HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/26/2004Southold Transportation Commission
Southold Town Hall
July 26, 2004
,Present Neb Btashich, Margaret Brown, Capt. Marty Flatley, Tom Foz, Michelle Zaloom, Supt. of Hwys Pete
Harris, Jamie Richter, Victor L'eplattenier, guest Pam Thiel, SEEDS Project Coordinator
(Note: This list of attendees may not beaccurate - tom)
SEEDS Update: Pam Thiel, the SEEDS Project Coordinator, came to give a progress report. Members represent
all five towns and they continue to meet monthly with the Stakeholders. They have been collecting data, but are
finding some of the data difficult to interpret in the way it is presented. They hope to have initial data available
for presentation by September. They want to make it clear that it is a public initiative, needing mutual public
solutions. There will be a packet of "SEEDS 101" for background information for people who are new to the
subject. They hope to have meetings/workshops in all five towns starting in October.
Seaview Trails: The route maps need to be placed in the trallhead sign frames.
Resurfacing Protect: Neb received a memo from John Barnes of the Chamber of Commerce with concerns about
the resurfacing project, especially as it will affect businesses in the hamlet of Southold.
Medici rt Bttiding Protect: Jamie Richter will write a set of recommendations for this project on Rte. 48 in
Southold and will eatd them to us for review. With our approval, he will then send them to the Planning Board.
CVS Pharmacy: CVS is willing to make all the changes requested regarding trucks and cars entering the parking
and loading areas.
Orient Causeway Protect: Neb will talk to Supervisor Horton and the Town lawyer about finding someone who
can be the project manager.
Five Towps Rural Trsm_ it C~ ommittee: Tom and Margaret gave a report of the activities of the committee.
Among the items under discusston were various transportation needs of the 5-town area and ways to implement
solutions using rail, bus and possibly water taxi service. The committee is also planning to study regional
transportation plans in ttse in other areas with similar demographics.
petition - Matte Tuckers Lame Right Tum Only: Neb will talk to Ms. Helinski about her petition.
New Business: Supervisor Horton received an email July 4 from Mazland Henderson complaining about speeding
in Cutchogue. The Supervisor replied JuIY 7 that the Transportation Commission and the Police would be
advised. Neb suggested that we send a jant reply that the NYSDOT is unlikely to change speed limit signs but
perhaps a petition signed by those affected would help persuade the DOT
The nett meeting will be Monday, August 30, 2004, at 10 AM, Southold Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted, Mazgaret H. Brown