HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12204 P 888 -- T _1-~j\".Jnu*-1IIIikt ............ .~.,1lll~.,.........__...W ...~~......... r... -.:.. -..:-. 1. "'~ft..._ '1llNC IaGfa NO' CONSIDB TI~T mil<< l..ilWYlll _1_- ~-ftIilI__IliJICIUID""""UWY8'_Y L \ d,;1C4- P'6'6~ ! DISTRIC'l' 1000 SEC'rION 11.3 Bl.iOCX 14 LOT 1 nu DmornJRE. .... (m Ruf-u.$ + '1..;J t:lc:\2. ....."",IEDI MBLMfIE J'mCIS. re.icU.l1g at one CottGntall O:II"~t, Sbi.rley. liI.v York 11967, I I -;;>._ ..- jOUtJ ..( .. h ........ ..... HARBORVID HOMES, IlliC., a If.., york COqiOlrlltiOD. with office. at 1706 COUl;1ty llo8d 3!l~, ..8u1ta 2. Southlllllpton. New York 11968, ll"'Rf of .... .._d pu~ wrI'NI!:ISEtH. IiIM tho. puty.' .. 'm .u... of T", PoIIIm MIl ... ...... Ii..... poold Ily .... ~. oI.k .......... 1"'11, ... ...... _ .. ...., !If ... ..... put. .. WIll Of .... '" .04 ....... "'..tho I"'It)' ..r .. .' AlL 1Ml. _... plot, ,. Of fiI'I"I! .f 1.0 +l hlllUblp .1Id _wlJ_ml' .-- ft'IdIlcL .... ",I.., ...., !lei..,... at htt1t11clt Town of South014. CODn.ty of Suffolk lmd Stats of lIew YO~" bell19 known u4 udpated ... 'aM by Lot NUlIlber 1 on (II Clsrta IqIP nt.1tled ""'p ofHftdtap b~. and filed in tlu! Ofti4 0#'", "~te:r.k of StIffolkCounty ... hp 1kJ. 6853 on ~ru ly 29, 1977. BEING ANIl INTENDED '1'O'~~th~J.l '.~Jpr-.i.... cOl}veyej.l tp lObe lF~tI1r he,,#ein by deed dated J\ltY.\, 11\, 'ilJ6~ ~ rhC! "It' I SlOQ """" q""Zdl~. l;' '-0 J tJ ~J-A .~ _ _ The premJLsell herein ia 1m. \I~9D5 Wutphalla 1lo&4. MlIttLtQ.olc.. Ntw York.. "'J, ~r-:!!t. - 'f'l)(,;ETlIF..M ..ilk ",II "fhL 'i,l. ....1 iII_ if .n!_ ..11"" ...rn ..., lUJ~.~_l!I.-I.1O 111..-_.... ...oW. .oon"", 'M ....... >ino...ikd 11""'- 10 .. ~ u... ~h TOGEJ'IIP ..... till .,plnlllull_ _01 aU lho..".I. ..><1 ri,dttl. of ~ 1"'11! ...r .... 6>.t 1"'11 ill. ...... .... uld ......, TO HA V~ AND TO fIOLD I.... 1''''''''''' 1_;0 !!...-I.",... .h. port!' ..r ..... _I,ll"" 1" kiR '" ._ _ ..... IIf dot ,_y ..I I...._""~""..I"..,.... A.NI) Iho. ~"l ..I t1a~ fUll por1 ..,._.. iMl.ho 11''''1' of lira Ii.... JIUl. ... "",,,,,,- ... ""....... .1I)'I1Im; ..~ ..... uid pnm.- hi"" ........ _!wed lit OIl! _)' ............ ..-pI. III <*fo_ld. AHD.... ...rl~. ,.11ho lir.. ~l'l. in........._ ",;Ihs.:tioo I~ ..1...Lic" Law....-.-II.. d"J:i1:'I~ I... p," .ilI """'i.... ,.... ................. I.... U. (.",....,_ .",1 ...m hllW tloC' "'/dllln .... ..t. . II" I...... 1...& .,. I... .pplinl hg I.... 1'" pur....... of print .. ..... 01 .. inIpro\__ .... .wut ......, .... _ bit .... "I"'~.....I ,hr .....I.r.... ""pn._lkf_ .........,. pul..r.......or.._I.,.,4IIIwf~ TIt.. w..uI "pon, ~ thall hr -........ .. il iI ..... ....rtioo. w~ ..... _ 01 IWoo ........... .. ......... In ~ WHEflI;Of', .k pul< od I'" r.... ll"'''..........,....~ IItlo: ......... oIa,.ad 1-lillll.... .,.... t~ raCIFJ'rt(;E 11.. it1I:rr~ --..---.....-.. Stale at"'w Yot'tL. CM1Ilf at Suffolk * ..: 011I I/"g.. 't, ;IDD.#1, beI'oce -. .. ~. ~If ~lld blallie rranc;iB, n= 5biIf QI: &, 011 .-.-....17 ~..4 1rin_"~ ~ . '1y.......arpl'lll'l!llllll__........d.. __ t'I....1II be IIle ..........I__IIIIIIIl(J) It, (m) "i 4IiIf 10 ........ I.A~ JLI....... ,.1.,-" IO.. .....w...., I 11IIIc... \II~ J.~ JIJ(IMI. 11II_ II, .............. - Jill." 11.41 - IlIIl"IIId1, YiduIIIJ). III .. ~ ..lIIeW vf wIticfI.. iMlYldulltI .Ided,. ""'" IIIIc I ........1Ild NII!ICII 1..01I.' tel' ~ ... .. IollCll__ iIIe "'1Ipod \II t-............, ..Itl......_..._..._......._ __i '......_..ofNll....r.... h ~... J/iJ .. ..' ........... ... Coooal_ ~..........lWft Tma No. MELAIiI'IB FRAl'ICIS '1'0 HA1l:9OtlVI." KOMBS. INC. ~.!"M_~fOf OMNI Tm.E AGENCY 'II$~IICHl\l\Y WlSl'MI'II.O'II. H.v. 11_" llli11166fo..Un OIl ._- t J 'I I .. I j 'j . . ""~""""""~ - .., ........ ';:1 II St_ of C.II., ., 1-..' 011 persoHlb' ..ppe4lt:ll bd'.... _. lhe n*'\.lp~.t "lU!IIcIibiq wi~esJ 10 the (..pg _. "".11 ..tIarn I .. pnanall)' Kltlllinltd. ..iIo. -. by .. duly -. did cJep. ... ...,. ..... lW~ __II ill ".... f'I;t.tn ., 1'I'IiiJrfItI:~ 1" ., It .f"if'J,. _~ . Ot/N( - .""" ~, ff_""""'" II) be lI!lc iIIdMclIdI(tl desl:tiIled In and wIlo _m'" Aft- ....~.... ....... uid~"I"';~ _11IIIft1 ....-_ _ AkI no:.. die -. _ .. uid ""~I . lbe _ IlmI: _llwlW~II......l..."~!lS)~ (0'___.....__....""...,.........., . -.,.-- ____,*",_h ~... ._ AMlMIMld..ll>-..... _' r J ~ ad ~l"'" be1'orI! tile- ~ III J~...~.Ptl....~~....j.l_~JIIilII.U,. ;tV /a;I'"O KCI1IlIN 113 IILOQt 14 I.Dr 1 COUIft'Y 01t.- Suffolk county UTUIUI IIY IIIAIL '%'0: MARVIN F. HILICH. ESQ. 400 COrporate Plaza, Suite 402 Islandia. NY 11749 Zip "-, [L:z ] SvMlI' Rmllll'lil) 2m2'" za ilCMh2S III &MN I'.RlIIlIiN CtEIIlC IF ~ aMHl'Y L 1lOOO122Q4 1'_ 1'11'1 a:lHD4OJ . I Number ~~ 3 TORRS"S Cc<IlfI:tIIIe . Frior ()f. I DIed I Mol1'& J. WrnI_ DMIl/lobl8lPTa ..., FEES II rr..,''''_ 4 Pa&e I flIl8t... .......1. TP.S8i4 9~_ 5 5 - CMtirltd Copy Res-Copy 1'- Slob llM1 :L_ OflAND TOTAL MllI"I: I -. I. ....,. 2. ...........,. .. ,alii SplcJAuIL 01 SfxIc. lAM. TO'l'. MTO. TAX 011II T_ 0IIIIc..,_ HdillW~_ TnluftrTllll fb _ .....Ta _ TIIit papIIlr 4. _....,... _ ~ _ in' will bI .......... b,. .. 01' .., rllmnr d_1III__ VIllI lit' NO IfNO,_lIr ....lw..cl_.Nt' of_Ill I - Nolotlotl 1lA~)2 I? (C-U~l EA. S2r7 (SlIIe) llP T.s'A. ccmm.oflld AIIldIIv<1 5 _ SubTNl O~; ~L ~ ...I ~ 0111<'I 1 Ra! l'r"l""tJllU Scnice Af1III!I'l'Y 'ftrI...lnII DIsI. SeclkIII Black I.GI SIu'l'. H 02030374 1000 11300 1..00 001000 r- . . ;;;P~~ ~ ~~ 1 hsis&ellollllr... _._"~~"._..,,. LllII'1"1'llpe11Y UWllirlIIOIJIIllI RECORD a U1'tI1l/t 1'0: MARVIIl F. MILICH.. ESQ. 400 Corporate Plaza, Suite 402 Island1./iI, NY 11749 cpr: TAlC 0., o "'.., .......... I TO , D lD TO 10 ~ ,'." 9 . 1111I Colli t.fonlllldoa Co. NUl. Olmi Title .&t;eoc:y Tide N Suffolk Count Recordi & Endorsemmtf e 1bl. pIlgC IOrms p8iI1. of the lIIIlIchai need (SPB:IFY 1YPE CFINlI'I1WMEHr) Thc..wa.-...iuICl . liII SUFFa..KootlIItY. NEW YatK. InlheTOWIIIhlpof' Sou.t;hOU In ... VIl.LAOE or HAMLEr of Kattitw:Jr: ....,. l'OU.iI.N:U:; ~RANCJ:S TO WUUlORVIEW HOMES, IlIle. IlUXES S lHIW 9.h<<JST BE. TYPED OR I'IUNTI!D IN BlACKlNK CH. Y PRKlll'O RJU1IH1QC) CUlLING. .. 111111111111111111 IlIlllIlll SUJ'J'OLlt Cuu.w".L J; M.1Unl' UCOI.'D8 OI"l'ICB UCOJU):J:W PAGB lJi.ui<:t~ 10000 8_t1O'II.I B1aclk. 113.00 14.00 UAlD'1IJ1l:I) AHD Cll.UGC .u roLLOWS $0.00 ~. Ata LUD. PAU. Lot; 1 001.000 08/22/2002 01.11,25 ~ DOOQ1220. 888 Typ. O'f :tDIItr1Jl:lMlDt I DB:lmS/DDD l\I'I;DIber O'f: lIag.." 3 ~SPBR TAX HUMBBR: 02-03401 need Jlmount, Recaived tba li"o:llowing P... For .Ahove :tDIIt:r'1.DMDt ~t HI) &aml1 i.ag HI) II'll'S SVJlCHG HI) SA-STA'1'B HI) Oa:'t.Cop1.. NO SC'l'M HI) COaa. PrtJa "aa. 11.14 $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 f5.00 $15.00 ,:115 . 00 to.OO fO.OO $0 . 00 $99.00 IbI:T'I't HI) >>0 HI) HI) >>0 >>0 page!lI'HiD9 COB D.. en '1'1'-584 D'1' 'lraD.Arer tax TRMBnll TU IWKBDI 02-03401 TllII PAGI IS A PAa1' 0,. 'l'lUl DIfTMi'l!l""'N!'1' sdwar4 p.Maa.ta8 Co_ty Clak. Suffolk COUat:y / - - . . PLEASE TYPE OR PRES5".FIRMJ.Y WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us o'r PHONE (518) 473-7222 ~R CQ\JNTY \J.6ECNLY C1.~_ I ,y, 'lJ: ]. J?,~, 1" lf~ l~~li~;;1 .IM:~ ,fl. gGf ~:U"'lli:r"I'~r~ "i"'";, 1. Prope.rty I Location 5905 1 Westphalia Road STREET NAME Mattituck VillAGE ZIP CODE STREET NUMBER Southold CITY OR TOWN 2. Buyer Name Harborview Homes, Inc. LAST NAME! COMPANY FIRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future rax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) Address LAST "NAME I COMPANY STR~.ET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed 1 I # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel 5. Deed Property Size -.J OR I 1 X I 'ACRES' . DEPTH FRONT FEET ,;t;";'J REAL P.ROPI:,RTY TAA,NSFEEI.REPORT "STA'f'E OF lIlEWYORK STATE BOARD' 6P !ltAL 'PROPERTY SERVICES RFt..,,5217 R";5211~v3l97 11952 FIRST NAME STATE ZIP CODE (Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists D 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 0 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided 0 LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME Melanie 6. Seller Name Francis LAST NAME,' COMPANY 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C X Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residential Vacant Land E ~ Agricultural F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment / Amusement I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L Forest I SALE INfOI\MATiON I FIRST NAME Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land lOA. Property Located within an Agricultural District lOB. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District D D D D N/A 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: / / Month Day Year ~ I CJ I 02.1 Mmlth ''1 Day Year A B C D E F G H I J 11. Sale Contract Date 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 13. Full Sale Price ~ I I N10ny I I 0 I 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate the value of personal I property induded in the sale None , , 0 , 0 1 , . ,reflecrtlle ~st'Flrtlll Assessm.~tRtl" "rid'T..x aitl AS$ESSMe ATlON, Da\6:sb 16. Year of Assessment Roll from I (), II 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transfer) I which information taken 18. Property Class I~;\ , j ,-.LJ-u 19. School District Name I j'1' ) j 20. Tax Map Identifier(s) I Rollldentifier(s) IN more than four, attach sheet with additional identifierls))1 , . 1000-113-14-1 1/ 1'l.A. , ::-, 1c7- Milich auy SIGNATURE DATI' 1706 ',~"i ,/ COu.n tOy Road 39 631 STREET NUMBER STREET NAME (AFTER SALEI Southampton CITY Of:\"TOWN " I N~ STATE 11968 \ ZIP CODE SELLER \' /q/DL. 0/(;.,/ DATI' / <:U)1 r":,, R-S NATURE an~e Francis Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not"Warranty or Bargajn and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None (, '.J ) ; ; 1 " '''--t;"'-:--t-- i .,U,..<_,'--"<,A- /;1,1; {~ , , v 113- {Lf-J BUYER'S ATTORNEY i ';, . \1""\ ~j l ' !,jj I' ", Marvin; 'F :~. ;lH . "'9\M1 Ni.M~' .,n..:::. !' \.1:J':i \\ LAST NAME 234-8377 ,IU,('.:U ! iiiJh ~ AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER t ;"-",,,' .'f, .