HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeconic Estuary Program Eelgrass Habitat Criteria Study March 1999PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA STUDY VOLUME I Prepared For: Suffolk County Department of Health Services Department of Ecolo~ County Center, 2"d Floor Riverhead, New York 11901-3397 Prepared By: EEA, Inc. 55 Hilton Avenue Garden City, New York 11530 (516) 746-4400 eea~ent.net MARCH 1999 $outhold Town F~lanning Board Although the information in thi~ document has been furlded whol].'v or L~I part h.~' the United State5 Protectiol~ .-~e~c~' ullcler C:ol~tt'nc:~Llal t~-eem~nt number 01-440~-4980-18-1633 to the Suffolk Cou~' Department Health fierx~ces, it ma.',' not necessarily refiecl the ~e~s of the Agency and no official endorsement should be inferred. PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS ENTRODUCTION 1.1 Study Objectives 1.2 Geographic Description 1.3 Historical Distribution of Eelgrass in the Peconic Estuary. REVIEW OF EXISTIiNG DATA AND LITERATURE 2.1 Biology of Eelgrass 2.2 Chesapeake Bay Study 2.3 Long Island Sound Study SITE SELECTION AND DESCRIPTION 3.1 Flanders Bay (Station 170) 3.2 Great Pecanic Bay (Station 130) 3.3 Eastern Robins Island (Station 069) 3.4 Eastern Hog Neck Bay (Station 081) 3.5 West Neck Harbor (Station 124) 3.6 Coecles Harbor (Station 122) 3.7 Hallocka Bay (Station 112) 3.8 Cornelius Point (Station 144) 3.9 Majors Harbor (Station 143) 3.10 Three-Mile Harbor (Station 132) 3.11 Napeague Harbor (Station 134) 3.12 Lake Montauk (Station 135) 3.13 Accabonac Harbor (Station 133) 3.14 Northwest Creek (Station 131) bLETHODOLOGIES 4.1 Water Quality. Monitoring 4.2 Sediment Quality. Monitoring 4.3 Hydrodynamic Monitoring Euuinment 4.4 Data Reduction ANALYSIS 5.1 Water Quality 5.2 Substrate Quality 5.3 Hydrodynamic Analysis 5.3.1 Westerm'Central 5.3.2 Eastern 5.4 Wind Trend Eelgrass Transplantation and Monitoring Program 6.1 Napeague Harbor (1997) 6.2 Cutchogue Harbor and Cedar Beach (1997) 6.3 Napeague Harbor (1998) PaTe 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 .10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 20 2O 26 27 27 29 32 32 32 33 33 PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS ItABITAT CRITERIA 7.0 8.0 9.0 Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 6.4 Eetgrass Monitoring Program 34 6.4.1 Napeague Harbor (1997) 34 6.4.2 Cedar Beach & Cutchogue Harbor (1997) 35 6.4.3 Napeague Harbor (1998) 35 DISCUSSION 36 7.1 Water Quality 36 7.2 Substrate Quality. 41 7.3 Hydrodynamic Trends 42 7.4 Wind Treads 43 7.5 Eelgrass Transplantation Program 44 CONCLUSIONS RECOM~MENDATIONS 9.1 Proposed Eelgrass Habitat Criteria for the Peconic Estuary 9.2 Proposed Additional Studies LIST OF TABLES Summary of Water Quality Parameters (1997 & 1998) Temperature Data Light Extinction Data Proposed Eelgrass Habitat Criteria for The Peconic Estuary LIST OF FIGURES '45 46 46 47 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Eelgrass Station Location Map Grain Size Distribution Map Eelgrass Harvest and Transplantation Location Map Napeague Harbor 1998 Transplantation Index Map PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS ItABITAT CRITERIA EXECUTIVE SLFMIVIARY The main objective of this study is to develop criteria for eelgrass habitat establishment and persistence within the Peconic Estuary utilizing various environmental analyses. The Program evaluated water and sediment quality data to cha[acterizE~::~'onditions within the estuary where eelgrass (Zostera marina) density is highOi!i!!lowest~ii~i/i~, stressed, and non-existent based on previous studies of eelgrass distfibuf{~:~ithin th~!~:~ii~ashin, 1996)~i:: :' Also analyzed, were general hydrodynamic trends at sele~t eelgra~:i~ni~:~i!i~3s w~:' the estuary. The collected data were then compared to i~eria fi-omi~e Conne:~i~g:.~iand Sound Study (LISS) and the Chesapeake Bay Study (C~iiiiiilZi::i~::? .... :,::::~:,:::::::, ....... While not a primary study goal, eelgass test plots were ~i~il}~}~izing various methods for harvesting and transplanting eelgrass to determine the m~l su ii hodology for tkis EEA, Inc. m cooperauon vath the Suffolk Co~:.U~nt::of Healtli:'Serv~ces, East Hampton Town Natural Resources Department, and!i~6rnell C~p~i~?smn chose 14 fixed sampling locations (Figure 1) within the ~ary. T~l~ie la~re chosen in part, based upon historical eelgrass bed density surro~_Og landware as w~i'as mformauon provided m the 199 SAV study by Cash,n Assocmtes. ::~}~i~i'~co~sance an~511~enal photography at 1:1,200 (1996) were used to characterize the sta~il Water qua~::~pmtormg:~g~ucted bgi~'as m-kind servxces for this project. Water quahty catli~a~idata ha~een:~i~n~gotng throff~hout the estuary by the SCDHS since 19 6. Collectioa~ifi~i~is assoai~t~gi~l~::this project was conducted one time per month at each station for th~i~i~:.June, '~ , and September, 1997 and May 1998. All collections General:~s~cal chemx~i~eters were measured each t~me water collections were cond gd by SC ) S. a i ameters include salinity, temperature, conductivity, pi-I, secchi d~sc~!ii~ssolved oxygen, d,:~tl~:'and li_~ht extmct~on coefficient. Water samples collected for la~0~tory analysis inc!~.~ total suspended solids, chlorophyll-a, dissolved inorganic phosphorous (~phosphate) anttii~§solved inor~,anic nitrogen 0qOX and NH~) 0iOig ~O~aiel ~tuality run conducted by SCDHS, E£& Inc. collected sediment samples. Sed{ni~ ~01Ie'itions were conducted from t[ie boat utilizing a 0025 meter-square petite bottom grab sampler. Often, multiple grabs were composited to acquire a suitable sample size Additionally, weather data and global position (GPS) were recorded Sediment was collected for total organic carbon (TOC) and grain size analysis Grain size -1- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS E[ABITAT CRITERIA collections were conducted one time during the Project Term to obtain general grain size distribution data for each sampling location. Samples were sent to Chemtech, Inc. for analysis within 30 days from collection. A Falmouth Scientific 3D-ACM acoustical flow meter was deployed at s~:eral l~iions to get a general picture of hydrodynamic conditions existing where eelgrass transitional, stressed and lush. Vector, velocity and ternper~i::~of ne~i~.!tions were (132) Northwest Creek (131) Cornelius Point (144), d~s~/;or (122) Fl~i~;'(170) A Seapoint Turbidity Sensor was added to the flow me~#~:in ~i~}i!:.~fhree-Mile Harbor and Napeague Harbor were monitored prior to the addit[~!!.ofthe tu~:~l~i~Br and therefore are Usm~ water quality data provxded by SCD~g$; mont~]':~i~g~i!ianthrnetm means were calculated nsmg Microsot~ Excel 97. TM:.:santhmetm::means:iiii~0[~?ased to generate tables and graphs for analysis of data and are locaf~i:l tn the.::~ppendtce~:::of this report. The data were organized by station and by seaso~:~i~g S~5::§ummer):f~ eelgrass (Zostera marina). For this study the growing season is assu~::to be Iv~h throug~'~November and the summer season is Flow mei~::~i~i~ere cc~ii~,SCII fd~i~ Excel 97 was used to generate graphs for turbidity '~}~!:c~iicablei~:i~e, vector and velocity for analysis. Analysis of th!::~!~ii~d represented data were conducted for water quality, sediment ~:::~aii::~2~ics.:?~thmetic means were computated for all appropriate water q~ data ass6~::!~::.this study. Sediment data were analyzed by the raw data pro~'i~ from the labor~ii~ding TOC. Grain size has been ~raphically represented in pie chef?and shown in FigU~ 2'::i'~illustrate percentage of particle siz~ distribution at the various lofiiti0ns for this study,.?::~:yector velocity., temperature and turbidity (where applicable) have been ~cally presente4~;'Appendix D to illustrate cyclic ongoing events within the estuary. E{!~[.:.:~i~ P[~ ~ere conducted by EHTNRD, CCE and EEA, Inc. as in-kind services for this prbi~i:.::~lSHhg harvest and transplantation of eelgrass was conducted in Napeague Harbor for both 1997 and 1998. Fall harvest and transplantation were conducted by CCE at Cedar Beach Point and Cutchogue Harbor in 1997. Initially, monitoring consisted of tD'ing to locate the transplanted bed and determine whether the eetgrass blades looked healthy, whether wasting disease was suspected, whether grazing had occurred or whether the eelgrass was dying or had -2- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA died off. By 1998, the monitoring program had become better developed because the goals for transplantation were defined more clearly. The objective was to observe each ofth~ ~ight transplant locations to determine the general health of the plants using a [~!.~tive ~ of good, poor or excellent. Additional observations regardin~ die back, wildlife U~ati~i' and epiphytic growth were also noted. Each monitoring event incl~uded an~nderwat~::.~a~h and a measurement of water temperature, i::i?? ~ii::iiii~:::iliiiiiiiiii~:ii~}ii?~i!?ii:, There has never been any follow-up monitoring location by CCE. The conditions of those unknown. It is presumed that due t, transplanted and the' observations made at Ced~ Beach Point, that the d is minimal. Water quality data collected specifically for this stu(~2~:+~ measurements for the areas supporting thick bed~ii~!~s. The ............... ~orting the densest beds, averaged 0.3 m4 Kd, 3.1/2g]l chloroph~iii~:!~i~!i~, 0.02~ DIN, and summer DO of 7.1 m_W1. Except for chlorophyll-a, the i~rved p~~.out the Peconics fall on average, lower than the estuary average~i~ornm~d f~?~ii~a Requirements for the Chesapeake Bay and the Long Islan~ji~nd. ~:~ii? The '97?98 water data collected:~njun~i~!'with ttfi~dy were compared to water quality data analyzed by SCDHS s^v in general, water quality conditions are suitable fo~::~mtablishrne~i~gass at ~' depth only in the eastern portion of the estuary :~i~.£or 19'~}!~:~:<luite c~'~le to the data collected for 1997 and 1998 and there are ~ii~:[al v~/i~!~)~.~en water years. As described in.:8~{~f~i~:~L sand ~{13:h and scour are obvious from aerial photo~,raphy. In general, santiii~'~:~F~6fiii~on the':;~iistern portions of land masses such as peninsulas and islands.:~:~S~3ur occurs ~l~i~ ~he western portion of these same land masses. EEA, Inc. eval~:~ the mapping p:~;:}ay Cashin Associates (1996), which clearly indicates that the thirst eelgrass beds o~r ~:'the eastern portion of the estuary and on the eastern portions of th~isame land masse~i~:~EA, Inc. has correlated our field observations during the Eel~ass ~lant IVlonitorigg Program, with the suspected importance that periodic burial may facilitate f~-~516aization of.~l~rass to the regional picture of shifting sands and probable burial along the ~i~'~6~ ~P~hese esmarine land masses. This premise should be investigated further, as thC ~'~ ~e of work for this study does not pro~Sde for further investigation and analysis of this concept. Additionally, substrate TOC is fairly low within the estuary Grain size analysis correlates with previous studies conducted within the estuary and grain size trends already established -3- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS I~kBITAT CRITERIA The hydrodynamic data, although rated as baseline, indicates typical tidal and wind-influenced occurrences for an estuary within the main bays, peripheral bays and tidal creeks. The larger bays show si~maificant evidence of wind forces predominating with many diurnal pulses. The peripheral bays and large tidal creeks, depending on size and location, fall between wind-dr/v~.ilmd tidally influenced. Most of the small tidal creeks indicate predictable ebb/flood ~cles o,~eFa 24-hour period. As there are many variables considered when determining:~:~verall eel~ass re-establishment is a primary goal, most variabl~i~easured criteria established for other major estuaries along the eiiii~oast many years of data, the Peconic Estuary is a very from year to year. As observed in the of the eel~ass beds along the eastern coastline ofthe~:United modest recovery was observed. Between 35 reached thick densities and had be in a state of recovery now, anticipated for another 25 to 30 years. recurrences of brown tide which disbar'the and measurements of water and sedm~ent ~ d d '°~' eca es. · .......... Inc. dufins and N~ EEA, impacted nearly 90% i years passed before eel~ass had c Estuary may, in fact, ' natural recolonization to the periodic ystem. Continued observations invaluable data over the ne,ct several locations within the estuary local long-term residents and baymen discovered that at certain areas, such as Cornelius Point than one-meter was historically are dominated by C. fragile and Grassilwria sp. established baseline conditions within the Peconic Estu~::for water and ~:~:, :**:,. . This study was not an exhaustive collection pro.am and did.~ generate enough~:i~tg~{o conduct sound statistical and regression analyses, The inf~iOation provided s~ld be considered carefuny and should not be used as a sole source for ~itl management d~isions within the estuary. Based on the studies conducted to date, we ~:~end the folVG ing Eelc, rass Habitat Criteria for the Peconic Estuary (Table 5) expressed as m~i~q~:~; quality values. These values are expected to optimize conditions and ~ide r~)~/'i ~ regulators in identifying potentially successful eelgrass restoration areas within the Peconic Estuary. In the ne,ct section (9.2), we also recommend additional studies to be considered in the near future. -4- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS ItABITAT CRITERIA Proposed Eelgrass Habitat Requirements Within the Peconic Estuary Parameter Peconic Estuary Chesapeake LISS LISS (proposed) (2-meter (Draft) ~revised) restoration) Kd (m4) 0. 75 +/- 0.05 < 0.8 DIN (mg/I) O. 02 <0 .15 D][P (mg/l) O. 02 <0 03,::.:::::: ................i::~!32 <~::?::' Chlorophyll -a 5.5 +)-0.$ <I0 TSS (mg/I) *None at this <15 .... Substrate TOC * None at this N/~ ?:?'::~:'i¢iiii!ii::i ~::~i~ii:il i:::: < 3% time ~:::}?::¢ .... Additional data required Statement ofDifficulties: ?i{ii::i¢~:., 1. ~:i~¢!:}?.~d S~!i~h unable t;'::~';ordinate wet-weather sampling events in a timely fas~iiii~!i!~ili~§:.not p~gi~!i~!{~pbilize boat crews and st~ ~om both groups to collect first flu:~::~i~, 2. Pefio~g ~ ~i~ flo~g~r due to chp ~d batte, issues caused a loss of some dat~?~i S{~i~}~:.data ~ere lost were re-measured during the pehod of study. 3. :i~diners isl~d:'~:i~;~imote for stapling, tr~spl~tation ~d moNtofing 4. i:.:. Due to idti~ tec~'~{~mblems with the unde~ater cmera ~d mrbidi~ in Napea~e .... H~bor most pic{~res fo mo~tofi g oft ~spl ted beds ot h lp~l fo th : r n r ~ were n e r e ~ic~ ponio~ ofths study : -5- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA 1.0 ENTRODUCTION The Eelgrass Habitat Criteria Study has been funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through the Peconic Estuary Program and managed by the Suffolk County:~epartment of Health Services. ~ i!::.i?:i::~ EE& Inc. would like to tbank the following Agency's and S~membe3~:~i~eir support and in- kind services during the duration of this study. Without tl!~:i~sistanc~i~:i~t..would:~:~- not have been possible. !ili? :~:.:.:? ....... ~::!!i!i!ii!i!i~i!iii~i!ili!!ii?~iii~!ii::::~ .... ~.~¢i!:::: United States Environmental :::?:?::::?::::::: Protection Agency (USEPA,) Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) Natural Resources Department (E~'RD) ::ii~ii::::::i~ L~:enny :::ii!i~i}ill:)~ :;¢?:::i?:ii: B~by Friedman Comell Co0~rative Exte~i~::~E) :i:i:?~iiii~iii:,ii!?:iiii?:~hris Sm/th :~i:: ;::i! iii:;?'::~'il}~iii:.:~:. ~::!i~:~:ili:~i?:iii:ii?!}ili!!iiii:iiii!~ii:i~:: :~::i:::ii?:?:i:.?:?'"' Sandy Dumais Satural Resou, ai i tion Co=ell D e p art m~i:'"0 f ?1. - - i,i'~!l~!~iO~g~i:~ii::::: Carl Undo Univ~ of New Ham~fi¢~i::::?: :':' Dr. Frederick Short Uni~'sity of Connecticti~? ':? Dr. Charles Yarish University of Washin_m~' Mr. Sandy Weilly Echeverria ~i~hi University : !':" Dr. Jerry Churchill S~v Objectives The m~in o~jective of this study is to develop criteria for eelgrass habitat establishment and persistence within the Peconic Estuary utilizing various environmental analyses The Program evaluated water and sediment quality data to characterize eMsting conditions within -6- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS ltABITAT CRITERIA the estuary where eelgrass (Zostera marina) density is highest, lowest, transitional, stressed, and non-existent based on previous studies of eelgrass distribution within the estuary (Cashin, 1996). Also analyzed, were general hydrodyvamlc trends at selected eelgrass monitoring stations within the estuary. The collected data were then compared to criteria from the ConnecticU~SLong Island Sound Study (LISS) and the Chesapeake Bay Study (CBS). Whle not a primary study goal, eetgrass test plots were est~ed utiii~:..~i~.~?s.methods for harvesting and transplanting eelgrass to determine the mo~!i~'~essful ~i:::.~::for this The Peconic Estuary system is situated between the northe~i?~!~ern forks of Long Island comprised of a series of connected bays and tidal creek~!i::i!i?he:'~ii~er empties into the head of the estuary at Fla::ders Bay, the western mos~::~rtion of {~::~ ~?rom Flanders Bay, the estum stretches eastward to Oreat ?econic Oardiners ( ardy, 1576). slands wit the estuary and ainers. private agencies and organizations (~!~C~MP~i:ii~!5'98). T~:~g~-point source runoff and groundwater seepage account for ~!t~gest freshwater inpfts to the system. The bays which make up the:[:ge¢~mc Estu~:~:~a!~9~ly shallow. The deepest areas are at the 1.3 ,::~i~:~i~?:~s~Or~eal D~s~tm~on, of Eelgrass m the Pecomc Estuary Eel~ass histonc~i~iis:.::i~ell-estati~li~:",anthin the Estuary. In the 1930 s an eptdermc of wasting di§~:i~::~ i~gste~$) almost completely wiped out the eelgrass on the Atlantic coast ot~'ope and N~!i~B~:a. According to Burdick, et. al. (1993), the actual cause &the wastin~!:~tisease was nev~:~ined. However, L. zosterae has recently been identified as the or,sins causing the pr~:e~i~form of wasting disease. Mueb_lstein (1989) has concluded in her w¢~ that L. zosterae is::~e pathogen that was responsible for the 19~0 s wastm_ d~sease events. ~}~e late 1960i~ eetgrass made such a remarkable recovery that it was considered a nuisance b~§~it foi. il~ ~0tor boat propellers, and it washed up large wrack lines along bathing beaches Dut~ngih~/e:severe Brown Tide Years 1985 and 1986, eelgrass beds disappeared at alarming rates due to the density of brown tide ( (Aureococcus anophagefferens) cells which inhibited light penetration necessary for photosynthesis. -7- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA 2.0 REVIEW OF EXISTENG DATA AND LITERATURE 2.1 Biology of Eelgrass A technical description of Zostera marina is described alter Gleason's (1 ~ 1) tr~a)~raent of the species as follows: Common. Stems freely branched, to 2.5 m lvs to l~i~,~: strong veins and many minute ones on sterile stems to lcm wide; on fertile s~:.2-5 ~::i~ii:ii?:i::~.l¢adix 2-8 cm, lacking retinacuta. The beak 1-2mm' seed strongly ribbed,:~:~bs visib!~:::::~ff...... ~ii~ pericarp. 2n=12. Shallow water in sheltered bays and coves usual~!!~hotly the Atlantic coast from Greenland to Florida ('Z. Stenop[~a) Botanists place Zostera mar. ina in the monocotyledon } im!?getonacea. rdari,a produces roots, stems, flow~rs and seeds. The monoeciou~:~?.:~!eelgrass are pollinated under water by the aid of water currents. The growth s~s ~;~i~?!clude vegetative and sexual reproduction (Setchell, 1929). According to setchell, th~:~i~?.~f vegetative growth and sexual reproduction are confined chiefly to lh{~iii~hen the ~re of water is rising from 10 degrees Celsius to 20 degrees Celsi~::::~¢E~growt~:.~ii~::¢arried on in the range of 10 - 15 de~ees Celsius, while reprodu~'occurl~ii::~i~i~[~i~ihe:~r~e of 15-20 degrees Celsius Therefore, according to Setche!!i~':'~fitefia~i?~;~ge~¢~.i~h occurs durin~ the months of March through May, and sexual r uction:d g Maj!i a::: une for the Pecon~c Estuary. Dependent on local meteorology xz~itive ~h may ~'e place slowly through some of the winter months. ::::!iiiii::?" :~i?:i!ii Heat figo?iaii~old rigor :~ impact ~ and physiology of eelgrass. It facilitates disinte~!~e upp~!i~ii~!l~e leav;~::::~:";lder portions of the rhizomes. Fruiting stems die rapidi~?!iii~ to D'~ii~i~.), the influence of temperature upon vegetative growth and reproduc~a~::i~i::~cl appe~.~i~a:::::~:.~(~ important for the geographic distribution of Zostera marina .... i;; :::~!}!!~i!!}~:~i~:i}!:?~i~ ?~::}:~!i~:~i~?:;::~}:~i:.?:~ .... :'~:':'ii!!i}:~}~i::iiiii:~i~:;~:i? In the pg~ic Estuary?~ii~e depth that eelgrass is established for stations included in this Stud i~:'?~pproximately t~2~rs The average depth of low density eelgrass beds is apprO~mately three-meting ~d the average of dense eelgrass beds is approximately 2.7-meters. Tl~!~eight to which it ~ grow above low tide is limited by the type of sea bottom and by the [{~ce of the pl~i.~ng out. The max/mum depth to which eelgrass may grow depends d~ ~he. transpare~,~ of the water (Ostenfield, 1905). In the Peconic Estuary, eelgrass has not b~ ~ed ~::~row above the low tide line for all stations included in this study. Typical sU¢~!}~ ~lgrass within the Pecon/c Estuary ranges from coarse sand-gravel to coarse medium sand xvhere coarse sand~gravel is the predominant substrate. Eelgrass grows well in estuaries where the salinity falls as Iow as 26 parts per thousand (ppt) Small variations in salinity concentrations do not have an appreciable effect on eelgrass -8- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS RABITAT CRITERIA Tutin (1942) states that epiphytic diatoms, other small algae and hydroids, reduce the light availabili~ for the plant to conduct photosynthesis. He concludes that light in general, if not always, is the limiting factor for grovah of eelgrass, especially in deep water. Generally healthy eelgrass rhizomes are thick with short internodes, cree.~:::::.'hag and ~anching freely. In a mature plant, each section produces leaves and a [:~rminal l~{~:i~:hr, and a flowering stem and leah2' branches in the following year. Ti~i~tion 6~Fhich bears the inflorescence (flower) dies, while the dead rhizome persis~i!~:~a consic~i~:. ~;:.~;~tereai~er. The branches show similar behavior to the rhizomes. Th~?~lvenfitiou~::~got~i::i~i~uced fi.om::: the nodes and are bunched. They serve to anchor the r~me in ~,~able can survive burial during storm events. ::??:!::i::i::?:~?:ii:?.ii!i::~i~,~ii~i~ .... 2.2 Chesapeake Bay Study The description of this study has been adopted from t 83/92 Report. The primary objective of the CBS is to of relevant water quality parameters necessary to support aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Bay -...~ on establishing re~onal SAV distribution, density, and ~ge'mes targets ~eake Bay and its tributaries. Empirical data are used to develop r~nships :~een w~?'"~tuality characteristics and SAV distributions within the Chesapeak~;Com~} SAV [~irements are defined as the minimal water quality levels necessary varying meteorolo~c led to parameters Field da~ were collected over several years in ~eake Bay, with its wide salinity range, requirements based on salinity re~dme. Water quality and reproduction of SAV to water depths of one and two Chesapeake SAV Habitat Requirements. For po[~t~ne water (~:!~i~i~}~iii~AV Habitat Requirements for One-Meter and Two-Meter Restot~atlons are as follom~,~,~:~:~:~ ~[&atina :::::* Restoration Sali~li~i[:::... :Ligh~Aitienuation TSS Chl-a DI~ : DIP Critical Light Attenuation Critical ~i~! ,: Co~fficient (m4) (rog/l) 0~jl) (regal) {rog/l) Life Coefficient (m4) Life ': ........ .... Period Period Polyhaline <1.5 <15 <15 <015 <0.02 March- <08 March- Nov Nov -9- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA The Team determined that mid-channel water quality data can be used to characterize near shore areas over seasonal time frames but do not imply a predictive relationship between near shore and mid-cbannel observations. This habitat requirement approach provides testable hypotheses that can be explored for other estuaries L glsla dso dst dy 2.3 on n un u ........................... The LISS ground-truthed the coastal zone from Little Na~;ett Bay ~:}~i:::~ove bet;veeni::i~ August and October 1993 for seagrass beds. Three site~re chos~si::~) ~:~!~} (2) Bay; and (3) Clinton Harbor for monthly sampling durun3:::ihe ........... first t~6 hours Parameters measured include temperature, salinity, secc~i!i~}i:~d light profile'::~4~!?iiiig~oratory analysis include total and or. ganic suspended load, No,.', ~...NH[, orthophosphatej chlorophyll, dissolved and particulate organic nitrogen. ~~?::::hn-ain size was determined via sediment cores and organic content of sediment within fd'~ At the conclusion of the study, habitat requiremen't~ili~!i~stablishec[?'~ii~hpared to Chesapeake Bay Habitat Requirements. The Lon~ Island.~ii~::. ~}?~bitat Re i ;ments are as follows: REQ~MEN~i~i998) ;i}iii!?: (2 meter restoration) < 0:~i!:::::~ ....... <0 8 Kd (m4) .......... TSS (mM :[i~:. ::~ '''~ · ~::::.~3~. 0 ~;i~!~ili~i~i!~?~ili~i .... < 15.0 T!~ ~ore conservative:~ues recommended by LISS axe based on the finding that seagrasses of a r~e)'ating bed of ZO~tera marina require "better" conditions than those needed for simply ~ng the bed (Ok~bo and Slater, 1989) -10- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS I~BITAT CRITERIA 3.0 SITE SELECTION AND DESCRIPTION EEA, Inc. in cooperation SCDHS, EHTNKD, and CCE chose 14 fixed sampling locations (Figure 1 ) within the estuary. These locations were chosen in part, based upon his~E~cal eel~ass bed density., surrounding land use, as well as information provided in the:~i1996 SAm'study by Cashin Associates. Site reconnaissance and aerial photo~aphy at I 'were used to characterize the stations listed below: ~:': 3.1 Flanders Bay (Station 170) Flanders Bay was chosen for four primary reasons; (1) ........... population; (2) lack of eelg~ass beds; (3) relatively low and (4) historical duck farm nutrient loading into the estuary. The mouth of the Peconic River empties into Flande[bl~g~y (Southampton). Flanders Bay is approx/mately 2~ii~ The adjacent and to the north of the Pecomc River, bound~i~th~::~.S. ... Indian County Park is bounded to the south by Sawmill ~ and ~i :?:~:: north. Tidal creeks that empty into Flanders Bay include Meetin~Use C~' Meetm~daouse Creek ~s located m.Iliemonhwe~::comer o~landers Bay within the Town of Riverhead. Meetinghouse Creek::t~:.ia med~u~..~ed cree!::~f approramately 30, acres, and ts the most developed of t~dal creeks t~ttmnatmg ~fii~l~d~i'§ Bay. The Creek ~s approxamately 1.1 k/lometers.tgE.~::gorth to souffi~it 123-met~m~.~::east to west on average. The eastern boundary of the ~ed, ~[~:+i~he western boundary supports a si~m~ficant area ~ecies include salt marsh cordgrass and groundsel tree. The ' connected tidal wetland, drains through the Corwin Duck 1~ periodically dredged for the marina. These and/;~ording to SCDPW, the creek was last dredged in the spring of 199~:~ :.~redge s include upland areas at Indian Island County Park. The majq.~ of dredge :::~:~::[: of duck sludge. Other dredge material consists primarily of sand:~d some mud (SCED, Ree~,es Creek has a [~!~/iively low land use supporting low density residential housing and ap~0x/mate!v six d6~ks. A :§~if at s~m0ns Point is situated at the eastern-most portion of Flanders Bay. A review of recent aerial photography (1996) indicate that a scour area ex. ists on the western portion of the spit, and deposition on the eastern portion. -11- Eelgrass Station Location Map 44 N 112 069 = East of Robins Island 081 = East of Nassau Point 112 = Hallocks Bay 122 = Coecles Harbor 124 = West Neck Harbor 130 = Great Peconic Bay 131 = Northwest Creek 132 = Three Mile Harbor 133 = Acabonac Harbor 134 = Napeague Harbor 135 = Lake Montauk 143 = Majors Harbor 144 = Cornelius Point 170 = Flanders Bay Figure: 1 Eelgrass Station Location Map No Scale PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA 3.2 Great Peconic Bay (Station 130) Great Peconic Bay was chosen because there are no SAV beds established. Data collected here is intended to provide negative baseline conditions to be compared with areas that support various densities of eelgrass populations further to the east within the estuary. Great eeconic Bay is approximately 26,693 acres. The north~ia porti6~ ~:?.y is situated in the Town of Southold and the southern portion in the Town ~i~hampto~!i~}iiii~i!Island is locat~cl at the eastern portion of the Bay in the Town of S outho[~ ~tween t~i~r~!~:~!~::.Soutll~ce. Tidal Creeks entering the bay fi.om the Town of Southoi~i!ii~clud~:::~'Shs, Hole, Downs and West. Tidal creeks and ponds enterk/~!~::i~i;~om Southamp'{~ii~:l~e Red Creek Pond, Squire Pond, .Shinnecock Canal, Cold Spfin~.i~ii:;iSebonac, Little Seg:~:~c, North Sea Harbor Complex, and Wooley Pond. ~?:?::'::~i!i~:iiiiiiiiii!i':~!i! ~ii~i?:i The area examined under this study is located in the ~g~ of So~;:jUst northwest of the Shinnecock Canal. Surrounding land use is ve~..:16~;i~iiSebonac iq~k:~t to Cow Neck. To the west of Sebonac Neck, there exists a rela~!ii~}~ reside~::'land use. The Shinnecock Indian Reservation is located tO::~I/e west: ~F{I~iS~¢d~k Canal, and Meschutt Park .::::i:::i~f :: i:~ ======================================= .: :i:::::i:::: is located to the east. The National God,inks of~efic~::i~!i~'/:l to the west of Bullhead Bay and east of Sebonack Neck. :~::..i:ii?: ::i::!i:? !:~ii!ii::~;i;?:~:~ Aerial photographs (1996) reveal:;i~i there i~$nsiderabi6' sand movement along the southeastern shorelines of~::~3reat Peconic :}Sy~h manyi~ig:i~:'~xtending approximately 262-meters off the shoretia~5](~::[he cente~:i6~i~ They al~i~s~!~and plume east of Cow Neck that radiates in an easterl~ii~pn. Th'~.:~?*~&~comple:~?3"~i~s to be an area of accretion during the time period th~i!~i;~;:photo~i~taken (April 1995) This coml~lex has extensive d~tchina throughout C~!~i::i~iii:ii~i:::,::~::~ond'~!~]]]iiiil;]~rs to be an area of accretion ......... ~....~g ~:.. P~ .... 3.3:.:~ii::iiiiiii!:~!!~::~i~iii~[ias Isla~i~::iStation 069) Easte~!:~obins Island is:~i~ devoid of eelgrass, but has been identified by Cashin (1996) as an ar~:i~kely to support ee}~as~'based on physical characteristics. The area is supported by a sandy sq~ate, salinity of app~Sximately 30 parts per thousand, and visibility to two-meters. Priy~!y owned, ~ is a low density residence on the island. The main use orthe island is to sfpp6~ a managed Ganae Preserve and private estate. Ring-necked pheasant are raised on the island fo? ~diri6hM English fowl hunts held annually on the island. A review of the aerial photographs indicate that the shoreline is an area of accretion with shoals and bars emending approximately from 197-meters at the northeastern edge to 32S-meters at the southeastern edge of the shoreline A spit exists at the southerly portion of the island radiating to -12- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA the west. Therefore, most of the sand accreting is likely being transported from the east. 3.4 Eastern Hog Neck Bay (Station 081) Hog Neck Bay is located in the Town of Southold and is part of Little P~c ~f It is bordered on the west by Nassau Point and terminates in the east at Cedar Beach ~!P6int (Cedar Beach Point). It is approximately 4,333 acres in size from Nassau ~tt to C~i~h Point. Two Parks ex/st along the shoreline; Emerson Park to the east ~i~mond " County Park at the eastern extent of the bay. Shelter Island Sound. Tidal Creeks terminating Creek. The area analyzed for this study is located This is a very shallow area ,;vith a metro water depth of a 1.1-meters and a salinity of 30 ppt (C&qhin, 1996). This area supports a patchy (Codiumfrag~l0 and lacks eet~ass entirely (Cashin, 1996). Surrounding laud use supports a relatively high indicate the eastern shoreline supports a been periodically dredged since 1979. All for beach nourishment to the west (SCP~?i985). 3.5 West Neck Flarboei!~ion Shelter Islasi~!i~;ound Neck Ba exists at of We meters greenfi~ (1%) Aerial photo~aphs r 328-m~ters w~de Cedar Beach has or gravel and is used Neck Complex composed of West or to the south. A long peninsula Shell Beach where mooring is available. The ' south of the southeastern shoreline Cashin (1996) reports a mean water depth of 1.7- at 31.5 ppt. Cashin (1996) observed widely scattered We~:.::~eck Harbor is su~6ua~ed by low density residential housing. Menantic Yacht Club is lod~t~d to the northeas~i~f the harbor. Twenty four docks exist in West Neck Creek and a ramp ~gi~at the end of D~l Lord Road W~i~tC Hh~6?' has been period cally dredged since 1955 and was last dredged November 1998 A dr~ ghannet can be clearly observed from the aerial photography. The spoil material is principally sand and includes some mud. All of the spoil is used for beach nourishment (SCPD, 1985). -13- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA 3.6 Coecles llarbor (Station 122) Coecles Harbor is located along the northeastern shoreline of Shelter Island. It is approximately 1,485 acres in size. According to the Cashin study (1996), average depth within the harbor is approximately 2.6-meters. Salinity within the harbor fluctuate between 3 !and 32 ~. Visibility appears good to about 2.1-meters. Although historically eelgrass was p!~ ~ere are no beds presently located within Coecles Harbor. The southern portion of Coecles Harbor is bordered by ~i~omack..~i~i~i}~iii~r New York State Conservation Area. Congdons and Fo~.Creel~.~i::~ the entering the harbor. The northwestern shoreline of the ~tili~ii~0derately devel~8~i!~}bm the north, a long peninsula runs in a southeasterly direction. 'q~i~:!~p.,rised of Little Ra~;'islana and Ram Island. There is low density residential housing on ~i~i~i~d. Ram Island is well- developed on the western shoreline supporting 27 dockg?~'~!~:~acht Club is located along the southwestern tip of Ram Island near Reel Point. :i ndevelo aiii :. e supported by natural vegetation. Both anchorage and moorings are p[~:::~g the .... ~iii::ii~::~ ~:: iiiiiiii~i~i:~{i~ii~ili?~:::~i}i}::i :~ i::::~ ;i::.::: A review of the aerial photography (1996):~icate s~i}gli~Mdg+mo~ng in the northern portion of the harbor radiating from the south. In ~iower ~ion'~Ti~gbr, some shoaling is evident. Coecles inlet has been periodically dr~d since i}1966. It ~i'liist dredged April 1996 primarily for boat access to the Coecles Harbor ~a. ?hiii *poil m~tea~ is principally sand with some mud. All spoil material is used for beac~ ~urishme~'(SCPD, The 1996.[~g:. by Cas~::~i~tes indi~i!!i~ti:~oderately dense eelgrass beds are located immedia~iiiaii~:.nonh"~::i~'~/te of the l~a::':~The salinity range in this area fluctuates between 31 and to (hi=her than in harbor) and water depth from 1.9-3.2-meters. Hallocl~y is locate~i~G~.::::~ent Bay north of Orient Point State Park. It is approximately 444 acres ifi+:~ize. The weste~¢l~:~ne of Hallocks Bay supports low density eelgrass beds. Salinity is app{~kimately 32 ppt, d~ih ~proximately 2.0-meters and visibility to 2.6-meters (Cashin, 1996). St!~'ate is gravelly sani55j Hali~i:ks Bay s surt0Unded predominantly by farmland (0,o) and natural ve=etation (28 %) north tO Route 251 AtKing Street alonu the south west pomon of the bay, a few structures and docks exSSt, j A~fiit photographs (1996) indicates that Peters Neck Point is an area of sand deposition. 3.8 Cornelius Point (Station 144) Cornelius Point is located at the northeastern portion of Shelter Island Large, thick beds of -14- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA eelgrass ex/st around Cornelius Point. The beds are stunted in height and have very narrow leaves. Historically, eelgrass existed approximately 5-6.6-meters offthe shoreline (personal conversation with local residents). This area is presently dominated by C. fragile and attached sargassum weed (Sargassumfilipendula). Eelgrass beds are presently located approximately 20-meters from the shoreline. :~;~: Depth of ater in this area ranges fi-om a rox~mately 1 8-2:~¢meters'::*~:~uu :~s approximately 31 pp . .~: ~::.:::.:. · .,:..:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.=~ ppt and visibility is very good. There is an area with large,:~!~[~.l erratic,~ii~7 to the no~ of the established eelgrass beds. Surroundin~ land use is:~ry low d~{~ r~fi~}i?:~::The ~.::~iii:? .... · . ' .!i~!~:~. !~?:': . :~i~i~i~ii !il;i~i~i!~i~i!~!:::.}ii~: :::~!~ !~::~{~::" Gardmers Bay Country Club is located to the west of ~ers }~:-~Dnve. photographs, the area immediately north of the point ap~i~:!~' an area of dept,:md the shoreline immediately south of the point is an area of sc(~i}~!~/ ~qphotographs indi~e that sand movement radiates fi-om the northwestern portion of the MaJors Harbor is located at the southwestern,~i6'~i:=~homack ~r~gerve on Shelter Island and is apprommately 83.2 acres in s~ze. The ~l~or ofM:~.~i]o~[}~l~:=~pports ee!~ass beds w~th s~gns of extreme stress (Cashin, 1996). The ~n is 10~{:ed a~j~}i~;int just north of the harbor. Surrounding land use is entirely pr6~¢~d as no development. It is an open inlet, likely to have .... ~*~=~:: available within the harbor. Aerial photo~aphy ~ Three-Mile the no is 1996. The inlet opens to Gardiners Bay to west and Maldstone Town Park to the east. This area EHTNRD conducted an eel~ass transplant at Sammy's Beach in as of the summer of 1997 only a few plugs could be found , EI-ITNRD. The shoreline surrounding the harbor is m0~htely developed housing. Anchorage and mooring exist within the harbor. T~g~ are 10 marinas, ~:ii~wn commercial fishing dock. three town boat ramp sites, and slips at the ~County facility:?:?::' A:~,~ ~pgrapIis mdtcate that lmmedmtely adjacent to the cut channel at the mouth e,-usts a large sar~:.~[~?iiX~cording to Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW) records, dredging began at the mouth in 1958 for boat access to marinas. This area is scheduled to be dredged in April 1999 The dredge spoil material is ail sand and is readily used for beach nourishment on both sides of the inlet and at an upland area on Marina Lane -15- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA 3.11 Napeague Flarbor (Station 134) Napeague Harbor is located in the Town of East Hampton between Napeague State Park (west) and Heather Hills State Park (east). The railroad tracks run east/west mmediately [0;the south of the harbor. Napeague Harbor is approximately 1,086 acres in size. Alth0~4gh mo~l~ surrounded by parkland, a small section along the northwest portion of the h::~or sup~ ~::~lensity residential Napeague Harbor supports thick beds of eelgrass on th~::~therly ~i~:::~f ~iiii~i~g the: eastern shoreline. Although patchy fi-om clam rakers, appea[~!;:.~.~? ~ash/n reported high salinity of 33 ppt, g6~ii~t~ility. There are two inlets to Nap.eague Harbor. indicate a sand plume immediately inside the western-most inner western edge of the eastern irdet. Dredging ora modified inlet began in 196 entirely of sand and historically was deposited on the Hicks property. Tl~o~:~a was 1989. Napeague Harbor provides anchorage and has a b~i~h~ng (northwest of 3.12 Lake Montauk (Statio~i~:~) Lake Montank is located m the To~r~i~fEast H~tlnpton an~!::ls approximately 1,102 acres in size. It ~s s~tuated at the eastern end ofth~}i~buth forl~:.~£Long Isled. It xs surrounded by moderately dense residential housing to the we~.~?south ar~[!'i~:g¢~l~ residential housing and the Montauk Al. on to tf/ : east. The inl ih iCbeen peri i i dged since 1949 and was last dredged in 1974. Tli~!~.spoil ~i~:ii:i~?:all sand ~ii~"~sed for beach nourishment. Immediately to the south of ~!::~iiii~iii~e U.S'i'~!~ard Station and Montauk Yacht Club located on Star Island. The sam ling s~!i~i:~ed at ~:.i~eastem onion of the Lake near the Airport Tkis area supports a:~i 15~?::.~$.s mtl~::5 % C. fragile at a depth of 2.6-meters. This area zs known for hi~at traffic whi~Eii~related to the moderate densxty of the eel~ass, and rmxed bed condit:~:~s within the ha~?:i~:?::~i::?? ' b n~c FI (St 133) 3.13 Acca o arbor ation ~bonac Harbor i~ iocared in the Town of East Hampton and is approximately 304 acres in size It i~ situated t° ~he west of Gardiners Island There is relatively Iow density residential housing aroUnd the harbor. There are thre~ sanctuary s; Kaplan IVleadows, Memll Lake and Edwards Island within and/or surrounding the harbor. C. Gerard Town Park is located along the eastern shoreline on Gerard Drive. Additionally, a New York State Conservation area is situated at the lower portion of the harbor (East Harbor). -16- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS I]ABITAT CRITERIA Historically, eelgrass was abundant in Accabonac Harbor and even harvested as insulation for houses before the turn of the century. Presently there are no eelgrass beds within the harbor. The inlet has been periodically dredged since 1959 and was last dredged February 1996. All dredge spoil consists of sand and some mud and is used for beach nourishment on both sic[~)f the inlet. This is evident on the aerial photo~aphs (1996) where thick sand plumea:~st o~ l~:~th sides &the inlet. There are two boat launchin~ ramps one on Shipyard Lane and o~iii~h:~din~ Lane. .14 Northwest CreekfStatlon 131~ Northwest Creek ~s located wathm the Town of East Har~l~m:~:~orthwest Creek ~s~il~atately adjacent to Northwest Harbor wh/ch drain~ into Gardine~!~i!i~ii~:is a relatively long (approximately 2.3 kilometers) and narrow (an averaee 4t[~!i~stuary occupying approximately 140 acres. The inlet connecting Northw~:'cre~i~!~vest Harbor is extremely narrow (less than 33-meters across). Althou~?2a Northwest Creek ~st~!~::.$upported eel~ass beds, none are present today ................................................ , ...................... The vast m jonty of the shoreline [~iboarded:~"~iig~g~ilmterudal marsh dormnated by saltmarsh cordgrass. Beyond the marsh~i~ oak/p?& for~iiii~!i~hstern portion of the creek is bordered by New York State Environmental Con~i-vafion ~::'~d the Northwest Harbor County Park. The western shoreline is bord~ by thei~::~g Harb~:?{3olf Club at Barcelona Neck. A boat launching ramp is located at the ~ty Do~d ancl~g~e exists within the creek. Salinity within the creek system averageg::i~.5 ppt, ~.~: ~:~24. t to 28.8 ppt with little variation ' shallow, with an average depth of 1.0-meter. The deepest corner where a mooring field is located. The substrate and mooring area which is mostl5 been dredged since 1961 to modify, the inlet and was last dredg~'January spoil material is all sand and can readily be used for beach nouris~ent. Presently, ~i~;~i~il is placed on the barrier spit at the entrance to Northwest Creek. 4.0 :.i}i METHODOLOGI]~S 1 Wati~¢r Qualitw Monitorin~ Wat~ ~U~i~:rnonitoring was conducted by SCDHS as in-ldnd services for this project. Water quality collection data has been on-going throughout the estuary by the SCDHS since 1976. Collection and analysis associated with tl-ds project was conducted one time per month at each station for the months of June, July August. and September, 1997 and IVlay 1998 .MI collections and analyses conform to AS/M Standards -17- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA General physical chemistry parameters were measured each time water collections were conducted by SCDHS. Those parameters include salinity, temperature, conductivity, pH, secchi disc, dissolved oxygen, depth and light e,,rtinction coefficient. Water samples collected for laboratory analysis include total suspended solids, chlorophyll-a, dissolved inorgardc phosphc~:[~s (onhophosphate) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (NOX and NH3). 4 2 Sediment Qualit~ Monitoring During each water quality mn conducted by SCDHS, E~'Inc. col!~ S~:'~ii~les:~.:~ Sediment collections were conducted fi.om the boat u~g a grab sampler. Of'~en, multiple grabs were composited t~i~iz~ii~i~:~uitable Observations of biotic and abiofic material were recorde~:.!~:~[i~ilog sheets for eact~"~ation (Appendix A). These obse/vations included the presenc~:~¢iii~?~i?~getation, nematodes, cmstacea, sediment size and color. Additionally weatla/~'*dati3~:?:~:..~:position (GPS) were Sediment was collected for total organic carh~jiiii~.ii~n s~ze ~ys~s. Grmn s~ze collections were conducted one time dufi~g!!~ Proje~!i!i~!ob~ general grain size distribution data for each sampling locat~i' Sam~!~"we~.!~i~[~:~'hemtech, Inc~ for analysis within 30 days from collection. All an~cal she~ provid~*~::i~EA, Inc. from Chemtech are located in Appendix B. Grain Size ~f~OC ~i~ocols for~i~aboratory Analysis are located following the analytical sheets in ~:'33~¢~ndix B~iiii!ili!: A Falmodi iiSei c. 3D-A~i~ical flow meter was deployed at several locations to get a general pictu~::~: ami'~:::~:~ existing where eelgrass beds are non-e,,dsting, transitional stre~!~!~:~hick. V~i!::!~iocity and temperature of near-bed conditions were recorded for ~!~ii~ii:~i~atio ns:'? Lake ~bntauk (135) N~:Flarbor (134), Accabonac Harbor (133), Three-~Mile Harbor ( 132), NorthWest Creek (131), ~b~lius Point (144), Coecles Harbor (122), Flanders Bay (170), and Gi~i P econic Bay (13 0) A.S~oi9t Turb[di~Sensor was added to the flow meter in May, 1998 Three-Mile Harbor and Ni ~ Harb~i'~ere monitored prior to the addition of the turbidity sensor and therefore, are laCldrig ~ibidity data: Equipment The 3D-ACM flow meter offers the ability to interface optional sensors such as temperature and -18- PECONIC 'ESTUARY EELGRASS [[ABITAT CRITERIA four g Turbidity Sp turbidity as adopted for this study. The basic instrument measures velocity along four acoustic paths, three orthogonal magnetic vectors and two orthogonal gravity vectors (tilt) from which it calculates velocity relative to the earth. The velocity interface uses a single transmitter and receiver, which are multiplex to the eight acoustic transducers mounted on the sensor head..,:i~ing the acoustic transmission of sound from one transducer to another, the 3D-A~M c~culate water flow along each of the four acoustical paths. The computaio~::!s based::~i:~::.~ustic phase shift of the sound, which occurs due to the advance of sound tra~[~g in th~!~:~:~::~qction as the water flow and the corresponding retardation of sound traveling i~st the w~i~ii~he compass U~s a fixed (no gimbals) three-ams magnetometer along wtth:i~e two-ams:.~It sen~t)~i~6i::i~eternnne.:~t~e instrument orientation relative to the earth's magnetic ~:. ravity~ ~:i~iillli~i~i~im~iii~!~:, For this study, recordm=s were generally made w~th an o~i~!:ii~me collecung data dunng each interval) of15 seconds, an "interval time" (time stored) O~7¢:!~{:..and an "AVGI"(length of time) every 15 minutes. Detailed Specifications are locaf~ in"~ai~:~:, The Seapoint Turbidity Sensor was added for thoiiiti~!}~er sam~ii~son. The Seapoint Meter is a sensor that measures turbidity by .d,~4~i~,light fr3~' suspended panicles in water. The sensor is insensitive to ambient:!i~ whert::i~::?:~:~,x~::has a very low temperature coefficient. ??' :~i!;?: :"~:i!ii!i~:ii?: iii: i!i!i??? The Nleter senses scattered hght fr¢~'!~?small Y6IUme withi~'5 centimeters of the sensor windows. Confining the sensing volume all~:"the send,it:to be c~lSi:ated in relatively small water containers sensitivity of the Meter by choosing one of set the sensitivity to provide the range and resolution 10, 40 and 200 mV/FTU (Formazin The'~::~as fixed at 10 (100X) for this study. Detailed J.!~:i~.4Data .......... ?i::?.?:~ ::::::?i?ii:: U~ water quality dat~::~rovided by SCDHS, monthly and seasonal arithmetic means were ¢~ated usinu Micr6~f~ Excel 97. The arithmetic means were used to generate tables and ~:for analxSsis ~:~lata. The data were omanized by station and by season (growing vs, s6:~gi}::~'6r'~a marina For this study the growine season is assumed to be March through N6Vembei ~d the summer season is assumed to be June throuo, qh Aueust. Laboratory data for sediment analyses including grain size and TOC were transferred to Excel format and tables and graphs were generated for analysis. Grain size data were graphed in pie chart format. The grain size classification for substrates was adopted from the Wentworth Scale based on -19- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS ItABITAT CRITERIA the U.S. Standard Sieves. Flow meter data were converted to ASCII format. Excel 97 was used to generate graphs for turbidity, (where applicable), temperature, vector and velocity for analysis. 5.0 ANALYSIS Analysis of the synthesized and graphically represented da~i~e condU~.~ter quality, sediment quality and hydrodynamics. Arithmetic means ~:~e compu~l quality data associated with this study. Sediment data ~ ....... ' the ra~:'::~i~ from the laboratory regarding TOC. Grain size ha: pie '~!i~i shown in Figure 2 to illustrate percentage of particle size various locations for this study. Vector, velocity, temperature and turbidity )hically presented in Appendix D to illustrate cyclic ongoing events within The water quality analysis is intended to p~ae prel~::~Ii~a/~e baseline data for guidance on the establishment ofEelgrass Habitat~tefia. ~fls an'""al~!i::i~?B8'i intended to be an exhaustive statistical study as limited new data wef~!:'~ollecte~n associ~:~:'::with this study. Water quality parameters coilect~:~i6'} this s~ includeii~inity, temperature, DO, chlorophyll-a, secchi disk, dissolved inorganig ~0=en, di~:::iffd~mic phosphate, total suspended solids, and light exting~i~::.. Additiox~::i~!~}~ii~tUality i ~:has been provided by SCDHS and has been inclu d e d:~}~iii~p ~c ab f~}::~}~!ii~tu dy. ::::::~:~;~ ...... A transect dgi $ i ii oter and S^V (western/central and eastern) f,o, llows the delineation out!i~ii~:i~S' di;'~¢~'~rt "Peconic Estuary Surface Water Quality' (October, 1998). Wat~:.i~:'~?~:i~::}educed:~d analyzed for water sampling years 1997 and 1998. These data are:+i~pared wit~i:~l~¢r quality reports produced for the Peconic Estuary Program in the Di~Sssion Section F63;~s analysis areas N~kin= eelgrass have been labeled "NO SAV" in the tables and represent d~om stations 06~,:~24, 130, 131, 132, 133, and 170. "Thick beds" represent areas supporting thi~k'~el~rass or mi~id beds and represent data from stations 1~4, 135 and 144 overview-! The Pecomc Estuary is classified as a polyhaline environment, where salinity is typically greater than 18 ppt Table 1 below summarizes water quality data collected and analyzed for 1997-1998 All synthesized data and associated graphs related to Table 1 are located in Appendix D - 20 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA Table 1 SummarY'of Water Quality Parameters (1997 & 1998) Location Temp DO Salinity DIN DIP Chl-a TSS Kd = Kd = (C) (mg/I) (ppt) (mg/l) (mg/I) (,ugfl) (m~l) 1.45/ -In (I~ secehi Z ............ 6.08 O'.~:~i~~. '97 S$ 20.25 6.82 28.36 0.01~:~ .......... .:.:~.:~ ........................ 0.6 0.8 No SAV =====================~:::.:~ SS = S~xaer Season W¢~t~Ceatral = Statiorm 069;~)81 ~24 130, 170 Ea~f~ Stations-- 112 12_ 13~¢~2, 133, 134, 135, 143, 144 i'4~i!~/(no eel~ass)= Stat/~: 170, 130,069 124, 132, 133, 131 Thick Beds (eel~ass)= Stataon$134, 135,144 TIi~iit~a analysis lo, No SAV and Thick Bed stations is extremelv limited and should be considered a~ ~::~abt~il~cking. statistical representation· In some cases only one or two data sets were av~i~ ~0~ ~alyses. -21 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA Salinity measurements averaged for ail stations exam/ned under this program are 27.4 (ppt). The western/central portion of the estuary averages 27.0 ppt and the eastern portion a~gges 27.9. Water becomes less saline at the inner portion of the estuary near the mo~l?_ of th~¥econic Pdver. Salinity measurements from Flanders Bay support this and have been obliged ~::24.0 ppt near the river's mouth. Temperature(C) Water temperature within the estuary increases from th~[.~j~!i~:¢¢~,~ west. There differences between geographic locations during any parti~i~i}}~i~,[on. Table 2 below, indicates the arithmetic mean for 1997 md 1998 for all stations evaluat~:i~:~s study. .... ~i:?" ":":.::::*~: :::~::: Table 2 Temperature Data .................... LOCATION SEASON .~:~*~:~ ~*:~:~¢:~::::~::.T TURE (C) Western/Central growing.~ason Western/Central sunm~ season:?:::!?:: .... Eastern g~wmg season .:~il 15.6 :.i:::.ii?........................... Eastern :::~. r::*~mrner s~P,::.:.:.:~:::::~?:~??:~ 21.7 ::i:~?i~ii}~5}~::iii~ ............. ' ..................... · ~ii!;: ::::;::::s:::~::, ~iIi?:i::i::i::i~: .... No ::~ .... ':~i~i~ :?:summer season 20.0 Thick beds'::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::~ ~: ::.::.:.::.:.:.::.: ~ ~ ~::.: :.: ::.: ............................ gr~!tlg season 14 .4 .... ~:i~?:::::~:::::;::::: i :i:: iiii!iiiiiiiiiii:.iii::ii::i ::?:i:. :.iiiii~ii~ .... ,:i Thick b~d§+~[ ....... '%ii~?~{i?~{i?~{i?:{::?~iii?~i!~: summer season 21.4 Diss~ed Oxygen (mM~:~:i::i}~. '::(i:~?: water, the solu~0~!ity of oxygen decreases as water temperature and salinity increase. DO t~ io be slightly :~her in the eastern portion of the estuaw when compared to the western P~ii ~;~nimum values were lowest in the western/central portion and highes~ in the e~::~5.~h::~here Zostera marina beds are thickest. The same trend follows for the ~,rowing sea~:~::~ehout the estuary. Summer DO for the western/central region averaged 6 5 m~/l, while the eastern region averaged 6 8 m~l. There were relatively no differences in averaged summer DO levels when areas lacking - 22 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS ItABITAT CRITERIA eelgrass beds (7.0 mgA) were iompared to areas supporting thick beds of eelgrass (7.1 mg/1). Based on the long-term mean (1988-1996) for chiorophyll-a (SCDHS, October, 1998) for summer conditions of 6.6 ugA for Great Pecoaic Bay and 8.7 ug/l for Flanders Bay, all stati:~s observed under this study fall well below this range for optimal water quality agalng't, violat[6~'i of the DO standard. ~i~il!ii:.. ?. Chlorophyll-a levels ranged from a maximum of 27.80 ~ at 1low of 1.2 ~g/l at Stauon 143 (Majors Harbor). The anthm~gor cNorophyll-a~i~eiitrauons for water sampling years 1997 and 1998 at stations asso~i~.this study were 3.85 ,gA. All stauons reported peak concentraUons during January v~t~i~,::~i~!me unul all stauons bottomed out during the April throuv_.h May efiod Chl~fo h~}~!~i~i~[~::only rose sliuhfly throughout the summer before increasing again in D~,b. er. FoF:~'~mmer and growing seasons the western portion of the estuary m~~,mean c~il-a concentrations than the eastern portmn. Mean values are presentediiii~::~T~i[ii~ii~xv: .~:?' Table 3 Chlorophyll-a Data ~' W stendC al iii~m ...... 0 No SAV ~k beds :.? ~o~ 3.1 Additional(vi the ~as that do not support eelgrass (No SAV), when averaged, indicate higher for both the summer and grow/ng seasons than the stations that support thick beds'6~ ~elgrass. - 23 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS I~.BITAT CRITERIA Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN) (mg/1) Data prov/ded by SCDHS was synthesized for the computation and determination of arithmetic means for DIN by combining NOX and NH3'. The arithmetic mean for all stations regarding DIN is 0.02 m~Wl. There are no lateral changes in concentration from east to we~.?vithin:lhe estuary nor are there any differences between the growing season and the summer s~n fo~:'DIN. Orthonhosohate CD[P/(mg/l) · Orthophosphate levels ranged from a maxanum of 0.07~ii~ at ~¢tlon 12_ (Co~IiSmi~i~B~}~) to a low of 0.005 rog/1 which occurred at all stations with of 135 143 (Majors Harbor), and 144 (Cornelius Point). In general,~'~t~hate levels averaged 0.016 rog. il for all study stations combined over the sampling season,::~:~!~?tion of a single spike of 0 065 mM at Station 135 (Lake Montauk durin Febrti?:::::' of:::i:~¢~::ii~he data for ortho hos hate · . ) g ..au :!:::~i~!:.:i!::!!!ii~!:.::::::;:.,~ .... P P indicate that the levels begin to rise in June and pea~>e..ptemb~i:':~i~:.!l~s declining by October. In January orthophosphate levels return to the~j~?:~es. The~ii~ii~ significant lateral ..a:u i[:::? ===================================================================================== Total Suspended Solids (TSS~ The only TSS data analyzed for thi~i~rt is fo~:.i~ater ye~?"1998. Data collections were minimal for 1998 and are presented here, ~ili little ~ht in th~;~erall analysis for generating Habitat Criteria associated with this smd~ii:: TSS va~?~}lig~l!~:~:etween the western/central portion of the estuary at at 5.58 (mg/1) for the su~nmer season. L:'ght Ext'"":~':'¢~,,'':,:°'': 'm~ oa:~:m coefficient of 1.45/secchi depth = Kd for 3ht requirements for SAV can be determined where:::.:: coefficients are simultaneously measured. lncid~i:'light that :.:.:: maximum depth penetration for marine SAV was calculated using the:~ation kd=-ln(l_~__ot~bert's Law]. Table 4 presents these values. - 24 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA Table 4 Light Extinction Data LOCATION SEASON Kd = tn(I~ Kd = 1,45 Z ~h/depth WesterrgCentral growing season 1.0 ::: .:~::~::~:~:::: ........................ Western/Central summer season 1.3 ~iiigl!ili~ili~i~i:~ ..... ~ :::. ~:-:::: ::~.. · Eastern growing season ,0.6 .:ii.!}i? ?" : ....................... ~:::~: 0 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Eastern summer season 0.6 .................. .~o...o~ ...... .~ 0.7 ":':':" ....................... Arithmetic Mean 0.9 ~"; ................. Kd values varied slightly between the Chesapeake Bay ~oefficieri~l~th and Lambert's Law. Overall, the western/central portion of the estu~ii .higher ~§ than the eastern portion_ The lower the Kd value, the deeper ~g~i!il~ii~i{~. A Kc[i*~e of0.Sm4 will support SAV to a two-meter depth, while a Kd valuei,.o~ 1.5m:::,.-.~II:au~ort. SAV to a depth of 1.1 meters This analys~s ~ndtcates that the westem/c~g~al por[lgn of~:~:.~ could not support eelgrass to a depth s reater than one-meter <..:~ :~{i{!i~ .... ~,~ ...... TKN and: In August, and Se showed at Station 133 (Accabonac Harbor) ppm at Station 081 CNassau Point). all stations associated with this study combined. Peak with spikes occurring during January, July, (Three Mile Harbor) and 133, respectively. Trends April and May, with only a slight increase to 2.:.::i:,~.::i::i:. T~i coliform levels ra~ed from a maximum of 1,600 (mpn/100ml) at Stations 170 and 122 tT~eJTs Bay and:ga~cles Harbor)to a low of less than 20 (mpn/100ml) at Stations 069, 081, tl:2i:lg2 124~ I3:1; 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 143, and 144, in general, with the exceptions of Sti~!6n~ i3!i i22 240 and 170, which had elevated spikes primarily from June through September Total 161iform levels remained low at all the other stations throughout the year. The mean for total coliform levels for all stations associated with this study for 1997 and 1998 is 20 65 (mpn]100ml). The total coliform data averaged for all study stations was 160 (mpn/100ml) for 1997 and 25 3 (mpn/100 mi) for 1998. - 25 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA Urea (mg/h Urea levels ranged from a max/mum of 0.4380 mgJl at Station 122 (Coecles Harbor) to a low of 0.005 mg/1 which occurred at most stations, except for Stations 069, 122, 144, 17~::~d 240. The average concentration for urea at all stations was 0.014 mg/l for the sam~!~g ye~!i~'~997. The spike at Station 122 occurred during July (1997) and during June (1~97) at ~i~:~::~:5 although remaining low urea levels were highest during the summer (J~,/~e throu~ii~ s~pling period). NO,., NO: CNOXq (m_~q) i:;::. .................. NOX levels ranged from a maximum of 0.552 mg/l at S~E~:t3~$:?':::: (Lake Montaulr~i~!~!~i~l~imum. :.::..:: of less than 0.005 mM which occurred at all stations samlfl~iiii~[levels of 0.50 mg/l iust below · , . - ':?k~i:i'i3[i[i"~i~i?'~!~!:i:~i::::~ ...... -- - . the maxamum, were reportea from Stauon 170 (Flanders ~a~iii~?:g~,dmonal spikes occumng at Station 130 (Great Peconic Bay) and Station O69 ~ of the spikes occurred during February of 1997. In general, the ~g~[~ge Nox ]~i~:¢x'tremely low at 0 012 m~/1 for the entire sa.m~lin~ season. Silicate (mg/h ..... .:.:.: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Silicate levels ranged from a maxim~i~i~20.7 ~at Stati~ 1'22 (Coecles Harbor) to a minimum of 0.028 rog4 at all stations, with ~i[~eptio~i~t 13 l, 14~i~i~144 170, and 240. In general, the average silicate levels for all statt~ combm~ ~as 0.3.~i~o~1. The only three occurrences of silicates over 1 0 m~l was the ~ at Stati~ ~t~.~bnd s ike of 11 83 mgJl at Station 240 (Peconic Ri~}~ and two ~ioas of siii~i~i:i39 and 1.08 at Station 170 (Flanders Bay). The occ~[~iig~:~flxcate~i::::~ii::~lons wa~::gi~atest dunng July and lowest dunng the v~nter and spring m6~ ~.ary t~S~i~! Total Orgardc ca~136~:.~Toc) (mql¥.?iii~:i? Tota~ carbon from a maximum of 3.97 mgA at Station 170 (Flanders Bay) to a minimu~ of 1.15 m~-/1 a~ ~[~:~i 35 (Lake Montauk). The average TOC level for all stations comlJ~fled.:: over the s'~udy~:~d was 1.92 mgJl. TOC levels dropped during March and April, then s!o%'!y rose to peak in JUly. 5.2 SubS~ate Qualit~ T6t~t O~;~C Carbon (m~kg) The results of the substrate TOC analysis ranged from a maximum of 41,975 mg/kg at Station 133 (Accabonac Harbor) to a minimum of 52.6 reg./kg at Station 112 (Hallocks Bay). Peak levels at Station 133 occurred during June, while average TOC levels for all stations combined occurred - 26 - PECOMC ESTUARY EELGRASS [IABITAT CRITERIA during July. The single lowest level of 52.6 mg/kg at Station 112 occurred during October (1997). The arithmetic mean for TOC is l~gher in the eastern portion of the estuary (10,132.02 rog/kg) when compared to the western portion (7,673.2 mgm'kg). The average TOC levels for all stations combined was 8,902.61 rog/kg for the entire sampling season. The presence of eelgrass is not encountered until TOC levels drop~:~: belo~:i!~i~f:~::~g:::::::::::::::::::::,::,::: ~ It is possible that embayments that historically supported eelgrass may bav~ had TOCi?i~:i~ excess of 1.75 Of the 14 stauons evaluated for gram s~ze, stx stauons (43~e~: contained mostly gravel (F~mare 2). These included Statmns 112, 124, 130, 133, t~ii~.. Three stations, 112, 131, and 170, were mostly coarse sand to ~avel (21 perce~§t~i~iliD81, and 132 (21 percent) were comprised mostly of medium to coarse sands..:~Q~ one s~l~i~ii~ 134) consisted mostly of coarse to medium sand; one station (13~ostly med'~i~i~e grain. Overall, the sediments at the samphng statmns consist pn~'o~o~se::~o gravel!~:matenal w~th very few fines. :,?" s.3 ...... .:.z" .... region Study has 170 130 and 124. Within this Peconic Estuar Tidal Creek additional information 112, 121, 132, 131,133, 134, 135, 143, as additional in:formation as it is so close associated w~th this analysis are located in and 144. to the Appendi~:::.E. ........ 531 FI~kfers Bay (170) .: 'rh~h~'i~figi'aphi~ §:arvey was conducted from August 11-17, 1998 The flow meter was deployed eaS~ ~!ii~:~errrfinus of Bay Harbor Road. Neap tide conditions occurred August 13 through 15 from the third quarter moon appearing on the 14~. A general ebb/flood current pattern exists within the harbor ~vith minor pulsing suspected as wind-derived Average velocity within the Bay is 23 cra/sec with a maximum velocity, ofg.55cm/sec during the period of measurement. The average vector for the harbor is 154 degrees northwest. Turbidity noticeably increased during the weekend -27- Grain Size Percentage Map 144 Legend · Gravel · Very Coarse San( · Coarse Sand [] Medium Sand · Fine Sand · Very Fine Sand []Silt 069 = East of Robins Island 081 = East of Nassau Point 112 = Hallocks Bay 122 = Coecles Harbor 124 = West Neck Harbor 130 = Great Peconic Bay 131 = Northwest Creek 132 = Three Mile Harbor 133 = Acabonac Harbor 134 = Napeague Harbor 135 = Lake Montauk 143 = Majors Harbor 144 = Cornelius Point ~170 = Flanders Bay N Figure: 2 Grain Size Percentage Map No Scale PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA recreational period. The max/mum turbidity reading was approximately 14 FTU. This reading rose steadily form less than 5 FTU with a spike mid-week to approximately 10 FTU until it reached its peak at a little over 14 FTu and then declined to approximately 3 FTU by Monday. Meetinghouse Creek Data for Meetinghouse Creek was collected during the Tidal Oreek stU~ifi~ ~as measured between August 17-18, 1998. The current meter was depi~::at the t~:~:~I~arbor Road~ i along Beach Avenue, northward in the creek. Based upo~!!~e results,~:~E~:'ii:.~!i~!~..,meter:: deployment and hydrological studies conducted by the [~olk Co~: Serv/ces, it becomes apparent that Meetinghouse Creek ~!~ fresh water i~'a large drainage area. This was confirmed by low salinity read~hgd during various '~'~eyi. Given the larger size and narrow ~brddor associated with Meefih~i~;k, the likelihood of wind influences is lessened within the creek. Based on the da~*~oli~!!ii~ii~ypical tidal regime consists of two floods and two ebbs over a twenty-fo~::hour velocity was recorded as 4.34 cra/sec, with a maximum of 12,2::i~i~i~The avei~i~)r of the current was determined to be 90.8 degrees, east southeast~!i~i~::i:~:}~hic~ surv~?:;:~'nded 3 days prior to the Qreat Peconic B ay (130) The hydrogra hic surve was con~d fro~i~U st 18~:°4 1998 The current meter was p y ...................... !.... gu ...::.:.:.!:: , . deployed west of the terminus o~am ton~g~.,.~!i~i~w moon a eared on August 21" causin · p ............ ~ ................. PP g throug : ig ?× general ebb/flood current pattern exists mspe~i'li~:~nd-derived. The average velocity for P~conic Bay of 21.9 cra/sec. The average vector was 172 degrees northwest Turbidity data indicate a moderate increase during the weekend .y. Turbidity measurements rose from, a low of 0.0 West ~ck Harbor (124 T~ydrographic surv0y}::was conducted from August 4-10, 1998. The flow meter was deployed a ::: roxlmatelypp halfwgY!~own the Peninsula of Shell Beach. There was a full moon event (Spring Tide) ~n:Augu~: ~ ::.!098. This was responsible for spring tide conditions to exist within the harbor froffi ~:6;8; 1998. A general ebb/flood current pattern exists within the harbor with minor pulsing:~figp~ied as wind-derived. Average velocity within the harbor is 64 crn/sec with a maximum velocity of 12 cm/sec during the period of measurement. The average vector for the harbor is 35 degrees northeast Turbidity noticeably increased during the weekend recreational period The maximum turbidity reading was approximately 25 FTU This reading rose steadily form less than 5 FTU with a spike mid-week to approximately 18 FTU until it reached its peak at -28- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA 25 FTU and then declined to approximately 7 FTU by Monday. Average velocity within the harbor was 6.4 cngsec with a maximum velocity of 12 cngsec during the period of measurement. The average vector for the harbor was 35 degrees northeast. Turbidity noticeably increased during the weekend recreational period. West Neck Creek The current meter was deployed at the terminu: hydrographic survey conducted by EEA show that a cle~!!~gb/flood mouth &West Creek. The average velocity c 7.4 cra/sec. The average direction was 305.5 degrees, August 3 was considerably(higher and peaked at a 0.0 FTU by Monday mornin$. 5.3.2 Eastern Halloc~ and decreased steadily to The hydrographic survey was conducted,.., m , 1998. The current was deployed at the mouth of Little meter ~i~"'State Park. The typical tidal reg-ime consists oftwo~ floods and during the period of March 27 - occurred on April 2na due 19.7 Bay hour period. Spring tides occurred 27a~. Neap tide conditions the 3~. The average velocity was velocity of 50.1 cra/sec., Hallocks stations measured under this Program. The turbidity measurements were taken. The hy~aphic from July 28 - August 3, 1998. The flow meter was deplgg~ at the northward along the shoreline near the southern tip of ffi~point...... Neap tides ~cri~ed.::::::: during the period of July 30-August 1, 1998 due to the a~i~.~.~ance ......... of the first g~arter moon on the 31". The data reveal that a clear ebb/flood current p~¢,.~ exists. The a~:b. ge velocity, was 6.72 cra/sec for the period of measurement with a ~ veloci~ ~:~4 cm/sec. The average vector was 82 degrees northeast. Turbidity rn~ht~::~ased by pulsing from approximately 3 FTU to a high of 25 FTU until the week~aii?:i:~ turbidity then slowly rose from approximately 3 FTU to a high of 25 FTU with slower pulsing events (from high and low peaks) until it declined to 0.0 FTU. - 29 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA Coecles Harbor (122'} The hydrographic survey was conducted from July 21 - July 27, 1998. The flow meter was deployed at the terminus of Hudson Avenue. Spring tides occurred during the period of July 22-24, 1998 due to the appearance of the new moon on the 23rd. A general ebb[~od ~ffent pattern existed within the harbor with minor pulsing suspected as win~-defived~i:~[~ gym?age velocity was 3.88 cngsec, for the period of measurement with a maximumi~0[ocity 0~i~sec. The average vector was 304 degrees southeast. Turbidity measuremen~!.::~:~'eased b~i~i~f~ ~gadily from approximately 4 FTU to a high of 16 FTU as the new m~ approach~! Bass Creek The hydrographic survey wfi. s conducted from July 27 deployed at the mouth tidal re,me consisted of two floods and two ebbs velocity was 22.2 cra/sec, for the p The average vector was 123 donees The flow meter was Preserve. The typical The average ~ of 51.9 cm/sec. on average at approximately 5 FTU with a few spikes ~::~. t~"near 20 FTU over the 24- hour period of measurement. Given the ~ular shape of the main body of ...... ~:~: . :a :::::::::.:: ...... ob bly both the creek, ~t is hkely that current partes might got be as c!¢arly defined, and are pr a wind and tidally derived. Three-Mile Harbor (132~ ~i~::.. 'the fr~'~ust 29- September 30, 1997. The flow meter was depl0~i~om tlS~h~ion of Three-Mile Harbor Road and Discovery Lane. Spring ttdes occurred'-'~ }~g penods~g~! 3 l-September 2, September 15-17, and agtun on September 30~:~:~i~ons occurr~:::~n September 1 and 30 . Full moon occurred on September::t~!'"~!~ecurre~"!~nng the penods of September 8th-10th due to the first quarte[~oon appearan¢~!i~ii~ and again dunng the period of the 22 - 24 due to the appea~ce of the third c~!i~oon on the 23'a. A general ebb/flood current pattern existed witCh'the harbor with ~0r ~ulsing suspected as wind-derived. The average velocity, was 2.09 c~:..~c, for the period q![~easurement with a maximum velocity of 10.2 cra/sec. The average v~r was 123 degr~ northeast. No turbidity measurements were taken. The hydrographic survey was conducted from September 2 - 9, 1998 The flow meter was deployed at the terminus of Gerard Avenue. Spring tides occurred during the period of September 5a - 7a, 1998 due to the appearance of the full moon on the 6th. A general ebb/flood current pattern existed within the harbor with minor pulsing suspected as wind-derived The average velocity was - 30- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA 16.1 cm/sec, for the period of measurement with a maximum velocity of 59 cngsec. Accabonac Harbor ranked as yd highest for average velocity readings during this study (when Bass Creek is included). Turbidity measurements indicated daily pulsing from lows of 0.0 FTU to highs of 25 FTU. Northwest Creek ========================== ::: ~.~:~:ii.:.::<}?:~!??:::~::!:e~i;~. .... The flow meter was deployed at the terminus ofNorthwe~i!H~ding Roaiti~i~i!on the results:~i' the hydro~aphic survey, as well as regular observatmns :~nducted studies conducted by the East Hampton Town Natural K~ources ~epanment, ~i~'was relauvely normal w~th two ebb udes.and two flood udes:m~,a~uty-four hour peno~i~i~tle t~dal height in North West Creeli on average was This is reported by the computer pro.am "Tides and 1995" and cordirmed by field sampling conducted by EHTNRD. :~.-':~ The current pattern within the creek apg dkection than a predictable ebb was recorded as 130 de,ecs, .~,~,:. maximum velocity of 9.9 cra/sec. The ag~(ag ..... dropped out to near zero on the slac~i~ter. Tt!~::itiydrograg~c survey quarter moon to a full moon ~iiiii::~i~ Northwest Harbor :,: i~iilli~i~s ::ss:::::~:::~::~ ....... ~:::::~:~:~ di~:'l~ obtain baseline data for an area immediately EEA 16t~ throu~ const~tata Harbor ........... ~..~. by the wind avem~::~irection of the current fairly weak with a As expected, velocities was studied from a first beds. Thls station was monitored from September deployed at the terminus of Mile Hill Road, current pattern existed within the harbor average velocity was 2.3 cm/sec, for the period of 5.1 cmJsec. Turbidity measurements remained fairly to 24.8 FTU. Ti5~ !iy~0graphic sfi:~ey was conducted once in 1997 from August 12m through August 29m and ai~ iii ~998 fri~:September 18m through September 29~' The flow meter was deployed on the ea~{~::~i'd~h of the harbor at the 1997 eelgrass harvest location and the 1998 eelgrass transplant location. A general ebb/flood current pattern existed within the harbor with minor pulsing suspected as wind-derived. The average velocity was 4.4 crrdsec for the two periods of measurement with a maximum velocity of 47 crrdsec reached in 1997 The average vector was 162 degrees northwest. Turbidity measurements averaged 44 FTU w/th a maximum of 25 FTU -31 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA Lake Montauk (135) The hydrographic survey was conducted August 26~ through September 2nd , 1998. The flow meter was deployed from East Lake Drive, south of Montauk Airport and north o[:~!ttle Reed Pond. A general ebb/flood current pattern existed within the harbor with ~nor E~lglng suspected as wind-derived. The average velocity was 3.57 cra/sec, for tho period .E~ment with a max/mum velocity of 17.7 cra/sec. The average vector was:g~:degre~.i ~st. Turbidity measurements progressively increased as both neap tide an~:i~'~kend re~i~!i~onditions approached. They steadily rose from less than 5 FTU to~::~!~aximum:0~::~5 ~i~i~den~:::3:~' 5.4 Wind Tren.d The main hypothesis for conducting a wind analysis wa~ii~6 have changed significantly over the past ~ i be expected to elevate the total suspended available for eelgrass growth. ..........~i~' W'md velocity and vector ~ 03NL) from 1960 through 1993, provide twice-dali> exposed towers and monitored and historical assessments , and/or vector turbulence could of light provided from BNL. BNL measurements are maintained on i~ measurements are suitable for accurate real-time and dispersion. Although this lata from 1949 to provide a 6.0 E elgr~ii!~ta~s@lan t ai~o~ii::g~ii~o mt o rmg Program Eelgrass tes¢~i~§::;~i~:~,~ed b~:~HTNRD, CCE ~d EE& ~c. as ~-~nd se~ces for t~s . ?:~?~ ":~:¢~':~::~:~:~:~ ..... projec[,~s~:~:~$p~g h~est,;~~ta~on of eelgrass was conducted m Napea~e H~bor for both 1997 ~ 1998. Fill h~}*~;~:~:~spl~tation were conducted by CCE at Ced~ Beach Point ~d Cut~b~e Hmbor in 19~. 6 1 Nape~gfie Harbor (1997) Tfi~ ~r~:~:~est was conducted on June 26, 1997 tong the eastern shoreline of Napeague H~fb6f~ EH~ ~d CCE selected the donor bed location. Ha~esting and transpl~tation tec~ques were modeled afler Fonseca, (1982). Eelgrass was h~ested as sods using a rounded, long-h~dled spade. Sods were removed at appro~mately one-meter and 16 meter on center from the centrfl potion of the e~sting bed Physic~ che~st~ measurements for xvater qu~iw were collected ~d two sediment staples were collected for grin size ~d tort orgmc c~bon content. -32- PECONIC I~STUARY EELGRASS I~A. BITAT CRITERIA Eel~ass plugs were washed and bundled, containing three to four eelgrass shoots per bundle and then wrapped with paper and biodegradable twist ties to 15-centimeter (cra) metal staples to create a planting unit. Planting units and sods were separated and set one-meter below the water surface (mean low water) in fruit baskets, polypropylene trays, and bread trays until transp.~ed to the transplantation location. Sods remained covered in wet burlap and were ...... OUt of.~:~ater for no longer than ten minute intervals. Harvested planting units we~ placed.,i~ii~:.i~i~ter coolers to prevent them fi.om shock and dessication during transpona~ i~Pfior~!i~!~tation, the new locauon was delineated by four fla~ged steel posts marke~!:.~h buoys....~ii~E~tauon sne~as approxamatety 3.3 square meters. Transplantation occurred during the first two hours ......... "EHTNRD ~J~iiii~'rovided a diving team. Each diver ~tas aided by an assistant. comers of the new bed. Fifty planting units were planting units were placed in a southeasterly position. on center. Eelgrass sods ranged fi.om 10 to 15-cra diagonal corners of the test plot area. Smaller placed in the diagonal position and 43 were installed 30-cm at the remaining 6.2 Cutchogue ttarbor CCE harvested sods in November 19~om a dfi~or site Bay. These sods were quickly transplanted in an area of C~gue H~or ~d a¢~ed~ Beach Point ne~ the CCE M~e Laborato~. ~rs at the o~et of a northeaster store. Tbs attempt~as made m 1997. Prior to the were held EHTNRD thal~i~ar and future' many discussions between CCE, EHTNRD and EEA to transplant eelgrass in Napea_wae Harbor. proposed to plant within a fairly healthy to clamrr, ing activities or storm erosion. A new way of location was devised to enhance the monitoring program for and transp!~tation took place on two dates, May 19 and June 4, 1998 The eelgrass ~:.~:::~ed 'along~:eastern portion of Napeague Harbor was used as both a donor and a ~h af~:~i:~ure 3 This bed was chosen because it was n ~ood health and it had random pa~l~i~!~:~oughout the bed. Eight plots were marked for restoration; four within these patchy holes inside the main eelgrass bed and four immediately adjoining the e~sting eelgrass bed along the outer edge. These areas were all marked with 30-cra PVC and buoys held in place by cement blocks -33 - Eelgrass Harvest & Transplantation Location Map 1997 Fall Transplants Point 1997 Fall Transplants Cutchogue Harbor 1997 Spring Na[ ue 1997 Spring Transplant Napeague Harbor & Transplant 3eague Harbor KEY: N · = Transplant · Harvest · Harvest & Transplant Figure: 3 Harvest & Transplant Location Map No Scale PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA 6.4 . Eelgrass Mo This to locat~ wasting had died off. By A .25 meter square quadrat was constructed from PVC piping. This was used to guide the placement of transplants at each of the eight locations. A 30-cm PVC pipe was placed in the center of the square and labeled P-I through P-8 (Figure 4). Each square would be planted with four planting units at each of the four comers of the square while aligned along a north-SOuth axis. Each square would contain 1/2 of the eelgrass harvested from within the bed and 1/2 of~;/~e eelgrass harvested from the outer edge. The planting units from within.the bed ~planted on the landward side of each square and the leading edge planting ufi~S:were'is!~ ~g the seaward edge. This was designed so that we could compare wheth~:/~splanta~i~?~:~a is limited transplanting outer edge plants or inner bed plants. ~iiiil ? Eelgrass was harvested using a 20-cm coring device to digi::~a~!~:~0d the same identified where the coring tool should be placed. An as~i~led the coring tool into the substrate while the diver gtlided the tool so that each soc[¢~'i~ii!~y through rhizomes and substrate. The diver worked his/her hands under the s~!~are~/l~i~::~:~?:~ot to damage the rhizomes and pull the sod free. Sods were then placed into a ~!l~g tray ti~i~aud carded to the transplant location. The same coring tool was use~::::~e ...................... the hoi:~.i.~.i~d transplantation Four of the eight sites were completed on M~g~iiI:~!~!'¥~iii~i~e remfi~ four were completed on June 4, 1998. The harvest locations were staked wi!;ki~C pipi~:'buoyed~::::~::::~ement block for future monitoring Pro mm an in-kind service. Monitoring consisted of trying whether the eelgrass blades looked healthy, whether had occurred or whether the eelgrass was dying or better developed because the goals for The objective was to observe each of the eight locations to d the general health of the plants using a relative scale of good, poor o~.~ellent. Additiona~ii~:bservations regarding die back, wildlife utilization, and epiphytic growth noted. E~:~i~onitoring event included an underwater photograph and a measurement of ~!~:~peraturgi:~::~Ue to initial technical problems with the underwater camera and turbidity in ~~!ii;~nost pictures were not helpful for the analytical portion of this study. 6.4.1 Napeague Harbor (1997) Monitoring began within two week of the initial transplant. On July 29, 1997, EHTNRD noticed that some of the blades on both sods and planting units were turning black. Coincidentally, within - 34 - 786 Napeague Harbor * - Map not to scale Figure 4 Napeague Harbor 1998 Transplantation Index Map PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS I~ABITAT CRITERIA the time frame from transplantation to this monitoring event, the water temperature rose above the 20 degree Celsius mark in Napeague Harbor. By the following week, all transplants had died of[ 6.4.2 Cedar Beach & Cutchogue It[arbor (1997) CCE monitored the Cedar Beach transplant location for eight months. Al~hough::lnitially the transplants remained viable through the winter and sprin~, b Iul of 19~!~ ail sods had died of[ No further monitoring was conducted by CCE There has never been any follow-up monitoring conduct~t the G~hogue location by CCE. The conditions of those transplants ~!~Bi!~gue Harbor unknown. It is presumed t}tat due to the conditions in W~ii~sere transplanted ~1 th& observations made at Cedm: Beach Point, that the likeliho~!~ii!~al is minimal. On June 4, 1998, the four transplant location}i~!!!~gd on M~::'i 9~h were observed. All planting units appeared extremely healthy, :~a: were ~i~iii~¢0g.e...~",except for two outer units within plot 4. The stressed units appear~:'~{o be d~ ba~i:~::'ihere were not as many shoots present as when it had been planted. ~::g[~{er tem~:~ture w~ii~{':'measured. All eight plots were monitored ~ 1998...J?lbts 1,2,5,6,7, and 8 were all rated as "excellent". "good" on our scale. Plot 3 was there were signs of scallop rakes within not appear stressed or 18.7 de~ees Celsius. On July 4, 7, ~ ~ ~re rated as "excellent" with thick growth continuing. Plot I event. Plots 5 and 6 appeared to show some brown anil::yellow sh ::ili::i? ~eramre was not recorded. Or~agust 20, and October J},1998 Plots 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 were still rated as "excellent". Not~ble.. was the north'~6~t planting unit in Plot 3, which was a little thin, but still appeared healthy T~i'~fore, the Plot r,ecewed a ranng of 'exce ent" . Plot 5 was rated as "good" because the nOrttiwest planting'~t appeared severely stressed There was an abundance of epiph~ic, growth coverifig all PlotSl as well as the natural eelgrass beds The presence of epiph~es did not appear to have hifi~gative impact to the transplanted bed or natural bed Water temperature was recorded at 24.8 degrees Celsius on August 20, 1998 -35- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS ltABITAT CRITERIA 7.0 DISCUSSION 7.1 Water Quality Salinity average by approximately 3 ppt. The Peconic River emp~i~:s;~ into portion of the estuary creating the lateral salinity gradie~!~bserve~tiiiiii? Temperature Temperature increases only marginally from east v derived m~inly from solar radiation, these waters are estuary basin. The temperature of the entering tidal creeks and the ocean water analysis by Tetra TectL Inc (1998) mouth of the Peconlc Dissolved Oxygen As the heat content is they occupy the ~erature &the ~es. As seen in the ; Bay where the ore dense salt water. In salt water,~.the solubility, water ' be EEA quality with: nature )erature and salinky increases where Less oxygen can by both SCDHS and and monitored embayments generally have excellent water ~ varies diurnally and seasonally as of such variations differ, depending upon the ' &the estuary, and effects from tides. Surfa¢~:~ater DO ......... -2stuary tends to be slightly lower in the western portion of the es~ when compared {~'t~':eastern portion. Tetra Tech, Inc. (1998) reported periods of low DO ar!~i!i~gh chlorophyll-a.s~ucentrat oas m Pecomc River and Flanders Bay during summer periods. Tt~i~oted that the[~:i~::a recurring phenomenon of summer phytoplanlcton algal blooms ¢6~cin~ in Jun~!i!~d ending in August. These algal blooms and ch/orophyll-a concentrations h~:-~:O-b§~::to occur in especially large ma~nitudes during brown tide years. As the algae in th~ ~ ~6~ settles to the bottom it is deposited as organic ~natter and decays within the bottom sediments. During the natural processes of sediment flux, oxygen demand increases in the western portion of the estuary resulting in lowered DO concentrations. The oxygen-depleted bottom water layer enhances sediment nutrient release, especially ammonia. This nutrient release facilitates the cycle of benthic release, algal production, and oxygen consumption until water -36- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA temperature decreases enough to halt this cycle. For all stations monitored, DO standards are higher than those set for the CBS, 2-meter Restoration Criteria value of<10, and the LISS Restoration Criteria value of<5.5. Worst case:~pmmer average for all stations was 7.05 mg_Jl. (97/98). In general, the average chlorophyll-a level for all stafiomS~:~}~Smbined .~'the:3 ~.2~:.~ which falls below the standard of 5.5/~g/l established fo~i~ong Isla~8~Sound, ~i~ii~ii~[~ the 15.0tz~l standard estabhshed for Chesapeake Bay. ' of the mclden~rkvated chlorophyll-a levels (> 5.5 t~g/l) occurred during the presumably did not impact the eel~ass during the threshold for chlorophyll-a of approximately Brown-Tide years. chlorophyll-a concentrations fell well I Comparatively, EEA, Inc. conducted and (1998) ~stablished a and 12.5 ~tW1 in The mean for .y, New York during 1995-96 as part [ress) conducted by the New York City Department ofEnviro~ental Prd~ction ~CDEP) Chlorophyll-a levels in Jamaica Bay, a nutrient rich ed ~t~199/~g/1 ~?'the study period. Chlorophyll-a levels peaked in March and of the spring .,runoff which be noted th~/{~he amount It spring bloom is the result primarily NO~ (Gilbert, 1995). It should addition of growth limiting trends in chlorophyll-a abundances, provided by (1977-97), show a decreasing trend in N~trogen occurs m the bto.~ m a vartety of forms ran~mng m ox~dataon state from 5 to -3. Ino[~c introvert is pr~ni':~i-imadly as highly oxidized n/trite and nitrate, as reduced ammonia, a~:~i}~ molecular nitrogen. In the nitrogen cycle, except for the ammonia exchange with sediments, allii~tions are biolo~fially mediated. By far the greatest influx of inorganic nitrogen into ~ms results from ammonia and nitrate assimilation. These reactions predominate in surface Organisms using nitrite as their nitrogen source must reduce it to ammonia before incorporating it into orgamc forms, and this process requires a reduction system including the enzyme nitrate reductase. This inducible enzyme is present in algal cells only when nitrate is being used as the nitrogen source, which suggests a mechanism for deterrmning the form of nitrogen an algal -37- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA population is using. Th~ reverse of assimilation is ammonification, whereby organic nitrogen is returned to the inorganic nitrogen pool as ammonia. Tetra Tech, Inc. (1998) found that in the peripheral embayments of the estuary an~:::~.the six main bays, nitrogen is more of a limiting factor than phosphorous, typical for e~ade§~ coastal waters. Tetra Tech Inc., relates seasonal factors where nitrogen-rich rg~'.~}~itS~hed downstream from the Peconic River headwaters and comprise a large fi.acti6n of th~ii:.~::~'ater. The arithmetic mean for all stations observed in 1997 andii~:ili998, regarc~g D~iii~i~i~g;:mg/1..~:~re are no lateral changes in concentration observed form e~!i~[9 wes~::i~kin the e~ii~:~!~ere any differences between the growing season and the su~:.~e~:n. When coml~i~{~.i{~e CBS and LISS recommended value of<0.15 the Peconic Es~::~ntrations fall well below'the recommended criteria. These low values likely indicate t~i:::.~i!~[.of inorganic nitrogen is ...... ~:~ .... ~:~:~:~:~:~,:~:~:~,~:~::...? ..: .... probably contributed by atmospheric cond~tmns and tha~::~:~ffa~i~[: groundwater ~ntrusion are playing a minor role. Nitrogen levels fi.om ralnfall~g highly' ~:..typically nitrate and ammonia occur in significant amounts in areas m i i york climates (Hutchinson, 1957). Orthophosphate levels were unffo~!iibw tl~e~}hout th~;~conic Estuary. The four stations with the highest average orthophospha~i::i~vels ~i143 ~:~.~¢~s Harbor), 144 (Cornelius Point), 112 (Hallocks Bay), an~!::$~tioriii135 (Lake Montauk). All had eelgrass beds as re Harbor) with one of the lowest elgrass community. Ortho by elements such as aluminum and iron. Additionally, may react with calcium carbonate to form a relatively insoluble Base.~i~h observations it would appear that at least some of the sediment in Napeague H~¢ contains a fair am~uri~:::0f iron, based on rusty-staining observed. No samples were analyzed tq ~h~port this assump~h. If true, this may, in part, explain the slightly lower levels of o~h~Phosphate from th/it station. T~g no~ ~ar to be a clear link between orrhophosphate levels and eelgrass establishment . in %h~i~onic Estuary, but it is clear from the literature review that relatively elevated levels do not hinder the development of eelgrass. -38- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS ltABITAT CRITERIA Total Suspended Solids Due to the limited available data provided, the analysis for TSS should be conside~d?ith caution. From the data analyzed, levels generally fall below 15 mgA established fo~ ~hes~e Bay and below the 30 mg/1 level established for Long Island Sound and Connecti~iii:~i~htensive TSS sampling program should be coupled with a light attenuafio~i~pling!~:.i~gr both the eelgrass growing and summer seasons. This will allow fo~ii~:::~stablishn~!}:~eline data wh~ Table 1 (Section 5.1) indicates the variability throughout ~:~:i~garding light extinction for the eel~ass growang season vs. summer season when ~gs fi.O~!l~}i~onmental factors ~s greatest. In general, the coefficient for calculating K~:t!l~y need S~i~n based on the differences obtmned when compared to calculat[~i~iig!3 Lambeffi::~!!~. In general, the western/central portion of the estuary exceed~?:i~:::~i~.value ~B'~8 for Kd and LIS S cntena value of 0.7. The eastern pomon o£~ esma~ii::i~:~tk~;'~ange of 0.6 and 0.7 for both the growing and summer seasons for twoJ~eter Ha~at ~::~-equirements. This analysis is intended to promde:il~e cofi~ifions for:i~rther studies to refine Habitat Criteria for light attenuation within the es~ and sh~d not b~ii~onsldered an e,,rhaustive statistical analysis. Alt?ugh for eel~ass establishme~iit'o portion of the estuary is literature. It should be noted that water quality and that water quality criteria for the Peconic Estuary may TKN Totak:.~ldahl separately fi.om ammonia nitrogen in order to determine the coE~htration of organic:~tr/5:gen within the system. Organic nitrogen is determined by calculating th~ ~ifference between a~monia nitro~,en and TKN. ~!~i~els' ofTKN ~:~erved in the Peconic Estuary are lower than those described earlier that EEA, I~ :.~ ~b~r;¢~:~ the East River system. A study conducted by EEA, Inc during 1989-90 field s~~:~ an average TKN value of l.6 ppm in the East River, nearly three times higher than those obse,wed throughout the Peconics Additionally, the occurrence of elevated levels of chlorophyll coincided with peaks of TICN This is expected as orgamc nitrogen is a primary nutrient source for photosynthetic plants. As expected, eelgrass is absent from the East River system -39- PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS RABITAT CRITERIA In general, the levels of TKN in the Peconic Estuary were very consistent, ranging from a maximum of 0.63 ppm at Station 240 (Peconic River) to a minimum of 0.40 ppm at Station 144 (Cornelius Point). These observations indicate a spatial decrease in TIGN concentrations progressing from west to east in the Peconic Estuary Total Coliform :?:i!i!!ii!ii!ii~:...~:::i=.iiii7 .... In general the levels ofcoliforms are extremely Iow throu~a~i':'ihe Pei'~i~ Incidencegi~f spikes and elevated levels are chiefly due to localized im~is and Estuary. The high levels of coliforms fi'om Northwest (~}ok were~B:kfirmed (1998). The Bureau of Marine Resources Shell Fishefi~!~g~:ievels as high ~g/1 in Northwest Creek. This, in part, was attributed to severa~i~ ~eptic systems kn;~ to be situated in the water table adjacent to creek waters :~:~¢ii~ii::i~:!!}ii~:i~ii~iiiii!?}!i~:~iiii~ The somewhat elevated coliform levels at expected as the Town of Rivethead Sewage River. Additionally, the Peconic River reaching Flanders Bay bringing su drop to 16.7 mgA at the Flanders Bay st~n Peconic Bay. These observations lead.~: to localized events that are not ~ appear that coliforms contribute ~ are r into the Pec0nic country before immediate to 2.3 m~l in Great Peconic Kiver produce estuary. Overall, it does not : of the Peconic Estuary. Urea is and feed observed fishing ¥~§iels. generally associated with animals, in particular cattle Elevated concentrations of urea were this type of land use does not exist within the r utilized by private and recreational commercial ' exists that illegal discharge of sanitary holding tanks may be ca,3~in~ According to observations made by both EEA, Inc. and Cashin AssOCiate'S, the persistent: ;~el,2rass beds within Lake Montauk does not appear t6 be impacted. T~ ~ashin (1996) SA~ 3eport documents the presence of dense eelgrass beds in the vicinity, of S[a~fion::: ::::::: 135 in Lake ~htauk. During the deployment of the 3D-ACM flow meter, EEA, Inc. staff 6b~'ed dense eel~ss beds in the same area. Conversely, Cashin Associates (1996) documented th~ absence ofeelgrass beds within Coecles Harbor, and more specifically at Station 122. The presenc~ 0lured is uniformly low throughout the rest of the Peconic Estuary. NO:. +NO: 0%0 Levels of NOX throughout the Peconic Estuary are e,'ctremely Iow, falling well below the standard - 40 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA of one ppm for nitrite and 10 l~pm for nitrate established by NYSDEC for Class SA waters. No discernable pattern is evident in the 1997-1998 data between NOX levels at each of the 14 stations. Additionally, the presence or absence of eel~ass does not correlate with ~)X levels. The highest level of NOX was 0.078 ppm at Lake Montauk which has a ~!1 es[~bliShed population of eelgrass. Additionally, Station 112 (Hallocks Bay) and Sta!ion 144 (~fi'~:'Point) exhibit some of the lowest measured levels of NOX, and support eel, s pop~i:~iiii~:~2onversely, Station 132 (Three-Mile Harbor) has high concentrations ofNOX ~!~Stationii::~!~:[i h~est Creek):~s low concentrations of NOX, yet neither support aa?__ :~¥: :~.:.::~eel~ populafi~:i ~:~}!~.OX::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::::::al°~ does not appear to have any beariag on whether eelgras~:~g:~presenti::~'iabsent Silicate ................... "~ Silicon ranks next to oxygen m abtmdaace m the earth i~mst. $ili~e:~::~.~ be found tn natural water bodies at levels fi.om 1 to 30 ppm and caa be....~!~{~in con~ ? high as 100 ppm. Although it is subject for debate, some proof exist~i~sate con~!i~i:~agnitude of diatom production during the spring bloom and caus~!::l~'~:.:::~.~ell (C~nely and Mahne, 1992). It is a constituent of the diatom cell wall, some sponge spicules. With the exception of a few elevated: is ., repo ia fi.om S i;ia: S n2, 170, aad 240 that well within the naturally occurrins rang~i~ilicat~i~e silicate:.i~ncentrations throuc, hout the Peconic Estuary are extremely low. Alth~"no eel,s is pres~ at the stations with the relatively high eelgrass ~s alsamot?:present a[?.~l~wtth relatively low s~hcate levels. , be a COl-r~lauon between elevated sdmate readings and ilicate and chlorophyll-a levels are both consistent[ of the Peconic River, it does not carry over throu ~;~". ~i~ the substrate :~:./5isears to be extremely variable, fluctuating greatly between stations and ~!~onth to month~: with no discernable pattern. Ir~!~:.~:[~ levels were lowest during the May and October sampling periods. The highest occurrences were observed at Accabonac Harbor (June'97). Northwest Creek (July '97), Great Peconic Bay (July '97) and West Neck Harbor (July '97) The trend observed for the months of data collection allows us to infer that between October and May, TOC levels in the substrate remain relatively low (below 5,000 mg/kg). For the sampling period of 1997 and 1998, the TOC -41 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA concentrations began to rise in June, considerably in East Hampton and noticeably around Shelter Island. By July, TOC levels continued to rise specifically within Northwest Creek, Great Peconlc Bay, West Neck Harbor, Cornelius Point and Coecles Harbor. By August and September, most stations revealed a decreasing trend in TOC's with minor localized events of increase Prior to this study, it was anticipated that substrate with high TOClues::~td e~sist primarily of silts or fine sands that would function to trap and hold org~::~tter.,i~i~!ations with the hiahest TOC levels are corn rised of substrate made u ofi;.'7~::::§0 erce~?;~.~¢~;:ii:.} ~ closer look ~: this relataonship reveals that not all stat,OhS with high pe~iitages o~q, el fi~ii~ii~pC !~1s. The presence or absence of eel~ass did not correlate wi~;~ levels. Of th~:::~here eelgrass is present. TOC lev. els ranaed from 3 277 to 8 0~i~?~ell below and abc;'~'the average. Stations w~th smnlar TOC levels and substrate cornpos~ta~i::~pt?ort eelgrass populatmns. On average, the total organic carbon in the substrate ~lla below ~?;~i~6elat criteria established by the LISS. The result for TOC was 1.25 per~i::~*~?trnns di~¢~ed this level. Therefore. xt ts concluded that substrate TOC::tl~es'"~i:i~di~::~ontnbu~ ~ the Habitat Criteria necessary, to support or estabhsh eelgrass g~pulauo~i!~i~rnc Estuary. Grain Size ..... ;a:~- .;~;!;? : ii::!?:~ ............ The substrates of the Peconic very coarse, and coarse sands. Only four of[he stations are donit¢iated by; and little or no fine sand and silts. These data indicat~i~at in high energy system with swift currents sized subs*rates. Interestingly, this applies to both the the smaller harbors. , substra~{~:lh~t vary fi'om 70 percent gravel to 50 percent coarse sand with a ~onent. Not all stations with similar grain size structure support$~.rass based on this preliminary data, we can propose that eelgr~::rnay establish ir with a varied range of panicle sizes, mostly of coarse sand and ~(~!! .And, that substra~ P~icle size is unlikely to be the limiting factor for establishment, perSiStence and abund~e of eel~ass 7.3 Hydrodynamic Trends The;~icaltidal regirne consisting of two flood tides and two ebb tides over a twenty-four hour period was clearly defined in the data reviewed for Meetinghouse Creek, West Neck Creek, Hallocks Bay, and Cornelius Point Not as clearly defined as the stations above, a general ebb/flood current pattern exists with minor to - 42 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA moderate pulsing suspeCted as Wind-derived for Flanders Bay, Great Peconic Bay, West Neck Harbor, Three-Mile Harbor, Accabonac Harbor, Northwest Creek, Northwest Harbor, Napeague Harbor, and Lake Montauk. A turbidity sensor was added to the 3D-ACM flow meter in May 1998. S$i~tions ~6intored prior to that date include Three-Mile Harbor, Hallocks Bay, and Northwest Cre~i~iiiii!~'ore, no turbidity data was collected at these stations .... ??:i?.iii~: :~?~i~i}i?~ii?~!i!~i!~!!i!:::~ Turbidity trends fall between noticeable increases dufing:~day and.:~'k~'~ii~/~:fi-om increased recreational water use and noticeable increase~i~e to mo~ events. :':i!!i~!i!iiii~i?:ii?~ii!!iiii~sii~:iiiiii?:i~i? Areas wth clearly defined turb~&ty increases resulting fi-o~d weekend recreauonal water use include Flanders Bay, Meetin~ouse Creek, West N~!~i!~~ Lake Montauk. Areas with clearly defined turbidity spikes as neap or spring tide co~tio~i~ include Cornelius ?oint, Coecles Harbor, Accabonac Harbor and Napea Har o;7!i i!ii: ii 7.4 Wind Trends :~i~i!:i:i-:;:' ' ': ::i~ii:~ ii~i ~i!~i~ii~!~!~ :; ~i!ii::iii~ ........................................... In general, the average wind speed for tt!~?~ntire st~ pe~ ~:~:~31 meters/second. The maximum occurred in 1964 at 3.04 m~seco~::md the ~m wind velocity occurred during 1989 at 1.79 meters/second. The ~age vector for the enure study period was 210.31° and was very consistent from year to year~i~ng froliC01.18%~tihng 1989 to 22~.77° m 1976. The wind ~¢~r during li~i~a~lcallv d~ff~§~J:::other years (151.13). Only four months of · -~ :~ ~ it"'"' :~ ~:~:~ '"& ::~: ~-':~ ?,~:: ~s ~ '" '::::.::. ::::::::::::::::::::::: . wind ve~i~ July;titbit:and Septe~l~er) were recorded for 1971 vath all bmng Peak v~nd vet~l~9.rted to~ from November through May w~th the January through April pefi~:.~:~i!~!~:~erce~ef all peaks. March had the single greatest concentration of peak wind:i~elocity. ":~::~iiii~!!::~!::ii::iiii!iiii::i::~i::~:::. - Th¢::~fiod representing ~ ~nimum wind velocity was fi-om May through December, with most oq~ng (70 percent)f~m June through September. The month of September had the highest o~ence of minimum:wind velocity events. : :: : · The ~hyp~he~is for conducting a wind analysis xvas that wind velocity may have increased si~l~ ~:~i that the vector may have changed in such a manner that increased turbulence would elevate the total suspended solids, thus decreasing the amount of light penetration available for photosynthesis of SAV The opposite of what was originaily expected occurred Although the wind vector is e,-ctremely - 43 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA constant over the 33-year period, the overall wind velocity appears to have decreased. When broken down by decade, wind velocity between the 1960s and 1970s was nearly identical, averaging 2.50 meters/second and 2.47 meters/second, respectively. The most noticeable change occurred between the 1970s and 1980s, when average wind velocity dropped 0.39 meters/s~:~gnd or 15.8 percent. Wind velocity between the 1980s and 1990s were again nearly i~gntica[gt 2 08 and 2.10 meters/second, respectively. It should be noted that data fi.om the 199~'d of only four years (1990 to 1993). This observation was collaborated (W'dson & Beltrami) ~' corretate~:~:~i~.data blooms of brown fide (Aureococcus anophagefferens) spring created favorable growth conditions for the broW~:,~!i!?'' Although some researchers at the time hypothesized that ~?~i~!g~i~as responsible for the decline of eelgrass during the 1980s (e g, Cosper, et al, 1987i:~nni]~i~ii~ii~::t9891 by block/nc, lioht penetration, no definiuve conclns~on has been draw!L~,~s:? ::~a?:?a~?:::~ii:[::~::,?.~,::~::::.~ .... A further rewew of the historical data by Cas~s~}[~:~996) allows us to conclude that a multitude of facto s are more likely to exp[~m the de~tme~::i~ffi~l~a single event 7.5 Eelgrass Transplan~i~ Prog~ :i?:~*~:' ...... The Napeague future progr~...m~ within harvested 0rmation for ~gram for sod harvest and sod proven to be a more successful within a stressed bed as opposed to areas only in the "gap" areas, but in the One made during the Monitoring Progran~ is the natural re- areas that left small gaps between adjacent healthy by natural enviro,'unental events, appears to be fundamental for re-c~i:~nizafion.::::::: Of the ~aS:~onitored, ail holes created by harvesting re-colonized with healthy P!~ by mid to late su~er. [~]~g:outer edge:~ds within the stressed eel~,rass beds appears to have an overall better success r~i~:.~iantiU~ ~er bed sods within the stressed bed. This inference is supported by the die off aha ~oess~ C0ndition of the northwest planting units in plots 3 and 5 by late September 1998. This technique should be further monitored and implemented at different harbors within the estuary. Lastly, the technique used to mark the site and each of the plots to be monitored had much greater success than the technique employed in 1997 whereby stakes and buoys were used The cement - 44 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA blocks and PVC pipes are much more easily recognized, and when measured with a GPS in the field are quite easily navigated. Conversely, stakes with buoys can easily be removed by vandalists and/or strong current conditions. 8.0 CONCLUSIONS Water quality data collected specifically for this study was ~[Sd, measurements for the areas supporting thick beds of eelgr~?: The beds, averaged 0.3 m4 Kd, 3.1 s~g/1 chlorophyll-a, 0.01~'Dn>, 0.t ofT.1 mgdl. Except for chlorophyll-a, the observed [ average, Chesapeake Bay and the Lbng Island Sound. extinction the densest.? The '97/'98 water data collected in conjunction ~ared to water quality data analyzed by SCDHS (1998) for SAV habitat cfi~i~ ' conditions are suitable for re-establishment of eelgrass at a two~d~!!~ mrtion of the .... ~:~,~:~'~i~iiiii~... .:...:o. estuary. The data for 1994-1996 ~s qmte co~l~ii~ata colleetea for 1997 and 1998 and there are no monumental variations between, water As described in Sectmn 3.0, sand accreti6n ......... and s~ur are o~i~is from aerial photography. In general, sand accretion occurs on tli~i~atern ~ot~mns of 1~t masses such as pemnsulas and tslands. Scour occurs mostly on the weste~!~';rfion ~ese sam~iiiand masses. EEA, Inc. evaluated the mapping pro¢..uced by Cashia~iates , indicates that the thickest eelgrass beds occun:~i~e eastern portions of these same land masses, has field 015§:~ations during the Eel~ass Transplant Monitoring Program, periodic burial may facilitate re-colonization of eelgrass and probable burial along the eastern sections of further, as the original scope of further investigatio~ and analysis of this concept. Addi[j~fially, t low within the estuary. Grain size analysis correlates with ....... tudi d ~hi th mary dgrai iz d al dy bli h d pre~tmss es con uc n ecs an ns etren s rea esta s e . T~ii~y~drodynamic ~.~' although rated as baseline, indicates typical tidal and wind-influenced occurrences for an ~arv within the ma/n bays, peripheral bays and tidal creeks. The larger bays ~i~:~:~dence'ofwind forces predominating with many diurnal pulses. The peripheral b~;.i~ ~i~idal creeks, depending on size and location, fall between wind-driven and tidally influenced. Most of the small tidal creeks indicate predictable ebb/flood cycles over a 24-hour period. As there are many variables considered when determining the overall health of a system where - 45 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS EIABITAT CRITERIA dominant algal ~:~?' eelgrass re-establishment is a primary goal, most variables measured fall within the recommended criteria established for other major estuaries along the east coast. As observed from reviewing many years &data, the Peconic Estuary is a very dynamic system and shows variation and pulsing from year to year. As observed in the catastrophic events of the 193 O's when wasting dise~ ~p,~i':ed near ,,, 90% of the eel~ass beds alon the eastern coastline of the United St~/i~ nearF:~:~i:~*:- ~s assed b'et~ re modest recovery was observed. Between 35 and 40 years ~ the reached thick densities and had become a nuisance to boa{~s. The Pe~:'~i~, in £a~i be in a state of recovery now, and we may not see the desitin:results :b~:~atural anticipated for another 25 to 30 years. Recovery may b~?.~!~a due to the pe a{ trrences of brown tide which disrupts the balance of the ecosyste~ii~{~t~ed observations and measurements of water and sediment quality will provide over the next several decades. EEA, Inc. also conducted a brief overview of kisto~ii~g[ass bed i~E~S within the estuary through both a literature review and by spe.klg~}~ihn,e-term ~i~aents and barmen during the sampling program. EEA, Inc discove~;g~:~ii~t-at at Napeague Harbor, the near shore shallo~i:~ater z0~'of li~i~i?:~:i~e-meter was historically dom hated by eelgrass. Presently, thesd!~:~eas are a0minate~:.~:~, fragile and Grassilaria sp. In other areas such as Northwest:~{g~ and N~eague H~bor where dredging of inlets has recontiuured the entrance and::.al~gd the i~iog~/i{~i historical eelgrass beds have disappeared. Zonation :i~a:to nng programs should be investigated further. By studying the ':~=~:: environment, productivity and functionality of These data should be compared with the historical eelg~ss where enough information already exists. 9.0 ........ 9 1 P opose~i:Eelg ass ltabitat Cite ia fo th Pe i Est ry E~ lnc., in conjunction with SCDHS has established baseline conditions within the Peconic E~ for water and sediment quality. This study was not an ex. hanstive collection program and did:not generate enough data to conduct sound statistical and regression analyses. The information provided should be considered carefully and should not be used as a sole source for overall management decisions within the estuary Based on the studies conducted to date, we recommend the folloxving Eelgrass Habitat Criteria for the Peconic Estuary (Table 5) expressed as mean summer water quality values These values are expected to optimize conditions and guide - 46 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS ItABITAT CRITERIA researchers and regulators in identifying potentially successful eelgrass restoration areas within the Peconic Estuary. In the next section (9.2), we also recommend additional studies to be considered in the near future. Table 5 Proposed Eelgrass Habitat Requirements Within the Pec0~ restoration) :ii~i::*::::: Kd (m't) O. 75 +/- O. 05 < 0.8 :~ ............ ~:~:~t3 DIN (mgtl) 0.02 <0.15 i:~i iigi!~t~:>. < 0.15 DIP (mg/l) 0.02 0.0~ :+::::; ?~?:?:~ ....[ <0.02 ~--- r--~--Chloronhvli =a $.$ +/-0.5 <10 ..~¢?:~:~gi~?.,:<.~...~:. i~: <15 ..........:i:i¢iii::: ':'~ iii~iii~:~!i}}iii}ii?:?, <30 TSS (rog/l) *None at this ?75. Substrate TOC * None at th~:~g? N/A::~ :: N/A < %~. ~ ....... ~:~ .-~ ~: ~m ....... EE& ~c has:.~::..~rous d~ps ~d addition~ studies that would pro,de inv~uable imi~ht ~to::~'"~ond~~or ~lgrass establis~ent ~d persistence withn the esm~. Those :~d~es ~e 1. :.}: P~red h~bor/ti~creek study where eelgrass e~sts in h~bor ~d is tossing ~om tid~ creek, i.e. Nog~est H~bor~onhwest Creek; Coecles H~bor/outside of i~et. Intensive ; =~:.:.:~:~}}::~:: mo~tofin~ ~tefia p~meters; 2: ; ?:~}}?:~::~Eontinued:.~ter qu~i, collections for established eelgrass stations; ~d e~ly ~ c~orophyll - a stapling; 4 substrate TOC stapling; 5 continued hydrod~c measurements at key locations wit~n the estu~ such as those listed fro the p~red h~bor/creek study in item 1; 6 Laborato~ modeling ofbufi~ d~cs for seed b~ restoration vs. sod restoration under - 47 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS HABITAT CRITERIA various manipulated hydrodynamic conditions; 7. New transplantations within ex/sting stressed beds incorporating and possibly modifying established techniques from this study (Hog Creek, Bullhead Bay, Napeague Harbor); 8. Continued monitoring of 1998 transplant at Napeague Harbor; 9. Continued evaluation of historical freshwater input vs. present day,freshwa{~r input to the Peconic Estuary system; 10. Intensive sampling/monltorin~restoration program at ~utlhead ~!:~i~e only eel~rass bed known west of Shelter Island; ::: 11. Comparative study of Hog Creek vs. Lake Mont~ - study ~te~:~g~-s, l~::~se and nitrogen cycling in these areas; ?ii:: ~ :~:i!:::? ..... 12. If/when results from studies become available fo~:~i~at:~:S~h Bay, comp~?:~ii~? both 13. Regression analysis bnce statistical data sets exist :~gi~i~;~ha parameters. Concentrate on relationship between nitrogen and chlorophyl 14. Monitor summer season, bottom bed water [~P{ratures ~}~!~¢~re eelgrass exists in the two-meter zone, macroalgae dornina~!{~~ ~:meter Z~t'~:~eas where eelgrass 15. Sedimentary transport and burial ~i~iis to ~i~::iit~ ~g~and shining within the estuary and its association with thi?iuccess:~"fail~?!!~::~i~:ted eelgrass locations. These are important consideration[::~i~ture aies withl '::::Ne estuary and ir designed well, should all reveal important information ~::~ture ~ement,:~lvifies. 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White Plaius, New York (914) 948-4389 Ms. $¢..~rer ~:ujawski USDS - Natural Resources Conse~afiSh:::.::,.: Servi~ National Plant Materials Center Mr. Murray Pinelands 32_~ IslanCt'Roa Colu "m~fis, New Jersey (609~i~91-9486 K~hSche~l B~!~yF[ie~an Ea~t;H~pi0n Town Natural Resources Department 300 Pantigo Place, Suite 105 East Hampton, Ne~v York (516) 324-0496 -61 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS ItABITAT CRITERIA Mr. Chris Smith Ms. Sandy Duamais Mr. Chris Pickerell Mr. Emerson Hasbrouck Suffolk County Cornell Cooperative Extension 3690 Cedar Beach Road Southold, New York (516) 852-8660 Dr. Frederick T. Short University of New Hampshire Jackson Estuarine Laboratory (603) 862-2175 New York State Sea Grant Extension 146 Suffolk Hall/SUNY Stony Brook, New York ( 516 ) 632- 8730 Mr. Donald Danila Utilitieii::Zn ta~:~::g~r N.E. vironmen atory P.O. Bo~iii~$ ii!ii:~: Waterfor (860) 447-179ti :::?:?:::: ?: ii ....................... Rive[g~d County Cente~? :.~ 300Center Drive Riverhead, New York (57!~):727-2315 Mrl cart Ehide Mr ~ewi~ Davies Suffolk County Department of PlarmJng (516) 853-4865 Dr Charles Yarish - 62 - PECONIC ESTUARY EELGRASS E[ABITAT CRITERIA University of Connecticut yarish(~uconnvm, uconn, edu (203) 461-6621 Dr. Sandra Shumway Southampton College 239 Montauk Highway Southampton, New York Mr. Victor Cassella Brookhaven National Laboratory (516) 344-2271 Mr. Sandy Wyllie-Echeverda University of Washin~on Ms. Marci Bortman Ms. Susan Antenen The Nature Conservancy (516) 367-3225 New York State Department: 9f ~vironmeri~i~tion Coastal 2855 E. Coat I-Ii~?~guire 228 Corona (714) 6~3~3076 Mr. Tom Halavik U:8~iFish & Wildlife Setwices (46i~ 364-9124 - 63 -