HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12420 P 651 .. )., -'. 12 [" 1)- II C0N8ULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT.TH. INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY ., .~. Il. I} L ", .." IhC I {C: THIS INDENTURE, made as of the 1..~ day of October , in the year 200S BElWEEN IlATTITUCK ASSOCIATES, LLC, maintaining offices at 50 Midland Avenue, Hlcksvllle, Naw York 11801 . party of the first part, and fI ~~ ~,,~-qAu.04""W'I~E party of the second part, BRUCE iii: ROTHSTEIN and SARAH "ROTHSTEII\!; residing. at 19 Wood Road, Great Neck New York 11024 ~I:"", .' ' 1\ ' ,,' ~ I I " ,', I.' .,n WITNESSETH. that the party of the first part, in consideration of fii,((510'.00) dollars paid by the party of the second part. does henBby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or SUCCBBBOIS and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that' certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The said premises are not covered by a credit line mortgage. A~,'~~Al"~.fh,~~ A-v ~~ ~'~~~. ;/IJ!I,tJ' .iL ~ ,)-/.;Jlo~- ~~/t~ FtIN~~,.Il~~ f!M,~ f'd ~~''I ~/ ttlllI4'.p ~ ~-/2.3-/o.r TOGETHER with all right, tIlte and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streal& and roads abutting the above described premises to the center tines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estete and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or BUCCBSBOrs and auigns of the party ot the second part forever. AND the party of the first pert covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyanos and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the COBt of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any othel purpose. The word .party' shall be construed BB if it read 'parties. when ever the sense of this indenture 5C requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrltten. '~~ JVl,..,-, ...{ I_~.,.; , II1QH6q2 IN PRESENCE OF: .P, (?/...~~o '.... llIMd"rd N, Y.e, T.U. Fonn 8002 . Borglin Ind SI. Died, wHh Covenln! 1lI1in11 GrIlllal'I Ads _ Unilonn AdlnowIldgmonl . .._.._.__.~-.-.-. ---.-...- ._~._.""..'- -..- ...... nul ...nVl:I:lu:I,:t.l. SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION AMENDED 08/29/05 ALL t:hat certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Laurel, Town of Southold, County of SuffCllk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGliNNING at a point on the southerly side of Peconlc Bay Boulevard where the division line between land' now or formerly of Kranes, formerly Bray and the premises herein described Intersects same; RUNNING THENCE along said division line South 19 degrees 52 minutes 40 seconds East, 337.66 feet to the mean high water mark of Peconlc Bay as of August 23, 2005; . THENCE along said mean high 'water mark of Peconlc Bay South 36 degrees 55 minutes 45 seconds West, 103,06 feet to the land now or formerly of Hinsch, etal.; THENCE along said land now or formerly of Hinsch, etal, North 20 degrees 03 minutes 19 seconds West, 345.35 feet to the southerly side of Peconlc Bay Boulevard; THENCE along the southerly side of Peconlc Bay Boulevard North 41 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, ,100.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. ~ ~ ~, '\" '"I .~\ '\). '\.. ' ""0' '\. , " r (. .. Certlrlcate of Title ~ " . TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Stale of New Yeri:, County of Suflol< 81: On the '\...<6 day of October in the year 2005 before me, the undenIlgned, pono/1lllly appeared TIMOTHY BOWE pe~ known 10 ma or provad to me on the basls of 8BIllfac:loly lIVldanal 10 be the Individual (I) whoM name(a) la (ara) ~~bscribed 10 the within inIIIrument and acknowledged 10 ma that hlIIlIhallhay 8XlICUIad lha uma In hilIIharllheir capeclly(laa), and that by hislherllheir algnatura(a) on the Instrument, the Individll8l(a), or the peraon upon behalf of which the Indilvldulll(e) acted, tllCIlClIlacI ~he I~nl. ---1.lJj ~ I-AAAI f. f MJJJL ('5ignalule and offlce of individual taking acknowIadgment) Stata of New York, County of On the day of In the year bafora me, lha underslgnad, perso/1lllly appeared personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the baaia of aallalaclory lIVldence 10 be the IndIvldll8l(a) whose name(a) il (ara) ~blaibed 10 lha within Instrument 8IId 8CknowIedged 10 me that helahe11hey 8XlICUIacI the ..... In hlalherllhair ClIII8ClIy(iea), and thai by hialherllheir lignature(a) on the lnalrumanl, the indlvldual(a), or lha peraon upon behalf of which the Indlvidual(l) aelad, executedlha 1na1rurnen1. aa: (signature and offlce of Individual taking aclcnowladglllent) BARBARAe.PURCEll NOTARY PlIBllg" !lIa.a of Naw Vartl No. 01....4880208 QlIalltlaclln BulIDDc County Cmnmi.oIM expl,. AprlI 20, 2007 TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE State (I)r Dlatrlcl of Columbia, Terr1lory. or Foreign Country) of II: On the day of in the year before me, the underslgnad, personaUy appean;d pel'llClllally known to me or provacIlo me on IIut basls of aatlafactory evidence 10 be the indlvldulll(l) whoM name(a) il (ara) aubscribed 10 the within Inltrument and acknowIadgacllo me thet helllhe1lhey execuIacIlhe same In hlalhetilhelr capacIIy(Iea), and that by hi8lher1lhelr algnature(a) on the lnalrumant, the Indlvldulll(I), or the person upon behalf of which Ihe Indlvidual(l) actad, execullld the Instrument, and that auc:h Individual made auch appearance before the undersigned in the In (inIl8f1the City or other political aubdivlaion) (and inIM the Stata or Country or other plIIce the ~mant WIIa takan) (IIgnatura end offlCB of individual taking acknowledgmant) Title NI). MATIIITUCK ASSOCIATES, LLC TO BRUCE: ROTHSTEIN and SARAH ROTHSTEIN DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 126.00 BLOCK 11.00 LOT 011.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk County STREET ADDRESS: 7390 Peconlc Bay Blvd., Laurel, NY 11948 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTli LAND nTlE INSURANCE COMPAN ITANDMD POR" OF NI!W YORK BOARD OF 1lTLE lINDEIIWIlITEIllI Dilllt>ullld by o Common~~eoo."w , Gruber, Newman & Blaymora, P.C. B ,Esq. CllMMOW....LTlt lAh'O TITLE IHSUIW<CE COM'ANY ~ ~ I ~ I! IS !I 2i .. 2 II % .. ~ .. .. I Number of pages TORRENS 4 RECORDED 2005 HO'J 18 09: 49: 44 RM Edward P.Rcmaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012420 P 651 Dn 05-15615 Serial # Cenifieate # l>rior Ctf. # . De~d I Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mong:lge Tax Stamp FEF_'l Recording / Filing Stamps :1::1 Page / Filini: Fee Handling 5. no Mortgage Amt. I. Basie Tax 2. Additional Tax Sob Total SpccJAssit. TP-584 Notalion ur EA-52 17 (County) EA-S217 (Slate) Sob Total Comm. of BJ. S. 00 Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ H d for Appointmen~ :~ ~~~- M' ~~ 8.Q.6QQ_ "11e pmpeny cov~red ~y this mongage i~ or will he impmved by a one or tWI family dwelling only. YES or NO R.P.T.S.A. 30~ Affiduvit Certified CUllY NYS Surcharge Otber 15...Q!L Sub Total Grand Total J ~ '2 , I. , If NO. :;ee uppmpriatel:1x clause on page # of this ins}1}lment. 10. "1 ommUDity Prelenation Fund Real Pnlpert! Tax Service Agency Verification roor '05044985 1000 4 Dtst. ~5' (R~ "'A) ~~ 12600 1100 011000 Improved 61 Satisf""tionslDisehargesIReleao;,,'S List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD Ii: RETURN TO: ~79,!? r. OlJc~ G-U;_ C)iLJI:/v,J OL!t:/l/ ,t'o/6 ?of, Cvrf'C#() r~ If) If Vacant Land _ TD TO TO 7 Cu. Name TItle # .:J4.3 '/ llufTolk County Recordine & Endorsement Paa=e '.11is (lUge forms part of the atl:1ched 'J)~7" 0 AP made by: (SPECIFY TYPE 01' INSTRUMENT) Jf.III.r'1JTl/CP .4l'J'ocm?lFS Ut" The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO J;/WCt; .&~J(f7:jN A-/l!J') J'/M.IIJJJ /JIdiI fn;m/ h.J IAJ , BOXES 6 TIIRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. In the Towl1.<hip of So~ In the VILLAGE or IIAMLET of (,4 {/LE~ --- ---..--.--- ---.....-.-----. -.--- --- 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OI'l'J:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type o,f Instrument: DEEDS/DDD NumbeE of Pages: 4 Receip,t Number : 05-0120550 'fRANSE'ER 'fAX NUMBER: 05-15615 RecoEded: At: 11/18/2005 09:49:44 AM LJ:BER: PAGE: 000012420 651 Distz:oict: Sect:i.on: Block: Lot: 1000 126.00 11.00 011.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $2,050,000.00 Received the Following Fee. For Above InstrUlll8nt Ex.-pt Ex_ Paqe/Filinq $12.00 NO Handlinq $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SReHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cez:ot.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tz:oansfez:o tax $8,200.00 NO Man.ion Tax $20,500.00 NO Comm.Pz:oes $38,000.00 NO 1'__ Paid $66,852.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-15615 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' Tn INSTRtJKENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edvaz:od P.Romaine County Clez:ok, Suffolk County . . FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. SWIS Code PlEASE IYt'l:: UI1 t"11t::;S FIRMLY WHtN WHIIINl:i UN I-UI1M INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.llt8te.nv.us or PHONE (5181 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT If,J?,~,fS'.g,rl it I I.i. I <! I tf..-rr . . 2, OCt. 'e.el .b..s,/ I '_ STATE OF NEW YllNC STATE IIOAIUI OF IlEAL _Rn I_S C2. Dele 1_ R__ RP - 5217 C3. Book I /, J, ;t, o PROPeRTY INFORMATION I. "'-" L 7390 l..acatton "",,11""'.11 ItN:I7 1In.Jllrl Peconlc B.Y Blvd. .III[[lWNI L Leur. I DIY 011 TQWIl L ROTHSTEIN NY VIU.AClr. Bruce end S.rlh 111948 71'COOI! 2.Burlll' Nun. lAST NollIE rc;QMNNY .... - L l AST ....., CCIMMNY MlT MAMI :I. T.. IrdCIW whore Mul'll Tu: Bill.. to .. lint 8iOlnl If ClIh.,.h.. bu'tw Iddr_ II.: bottom of forml I Ad_ L 7390 Peconlc B. 81vd. I llANO n IilAWE LQI NAMEtCQWANY FIfIITNoUII: 4. IncIalte tlMl number of AIMUm-.d Roll puce" ".n......... on the deed Leurel c "" . J I, of Pan:ola 011. D Part of . ~rcel &.Dood I Prop.... Size 'IUJNfFUT Ix I ...... lOR I 'Aod .'7~. 10000.P"oI.P_~._.ppIy: 4A. _ aaonlwllh_'CWlAUlhariIYExiol. 0 ... SUbdivi.... App~ .. RequINd 'or T,.....r 0 C. _ ...._.... SubdNioI.._ Map Provtdod 0 ..- Nom. L "^TTITUCK ASSOCIATES. LLC lAIl MAUl' COMNH'I nftSl'NAIiII L l.AIf NMIII!, ca..-MY mwr NAME A~ On. Fomliy Ro_;" 8 2 or 3 Family ....Identhll C Realdenllal VKaIIt Land D Nan-Relidemlll V.GlntLlnd I SALE INFORMATION I 11. SIll. Contract o.te E ~ Aorlcu"u..1 F Commercill (j Ap,arrm... H EntDrtlllnrMnt/ Amusoment I ~ Communlly_ J Indullr..l K Public: &.me. 1. For.. ~... _boIown__: .. Ownenhlp Type II Condominium I. Now Conlltl'uc:lion an VlCllnI Lend 1M. Properly LocMed within In Agrlcullu~ Di.ri;r: .... Buy. .-.-...-- .....the pro..",.,. II In .. AgdcuIlUrlf Oistrid o o o o 7. Check the box IMlIow which mOlt MCWlret.ty cIeIcrIIMI. the .... of the PfOPIIrIy at Iha ...... at ..Ie: 1&. CI-* one or m.. 01 ..... aondllloM II ............... to -.....r: 8 - I 10 I 05 l5i; v.... I7.-V, 05 !lor v_ ^ R C D E F o H I J Sell IIolween Reletivn Dr Formar RelI1ttvo1 SeIu s..w.an RelIUd Campi"" or hrVl.. In Bulin_ OM of Ihl Bu.,..... iI.1ID I SelIor Buyer or SeIer II GavornmM'lt Agency or LendlnglnllliMIan o.d Type nol Werrenty or &.ruel" and SaID 18pedfv BelDW1 S8Io a'I FrKlloneI or Le. then Fee IntaroIIlSpecI(y Below) Signiflcent Chena_ in Properly Between rl.lblG SteIu. and SIll, Oak SIIe at au..... illncluded in SIte Price O1:her UnullLlel FIdDn Afreeling s.t. Price CSpocify BlIlowt N.... 12. D... at ..... IT""'", 10 - 13. Full S. l!trice 2 ,0 5 0, D D, D , 0 . 0 I , , . . IFull SII, Plica lithe IOLII amount pM for IhI property Including Plrlonll propeny. Thl. Pl'VmlnI ~ be in tho farm of test!. ath.. propulty or good... or the Inum~ion of made.'. I:)!' OlNr obhQl1iDf'lL. ",.".. round to . ".,., .,.",. doll., 1fhOUIIt. L 14. Indicate thre ..... of...... I _,_""'_ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - -0- . , 0 , 0 1 . Ihould ,llIJoct \he 1.11111 Final AIoos_ Ron .nd T.. Sill ,.. V_ III AI ,_Ilt RaIl rrc.n whIIh InII1ftM1ian taun 17. T_'_ VoIuo 101 01' pon;oh "_II I ; I. rp. I. O. 0, , ,.. PrIIpMty ICI... 1 c2,( () I-LJ ,.. Schoof DktrIct Nlim. I Leu,.. I 21. To .....1dIntIfierCaJ ,RaIl ~ PI more tMn four. ettech ..., wfth...... 1d~1 IOI.t. 'IOOD, Sec. 126, 81k. 11. Lot 11 I I CERTIRCAll0N l I ..miry """ 01\ or llle 11_ or lDrarmollon __ CWI IIIIIIIInn .re ..... _ -....1 (.. U. .... or DIY -Iodar ond boIIrIl ODd I ....- ''''''llle ........ 01..., ..1M. _ -...........wlllet............ ..lUKlmi'.'1oe ....._ or.... ..,.1"" _..... -... _lIIIIIIlorr_................ BUYER BUYER'S ATTOIINEY fl-, Ms Bruce )t. IlOth.....11W _~ ~. ~~~~~ 1IMA.lilIAnI'! S.rlh E. Roth.....ln 1 DI ;;1105 ..... BleYllOl"8 ~~WTw"'V..."..IIIixKK& ...IT_ Mlch.el O. flRSTMA'IlI: 7390 ITIIKI 1iI~_ P8conlc a.v Blvd. PIlI'" .......,..rtJlSAUJ 516 625-1700 NUo .... "UD'MIINI ....... Leur-lei CllYOIlfOWN NY "'." 11548 ....... ~ ~1^TE5. LLC . : --~.......- Trauthy 1Ic1ve. _ber ~ c;t _gl NEW YORK STATE COpy