HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12429 P 286 " , L I" 2 Li It;' fJ5'v 114-11- LJ- Mto/,tIt'S c BARGAI:N AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 C.'UTlON: TillS AGREEMf.N'I' SIIOULll HE PREI'ARED BY AN ATTORNEY AND REVIEWED BY ATTORNEYS fOR SELLER AND PURC"lIASf.R BEl-TIRE SIGNISG, THIS I/IIDI::NTIJRE, made Ihe U~ day of D.:eemb~r. 2005 between DIANE COTUGNO nnd JAMES F. KING. residing al220 E. Mill Roud, Mulliluck, NY 11952 party oflhe lirsl part; and MAZZELLA HOLDING L TD.a New York CorporatioD doing business at 13550 Main Road, MaUituck. NY 11952 ''- , party of Ihe S\'Cond part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the lirst part, in CllR~ideration ofTen Dollars and other vuluuble con~ideralion. paid by the: purty oflhe second pan, docs hereby b'J'8nt and release: unlO the party of the seeond, part. the heirs or successors and assil!ns of Ihe party of Ihe S\.'Coml part forever, ALL Ihat certain plol. piece or parcel of land, with Ihe buildinl!S and iml'rovemenlS Ihereon erecled, siluale, lying and being in the SEE SCIfIF.I)U1.F. A ATfACIIED (DF.SCRIPTION OF PRF.MISF.S) BEING ,'NO INTENDED TO HE the same premises as conveyed 10 the party of the lirsl part by deeds daled 11/24/86 and recorded 12126/86 in Libc:r 10202 cpo 478 nnd by deed dated 8/1lS/93 and recorded 8/19/93 in Libe:r 11640 cpo 860. TOG/:"THI::R with all righi, litle and inlerest. ifuny, oflbe: parly oflhe lir~t part in and to any Slreets and roads abutting the: above described ~remises 10 the center lines thereof, TOGETHER wilh the al'purtenances and all the eSlale and rights of the I'3rty oflhe firsl part in and 10' '. s.~id premises, ' TO HA VI:: AND TO HOLD the I'remi~ herein granted unlO the I'arty of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of Ihe party of the scc:ond part forever. AND the I'arty of the first part. eo"enants that the party of the first part ha.~ not done or surrcr~-d anything whereby Ihe S3id premises have bc:c:n encumbered in any way whalc:ver, excc:ptas aforesaid. AND Ihe I'3rty orlhe lin;1 part, in compliance with Section 13 oflhe Lien Law. covenants that the party of the lirst ",~rt will ~'Cei\'C Ihe eonsiderati,)n for this con,'eyanfe and will hold tl}e right to receive such consideralion a~ 1I1rusl fund to be applied IirSI for the purpose: of paying the j:ost oflhe improvemenl and will "I'ply Ihe same lirstlo the paymenl of the cost of the improvement before using any part oflhe t0181 orlhe same for any other pUlpO.~, The word "p:uty. shall be construed as if it read "panies" whenever the sense or this indcnlurc so r~"Iu ires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the lirst p:ut has duly ex<<uled Ihis deed Ihe day and year first aoove written. IN PRESENCE aF: CJ~-:;:; ~~ DIANE COTUGNO ~--. 9(4 J ES F. KING N\"SRA Residcllti:;!:1 ItC'oJll!salle Fonnson HoIOocit(9lOO) -1- (",tp)'liyht c:aplk)f'I.I Ondopmml . -' BAl..06488 ( 492S0648) SCHEDULE "A" ALL that c:crtain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buldings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mattiruck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. being more panicularly bounded and described a follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) fonnerly Kings Highway, distant westerly South 74 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds West, 70.50 feet and South 77 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds West. 145.96 feet westerly from the westerly line of MaUituck l.ibrary Association, as measured along the southerly side of Main Road; RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning South 04 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds East, along land of Reeve Lumber and Wood Working Co., Inc., 320.39 feet 10 a poim; THENCE stilI along said last mentioned land South 73 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West, 74.60 feet to a point; THENCE North 04 degrees 18 minutes 10 seconds West along land of Nicholas and Olympia Kouros, fonnerly land of Burgess, 325.10 feet 10 the southerly side of Main Road; THENCE North 77 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds East, along the southerly side of Main Road, 74.13 feet 1:0 the point or place of BEGINNING. State of New York )1 ss: County of Suffolk I~ On thi? day of December, 2005, before, the undersigned, personally appeared DIANE COTUGNO and JAMES F. KING, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to the be individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/herltheir capacily(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon beha" of which the individual(s) acted, ex ted the instru ent. Notary b IC __~WAM D. MOORE .-- r Public:. Srahl of New York No. 4832728 c;luallfied In SuHolk County Cornm...,OIl Elcpires January 3t. JOe:T'" ~.,. :'l:YSE:lA Rr5idmllal RNI E.u.lr Funns on 110l~1" ('NOlU C"apyriu.bl Clip_1ft I Dcovelopmc'DI , -.' Number of pages TORRENS RECORDED 2006 Jan 06 12:52: 19 PH Prior Ctf: # CLERK OF SlFFOLK COUNTY L 000012429 P 286 Dr. 05-22231 Serial # Certificate # De..d . Mortgage Instrumenl Deed I Mortgage Tax Sll1mp FEES Recording I Filing Sll1mps II Page I Filing Fcc EA-52I? (County) =~ ~- Sub TOIl1I ;)7 Mortgage AmI. 1. BlI5ie Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. I AlI.<il. or Handling 5...IllL 5' TP-5K4 Notation Comm. llf Ed. 5. 00 Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual T"wn _ Dual County _ Held lor Appoimn1cnt_ Transfer Tax .1l-fUV -=--. Mansion Tax EA-521? (State' R.P.T.S.A. Olher 1,\ f - Gr-.md Total ~/~ d <fl. - The property covered by this mOlgage is or will be improved by a one or lwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate lax clause on page # "I' this instrumenl. _d$}-o.r Aflidavit Certilied Copy Reg. Copy Sub TOlal :J DistriellOOU~ 06000295 '~ Re:ll . P SA J>fl.lperty ; RewA Tax S..rvice : Agency Verification 1000 11400 1100 004000 00 5 Communit Preservation Fund Consideration Amount S 700.000.00 S 11.000.00 Improved X CPF Tax Due Vacant Lund 6 SalislilclillnlDischarges./Relea.<e List Property OWDCrs Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: HARVEY A. ARNOFF. ESQ. 206 IWANOKE AVE RIVERHEAO NY 11901 TD /IJ TO 'I'D 7 Title Company InformatIon Co. Name BRIDGE ABSTRACT.I.I.C Title # BAL0648S 8 Suffolk County Recording ~ Endorsement Page This page fnrms pan of lbe attached BARGAIN & SALE DEED (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: .IllANE..C'OTIIG~O & .U.M":S F. KING The premisis herein is situated in TO MAZZELLA HOLDING LTD. SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In lbe Township of SOUTHOJ,O In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of MATTITUCK BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPHD OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of In8t~tl DBEDS/DDD Number of Page81 4 Receipt NUmber I 06-0001618 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-22231 Recorded I Atl 01/06/2006 12152:19 PM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012429 286 Districtl SectiODI Block I Lot: 1000 114.00 11.00 004.000 1Il""IKINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amouutl $700,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Bxempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-S84 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,800.00 NO COIIIII.Pres $11,000.00 NO Fee8 Paid $14,042.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-22231 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THB INSTROMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY-WHENWRmNG'ON FORM' ,.- INSTRUCTIONS: http;(1 www.orpS.stale.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 0, Date Da"'__ REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT K'l', 3, .fl, 57, fl' 0/ I ((E I'f€ 1 MontI ." I C3. _ V ,;< ,.>,',~, rl C4. "'ge 1 , ,J:) ,.'5' t: PROPERTY INFORMATION C1, SWIS Code STATE llI' NEW YORK STATE SOARD llI' REAL I'ROI'IERTY Sl!1lVICES RP - 5217 ....NI7.....JN7 ""_1 La_n \~jL. 1 Main Rd. ~TI/IJ~JO<D ...... 11952 . t l1alliL_~l CITV DR TOWN ....Mt ~CIODI: ....... MAZZELLA ROLDING LTD N..... LASI MAW. fC:OIIPAW MOT.....' L LAIn MAlM'/CftMM..., F...r__ 3. T.x hi.. where floCUlI T.. BlIII.re 10 be stnt I BUn. if other IMn buy.- 8ddr.. (II: boaorn or form).. Add_ LAl"'UIMI!'~AIn' 'IIIISTNAMI! i'fIll!ET ...... AM) 51J'1UT NAMr: crnClll_ 1T~Tl! ..COOl s.~:,- I - -.J X 1 fllDNT FEET CIIP'IH IORI """ . .; . 4 I cOnly._"'..__.."'"'....." <A:_"" _ _l5uIIdMo;on _arily Elri.. 0 e. SubdMllcn Appnwll _ Required fDr Tr..... 0 c. P..... Approyod ... Subdvioion w;1l1 Map - 0 t. ......... the IHIIrIIMr at a----.t RoI.I*'Il'" .,........... OD ... deed 1 I . of PIIn:.eI. OR D Pin at . Pareel .. SoIor No... COTUGNO Iq,......,~ DIANE -.- KING JAMES F. LAST NAME ltoMMNY ......- ,\ ~ One F.mUy ReIsdInll.1 8 2 ar 3 Family Residend81 C ResldanIlDI V..,. Land o Non-~tlal V.... lIInd , SALE INFORMATION I "..... ComrICl: o.te Ii ~ Ag,cul'u..1 F X Caml'l'lllrcl.1 (j AplnlMm H EntefIIIlnment I Amueement ~ Communlty_ J I_I Public_ I. F..... -....--..1Iooy...... I. Ownorahip TYPII .. Condominium e. New ConltlUCdan OIl VlIC8nIlInd IlIA. Properly LOCIl8CI wllNn In AgrCullural DiIInct ...Bu,.,.rec:eIved.~l1tnotlcelltdlc:ldrlg tbIIlMpm~illn.nAgrioulrurllDillrlc:l o o o o 7. Ch.. .... box bMow which moll ......Iy cIHcrIbet the UN of the propll"tY at 1M tImII of ....: 12. D... of ...., Tn....... 12 - I 22 Do, I 05 .- tl. a.a.. or rIlIDN of __ ............. I). - ...-.. tr8nIIIr: Sale Batwa.n RIMlI-. or For,.., ......,. SlIe BoIween ...... Com~ or '-'"IWI in Bull"", Ono "'.... .......10 .... _ Buyw or Seller II Qovernmeflt Agency or Lending Ir_itulion Doad "- .... W........ orllorgoln'" Solo IS_ _ Solo a' F__ or L.- ...... Foo "_I$pKIIy So'owI SignffieMI tho_In "'_ _ T..1IIa SW.. ond Solo lloo s.re of Bull..... i. Included in s.Ie Price om.. Un....1 F...... A_"" Salo PrIco ISpoclfy _ Nan. 8 - I 15 ... I 05 ... 13. FuD .... P... , 7 ,0 ,0 . 0, O. 0, 0 . 0 I , , . IFuII SIlO Price lithe lOlal amount paid lor lhe proporty IflCludlng perIOIIl&I propurIV TbiI ,..,menl may be In the form of ~. other PfOPI"Y 01 goodI. or the IllUmption or rnor1~ or am. obIigItiona.1 PI.- round 10 lite...."..,..,..... amounr. L. ,..-........"'- I 0 I 'II __......_. ,~J,. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dalll liIauld _ IhololOSl Finol_mont Rolland To. Bill ...::.=-:.=......104 .051 11. T...._VoIuo I"'''''''' In_, I ...~_ ~.L.....!J-LJ ...___ I Jf/A.J1'ITIJCJL. , ; 7 200 ; :Ill. T.. __/Ro.__1wI c......__. __ __1111_' 1000-114-11-4 I I CERTIFICATION I n!I1If) IboI aD .or.... ......, urlnrarmallun """"'"" ... ..... DIIIII .... .... .... _11a.... ..... urlDj' ............ 0IIId ......... _ I ............d dud \he mokInx 01l1li)" .IWUI r.... !ClIIaDmI1 or IIIIIIniII ...... brftIn .11 MIIt,tKt .. 10 the ararilrlua!t ~ lhI DRIIIIII .... ....,. lu Ibr n1lIIdat ad tIIbqt 01 fIlw buln1111f1115. BUYER BUYEFrS ATTORNEY Mazzella HOlcll~"""'tFcl' ~ I Jf.ll-Ds-' .....~noff ,~~ev 13550 Main Road 631 727-3904 ,"11lU.1 NUMatl .y""tNAlllw,.,......, _'COOI TtI.D'IICIMt.-,,-" Mattituck em 011 JOWII I Nv ..... 11952 ..COllI /~~~ I\?~~ NEW YORK STATE COPY m!&l!