HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12405 P 826 NO CONSIDERATION 111- {- 7, 'j L \ /) q t L) f' '0 (,c.. TA~MAI' DESK;NA TION Di51.: 10110 Sec.: 1112.00 Illk.: (H.1lO Lol(sl:: pia 007.(101 ond 007.1102 Quitclaim Deed This Indenture. made the ~y of July Two Thousand and Five. BETWEEN EDWARD W. HARBES, 111. residing at 715 Hallock Lane. Manituck. New YllIII 11952 pany of the fillit part. and HADES HILI., U.c. a New York limited liability company, with an address at 715 Hallock Lane. Manituck. New York 11952 party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the fillit part. in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heilli or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, in ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, with buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the Grantor by Deed dated April 2. 2004 and recorded in the Suffolk County Oerk's Office on April 16. 2004 in Liber ??oo12314 page 102 the Grantor being the same person described as the Grantee in said Deed. PREMISES ALSO KNOWN as NoI Sound Avenue. Mattituck. New York. Together with all right, tide and interest. if any. of the pany of the first part in and to any streets and roads abuning the above-described premises to the center lines thereof; Together with the appurtenances and all the estate and righls of the party of the first part in and to said premises; To have and to hold the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part. the heilli or successolli and assigns of the pany of the second part forever. And the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anylhing whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. And the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the lien Law. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied firsl for the purpose of paying the co.~t of improvement and will apply the same fillit to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the t01a1 of the same for any other purpose. The word "purty" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. SCHEDULE A - SCTM# l000..112.00-01.00.p1o 007.001 and 007.002 Harbes Hill. LLC ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, with buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate lying and being in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and being more particularly bound and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point, said point being found from the intersection of the northerly side of Sound Avenue and the westerly side of Bergen Avenue and proceeding wCBterly along the northerly side of Sound Avenue a distance of 2,174 feet more or less to the division line between the lands of Simmons and Harbes, said lands being found and more described in a map of a Minor Subdivision of property surveyed for Charles.P. Simmons on the east and in a map of a Minor Subdivision for Edward W. Harbes III on the west, thence northerly from said point of division line on a bearing of North 23 degrees 10 minutes 49 seconds West for a distance oO,S 17.45 feet from said point of division to the POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING: ," Thence North 22 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds West 292.54 feet along the lands of Simmons to a point. thence continuing along the lands of Simmons and Lot I in said minor subdivision of Simmons on a course North 19 degrees 48 minutes 10 seconds West 272.67 feel to a concrete monument set for bound, thence westerly along the lands of Bindorf and Racz on a course South 70 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds West 190 feet to a point, thence southerly along the lands of Harbes the following three courses and distances: South 19 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds East 175.00 feet to a point; Thence South 39 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds East 350.00 feet to a point; Thence South 74 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds East IOS.OI feet. TO THE PONT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING, said parcel of land containing 80,283.198 square feet or 1.843 acres, more of less. Access to the above described lot is by right of way as shown on the easterly side of the lands of Harbes and also along the easterly side of lot #2 in said Minor subdivision for Edward W, Harbes III. "'--- In Witness Whereof. the party of the first part has duly executed this Deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: dL/ h. iU L.L.S. EDWARD W. HARRES, III STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) 55.: t'1 "T1II1 On the 15 day of .Iii<< In the year 2005 before me. the undersigned. personally appeared EDWARD W. HAKBES, III personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity. and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual. or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted. execu . stru ent. JAY P. QUARTAIWIO Notary PublIC. State ot NY No gzQU50558l15 Quall1l8ct In Sullolk Cou~~ C<,mmiaalon Explraa OeL 20. . Notary Public QUITCLAIM DEED DlliTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 112.00 IlLOCK: 01.00 LOT: pin 007.001 and 007.002 COllNTY OR TOWN: Soulhold EDWARD W. HARBF.8, III TO HARBF.8 HILL, LLC TAX R1WNG ADDRt::SS: 715 Hallock Lane MauilUCk. NY RETURN BY MAIL TO: Jay P. Quartararo. Esq. Twomey. Latham. Shea, Kelley. Dubin Reale & Quartararo. LLP 33 West Second Street P.O. Box 9398 Riverhead. New York 11901-9398 Page 2 of 2 Pages l~ Number of pages TORRENS Serial 1/ Cenificate 1/ Prior ar. ~I Deed . Monpge Instrumem 2J:= Deed I Monguge Thx Stomp FEES Page I Filing Fee ? H:mdling 5.JllL TP-S84 NOlalion 1JA-52 17 (County) Sub Total EA-S217 (Slale) $()- R.P.T.S.A. Comm.ofEd. 5. .l!JL Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Suh Tot.1 Other Grund TOIDI s Real Propeny Tax Service Agency Verifieatio," 1000 11200 0100 007002 ?:rOCliOnlDischargelilRclease LiS! Property Owncrs Mailing Address . RECORD" RETURN TO: TWoMEY,LATHAM, SHEA, KELLEY, DUBIN, REALE & QUARTARARO, LLP 33 WEST SECOND STREET POST OFFICE BOX 9398 RIVERHEAD. NY 11901-9398 7 RECORIlEIl 2005 Rug 25 02:47:47 PM Ed'oIard P.Roaai'le a..ERK OF SUFFOLK COIl4TV L 000012405 p 826 DTI 05-03921 Recording I Filing Slamps Mortgage AmI. I. Busic Tax 2. Additional Thx Sub Total Spec. I Assil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held ror Appointmcl\l C Transfer Thx _ _ Mansion Tax The property covered by Ibis motgagc is or will be improved by u one or Iwo f3lllily dwelling nnly. . YES or NO If NO. see appropriate lax clause on page 1/ or this instrument. 5 Communit Preservation F d Consideration Amount S CPF Tux Due S Improved Vacant Lund ""7 TO ID TO TO Tille Compuny Information Attn: Jay P. Quartararo, Esq. Co. Name nIle 1/ ~"utJolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of Ihe alluchcd Oultdalm Deed made by; (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) EDWARD W. HAKBK~. III The premisis hctein is silualed in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO HAKBES HILL. I.LC 'In the Township of Southold In the VILLAGE or HAMLET or Matdtuck .-" BOXES' TIlROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILlNG." (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number c>f Page.. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0089615 TRANSFER TAX HUMBBR: 05-03921 Recorded. At: 08/25/2005 02.47.47 PM LIBBR: PAGB, D00012405 826 Di.trict. Section: Block. Lot: 1000 112.00 01.00 007.002 1ZY:axINED AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS Deed Ama,unt. $0.00 Received, the Pollowing Pees Por Above Instrument Bxempt ]E,r'""lpt Page/Piling $12.00 NO ReDdling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA - C'1'Y $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfe,r tax $0.00 NO CamaI.Pre. $0.00 NO Pees Paid $152.00 TRAlI'SFBll, TAX NtJIIBBR. 05-03921 THIS PAGE IS A PART OP THE INSTRmmNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County , CZ.DIIblIlMd'l ,_ I O~;lJ'Orl MofIII'I ~ v_., C3. BooII I ,/:).., ty, /Po ~ "TC4. p_ I 8 .;l. t: I PROPERTY INFORMATION '...........L JJo #' I <"'""t.ulh ./1vE7JGI~ LOOI'UDn :IoTIIUT....... ~ L S,",*,L~ I I1ltm7ll~~ t:'Il'f' mllCMN VlL~ 1.= L~ FIJ~H HIJTT11lI~,_'d-/ CT. SWlS Code 1 7<'>. 3: ? f? r1 lit L LAlT ~I tuMJ'NIV -- 3. Tax IndicaII wherI futuq T.. "1tI to be IIIfl1 1 _ .___-...-fII'otml - IMrlWlll/c;f1lllNWf L ITIIU:T ...... ..., IJIIlIT NMIi aT\' UI TCMN 4. IndIcMe me......... 01 .... ..-...'It Hal ....... ..rIIIerred ... the ... I . of Parcell OR ~rt of . Pl;rcel REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STA..... Of NEW YORK ITA....._ Of IlEAL I'IIONRTY llEIl\IlCIS RP . 5217 ~17""''''' I 1 11f.S"~ ZPaJOIi ,.r~ ITAT! .. CODE 10nIy I ..... fII . p....u CIIocIc . .... ......, 4A. PIInnI"II BoIrd wtlh &It>-t..... Authority Ex_ 0 ___-_IdIDrT..- 0 4C. _Ajlp<MlcIIor SuIldMIion wilh Moo_ 0 ..Good L Ixl ::.perty HIONI fU' .._ L #/tR-M'S, 7//- NamtI ~r""',~ ' .44.3" I """' e'bI<.lAteh -- 11. ChiIdI .. or ..... 01..... ___ . eppIIcebIt to 1I'IIIIIIIr: A ___orFormor_ II II. a.aw.n .....ted ComPlni. or Plrtnerlln BuIinea C One fII ... ..... 10 .100. Sol"" D _r or Soller 10 _ _ or Lending IllIlitullon E Dood "- _ W.".... or hlpln end Solo ($pacify IIoIowI F _ 01 F_ or lMo INn Foe _1SpocoIy IloIowI o IlIgn_Chongoln _ _T_ _end Sole Dolu H ... of Bull...... Is Inc:luded in SeIe Price I 0Ih0r UououoI F...... AlIocIing Solo PrIco ISpocIly IIoIowI J None ..... IORI L lAIr rMME , CQMNt.IV 'IIIITNAIlIIi 7. Ched: th8 bole billow _blah m..t: KiClWd.l, ....... 1M ... 01 1M ~ .. 1M tI.... aI ....: A ~ One Flmlly RoaIdmdIl B 2 or 3 Iremily RuiMntilll C RuIdoiItIIaJ V-=-nt Land I) ........_ YocoM Lond I SALE INFORMATION l ". .... CoRIncil DMAt ~-,., f Commlrclll (j ApltIlMnt H Enllrwinnwnt I Amuwnent I ~ CommunIIy_ J ,_ K ...-_ L Fo... - I UCiIii 011, I - 12. Date aI ... I ,.....,.. '1, I ~"I Do, , as'";" v... . 0" ,0.0 , , , . (Full S'" Prica. Is the toLIl M'l0UN. pMI 'Of ltMt property tncIwIIng poI'IOAII properry. This ~ !'Ny be In the tarm 01 cnh. att. property or goodI. or the ......mpllo" af mortQlga or l)tho, obliglUOnl,1 PfeaM found to Ihe nNtDII' whoII doIs. amount '.._........01_ I - " - .0 ,01 __11I\110_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dole ......Id IOnIC! tho 1010" AMI_.nt RoII.11d Till Bill ,.. v_ ",___RoIfram . J'\ Jl. 17. TotaII AtMuedV...I....................1 whlahWom"""............ ~ 13. Full .... PrIll. w. CllocII... _ boIow...... _ L o..-ohlp Typo 10 CondomInium I. Now ConazucIion on Yeanl und *- Property Luc:aIod wiIhIn .. Agriculurll DisIrict IG8.1Iuyor.........__I_ dial IhI proparty II In ., Agrtr:ulllnll DIIIricr o o o o ,.. Prop..aa. ,I . :J.. 0 I-LJ 11.__ __ , ~~7T/~~ , , AI ,6,0~ , I I CERTIFICATION l I ~~." ".........".............. _lid ...thIs r.... ... _.... _I..... beoI '" IIlf _...... _ _ ... I ...........m ..... tho......... "")'1:". ~- "'_............. "1II"'bjod_.. tIw ...... - "11Io - Io. - 1011Io....._..... ",.................. 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