HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12392 P 241 ~ ~ .Af . \ /3 ~fLf- /0 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER IEFORIl 8IGNING THlBlN81RUlIENT.1IlI8 IN8TRIIIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY '. lAt. 2U~' . ... THIS INDENTURE, made the &J1-. dayof MtlI.~ 2 dc(; L'/J-3Lt) f ::( L1I BETWEEN Paul Pawlowski 260 Cox Neck Road, Mattltuck, NY party of the first part, and ReflecUng Nature Landscaping, Inc. 260 Cox Neck Road, Mattltuck, NY party of the second part, WITNESSETH. lhatthe party of the first part, in consideration Of TEN ($10.00) dollars paid by the party of the seoond part, does hereby grant and releal8 unto the party of the IIllCOnd pert, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the aecond pert forever, ALL that certain pIol, plece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvemenls thereon ereclad, situate, lying and baing in tha Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and SI8l8 of New York, being known and designated as Lot No. 10 as shown on a map entllJed, "Map of Herltaga Harbor" and tued In the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk's Office, Division of Land Records on Septamber 18, 1979 as Map No. 6853, baing further bounded and dasctlbed as follows: BEGINNING at a polnt on the easterly side of Cox Neck Road dlBlant150.00 feet from tha extreme northwest8lty end of the arc of a curve having a rsdlus of 133.00 feet which connects the northerly side of Mlddla Road (C.R. 27) with the easterly side of Cox Neck Road; RUNNING THENCE along the eeslarly side of Cox Neck Road North 22 dagrees 13 minutes 30 seconds west, a dlltance of 153.51 feet to the division line of Lois 9 and 10: THENCE along .sald division line North 87 degraes 48 minutes 30 BBCOnds east. a dlslance or 244.25 feet to the land now or formarly of Robert Adamson and Diana Adamson: THENCE along said land the follOWing two courses and distances: 1. South 21 degrees 25 mlnula& 10 secondl eeet, a distance of 88.11 feet; 2. South 23 degrees 58 mlnutsa 10 seconds 88SI, a distance of 149.87 feet; THENCE along the land now or formerly of Seul Lerner South 88 degrees 38 mlnutaa 20 seconds _sl, a distance of 281.49 feet to the easterly &ide of Cox Neck Road, the point or place of BEGINNING. Baing and Inlended to ba the same premlllllli conveyed to the party of the first part in deed In Uber 12175 at Page 47. . TOGETHER with all righi, uUe and Inleresl, If any, of the party of the first part In and to any SJre8lS and roads abuWng the above dll8Ctibed premlsas to the cenler 11MB u-f: TOGETHER with the appurtanances and all the eslate and rights of the party of the first part In and to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein grented unto the party of tha IIllCOnd part, the heirs or SUCC8&&orS end assigns 01 the parly of the second pert forevar. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or Buffered anything whereby tha said premises have been encumbared In any way whalllver, ~ aB aforesaid. AND the perty of the first part, In compliance with SecUon 13 of the Uan Law. covenants thai the party of the FlI'St pert will receive the con8lderaUon for this conveyance and wiD hold the right to receive such conslderallon al a trust fund to be applied first for the purpoee of paying the coat of the Improvement and will apply the sarna first to the payment of the cost of tha Improvement before uBlng any pert of the lolal of the same for any other PUI'pOB8. The word "party" shall ba construed 88 If II reed 'parties" when ever the 88nse of this Indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of tha FII'SI part has duly executad this dead the day and year first above wIIllen. ~-~~~, Paul PawlowskI Sl8ndard N.Y.B.T.U. Fonn 8002 . B~ end sa. Dooa, willi Cooonont ogoInoI Gnlntor'. AcIa _ UnIform Adcnawt~ Form 3290 TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOW~ IS ManE IN NEW YORK STATE Slale of N_ YOlk, Countyof Sv-..(f 0 llC- U: Slale 01 N_ YOlk, County 01 . ~':~~llISIg~,~tnsly== 1- ~i" =me, the~,~ty':':::' Paul Pawlowski p8I$OIl8Iy known 10 me or proved 10 me on the basil of 88llsl1ICIoty evtdenclllo be the IndIYIcIUlII(e) whose nerne(s) Is (ent) _ to the wllhln Instrument end eclcnowIedged 10 me thlII helsheIIhey lIXlICUIed the ssme In hIsIher1\heIr capaclly(llIlI). end thlII by h1S1berllhelr slgnature(s) on Ihe Instrumen~ \he Indlvldua~s), or \he penon upon behell of which thelndlvldua~s) 1IcI8d, elC8CUl8d \he InsIrumenI. ~/1.-h~ (slgri8iUr~Ic'-of Ind~'_l8kIng acIulbwtedgmenl) sir. I . ,. ,- . " pllI'SOIIlII\y known 10 me or plOWId 10 me on the basis of IIIIlfsfedory evidence 10 be the Indlvldua~s) _ nerne(s) Is (e..) _ to the _ InstruIlBll end acknowledged to me thet heIlIhe(lhey 8JI!lCUled the I8IIl8 in hIsIIwIlheIr cap8Ci\y(IeII), end lhal by h1l11herllhalr s1gnalu..(e) on the 1nsln.IlWl~ the Indlvldua~s), or \he penIOIl upon behalf of which \he lndIvIdua~s) 1ICI8d, e_ \he Insllumenl (slgnslul1l end olllce of individual Iakinil adulowIedgmen\) e MAAY JEAN MORSE .re~' . ~ ~~:,I;~~I'II~ .r~~~~ , 19B 1101._7726'_ ... MyCOtM.lE>>' 1-20-20..!Z"" rnat"'f JeQ() fl1<J1'X, S1a1s (or Dislric\ of Columbia, TenUory, or Foreign Counlry) of U: On the day of .In the year before me, the undeisJuned. personellyappaared pIlIlIOI1lIly known to me or proved to me on \he basis of seUslaclDry evldllllCll 10 be \he IndlvJdual(s) whose name(s) 18 (are) IUbscItbed to Ihe wIIhIn "'Illumenl and IICknowIadged 10 IIl8Ih81IHr18h8/lh8y 8llIIQlIed the ssme In hlslh..nhair capaclly(1es), and thlII by hl8/her/lheIr s1gnslur8(s) on thein_I. the lndlvldua~s). or the penon upon behalf of which the Indlvld~s) 1ICI8d, elUlCUled Ihe Insllumenl. and thet such individual made such e~1108 bafore \he undlllslgnsd In the In . (snd Il1IIlIIllha Sls\a or Counlry or olhar pkoce lha sc:knowIedgmen\ _ _) (111IIlIIllhe City or _ poIIlIcallubd_) (11gna\uIe ancl_ of 1ndIvlduallaklng ~I) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS DISTRICT SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS 1000 113.00 14.00 010.000 Southokl 2eO Cox Neck Road Malliluck, NY Title No. AL.23241 . Paul P_I_kl TO Recorded 81 ReqUB8I of COMMONWEAlTH LAND TIlLE INSURANCE COMPANY Reflecting Nature landscaping, Inc. STANDARD fIORIIII OF IEWYORK IIOAIID DPlITLE UNDIrIII.....ad !lIIIrIxMd by o Commo""':'~!l,,_.... Reflecting Natur. Landacaplng, Inc. 260 Cox Neck Road Mallituck, NY II ~5~ COMMC7.fi'EALnl LAND TrrLe IrfSUIlAPCnCclMl'AHY I I l!i III .. ~ ~ . ! ~ a .-.. -~- ...., " ^ ... -~ [!]2 ... I'oi - Number of pages 3 TORRENS -. J 3 Page I FiliDg Fcc Handling TP-584 Deed I MOl1JlIgC 'IlIx Slam" FBBS RECORDE~ 200S Jun 14 11.11.51 RM .'. Edward P. Ron>aine CLERK OF SUFFlX.k COUNT',> L DODO 1~392 P 241 ~ # 04-44666 Recording I Piling Stamps Serial # Cenificale # Prior Clf. # Deed I Mongage Insln1lllcnl 5. ..Q!L Mortgage Ami. (,p 1. Basic 'IlIx 2. Addilional Tax Sub Tollll SpecJ Assil. or NOlalion EA-52 17 (COIIDty) EA-5217 (SIalO) R.P.T.S.A. Canon. of Ed. Sub ToIaI 5. 00 Spec. IAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX _. _ 0L181 Town _ Dual Count). _ Held for Appoil!tmenl Tro1ll~f"" 'IlIx MDns.ion Tax The property .: -'. crcd by this mongage is or will be improved by a on. or two family dwc1ling only. YES or NO 30 Affidavit Cenificd Copy NYS Surcbarge Other 15. 00 Sub ToIaI Orand Thllll . dSl - \Jc..cc....J- Block /,/.00 Lot OW.ODD .cf If NO. see appropriale tax clause <1n page # of this instrumenl. Real Propcny Thx Service Agency Verification 05022062 1000 0lT S RKT1 A llhlUN 11300 1400 010000 5 CommUDlty Prellervation Fund CO:1.sideration Amount $ ~ _.. cPF Tax Due s (Z _. - .. - .. _ _. u _ ... .__~. .. Improved_.... _._ Vacant Land )< 6 Satisf8ctIonaID~ Ust Prope."ly Owners MaiJin& Addras RECORD &. RETURN TO: , , R~fIt'CT'nq N{dv.(~ &NISCafl"'!h"lnC. '). (po LO >< N( cJ:: .e..:J~ 0<- AA.o..+f\tlAc.\j fV~ Ilq~.).. " Co.Na TIdc# TO TO \0 TD ___ _ 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part ofrhc auachcd ~ (j~ I~PEi.~~L; '. made by: The premises herein is a.hWlted in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK, R-l!I!, , TO j lntheThwnshipof ~V ~o/d L;rr-i:~ N~:%. ::=~E .._ BOXES 6111RU 8 ~lr BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1'0 RECORDING OR FILING. (over) " 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUP POLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt NUmber : 05-0063010 TRANSFER TAX HUMBBR: 04-44666 Recorded. At. : 06/14/2005 11.11.51 AM District. 1000 LIBER: PAGE: D00012392 241 Deed Amount: Section. Block. 113.00 04.00 lZ'UXIHBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 010.000 Received the Following I'ees For Above Instrument BxBllllpt ZY"'<q)t Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTJI $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CaIIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO :r.es Paid $239.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-44666 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THB INSTRtIKBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . ., PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orpa.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~ It.{, 1.3,g, ~, ~I CZ, D.te IlHd __ I j, ,J. '1 ,Il.:> I g u., v., CZ. Book I J.,f. ..3, ",.:< I C4. p.s.1 ~, '-/.f , c,. 8WIS Codo ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE OF N1iW YORIl STAlE BOARD OF IlEAL _TV SERVICElI RP - 5217 ar.A17 ." JIIII PROPERTY INFORMATION "-1 z.r, 0 I/'{) lC LooIttDn 1'lIM:r.... . .,~""" ~tt.L'hA C \c... ..= ~17'~\~ I\..tatl.4.\!< f\.u.4=- flro d... Tb .5u~ci La~ Slr4iiJ,.dj U~~I TnC !MY NMIIi, CDWANY FUr....... I. Tax 1ndIc.I&I......luIureT..B1....IO....... I -. .____..._oIbrnl, - LAIT ..... I COIIMN'o ....rNAIII. "MAr' hUMIIEII..., aTNPT hAII.'I: CJTYQll lawN . J I . of Parmi. OR 0 Perl of . Plrcel IT"", . coot: .. IndIcete 1M.......... 01 a~__~ -...... -.......- s. :::..v I 8110 Ixl NONI'I'UT Dl!l'TN L..f~J.9\iJSk.\ IORI '-. 10nIy.'" 01. _ a.ocII .. __ fA. Planning 80wd with SubdlvlAion A&4horitv ExiaI / a ...5uIldhloIon_w.._ioId....r__ . 0, -,I oc.__for__whh"",,_ Pa,^- I "'IIIAIM D D D ..- Homo LMTtI..:/C/OIII'IIH'I ...rNot.l.: 7. Chect the box ....ow which ..... Hl:UIMeIy deearlbee ... ... 01 the praperty at: th. t.... Df ....: 12. 0... of .... I r___ I!~Ag'icuIlU'" ~ Cammun;1y_ F c:amm..... J _rioI '''' ~ 1...-_...._ ~ G Ap.rtmant . PutKlc Servlcl .... euy. *DIvod . ~ ncxkG IndIcIdng II Enlel'tlllnmem I Mlu...,..,.t I. FDI'CIIl IhIt the pn:lpII1y .. in.. Aericlultural Dillril:I. 11. ChIaII _ or more ..... OII\.dIti-... _......... to......-: ^ SIIIo 80lweIn RICItJvu 01' Farmer ......,. B BIle BIItwMn RelI'l8d CompgnIu or hrtnen In BllIino.. C Dnool..........Io......Sot'"' o Buyer Of Seller J, Guwrrmant. Agency or Landing hdMion E Oood Typo _ W........ or Solgllin ond _CSpodfy 1IoIow. F _a1F_orl.ooo.....Fw........IS__ o Signtftclnt a..noe in PrOJ*lY BoI.\llIMt\ Taxable SI8CUI and Sale o.t. H "Ie of ...... . Included In s.J. Prtca I art. Un~ FlCtOra AffoctirJu Sale Plica ISpocily BoIow) J None .......--...... ....... .. 0wrwIhIp Type II CandamlftlUm .. NIw ConItructlon on VICDl1I Land D D D D A~ 0.. Family ...<lomlll B 2 Of 3 FMIIIy ....dIncieI C RG5idonllel VlClnf Land D Non-R.ident..1 VlClnt Und I SALE INFORMATION ~ n. .... Connat Del. -, MQnIt o.r 1 v_ Ie=" 0(; 1 D~ ... v.., , ,.0,0.0 I , , . (full SHt Prlto It. 1be total .mount Plid for dI. properly Inducting pMIOnIJ PfOf*lY. 11Ii1 peyrnent I'nIY be in" fann of C8IIl. Gthtr property... goode. or the IIU'npIion of ~ or other obDgMionL) ,.,... tOUftd to tM""'" __.".,. MIUUIII. ,... ............. ..... 01......... I non I __In"'_ - , .. . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - D.1O tr/Iould ,.noctlho 1._ Finol_mom Roll ond T.. Sill 11 Full &.Ie Prlo, ,.. ~at..~.~= from J () ..s'In. ToIIIIAueued V....laf III..,.. In trMIfIrt I. , '''_0- L3.J.,1J-LJ ",___1 I?/ltllf,-,c(c ; / 'f.a,O, I 20. Tax M.p ldltn&IfIerCaI I RoIldIatJflerlal II' rnrare than ...... .... ..... willi .......... .......>>J JLJ.~ " !Jo~/L I CERTIFICATION I I nrtII') .... .. "'IM .... ~ bd'0I"IUIIDa ealcnd 011 tblI form "" InIe IDlI COI'ftd era ... baa vllIIf kDowtcdae..... Will) ... I u-lV--- IhullIM: ...... vi.., wIIIIiII_ -.r-................-.IUtd -...... __ ........... .... _. ~I'" ...........1IIkIR IIl,..,._ ~ euYEIl"8 ATTllMEY I, ')(J i) . 1'1.0 Q 5~cT~ J /3.00 LoT' 0 10. OD~ -/ ~~~I....r~5 t. t-otA. (lqrz... tJ IF- ""- --- ...." ....... ITIIIIT NAMIi WTDli MI." -- T!LlPIKJNlNUllllIltlt ~d~' """..- ~ "'- m.wI ~~7 __ L .~~5 .. f NEW YORK STATE COpy