HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 972 . . II & - ~- if . ,.. .. " Slandolll N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8002 -lIaIgoin ond SaIlIlMd. WIIiI Co_I ogoinst GlInt.... _ - UnlIonn ~menl Form 3210 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THISINSTRUIIENT. THIS INSTRUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY . THIS INDENTURE. made the l~y 01 May, 2005 LI)~Llf r q-J) - . BETWEEN MARJORIE MCCALL, residing at 10230 New Suffolk Avenue. Cutchogue. New York 11935, party of the first part, and REMCC, LLC, a New York limited Uability Company with offices al10725 New Suffolk Avenue, Cutchogue, New York 11935, party of Ihe second part, WITNESSETH, that the party 01 the first part, in consideration 01 Ten and 001100 (S10.00) dollars, and other 900d and valuable consideration paJd by the party 01 the second part, do85 hereby grant and release unto the party 01 the second part, the heirs or successors and a&Bigns of the party of the second part forever, and undivided one-third interest in All that certain plot, piece or parcel 0' land. situala, lying and being at Down's Point, Cutchogue, in the Town of Soulhold, Counly of Suffolk and Slate 01 New York, boundad and described as follows: BEGINNING at a granila monument located on the southwesterly side of a road called New Suffolk Avenue where said road is intersected by the wesl8r1y line of the land now or formerly 0' Frederick S. Taggart; RUNNING THENCE northwesI8r1y along the southwesterly side 01 said New Suffolk Avenue, North 67 degrees WBBI224.58 'eetto a cement monument, and THENCE along a line South 14 degrees 7 mlnul88 EaSl283.5 feet 10 a cement monumant; THENCE in a BDutheaslerly dil8clion along a line forming an angle 01 149 degrees 7 minutes with the last mentioned line, 131.6 leetto a chisel mark on the 888 wan on the high water mark 01 Down's Creek Channel; THENCE In an easlerly direction along the high water mark 0' Down's Creek Channel 118.5 feet to tha westerly bllundary line 01 the aforesaid land now or formerly 01 Frederick S. Taggart; THENCE along the said westarly boundary line 01 the land now or fonnarly of Taggart North 14 degrees 46 minutes West 221.6 feet to the granite monument at the point or place or BEGINNING. Together with all the right, titla and interest 0' the party 01 the first part hereto of, in and to the land under water in the bed 0' Down's Creek Channel in front oland adjoining the premises above described. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises described in deed datad February 8, 1971 and recorded in the OfflC8 of the Clerk 01 the Counly 0' Suffolk In Liber 6888, page 229. " , I TOGETHER with all right, title and Inlares!, If any, 01 the party 0' the first part in and to any s!reels and roads abutting the abova desaibed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the 88tale and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe premiSBB herein grantad unto the party of the second parl, the heirs or suocessors and assigns oIlhe party 0' the second pert forever. AND the party 01 the first part covenanls lha1 Ihe party of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first perl, in complience with Section 130' the Lien Law, covenanls tha1the party 0' the first part will receive the considel1ltion for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a IrUsI fund to be applied first for the purpose 0' paying the cost 01 the improvement and will apply Ihe same first to the payment 0' the cosIo' tha improvement before using any part 01 the 1oIa1 01 the saml for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" when ever the sensa 0' this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parly 0' the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year firsl above written. IN PRESENCE OF: I..J..Pn. i ....,-'. {,Pc. G ~ Marjorie McCslI Odeedremcc " l ;Number of pqcs TORRBNS RECORDED 20051un 13 11:14.37 A/'I Edward P.Roeain. a..ERK OF SuFm.tc COUIfl\I L 000112391 P9n Dr. 04-44469 Serial II Certificate II Prior C1f. II Deed I Monaaae lnslrwnlll11 Deed I Mort...e Tax slimp FEES Recording I Filing Stamps 4 CertIfied Copy Reg. Copy Other SubTolII QRANDTOTAL /1(97 :J- Morlgaae AmI. I. BuIc Tax 2. AddltlonaJ TIX Sub TDl81 SpecJAssil Or Spoc./Add. TOT.M.TQ. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apport/onmentQ; , TranlI'cr Tax _ ~ MaIIlIlciD Tax .; The property cOvered by Ibi. morliIIo i. or will be improved by I! one or two fam i1y dMlIlng ooIy. . YES or NO If NO, 500 IIpproprllto I8x clauso on page 1/ _ oflbls In5ll'UlneDt. Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation !:A-52 17 (County) _ Sub Total !:A-5217 (S1Ile) RP.T.S.A. .:0 ' ...c() Comm. of Ed. 5 ~ A/1idavU Stamp CIte I' RaI P.opett) Tax Service Agaw;y Vaific:atioo DIll ,Section, _ _ B Ioclt ,.... O~1 1000 11600 0600 004000 'pT S. (r?'LPA JA) \~AV'9" -- , Communi ~servation Conllderatlon Amount $ CPF Tax Due S d s Improved Initials ..-- 7 SatisfsctionsIDischarpslRel_ Lilt Pmperty Owners Moiling AddreI RECORD Ie RETURN TO. . Vlclnt Lsnd 2J TO / TO TO W1CIOIAII. BRESSLER, GOIDON & GEASA. P.C. U015 lIAIIl RllAD, P.O. BOX 14M IIA111IIICII, U 11951 9 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Title # Suffolk CoUll Recordin & Endorsenient Pa e This page forms patt of the: .......hod Deed mlde by: (lftU!' fTYPE OF INS1RlJMENI') Marjorie McCall The pzemises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNlY, NEW YORK. TO In the: Township of In the VIlLAGE or HAMLET of Soutbo1d REMCC, LLC. BOXES 5 nlRU 9 MUST BE TYPfD ORPRINIED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. ". 11111111111 11I1 nlllllllllllll 11111111111111 11111111 I 111111 11m II 11111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK: RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of In8trumeut I DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pagesl 3 Receipt NUmber I 05-0062588 TRANSJl'BR TAX BOMBBR: 04-44469 Recorded: At: 06/13/2005 11:14:37 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012391 972 District. 1000 Section I Block I 116.00 06.00 .YlIoJIINJm AHD CHARGBD AS i'OLLOWS $0.00 LotI OOt.OOO Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above I:nstrumeut Jbr'""'lpt Bx8lllpt Page/Filing $9.00 110 Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 110 RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 110 BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 110 Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 110 SC'l'K $0.00 110 Transfer tax $0.00 110 COlD. Pre. $0.00 NO Fee. Paid $149.00 TlU\NSFD TAX NUllBDI 04-44469 '1'HI:S PMB I:S A PART OF THIl I:NSntJJCBNT T.BIS IS HOT A BILL Bdward P.RoIIIIaine County Clerk. Suffolk County I , . Foil COUNTY USE ONL V PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 Cl. SWIS eo. IY.? 3.9~f'1 C4.P_1 fit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT (211 /~ I~-I 1llIr _ , r.?~..J STATE OF NEW YORIC STATE IlOARD OF IlEAL -.nv IERVICES cz. o.m lIHcI __ C3._ PROPERTY INFORMAnON RP - 5217 I&P-AI1 .... J1JI "=1 10230 ,,"u_t1 New Suffolk Ave. .,..u..... Southold art'0I1'IIMiI Cutchogue va""" 11935 . cum ......... ....... REHCC, LLC LASI NoIIt'a/CCMtANW -- I.MT hAlt"[ , CUIII'NW -- 3. Tu IndilalllwhetlfulurtTlXllillnlobtunl I ...... .--__..._oIbml. - LUT N&W: lCOWot.NV ....tT UMf Ir.... _II AND .'laIr NAIll CI1YCMlTQfffll 11 ,orParcoIII OR 0 Parlar. ,.... "'... ...- 4......,. the.......... 01 A- TlMt RoI ,..... ll._.....w... .. the .... L =.,., I &be ~xl ........1 -. IORI -- - 1OaIy._0I'_1~.__, 4A. PIInnIng brd whh Subd~rtIia.n AlAhoriIy E.. 0 ...___I__....r........ 0 4C. Po....Apprawod lot _wi" Mop_ 0 Mujorie _T_ ..- N... McCall LMr~,COIII'AN't LASr.....'~ -- 7, ca._ ta. ba. ...... which .... .....". .w., ....... tile UN of the property M: 1:'" ..... r1I uIr. U. Del. r1I .... I Tr.__ 5 '1'" - !lor 05 I .... ~.........-.__: .. ew-Mlp Typo la -..,... 0 I ~ tommunky -... .. - tGnIIruo:Iion on v....," ..nd 0 J - 'M. "'- a-..d widlin.. AQ<lcuilurol _ill. 0 K PubficSorvlc:o ,..._-...~-,......... 0 L Foral .... tho prapeny Ia 1ft.. AQncuIIw.. DiIrricI 1" a--. _ ....... 01.............. .......... to .1IIIfer. .r\ SIIIe Between fWatJ'IeI or Former RIUtiv.. B Silo BotwlIan RoIattd Cornpnea or hnner, in binul C 0nlI0I...._1I_._ o _... _ 11_........,.. LondIng .......... E llHd Typo .. W......" .. ....... ond _ CS""""" ......, " .... 01 -_10<'-0........ -1_Iv_ Ci ~ QIongo In "-tv _ r...bIo S.......nd _ Doloo H ""oI_.-loln."_,,,__ I 00.... U......., --...-.... Solo _1_Iv_ I NoN . t!)JI~ -..II,,~" 1..-t,~J. W'1~M1. ^~Ono___ H 2 Of 3 F_mlly ......nUal (" RnIHnliIl VKoInt LInd o N_ V... Lond I SALE INFORMAllON I 11. ..... CantncI _ E~"'_" F ConvnIn:1I1 G Ap\Il'tnwn J' IEnIwbIlnmant I AmullOmllnl - 1 ""' 1 .... ,I. FuU .... _ , ,.0,0.0 I , , . IFull SIlt Price illM total 'mounI pAid far die propedy including ......, ptOpIr1". lhll peyment '"" be in,he Iorrn aI..... aIhIr property or...... Dr thD -.umpdon 01 _..-......-.1 __....___......... 14.===::= I .O~ 0,0 I ASSESSMENT INFORMAnoN - 1lII.. should retloct tho ....11 Flnel_nt Roll end T.. Bill ,..._". -..lioii-104/051 17.T...._.........._In_11 which 'uL ......... ...... , ; 8, 5 0.0 I i ,.._a- l1.........~-u ,..__.......1 Mattituck-Cutchogue ... T..__, __IN..... _.....____.._1 1000-116.00-06.00-004.000 I , CERTIFlCAOON , I ftI1II'y .... .. 01.... .--. at I............. enItnd OIl." form ... ... and Qn'IICI 110 ... ... fll....,. Ir......... ... ....... .. I .._.1-...... ... lJac.1IIaIdq or D)' _u1.-_ ,,_........... wlII............., Il1o __.."............ _OlD'" OlIIIdolI-lIIIooIor__... ~ BUYER'S ATTllIINn' REHCC, LLC y.. By: 7147 p[ I:t/# 1519...;)01)5 Robm"t~"1t:Call, Kember .... loJd.S I~n Suffo\\\ Avenue. .ulln........ ..".......".,IIiIIUW ~~'\le 5 Wickham, Abigail A. lMTlIMPI ..., .... 631 298-8353 AMA CIXIt 1tI.D'tIDt<<...,. ( r.> . _ L....l'~e..,ll!lo -..... lJJ.. C.:../.5) Marjorie McCell I S-f'i~d@5 .... NEW YORK STATE COpy SEWR ....--