HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12411 P 659 ..', 1/L}-q-13 I Li 2 LI Ii /) . ,'" r Cc ell 'Standltd N.Y.a.T.U. Form 8002 - Begoln and sale llMd, with c-llIlgl1inol GranlOr'l Ado - Uniform ~nt Form 3290 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THI8 INlTRUMENT-THI8 INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, madelhe ~dIJ'f of August, 2005 BETWEEN STEVEN SKEVOFELlX, residing at 2095 New Suffolk AvenuB, Mattituck, New York 11952, party of the first part, and STEVEN SKEVOFELIX AND PAULINE TISON, astBnanlB by the entirety, residing at 2095 New Suffolk Avenue, Malliluck, New York 11952, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part. in con&idaralion of Ten and 00/100 -($10.00) dollars, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of Ihe ISBCOnd part, does hereby grsnt and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or IUcc:e88Ol1I and assigns of the party of the ISBCOnd part forever, All that certain plot. piece or pan:el of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, siluats. lying and being at Mallituck, in the Town of Southold, Counly of Suffolk and Slats of New York, more particularly bounded and deSCribed as follows: BEGINNING at a monumentsitua18 on the northerly side of New Suffolk Avenue. which monument is situate at the southwesterly comer of land of George L. Penny, 1\1, and thence from said point of beginning running North 74 degrees 06 minu188 30 seconds West 46.60 feel to another monumentsitua18 on the northerly side of New Suffolk Avenue; thance IUMing along the northerly side of New Suffolk Avenue North 61 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds west 53.40 feet to other lands now or formerly of Audrey T. Abitz; thence along said other lands now or formerly of Audrey T. Abitz, North 19 degrees 28 minutes 50 seconds East 200.26 feet to a monument and other lands now or formerly of John F. Parkin: thence along said other lands now or formerly of John F. Parkin North 86 degrees 39 minu188 40 seoonds East 100.00 feet to a monument and lands now or formerly of George L. Penny, III; thence alOng said lands now or formerly of George L. Penny, III, South 17 degAlBS 45 minu188 10 ISBCOndS West 226.50 feel to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed datsd 12/10101, recorded 119102 in Liber 12162 page 571. TOGETHER with all right, !iUe and intsrest, if any. of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines theAlof; TOGETHER with the appurtanances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part In and to said premisaa; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises harein grantad unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of tha second part forever. AN D tha party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not dona or suffered anything whereby the said premises have bean encumbered in any way whal8ver. except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. in compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, covenants that tha party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purposa of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" when ever the sensa of this Indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above writtan. IN PRESENCE OF: /~~ Ildl.'CdS . / , ....L , .." -, . TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS ......nl,! IN NEW YORK STATE Slate of New York, County of Suffolk. 18: On the ~day 01 AugulII, in the yellr 2005 b8Iore me, the undenigned. pel'lOnaDy appeered STEVEN SKEVOFF.I.lX personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the basis or ..Iisraelory evidence to be lhe individual(s) whose n8lll<(s) is (IR) subscribed 10 the within instrument and acknnwledged 10 me thai he/shcltllcy executed the SllJIle in hislher/thcir eapIKily(ies). and Ihal by hislherltheir signatun:(s) CIlI the il1SlJ'\lmenl. Ih individual(s). or the pen<m upun behalr or which . idual(s) KIN. e. IN illSlrU"""'l. SIBle of Naw York. County 01 Suffolk sa: On the clay 01 . in the yeer 2005 bafcmt me. the uncltnlgnad. p&l'IOnaHy appetIred personally known 10 me or proved to me on the basiS of utislaclory evidanos to be Iha Indlvldua~s) whose name(s) is (are) subsCribed 10 the within inslNment and adcnowlB 1Ig1d to me lh8l halshalthay exacul8d 1he ume In hisllulr/lhtllr capacity('I8S). end thet by hlslharllhair signatura(s) on the instrumant, lha indJvIdual(s). or the peROI1 upon behalf of which lha indlvldual(s) acted. exacul8d 1he inSlNment. (signature 8l1d 011I.. of IndlvIduall8king ac:IcnowIedgment) (signalure' oIIIca of individual laking acknowtadgmanl) ~_ i 1 -. .... ND. ...01..... I ; ~~.~..,Ca~..~\)'5"' ----,.0 liE: USE:D oNLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE: N!:W YORK STATE Stale (or District of COlumbia. Territory. or Foreign Country) Of as: On the day 01 . In the yeer 2005 b8Iore me. lha undlll'lignad, personally appeerad personally known to me or plOV8d to me on lha basis of utisfactory evicIanclI to be the individual(s) whose name(8) is (are) subscribed to the within instrumenland llClcnowladged to me thai halshalthay __the _In hltllharllhalr capacity(las). and thet by hlllharltheir aignalura(8) on the in8lNmant. the Individual(s). or lha person upon behalf of whlc:h the Individua~s) ected, execulad the inslNmant. end Ihat such individu81 made such appearanoe bafcmt !he undaraignad in the in (insett the City or other political subdivision) (end insert the Stale or Courrtry or _ piece the ack~ment _ taken) (s1gnelura end ob of individueItelcing e~tl BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No, STEVEN SKEVOFELIX TO STEVEN SKEVOFELlX AND PAULINE TISON SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CUMMll~"'a:.\l nll.A."IiD TlrLE L",-"",;RA.~'I! CU"IPA.~'" _ ~b, o Common~~~~t~..:._.." l'.I ~ i I II! l!l !l ~ ~ lli II ~ i ,~ -" . 3 Number of pqel TORRENS 3 RECCC<DED 200'5 Sep 27 02:28: 30 PM Edward P.Pomain. C~ERK OF SUFFOLK CO\JHT'/ L ??oo12411 P 659 DlI C~Hla582 Serial # CertlflC&le H Prior C1f. H Deed I Monpge IlIIInImenl Deed I Morrpp 'fIX Stimp FEES Recordilllll Filing SllIIIIps 4 Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 Mortaage AmL J. Baie 'fIX 2. Acklilional 'fIX ~ Sub Total SpeeJAssiL Or Spec-lAck!. TOT. M:rG. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionment _ TraDsfer Tax Mansion 'fIX The propeny coYCRd by tltia mortPle is or will b. Improved by lone or two flmily dwellln& only. YES orNO_ i If NO, III Ipproprilfe !Ix ellUse 00 plge # i _oflhlslulrumanL I 61 Communi Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due /' S Improved VIClnt Land Notation EA-S2 17 (County) __ _ Sub Total EA-S217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. JtT Comm. of Ed. S 02.- Affidavil Certified Copy Reg. Copy Sub Total ORAND TOTAL I L{ 1 Other l Real Property Tsx Service Apv;y VerificatiOll Disr. co........:.- 1000 11400 0900 013000 O~S:3~~1 ~AA .sEP Stamp Dale t. Initials (i) 7 SatisflClionslDischargaslRalellll List Property Own.. MlilinS Addres RECORD '" RETURN 1'0: 1D 1D 1D -.UESSl8........... UlJlIIAII DII, IlL alGI . IIA1IIIIICII. U UI5I ,'. " ". 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Title 1# 9 Suffolk Coun Recordin ~""~ (SPEQFYlYPE OF INSTIWMFNT) & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the aIflor.hM made by: S~\)Dr.e.Q\." S\.e\tl'\'\ , " " The premilIes herein is silllllfed in SUFFOLKCOUNIY. NEW YORK. ~f'l,^~()lcf In the Township of In the VILLAGE OtHAMLETof~~'l~{'.k TO q~V()W\). '5+-.lIv{? '" 1 ---r:,1lJ,.~tl,^';Nl... . BOXES 51HRU 9 MUST BE TI'PED ORPRINlE) IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. I 1111111 1111 11m 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 II11I1111111111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Xnstrumant: DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages, 3 Receipt ~er : 05-0101547 TRANSFBR TAX NOMBBR: 05-08582 Recorded. At: 09/27/2005 02:28.30 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012411 659 District: 1000 Section: Block: 114.00 09.00 Il!YlWIII'BD AJID CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 013.000 Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above XnBtrument Bx8lllpt Bxempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB: $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO I!:A- CTY $5.00 NO I!:A-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CCIIIIIIl.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-08582 TBXS PMB XS A PART 01' TBB XNSTRtJKI!:NT THXS XS HOT A BXLL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.statB.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 fOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Code I ~ ?3, t'. r. rl * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C2.____ I O~ I~? 1 P.rl ~ o.y yur 1:3._ I/...l. Sf, /, /lc4.P_1 ,6,,,11 PROPERTY INfORMATION 1'=:1 .,~~~ I ,A.i~.'.1 JJ_~t J,Aw..'1 I .m~~1 UTYQII'RIWN WIM''' STATE OF NEW YORK STATt! SOARD OF REAL.,.oPERTY ~ RP . 5217 ......217....Yn 1'gei'2 I 2. __ I Skevofelix Naln' L.wl"""~ ~ t&tII' I Tison lMl.... IQIIIPM" Pauline -- a. Tu 1PdicaI........ futunt Tu 8Ws... to be lint I _ "___-C..-..fonnl. -- I P.O. Box 169 .,IlEU....... AND ITJIH"f ItAMl! lAIr NAIll ICDIWN<< ,...- I Matt1tuck art 01 TCMN INY. 11100;7 .'A" -S'BII 5.::"'1 II.. fllONlNU Ixl ""'" I ORI --~ . . . -- lDnIrl_"._--""'_ ......MinU----..Eqa 0 ...s.....___.......""T_ 0 oc:. P....w- for_wi" Mop _kIod 0 ... indicate the number .. A.4I....... RaIl ,...... Ira....... ... the deed II 'of Pare". OR D Plrt of . Pliral .._I!':~~ -- If::'hlllvan -- LAlITIMIII!/COIII'AN'f' "'TIMIIE ..- 1 ... 1 .- _... - - u....,....v: & 0wn0rshIp Typo II. Condominium I ~ Community SIrvIcI .. rww ConItrucIiDn on V..,t Land J Indultrlll 1M. Properly L.acII<<I wiItin ... AgrlculUnl DiIlrict K Public Strvice ,.. Ba.,. NCIMd . diIdaMn nella IndicII~ I. FonIII d"'lI'MlproperlyillnlllA;ricu/lurllo.tricl 1i. ChecIl OM or...... of... - - - --.. .........10 ~ ,\ &Me ~ Reletlw. or Fomwr RUlivu R SI*t Botwoon .....18d Cornpenlel or PartnDrlln Busi...... C One of eM auy.~ .. "10 D SoIlar D &uy.r or Sel1e1 II eou.rnmem Agency 01' Lending Inllitullon " Dood Typo .... Womonly or So'lll'ln ond _ CS....'" IIoIowI I' 6010 01 F_ or u.'" .. _lSpocI'" Bol_ O SIg"1Iconl 0I0ng0 In "'-'" _ T_ _ ond Sale _ H III. of....... Is Included in 51. PriaI I 0IhaP U.......I F_._ng Solo Prico ,_.._ J H.... o o o o 1. ChecIl: the boa ....... whIc.. ..... .........,. ............ __ at 1M praperty lit 1M 1m. 01....: A~ Ono FornIl. _,I B 2 or 3 Family RaidIInlllll C R....n1..1 Vaclnt Land D Non-Ruidllnlill VICIni UPd "I SALE INFORMATION I 11. .... eon....... .. "~ A9ri<u'lU'~ I' c_ O ._ II Enlenawnenll AtnI.aIemenI '2. o.a. aI .... I "........ 08 1 08 12005 I Month Doy v... 13. Full ..... Prlaa , ., g , 0 ,01 , , . (Full S11e PrIce i, me IQgI unounl Plid lor 1M propertY including panoNI propurty. Thll Pl'(lTlenl mIV be In till form 01 c:uh. ather properlY or goodI. or the ..umpUon of rnortpgn or other obIlptIona.l ".... round ro 1M""."., wftoIe dol,., MnOIIftI. ...............-........... I .0.11,01 property IncIudMI in 1M .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Doto .hauld ..1IecI the 1._ Finol -.em Roll loci T,x Bill 17.T__V_t..oI_In_1 , .'-C;:~.O .01 , ,.. v., of" ~-"""I RoIIlrom .....e.. lnfarmaIon .... '8. Propert, c.... ~.w 1.. __ __ I It'lArr, Tc.Jc..J<. ZOo T.. .. kI8ntII_r1sl I Roll IIIen1JOerlsJ CI ~..... tour. IIIacII ..... with MIdIIIanaI klentl*tsll 1000- I I CERTIFICATION I I ~. lbat ... nI' ... ItInM tA Inf'UI1IIIl&iun mIeftd un IIILlI ronn II'f' trur IIIId COI'I'fd (to *' bot ."ID)' kDlN.... and btII!I"I ... I undIntund .....It. ~ rllIDf wtlUUI ru. IIalIIDrnt .I malrrIId rtICt henln v."DIlAIbjm. .. 10 the DI'aYblIoaI'" .- DL"IIIlI ... ......'t ta lilt IIIIkIIIac IUId IIIIIIA or..... ~ !!l!m BUYER'S ATTORNEY a.1J~-' S:,U..;", IIU'dIIl __TUM! I ~f.JUJO;- DA1L .. UJICKHAm I "'..- ~ l31ti-A I L.. ."I~ 'Ollr'_ If' IJ ~ 1.':1 t."1f I 'Z9'& - gJ $"".3- .......Q.D n::':'PllONINLWKlt mRT'T --. :1t- A? Q1VOflTQINN INY ITAT! 1J!i5''2 ~ ~)~ go I, J'UJO~ ..., I NEW YORK STATE COpy ~