HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 380 ~ i L I ');)~I fz 6V I;L G- 7-2-3 J... /Ctc. OdOf6 CONSULt YOUR LAWVER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT. THIS INSTRUMENT SHOUlD BE USED BV LAWVERS ONL V THIS INDENTURE, mBde the \ ~ day of Apr il , . s."rllllll "'l. 'S"~..r~ OLETA M. MELISSAR~I ~esiding'at 183?Bray Laurel, NY 11948 er husband, PLACID E. having died Dece r 18, 1996 2005 BETWEEN Avenue, MELISSARI, party of the first part, and LOUIS MELISSARI, residing at 46-11 157th Street Flushing, NY 11355 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party oflhe first part, In consideration of TEN ($1 0.00) and no cents-- ---------------------------------------------------------------doHars paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grant end nslease unto the party of the second part, ihe heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thenson erected. situate, Iyingendbeinglnllll8 Mattituck, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, known and described as Lot 66, on a certain map entitled sub- division Map of Section one of Property of George L. Tuthill and other a , situate at Laurel, Town of Southold, New York surveyed March 28, 1928, buy Otto W. Van Tuy1, Greenport, New York, Surveyor and filed in the Office of the Clerk, of Suffolk County, on the 15th Day of January, 1929 as Map No. 861. Including privelege in common to use of right of way leading from Boulevard so called to peconic Bay. Being the same premises heretofore conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed dated February 22, 1971 and recorded March 2, 1971 in Liber 6893, pages 133 and 134 1805 PREMISES known and designated as Vacant Lot, Parcel II, Bray Avenue Laurel, NY Premises also known as 473889; Section: 126; Block: 7; Lot: 2) TOGETHER with all right, title and intansst. If any, of the party of the first part in end to eny streets and roads abutting the above described pnsmises to the center lines lhensof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the eslate and rights of tha party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pnsmlses herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. . AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whensby the said pnsmises have baan encumbered in any way whatever, except es afonssaid. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Wen Law, covenants that tha party of the fll'St part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such considenstlon as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement befons using eny part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party" shall be construed as If ft read 'partles' when ever the sense of this Indentuns so nsqui_. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this daed the day and year first above wrIllen. IN PRESENCE OF: dI1J Utk-, ./tfj4Jh..- 'in. ')JJIYUUlJdH/./ OLETA M. MELISSARI s_.... N.V.S.l.U. Form 8002. Sargain and SalollMd. with CllY8n8n1 ogoinsl llnlnlol'. Aclo _ Uniform Acknowlqmonl Form 3280 " , TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Nassau 9S: State 01 New York, County 01 ss: 2005 On the day 01 In the year befonI me, the undersigned. personally appeared pellIOn8IIy known 10 me or pmved 10 me on the basis 01 seUsfactoly evidence 10 be the Indlvldual(s) whose neme(s) Is (are) subscribed 10 !he within Instrument and acknowledged 10 me IhaI he/shellhay executed the sema In hls/her/lheir capaclly(leII). and IhaI by hlalherllhelr s1gnatu.-(sJ on the Inlllrument. the Indlvidual(s), or the person upon behaW 01 which the Indlvtdual(s) acIed, executed the Instrument. --'" ., 'and olllce'oIlndMdual III!LVlN VI tePPER NCmIR'f PUBUC. STAte OF h'El'I'/ORIC . NO. O2TE483Ilm - CIlAUFlED IN NASS.\U COUNlY ~ '". cm--1QN EXPIRES DECEMBER 31. 2DlI 5':, , ~ ' '~.: ,TO,BE UBED-ONI:Y WHEN'l'HE ~EDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE acknowledgmenl) . (signature and offica oIlndMduallaklng acknowledgment) Slate (or District 01 Columbia, Terrltoly, or Foreign Counlly) of ss: On the appeared parllOI18lly known 10 me or pmved 10 me on the basis 01 saU8factory evidence 10 be !he Indlvidue~s) whose name{s) Is (ere) subscribed 10 the within Instrumsnl and acknowledged 10 me IhaI helshellhey executad the same In hlsiher/lhelr capaclly(les). and thai by hIsIher/lhefr S1gnatu.-(s) on the Instrument. the Indlvidual(s), or the penIOn upon behelf of which the IndMdual(s) ected. executed the Instrument. and that such Individual made such appearance before the undersigned In the day 01 In the yesr before me, the undersigned. personslly Onsert the CUy or o!her poI_ subdivision) in (end I"""" lhe Slate or Country or oIher placa the acknowledgment _ Iaken) (signature and cflIce of Indlvldusllaklng scknowladgmenl) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS 126 7 2) Southold 1805 Bray Avenue Laurel, NY Recordad at Requesl of COMMONWEALTH LAND TillE INSURANCE COMPANY SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS TltlaNo. Oleta M. Me1issari TO Louis Me1issari RETURN BY MAIL TO: STAMIMO....... OFNEW\'OIIK IIlWlDOF11TLEUN~rrERS 01._ by ~., LandAmerlca _ Commonwealth LOUIS MELISSARI 46-11 157th Street Flushing, NY 11355 eomrnan-IIII LInd TIII_ COIIIJlIII' RESElIVE THI8 SPACE POll USE OF RECORDING OFfICE ,/ t. ,/ 3 Number of pog.. ' Toi~ltENS .' \ RECORDED 2005 Jun 08 03.1&.49 I'll EdI.J'fd P. Romaine ,llRJ( OF SUFFOLK cowry L ??oo12391 I' 380 , Dn 04-44002 " , . SerlulN Cenilicale N, Priur CII: II !Joed I Mungage luslrument Deed I Mongng. Tax Stamp FBI;!l" R.curdillg I Filing Slomps , 4 l'uge 11'lIing!'.., . Muilllllg. Amt. 1I0ndling 1'1'.5114 I. nasic TIIX 2. Addilluuol Tox Notation Sub TolaL I!A.S2 17 (COlUlly) EA-S211 (SIOI.) , '__ Sub Tulol Otber Sub TalaI - ORANDTO';:Al. ~q ftt). Spec./AsSlt. Or Spec. I Add, :itrr.,MTO. TAX Dual Town Dual CouulY__ Ileld rO~'AI,paniau'5- ,fransrar,1I1x" . , _ Mlnsiol1 Tax __ _~ The property covered by Ihis 1II0rtgugo is or wIll b. hnprovod by a aile or lwo rOIll i1y dwelling only. YES orNO If NO, .oe I,'proprlolo lox clouso On pogo II of Ibi, !Illl!'ument. Cmllllt. or llil. .J. (l!L.. R.I'.T.S.A. :3() ,'{f) Affidavit Certified Copy nOli. Copy I Real Property TIIX Service Agency Verificalion Di,I, Sectioll_ _, _ ..B.lock.. _.IJll r-..- .... . . 1000 12600 0700 023000 ommunity 'Prc;scrvHlio tion Amount $ Slalllp i s Dole Improved ~ luitiols 7 S.tilroctionslDilCluirgeslRoIea.~es Lisl Properly OWIlIlrll Mailillg Add II ECOIW oil: IIKTUltN TO: Vocunll.uud ~O(l;:5 )/e h .:6aA..L ~_ 1/ 157'M~dY vtuo~",.vy IdS! 'I'D m Tn --- 9 Suffolk Coun 8 Title CompllllY Information. Co. Nom. /ILJ Thlo # L... /f.L(; 0 ~ Recordin & Endorsement ,Pa e K.-L,() (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSlRUMENl') 'nus page fomlS JllIIt of the aUached OLUA N1. MeAs:s~ mad. by: I..tJv.,~ TO " #eh-5~ 'nle premiSOlI herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNIY. NEW YORK. Inlhe Tuwn.'lhip of Jo.... ~ In the VILLAGE!, . or HAMLET of I '. ----- IlOXE..'l5 11-IRU l) MU&T UE 'IYPlm OR I'RINrED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RF.CQRDINO OR FILINO. . .ii':,1 . (OVERl 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111I111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICI!: RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/ODD NUmber of Pages. 3 Receipt NUmber . 05-0061421 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-44002 Recorded. At: 06/08/2005 03.16.49 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012391 380 District. 1000 Section. Block. 126.00 07.00 J;:Y"MINBD AIlD CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 023.000 Deed Amount. Received the Following Pees Por Ahove Instrument Ibr""lpt b""Ipt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO !:A-CrY $5.00 NO SA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTJI $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIIl.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $239.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER. 04-44002 TJUS PAGB IS A PART 01' TUB INSTRtIMBNT TJUS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONL V - . . . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hltp:// www.orps.stale.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT lit STATE OF NEW VORK STATE BOARD OF REAL l"ftUI"UI,f 8EIMCES C,. SWIS Code RP - 5217 ItNiJI;IInJlfn PROPERTY INFORMATION "=1 lIr"w"........... Vacant Land Parcel I "ll'IId.r~ 1805 Bray Avenu@ rr/n Qn,,~'h^ln cnYCI'l'ftWWlt baf...VO 1 . I, \,.9.M Z. Bu,.r ...... Melissari Louis ~T~ l.M1 NMA/ct.lY'ANy lASl U"/~Y _T_ I. T.. Incfcae where fubn Till 1iI1I.. to be MOt Bill.. ir other IMn buyer Iddr. (81. boUom 01 IOrml I -- LAlli NAlA/IXN"ANY F....'lIMIE 5171m....... AND STIIl!!T u.w 4-1ndicate the number of .v-.--.nt AoI p...Il......... on the dMd cnvO"ICM't. 'Ii." ,....... ./1 &.Dood - Size HKINI ..~ I Ixl i!f!f OR I .ell.. . (Onfy. PM: fA . .....1 ChecII _ tMy .ppIv: 4A. lltannlng 8oIn1 wih SubdMIion Authority ExiIIB "'~Ap___IIodIor_ C. _ Ap",_ b S&.IldNiolonwith Mop_ o o o , of Plrelll ORD PIIrt of . Percel LS...... N.... Melissari I.AIIl~""~'" lOleta M. rltl1'lWIt lMTNAMEJCOW.......Y ,--- SALE INFORMATION '1. s.a. CantI'Ht D.te I ~ Communl'y SoMco J _..... K Publ~ So..1co L F..... ,.. Q-*: th8 __ bIIDw _.... -..ply: a 0wrI0rWlIp Typa II Condominium .. New Conltruc:tion on VKant Land 1M. PIapwly l.DcatN within .. Agricultural 1Mlric1 101. Buyer nlCI!Md . cIEIuIu.. nudc:.l1ndIGIIIrv IhII dw PfDPIrtY illn Iln AQr.culUnl DiIlric:t. o o o o 7. CheaIc 'M box MIDw whIIIh mod .....dIIIy................. at 1M IH'OI*'lY m t" 1m. of..I.' A ~ One Family Relid,ntill R ~ or 3 Fllftily RMIdantial C R.idenlllll YEn Lnnd D No~RGHientlll YllCllnl LInd E ~ ",~u.u..' F ComlMrcllll (] ApIIrtmenl II Enlor1alnmunll AmulOmont 12. o.te of .... I lr..... l/ ...... / I~I t:J~ "'" v... ^ 8 C D F. I' () H I J or moN of..... --- - ~ _......110 'II'aIIIf.-: s.ae BelwMn Re&d\tW or Fornw Rellltvea &.Ie Batwwn RoIaIUd Compankll or r.tncn In Buslnou en. ut the Bu...,. 1a AIIO D Solar Buyer or s.u.r II Oovtirnment Agwtcy or t..ndlng lnII:ItutiDn o.d ryp. nat WAnllllly or &.rpln And s.ao (Spacifv BoIcwq Solo al.........1 Of 1M< ....n Foe _ ~_ &Ionl"",,"' Ch&nuu In Propony Bot_ TWIbIo SIoIuI Ind Solo ~ 81. of BUll.... II IndUded In Sa. Pra Othar Unusual FK:IOr. Affocdl'lG s.1e Price (Specify BeIowI None D- . . ,0.0 I , , I (Full SaI. Price is me IOlal.mount pllld for lho property Including personal property, Thll PlvmlllC may ba in the funn of taIh. om.. prap8Ity or good8. or the .....mpdon 0' mor1Q8OOl or oltMlr obligation... ",.... round to the"..,.,,, whot. rJoI~. '''_'110_''_1 I 0 I .--.....- . , . , .. . - . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dol. Ihould roflec1lhe IlloIl Rnel_nt Roll Ind Till SIP 11. v... uta_-.-.tRollfrom I (), ~117 Tot8IIA-.lVlluelaf.al_1n ...... I , wIIIIIb III'omWlwl .... ...., aJ4-LJ ,..__.....1 ~r/M(Jld 13_ Full Sale PriM ; C5tl~ , II. _a.. ZD. T.. MIlp ldentlllerfall RoI ~~ IIf more 'INn Iou. ..... ...... willi 8ddIIIonIf Idendflerte)I 87 ~/~ ~~ , CERTIFICATION I I ca1lry .... ... III UIr ...... vi ""_" ._llIllblo Iona Oft ,........ ."",,1 '..1110.... vi lI1y kmnl..... ... IIeIIell ... I .....__ UIr ....... III Mny .11II1 raM- ~ IIf ..1eriaI fact 1wftI. ...1IIbjcct: _ lalbr DI"U\oIllulw or die _I ..,. ....w 1.0 ... .......... IIIIla ~.... .....,..... BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY v ~ ~.;..~N\.' LoYi'!V"'MlH'lissari I \.{~o ~ CA" Tepper .....- ~lvin w. ....T....... Vacant L~ne: Parcel II. Bray Avenue """,,,T~" ......lIllNllll.......'tIllollLtJ ,lb ~~"-I -'-+'-t~ -""'" lLUt'HO"LlWUMUL'1 Laurel OI"l'OIIfOWlt IT..... I 11948 NY ,.- / ~ ~JlfiJJ('J~ ~'M 7JJa}U.AA~"i I I Ol~,-MeliBsari M.... NEW YORK STATE COpy