HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 993 '. . . 6i. , . l.ll LK.:4: P 003 J Tax Mop DosipoIioa DisI. 1000 See. IIS.oo BIk. 02.00 Lot 004.000 ; I ~)'-)- L+ ..~~ Deed-Bargaln and Sale With eovlnantll Agalnet Grantor'. Act111 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING Tl-US INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE IJSED BY LAWYERS ONLY I~ARGAlN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANTS AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS 1MIS INDENTURE, made the 2'"' day of August, 2005 BETWEEN Laurie E. Graeb, residing at 35 Vautrin Avenue, HoItsville, County of Suffolk and ~itate of New York party of the first part, and 111. Pamela Morgan, residing at 1885 Ackerly Pond Lane. Southald, County of Suffolk and State of New York party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten and 00/100 ($10.00) lawful money of the United Sates, and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the T,own of Southald. County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as fclllows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the northerly line of Main Road at the scXJthwesterly comer of land now or formerly of Clinton V. Murray; RUNNING THENCE along the said northerly line of Main Road, North 87 degrees 40 minutes West a distance of 138.0 feet to a concrete monument; TIHENCE along land now or formerly of Elmer D. Ruland Jr., two courses as follows: 1. North 4 degrees 00 minutes West a distance of 102.0 feet to a concrete monument; 2. Thence North 80 degrees 28 minutes East a distance of 130.0 feet to a concrete monument and said land now or formerly of Clinton V. Murray; THENCE along said land now for formerly of Clinton V. Murray, South 7 degrees 20 mi'nutes 3D seconds East a distance of 130.0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BE:ING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as described in deed by Main Road Enterprises recorded FebnJary 17, 1995 in Liber 11715 cp 338. ~.laO .::,.. .... 0'/ :'-1 lrooETHER with all right. title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to Ilny streets and roads abutting the above dascribed premises to the center lines thereof; lrOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first ~l8rt in and to said premises; ,.0 HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way \'!Ihalaver, except 88 aforesaid. AIND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideretion as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement befora using any part of the totel of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read 'parties. whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. ... WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day alnd year first above written. II~ PRESENCE OF: .;,eN4/~ :e ~~~ Laurie E. Graeb / ""0 1 of) ~. .;. STATE OF NEW YORK) C:OUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the ~ day of August in the year 2005 before me. the undersigned. personally Slppeared Laurie E. Greeb, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name Is subscribed to the within instrument end acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity. and that by her signature on the instrument. the individual. or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. ~a..~ N Public II "'~E1li A. FINNE NalIrr PubUa, Slate 01 NllW YlldI ~1n='Counly "1t'7.~ 0.... I lion ExpiI8I No'/8Illb8r ao. t:1(fKA/ BlJROOJN IJNt) SOLe DUO lAlmI COlIaN/1/fTSllJOlJlN$T Qrwrrorts fJDTs LAURIE E. GRAEB TO PAMELA MORGAN RETURN BY MAil TO: ....p:3.n .. - ~2 l I' NumbCr or 1l8i." TORRENS SeriaIN_ RECORDED 2005 Ruq 10 03,22.35 PM Edward P.ROMaine ClERKCf' SUFFOI.J( COUNT'! L 000012402 pm on 05-01~6 Certificate N _ Prior Clf. N Deed I Mor\gllge Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tilt Stamp FEES Recording I Filing Slamps JJ Page I filing fe. Mortgage Amt. Handling 11'-584 I. Basi. Tax 2. Additional Tax . Notation Sub Total EA-52 17 (Collnty) [A-52 I 7 (State) _ Sub Total GRAND TOTAL. l'5a. if Spec/ADi!. Or Spoe./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_ Dual Cuunly_ HeldrorA~ionm.nt __ Transrer Tax ftS'f!!~ '-- Mansion Ta. The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two ramily dwelling only. YES orNO_ Ir NO. ..e appropriate tax ,Iau.. on page" _ of this instrument. R.P.T.S.A ~- Comm. or r:d. 5~ ArrKlavil Certified Cop:~ Reg. Copy SubTotal Other l Real Property Tax Service Afprcy YcriliCllion --.--- 41000115000200004000 ~ ~ .ol Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $.3- F Tax Due S . Stamp ) Dale Improved Vacant Land--/1l- Initials 7 SalisfactionsIDischargcslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Add RECORD .. RETURN TO, jAdAm ~"\~S ro./V) ) 2..0 ~vfzA--' S Is .~ t'V -ei"\ htAc.....J J ;I) 'I JI &jO I ~ ~ ~ TO TO TO ~ 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Title 1# This page fmms part of the IIllIIChed Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page ~~~ rI (SPECIFY TYJ>E OF INSllUJMENr) made by: L':::hJRi E- f:.. ~~f..b 'Ihe premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNI1'. NEW YORK. SO(JTh"/~ In the To\\nship of TO fAmL/A. m. mOR!JAIV In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of fnATT/TUc...J:::.. OOXES 5 nlRu 9 MUST BE ll'PED OR PRlNI'ED IN BLACK INK ONLY I'IUOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) I. 11111111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SUFFOLK COOHTY CLBRK RECORDS O....:ICB RECORD:ING PAGB Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD NUmber elf Pages. 4 Receipt HUmber . 05-0083468 TRANS"ER TAX NUMBER: 05-01686 Recorded. At. 08/10/2005 03.22.35 PM L:IBER: PAGE: D00012402 993 District:: 1000 Deed Amc>UJ1t. Section. 115.00 BXAMINBD AND $396,000.00 Block. 02.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 004.000 FOLLOWS Receivec. the Following Fee. For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transf.,r tax $1,584.00 NO CQIIIIII.Pre. $4,920.00 NO Fee. Paid $6,656.00 TRANSFB~: TAX NCMBBR. 05-01686 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRtJMI!:NT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ~ - - - PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOIl COUNW USE ONLY C1. SWIS C_ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I ~? $. f'o fro ff it cz.~D""R...dod I O!?t /O/O..!I . MonI'l ~ y..r C3._II.I...1.,Y:O...l..IC4.PogeI .7"'.9',.11 ~- . PROPERTYINFOR~TION STATE OF NEW YORK BTATlIOARD Of lEAL _.~ SBMCES RP - 5217 I."-L r lDCI..... :nIE' -..-.s .... L YJ/J/J 7Ii rll c.L ...... ..... .NJI1....;wr 2._ L Nome .... . L LAST JWIII: I COMMNV ,..1..... .. T.. Indic* where Muro T8I:"1JO to be IIenl _ ~llII..""n_lOld_..._",_1 -- !.All HAM. , CDVfNHf -..... L IIN......... A...., sntI!IT.... ClJYCMIO'llM "TAlt ;l!Pt;DIIIi .. ........ the ........ of All........, RoU.-rClIII b........ad on......... I I of Parcell 011 0 Part of. P.... I.Dood L ~xl Property l'IIOMT"rT DlI"l'M - ..- L...,.fUth Nom. IORI 'N;rW' . 1OnIy.-..._I_.......- ....-..--0;,."" ...._...... 0 .. ~......:l*nAfll:wCMll_.......torT..... 0 oc:.__.....-._....._ 0 Lp lJ /? } e -,- ~, L LMT"AIIE/~ ,..r NMIi 7. CMcII: the bo. Wow whicII InRI-' ............ the ................, a. thII ..... oJ sale: A~OnoIi....,_~1 B 2 Qf 3 Famlty ReIIJ 1111'" C RnidlntiaI V_nt land o Noft.IhIidentia VKlnt Land I SALE INFORMATlONJ 11. .... ConInIrt Da.. E~AgricuIIuo" '. F ~ G _ II ~I_' I ~ CammuolIy"_ J _ K __ L _ ~..._--.....- s. 00nwI/Iip T_ .. Condominium .. NM ConIIruction on V..... UncI 1M. "'-'" ~ wllllln.. AerJcuIOlIOl _.. I.._.........__~ 1hoI1IMt_1o....Ag_1lloIricI o o o o 11. ChIcII_ .. nwe'" tMIrI ........._ _ ........ to ........-: ....... I .... I v_ ^ B C D I:: F a II I J So.__..__ Salo IIaIweu RNtec:I Cornr-n_ or Ptrtnellln Bu.... onO",lIMt~i._.SIIi1r .., or SeI.. is Oc.aI'rIIMfW Agency or I.anding inIlhudon Ilood T_ not W...... or ....... and _ lSpocIIy Sol..., &110 01 F_.. ~..... Faol..._esr-KY_ ~ ChIngIIn "- _1............... Solo Dotal s.tD of ...~ " Indudtd in .. Priee Orhor ~ F_ -.. Solo PrioIISpocIfy.-I Nona 12. Dat. OIl ....' / Tranat.r ~/~ 105'1 - Ill, 11. FuI .. Pri,. ..3 "Ii. e \!l -V , . . l . . .0,0 I , . (Full." Prb:t illhIlotaI amount paid far the property Indudng I*JOnII prapll'ly. Thill peyInInI ;mlY be in die farm of CIIh. adIer prapIfty Dr .... or the .-&Impllon at martpgaa Dr IxMr obIlglllonLl "'- round to 1M ..... ..... doIWr oIfttCJCIfIt. '''_lho_''_ I --.....- ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DIUI should ..1Iecl tho Iotlll Fln.l_m.m RolI,nd T.. Bill ~ 0 ," I 1.. V... OIl ..........." RDI from I ~ f" '1 17 Total....... V.....IaI.. _In...... I ..... ........... .... . , , ; 11. Praparty aa.. I ?.lJLJ-LJ 11.___ I Y73!J~ PI Po "17111) ~I ...T.._IoIo_'....._II........_._____1 D'S I 'S. ec I CERTlRCATIOO I CfttI)'.... . fII.. ...... or...... ...... entfnd .. dill..... art' IrDt IIIId ftI'ftd till"'" ", III)" Ium III. .... btUeI) 8l1li1 WId---- .... 1M auddlIf: 01 Illy ..1Ul'III roM _ 0I_1ilct........ ...1UlUI<l........ __ "'........ ..... -............. _... 01__ .MID BUYER"S AlTORNEY \J ~ -Cl 0 ~1I<;' 02..~O lA-.f- ~~l.J..ooo 1 f\\'\ 0 ~~A.1y I ~.:z.-C1r "'111 . .J..~ /H/1-JJ r+ dl9/?/ UlII,.... PlllnNMll! (p ') I 7197 -V21J~ I!!>: I ~{_~lEIb Mo. -.... -- I p1 I 1/9r-1 ITA lJICIlXI. SELLER ~d'L~f ~..,..~ - SoLlTJ.J..Otd> CIT'IDlI'IOMIl1 l"~~ NEW YORK STATE COPY