HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12399 P 505 , . il \)~11 f 0J'j II-?>-- j >-1 10 ThI8 _at .... drafted IIr- Fmlertck D. Tllylor 4415 W,,'p/ul11a Matt.!tuck. New York II 'ilS2 .. To: 1.1 RETURN TO: TITLE SOURCE INC 1450 W.LONG LAKE STE. 400 TROY. M1 48098 ..., 1ootI01: T_ or:: RouthDld CouIII7 Of.: SufI'of.c Taa.Mcaua'Ko.: 113-13-16 ~ QmTCLAIM DEED It> 10 gfG,C( ~..!J!t-. ftiuA 0 ../ THJ8 IIIDB!ITlIRB, made the c.( I day of (!..I'\. . 200,) IIBTWBBII Frederick D. Taylor, releaslns a life eatalll Interelt, party of the Iirlt part, whole polt om.. addre.s is 4415 Weatpha1iu, Mallltuck, New Yorll 11952, Rnd Kotluyn A. Gall"n, an unmarried woman and Frederick D. Taylor, an W1marrled man, party of the leeond part, whose poat office addmls is 4415 Weslphalia, Maltituck, New Yorll11952. WITIIB8IIETH, that the party of the fll'llt part, FOR A GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, palcl by the partY 01 the second part does hereby remise, relea.e and quitclaim unto the party 01 the seeond part, the heira or Iw:cesson and asaigns of the party 01 the aec::ond part forever, ALL that certain plot, pieee or parcel of land, with the bulldlnp and tmprovements thereol> erected, Iltuale, lying and being described os follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" AITACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. f~ 1~(9/9) IIBIIIG a1ao known as: 4415 WeatphaUa, Mattituck. New York 11952 Bite CoaalJ' . State: Sull"olk County, New York ~Ihe I Al.rm>ertY eonveyed 10 ~IJ. ~ by Deed from 'ill"""" recoMl in Book Page , lIS Docket or nstrwnent N . sa1cI County Clerk's e.~. O,I(,-tJO TluI_t 110.: 113-13-16 8abJect To: Covenants, conditions, reaervations. Umitlltlona. euementa and agreements of record, If any, and to aIIappllcable zoning ordinances and/or governmental reotrictions,lfany. TOGF.TIJER with 011 right, title and intoreol, lfany, of the party of the firalparlln and to any streetl and roods abulting the above deseribed premisea to Ihe center 1inea thereol; tOll"ther with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the firsl partin and to said premioeo; to have and to hold the premi... herein granted unto the partY of the second part, the heirs or IUCceS8OJ1I and aulgnl of the party of the aecond part forever. AND Ihe pBf\Y of the fielt pBrl, In eompliance with Section 13 of the Lien Low, covenants that the party 01 the first part wlU receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right 10 reeetve sueh eonsideration al s truat fund to be applied fll'llt for the purpose of pa,ying the COBI or the improvemen' and wiD apply 'h~ same fira' to the paymen, or 'he eClat of the improvement herore uoing any part of ,he 10101 or Ihe Bame ror any other purpose. Tbe word -...nr' III:r.aII ... ~ _ lilt lUll -,.nIa" ......... tb. ..... of tIdIa .....t... .. -auar.. In wittle" thereof, the party or the: first part hUI duly executed lhl, deed the day and year finL above written.: ~~Ja"_T~ Fredelick D. Toylnr BTATB: OF ~ "u:---1 COllll'rY OF (, On th~"ITA.. day or tYJ~~. in the year 20~ before IDe, the undcr.lanedt Q NDlary Public In and for said State. pcI'lIOnally appeared PrededcJr D. Tap. penonally known to me or proved to me on the belli or utial"actory evidence to be Lhe individual(.) who8c nam,,(.) la/are .ubIN:ribed to the within inlU'Ument and Dcknawledpd to me that he/lhe/Lhey e.-caned the ..me 1ft hla/her/lhrir capacity(ieaJ. and tho. by hiB/her/thelr Bl&no.ure(o) on the inotrumen.. the Indlvtdual(B). .r the person upon behalf.r which the Individual{l) aCLedr exeancd the In.trumcn ItO'I"AJIT BTAIIP/IIIIAL Ruth Love NoI8ly Public saw 01 New York No. DIL08054063 CUBllIiod In Sullolk County 0"'"'" Commllllion ExpIreo March 5, 2lI ~ Tel BIt UK"" ONLY WllBII 'nIB ACKII""" ..nn.....T 18 _ OUT8~ ..... YORK ~ATB "otel_ D-'p....... oI~b/.o. ~tv..... -... ~~b71 a' -" -N ..: On lh~ doy of ~. in the ye.r 20M... before me, the undersi....d. a N_IJI Public in and ror uid SLate, perMInally appeared .......k D. TqIoI' peraonall;y known 10 me or proved to me: on 1.he boa.. or ..ti_ractDry evidence to bIllhe: individual(l:) whaM:: name(.) i_/.... 8UbKnbcd to the within In.trument and acknowJed&ed to me that he/abe/they e.xe:cute:d lhe ..me in hl8/her/their capact,,(i~', and IMI by hi./bcr/lhcir .....tu~(.J on the in.U1IIIIenl, the individu8Ual, or die person upon behalf 01 which the Indlviduel(.) acted. cxcc:uted the lnItMlmr.nt. and thAt .fU~N!~ auch appearance beron= lhe ~ Ug::ill"f'd In the~. in _...~- -!l._.~~~_ -~~.-............ BOT",", BT.....,HAI. ~ vJ:i). ~ .... SlId 0III0e a' ..tdlllll TaIlIatI AcII_Ia",._at MY Co-_I_I-. kpn.: Ruth Love Noblry Public Slate or New York No. 01 LOflO54oss CualilIod In SuIIolk CountyO"n CommlsBion ExpIreo March 5. 2lI ~ . ...... . RYUTa.... -A- LEGAL D"""DII"ftON LAND SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK 15 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ERECTED, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THf: VILLAGE OF MATTlTVCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF WESTPHALIA AVENUE AT THE NORniWESTERLY CORNER OF LAND OF WILLIAM T. AND WILMA SYNDER: RUNNING THENCE ALONG LAND OF SNYDER, SOUTH 29 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 50 SECONDS EAST, 258.96 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT; THENCE ALONG OTHER LAND OF TIlE PARTY OF TIlE FIRST PART, SOUTH 63 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 10 SF.cONDS WEST, 100.23 FEET TO LAND OF FRANK 'nlTHILL; THENCE ALONG SAID LAND OF Ji'RA.'iK 'nlTIlILL, ~ORni 29 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST, 265.39 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ON SAID SOUTHERl.Y LINE OF WESTPHAL1A AVENUE; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF WESTPIlALIA AVENUE, NORni 67 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 20 SECONDS EAST, 100.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ,~~ .n.'~."':V"-"r. ~ " . '.. ~7S i' .... ';'-'~ ,- . ......... -4 ...~.~ .. -:..J r .-:- .7: .'-'. ..~- "J~..:.__ ,-.u._ :;:: .' -.-.- ._V :- -. _.....~ _~_-r-'#IO . -.,,- -....... "'''''-'. ......~.~_':"O::"~""_1> -.-... ~- ~ ..- :.~-~ ~~,-~,;..:;.-'.'" ., ~........ .--.. . . RECORDED 2005 Jul 2'5 11,45.41 IlI'I Edward p.Rcaaine CLERJ( OF sUFFOLK CMTY L ??oo12399 P 505 DTI 04-50485 Number ur pog... TORRI!NS Soriol# Certificme /I Prior Crf. It Deed . Mongogo Instrument Deed I Mongole Tell Stamp Recording I Filing Starn!'" IJ FEES Comm. of Ed. 5. .00..... Mongage Ami. I. Ea..ic Tox 2. Additional Tn.. Sub To,al Spec. I Assit. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for APpnil1lme~:'. ~~ Transrer Tax ~ - - Mansion Tax Pagel Filing ",e Handling 5 Jl1L 1'1'-584 Notation EA-5117 (County) Sub 1'01.1 EA-5217 (Sloro:) R.I'.T.S.A. ~ ~rReg. Copy SuhThlol . /f:L fIl The properlY covered by this mal gage is or will be improved by a one ar two ranlily dwelling Dilly. YF.5 . or NO .If NO. see appropriate tax clouse on page # of his i rument. Affidavit Ccnified Copy . Other ~I Dimict Re:\1 I'ropcny Tour: S~rvicc Agency Vcriticalinn Omnd Totnl Section Block Lot 5 Improved / / Vacant Land TO /0 Consideration Amount S 05017078 /~ (RCSE -A) ~ 1000 11300 1300 016000 CPP Tax Due S ~ SOlisfaci:ian/DischorgesIRelelUe List Propcny Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: TO Title So 1450 W La urc:e Inc. ng Lak R Suite 400 e d. Troy, MI48098 TO 7 ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsenlent Page 11,;. page rorm. pon cir the aunched (SP made by: The premisia herein is situated in TO SUPFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of ~DItI In .be VILLAGE JlUt.J,t..i\yn ~ or HAMLET of ~Jt. nOXES 6 THROUGH II MUST JlE! TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR rILING. I (ove ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111 I11I 1111111111111111111111111 SUP POLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Rec~ipt Number . 05-0076718 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-50485 Rscorded. At: LIBER: PAGE: 07/25/2005 11:45:41 AM D00012399 505 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 113.00 13.00 016.000 llyaJlINED AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Pc~llowing Pees Par Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $152.00 TRANSI/'BR TAX NUMBER. 04-50485 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ---- - ,- n_;-__,"_'_ - PLEASE TYPE'OFIPRESS FIRMLY WHEN'WRITING ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: http;fIWWW'.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ON,LV C., SWIS Cod. * REAL PROPERTY TRANSfeR REPORT IS',?, 3,f?d' I STATE OF NEW YOIUC STAn IIOARII Of REAl. PIIOPEIITY SERVICES 0.00..___ I /??I.:J. t;"I05-1 ~ u.v ~_ CI. Book I/rl .3 .? ,"1'lup_ . PROPERTY INFORMATION ,.=: ::~LL~ RP - 5217 1,.,117... .WI itt >19~1 .. ....' No... :I. Tu IndlcItIwftarefub.l,.TaxBiIl.,.tabeJOtll 8iIIIng 1f__.....--Ial-...fonnI -- .. IncIIuW the ......... of ,... ,_,1 I ^ "I I D Roll........ .._......... Oft the dMd l..ll..a...1L.., or PIrcaII OR P,n: of. Parwl 1CHy1_...P_o.-.lIIoy_ 4A. _ning _ _ _Al.ChlIrby....... D D D ..- I PropertW' SI.. .. c,.......\1IIion AppluqI_ RMIulrDd ror Tr.... "'~ 0.... Fam'ly _'ill B 2 or 3 Famllv RulMn1l1I C RoIi_ Voco,. una o NocHloNiential YilCMl Land I SAlE INFORMATION'- ". "Ie Contract 011.. .' ,a I .. ua I."" I <i7\\/I,lr I ~_ NIIm.~.Y ~.., ~'1"1 k 7. a.a. the box ....ow whlnh moat ....lteIy..... 1M ... of 1M pI'OI*Iy .-: 1M 11m. of ....: CIwak the 110.. ..... -uwv .,ay: .. Owneqh,Ip TYPII iI CondDmlnlum ~~:= ~ ~ =VSeMce ';=-~::nv::=-D~ G _ II: Public_ico ___.__OIdicoli"ll II Enllll'tlinmlmt I Amuumcnn L For.. thM rhlt pIVpGr1y it In In AgrIculturll D6Mr1cl ,.. ChIIIII. ... or..... of c-. ___.. ....... ta IIaIIIIIr: A SeIe &.IwMn ~ or Former ReIaIives H Sole BatwHn RlWted Com,."I. Of Plrtnt.. In Bullnou C en. of Ihe ..,. lalllO. W., I) _r or Soliei' iI ClCNWn...... Agonoy or Londlng .......1Ian E OoodlYPo _W-..y or _.... _ _fy 8olowl f SeIo 01 FrlCdoMl or LMI thin FelI~ (SpadJy 1eAow) (j Signtflcant a.."", in PropIfrv 8aIwlMn r...bIt sa.ru. und Sill c.. II _.........ill_inSoloPrico I OIh" Un....... F..... Af-.g _ Prico lSoocIfy IloIowl I _ -lxl "IION'""I "'.... 10111 C. Pon:ol ~""Subdivloion_ Mop_ D D D D 1Z. DMe aI ...., T...... J ') - I 'tV I DL c.r y.... I ?!II oL "" v_ 13. full .... ,.. , " 1.0.0 I , , . [Full Sill. Prlel .. thllOWl .llIount p.id for thl proparty InclucinQ p.,.,NI property. This ~ mrt be In dw form of cub, .... property at goodI. or the ........ of mOl1glQllI or 0Iher obIgNionLl ,.,..." round to rM ,..,., whoM doIIM tmOunC. ...-....-..- I II 0 0 I __10...._ . ,U~ ' /llSSESSMENT INFORMATION - 00.. should _Ih. _ Fin.' A_ Ron end TOll Bill L. ,.. v_ 01 & ....IIC Roll,..... . t\ '2 . \1. Total ~ Va..w.. ..._I_1n ....11 whiah ..n_........ L...U......lJ . _~ 'II' ,.._a.. tE..L..LJ-u ..,__~IQx~ 2.'0 zo. T.. .,... IUnIIfiWJ I Hal ........... II men thin four. ..... ... with ICIcIIIIoMItJ '.Iml) , I , J , (., ll. D '" , , Ilbl3=-l\, I I CERTIFICATION I 1-1-111 "'... -, "'............. -..... thIo........" .....""'_ ,..... .....",11)' _........... __ .__........... "'''1-''''' _I "'_ &oct............~ _to"" "'-"011" _Iow_~.."" --.....IIIIII!l"',........~ !!!1m BUYEIrS ATTORNEY ~~ IJ-Zl/-o r DATI . IAlIIUlIII: -- ~~~I -..... IWPtIOlleNUMlll'l ~. ""'..- ~~14y..- ~.~ I~ I .. BW!! 'I' Qr,2 ,..... I 3- "I)Hr .... NEW YORK STATE COPY