Meeting was called or order by Chairman S. B. Fischer. S.B.
Fischer was elected chairman of the meeting.
Chairman appointed E.L; Donahue Secretary of the meeting.
Chairman appointed Charles Gagen and Richard Young as tellers.
Tellers were sworn in by JohnKaelin. Charles Van Duzer was
eie~ed to succeed himself for a term of three years.
The budget for the year of 1948 in the amount of $3,~00.00
was voted upon~ as fellows: t2 ballots cast all "Yes".
The budget ~Rs declared carried.
report on¢onditions at Founders Landing concerning the
J.B. Terry Est. property was given by Chairman Fischer.
Regularly moved and seconded that on occasions agreeable to
the Commissioners~ Community Hall may be used as a Youth Center
under the sponsorship of the following: Mr. and Mrs. Teuni$
Bergen, Mr.~ and Mrs. Charles Gagen~ Mr. and Mrs. Birdsey Youngs~
Mr. an~ Mrs. HenrY Lytle, Mr. and M~s. Allan Baker and Mr~ and
Mrs. Martin.Lehr.
Motion was carried and so ordered.
Regularly moved and seconded that the Commissioners lease the
Light House to a responsible person for two year lease if pos-
sible. Motion was carried and so ordered.
Motion was made~ seconded and carried that the meeting adjourn.
E. L. Donahue~ Secretary.
Feb. 28, 1947.
Minutes of Annual Meeting of Southold Park District
Meeting was called to orde~ by Chairman S. B. Fischer. '
S.' B. iFi~cher was elected chairman of the meeting.
Chairman appointed E. L. Donahue Secretary of the meeting.
Chair~anAppoi~ted Ohas. Gagen *~d Richard ~oung as tellers.
Tellers were sworn in by John Kaelin.
Charles Van D~ser was elected to succede himself for a term of
three yea~e.
The b~4~t for the year of I948 in amount of $3500.00 wasvoted upon,
as follows I2 ballots cast all yes.
The budget was declared carried.
Arreport on conditions at Founders Landing concerning the J. B. Terry Est.,
p~opert2 was given by Chairman Fischer.
Re,laxly moved and seconded that on occasions a~eeable to the
Commissioners, Coventry Hall may be used as a Y~th Center u~der
sponsership of the following, Mr. and Mrs. Teunis Bergen, Mr.and Mrs.
~narles Gagen, Mr. and Mrs. Birdsey yoUngs, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lytle,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lehr.
Motion was carried and so ordered.
Regularly moved and seconded that the Commissioners lease the Light
House to~ aree~p~ible person for two year lease' if possible.
Motion was carried and so ox'dered.
Motion was made, seconded and ca~ried that the meeting adjourn.
E. L. Donahue,. Secretary.
Feb. 28, 1947.
Mlnu~es of Ann~aX Meeting of
Sou~hold Pa~ Commission
Feb. ~8,