HomeMy WebLinkAboutData Collection Plan for LI Transp Plan to Manage Congestion Phase III
Prepared for:
Prepared by:
Dunn Engineering Associates
INTRODUCTION ..... .... .................. ......... ................ .... ......... 1
AUTOMATIC TRAFFIC COUNTS .......................................... 2
MANUAL TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS............................ 2
ORIGIN-DESTINATION SURVEy........................................... 4
TRAVEL TIME, SPEED AND DELAY STUDy........................... 8
VEHICLE CLASSIFICATION COUNTS.................................... 8
VEHICLE OCCUPANCY COUNTS ......................................... 9
APPENDiX........................................................................ 10
Disk #461C
File: TOC.doc
Dunn Engineering Associates (DEA), Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade and Douglas, Inc. (PB) and
JAC Planning Corporation (JAC) will coordinate and collect the necessary data to serve as a
basis for the analysis to be performed in the North Fork Transportation Study. In order to obtain
data allowing for meaningful and relevant analysis, data collection will be performed during the
months of July and August in this area of highly seasonal traffic flows, with additional data
collected in the Fall.
The data collection efforts to be undertaken for the study will be I) Automatic Traffic Recorder
Counts, 2) Manual Turning Movement Counts, 3) an Origin-Destination Study, 4) Vehicle
Classification Counts, 5) Vehicle Occupancy Counts, and 6) a Travel Time Speed and Delay
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File: Report.doc
Twenty-four (24) hour traffic counts will be taken at locations within the study area using
Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) machines. These machines will be placed in the field,
monitored and analyzed by DEA personnel.
A field crew consisting of a supervisor/technician and a helper will be assigned to the automatic
traffic count program. ATR machines, using a pneumatic road tube for vehicle detection will be
placed by field personnel under the direction of the designated supervisor at each location. At
least one day prior to the installation of the machine, the supervisor will determine where the
road tubes are to be placed. The counters are to be transferred to the next location following the
morning peak period and prior to the onset of the evening peak hour. On weekends, all
equipment is to be left in place. Field personnel will physically place the tubes and clamps using
PK nails and hammers. The tubes will be further supported with tape.
The supervisor will program each machine before connecting the tube by indicating the time,
date, location, frequency of count period and direction (A, B, A-B, A+B, etc.). It will also be the
responsibility of the supervisor to download the count data when the machine is relocated and
before the next count is started. The data will be returned to the office and processed by office
personnel. Each location is to be counted for a minimum of 2 weekdays and an entire weekend.
The data collection crew will check each machine location at least once a day. Tubes will be
checked and the counter opened and observed to ensure that it is counting correctly.
Data will be processed and submitted to NYSDOT for review in such format as to comply with
EI96-045, Traffic Monitoring Standards.
A list of the locations that volume data is to be collected using the ATR's is presented In
Attachment A, Automatic Traffic Recorder Count Locations.
Manual counts are to be taken for three hours in the weekday morning and evening peak periods,
and for five hours on Saturday. The time for these counts will be from 6:30 A.M. to 9:30 A.M.,
and from 3:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. on weekdays and from 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Saturday.
The counts will be taken on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays of each week during the
survey period. Data will not be collected on holidays.
The purpose of these counts is to obtain data on turning movements of vehicles entering each
intersection or interchange during each fifteen minute period for each approach of the
intersection. Counts are to be totaled for each fifteen minute period during each three hour
To facilitate the counts, each crew member will be provided with a clipboard mounted with tally
counters or an IMC Automatic Count Board. Crew members utilizing tally counters will record
the fifteen minute counts onto tally sheets as shown in Figure 1.
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File: Repon.doc
Each crew member will generally be expected to count traffic entering from at least two
intersection approaches. At those locations where traffic volumes are light, all approaches to an
intersection will be counted by one crew member. The turning movement count supervisor will
determine the number of field data collectors used at each location based on a field observation
of the intersection prior to the day of the pedestrians count. Field personnel will be required to
record left turning, through and right turning vehicles and also to keep track of the number of
trucks and buses by approach. Trucks are defined as having a minimum of 2 axles and 6 tires.
No vans, panel trucks or pickups are to be counted as trucks.
Supervisors will be responsible for entering the initial information on each form before providing
the form to the field personnel. This information includes location, approach, direction, type of
intersection (signalized, non-signalized) time period and the name of the assigned personnel.
The field supervisor will also develop a field diagram for each location including number of
lanes, lane assignments, lane widths, signal and head displays, signal phasing and timing (if
All counts whether collected with automatic count boards or with tally counters and tally sheets
shall be reduced utilizing available traffic engineering software. This will allow data to be stored
on computer disk and be printed out both graphically and in tabular form. In addition, the
program automatically determines the peak hour and peak hour factors by approach.
Attachment B, Turning Movement Count Locations, presents a listing of locations to be counted.
Survey Procedure
Through the use of a postcard origin and destination survey study, the current trip origin and
destination patterns of vehicles trips traversing the study area will be determined. Information
on starting and ending points of trips, the time of day of trips, travel times, trip purposes, trip
routes, vehicle occupancy, and other appropriate information will be sought. This information
will be used to determine diversions from/to other facilities/modes due to improvement proposals
as well as to determine current patterns highway users employ that reflect real or perceived
reaction to traffic congestion.
It is proposed that origin and destination surveys be performed at the following locations:
1. c.R. 58 at Kroemer Avenue
2. Route 25 at Tanger Mall Drive
3. Sound Avenue in the vicinity of Youngs Avenue
4. Route 25 at Youngs Avenue
5. Route 25 at Orient Ferry
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The survey program involves handing out postage paid questionnaires to motorists that utilize
the study area roadways. Locations will be surveyed during the morning (6:30 A.M. to 9:30
A.M.) and evening peak period (3:30 P.M. to 6;30 P.M.). To insure that each survey station is
operated properly, the list of instructions presented in Table 1 and Table 2 has been compiled for
field crews and supervisors, respectively.
The arrangement of information on the questionnaire form, and the number and type of data
fields, will be designed for maximum ease of data entry. The questionnaires will be "self-
coding" so that data entry personnel will have a limited amount of referencing to a separate
listing of codes.
Each questionnaire will have a unique preprinted number that will be used to identify the
location and time of day where it was distributed and the field worker responsible for distributing
it. To correlate this information with the questionnaire numbers, the field worker will record the
beginning and ending number of each sequentially numbered questionnaires at the time the
questionnaires are distributed.
Questionnaires will be designed to conform to the U.S. Post Office "Business Reply Mail"
regulations. JAC Planning Corp. will make arrangements with the Post Office for the mailback
permit number, utilizing its existing post office box number in Great Neck.
Maintenance and Protection of Traffic
In order to minimize the impact on traffic flow conditions and ensure the safety of both the
motorists and the survey crews, basic maintenance and protection of traffic plans have been
developed for each of the origin and destination study survey locations.
These plans provide a general layout for traffic control devices, and the recommended
positioning of survey personnel at each of the study locations.
Locations controlled by traffic signals will allow survey personnel to distribute survey cards
during the red signal phase. When this phase occurs, survey personnel can move along the line
of stopped traffic to distribute the survey cards. During the green phase, when traffic is moving,
the passing out of survey cards will cease until traffic is again stopped by a red traffic signal.
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File: Report.doc
1. Report to the interchange assigned to you that is being surveyed at least 20 minutes
prior to the start of the survey. The supervisor will give each person a safety jacket,
hard hat, clipboard and a pack of survey questionnaire cards.
2. At each ramp, one person will be given the responsibility of counting the cars that enter
or exit the highway from the ramp, recording the number of people in each car and the
vehicle type (car, truck, bus, etc.) at the same time.
3. At each ramp, one person will be given the responsibility of flagging. The flagger, at
the direction of the supervisor, will be responsible for slowing down vehicles as they
approach the survey personnel.
4. Each person that is handing out cards is responsible for recording the number of the
cards that he/she gives out during each period as well as the beginning and ending
number of the consecutively numbered cards. A specifically designed calculation sheet
has been prepared for this purpose. So there will be no mistakes, all crew members are
required to record the number of the first card of each peak that they receive in the
appropriate space. Every half hour each crew member is to record the number of the
last card they gave out in that period and the number of the first card to be given out in
the next period.
5. As cards are handed out by the data collectors they should be visually scanned to make
sure they have printing on both sides. Incorrectly printed cards shall not be given out.
6. The supervisor shall continuously check the queuing of traffic to assure that queues do
not interfere with thru traffic on the Parkway mainlines or cross streets. Upon
instruction by the supervisor, the data collectors handing out the post cards should
wave the queue through. Once the queue is cleared, the supervisor will direct the data
collector to begin handing out cards again. The persons counting the vehicles and
recording occupancy should continue this operation even when vehicles are being
waved through.
7. Crew members should be prepared for all kinds of weather, especially cold weather and
rain. Wear shoes that are comfortable and strongly arched to avoid fatigue.
8. All crew members must be polite and businesslike at all times. At not time should any
member of the survey crew argue with a motorist. Any irate motorists should be
referred immediately to the supervisor present.
9. Crew members are not to give out information relating to any aspects of this study. If
any driver persistently asks questions, refer them to one of the supervisors.
Instructions to Field Crew
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File: Tablel.doc
Field surveys of travel times, speeds and delays during peak periods in both directions along
NYS Route 25, C.R. 48 and C.R. 58. The study roadway will be divided into sub-loops, so as to
increase the number of runs per loop during the times of peak activity. One loop will concentrate
on the westerly portion of the study area, in the vicinity of Riverhead, one on the center portion
between Northville Turnpike and Greenport, and one on the easterly portion, between Greenport
and Orient. For each speed survey loop the runs will be conducted for two (2) weekdays, during
the A.M., and P.M. peak time periods and on one Saturday in order to obtain speed data for
identification of the onset, duration, and extent of congestion. The speed and delay loops shall
extend between the easterly terminus of the LIE and the entrance to the Orient Point ferry
The standard "floating car" method shall be utilized to obtain typical running speeds and to
record delays and delay causes by entrance ramp nose checkpoints for each survey run. Graphic
plots of speed vs. time and location shall be developed directly.
The test vehicle shall enter the loop at the beginning of the peak period at the stated start point,
recording each predetermined checkpoint as it is passed. After passing the designated end ofthat
segment, the vehicle will re-enter the loop in the opposite direction, and repeat the procedure in
that direction. This procedure shall be repeated until the end of the peak period. The last run
underway shall be completed even ifit extends past the end of the peak period.
Vehicle classification counts will be conducted at five locations within the corridor to determine
the composition by vehicle type of traffic within the primary study area. The vehicles will be
classified using FHW A criteria of thirteen different vehicle types as follows:
1. Motorcycles
2. Passenger Cars
3. Two-axle, four tire single units
4. Buses
5. Two axle, six tire single units
6. Three axle single units
7. Four or more axle single units
8. Four or fewer axle single trailers
9. Five angle single trailers
10. Six or more axle single trailers
II. Five or fewer axle multi-trailers
12. Six axle multi-trailers
13. All others
These counts will be performed utilizing ATR machines to collect data on number of axles and
axle spacings. These data shall be submitted to NYSDOT for review and processing in keeping
with EI96-045.
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If it is determined that accurate interpretation of axle impulses into vehicle classification cannot
be obtained due to low speeds, a shorter, manual count will be taken. The vehicle classification
counts will be performed on Route 25 and C.R. 58 in the westerly portion of the study area, on
Route 25 and C.R. 48 in the central portion, and on Route 25 east of Greenport.
Vehicle occupancy counts will be performed at five locations within the study area. These
counts will be conducted during the weekday A.M. and P.M. peak periods and during the
Saturday peak period.
Each vehicle passing the survey location shall be recorded as having I, 2, 3 or more than 4
occupants. Tallies will be made for each fifteen minute period during the study period, and
average occupancy rates shall be determined at each location for the weekday A.M. and P.M.
peak periods and the Saturday peak period. These tallies shall be recorded on the Vehicle
Occupancy forms provided. An example of the occupancy form is presented in Figure 6. The
locations surveyed shall be the same as those at which vehicle classification data is collected.
File: Report.doc
Screen Line Counts
NYS Route 25, west of LIE interchange
LIE mainline, west of Exit 72
Sound Avenue, west of Osborne Avenue
C.R. 105 north of Route 24
NYS Route 25, west of Orient Ferry
NYS Route 114, north offerry terminal
C.R. 94A, south of West Main Street
Peconic A venue, south of East Main Street
Summer Network Counts
Roanoke A venue, south of Sound Avenue
C.R. 58, east of Mill Road
C.R. 43 Northville Turnpike, north of C.R. 105
C.R. 105, south ofC.R. 43
Route 25, west ofTuthills Lane
Aldrich Lane, north of Route 25
Cox Neck Road, north of Route 25
Wickham Avenue, east of Mary's Road
Mill Lane, south of Oregon Avenue
Oregon Road, between Elijah's Lane and Alvah's Lane
Alvah's Lane, south ofC.R. 48
Depot Lane, south ofC.R. 48
Peconic Lane, south of C.R. 48
Sound View Avenue, east of Chapel Lane
Route 25, east ofPeconic Lane
Moore's Lane, south ofC.R. 48
Fall Network Counts
Route 25, west of Orient Ferry
C.R. 48, west of Main Street
LIE, west of Exit 72
Sound A venue, west of Osborne Avenue
In addition, it is estimated that counts will be taken at 5 major traffic generators in the study area.
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File: Dividcn
Route 25 @ Mill Road
Route 25 @ Peconic Road
Route 25 @Roanoke Avenue
Route 25 @C.R. 58/Doctor's Path
Route 25 @ C.R. 105
Route 25 @ South James Port Avenue
Route 25 @ Manor Lane
Route 25 @ Bay Avenue
Route 25 @New Suffolk Avenue
Route 25 @WickhamAvenue
Route 25 @LoveLane/SoundAvenue
Route 25 @ Mill Lane
Route 25 @ Alvahs Lane
Route 25 @ New Suffolk Road
Route 25 @ Depot Lane
Route 25 @ Peconic Lane
Route 25 @ Ackerly Pond Lane/Bayview Avenue
Route 25 @ Horton Lane
Route 25 @ Youngs Avenue
Route 25 @ Moores Lane
Route 25 @ Main Street
Route 25 @ Main Street/C.R. 48
C.R. 58 @ Mill Road
C.R. 58 @RoanokeAvenue (''The Circle")
C.R. 58 @ Northville Turnpike
Sound Avenue @ Osborne Avenue
Sound Avenue @C.R. 105
Sound Avenue@ C.R. 43
Sound Avenue @ Manor Lane
Sound Avenue @Aldrich Lane
Sound Avenue @ Cox Neck Road/Middle Road
Sound Avenue @ Wickham Avenue
Sound Avenue@MillLane
Sound Avenue @Alvahs Lane
Sound Avenue @ Depot Lane
Sound Avenue @Mill Lane/Peconic Lane
Sound Avenue @ Horton Lane
Sound Avenue @ Y oungs Avenue
Sound Avenue@Moores Lane
Disk #461C
File: AttachB.doc