HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12386 P 930 .; { 13 - /3 -I LJ CONSUL,T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT.THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USEO BY LAWYERS ONL '( . . THIS 1~IDl:NTURE, made the ,2.. 'lb day of APril 2005 BETWloEN Gary Lilndner, as SucceSIlOl' Executor of the Last Will and Telltament of FnKlerlck A. Lindner duly admltl8d to protlate on June 14, 2001 (Surrogate Court of Suffolk County, File No: 828P2DD1), late of 325 Bennette Pond L.ane, Mattltuck, New York, deceaMd, I I L. ')2 g"- 1,(, ,) 'f II q .:SO party 01' the first part, and Gary Lindner, Individually, residing at 3D8 Chestnut Avenue, East Meedow. New York 11554 party olf the second part, WlTNE:SSETH, that the PartY of the first part, by virtue of the power end authority given in and by said last will and testam,ant, and In conslderallon of the provision containad In paragraph "Second" of the decedanfs last will and testament duly admitted to probate on June 14, 2001 dllvilllng said property to the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the secondl part forever. ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, with tha buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Maltltuck, In the Town of Southhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known end designated es Lot No.1 on a certain map entilled, "Map of Bennatl's Pond, at Maltltuck, Town of Southhold, Suffolk County: New York" end fllad in the OffIce of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 12, 1970 as Map No. 5483, which said lolls more partlcularly bounded and descrlbed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the nollheaslerly side of Bennett's Pond Lane, said point being where the division line between 101 nos. 1 and 2 on the abov&-menlloned map InlBrsects the northeasterly side of Bennett's Pond Lane; RUNNING THENCE North 38 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds West along the nollheaslB~y side of Bennett's Pond Lane 157.71 feet to a monument, said monument being distant 267.00 feet southerly from the Intersection of the northeast~y side of Bennett's Pond Lane with the southe~y side of Westphalla Road; THENCE North 63 degrees 53 minutes 10 seconds East 210.35 feat to land of LeValley; THENCE South 29 degrees. 22 minutes 50 seconds East along said last mentioned landI47.38 feet to the division line between lot nos. 1 and 2 as shown on the above menlloned map; THENCE South 61 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds West along said last manlloned division line 184.02 feet at the norlheasl~y side of Bennett's Pond Lane at the point or place of BEGINNING. Said premises 'being commonty known as 325 Bennetts Pond Lane, Maltltuck, New York and being the same pl8lT1ises' conveyed to the party of the first part herein under dead deled November 3, 1978, recorded in the Suffolk ~nty Clerk's OffIce on November 17, 1978, Uber 8535 cp 142. TOGETHER with all ~ght. 1ilie and Interest, If any. of the party of the fl/'llt part, In end to any streets and roads abultlng the ebove described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtanances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the lime of decedent's deeth In said pl8lT1lses, and also the estate therein" which the party of the firsl part has or has power 10 conveyor disP068 of, whether individually, or by virtue of said wiill or otherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second p~, the heirs or successors end assigns of the party of the second p~ forever. AND Ule party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have'been enwmbered In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND Ule party of the first part, In compliance with Secllon 13 of the Uen Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the considerallon for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such considerallon as e trust fund leI be applied flrat. for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvemant and wW apply the same fllSt to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "1:NUty" shell be construed as If It read "parties' whenever the sense of this Indenture &0 requires. IN Wn'NESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this dead the day and yeer flrsl above wrilIan. IN PRE,SENCE OF: ~ ~. c~n/ ~ ..- ' ./ t?/Ptl7' s_~ N.Y.B.T.U. Form eOos - Exocutcr8lleed - UnIform ~ FormS307 " . TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNDWL"""''lAENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE ~llll8 cI New York, County of ;Zv ~ e ~ . N: SI8lll of New YOrk, County of On the/ ~ d8yof t2.tt".. -/ In the ~ 2005 On the day of In the yur before me, the und~ilf" ~;"1Iy appIIlII'8d b8Ionl me, the undarIIgned, peraonally appeared GIIry Lindner person8l1y known to me or proved to me on the b1111s of Nlislloctory evidencll to be the IndiviclU8I(S) whose name(s) Is (....) subacrlbed to the wIIhln instrumant and lIdcnowlldged to me thlll heIaIwIIhey lIX8Ql\ttd the ..ma In hlalh8rllhelr CllpllCily(Iea), and thIIl by hillherllheir aiglllllunl(s) on the Inabunl8nl, the Indlvldulll(s), or the person upon b8half of which lhe ~~U8l(S) acted, the Insln.rnen\. _ (sigR8lure ~ ~_ idng acknowledgment) Notary PublIC, Slate of New Yor1o: 0ulIlI1ied in Queens County No.01G6469987}/ ExpIres 2128120.[)Gp ., .'" N: peraonIIly known to me or proved to me on the besls of Ntiaf8c:taoy evldellC8 to be the lndlvIdu8I(s) whose name(s) Ia (_) aubaalbed to the within inalrumenllInd _edged 10 me thIIl IHI/aheIIhey executed the ..me In hlalher/lhelr ClIpeci1y(l8S), lInd thIIl by hllIIher/lhelr lign8tIn(S) on the Instrument. the 1nd1vldU81(1), or the person upon b8h81f of which \lie Indhricfu8I(s) 8CIlId, 8lllICUI8d the inllNlII8IIl (81gn8luRl 8lId offIClI of IndlvldU81I8k1ng ~ment) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE SI8lll (or Diltr1cl of Columbia, Tenilory, or FORIign Country) of On the, eppelll'lld peraorelly known to me or proved 10 me on the beais of ae\laIecIoty evidence to be \lie IndivldU8l(s) whou name(s) Is (are) aubocrlbed to the withln IR8Irumentand edu_ledged to me thIIl helah81lh8y..eo Ced the urne In hialherllhelr cepecIty(Iea), end \llet Ill' hilllherllhetr algnalW'e(s) on the Inalrumenl, the Indlvldu8l(s), or the person upon b8h8If of which the 1ndIvIdU8I(S) 8CIlId, eX8CUled the Inalrument, and thel such Indivldu8l mede lIUCh appeaR1r1C8 belont the under8lgned in the day of N: In the year b8Ionl me, the undersigned, personally (inlSlt the Cily or _ political aubdivilIlon) In (end "-l the SI8lll or COUntry or olher pIaoe the 8CknowIedgment__) Gary Linder, Individually ExEC:UTOR'S DEED TItle No. Gary Undner as Successor Execulllr of the Eslllle of Frederdl A. Lindner, TO Gary Lindner, individually aTANI>>ARD FORII OF NEW YORK BOARD OF TIlL! UNDeRU__I~ . Distributed by Commonwealth AlAND.v.aICAO"ItIP.u.Y COWYONWtALTH lA.'IID Trn...E INsuItA.Il,fCBCOMPANY _Vl'THI8IPACEFORll8I!llI'llI!G__ (s1gnlllURlsnd ollles of indlvldU811a1dng _~) SECTION 113 BLOCK 13 LOT I 'f COUNTY OR TOWN: SUFFOLK STREET ADDRESS: 325 Bennela Pond Lane Recorded at Request of COMMONweALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY louis M. Laurino. Esq. Laurino & Laurino 229 Seventh Street Suite 201 Garden City, NY 11530 -. . I . NlIIDber ot.1d&tS --- TORRENS J SerillII~ ~ : .. RECOROED 200S ~i\l 12 OIlZl:43 PM' Edward P. RCODair.e . .' CLERK O~ SUFFOLK COUHT'I L DO0012~6 . 9930 &U 0l\-40~72 CerlItICIlI 1# Prior at: II . .'. Deed I MortpaIIDsllumeat zr: PIp I FUIaa F~ HandUaa TP.584 NOIIlion IlM2 17 (Counly) . IlM217 (Slate) R.P. T.M Comm. or Ed. Atlldavlt Cenlflecl (:opy Rq. Copy Other ZC SlImp 0 Date Deed I Matt&a&e Tax Stemp I'EIlll ~I FlIItq SlIaIpI - I ~Amt. . . I. Basic Tax . . 2. AddItIonal TIll . . $.Ub Total - - - - - - _ SUb'Tutal . Spec:JAaIl. Or Spec./~c1. _ TOT. M1O. TAX . Dual TOWll . Dual County_ .:Heldf'or'~~ Tax ~, _ . . , MwICl/1.TIll '-- TIIIl ~ GOYtIIlI bylblllllOltpp ,. or will b. ~p~ II)' a onl or two f'lmlly cIweJJfna only. YES orNO_ ItNO....~IIXCIau on ~ _ottblil,*- Vi . OJ CommWd PieservatiOD F onal tlOD Amount S .-() Cpp TlIX D_ S ImplOwd ,./ ~ 5 QQ-. - - ~Sub'I\llal - OIV.NDTOTAL RaaI P1...-1)' TIll: s.:mc. ~ VcffiaatiClll Of.... - _!IlHH...... . __ R....... _ _ , ~~ "00 ..... .,.. ...... initials 7 Sall.f'alltionslDisclwawlRel.... LiIt..ProDezty Owaen Mailing RBCOlU) a~'fo: Vacant Land TO TO TO LOUi'~ rn. L c:vl~l.., u ., E"~'i-... ~ciI'9 5ev~':'..j..a., s+. . . I _ <; e,__de.-. C d-~ . n'V I J 530. . 8 Co'-Naml < - ntllll :!J Suffolk County Recording & EndorsemEmt Page Thill pap forms put of the -bed OJ-:>.. f: d .' mad. by: . (Sl'.wt'lTYPEOF INS'IlWMBNr) GQ....'t .1....,.., d nO!..... ~"..C'.<.>+.::>.- G" 0. "-\1 I ~..., d n p ,.- . TO The ~ hcteinill.mlllto(lln SUFFOLK COtJN1Y, NEW YORK, In the TOWIIShip of :c,.:; u -tb.:..J d In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES S 'lHR.U 9 MtJST BB TYPED ORPRINlED IN BLAcKJNK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDINo ORflUNO. fOVeAl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~II~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111111 ~~ StrPFOLlC COONTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of' Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt: Number . 05-0051304 TRANSl"ER TAX NUXBBR: 04-40572 Recorded. At. 05/12/2005 01.28.43 PM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012386 930 Distric't. 1000 Section. Block. 113.00 13.00 2YIUlINBD AIm CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 014.000 Deed A11lOunt. Received the I'ollowing I'ees Por Ahove Instrument Bx~t Exempt page/l'iling $9.00 HO Handling $5.00 HO COB $5.00 HO HYS SRCHG $15.00 HO BA-C'l'1: $5.00 HO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584, $5.00 HO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 HO SC'l'II $0.00 NO Transf:er tax: $0.00 HO COIIIIIl.Pre. $0.00 HO Pees Paid $149.00 TRAIl'SI'I~ TAX HUMBER. 04-40572 TJaS PAGB IS A PART 01' TO INSTROKBNT THIS IS HOT A BILL Bc1ward P.RQIII&ine County Clerk. Suffolk County . . Cl. SWIll' Codo 1-'1,1,':;, g, g, 11 cz. Dolto llMd __ I S" I l,;r I ~ ~I MonUl ~ y.., C3. _ I 1,. t:f,.3, g ',10 I C4. ._1 " ,.:3 (:) , lit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YOIUl STAlE IIOAIIII Of REAl. PROPERTY IERVIeU RP - 5217 1lNJ1'.... JWI PROPERlYlNFORMATHlN I "-l 308 Chestnut Avenue LDMIIan ITlltIl IIll"'" IT1IRT NUl[ l East Meadow em 011 TOWN Z. ....... l Lindner N.... I.AIT~'CiOIII'IV<< ....... ~..ii4 I Gar"{, .......... l LQT""~ ......... 3. T.. Inca. .... future Tax .. .. to be urn I ...... 1'____IaI_..__ -- l"'ThMIl'~ I1IISTUNt l' 11fIHr ......11oND .-rN:I1l11M11 QlVOflTOW.. ,,-AM '~CODl' .. :::.... I .... -.... Ixl ..... IORI .....d .Is.~ I 10nIy . ....... . .....u CI-* _...._: 4A. _..... _ S.bdh"olan _ blIlo 0 ... e...........MIan AppnMI wu RIquIred for T...... 0 4C. ... Apprgwd tar 'u!oK? iIion willi Map PnMdId D .. IrIIIIam. the na..... of ~n. Roll parcel. .._...._..4 Dft......... . I I: 10' Po...I. OR D Po.. of . ...... ..- - ~~ary Lindner as Successor Executor pf the ~state of Frederick Lindner I LAIT NAY' I CDUMN't ...1 ,... L LAST,...,CiOIIIIIWft' ...r IMI& ...... I .... I v_ 04 I 12- 10'\ ...... Do, v.., Chell the bo_....... _1My .....-r: L awn..hip Type ill Condominium I ~ CommunllY Service I. ,..., ConSUUClion on v...nt LlncI J Indllltrt.1 IIA. Property LClCIYd whhin In AQrIcuIluf'lI Dllrlct K Publlc_ _......._.__,-.., I.. FcnII &hit the prapeny ill in .. AgricuIIanI Dillria: ,.. CIhIcII_ _1IlOIe oItt.e _.dI..............1o tr.....-: - ^_ ___or__ a _ Seto 8IIwaon ~ Compn. or Ptlrtnerwln BUIinaI C _ o.o"'tho_..Ioo.SaIr.. D _ Buyar or SaIIltr Ia Ga.,..n"*,, Agency or Lending I~ E _ Doad 'Jypo not W......, or .......... _'__I F _"__or"'''''' ""_15__ G: SIgnIlIcanlChongo In _ _ T_ SOl.... ond Solo DoIoo H _of_._In_Prico I - oono. U....... F_. A~ _'rico I_Iv IIoIowl J [ NwwTransfer per Last will & Testament of Frederick A. Lindner o o o o 1. ChecIc tM boll Waw whklh moM................ the..... of the pI'OpeIty .t ,till lime Df ....: ~ en.,F.mlly_ H 2 or 3 FImlIy ReIidentIIII C Reli"nt..1 VlCIlnl unci o Non.ResHMnUll V..... lAnd j SALE INFORMATION I '1..... Canitmct'" E~Asricu""" F Commtrdll G _ II ErtlartMnlnll AmUSllT'llnl ,1. Dm of .,.../ lr....... 11 Full ... ".. , ,,~,O,OI I I . IFuII SlIt Price is the COUll amount pokt tor ctlt propeny Including ~ prapMy. This .,...mllNY be In the farm of c.Itl. ather ptaprMy or goods. or the nlUmpdon of mortpg.. or at"'r obllgaUona.I PfMN round to rho I'ICJIJIftIt wIJcW doIIIIr MtOUfW. L '.._.110....."'_ I " 0 0 I ~ Inctuded In the.... . J.. I LJ ~ I I ASSESSMENT lNFORMAll0N - IlllLI .hould .o,1oct Ih.lltell Final_' Roll ond Tax Bill I ,..::..:=-=......ID .4 I ".T...._V....Ial..._In_,I ; '7 .i:J.0 ;:) I . ,"._au. 1r9. J. o-u 11.___1 ('() It. j.. 4-; -I-u <=-Ie. 20. Tea MIl' .....~ I RoY Identifier(a) I. more ..... tour. ItCIdI ... wlltllIddIIIon.IIldlntIR_c.U ~113 R' 13 u - I i::;D.:;) L- I - i 4 000 I CERTlFlCAliiN"l I........"'"....."... ......or............ -...I........1onn ~_.........., II. tho ......0)' ~.......... beIId) oorIl............. _tho ~ oIaay _d laM _." _ r................... me..... .....- or... _ law -....................... 01_-'" !!!!nI! BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~_ . .-/. =- ".A- GAR'l' ER I 1+/12-/05 """ .......... -,..... ":tnR ,,..,NUM_ f"~.9iIl:i.,,~.t1;An" NY -- .......... ....... East Ml~adow 11554 art'OIIllowo.l or." .. .... NEW YORK STATE COPY BlM!! ~~~ ...... Gary l;indner liS - "/ -- I Mj,Z.JoS .... Successor Executor --. -.--.