HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12422 P 644 ., 'f ?;V' 1-"\ ~/\'"'''''''' 'I' i e \0" ") . ...... / - NY 005 .. .....1IIlI_IlcOlI_OO-..-_'.Acu...._..<: . _(Siop~(NYBlUIOQl) CONSULT YOUlt LA W\'ER B_ SIGNING mlS INSTRUMENT.1'IIIS INSTIIUllIIlNT SlIOIlLD BE IlSIlII BY I.A WYEIIS ONLY nlls INDENTURE, lIlIde the 16th clay of November , in tbe year ZOOS BETWEEN SUIaD Ryan, raiding at 405S WatpbaHa Qoad ,MaUitudc. New York 1195Z pany or Ibc rnl port, IIUI Christopber Wablers and Karen Wahlers, hia wife, botb raiding at 'r~Wat Boulevard, East Rockaway, New York 11518 .. pany Olr tbe IllCOIId put, WITNESSE'I1I, tIJat tbe pany of tbe lInI port, ill c:GIIIidcntIoa of TOIl Dollallllllld olber valuable oomidaalillD paid by tbe pany onhe oec:ood part, does hereby gnmllllld release unlO the party of !be second port, the hein or luccellOlS lIIld allignlor lhe pBl'ty of Ibe locund part fon_. ALL Ibal c:cnain plot, piece or......1 or Jand. wilb Ihe buildinp and iqxovemonlllhercon -. siluale, lyinglllld being ill lhe See Schedule "A" Annaed Hereto Beinl and intended to be the lame premila conveyed to the grantor herein by deed dated 06I19l03 recorded 07107/03 in Liber 11Z59 page 546. TOGETHER wilb all rigbl, lilIc IIId interest, If lilY, or the party or Ihe fUll pan of, in and 10 lilY _aad roscla abulling the llbow-<lescribed....miIu 10 the c:enl<< UnCllIhenof; TOGETHER wllh lite sppunen_1Dd aIIbclllBlc 8Dd r1gbla oflbe party of Ihe lint panlD IDd 10 said premiIes; TO BA VB AND TO BOLD the JlICIIII- bonIiII graIIIed uolO the pany or 1be IICCOnd port, ..... hein or lucccuon lIIld ....JlIII of Ihe party of the _ pan f...._. AND Ibe pany of the lInI pan COYCD8DlSlhallhc pany of Ihe lInI pan bu nol cIODe or 1II1f..... aaytblns wben!by Ihe said prcmiseo bavc been IlICu_ln aay way w__, _pl u afw.aid. ANDlhcparty oflhe lilllparl, in complilllCc with Section 130ftbc LieD Lsw,COVCIWIlIlhU lbepanyofthellnt pan will rccelvc the CODSidcnlion for this COllYOyuce 8Dd will hold Ihc rlgbllO receive IUCb coosidention u alnlsl fund 10 be upplicd filii for the plllpOlll of paying tbe _ of tbe Impo_ aod wiD apply Ihe ..... IlnlIO the payroo;.l of lbe COli of tbc 1...".,..:....01 before uII.., ony pan of Ihe toI8I ollbc _ for my otber paqge. The won! "party" .hall be collllrUcclal if il read ''panles'' _vcr lhe sense of lhIs indcnlUn: 10 requires. IN WI1\'NI!SS WHEREOt', the party of the fll1t part bu duly ClIcc:uted lhil deed Ihe clay IDd year fU'llllbovc wrillen. ~J~~ DIaD Ryan IN PIIEUlNCE OJI. . ALPHA ABSTRACT, LLC Title No. ALNI1959 SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mauituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Weslphalia Avenue, distant 1679.16 feel westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Weslphalia Avenue with the westerly side of Young's Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along land now or formerly of Raacke. South 15 degrees 55 minUles 20 seconds West 280.74 feet: RUNNING THENCE North 29 degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds West 57.56 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 60 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds West 25.00 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 29 degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds West 147.38 feet to land now or formerly of Snyder; RUNNING THENCE along land now or formerly of Snyder the following three (3) courses and dislances: (1) North 63 degrees 53 minutes 10 seconds East 25.04 feet; (2) North 29 degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds West 90.95 feet; (3) North 57 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds East 97.69 feet to the southerly side of Weslphalia Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along the southerly side of Weslphalia Avenue South 74 degrees 04 minutes 40 sc:conds East 145.09 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY The polcy to be i.....d under this report wID Inaure the tide to auch buUding. and Improvementa erected on the premise. which by law con.titute real property. TOGETHER with all the right. title and Int....t of the party of the flr.t pert. of. In and to thll land Iylng in the Itreat In front of and adjoining lIaid premlllal. · ' U,ois"CI(N()WU!/)(aIEIoTFORMIIJ'.lDWwt11IINNfiWYOIIIlSr..TfiONl.r, SlateolNewYurk,Ownlyul' Suffolk I.... On!he ILdayor November in the yar 2005 ber"", rli. Ihc undcnIigmod, penonally "I'I""R'I Susan Ryan . pc:IBOIIIIIIy l<nown 10 nlO or pmvaIlO ""' em .... bais of I8IilIfIClDly evideIIce 10 be.... iDdiWluo1(s) tlIbooe aamo(l). (....) ..-to Ibo wilhln IzI5IrumonI _ _~ to 1IIIl1bll1lJol...."'1-..... the IllIIIe in hiI/borllheir CI .ly(ieal. ond IhII by ~ signalUnl(s) on Iho inslnl ' diYidual(.). or u.. JL...... upon behalf of ...hich the individu . c"""Uled ~I, " I OS5tUN NOTAR RUe. SlIIe of New Yal1I 01005067950 Qualified In Nassau CoUnIJ Co~iIsIan EJp!,es Oet 28, ~~ ~ AC7iNUHUiDG."",Y/"','1/M f'Ofl USli WmuN Nllrr rOIl&' Sr..TliONLr: I,\'~M' Yol't SIlluI~ribUr, Willi,.". .4d:.wwl,.,_ C'rfiJ"ICtIkJ SIalc "fN.w Y'M'k, CoOly 01 111&. On lhe ....y of in lhe yar ber"", RIO. \he undellli&oed, JL'I1ODaIly oppeared lhc lUbocrihing wi,"",", 10 \he r"",,,,ins insIrull1!n1. wilh whom I am pcnonally IL-quainlod,who, bcins by ''''' duly ....um. did cIcpooc ond ..y lhat bclsI>>'thoy",side(.1 in I i{the p/lrt nf"sitk""t' is ill /lciry. iN:bIM the SI",,'1IIIIl Sltre' """""r. if /lilY. 1Mm>j); IhlII ~"Y know(.) '" he \he indiWlual described in IIId who ~ !he fon:going i05llWDClll; lIIa. said ..ha1b1"8 wilIIcoa WII""'" and .w said ..ecul. Ihc .wn:; IU1d Ihol said wiln.... at Ihc '.11110 Ii... .uhocrihed hilllhorflhoir nallr(s) .. . wiln<Sllhcrelo. H""';MSIlSAu:DEED 'It'JTM COVIl'fAJIrITS AGAISSTURAh"RIR"S ACTI Tm.JiNu. ALP-OI959 Susan Ryan TO Christopber Wahlers and Karen Wahlen FIDIU.lTY NATIONAL Tm.K IN.'IURANCI! A CoMPANY or NEW YORK V ''''('OII'OIfI.'1J:lJIG8 t>(#{ 'Ilf-PitWity ~ I' ,..""",.rt!IIJU....,,1lUt~ .. 51 ... l!; co z 15 II: 8 ll! ... o III .. II: o ... w <> : .. .. j!: ; .. II: USS..CllNDWU1IJt1MBNTFOIIJIIlEUJH'"mn.V NlIwYouSr.4TliONI.r, Slale 01 New YorlI. Couly 01 Iso.: On \he day of in \he yc:ar Won: .... the undmigncd. pmonnIIy Ippeanol pcnoIIIIIy kDowu 10 IIIl or pmvod 10 OIl OIl the ..... of lllisfac:tory eWIoaoo toile Ibo iDdividual(l) wbooellllllll(o) .(11\:) lUbaihc:d 10 Ihc wilbIo InIlIumooIIlld octDowlodjjed 10 mo Ihat bcIabrJIbey ~ lhe I11III> in hiII1IodIheir c""",,,ly(iClIl. ond lbal hy hiN....r1I11l.-ir Q\Ilunl(II OIl !he i...."....'III. Ihc indiviclual(.), ('I, Ihc JL'IlfUII upon bCbaIr of Which Ihe individual(.) acted. eJItlCUWd !he inSllWllOnI. Ao..'VOwu.1lGMllNT "~JIIM FOIl USlitJrmalJE NIIW rlNlI: ST..TIi O.VI.r: /ow(l/suz,,,,,, FOIWip tic"'"" Ac~Ct!nifICGUJ ................. ... .... ..... .... ............... ..I..., (("-.1* VftIW willI.Q.w, 1:(1""'''' p"'w.c. or M."icipalityJ On Ibo day uI' in !he year Won: ....\he urxlcrsisned. Jll'IIlODaIly .ppcared """"",ally .....wn to I1Ill or provod 10 RIO nn rhc bwsil of soIiofll<lOrY cMdmce '" II< Ihe individual(11 whooc n.....c.l is (....1 ouh,.,rihcd to \he wilhin inolJum:nllllld aotnowlod8od 11.. .... IhlIl heIlIhcIIhey CX<allCd Ihc....., in hiaIherfIhei, Clf'lCityClCIl. WI by hilIIh<rllhoir signllUlI..(sl on the inoIru'.....1. Iho individuol(ll. or \he Jlllla>n up<llI hehalr ('If which !he iDdiviclual(.11lClo:d, exccullld "'" inslnlDICIIl, and that.uch individual IIIIda ..... IIppCIIIIICCl II<f"", "'" IIIICIoI1i&Ded in the IllIMr' the cilY oro''''r poIilicrll SldJdilUitm und ,"'._ or colllllry or other p/IIt. ,'" at:k1wt<.ltdgmm' ....., IDUn), DIS11IIcr 1000 SECIlOS 113.00 BLOCK 13.00 1m 01\1.003 COV;\fI'Y OIl TO\Vl\I Soutbold RECORDF.DATRf:QlIIJTOF t'ldolily N8lionuI TIlIt 1..1II1IIICe Ccllll.....y 01 Now Yurk RA'rvRN BY MAIl. TO S4. uu & ...\~~-I"ti. - "aI... fl&.ha.... B;I~n 14" E~. ._ ."7J11IIRr_lIil...~.Y 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Xnstrumeut: DEBOS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 4 Receipt NUmber : 05-0124313 . . , ~RANSFER TAX NUMBB~: 05-17168 Recorded: At: 11/30/2005 01:37:37 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012422 644 District: Sect:j.on: Block. Lot: 1000 113.~0 13.00 019.003 BXAMXNBD AND CBARGBD AS ,aLLOWS Deed JImount: $463,500.00 Rec.eived the Pollowin~. Pees Por Above Xnstrument Exempt ExemPt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tex $1,854.00 NO C_.pra. $6,270.00 NO l'e8. Paid $8,276.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NUMBER: 05-17168 THXS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE XNSTRmD:N'l' THXS XS NOT A BXLL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County IS. J1!L 1"( Sub TOlal .; Other /" / Grand TOlal ~ / If NO. see appropriate Il1X clause on -- ~ page It of this inslrumen!.:- I ~ Disl.lW;> ~ion "~, 0'0 Block I,), OD Lot O/9.f1J3 5 Community l'I'earvatioD Fund Real Property 05047453 1000 ""ii300 -1300' 019003 Tax Service ~ p T S Agency F~LPA A Verificalion 3O-NOV '. Number of pages Serial It Cenifieale It Prior Clf. It Deed / Mortgage Instrumenl Deed / Murtgage Tax Stamp FEES 2J Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 {2\ S. 00 /' L.., Notalion ~ EA-52 17 (County) - -- ~ ?:>n Sub TOlal :;.1 EA-52 17 (Sl:1te) ..rn R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. S. 00 Affidavit Cenified Copy NYS Surcharge ~ SatisfuctionsIDischargesJReleases List Property Owners Maiiing ~cIdrcss .!.J RECORD & RETURN TO: ~~\M r!JJADAJ (;~~ '-\ tlrr vJ~.rffNJ,()"CVVl. ~, Nj Ilqf~ 7 Co. Name TItle It 8 Suffolk Count This page fomlS pan of the aunched S.~O ~) RECORDED 2005 No" 30 01:37: 37 PH Edllilrd P.RollJaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L ??oo12422 P 644 DTlI 05-17168 Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub TOlal SpecJAssil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointmenl Transfer Tax / "8'"SY- =- Mansion 'fux The property covered by Ihis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO ;U __ ., <; :;'C~F_Tax Due; : "'" Vacant Land TO 1.0-- TO TO dorsement Pa e made by: The premises herein is siluated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ?^f~A~1Y In lhe Township of _ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. . (over)