HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12412 P 814 , ,12~'I/~-/'S , I 'l 'r L~ j.. :lJ'.-'~-' 'J .;:'1'1 tr i) 'I BARGAIN AND SALE DEED wlm COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORA nON) ST ANDAKD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAUTION: TIllS: AORE~Ml;NTSIIOULU II~ PR~PARCJ) HY AN Am,RNF.Y AliD RF.VIEWED UY An'()RN~""S I~)R SF.I.I.F.R AND PURCIIASF.R IIEI'ORE SIONING, THIS INDENTURE, made the "'L-"I.-.I..yof September. 2005 betweeD DOMENICK T. RUTTURA AND AUDREY J. HUTIURA. husbaDd aDd wife, resldlDg :at 70 Freeport Avenue, PoiDt LookoDt, New York 11569 party of the first part. and EMANUEL AHTURI and MAHlE CLARKE ARTUR!, hushaDd aDd _ife, residiDgllt 15 Bridle Path. Rem_Dhura:. NY 11960 party of Ihe second part. WITNESSETH.lhallhe party of the firsl part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and othcr lawful con.~ideration, lawful money of the United Slales, paid by the party of the second part, docs hereby grant and relc:asc unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns oflhe party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land. wilh the buildings and improvemeDts Ihereon ereeled, situate, lying and being at Laurel, Town of South old. County of Suffolk and State of New York. SEE SCHEDULE 'A' ATIACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOI' The llranlDrs herein arc Ihe same persons as the grantees in Deed dated 10/22/97 recorded 10/29/97 in Liber 11859 cp 481. TOGETHER with all right, litle and interest. ifany. of the party oflhe first part in and to any strecls and roads abuttinglhc, above dcsc:ribcd premises to Ihe center lines thereof. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estlte and rights of the party of Ihe firsl part in and to said premises, TO HAYE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of Ihe party of the second part forever. AND Ihe party of the first pan. covenants that Ihe party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said 'premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance wilh Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration lor this conveyance and will hold the righllD receive such consideration as alrust fund to be applied first for Ihe pul'JlOSC' of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total oflhe same for any olher purpose. ' The word "party" shall be conSlrucd as if it reud "parties" whenever the sense of Ihis indenlure so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part ha.~ duly execuled this deed the day and year first above wrinen. ~~' ~L"\I..~ r-. \;l'I~"A", AUDRE . taiTtURA NVSIIA Residential Real F.sElIle l:onns on ItalDocs" (9100) -1- CoryrlgJuC"apiOn' n.,...d_ -' ... -. ........ror-.........-.... .' " AQUEBOGUE ABSTRACT CORP. SCHEDULE A TITLE NO: AQ-OS-S-1205 AMENDED 9/21/05 ALL that certain plot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of SOUTHOLD, at LAUREL, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly side of Peconic Bay Blvd, flk/a The Bray, distant 75.02 feet northeasterly as measured along the southeasterly side ofPeconic Bay Blvd. from the easterly line ofland now.or formerly of Mattituck Assoc.; THENCE north 41 degrees 00 minutes east, along the southeasterly side of Peconic Bay Blvd. ] 44.28 feet to the southwesterly line of a 10 fooi right of way; THENCE south 40 degrees 14 minutes 30 seconds east, along said right of way 294.86 feet to the mean high water line of Peconic Bay; THENCE along said high water line, south 43 degrees 31 minutes 12 seconds west, 162.67 feet to the northeasterly line ofland now or formerly ofKrancs; THENCE along the last mentioned land, north 36 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds west, 293.86 feet to the southeasterly side of Peconic Bay llIvd., the point or place of BEGINNING. . ,- -- ~ .. , "j , STATI::OF NEW YORK ) ) 55.: ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the ~ day of Sc:ptc:mber. 2005. before me, the undersil!lled. ""rsonally appeared DOMENICK T. RUTTURA and AVDREY J. RVTTVRA, personally known 10 me or proved to me on the basis Ilf satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrumcot and acknowledged to me thalthcy executed the same in their eapacilY. and that by their signature on the instrument, Ihe individuals. or the person upon behalf ofwhieh the individuals acted, executed the instrument. NOTARY I'U JEREM O'SULLIVAN NolaIy PubItc, Stale 01 New York No.010S5074896 QudlIId In SuIIoIk County Commlulon ExpIIII March ~, 2007 DEED DtleNo. fQ.-OS-S-l2oS Tel Section 126.00 Block 11.00 Lot 013.000 County or Town SUHOLK {l"co~ ay; RUTTURA ARTURI AQUEBOGUE Ae:n"'ACT CORP. 123 MAPLE AVENUE RlllERHEAD, NY 11901 Retura 8 Mail To: ESSF.K'S HEFTER 81 ANGEL MARCIA HEFTER, ESQ. 108 EAST MAIN ST. RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 Reserve TbiJ S ace For Uae or Rec:ordin Office NYSSA Rl:sidcatial Real EsmIc Fonns on IlotDol:I" (9100) -1. "OI>)'ri"" c_n"llI:.dn_ . Number of pages If 112 ) TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Oct 04 02: 13: 16 PI'I Edward P. RolOiline CI..EIlI( OF SUFFCLK COI.JITY L ??oo12412 P 914 011 05-09482 Serial 1# Ccortj{jC.:l:e# Prior Clf. # Deed / Mortgage Inmument Deed / Mortgaj;e Tax Slamp FEES Recording / Filing Stamps 2J Page / Filing Fee Mortgage Amt. Handling TI'-584 I. aosie Tax 2. Addition.1 Tax "otation Sub Total EA-52 17 (CoU~l>') ___ _ Sub TOlal R.P.T.SA ~= Spec.lAssil. Or Spee./Add. EA-5217 (State) Other Sub Tolal ---- GRANDTOTAL~" TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_ Dual County_ Held (or APportion'5nt "b'OU d Trans(er Tax '. b 0 ~: Man.ion Tax . ,_ - (j)\> l11e property eovened by thi mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES orNO_ If NO, see appropriale tax elause on page # _ oflhi. in'lrument. Comm. of Ed. _----1 ~ Affidavil ~___ tCCni~~!~~Y.:\ __ _ Reg. Copy __ _ S:amp Real Propcny Tax Service AGency Verification - _ Oist. Seelion B lock ~OS:~9~~s 79 uioo" 12600 1100013000 RcwH A ~~ L 6 Community Preservation Fund ~ 'Con.ideratiqn Amount sZ C/O'" "S 54 000 X Lot . CPF Ta.x Due Date 7 Sotisfactions/DischargeslRclCilses List I'IU"O' '1 v ....v.. "__no .~.. ,dd RECORD & RETURN TO: Vaeant Land _{'J TO TD TD Initials ESSEK '5 HEFTER & ANGEL ~CIA HEFTER. ESQ. 108 EAST MAIN ST. RIVERHEAD. NY 11901 9 8 Title Company Information Co. "'alOe Aquebogue Abstract Corp. Title # AQ-05-S-1205 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fOfms part of the aUllched DEED made by: (SPEOFY TYPE OF lNS1RUME."fl') DOMENICK T. RU'!'TURA AND AUDREY J. RUTI'URA The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNIY, J'o;"EW YORK. TO EMANUEL ARTURl AND MARII! CI.AKKE All.TURI In the Township of In the VILLAGE. Of HA..\1LET of SOUTHOLD BOXES 51liRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINIED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. fOVER) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111 1I1II111 SUFFOLK CO'ONTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFJ:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0104215 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-09482 Recorded. At. 10/04/2005 02.13.16 PM LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012412 814 District. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 126.00 11.00 013.000 .,YlI\HINBD A1m CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $2.650.000.00 Received the Following Pees For Above Instrument ExBlllpt Exempt page/Filing $12.00 NO Hand1 ing $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $10.600.00 NO Mansion Tax $26.500.00 NO Comm.Pres $50.000.00 NO Pees Paid $87.257.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR. 05-09482 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County . . Cl. SWIS C_ PLEASE lYP~OilPRE-SS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Jit STATE OF NEW YORIl STATE IIOARD OF REAL PROI'EIIlV 81iIlVlCES FOR COUNTY USE ONLI- 1'1..1.3, K,f, 91 ,/ cz. DIlte Ileo!I Recorded 1!.1/ ::! / t!.~ I ca. _ i j. c(. 'i I , ~C4. POlIO I g, , . t..{, PROPERTY INFORMAT10N Rp.5217 uroS:l''''-JII7 ,. "'-I 7600 LocMIDn -n-~, ..,..,: Greac Peconic Bay Blvd. I....n NAM' Sn~o]rl mY'" Laurel ...- I 11948 It#CODE. 2. ..,., No... Artl;'lii! LAST ICX)IjIMNY E~l .1 Arturi 1'" lMMlt'01lO'All'l Marie Clarke ~Nr HAM' 3. Tu IndIcIID wbura tutui'll Tax Bill.. to be Hnt 1 -. If____Iol_oflorm). -- 114' NAMlI toMMo\ilV F1"I~ STIIEn NUMN" AND ITIIE(T NAM[ C.1IVCIITnwK .,.... ..""" 4. .......... numIaer 01 A--.meM AoI ........ ............ on .... .... ..=.,. I .... ~xl .......... ...... IORI 'At.. .<J41 lOn/y M...... _I Cba _...._ 4A. Alnnlng Board w1an SutdWl'on AuIhority FxiD 0 ...iR.........Mion~Wb"-qulredfarT'__ 0 Co ParaI Appn:wod fOf 5'11bdi'riIIon wltll Map Prcwidod 0 , I 'of Parcols OR 0 P.rt of . P.,cel .. ...." N.... Ruccura IA8TNMa'~NY Domenick T. ..' ....wr kuccura lAir IIMC/COl'IIP"lft' Audrey J. '1IS1NAMIl 7. CMck .... bcuI .... ...... moM ICCUI'IaIy dHcrtbes the .... of tbe ........." III: 1M tlma of ..Ir. ChooIo.... _ _ _...._ L Ow....... T.... 10 Condominium E ~ Agricullurll I ~ Community Servicu .. New ConIIrucdon on V-=antllnd F Comrrwclal J IndllSlr'-l 1M. Prapeny LGCMed wllHn .. AQriculwr.1 DiII:rIcI a Apu1mem K Pubic Service 1.. 8uver rIllltived . diIcIoIure notice Indlclding H En"lnm.nt' AmUHment L For.I thIt the properly. In In AgrIcuIlurIl Dillrict 1" a..cIl_ or..... aI..... IlIa.._ _......... Ie II'eIIIIu: o o o o ^~ OtIoF_ _...., B 2or3f.mily~~ C Relildanlllil VKllnt Lmd D Non-R..idlntiM VIcIni LMd I SALE INFOIlMATION I "... Com,. DiMe '2- o.te of .... I TI'II..... 7 I 28 I 05 Manll Iloy v- 09 I ~05 .....~ "'" v_ ^ R C o J; F (J H I J s.. 8etweon FIGtMMI or Former Rlllalivu. 51. IoIwoon RIUted Com..- << hnner. in Bull..... Dna of tho _ 10 .... . Sol,., Buyer 01 SeIDr.. Go~..,..,...nt ~ ClI' urdng fnItIlurIon Oood Typo .... WI...... or .....'n ... Solo 16_ _ IWe 01 FrlCllonul or ~ INn ~ I..... (Spacify BeIowJ SIgn...... Chongo In _ -. T_ _..... Solo Doll SIte or ....... illncIudId In SlID Pril:e 0Iher Un.....1 FactOra AffKting Sale Prlco (Spudly IWawI Naill 13_ fuN .... Price 2 6 5 0 0 0 0 0,01 ; ; ~ (Full 51. Price lIn uuI .mounl pillet lor the propony indudina personal proper1y. lh. ~nl rMy be In the form of CIIh. other pIGPIrty 01 goodI, or die ....umpllon of men1...,.. or oIher obIlpoof:w.l F'IuIe round 10 rM ,..,., .",. .... amocInL L, ,&.-.tho_oI_ I , 0 ,01 ......,c, Included In 1M .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -llOllIlhould ..,.... tho 1010oi Fin.1 _", Roll ond T.. Bill ,.. V.. at .. ._Ill RoIIrom' 0 whIIh InIannmIon .....n 17.T...._V_,..oII_.._ooll , ; /;3.3.0PI , IL_aon ~L.i2J-LJ 'L___ 1 Mattituck/CuCchogue 20. T.. ... ..........11 RoIIIc1ent1hri1~ II man IMn four,..... ...... wIIh adIIIIIcHwI idMdI*laIl 1000-126.00-11.00-013.000 L- I I CERTIFICATION I I ......, 'bat 011 or Ibe _ 01 Inrnnnodan _ oa IIIIlI ~... "'" I"'" ... rum... '10 '110 .... 01..,. ......... oad 11<IoO .... I _ lbolllw _.... 0111II) _1aM_or_IlIcI.................,.... ....Ibe ............................._..............._11IbIa0l_1noI......... ~ m!!m BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~ f~ (ltft ~J; ~ JQ~k" li€Ff6N M/ttC1A- ~lMI DATIl' IAlTNAME 11'II1.w. S Q.\bLE: 1An+ "':w.ri!TNUII!IAFTDliIAl.l.I <nYOI~Sc.N1\~G I ~ U~6o ~ t:.1:.:..~~ ~- ~J~J'dt 63/ -- 3,{f-I7(){) lI....tIO'Uh~ OA" ~ t-:u '. "'.<::. NEW YORK STATE COPY