HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12420 P 560 ;iII" " ~ L) ')l12C I' 'J(,.c- ; 2&-ll>-2F , , T 1I.I-s_uu.u.___....._ .1:Ii-...........-....c.,: ...........11.. -- 4*=elslor, Inc., NYC 100121 CONSULT YOUIt LAWYEllIIFOItI SIGNING THIS IIm'._ - nas INSnUMINT SHOUlD II USED IT LAWYI.i ONLY , THIS INDEI'tnIRE, made OIl November 7, 2005 BEl'WEEN Keith Loscalzo, as surviving tenant by the entirety of Carole A. Loscalzo, deceased 6495 Greet Peconic Bay Boulevard Laurel, New York 11948 parIJ' of dtel-IIlI!V'J Kathleen ~ollirfs'''' 540 East 20th Street New York, New York 10009 ( party of the oecond pul, WITNESSETH, that the part)' of tbe lint put. in ,i:analder..tlon of Ten DoIIan _ odIer .aluhle eOllaidentto paid by .... party of the oecond part, doa Jiereb)'~Airt. '~nd rei.... unto the puty of tile oecond part, the heis or au_n end euipa of, the parl)' of the occoi!ld ~.f~rewlr, AU. that certain plot, piece or parcel of Ianc\:'~~;ii;: .; huUdinl'l1 end improw!lllCllla thereon eneted, liluab I)'in.. aDd beinf[ in the ' ' . See attached Schedule A. BEING same premises conveyed herein to Keith Loscalzo and Carole A. Loscalzo from Lynne C. July and Carole A. July dated March 27, 1987 and recorded on May 14, 1987 in the office of the Suffolk County Clerk at L1ber 10319 cp 202. TOGETHER with all ",hI, lill, and inlereot, if any. ../ Ihe perl} of the lint ]tart in and to eny Itmh an roedl ebuttiDI lhe ebove cl.cribed pr.milel to the ceDler Iin.. lhereof: TOGETHER wi!h Ih, eppurlenAnet end en the .ele end ripte of th. perty of lbe lint part iD end 10 ..Id prem_: TO HAVE AND TO ROLl lbe promi_ herein IreDled unln Ih. perty of th. _d parL the hein or luceeoeon end o..i"nl of lbe party c tbe oecond pari lorever.. AND Ibe party of the firll perl c_enh thel the perty of the lint part h.. nol don. or luff,red enYlhing wberob tbe aeid prem_ haw. been encumbered in en)' woy whelever, eac:epI el ..o....id. AND the part)' of the lirll ~rt. in compliance WIth 5ection 13 oltbe Lien Low, covenonh thet the perty of the fin pari wiD receive the CODllderelion for thio conveyenee end will hold the ript 10 receive luch conaideretion II trUlI fund to be eppliecl lint for !he purpoee of pay... the coil of th. improvement end wiD eppl)' the lImO lint t the paYmeDt of the coot of !he improvement before UliDI eny pert of the total of the .eme lor en)' other )'urpooe. The wol)! "pert," thall be aonelrucd.. if it r..d "parllea" whenever the I.n.. of Ihil indenlure 10 reqUI.... ~~ ........... do po'" of do 'M .... ~~"" '" .... .... 'M .... "-!Jill Ke;~Looca~~ , ., AQUEBOGUE ABSTRACT CORP. SCHEDULE A TITLE NO: AQ-05-S-1116 Amended 11/10105 ALL that certain plot piece or p:1J'cel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of SOUTHOLD, at LAUREL, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the nonherly side of Peeonic Bay Blvd, which point is distant 1095 feet more or less southwesterly lrom thc comcr formed by the intersection of the southwesterly side of Bray Avenue and the nonherly side of Peconie Bay R1vd; THENCE south 48 degrees 23 minutes 50 seconds west, along the nonherly side of Peconic Bay Blvd, 200 feet to a point; TIIENCE nonh 41 degrees 36 minutes 10 seconds west, 250 feet to lands now or tormerly of Laurel Links; THENCE nonh 48 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds east, along last mentioned lands, 200 feet; THENCE south 41 degrees 36 minutes 10 seconds cast, along lands now or tormerly of Olsen, 250.00 feet to the nonherly side of Peconie Bay Blvd, the point or place of BEGINNING. -0(.' . . ,Stall' 0:=:~~==0';J'~~ .; On Novmebr 7, 2005 befonl me. die undeniplld. paIOIlIIly IpJIe.-I Keith -Loscalzo peIIllIIII/y knDwa III me Ill" pnIII'lld III IIIIl CIIllhe .. rllllilrc- lIIIy ......... III be lhe lndIvidUII(l) wIaD --el) .. (11'I) ........lbIId lD lIJe wIIhin inlIlIua.a IIId ~ lD me liIIt ba'IIIIIlhey .w lhe _ III bIIIborIlIlCia ~ia), IIIlI .... by hiIIIl.rIlIwIa" "'1(1) llIIlbe b.ob;"_.. lIJe iDdi- ylcDJ(l). Ill" lIJe J!IlIDIIIpllIl beIIIIf at whldllhe DII..idIIIJ(l) -_....~ ~ - _~~J 1__ S&atllrl. n __ WIIlIC..... CIIPL.... COIIIItJ al ...; On pamm.u, Ippell'ed before me. Iha undeniped. penlIIIIIIy known lD me Ill" pnMd III me em Ibe ball al...... fIclIIIy" eridence III be Ibe ~) wbclIC 1llllle(1) II (lie) IUbaIbIId ra Ibe wIddn IIIIlnImIiIIIIIId ICImowIedpd III 11II: that brIIIIIItbey ..--, Ibe IIII/Ie ia IIIWbeD'IiIeIr eapIClly(ia), IIIlIlIIIc by lIiIIIloJlIo:h 1ipIlm(.) llIIlhD iIIIlrumenr, lbe 1IIdi- vldual(.), Ill" Ibe ....1IpCIII baIf of wbIc:h Ibe iDdivIdua1(l) 8CIId, _Iod Ibe u.un-. IIIlI ....1UCiI iDdIvIduaI made aucb 1pIIM..... Weft lhD1IIIdmIped III (.....dr1.,.MIIetd.A4i "" . __._._""'_'0 ..... -.. ,"--..",.......,-,-. .114 .4.~J :.... I1lIl ...., .. WInI ~ w.- Gat.noa'. Acn Tm.. No. . Keith Loscalzo TO Kathleen Collins AaCNOWUDGIIINI' BY ...~JUINI wm.~, Stale or COUllt, or I" On jlelllOd8lly appeII'ed before me. the undenip the IUlIIc:ribID8 wllllell(llI) to lhe foreaaill. iDIlIu-. wil whom I .. pcnanaJly acquaintm, who, beina by me cluJ IWorII, did cIepr.e IIld IIY 11III b6'1beI1bey Rlide(1) in III d "... 'If ......... " ill . .." __ '" _ _ _ _ II-.q. '1IrrwiJ: KENNElH B. ZAHlER Nollry public. SIIII 0I1IIW '/01\ SlIllolk Counl1f o~.!l~i~~ lerm Elplles ...-ry f dial hellhcIlbey tnow(.) ra be the IndlYidull(.) dacribed 1II.IIIcI'Iho elleclllllcllbe r_ aaInIlnlllUment; lIIIc IIid IUblaillida wilnell(n) wu (MIll JlIUIIII ud IIW IIld . execule the _; IIld duIt 1Ild........ rea) _ the lime Iiml IUbIc:ribed hillbed1belr 1IIIIIIl(.) .. . wilnell(es) IhereID.. (OIl-._IIdt_IWt..........cfI).,....,..,___ · -". _".....do "II _. _ Attd liIIt IIid IUbIc:ribII!t wllnal(a) made IIICII 1I\ooA...... before the undeniped iI: , I__-..ot....,.,,'.......t._ul r.. SIIC'I'ION 126 BLOCX 10 LOI' 021 CXlUN'I'1' OR. 'I'OWI'I Suffolk JlftUJtN BY IIAJL '1'0, Pierre G. Lundberg, Esq. Smllh. Finkelstein. Lundberg Isler & Yakoboskl. L 458 Grffflng Aveune PO Box 388 Rlverhead. New York Zip No. 11801 . f 'll I ~ I. i 1. ,.. NUOlher of plIge~ TOR REI'S f Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. i~ Deo:d . Mortgage Insuument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp 2:c FEES Page I Filing Fee Handling 'i .lHL t}_ TP-'iR4 NOl31ion EA-'i:! 17 (County', ~7 EA-5:!17/Slme) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affiduvit Certified co~ Reg. Copy /30 /57,2 Othcr 4 I Dimi,:t 1000 Seo:tion Real Property Tax Ser\'ic:e Agency Verification 021.000 5 1000 12600 1000 021000 ~sfactionIDischnrgexlRelea~ List ProperlY Owners Maili~~ Addres.< ...:J ua.. RECORD & RETURN TO: PIERRE LUNDBERG, ESQ. SMITH. FINKELSTEIN. LUNDBERG, ISLER P.O. BOX 389 RIVERHEAD. NY 11901 RECORDED 2C05 Noll !7 03:06:20 PM Edward P.Romaine CLERK ()' SUFFOLK COUNTY L ??oo12420 P 560 DTt 05-15548 Recording I Filing Stamp~ Mortgage Ami. \. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tlltal Spec. I :\~Sil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual CounlY _ Held fllr Appointment Tran~ferTax /~__ Mansion Tax The property co\'ered by this motl!uge , or will bc impro\'ed by a one or tw family dwelling only. YES or NO 'I' NO. ~ee appropriate lax clause on page # of thi~ i'tt:.,~'Or- Communit Preservation Fund Consideration Amount S 495.000 S 6.900 CPF Tax Due Improved Vacant Land TD ,IJ , TD TD 7 TItle Company Inronnation UEBOGUE ABSTRACT Title # A 5-S-1216 ~~utTolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 111lis page forms pan of the auached DEED madc by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) KEITH LOSCALZO CAROLE A. LOSCALZO The premi~is hcrein i~ ~iluated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. I'EW YORK. TO KATHLEEN A. COLLINS In the Township llf SOUTH OLD In the VILLAGE __ orHAMLETof LAUREL BOXES II THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORI)ING OR I'IUNG. 'I'\\.".-r' 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of In.trumentl DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Page.: 4 Receipt Number I 05-0120392 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-15548 Recorded: Atl 11/17/2005 03106120 PI! LIBER: PAGE: D00012420 560 District I 1000 Deed AmOuntl Section I 126.00 EXAMllUD AND $495,000.00 Block I 10.00 CHARGED AS Loti 021.000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Fee. For Above Instrument Exempt bel Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATJ: $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $1,980.00 NO CODlIII.Pre. $6,900.00 NO Fee. Paid $9,037.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-15548 THI:S PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRtJMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . --- - - FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ILl. '1,.3. &: g, 11 * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CI. SWIS c.... . ./ STAl! Of NEW YORI( , C2. DIle Do'" __ LjJ 1 I 7, tJ~ I STAl! IIOARD OF IlEAL ~ SERVICES Doy Yur RP - 5217 C3._ L /. e:? t-(, c? 01 r:A.PIII. is, b, () , I , 81'&117" 'PM I PROPERT)' INFORMATION I i I "-L 6495 I Great Peconic Bay Boulevard I .........11W!1!T ~ IT'III!IETNAIII! ~)uthold I Laurel I 11948 I CrTYI;IIlTDWN \OUME A, ....... 1._ ~111!UP. I KaJl:Z:1:n I - LMT I CDIIPMY L LAIIT__/~ I ,.., "AMi I I.T.. IncIeIlIIt.....IutureTu ","10 bI_ I I I -. If om....... ~ mdrtIIIlM baftom of forml LAI'r NAMIi I co....,.... NIS' u. -- L I CIll'DIITDWN I . I "'COllI! I I1Ml"I' NU",1II1M) I....'..... ITATi .. ............ nUlllber of ...-~ ,... I o. 0 1 I . of P,rcel, OR D PIll of . P.re" cOnly...... oil. _ _ ......, apply: Rei pll'eU ............ on th. .... . .... PIonnlng _d wllh ,'.......... _.... ~ 0 o.D_ ...Sobdlvlolon_II__fldfarT_ 0 -... L I"IIONT...., Ixl 10111 . "'- . 1 . 1 . 5 I 4C. P..... A_1Dr Subdhllolon wllh Mop_ 0 SI.. ...... 0.- L I.D!&~ I I(~t.t. I - LAlUI I L LMT NAMI' ,CQMIAh'l' I fMl'NMlI I 7. ChecII; 1M ... _low whlth men 8CCUI'....,. ....... the.... of... ......., at the II.... of ule: -... - _...... oppIy: .. Ownonhlp Type ill CondomInium 0 A~O"__W E~Ag~Kur'l I~~_ .. Haw ConIIrucIion on VICanl La~ 0 B z or 3 F.mlly RBldIlntIIl F Commlrcilll J looUltrill Ig,. _......1lId wIIhIn on Ag<k:ullurolllillricl 0 C 1Io__Lond a Apo~t K ~~k_ ,.. Buyer r..MId I dildaalnl notIc:e IndII:aIng 0 I> H_ v.... Land II Entel'tlllnment, Amusmnent L ForeIt .....1ho_1.1n'"~_ I SALE INFORMATION I 1&.a.ctl:_........."t'-~. .... .. - .I.ta~ 11. .. CGntnlIIl D... I III 1 ~ 17~~~ I ^- $ala BoIwoen ReLMftw or Fcln'Mr AoIIlIves R- Sakt 8etwMn Re'-d ec.mp.n.. at PeI'Vl" in Bu.... 1200Sj c- Onn aI "'" ......... _ . Sellar ,.._""..../T_ L II I ~ 1>- _ ... _ II G"""",,,,,,,, Agoncy ... l.onting InotiIullon - u_ "" v- Ii_ DoecI T_ __.nly... Bargain _ _lSpocHy_ F S11e of FrKt:10I'I81 or Lou IhIn Fee I....... (Spocify BaIowt a- SignlPiau.. ChmvI in Propeny BMwDan TUIble bu. ..t Sale Da.. ". Fua .... PrI.. L, , ,4,9,5.0,0.0,0.01 H- SoIoGl_IIIncI.-.._Prlco , , . . 1- Ot'- Un...... FOCI"" A_I... Solo Prlco (5_ B.....I (Full Sale PricIl II IhllaIaI .mounl PlId tar the property incILldlng penOftII proplfty. T1dI .-yrMllt .rIIIY be in thI farm at ClIft, oU'lIr ptOperty or goodI. or thI -.sumpdon af J - None m~ or Itldler obIfgMiona.) ,.,.,. rvund 10 1M""'" wItole doIW MIOUnr. - ,.. -........ ""- I ,0.0.01 __10"'_ . , . , . . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DolIlIhouId _ th. _ Fln.1 -"""01 Roll .nd Till Bill I ,.. v.. at A___ ._.801....... I n .~ I '7. T.... _V......... _In __II . . . . . . , .4.7 .0 .01 w'*h ......n....an..... , , , I" _ ClIo.. L2.........L..O..J-U ,......... D_ N_ I 12 ~ 1"c,tl. - G "'T (, t-J.g lr tI '=- I zo. T.._Ido_/RaI_lIlman__.___ocIdIII..AoI_oll I Diatrict 1000 I I Section 126 I I Block 10 I I Lot 021 I I CERT1ACATION I I aI1lI) _ 011 "'.... _ oil _ _ 011....._ Ilft ......... corn<llln Ibe .... or.., -.. oad _ oad I n . ---I lbat the IDakIat. uI' an1 ..... ... .. . III _ "'" .......... ....... _In .... _.....- or.... """" Iew _..In .... mMI,......... of...... __ !1m!! BIIYER'S AnORNEV ~'1i12~M1l Gu ..~No) ~ni - LundberR I Pierre .....- -,- 6495 I Great Peconic Bay Boulevard (631) I 727-4100 mom_.. .JNrr N'" IM"TR....., ......... ""-- Laurel I NY I 11948 r crrYaII'aw~ .'AIL ""CUIP ~~ NEW YORK STATE ~b1 of COpy ..............--~ ~ I '-