HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12205 P 920 DEC-04-2002 10:08 .)Y~~' j..) jeW'S I, Deed . f Cf,;>.? , THIS INDENTURE, made the 9'* day af August, two thousand and two, SC Real Propert~ 631 852 1566 P.04/04 ~;;I.O;;OSJ I BElWEEN, JOSEPHINE ALlPERTI, residing at81 Hallock Road, Rocky Point. NY, party 01 the finst pert and BCM BUILDERS CORP, a domestic corporation with offices lllC8ted et 81 Hallock Road, Rocky Poln~ NY. partyClfthe seCOl1d part , WITNESSETH, that the party of the fiI8t part. In consideration of Ten 001111I5 end other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hanlby grant and release unID the party of tha BBCOnd part, ftle helr8 or succaS$OlS end assigns of the patty of the sea:Jnd part forever. ALL that cartaln plo!. piece or pall:el of land sltuete, lying end being at MattilLlck, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slale of New York, bounded end dascribad as follows: BEGINNING at a polnl marked by a monumenlon the westerly Bide of Ole Jule Lane at the northeasterly comer of the premises herein described andlhe $OutheeSlerly comar of land now or formarly of Colon (which point is Soulll 07 degrees 32 mlnu~ 40 BBCOndS West, 242.82 feal from the Inlansaetion of the BOutharly slda of New Suffolk Avenua with tha weslerly aide of Ola Jute Lana; '". ,'",'\ '.:' RUNNING THENCE South 07 degrees 32 mlnulas 40 seconds west, 316.57 feal; RUNNING THENCE North 69 degreas Og mlnulas 50 IBconds Wesl. 366.28 faal; RUNNING THENCE NQrth 50 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds East 140.00 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 88 dellrees 39 minutes 30 seconds East 45.65 feet; RUNNING TFlENCE North 00 degrees, 37 minutes 10 seconds East. 112.68 faat to a point marked by a monument: . '. . ,~ RUNNING THENCE elong land now or formerly of Addy. South 54 dellreas 47 minutes 10 seconds East: 107.09 feel; RUNNING THENCe North 00 degreas 34 minutes 30 seconds Eas!, 72.00 feellD a point marked by a monument; '. RU,NNING THENCE along land now for formerly of Colon, South 88 deg....... 57 mlnula$ aD seconds East. 106,68 laallo a polnl marked by a monuman\; , ":~' , " ':..:, RUNNING THENCE stili along land now or formerly af Colon, North 88 ii8giaes"29'mlnutes 00 seconds East. 60.09 teet to a monument i1tthe pointer place of ElE,GI,IIII11ING. ....~. . '. '. / BEING AND INTENDED to be the same premises conveyed to the !Ia~ of ihe ~fiert, ~y J 1'\ deed pated ~':r lia1*'fteM.Lf wII4 \.. ~ .__.Jad liM..lta~17 Jlfj h8P8\:ltAr .., Ill"'" Ii" f/'fIU. _ t..... 12.1&, f('.lf7 . P.remisas are nol encumbered by a CIlldltllll8 mClltgaga '''--,M Jc_ "' ".. '~6 3uw ~~, 5iM",."), I'/.'/. TOGETHER WITH ell right. ijlla end Intares!, If eny, of the party af the first part of, In andla any streets and roads abuttinll the abovlKlescrtbed premises \0 the oanler lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and eU the e$l&ta and ~ghls of the party of the first pert In end 10 the 8lIId premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lha said premlaas granted unto the party of the second part forever. AND tha party of the first part covananlS that the party of the first part hae not done or suffered anything whareby the ..Ill premlaas hava been encumbered In any Whatever. eXC8pl as aforesaid. . , . . . \ TOTRL P.04 12/04/2002 WED 10: 43 [TX/RX NO 7994] ~ 004 DEC-04-2002 10:08 !}.2 SC Real Propert~ 631 852 1566 P.03/04 l'IIlImbcr Qr plJCI ~ . IlEtIIIlW 21112 ~ :Ill 01,:;6,J2 ~ Elt.Iard P.ba.ir>> Q.EJlI( OF !U'flU aunY L: DOCIIIZZ05 P72ll DTI ~134 TORRElIS lIorioi f Ccrtiticell !'li...Clf.1 Dood 1 Mol1i"S' ............, o...l/__.T.. SIomp fliSS. RooonlillS 1 Filinl Slamp.l ~ Pap' Films Fa: IoCartPS' Am,. I. BuicT.. Hlndlinl TP."~ 2. Addition.1 Tu ~ Wo1l\ion Sub TOIaI EA-52 11ICounll') EA.52 11 (SIal.) c:cn;n..t Copy 1\<1. C?py o.h... IS SubT...1 .GRAND TOT"!: SpcJIwiI, Or Sp:c./Add. lOT. MTG. TAX Dr.I.1 Town_OUII Caunl)'_ Htld r.r I\Pponionm~ TnmrC!rT~ ~_ ManJian Tu ~ 1bc "topen, W'tered b1 thi. O1on...~ is Dr ,.,111 belmprowed by ::I CIne or IWO ram ily .....lIinlonly, YES_arNO_ .rNO. tee approprille III'" GIIUSI! on pall!' 1/ _orLhbintll'UlTlL1'd. _ Sub Tow) ~ CUl- R.P.T.s.A Connn. or Ed. ~- AIf&dawil ib , _I Prapmy..... Scnri.. AI""")' Vorir....i... DilL . SI!Cl:i,," B kI:k . Lot 11.00 1200 013001 6 Comm<lnit I'rcscrvllli"n Fund Con..deralion Arnounl S SIomp I. eD2031518 1000 DDl. R~:::"SA Inilials 1 Sati.r...i"""'Pisoh.'1CIIR.I..... Lirl ProperlY Own,... M.il;"1 Md IlJ;CORD .. RETURlI TO: . , CPF Tax; Due $ V.Clnl LInd ;:j;(,.I~ A~,.., E,tJI... . /lJl /A/JJ-:: 1r7'" ~ f'LJ.i, '(/ 1191.7 Suffolk Count TD ~d7Jf) TD 'W . lbi. JIlIlC fllmlS perl of IlJC aua;:ha! a T;'t1c Company IDfurmllliDn Co, N .... s: 't; 7" Tldc rI ... .,~ & Endorsement Pa e , madtrb~: (S1'OOFY 'lYPE OF INSTIl.UMl!N'r) -7'ln"~ A..",.-".r, TO lJeM Atl.I..a~ ~J.'. Tho ........... hmin i. silllllcd in Sl.l'FQl.K COUNTY, NEW YOItK. In lho TDlolfIShjPDf ~.~ In the VILLo\OE DI HAMLET of IJOXES S nlRU 9 MUST BE WPED OR PlUllrED IN BLACK INK ONLY PIUOR TO RJ;COROINO OR ALINCi. IOVEIl) 12/04/2002 WED 10: 43 [TXlRX NO 7994] @003 DEC-04-2002 10:08 SC Real Property 631 852 1566 P.02/04 11111111_11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111111 1111 Inl 1III111111111111111111111 StJPJ'OLX COUH'l'Y CLBIUt RECOlmS OFFICI: RECORDING PAGI: Typ. of Instrument, nBBDS/O>>D ~.r of Pag.., 3 TRAKSPBR TAX .YRDSRI 02~04234 a.cord.d: At. LIB&: PAGBI 08/28/2002 07:56:32 All D0001220S 920 >>18~rlct, 1000 SectiOD' Block, 114.00 12.00 UAJlI1U!:l AIm CBARGIm AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot, 013.001 Deed Ama~t, aeceived tbe Poll owing Pees ..g8/l"i11119 COB JUl.-eTY TP-584 apT Trall.fer tax S9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 830.00 $0.00 For Above InstrumeDt b8llpt 110 Handling' lIO BY8 StrRCIIG RO BA-S'1'ATB RO COert. COopieB RO SCTII NO COlD. lire. .e.. ..id $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 '0.00 '0.00 $0.00 '99.00 Bxcapt 110 110 110 110 RO lIO TRAH8PB1l TAX R'OIalJUh 02 -04234 THIS PAGI 18 A 'ART 01' TBII IRSTRUlIIBRT Bd..rd P.Ramaille C'o~ty Clerk. SUffolk C~ty 12/04/2002 WED 10:43 [TX/RX NO 7994] ~002 . }o ,.~-I!" .. :. - PLEASE TYPE OFl'f!lRf!$S"FIRML't' WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ddO~3:) ~ FOIl.lfOl:J1\ll'll LISE ONLY !...:......\......,....':......:.r..: ...~..~ 19,'7i.~4f?1~.1r .. ....,... ......... ":,, -,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ;~-~,,~ . ,.'".,";',<':.>i': ,',~;: STATE OF NEW YORK STAT!: BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-S.zt7 !leY 3JIJ7 ,. Property Location (It (' vI( /t'!! I- ,4.~( /JA A ~..,,:, I' ,/(' J,:J ,'~ ,) /( STREET NUMBER STREET NAME <5~-i' fllCI I) CITY OR TOWN 2. Buyer Name ,4(11' /1'I"')("'f r; II/-! VILLAGE ZlPCQDE LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME lAST NAME', COMPANY FIRST NAME 't 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent BiUing if Other than buyer address (at bottom of form) Address LAST NAME f COMPANY FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN STATE ZlPCODE 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed /1 # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel OEPTH lOR I 'ACRES' /. 1,71 (Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided o o o 5. Deed Property Siz,,! FRONT FEET Ixl 6. Seller Name I/l Iljl 1/; I LAST NAME I COMPANY ./t' 5' ,.1,/, ,1-1: FIRST NAME LAST,NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A[ne Family Residential E ~ Agricultural B 2 or 3 Family Residential F Commercial C Residential Vacant Land G Apartment D ' Non-Residential Vocant land H Entertainment I Am'"ment I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 10B. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District o o o o '-I 15. Check one or more of these condttlons 8S applicable to transfer: . "-- , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal operty. This payment may be in the fonn of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dol/ar amount. A B C D E F G \r Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Ie of Business is Included in Sale Price usual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) U. Indicate ~e value .of personal 1 ,'~, , , " ,', 0 , 0 1 ' property 1ncl~ In the $lie b .' , . l?~Mll~~fUiilil i>uI(l~j~~fi",I~.nl~.IirtdT8!C't\llt 1/,+' r--I"'-f VtJ-r1/f ,13 <<.I e- 16, Vea, of _ment Roll from I (/ ,), which information taken 17. Total Assessed Value lof an parcels in transfer) 1 _ h./1r, }/~1. ;' ; ;)"" , /'i , 18. Property Class ~ , , I 1- U 19. School District Name I 5:,,/4,..{'I'( 20. Tax Map ldentffi.r{s)/Rollldentifier{s) (If more than four. attach sheet with additional identHierls)) Iltt It,P(} 1111. (:'(1 C.litJol -O/;J ,f/J - 6" . ",,, .,., ~ 12_f'-S,) I ~IU'I~~,] I <<rtify _ all Of the items Of of auy willful false statement or , f BUYER SIGNATURE entered on this form.... tnIe and COJTeCl.(to the!Jesl Of my knOWledge. and beUef)anfl nnderstand!bat the IJIoking herein wiU~ect me to lh" nrovlsl... Of the i>enat law reIatlve to tbe Dnddng aDd IiIing or false Instruments. ' . BUYEIl'S ATTORNEY / ,2__ LAST NAME FIRST NAME <)1 I ;{ /III/' /i STREE.T NUMBER _ STREET NAME (AFTER SAlEl I ) ,/ j /-0' . , " /.!AI{"\.~ 'II -t /lu /j~l>.;,~;A~~ '(J~'jQ.~V....-- CITYOR~i'f ~ ST~ ZIP CODE , / SELLEIl AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER / :) , ~' , . .,/"'-..J SJ.lER SIGNATURE/' ~ . ,I / .J ~ {~ct' OATe CI'IYI1!O~ .A~ ,": .. ,:".:'. ,: ,"1'" ',f COpy