HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 973 . ~. flL,- 0- Lf , '. '; Sill_ill N. Y.B. T.U. Form 8002 - Bargoln .Ad SIIi DeId, with ClMnInt IlIIInII GIlIn"". AclI- UnWorm Acknowlldgmonl Form 3280 . C~LT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUIIENT-THIS INSTRUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY . L!J3Lrl f Ll ~/3 THIS INDENTURE, rnade the BETWEEN MARJORIE MCCALL, residing at 10230 New Suffolk Avenue, Cutchogue, New York 11935. party of the first part, and la-t!J. ,< I day of. May, 2005 DOWNS CREEK, LLC. an Ohio Limited Uability Company with offices at 665 Mohawk Street. Columbus, Ohio 43206; party of the aecond part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part, in consideration ofTen and 001100 ($10.00) dollars, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors end assigns of the party of the second part forever,,@nlll u,'!ll!lt~dedP!18-lhird interest in ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land. situllle.lying and being at Down's Poin~ Cutchogue, In the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and Stale of New York, bounded and described as followll: BEGINNING at a granite monument located on the ~terly side of a road called New Suffolk Avenue where said road is intersected by the westerly fine of the land now or formerly of Fredarick S. Taggart; RUNNING THENCE norlhwetlterly along the soulhwaterly side of said New Suffolk Avenue, North 67 degrees West 224.58 feet to a cement monument and THENCE along a line South 14 degrees 7 minutes Ea8l283.5 feet 10 a cement monument THENCE in a southeastefly direction along a line forming an angle of 1.49 degrees 7 minutes with the last mentioned line, 131.6 feet 10 a chisel mark on the 888 WIlli on the high water mark of Down's Creek Channel; THENCE in an easle~y direction along the high water mark of Down's Creek Channel 118.5 feet to the westerly boundary line of the aforesaid land now or formerly of Frederick S. Taggart; THENCE along the said westerly boundary line of the land now or formerly of Taggart North 14 degrees 48 minutes West 221.6 feet 10 the granite monument at the point or place or BEGINNING. Together with all the right title and interest of the party of the first part hereto of, in and to the land under water in the bed of Down's Crsek Channel in front of and adjOining the prsmises above described. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the sarna prsmises described In deed dated February 8. 1971 and recordad in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk in Liber 8888, page 229. TOGETHER with all right We and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and 10 any slnlets and roads abutting the above described premi_ to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part In and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein grenled unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have basn encumbered in any way whalever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with SectIon 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right 10 receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first 10 the payment of the cost of the impRlV8tT1llnt before using any part of the totel of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if ij rsad "parties" when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this daed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENC" OF: t.J.OJ..; -,;. l,} iJJ, c._I(( , Marjorie McCall IldffddaWJlS(~ ~.. J 3 Number of PI&CS TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Jun 13 11.14,37 AM Edward P,Roaaine . ClERK OF SUFRllK .t:(lJjTY L 000012391 P973 Oll 04-44470 Serial II Cenlflcale II Prior elf. II Deed I MOltJI8i. llIIlrUmenl Deed I MoItpp 'fix Slimp FEI!S Recordloll Filln& Slemps 4 Page I Fillna Fee Handlinl TP-S84 ) Mortpp AmL Notedon I. BuloTax 2. AddItIonal Tax Sub Total EA-S2 17 (County) EA.S217 (Stele) R.P.T.S.A Comm. of Ed. _ Sub Total Certified Copy Rea. Copy Other Sub 1'otB1 SpecJAssit. D. Spea./Add. TOT. MJ'Q. TAX -, Duel Town Duel County_ Hold for Apponlonment .7-=r"_ TnnIfer Tax ~- MeIIIlliQ Tax . Th. property covered by thll mortselo ie or wll1 bo Improvod by lone or two family dwallina oaly. YES or NO If NO, aeo.epproprlafe lIX 01111I0 00 palo II _ ofthll1allnlmenl. 5 Q.Q...- AllIdevil ORAND TOTAL s Real Property tax Service Apm;y Verification Dis!. Section _ - 'u..... - LoI 1000 11600 0600 004000 Communi PresllJ"Yation Conllderation Amount S 0501 843 ~/~: \ -MAY lnilllls --' ___0.--- 7 SltilfactioriiIDiSCIiiirgM/Releues Lilt ProJlOrtY 0wDerI Malllng Addrea RECORD a: RBTURN to: . Stamp '..0 CPP Tax Due $ Improved -. Date acanl Land 'ID I () 'ID TO W1CKIIAM. BRESSl!R, GORDON & GEASA, P.C. 13015 IIAIN ROAD. p.o. BOll424 1IA11l1UCIl, L't 11952 9 B Title Company Information Co. Namo ntle~ Suffolk Coun Recordin & E11dorsenient Pa e This page fonns pert of tbe AIt....-becI Deed made by: Marjorie McCall (SPECFYTYPB OFINS'IlU.lMENT) . The premises herein ill situated in SUFFOLK. COUNIY, NEW YORK. DOWNS CREEK, I.I.C " In !be Township of In !be VIlLAOE or HM1LBT of Southold TO BOXES 5 1HRU 9 MUST BE TYPED ORPRINIlID IN BlACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDINOOR FlIJNO. . III~~IIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIII~I ~IU 1111111111 11111111 1 111111 11111 IIUI 11111111 SO'FPOLIC COtm'lY CLERK RBCORDS OFF.ICB RBCORD.ING PAGB Type of InstrumeDt. DBBDS/DDD Number of Page.. 3 Receipt Numb.r . 05-0063588 TRANSFER TAX RO'MBBR: 04-44470 R.corded. At. 06/13/3005 11.14.37 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012391 973 District. 1000 Section. Block. 116.00 06.00 .....JlIHBD AND CKARGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 004.000 Deed Amount, R.c.ived the Following Fees I'or Above InstrumeDt ExllDlpt ExllDlpt Pag./Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCIIG $15.00 NO BA- C'1'Y $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copi.s $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO TrlU1sfer tax $0.00 NO Camm.Pres $0.00 NO I'ees Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX HOIIBER. 04-44470 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' TD IHSTRmIBNT THIS IS HOT A BILL Edward P.1f........fn. County Clerk. Suffolk County PlEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM - . . . INSTRUCTIONS: http~/ www.orps.state.ny.uB or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONL~' REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT C,. aWls Code 1~,'73,tr,~,rl * BTATE OF NIOW YOIUl C2. DIdII Deed "'1.1 4lId I 1Zf'1.} I~n STATE BOARD OF REAL I'IIlIPER1Y BEIIVICU YA' RP - 5217 C3._ 1/-2.3 ,r.! Ic..,,-I . r.?31 , .I'oNI"...lIt7 PROPERTY INFORMATION , "=1 10230 I New Suffolk AVenue I ""T ,.... .t...u..... I Southo1d 1 CUtchOQue I ll.?Ai I crrY 011 TOWtI ....... ..- I Downs Creek. LLC I I No.. 1.Mr__ lCOMMNr FlIIn~ 1 I I LASI .......,c:DIP'Nn' -- lLT.. ...... whirl fubn T.. l1li..10 be HnI I I I , ..... H____.._oIlannI LAIT .....,COMPo\... HMIMMIII -- I ITIlIIT~ANO.._,NMII! I Cl'YmllCJllIIN I If"'..... 1 I .- I I t. ................... 01 A__ -.ant I 'ofPlrcela OR D hrtofthrcol _._....__.Ihov_: Roll.... ~_..A.rrId on 1M... 1 . 1 0 4A.""""""____E.- I ..0Nd .. 'lIb#-'" ApprcMI_ ~Id for lr..r. 0 -.,y I ~xl 10111 . , . -' . . I 4C.1'M:eI~ror.lbdl\.IIIon~_PrOlllidld 0 - "lOtoTflln ...... ..- I McCall I Ma~orie I , Nome lAaTIMMI/~ ...,. I I I .... .... I I.MT...../~ 7. Ched:... box....... whIoh ............,...... 1M.... vI..........,cw ..... II,.. ......: "-"'--.Ihov_ 0 .. ~.,.,... eo.a.nlnium A~ Ono _.m'ly _., r,~_ I~~- .. Haw CorwarUCllon on YICIn& LancI 0 I R 2 or :s Family RoIidInlIII " Cornnwciol J I.......' ."'" _I...-_.n ............ DiIIricI O. C _,_..... (; - K PuI>Iic_ 1.......,.......~notiI:onllclllng 0 D Non-Ft.hlll"WYl V_nt lind H E......_I_ I. ..... ....1Ilo_.",.............._ , SAlE INFORMATION I 1L a.aII _ _.... of -. .......... _ .................,., 11. .... ConI,. II-. I I I I A~ SoIo__..__ - "" y- Ri- ___Com_,,-"'n_ I 05 ,ICJ 105 I C _ _01..._.............. 11. Dlte 01 .... I Tr........ D _ _.. _.. _..... ~ or lancing InotiIudon - "" - H... 0Md T_... W.._ or _n end _ ~ SoIowI F ~ _ of __, .. ................... 1&_ Solow' 11. FuU .... Price L, . . , . ,-,0.0.01 G _ SiQ_ Chongo 'n "'-"" _ T_"'" end So.. Ootoo . II _ SO...._..,_InS....... , , . lFun Silt PrIce '- the.. .mounI paid lor u.a properly inGIYding ....",1 PfOPWIY. J _ 0Ih0r u_ __ AflDCIlng 5.1........ c~_ Thll peymenllNIV . In the f'Dnn DI' UlIt, alhor prGPIlrty or DDOdL Of .._.....iDn ar J__ . " martpgtl 0' other obIlpdont.) ,..". round ro tha ...,.., IIIIrAt tIoIW Ir7IOId. {)I1t.../Iu.nI mkt~ ~"ve.rJ, ,..-...-..- I ,-,0,0,01 --....- . , . . . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DoIlIlhould .-Ih. _ Firwl_ont RolI..d Tlx Bill I '..v....aI& "Mtflolllrom IOA.nlil'7 T....~v.....(af.........In~1 . . , . . .8 5 0 01 whIdI ....~~dan ..... . , , ,.. -.,y.... LL...~-LJ ".___1 Mattituck-CUtchogua I ...T..__'....._......__._____I 1 1000-116.00-06.00-004.000 I 1 I I I I 1 I CERTIFICATION I IftIIIl)'......or...-or__.....______,....._or"'1..... 'Q. ..._....1. . .-- ...... tile maI&Ina or..y _u1 .... _ or _ IIoo.t ....... _III NIIlJod ........ _...... or 1M _ .... .-.. ......IllIIdna... .... fIIlloIoo .............. BUYER BUYElra ATTOIlNEY Downs Creek,LLC ~ 1~/,Jb$) W Ic'K 1-/Jl14.1. I ABIG-A IL ...T_ . _T_ _1\l1li. DA: I a 1yn McCall, Member g {~;;, I tn~ ~~k' (".31 I 2q$-835~ I '..... ......WlUlIAU. -- 111...... ....... Go lombus IOH- ,lf~{)Db em.. .- ....IL ..- SEIll1l NEW YORK STATE 5'/, ., /as COpy II h,~''''''';" ~ c.('..,~ I -. -.allR. Mar orie c all .... --. --- -- -. . -