HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12376 P 750 Ilc;- l-L ......1004 -~."..- ..._..Caopmlaol__. CO".-JLT YOUR LAWYER BBFORE &I~lHQ nus IN8TRUIIEIJT~IS TNS'fR\IGDIT BIIOULD lIS USED BY Llt.VY1lRS ONLY. L1d--~1i:, (7 7 SO TillS INDENTURE, mode the 3" day of MlII'Ch in die year Two Thousand Five BETWEEN April M. RllOS. ....iding III 50 Viii. Lane. Maniluck. New YOIt 11952 J1'II"IY of the lillll part. and Jam.. E. McHeffey and April M. Ross. his wife. !esiding al SO Village Lane. MallilUC:k, New York 11952 p;lJ1y of the sccond pan. WITNESSKTH. dun the p;lJ1y or the lillll pan. in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the pony of the second pan. does hcteby remise, release and quilClaim unlO the pony of the pon, the hei... or successo's und ...i8"" oflhe pany of the """ond pun rnrevcr, ALL thuI c:cnain plo.. picc:c or parcel of land. with the buildin.. and improvements Ihercon ercclCd, silUUlC, lyinS and being al Maniluc:k, in the Town IIf SlIulhold, County of Suffolk and SllIIe of New York being more panicularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING III the comer formed by the imerscction of the Nonherly side of Main Rood (NYS Route 25 a1so known as Kings Highway) and the ea..u.rly side of Village Lane; RUNNING THENCE along the Easterly side of Village Lane. North 17 degrees 31 minutes 40 seconds Wes1233.81 fa:1 to the Southerly side of Map of Villlle Manor. filed in the Suffolk County CleriCs Office as Map Number 3669 on OcIober 24. 1962; THENCE along said lands. North 70 dCJIUCS 07 minules 50 seconda East 80.00 fcellO landli now <" formerly of WaldvoJCI; THENC.: along said land. Soulh 17 degrees 18 minules 20 seconda ClIIII 224.88 fa:1 III the Northerly side of Main Road INYS ROIIIe 2S als" known .. KinS" Highway); THENCE ul<mg said road. Soulh 63 degrees 42 minates 40 seconds West 80.00 feet 10 lhe poinl or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED SAID PREMISES ARE KNOWN AS: SO VilllIl!e Lane, Malliluck. New York 11952 BEING AND INTENDED TO BE THE SAME PRRMISF.8 described in lhe Deed from Elaine Ross and Jacqueline PI""I. dated April 30. 2004. rcconled in the Offiee of thc Suffolk County Clerk lIn November 17.2004 in Liber 12355. page 261, TOGETHER wilh all righl. tille and inleresl, if any, of lhe puny of the lin;( p;lJ1 of, in and 10 any streets and roads abuuing the above~bed premises 10 the center IiIlCll thcrcnf: TOGETHER wilh Ihe appunenances and an th" eslale and righu of thc pony of th" firs. p;lJ1 in and 10 said premises; TO IIA VE AND TO HOLD .he premises herein gnmlCd unto lh. pony ..I' the second pan. the heilll or successors and lSIiJlns of .he pany of the second pan forever. AND the pony of Ihe lin;( pan, in compliance with Seclion 13 of thc Lien Law. covenants lhat the pony ..f lhe lind port will m:eive the consideration for this conveylll1CC and will hold Ihe righl 10 receive such con- sidcI'Illion.. a trust fund 10 be applied lillll for thc purpose of paying Ihe ."Oil of the impmyemenl and will apply Ihe same lilllll<llhe paymenl nf thc cost of lhe improvemenl before using any pun of the loIlII of Ih. '"""" fo, any olher pwpnsc. The word "pony" shan be consuued .. if il read "panics" whenever the _ of Ihis indenture III requires. IN WITNIlSS WHEREOF, the pony (If the 1i...1 part has duly execulCd this doed the day and year fint aboye wrincn. IN PRr:.SENCE OF: (j..,;..,.. MT) .... STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the 3'" day of M=h in IIle yo., 2005. bef.,.. .... !he undoroignod. pmonally appe:ued lAMES E. MCHEF"F.Y. pcn;onoIly known 10 me or pro.... 10 mo an !he Nli. of salisrlk10ry evidrnce tn be the individual whose lUII'nl:' is .uMc:rihW .. tho wilhin inwumcm and ..:knowlcd&cd 10 me dUI1 he cX<t'Uled IIle SIII!IO in hislherlllleir capo<ily. and dw. by hi. on the illSlJ'Umont. !he individuol. or .he penon an behalf of which lht individual acted. uec:ulL"d the instrumenL STAn: OF NEil YORK, CXlllNTY OF SUFFOLK On Ih. 3" day of March in the y.ar 2005. her.,.. me. the undrrsignod. _oily appeared APRIL M. ROSS. pcnanolly known to me or proved In II1C' an lhc bais or 1iI1isf'ua:Lory evidence 10 he tho individual wIIosc lUII1It iJ subscribed 10 !he wiLhin inSl",men. III1d ocknowlqcd 10 me Lhat she _outed the "arI\C' in her CapaL'iLy, and lhal by her lilJlWure on lhc inlUUJIX'nl. th. in<J.vidual. or th. pmon 01\ behalf of which the individuol acted. tJU.'CUlc'd the instnlment ~w.. c..<=='1. t~o-.. MARIA T. KANKA NolaIy Public, SID 0/ New YDIk No. 01KA8011008 CuaIified In SuII'llIk County Conlll.llllon ~ July 27, 20 0 l.D 1'm.n No. Quitclaim Deed .3~o 5 - ~5161 APRIl. M. ROSS TO JAMF.5 E. MCHEFFEY ANI) APRil. M. ROSS. illS WIFE Distributed By Chicago Title Insurance Company On Lhc clay of hefore me personolly came in !he year 10 mo known. whu. hei.. by me duly sworn. did dcpaIe and say dw. he,aiclc.OI LhOl he iJ Lhc of Lhc c:orpo..uon dcs&:rihed in and which ..o",,1ed the fo",goi.. inSll1lmcn~ dUI1 he kIIows Lhc..... of said corpollllilJll; IlIllI Lhc ..... ofIixcd 10 said illSlJUmont i. ....i1..1JlClI'IIII! seol; tIuII il was 50 .m.cc1 by .nIcr ofLhc hoard.r dirco.llI'lI of said curponllion. III1d Lhat huigncd h name !he_ by like....... sec:rRlN 1 lUll DUlC'KOI.DD LOTClO1l11l COlltrrrrY OR TOWN' SOUTIIOLD Recorded 81 Requnl of KllTURN BY MAIL TO. CIARELLI &. DEMPSEY 737 RoANOKE AVE.~UE RIVERHIIAD. Nllw YORK 11901 --;i"'. - , IJ. 2 l 6-(~'\f" R RECORDED 2005 rial' 15 03:11:31 PM Edward P.Roaair2 CLERK OF SlIFFOLK CQUHTV l 1)00012376 P 750 DTl04-32778 " Number Or'pIIges TORRENS Serial N Certificate H "rior Ctr. , . Deed I Mortlllll:e Instrumenl Deed I Mortgage Tax Slamp FF.I;;S Recordinlll Filing 5lOn,ps ~ PilgC I Filing I:ce lIandring TP.584 2. Additional Tax N~lfalion Sub TOlal EA.52 17 (CounIY) EA.~217 (Slale) Sub Total Sub Total SpeciAlsil. Or Spec,/Add. TOT. MTG. TAX 1)1101 TOIYn_ DlIal CnUIII)'_ Held fur Apl,ortiunmtnl __ Tronsrer Tax - D - _ Mansion Tax The property covered by this lI1ol1l18ge is or will be improved b)'. one or Iwo ralllily dwelling onl)'. YES orNO_ I r NO. see appropriate lax cl sc on ~ N _Drthis inslrumenl. .10J 6 ClIllllllunity Preservation Fund Consideration All10unt $ _ COlmn. or Ed. 5 QQ...- itP.T.SA ..""1{) _ AfficJavil C,'nified COpy/~_ Keg. Copy r Other GRAND TOTAL Rcal Properly Tax Scrvice Agency Verification Disl. Section Block Slamp 1000 11500 CPF Tax Due s D.te Improved Initials SatisfDctionSllJlscnargeSlKeleases'clSrrropeny'owners"Mallmg Addre RECORD &: RETURN TO: Vacant Land Ciarelli & Dempsey 737 Roanoke Avenue Riverhead, New York 11901 TO TO TO . g Title Company Information Co. Name Chicago Tltle Insurance company Title N 3805-45101 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e , 'Ibis (XIgc forn1.'l pm1 of the attached April M. Ross Quitclaim Deed (SPECIFY WPE OF INsrn.UMENT) . , The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COU1\'TY. NEW YORK. made by: TO In the Township of Southo1d In the VILL^G~ orHAML~Tof loIattituck James E. McHeffcv and Ap,..;l M g,.u:,~c:. n ~ cr 'W~ -Fa. . III >XES 5 'n.IRU 9 MUST BE "n-PED OR PRINlT:r) IN A1.ACJ.: INK ONL Y PRIOR TO R[('QlmING on 1'1/ .INo. 11111111111111111111111111 11111 11111 mil 111111111 II~ 11111111111111111 11111111 StJJ'POLJC COUNTY CLERIC RBCORDS OPPlCE RECORDING PAGE Type of In.trument. DEBDS/DDD Number of Page.. 3 Receipt HUmber . 05-0027178 TRANSPER TAX ROMBER: 04-32778 Recorded. At. 03/15/2005 03.11:31 PM LlBER: PAGE: D00012376 750 Di.trict. 1000 Section. Block. 115.00 01.00 .Y"JlINBD AND CIlARGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 002.000 Deed Amount. Received the Pollowing Pee. Par Above Instrument -*"'lpt Bxempt Page/Piling $9.00 NO HaDdling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCKO $15.00 NO BA-crY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CQIIIIII.Pre. $0.00 NO I'ee. Paid $154.00 TRANSI'ER TAX NDNBBR. 04-32778 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' TBB INSTRtlIIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 _I f-~~. tpl:l!llTV. USE ONL V c,. SWIS ~. C3.800k PROPERlY INFORMATION I t/./1,3.1i',<d,?'1 it I ~I ';'-I~EI .'. c.. "- I , ?, 1""; CI ,; ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT BTAn! Of N1iW YORX BTAn! BOARD Of REAL PROPERTY SERVICES C2. Dato Ile<od R_ocI RP - 5217 u.J:11 ~ JWf "~I 50 ....--. Illtlir. M.MMJI Villa:te Lane .'IIIlT" I Ma-r.~;"'l1t'!1r CIT'f' 1M 'OWN ....... 1,1.W ..-. No... IM"R..f'f'~ ....".,....." '\Iy 'T.v. 'Ii'" I Ro..J.L,_ 3. Tax 1ncI1cII. wherII future Tax BiI..1fO 10 be unt Billing If other thin bllyel' .dd~ 1-' boItam 01 form) I -- Aifil M. .- LAI' ~/tmIP""'Y FI'llTNAMl :tTIIIrr..,...,...utD111IHTNAMl' CllYDI'TOWlI . .'An;: ...- 1.000d _... L ..Jxl SiP 'M>>ITRfT EXI'TH 100l 'Ac1U .3 . 3 I (ClnIy.-...P--.....,...." 4A. _..... _ SulIdi,;,;on"'-ly ExlIla 0 .. SubdMlion Apprvwll WII Required for T"""" 0 C. PM:eI AQllroved tor SUbdMlion wIdt MIp PrG't1dlld 0 .. IndlcaUl the nil...... of A--..m Roll plrah trMIferqd on tt..... , af Parcell OR D P.n: of . PollC8l 1._... Nome L Ross lAIif NUll: I CQM'ANV April M. -- L LAlfNollMttCOWA"" fMT~ ,2. o.u 01 SIIIel T........... 3 I 3 "" I 05 v_ a.k 1M bo.. MIow .. they IPPIv: .. 0wMnhIp Tvpe iI Condominium I ~ Community ServIce .. NIW' ConItn.ctIon on VIC8fIt unci J Indullrial 1M. Properly LDc-.d wllhln .n AQricunurlll DIIIrict K Public SoMe. 1. au.,... roceWocI. dilclaluNll1ClllCO ~ L F_ ...lI1e..-v1a In.. AgncuIIural_ 15. ChecIl: .. ....... at.... ......... _ ......... '" tnnIfw: - A _ SeIe BeIwMn Ralativel Of F~ ....... R _ SaIa _ _ eom_ '" ........In. BuaI..- C _ One af 1M Buyers II also . Seller D _ Buyar"'SaIIa<~_.......~"'~- E _ Oaad Tv.- ... ........., '" IIargaln ... Sala ISpaQIy Balow) F _ _.. F._ '" ~ lhar, Fea _lSpacIfy_1 G.... Slgni.....Chango on _ _ T_ Sla.. and Sala 0aIaa H $lie of.... illnducIId In 8M Pric::I I t Olhar Un..... F...... A_ Sala Prica ISpacIfy 80_ J,-Non. o o o o 7. Cheoll tt.. ba billow which mod acurettlly d........ the ... 0I1he,......-ty .. ..... IIInII at u1.: A~onaF__" 8 Z or 3 FIIrTlIIy Ruidenlill C Ruidlmilll Vacant lancl D Non-Residenlill v-.a Land I SALE INFORMATION I ". .... eonu.ot ... F.~..,;C"llUr.1 F Commardal G Apa...... H ElUlllllnmanrJ Am....... - I Coy I v_ M_ o , ..,0.0 I , , . tFull &.I, Pric;, Is the tGCaI ernounl Plid for tho property Including penonII PfOP-'Y. Thl. PIYIftII'I mey bo In the form of CIIIh. oIhor property or gaodI. or the NlUmptlon or mortpgll or arMr ob/igIdonL1 "... I'fWnd to 1M ,.,." wItcJM '*"'- amount. o ...-....-..__ I 0 I prGI*Iy ....... In ... .... ..,." ~ 0 . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Da.. ahould refloctlholllllll Flnll AsoIllll1In1l101llnd T.. Bill 1 13. Ful .. ,.. L. ,.. 'eI, cI A_. ._A Roll from I which ..."""'.._don..... I 11.1...._V_IaI.._..-1 . , ; ..._c.. ~....u-u ,..___ I District 12 20.1.. Ma,._a1 I RaI_I.1 1II....__._____a11 1000 115. I I CERTIFICATION I I oordl)' ... .. vii Iloo ...... "'..,.......... .oIand em IIIia r_ .... .... aad ....... ... ... ..... vii l1I)' ........ and boIdl ud I WIlIonIaad ..... IN makla& viiaD)' ,,1WUI1loIot_vII_'" -. w1B~ .....Iloo __ "'........... _......IOlIkiaII-lIIIotvll_- BUYER BUYER'B ATTOIINEY 01. 002. ~.fI~-~~71 3/1/05 1IIfl""!!:. MeHeffey' .... 50 Village Lane ."1_11 .-nNAlltWTPIULII n"W::::ll I P;!l~r;t"!;~ A ....- 631 369-5100 -.... ....-- Mattitucl< I NY 11952 "COOl CRY 0II1CMW II.I~ ~~ NEW YORK STATE COpy U'1/n~ If