HomeMy WebLinkAboutHudson City Savings Bank Plaza MattituckP~ '~ \~~`~ ~~ iaa-3-i,~ - Hudson City Savings Bank - Plaza _~ Mattituck, New-York _ - ~, _ ,, __~_ r,: ~:._ 1 i . ~, ,! 20~~ ,. ~-`' may. `' ~VIIB\~ Eschbacher VHB ~ ,, ,.•-'" Prepared by: '~--~ Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. __ 2150 Joshua's Path, Suite 300 Hauppauge, NY 11788 631.234-3444 May, 2008 I~ Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. - Table of Contents Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... .1 Study Methodology ...............................................................................................:.................. ..1 Existing Conditions .............................................................................................................. .3 Roadway Network .................................................................................................................... ..3 Key Intersections ..~ ..................................................:............................................................... ..3 Existing Traffic Volumes ...........................................:.............................................................. ..4 • 5 Build Conditions .................................................................................................................. . Trip Generation ........................:.....................................................:......................................... ..5 - Trip Distribution &Assignment .......................................:......................................................... ..6 Intersection Capacity Analysis ........................................................................................... .7 Analysis Methodology ................................................................:............................................. ..7 ' Unsignalized Intersections ....................................................................................................... ..7 Impact Analysis .................................................................................................................... . B -- Identification of Impacts ........................................................................................................... ..8 Analysis Results ............................:...........:..........................................:................................... ..8 Site Access./Drive-through Window/Parkigg ........................................................................... ..9 -- Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 10 Appendix A ........................................................................................................................... 11 - • APPendix B ........................................................................................................................... 12 Appendix C ........................................................................................................................... 13 An affiliate of Vanasse Hanger Brustlin, Inc. Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. 1 Introduction - • Eschbacher VHB has conducted a traffic impact study for the development of Hudson City Savings Bank Plaza, consisting of a bank and office building on Main Road in Mattituck, New York. The subject site consists of 1.93 acres on the south side of Main Road across from the intersection of Pacific Street. As shown on the proposed site plans, prepared by James V. DeLucca, R.A., the project will consist of a 3,244 s.f. bank with two drive- thru windows and a 9,982 s.f. office building with a total of 89 parking stalls. A location Plan has been prepared and included as Figure 1 (all figures aze located in Appendix A). There will be one access driveway directly opposite Pacific Street which will service both buildings. . The traffic study has been undertaken at the direction of the New York State Department of Transportation to examine the impact the project will have on local _ • traffic conditions. This report presents the results of the traffic study including a summary of the data collection process, traffic analysis procedures, and study conclusions. Study Methodology The methodology used in this traffic study consisted of the following items: 1. The proposed site plan and related documents were reviewed to obtain an understanding of the scope of the project. 1 Introduction An affiliate of VanasseHangen Brustlin, Inc ~~ Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. 2. Manual fuming movement counts were collected at the intersection of Main Road and Pacific Street on a typical weekday during the AM, mid-day and PM __ peak periods. 3. Trip generation estimates for the proposed project were made. 4. The project generated traffic volumes were distributed algng the adjacent roadway network to produce the Build traffic volumes. 5. Intersection capacity analyses were performed for the driveway for the Build Conditions. 6. The site access was reviewed. • • 2 Introduction An affiliate of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc I~ Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. 2 Existing Conditions _- The site is located along the south side of Main Road opposite Pacific Street in the Town of Mattituck (See Figure 1 in Appendix A). The site is currently occupied by a commercial building which housed a beverage distributor and three houses, all of which will be demolished to accommodate the proposed development. Roadway Network Main Road is an east-west state arterial under the jurisdiction of the New York State Department of Transportation. In the site vicinity, it provides one travel lane in each direction, with full paved shoulders on both sides. The posted speed on this section of roadway is 30 miles per hour. There is an existing sidewalk along the north side of the street. Pacific Street is a local north-south road under the jurisdiction of the Town of _ Southold that runs between Main Road and Old South Avenue. The roadway consists of a single lane in each direction. • Key Intersections `- To determine the potential traffic impacts of the proposed project, the unsignalized intersection of Main Road with Pacific Street and the site access driveway was analyzed to assess future conditions with the proposed project. 3 Existing Conditions - An affiliate of VanasseHangen Brastlin, Inc ~~ Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Wndscape Architecture, P.G. Existing Traffic Volumes Intersection fuming movement counts were manually collected. at the intersection of Main Road and Pacific Street on a typical weekday and the peak hours were identified as 8:15 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.,12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The resulting peak hour Existing Traffic Volumes for these periods are shown in Figures 2, 3 and 4. ` The manual fuming movement count data can be found in Appendix B. • _• 4 Existing Conditions An affiliate of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc ~~ Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. Build Conditions Trip Generation -- - • To estimate the site-generated traffic by the proposed development a review was undertaken of the available trip generation data sources, including the reference published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation, 7th Edition. This widely utilized reference source contains trip generation rates for a related use, "Drive-in Bank (Land Use Code #912) and "General Office Building' (Land Use Code #710). Table 1 summarizes the trip generation data below. Table 1 Trip Generation Weekday Trip Rate Entering Trips Eziting Trips Peak Period Per Unit Total Trips Percent Volume Percent Volume. 3,244 S.F. Drive-in Bank- Land Use Code 912 AM 12.34 40 56% 22 44% 18 Mid-day 53.46 173 51% 88 49% 85 PM 45.74 148 50% 74 50% 74 9,982 S.F. Office Building- Land Use Code 710 AM 1.55 16 88% 14 12% 2 Mid-day 1.55 16 50% 8 50% 8 PM 1.49 15 17% 2 83% 13 'Rate per 1000 square feet of grass floor area ` Reference: "Trip Generation", ITE Seventh Edition, 2001 5 Build Conditions An affiliate of Vanasse Hangers Brustlin, Inc. ~~ Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. From Table 1, a combined total of 56 trips (36 entering and 20 exiting) would be generated during the AM peak hour, 189 trips (96 entering and 93 exiting) during the mid-day period and 163 trips (76 entering and 87 exiting) during PM peak hour. It should be noted that the ITE does not provide amid-day rate for office buildings. Therefore, the PM peak rate was utilized to arrive at the total number of trips, but the trips were split evenly between traffic entering and exiting the site to reflect what we believe to be a reasonable distribution pattern at this rime of day. It should also be noted that the AM and PM peak hours for a bank typically do not correspond to office peak hours for an office building. Also, because the ITE trip generation rates for both the bank and office building are lower on Saturdays, the weekday mid-day and weekday PM time periods reflect the worst case scenario. _~ Trip Distribution & Assignment Trips originating from and destined to the project site were assigned to the adjacent roadways based on existing traffic patterns and the results are depicted in Figures 5, 6 and 7. The resulting site-generated traffic volumes for the AM, mid-day and PM peak hours were then added to the existing fuming movement volumes at the study intersection to yield the Build condition. The build traffic volumes for the AM and PM peak hours are shown in Figures 8, 9 and 10. • Build Conditions An affiliate of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. ~~ Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.G. 4 Intersection Capacity Analysis Analysis Methodology The capacity analyses were performed in accordance with guidelines set forth in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (2000 HCM), published by the Transportation • Research Board, using Synchro software. Unsignalized Intersections The capacity of a controlled leg of an unsignalized two-way stop controlled intersection or driveway is based on an estimation of the distribution of gaps in the major street traffic flow, driver judgment in selecring a gap through which to execute the desired maneuver, and the follow-up time required by each driver in a queue. The level-of-service (LOS) for the subject approach of astop-controlled intersection is evaluated based on the average total delay per vehicle. Total delay is defined as the total elapsed time from when a vehicle stops at the end of a queue until the vehicle _ departs from the stop line. There are also six classes of level-of-service, ranging from A (best) to F (worst), utilized by the 2000 HCM to determine the intersection, approach, and lane group levels of service for un-signalized intersections: • 2000 HCM LOS Classification -Unsignalized Intersections Level-of-Service (LOS) Control Delay Per Vehicle (sec) A < 10.0 B >10.0and <15.0 C > 15.0 and < 25.0 D > 25.O and < 35.0 E > 35.0 and < 50.0 F > 50.0 7 Intersection Capacity Analysis An affiliate of Vanasse Hanger Brustlin, Inc. Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.G. 5 Impact Analysis Identification of Impacts The traffic operations of the key signalized intersection were analyzed under the future Build condition in order to evaluate the operation of the site driveway upon completion of the project. _• Analysis Results The results of the capacity analysis are contained in the Appendix. Based on these results, the unsignalized intersection of Main Road and Pacific Street/Site Access - Driveway will operate at Level of Service A during the morning peak period, Level of Service B during the mid-day period and Level of Service D during the afternoon peak. However, it must be noted that Main Road in both directions will continue to operate at Level of Service A. Pacific Street will operate at LOS C in the morning and LOS D in the mid-day and afternoon periods. The site driveway will also operate at LOS C in the morning, but will fall to LOS F during the mid-day and afternoon periods. However, the analysis is based on the bank traffic and the office traffic peaking at the same time. As indicated above, the actual peaking chazacteristics are expected to be different. r 1 U It should also be noted that Synchro is a macroscopic model. A major limitation of the macroscopic model is they cannot model the interactions of vehicles. Thus, Synchro is unable to identify or recognize gaps in a traffic flow. In order to obtain a perspecfive of the intersection in a dynamic environment, simulation software has to be used to simulate the model. Therefore, SimTraffic, a powerful traffic simulation software program that takes into consideration vehicle and driver performance characteristics, was utilized. Simulation models are designed to emulate the behavior _ of traffic in a transportation network over rime and space to predict system performance. Generically, SimTraffic is a microscopic model. Microscopic models simulate the characteristics and interactions of individual vehicles. They essentially produce trajectories of vehicles as they move through the network. The processing logic includes algorithms and rules describing how vehicles move and interact, Impact Analysis An affiliate of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. I~ Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. including acceleration, decelerafion, and lane changing, and passing maneuvers. Every vehicle that enters the network is traced and the performance is recorded as it __ moves through the network until it exits. The SunTraffic performance analyses which are also included in Appendix C reveal that the actual vehicle delay times will be substantially less than the Synchro results indicate. Site Access /Drive-through Window /Parking The proposed site access will be a single driveway which has been aligned to intersect Main Road opposite Pacific Street. Site distance for exiting traffic was evaluated and found to be more than adequate based on the speed limit on Main Road. The configuration of the parking layout and aisles ensures good circulation for both ,_ • development components. The location of the drive-through window on the subject site is such that there is adequate space at least 25 vehicles to queue on site without backing onto the State highway. According to the ITE publication "Transportation _ and Land Development", the recommended storage requirement for banks with two drive-through windows is 12 to 18 vehicles. However, based on our experience, we have found that bank drive-through queues rarely exceed a total of 6 to 8 vehicles. -- Furthermore, we have found that multiple drive-through windows generally result in shorter queue lengths due to an overall reduction transaction time. Based on this, it is our opinion that the drive-through window, as depicted, will have no adverse -- impacts on the State highway. In terms of parking, the site plan depicts,a total of 110 spaces with 89 of these to be constructed and 21 to be landbanked. Based on the ITE Parking Generation publication, the bank is expected to generate a peak parking demand of 20 to 25 • spaces and the office building between 30 and 40 spaces. Thus, the combined demand of a maximum of 65 spaces is well below the proposed 89 spaces that will be available. Impact Analysis An affiliate of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. i~ Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.G. Conclusions -- • • Based on the results of the study, the following can be concluded 1. The proposed project will generate only a moderate amount of traffic. 2. The adjacent roadway network can accommodate the projected additional traffic volumes. 3. The proposed access driveway will provide satisfactory ingress and egress to the site. 4. The proposed bank drive-through window will have no adverse impact on the traffic operations of the local roadway network. 10 Conclusion An affiliate of VanasseHangen Brustlin, Inc. y Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. Appendix A -• _• An affiliate of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. ~~ Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. Appendix B _• An affiliate of Vartasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 9:15 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM Peak Hour 8:75 AM to 9:15 AM PHF ~ 569 508 -~ Site Driveway - ~- 548 509 ~ Sam-10am 27482 TMC - 4/23/2008 TRAFFIC VOLUME DATA Main Road (NY-25) @ Pacific Street ESCHeACHER VHB Mattituck, NY TRAFFIC VOLUME DATA Main Road (NY-25) @ Pacific Street ESCHeACHER VHB Mattituck, NY flats CnllarteR 4/77/!1R lT wcriavl Start Time Eastbound Westbound North bound Southbound Cum. Lek Thru Ri ht Total Lek Thru Ri ht Total Left Thru Ri ht Total Left Thru Ri ht Total TOTAL Houd B 00 AM '";rye ~51~f °~~ ,r ' 4Y !vl 5 -' i ~,:. 126 -.R 'F~p`~°' EF;? 0 0 ; , 4 131 "Y3M~jg'~m ta+F' r 14& i~ 0 .. 1r rs2 . ri..i~3. 118 ~" ~3 a.v ~, ~ 2 ~1~ 120 ..~~3d g~~?{i '~ ~ S ~ 0 ~~ i 4 `~ zF ~,ya a¥+ ~ 0 ~. e' i ~'~xt5 h 'per 0 b`: ~ i Q ~ i 0 s ~ ° ~'k 1 *'~ 4 s °^X u1u«r 4 ~ 0 :.Q' .,,~_ ~ M 7 6''" q~1 i 3 11 tk9S t'. 1 ~ 262 A QQ ~:. 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Left Thru Ri ht Total Left Thru Ri ht Total Left Thru Ri ht Total Lek Thru Ri ht Total TOTAL Hourl 8 00 AM 5 126 0 131 0 118 2 120 0 0 0 0 4 0 7 11 262 ~_ ,$ ~1 S AM `' '°' 3~ ~;` 128 ~ ~ .a. ~ ;'3 29 ~ ~. 0 ~ ~ , ~ f 33 ~1- ~ ~ 134 ', 0 ~ Q ' 0 0 ~ .1 ~ 0 S' ; 6 269 ~ 127 0 ~", 128 0 ;126 ~. 2 '," i 28 ° 1 ~ . 8 3t7 AM 0 0 1 1~ ~ 0 5 i6 2fi3 8.45P~A ~ 4 ~. 122 .' 1 ~' ,;127 ~ 146 ~, 1 '~ ~ 147~~ 0 ~ ~~ D '~ '0 ~ II" 9 ~:. -z `0 ~' 7` ~',16 290 1,084 w*. ~.~ ...,9;Q0 AM~ :~. ! ~ 4 ~.. 119.:;". 1 -: ;124 ` ~ "D .. ~~ .~~3$.., . ~„ : 1 . = 139: ~ , 0 s4 _ p ,`.O..u~ »: Q.~r~. ~ ~ ,,,~ .. ~ 0 ! 8 ~. 12 275: '. 9:15 AM 4 111 0 115 0 123 1 124 1 0 L .,.~. 0 1 4 0 7 11 251 1,079 9:30 AM 0 98 0 98 0 128 1 129 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 8 235 1,051 9:45 AM 9 119 0 128 0 105 1 106 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 13 247 1,008 Peak Hour 8:15 AM fo 9:15 AM 12 494 2 508 0 543 5 548 1 0 0 1 15 0 25 40 1,097 PHF 0.98 0.93 0.25 0.63 1 ~ 40 17 N 1 25 0 15 ~Ci a 12 J ~~ t- 569 ~---- 548 494 -~ ~---- 543 508 -s ~ - 509 -~ 2 ~ ~0 I ~ Main Road (NY-25) 00°~~ 1 PEAK HOUR DATA Site Driveway -- 1 Time: 8:15 AM to 9:15 AM Sam-10am 27482_TMC 4/23/2008 TRAFF IC VOLUME DATA Main Road (NY-25) @ Pacific Street escHSA CHERVHe Mattituck, NY Oate Collect ed. M22/08 Tuesda Start Time East bound Westb ountl Northbound Southbound Cum Lek Thru Riyht Total Left Thru flight Total Lek Thru Ri ht Total Left Thru Ri ht Total TOTAL . Hourl 8 0o A61 '4 =6 + 5 126 0 131 0 118 2 ~ 120 0 0 0 0 4 0 7 11 262 815 AM ` " 3 .t ~ 128 ,,? ~ , Q ° ., „i29 0 ,:133 r, r 9 134F;~ •*. 6.,'; - .0: ~ - 0 0, ,1~ .{0 `. 8 ~'. 269. 1 Br30 AM r 7 ~; X4127 ~' i 0 ;128 ~ fl. 12hw,' 2 ~ 128 .:; 1 i U= 0 1 7 a 0 ~ 6- a ~ Q 263 t X845 PM ~*t 4 y 122:N 1 ry127 Oa 14fi,~ 1 _ ~ ^I47 9 Oi :'0' 0 9 ~~. ~0 7- " 16 290 1084 r ..,. , ;9,04 AM. , „a . 4 _,~~y x 115 ; ~~ ~ ' .. 1,. ,;'124 ` .4 „4 ". 136; . 1 ~ .. ~ ~~ .139'; ~-:: 0 : Os ~ `..0 ~. 0 ~ 4 _ 0' 8' ~ 12 275 r ' 1 097 ': a15 A64 4 111 0 115 0 123 1 124 ~~ 0 ~ ~~0 a ,, „, , ~ _ ~~ „4 ~ ~ ~ p 7 . 11 , 251 , . .1 079 9:3o nM 0 98 0 98 0 128 1 129 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 8 235 . 1 051 9 45 AM 9 119 0 128 0 105 1 106 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 13 247 , 1.008 Peak Hour 8:15 AM to 9:15 AM 12 494 2 508 0 543 5 548 1 0 0 1 15 0 25 40 1 097 PHF 0.58 0.53 0.25 0.63 , 1 ~ 40 17 d fn N 1 w zs Do 1s a ~ 1 ~ . . 12 ~ ~ ~ t 569 ~ 548 494 -i ~- 543 508 -~ 2 0 509 -~ 1 I ~ Main Road (NY-25) ~~° r PEAK HOUR DATA Site Driveway --~ ~~ 1 Time: 8:15 AM to 9:15 AM Sam-10am 27482_IN~C 4/23!2008 TRAFFIC VOLUME DATA Main Road (NY-25) @ Pacifi c Stree t ESCHBACHER VHB Mattituck, NY Date Collected. 4/22/08 (Tuesda S i Easthound Westbound Northbound Southbound TOTAL Cum. tart T me Lek Thru Right Total Left Thru Right Total Lek Thru Right Total Lek Thru Right Total Hourl 1t00 nM 7 144 0 151 0 131 2 133 0 0 0 0 3 0 ~~ 14 298 11:15 AM 5 130 0 135 0 122 4 126 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 10 271 '.t3o AM 0 143 0 143 0 126 ~ 127 0 0 0 0 3 0 15 18 288 ^.tasAM 3 128 0 131 0 139 0 139 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 279 1,136 1 z oo PM 5 139 t 0 144 0, 132 ~ 2 134 1 b ' 0 ~ 6 0 & • 14 283 ' 131 1 r 1 ~ 92 15 PM 7 144 ~ ? 2 .... 15$ s 02 t 't'~"x146 D 146 0 ~ 0 ; ~ 0 ~. 0 ~ 7 ; 0 12' ~ 19 ,- 318" 1 178 ~ ~ ' 7230 PM > 7 `~ 114 4~ 181 ~ 1~ 116 4 ' 121 %0 ^' D C Q 6 ~ 0 16- 22 `. 324 1 214 , ,, ^~. ,~24~PM. ~....;.` ,. 3,,:, x.;1.34,, .. _ . ~,., Q. : . ::137 v -0 , a, 1122. r. :.. „ 8 13Q ,, ~~:,,; 2. '., 0 0 , ... 2 ,~ : 3 ,, -< ,;4..: 74,_ 17, .~.". 286. „1,221 Peak Hour 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM 22 591 2 615 1 516 14 531 3 0 0 3 22 0 56 72 1,221 PHF 0.85 0.91 0.38 0.82 ~-- 569 615 ~ 22 591 ~ Site Driveway ~ 531 613 ~ 11 am-fpm 27482 TC1C 4/23/2008 • • TRAFFIC VOLUME DATA Main Road (NY-25) @ Pacific Street ESCHBACHER VHB Mattituck, NY Date Collected: 4!22108 lTUesda Start Time Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Cum. Left Thru Ri ht Tolal Lek Thru Ri ht Total Lek Thru Ri ht Total Lek Thru Right Total TOTAL Hourl 2:00 PM 7 139 0 146 0 131 2 133 0 0 0 0 1 0 9 10 289 2:15 PM 5 140 2 147 1 132 1 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 292 2:30 PM 6 123 0 129 0 116 1 117 1 0 0 1 3 0 12 15 262 2-s5 PM 7 125 1 133 0 147 0 147 0 0 1 1 1 0 6 7 288 1 131 3'.OO PM 5 150 1 156 D 139 1 140 1 0 0 1 1 0 11 12 309 , 1 151 3:15 PM 6 133 0 139 0 132 2 134 0 0 0 0 5 0 9 i4 287 , 1 14fi 3:30 PM 5 158 0 163 1 151 4 156 0 0 1 1 2 0 8 10 330 , 1 214 345 PM i 162 0 163 0 133 2 135 0 0 0 0 2 0 7 9 307 , 1 233 '~~Yi400rPM 1 of nF188 0 169 .0 1169 ° 2 ~ , 17t Q 0' 9 ' - 4 ~ 3 ' ' 0 ~ ~~ '5 8 : 36& ' , 1 292 i41§PM "= 4-t 156 '0 1 181 0 136 ~ 2 `~ , ~ 138 24 0` + 0' + i ~ ~ ~ '~ , , , S .' 430 pM ' < 3 164 " 1 0' s ' `767 <0 ; ' ° °` e x 0 e,. 7 ,~ ..-1 ~.; 0 ~ ~9- ~ 10~[ ;310 -: 1,315 -c + .< 14d ?r ' 5 149 =1 0 .; ~*, n, p'.1 ',9 ;..'. i 2 0 ~ 6 B ': ?, 324 1.309 Peak Hour 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM 10 703 1 714 0 625 9 634 0 0 PHF 0.91 0.90 1 0 25 7 0 31 0379 1,387 2pm-Spm 27482- Th1C 4/23/2008 Main Road (NY-25) @ Pacific ~eet Mattituck. NY File Name :27482 TMC AM Site Code :27482001 Start Date :04/22/2008 Page No 1 _. _ Groups Unshdted Printed- _. _ _ 1 ~ bo und ~ tbo und bo und ~ Eastbound _ Star R~h 7hru efts U tur - - Right - h Lef t U-tur igh t Thru Lef t - U-turn Righ t -- _ T U-turn , Inf. e T actor 1 0 1 0 -- 1 0 I 1 0 ~ - 1 0 0 I 1 1 0 1 0 ~ _ 1 0 _ 1 0 I 1 0 ~ 0 ', 1 0 - 1 ~ 08:00 AM ~ . 7 . 0 4 ~ . 0 . 2 . 118 . 0 ~ . 0 ~~, . . 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Total 43 - C 8- - O.I. _ 7 518_- --~ O'- ._._.~ __ ~ --__0 - _-O; 0 __ 128 _ - 3. __0~. _ ' 279 - 0 545 15 0 .. 1136 12G0 PM 8 0 6 0 2 132 0 G 0 0 1 0 0 139 5 0 293 12:15 PM 12 0 7 0'. 0 146 0 0. 0 0 0 0 2 144 7 0 1 12:30 PM 16 0 6 O l 4 116 1 0'~ 0 0 0 0 0 ' 3 8 _ 12:45 Ph4 - r4 n 3 i 0 8 122 0 0 I 0 0 2 ' ~74 7 0 324 Total _- _ ~0 _ 0 22 0 ~ 14 _ _ 516 i 0 ~ __ 0 - ~__ 3_ 0 _ ~ j 0 2 34 _ _5 -. -- 1 3 0 - _ 286 9 22 0 1221 Grand Total 93 0 30 0 21 1034 1 0' 0 0 3 0 2 1136 37 0 2357 Apprch % ' 75.6 0.0 24.4 0.0 20 9Z9 0-1 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.2 96 7 3 1 0 0 Total % 3.9 0-0 1.3 0.0 'I 0.9 43-9 0-0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 ~, 0.1 . 48.2 . . 1.6 0.0 • Main Road (NY-25) @ Pacific STreet Mattituck, NY File Name :27482 TMC PM Site Code 27482003 Start Date :04/22/2008 Page No 1 Groups Printed- Unshifted S thb d N ou o un - West pound orthbo und Eastbound _ Factor l _ght ~ R' 1 0 Thru 1 0 - Left 1 0 U turn __~ 1 0 Rl ht g 1 0 Thru 1 0 Left 1 0 _ ~ U turn Ri t~Thr 9 e i Ri ht Thru ~ ~ - LeR ~ _ U-turn I _ InL. T ~~ ~ . _ . -- . __ . = ~ 1 ~ ~ 10j 10 1 0 1 02 00 PM 9 0 1 O 2 131 0 0 6 6 i ~ ~ -- 289 02:15 PM 11 0 0 0 ', 1 132 1 0 0 0 0 O 2 140 5 0 ~ 292 6 1 ~~~ 0 ~ C 123 6 0 262 02:_4 P_M_ 6 _ - 0 ___ _ 1 - 0 0 147 0_ _ _ 0 1 0 0 0 ' 1 125 7 ~ 0 288 Total 38 G 5 0 4 526 1 __ 0 - - - 0 1- - - . , 0 - 3 - _ 527 -25 - - 0'~~ __ _ 1131 03:00 PM 11 0 1 0 1 139 0 0 0 0 1 O 1 150 5 0 '. 309 03:15 PM 9 0 5 0 2 132 0 0~ 0 0 0 0 ~'~ 0 133 6 O i 287 03:3G PM 8 0 2 0 4 151 1 0~ 1 0 0 0~ 0 158 5 0 I 330 ~ __ 0 _ 2 0 _ 2 133 0 _- 0 0 0 0 0' 0 162 1 0 ' 307 Total 35 0 1G 0', 9 555 1 0 - 1. --0 _ . 1 0 ~ _- 1 _. __ 603 - ,7 ~ _ - ~_ 1233 04:00 PM 5 0 3 0~ 2 169 0 0 ~~ 0 D 0 0 0 188 1 0 368 04.15 PM 9 0 1 0 '. 2 136 0 0~ 1 0 0 0 1 156 4 0 310 04:30 PM 6 0 2 0' 5 144 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 164 3 0 ' 324 04:45 PM _ l l 0 1 0 0_ 176 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 i95 2 , 0 385 Total 31 0 7 0. 9 625 0 _ _ _ O r 1 0 __ 0 0 1 703 10 0 1387 Grand Total 104 0 22 0 22 1706 2 0~ 3 0 2 0 5 1833 52 0', 3751 Apprch % 82.5 0.0 17.5 0.0 1.3 98.6 0.1 0.0 I 6G.0 0.0 40.0 0.0 0.3 97.0 2.8 , 0.0 '. Total % 28 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.6 45.5 0.1 0.0 j G.1 0:0 0.1 0.0 0.1 48.9 ..4 0.0 I, ~~HIS ~~ Eschbacher VHB Engineering, Sun~eylnq and Landscape Ardutecwre, P, C. Appendix C i ;~ An nffilinte of Vnnnsse Har ~~en Brusflin, Inr. 1: S Route 25 & Pacific Street/Site Driveway ynchro Report Build AM Peak * Lane Configurations ~ ~ -~ •~ ~ Sign Controf Free Free Stop Stop Grade 0 % 0% 0°/ 0% Volume (veh/h) ` 12 494 17 17 543 5 9 1 10 15 2 25 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourlyflow rate (vph) 13 537 18 18 590 5 10 1 11 16 2 27 Pedestrians LaneWidth (ft) Walking Speed (fUs) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal'(ft). pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicttny volume 596. 555 1230.. 1205 S46 1214 1211 593 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 confvol vCu unblocked vol 596 555 1230 1205 546 1214 1211 593 • tC single (s) 4 1 4.1 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 22 2.2 3,5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 p0 queue free % 99 98 93 99 98 89 99 95 cM capacity (veh/h) ,' 981 1015 141 178 .537. 151 176 506 Direction Lane#~'~~~= "``,fig'"1 =U1B1 ~ NB'iw`° NR 2'> ~'5B~ f„ "` . Volume. Total 568 614 10 12 46 Volume Left 13 18 10 0 16 Volume Right ' 18 5 0 11 27 cSH 981 1015 141 454 262 Volume to Capacity. 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.03 0.17 Queue Length 95th (ft) 1 1 6 2 15 Control Delay (s) 0.4 0.5 32.4 13.1 21.6 Lane LOS A A D B C Approach Delay (s) 0.4 0.5 21.8 21.6 Approach LOS C C intersection SUinmary , x ` " `:-~ ;y ~ . a Average Delay 1.6 IntersectiohCapacity U tilization 52.9% IC U Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 4/23/2008 D C Mooney Dutt Tarigoppula HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Eschbacher Engineering, P.C. Build SimTraffic Performance Report AM Peak • • 1: Route 25 & Pacific Street/Site Driveway Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR 'N/BL .WBT' WBR `-NBL.'. NBT NBR.° SBL. !SBT SBR Delay/Veh (s) 3.3 0.8 0.2 2.9 0.6 0.5 18.8 5.6 3.1 13.4 6.8 7.1 1: Route 25 & Pacific Street/Site Driveway Performance by movement . ~ _ . .. Movetnenf, AIf Delay /Veh (s) 12 Total Network Performance ,: ~; .a : F ` ., .. o. y^,... . Delay/Veh (s) 1.5 Dutt Tarigoppula Eschbacher Engineering, P.C. D C Mooney 4/23/2008 1: Route 25 & Pacific Street/Site Driveway Build Synchro Report Nrdday Peak Lane Configurations ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SignCohtrol Free Free - Stop Stop. Grade 0% 0°/ 0% 0% Volume (veh/h) 22 591 45 45 516 14 44 5 44 22 6 50 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 24 642 49 49 5Fi1 15 48 5 48 24 7 54 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (fUs) Percent Blockage.. Right turn flare (veh) Medianiype None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (fQ pX, platoon unblocked vC, confligtingvolume 576 691 1439 1389 667 1432 1405 568 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol • vCu, unblocked vol tC single (s) 576 4 1 691 4 1 1439 7 1 1389 6 5 667 - 6 2 1432 Z 1405 568 _ tC, 2 stage (s) _ _ . . : . 1 6 5 :- 62 tF(s)_.-. 2.2 22 3.5 _(.4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 p0 queue free % 98 95 47 95 90 74 95 90 cM capacity (veh/h) 997 904 90 ` _132 459 _ 92 129 522 Direction carte#'°-' ` `~ ~'EB 1. '~V9B i='" NH~1 , `NB 2~ ` ~S[3"1 ~ ,` Volume Total :715 B25 48 53 85 Volume Left 24 49 48 0 24 Volume Right 49 :15 0 48 54 cSH 997 904 90 366 204 Volume to Capacity 0.02 0.05 0.53 0.15 0.42 Queue Length 95th (ft) 2 4 59 13 47 Control Delay (s) 0.6 1.4 83.6 16.5 34.7 Lane LOS A A F C D - Apprgach Delay js) 0.6 1.4 48.3 34.7 Approach LOS E D Inte~sec~ianStimma`ry ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Average Delay 6 0 Intersection Capacity Uti lization 65 3% IC U Level o f Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 4/23/2008 D C Mooney Dutt Tarigoppula HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Eschbacher Engineering, P.C. Build SimTraffic Performance Report Midday Peak Route 25 & Pacific Street/Site Drivewav Performance by movement • u Movement '` ''EBL , EBT'` EBR 1NBL WBT WBR NBL NBT" NBR -.'SBC SBi' SBR Delay /Veh (s) 4.5 L6 1.3 3 3 1.5 1.8 37.7 8 8 7.9 19.3 9.6 10.7 1: Route 25 & Pacific Street/Site Driveway Performance by movement Movement '°'Alh Delay l Veh (s) 3.7 Total Network Performance Delay /Veh (s) 42 Dutt Tarigoppula Eschbacher Engineering, P.C. D C Mooney 4/23/2008 1: Route 25 & Pacific Street/Site Driveway Build Synchro Report PM Peak Moveilrent ' . ;. EBL. = EBT' ° EBR NIBL WBT WBR `"NBL "' NBT '. NBR SBL' °=SBT . !SBR Lane Configurations ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ Sign Control'.: Free .Free - Stop Stop Grade 0°/ 0°/ 0% 0°/ Volume (veh/h) 10 .703 36 36 625 9 41 5:. 41 7 4 31 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Q92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 11 764 39 39 679 10 45. 5 45 8 4 34 Pedestrians Lane Width(il) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage,: Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 689 .803 1604 .1573 784 1615 1588 684 vC1, stage 1 conf voI vC2,.stage2confvol vCu, unblocked vol 689 803 1604 1573 784 1615 1588 684 • tC;single(s) j:4.1. 4.1 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 62 tC, 2 stage (s) tF(s) {22 2.2 3:5:` 4.0 : : 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 p0 queue free °/ 99 95 39 95 89 89 96 92 cM capacity (veh7h).. - .905 . .821 73 104 - 393 68 102 449 Direciio`n~ane=#,z Y~`61 W~1'.~°.N8.1'= -tV8 ~;:'S~;9 r 2 ' . , Volume Total 814 728 45 50 46 Volume Left 11 39 45 0 8 Volume Right` _.39 10 0 45 34 cSH 90Fi 821 73 302 198 Volume to Capacity .0.01 .0.05 0.61 0.17 0.23 Queue Length 95th (ft) 1 4 67 15 21 Control Delay (s). 0.3 1.2 113.5 19.3 :28.5 Lane LOS A A F C D Approach Delay (s) 0.3 1.2 63.7 28.5 Approach LOS F D {ntersec#on'Sumrr'iary` _. ,r . _. '~ ' Average Delay 5 0 • IntersectionCapacity,Utilization 70 4% IC U Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 4/2312008 D C Mooney Dutt Tarigoppula HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Eschbacher Engineering, P.C. Build SimTraffic Performance Report PM Peak i 1: Route 25 & Pacific Street/Site Driveway Performance by movement Movement EBL~' EBT "EBR `=WBL' WBT` WBR'. NSL"'NBT NBR 'SBL SBT SBR Delay /Veh (s) 6.2 1.3 0.9 7.0 1.7 1.7 297 16 4 8.4 12.6 14 3 5.7 1: Route 25 & Pacific Street/Site Drivewav Performance by movement „. ,.. _r. ,, ,, , Movement ~..._ .~ '~1(tl. , .<,;" :..,>,, Delay l Veh (s) 26 Total Network Performance .:, w ~ .. ,.... .. ., ., f . ::~ c ~...~. .. .. T ` n' e ... f ..a _ .. e i. ....... rv , . .. w ., ... .. ' x Delay /Veh (s) 31 Dutt Tarigoppula Eschbacher Engineering, P.C. D C Mooney 4/23/2008