1 - SIl=- s. Jl.!L d1 Affidavit /:;.( 1<')./ ~ The property c:ovemI by this mortgqe is or will be illlpl'DVed by a one Dr two family dweUln1 oaly. YES or N'O If NO. see appropriate !all clauae on JIIII' of thie iIIItrumel\V .1'::0<( Certified Copy NYS Swcllarge IS. J!!L Sub Total Other Orud Total Section I~"OO Block/e.GO Lot 0'" ,Il100 5 Coamu.ltr I'ruelVatiDD J'1IIld Conllideratlon Amount .s8S, 000- " Real Property Tax Service Aleney Verification CPF Tax Due $ Improved 1"1\ ARI\ /.. FIt9'&"" u q 950 rJ.,,.~ /lue..... "'1 IVI lo()..1~ . VaculLand 11) /tJ Ii SatisfactiollllDilc!uqealRe1euea Lilt l'.ul""1Y Owacn Mal11na Addrau IlECOllD II JtETllIL"'I TOI TO TO Iaformation ,.aT ...1V'll:.... T.~ 00'. Btco,....- Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e fnwMb H flw DffT}( Dte.c.T;> . ~1'YP& OF INSTRUMENT) The pn:miBca herein II s1tullled in SUFF'OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In lI1e ThWlllhip of .s 0 lJ7 If. o;::r::> In !be VIlLAGE made by: Thil paae forms pert of lI1e aaached TO . /I l)E,f:<</I.H S t.1J)r,.J(jC~b Dr HAMLI!T of BOXEs Ii 'fHRU 8 MUST BB TYPED OR PRI:\"TED IN BLACK INK ONLY PIUOR TO RBCORDINO OR flLINO. I . I I n.L.7 .~.. ... . 0 . . ... _ . . .. ... . ~ . . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument, DBlmS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0104830 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-09746 Recorded, At. 10/05/2005 02:26:40 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012413 146 District, Section: Block: Lot. 1000 126.00 10.00 019.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $585,000.00 Received the Fc,llowing Fees For Ahove Instrument Ex8lllpt Bxmnpt Page/riling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,340.00 NO COtDIIl.Pres $8,700.00 NO ree. Paid $11,192.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR. 05-09746 THIS PAGE IS A PART or THE INSTRCMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE'TvPEORPRESS FIRMLY WHEN"WRITlNG ON FORM - INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orpB.state.ny.uB or PHONE (518) 473.7222 3008- g q (0 ~ REAL PROPERTY TIlANSFER REPORT FOR COUNTY USE ONLY It{, 73. g, ? ~ C2. o.t. _ "no ded I / tJ I ~'-ltJ.).~ Monltl C.v Y..r C3.~1 /, ti(.L~/, 1,3.CA.P.".I/,'I,b. Cl. SWIS Code PROPERTY INFORMATION .., "-L 612..-" ..I l..DutJDn ITIlEtT __II ~~~ibd 1J.. ~= L~';~~~ L LAST hAlIE/COMrAIn' Hi:c.. Oil i c. ......- :I. T.. lnda1e wheIw JuI...r. 8111I.. to" ... 1 IIiIIIng ____-lol-.,_. -- LAST MAW' Ic:nMP&NY I1N!T ""....1 AND .1IIEIT 1M.." ClI'f'G'lJlMtt ,. STAlE Of NEW YORK STAlE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP .. 5217 ~17"'.W1 '!2:f~ 1 ....,- -,- STAT[ ........ IQntr . ,.. of . .....1 a.ck _ th., .,.ty: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivilion AutI'Iori\y EaiItJ .. ScJI?dMIiOn ~I_ Roqund lor lr."" 4C. ParcoI Apprawd for Suhdivilion with Map PnNidDd 4. ....... the ....... 01 & -..t [0 D RoI ....... trenlf....... Oft the dHcI . I I. of PltlCel. OR D Part of II Pnrcel 5. ::... 1 Bi.. o o o .. ..... No... . UJo.wot"th IM1NA1l11/CClM1"lUftr . .O.~. 'I -. ..s:~ ~<<J> -l X L_---.J OR 1 . 'IIONTfEl1 [lI'1"1l4 L LAlIt..../~ 7. CMaIr. 1M box blIkIw whIM ma.t ~.Iy __Itan the ... 01 1M prOI)erty M the tin. of ..Ir. 'IMI HAW E~""_" . I~Communlty_ F CornmIn:iII J IndUllrill (; _ K"'-_ H EntenaInllMtnt/ AmUMmllnl L foIul ~ O..f.mily_ 8 2013 FImiIf ReIicIInIieI C R........ V.-.: unci I) N~VKn LIInd l SALE INFORMATION I "0" Conb_ o.te o{ I I~~I ..... "" 09 lOR 12.D~ ..... Do, v_ 12. D-. of &.Ie , Tr....' ,..!:.f? ~, O. (), f'l. II , 0 I , , . IFul1 Sa!. Pnce i. thllOtal .nwtlolnl ~d for the property Including paFlOfUll prupony. This PIYfI'Ient m.y ~ in 1M form 01 CltIh. uther property or goodI. or the .-.lnlpdon 01 mortglU" or other obI1glllOl\l.J I'IGft round ro rhe I1UIWIt whole doIIIK MIOUnt. 11. Full.... Prtot L, ~....__.....- .. OwnershIp Type Is Camornlnium .. New ConsIructian on 'hCBnt Land 1M. Pn:/party LcaIed wItI*l_ AQrIcW1urJl 0IIIr1ct ---.-..-- _Ihe properly II In an AQrIcUlutll Diluicl o o o o 1L ChIoII ON . more .. u- DD "'L_ .. ......... to ......r.r. ,\ II (' II r: " G II I J &.Ie Blitwwn RoIaIivH Dr Formor Re'-Wn SeIe Batwolln ReI.c.d Com~nlu or Partn.... In Bulin... Ono of the Bu.,.,. II .-.0 . SeI.. Buyw Of s.u. II Govemma... A/;I6Jttcy or Lending IRltitulion DMd Type noI Warr8tllY or BJrVI*IInd Sale ISpedfy Below>> SlIt of FrIC:bONl or lA8 than Foe ImereM (Specify Below) Slgnificlnl. 0IAngcr in ~ ~ Taxabl. Statui lnet Sale On SIIIe at Buaf,... illncIudJd In SIlo Prlca Other lJnUIUII Facun Af*:tIng s.Ie Price (Specify BeIowI Nuna 14. Indut. U. value of '....1 I (J 0 0 I _.....-In...._ . ' ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dell Mould rlnc lhe Iltwt Finel A.....m.nt RoIllnd Tlx Bill '5. ~-.::.=-.="'" I D.fl 17. T.... _ V.... CeI.. _In __ L... , DO 4tf - .00 I ~~8ii ... T.. _ _1''''_ Cd .........-. ......._wllh_" _loll .., I D,S'" /000.,' S.c:. a'.6'D 6t.J:: (0. 0" I ~.,- O/fJ. 0 0 0 ~!h I II I~ I CERTIFICATION I se _ . I _I\)' lIIloloD.."'" Ik.... oIln""--............hIs lonu _ _ _ __ ,.. t1w..... "my m..1lodJw oad"'_'" I -~...JiC II any wilful ...... lGb!.... vi.......... ran ...... ,,10 IUbjft1I111' 10 Ihl' aruwWans ~ Ihr DI!RaI law nIIth'f .. die naIdntc .... IUInJ of...... 51. BUYER BUYER'B ATTOIINEY i . i I 1"1\11,. t::. -...., ,.. "'- ..... ho2..-l-OJ-LJ '0. _ _ Nome I ~~..!/8/0~- ~5? S fa {'sach Ave- ITllEn ......." STIl[['T NAIlIl: CMTt" IMtI orv@,SoY1X "\ ~.~ ,/r;'i.,b3 ELLEII ;I!< I '< 9fl1&r .... IIIL.fJII~ru.T"'" F~t.o.G. ~o._ ....- 7 !; .,~ Cf ~o 0 TWfIHOItoI:NI.N8I.n NEW YORK STATE COPY ,