HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12424 P 2601 ., lGC~1 ~I--3 ~5 (~ ~ .~ ~ 9arplo aoA SNe Uad w116 Coreooop Aplul Cnowr'~ Aelt - I~dldd~W a Curyw~Va (A),\'SULT YOUR LAWI'ER aEFORE SIGNNC iHL411~571t11AlENr•ri1141T5TItU~fE.\T SIIOULD 9E UYED RY LAWYERS Uf~L\' (~a ~ THIS INDENTURE, made the _ ST day of IVOI/~.Sr+~- -, 2005 BETWEEN UVORAK and BARBARA S. RIDDLE•DVORAK, husband and wife, both residing at 321 East Street, Apt. 207, New York, NY, 10017 party of the first part, .~ JOYCE FERRARA AND HECTO CR ORDOVA, as the Co-Trustees of the FetTara-Cordova Trust, both residing at S South Drive, Sag Harhor, New York, 11963 of the second pan, that the party of the first part, in consideration of TEN ($10.00) dollars, lawful money of the United States paid by the party of the second pan, dots hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings aad improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being SEE SCHEDULE'R' ANNEXED HERF,TO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the panics of the first pan by deed dated September 3, 1998 recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on September 16, 1998 in Liber l 1917 at page 321. ETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the parry of the first pan in and to any stints and abutting the above described premises to the center lints thereof. with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or :cssors and assigns of the party of the second pert forever. the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first pan has not done or suffered anything by the said premises have been incwnbcred in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. VD THE party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such nsidcration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement, and II apply the same f first to the payment ot'the cost of the improvement before ruing any part of the total of same for any other purpose. The word '`party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the Ise of this indenture so requires. SCHEDULE"A" ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvetnenls thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of Greenpori, Town of Southold, County of Suft'olk and Stetc of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the easterly side of Main Street, where the southwesterly corner of pnhnises about to be described and the northwesterly corner of land formerly of Williford, now or formerly of Nezin intersects the said easterly side of Main Street, said point also being distant i 12.09 feet southerly side of Case Street; RUNNING THENCE North 06 degrees 50 minutes 50 seconds Wcst, along the easterly side of Main Strcet, 44.00 feet; THENCE North 83 degrces 09 minutes 10 seconds East, 166.34 feet to the westerly side of Carpenter Street; THENCE South 06 degrees 55 minutes 10 seconds East, along the westerly side of Carpenter Street, 44.00 to the northeasterly comer of land formerly of Williford, now or formerly of Nezin, nforesaid; THENCE South 83 degrces 09 minutes 10 seconds West, along said land, 166.39 feet to the monument on the easterly side of Main Street, as the point or place of BEGINNING. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: n ,~ . 1V0 DVORAK, by BARBA A S. RIDDLI'rDVORAK Attorney-in-Fact ~k..S ~i7y~ ,_ ~~~ S . ~l w'iC/Xa _ S. R1DDL&DVORAK STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss: On the ~ St day of __ 1~1 OVPr»loe~' , 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally lappearcd BARBARA S. RIDDLE-DVORAK, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of 'satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names arc subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upoq behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. "-'V "~ N Public jpyry,~g ,old Su{{~lk Couu-t~, A1t?w `(ot;.lC ND• 02~0'SO~t{t,t{p C~mmissroa~ e~ P`''e s 3-t~-toob• 1 2 RECORDED • 2005 Dec 08 09:49:36 tltl Afumberotpages Edgard P.Rtmaine 1+ORRBN3 CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY Sviat A L DO0012424 • P 260 '~~* Dra os-1a3~ Prior Ctf. M Deed .1Vlortgaga Itoeiutnatt Decd / Mattgage'1>nt Setup llCOOrdiog / Iriliog Sumps 3 FEfsS p~ / Fdittg p« T Anu. _ 1. Basic Thu HaO~1°g 5' ~- 2. Additioml7h>c _ qp_~ Sub 7bta1 _ Spa. / Atait_ Notation or BA-5217 (Cotutty) Snb'Lbtal ~' / ~' 'P01: DRTCi TAX ._ 6A-5217 (Sara) Deal 7bwti _ Dual Owmty -_ ~ ~ Held tar Appoiome 1LP.TSA ~ • Ttaosferlht; _ Cottmt. of Bd. S. ~ Measion 7hx • Affidavit • • The Ply ~~~ ~ ~ e ~ a sill be improvcd by a one a two ~~ Copy family dwelling only. Y13S or NO ~B- ~Py ~ . Sub 1bu1 It NO, see eppraptiate rax clause m ~ Other Orand 7bn1 page M of this iosoameaL 1 4 1Xstrict1001 Section 004.00 Bloclt 13.00 lot S 1P'aaod Aed ~5Q4$595 1001 00400 0300 025000 T P s Rf_pA '4 crp 7!x Dee semen Agency c Vetificati~ impmvad x~_ . vacant [.and _ 6 SatiafmiotdDiadtergalReleax [nt !'taputy Otvoaa Mailing Addles RB(:O]RD ~ 1ZE1i1RN11'O: ~ R,.lafe Acavedo,l3aq. TD 111 Moutaofc)41gh.ray Ce~r lYior[e,6a~ NY 11934 ~ 7 '1We Comp~gy lntormatlon Co. Name scot[ Abstract 7uk 4 •L$A-1344941133 OJ ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Titi: page faros pan d the atuched ~tgainlttd_Sabe 1~ made by: (sP~rTYPB Or INS77cUf.~ff} 3. Rlddle.Dvaralc '~ P~ itetein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NBW YO1tK. TO In the lbwoahip of 8onthold }{~mt~ "{~Co Nn So~KE~R~F A~~ fu the vlIiA(Il; ta=lR.~sT~ ~ ~~-fauoraa 71~zT tr HAI~Q.B'P of Sdoentwrt SIIFFOLR COIINTY CLSRR RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PADS Type of Iaetrumeat: D88DS/DDD Recorded: 12/08/2005 Number of Pagees 4 At: 09:49:36 AN Receipt Number 05-0127462 TRANSFER TAX NII~SR: 05-18383 LISSR: D00012424 FAGS: 260 District: Sectioa: Block: Lot: 1001 004.00 03.00 025.000 SXANINSD AND CHAROSD AS FOLLOWS Dead Amounts $570,000.00 Received the Follovriag Fees For Above Iaet^^~^t 8xempt Sxe®pt Page/Filiag $12.00 NO Handliag $5.00 NO COS $5.00 NO NYS SRCHO $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiee $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTlI $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,280.00 NO Comm.Prae $8,400.00 NO Feee Paid $10,832.00 TRANSFER TAX NONSSR: 05-18383 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TH8 INSTROI4ENT THIB IS NOT A SILL Sdrvazd P.ROmaiae County Clerk, Suffolk County ^ ~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRRING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// vwvw.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5t8) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY cT. awls cod. CZ Dots DeOd Rotlord0d C8. 9004 1__/__r_M ~-! i I `f ~ 7~ d, O~ l I l /d/ S,DS REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORII STATE BOMD OF REAL PAOPERIY S91VNE' S RP - 5217 C{. Pwaw r•~~I 538 I Main Street I ermtr rrureee amsr Z Buys Nano A Tr pWfoa where lreure Tr we en to b tae sutlnB tl dw drrr brrra eAOroee W booom el larml I "~ i I Admeee ,NI MYL /GIr~M. .ti. 0 S Co Truskts -tla. FtrT•am - I Ferrara I Joyce ~O~dowa- ITUSt J I 1 I I I eraer xuraen woiruriws arowe so tumor s. YMleete the ranrber d Aewemem ^ IONy B Pen d. Pull Chedr r daY eppllr. Roll prede trendrred on the bed I 1 I / of Pereeb OR Pena . Perch M P1mnNrq Brnl rrnr Suhdieblon Adtatly Ewa ^ Ia SubdW ion Approml vrr Repuiod fa Traula ^ S. Properly I~ X ICJ oR ~ .~ . 1 7 I .C. Prul Apposed for suh6rle:n wlh Idy Prorided ^ Sir • setla I Dvorak I No and Barbara S. Riddle- I Nerve uur~c3ew.x. rur I I I uer xeere rr0rwx+ r.ar n.r 7. Greek lb bar bbw whkh mrt eeeuemM derrbeo the rse d tlr PaWnY et the tlme d eeb Clrei tb bree hexer a dray ePidyY S Owlenhlp Tyq b CardOrrrktllml ^ A Orre FemllY ReekbnlW F. Aprkultael 1 CemmurdlY Serriee & Naw CenarrrRion on Vawnt lard ^ B Z or ~ Frrily RrideM:l F Corrrnrerciq ] Induprid t0A ProPanY farad rrlgYn r ApdwiarW 7ehlcl (:~ RW Wnod Vwm LerrO G~ Apenmem K Pu61ie Serviee ty6 SuYOr reeeMd a d:elomre rredr hdrtNB ^ p Ner~RaudartiY Vwm Wtl N EnrerWnmrt/4muamw L Forea tM tlr prppaly:n rABrietrlheol OlnrtR SALE INFORNIAnON 1S Clwi err r mw d llreee aenitlar r eppBrhle m trerder- tt. ar. cerdrea ou I OS / 26 / 2005 I A Se: Betwiear Re:deee a Famra Relethwe ~"~°'°' B Sw BmwAerl RNwd 6onrpenin a Permen In Buekrw (: ono d tb Buyen's elr a Sebr /4. Deto d SW / TrarN I I ~ / I / 2005 I p soya «Setla : o0eerrrtrem Apawy « Len6np Inedatbn tbm DeY Yr• ~ DMA Type rot WerreNy «Batleln ertl Se: ISpedh Belowl F' Se: d Freel:rW a Ler Ihr Fes 6detat lSpeeW Bolowl G sipnMrrr urge In Prewny Be1wMn TeVWe smtn ens S.: De u. Full Se: Prka I 5 7 0 0 0 0, 0• 0 I p SeN d &drrer r Indudod ~ 8e: Prb ~ ~ ffuR Solo Prieo's ale tool rreunt peril ler Ns properly indudurp pereonel propenK 1 other Uastd Fr1on AtfaNnS SW Prim P+oeaN BNoal This payman rosy b In IM lorrrr d o.h, o1Mr property a tleode. a lb rnerrpan d J None morrgepp a odrer obllpa:r.l Pwa round m tb rroerM wlrob ddW amount 1s. Irr~eae Me rekre d P•se„r I NONE property hrehrded: the eW ~ 1L Yrr d Averment Rotl Gam I 0 • 5 117. ToW Aerretl YYw Id d preele In trader) I 5. 2. 0. ~I wArldr wernrum nken 7 rtl. PmwKr G.. 12 , 1 , OI_U .+. SrJrew G:hiee wme I Greenport I Y0. Tee WP IdenWterlel /Roll Nermrlel ltl mat tlun fear, ettrh elwt wlth eddtlord NarmWlell I L001-004.00-03.00-025.000 I cERTIFICAnoN 1 ealtfy dW Y d the tlemi d hlf Meted m Ihb form ere In1! Y11d terrr7 lb Ilre bail d 0V' InlewkdRr eRd heSeQ errd 1 ImdeeWUd ihY 11rr mehYrg rrf erry wWfd fuhs yQtevwnt)fymlf tat hayht wN a01rjM me m de nnnhbm d dr uaml low nWBee to tb meWotl ad IYnR d f06e hphvnwhl. Acevedo, Eaq. I Elsie r rn trr w.eu rqr nrw I //'f /~/ S~ LaliTr 631 I 878-3280 _... ~~",s.S...-..nc.~-F- .r.. ooa reuyuoxt rwa ere n.moe SELLER WE~V YORK STATE COPY 5.~;~- it