HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12397 P 980 - . , ,.w 11)- L -17 IIEII' T 691-Swabld:'lo.Y.lITII.K".....I~ ....,.......oIn\L ..1lIro~...._.,.,...,fGIlO.,........-IIIII.II'I"nrp.:............I.Il.... I*.....,.-m.y lIIIIIIIIIgi}C;elskX'.lnc.. NYC 10013 , CONSULT YOU. LAWYE. IEFOU 5IGNIHG THIS'NSTlUMEHT-THISIHSTIlUMINT SHOULD IE USED IY LAWYERS ONLY ..~ , 'I L 1,+";,0 oJ e :;(,~' THIS INDENTURE. made on June BETWEEN HARBORVIEW HOMES, having an office Southampton, NY 13 , 2005 INC., a New York corporation, at 1706 County Road 39, 11968, partyofthefinlpul,ond RICHARD USINGER, residing at 14 Sparrow Avenue, Manorvill~NY 11949, party of lhe _ond par~ WITNESSETH. tho! lhe parly of the 6...1 poor.. ~oider.lion of Ten Dolla... aDd other valuable """'iclerllli~ pooid by lhe parly of lhe oecond part. d_ IierebY,l;ar.atit '.nd releaw onlo lhe party of the _d p.n. lhe hei... or aucceOlOII .ad a.aiena ,~f, the party of the ~"'d:ffjj,fi...~r." .- AU thai certain plal. pi..... or ...rcel of l.n~li6 1M hulld.."" and Imp"''''''''1I thereon ......ed, alluate.. Iyinp and hein, in the Town of SoutholCl(.a't Mattituck, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known a~~des~gnated as Lot Number 3 on a certain map entitled "Map of Rosewdo\i'~~tates", and filed in the Office of the '- ~ ~. , Clerk of the County of~Suf~q~k~~~ January 24, 1969 as Map Number 5240, bounded and ,described ~n/ScHedule A annexed hereto. BEING AND INTENDED TO~th~~l~~~)premises conveyed to the grantor herein by deed dated JUlY~l, 200~ and recorded September 24, 2004 in Liber 12345, Page 274\~ \~ ~ The premises herein is kn~wnUi~765 Bergen Avenue, Mattituck, N.Y. This transaction is made in ~ )lordinary course of business of the --- party of the first part. Block 02.00 .. T(:K;I::TItF.H ,,"ith all ri~hl. tille unlJ inlcrc.... if .n~'. ul Iht~ parl~' of thfl fir~ part in and to 3n~' ~trecll untl rnad!lio .bulling the ..hove': dt,.'aCri~ pr~n1ifoeS to th.. cellter line, thprt.oof: TOl-;ETHER ",-jth the ul'f'urten.ancl.\.-ll 0..01 alllhe "'al. 011I1 ri~h.. nf Ih. party Qllhe 6", 'lAn in ancl 10 Hid "...mi.....: TO HAVE AND TO 1I0LD ('C..I,..." . rh... l'rcmilP.fi herein grunted unit! thP part~. IIf thl! !tt:Cuml part. the he-irf, I'" &Uc.'t.''''I~lJr.!l olld IlNli@lIJ1 nf Ih~ J.la.rt~. nf ()rI..:.... J!..tlit"lIef"11nrl'JJ!.rt fflrt"it'r'". Distric,t:. ':'~;;-.:'" C;;-.:jf'l ',_..w.l/'.. ....... .tU"Oil,J 1000 e ;,.'(= .-:,o.lY""''''''~ .o\:"IU-.hu IJ3rt}' uf the firN, IJ8rt c.'o\'en.'lb. that the Ilart)' III tll,. tirsl part haA nol d(lne ur nffered an~'thin;; ,,'hel'ehy th,. ...id pr..IlIu...."" tun'" heen encumhc:n'1.t in .n~ ,,'a)' ,,'helC'\'cr... t='J.c:ept It" Ifol'f'Nlid. .'\Nn th.. part~. uf the finl ~rt. in cOlnIJliarlc.'f': ",,'jlh 5toctilln l:i Iff thl'! Lien ,La,,'. (,'U\'I'nanb that lilt: part). of thl' &rst port ","ill J'~.'ei\o'e the' I"Onllcler.lion rur Ihi,. 1:'m\t:~)'IIQc.'e MIUI ..ill hold the ri,:ht tu recrivl" such COII_idc-rali.t>>n ,u 'M Iru.t lund to I", uwJi.d 6.... Inr Ihe purl''''. of ....yinll the ."",, ..I the iOll'r....III."1I and will 01'''''' lhe "Ole 6rat lu the pIIyment uf the co,1 of the impro\'rmt'nt befure IIlinlE an~' ,Jart IIf Ihe lufll of the lIame fur any uthr-r ,JurpC1H'. The wend. "parIY" fh.1I he C"IMtrurd I' if it l'I:!ad "parties'. whrne"'If'lr the :N:n~ of Ihit indenture ao reqUIret-. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe parI)' "I.h.. 6"" pan h., dill! ~.rcll..,,1 thi. .l..ed tho .I.!' alld l'e.. firll .ho,', wriUen. Section 113.00 Lot 014.000 I~ PRESENC... lit': HA '. 0, Pres. , A~_INNEWYORK STATE CAPL_ Slale of New York, County of Suffolk IS.: On June 13, 2005, before me. !he undeBigned. per.;onallyappe...... Richard Oppedisano, personally known to me or pnlYed to me on !he balIio of saIi!lflll:- 1nI)' ""idence to be !he individual!11 whose name(s) is <lR) subscribed to !he widlin instrument and Ill:knowledJll'd to me dIIII helshe/Ihey execu1ed die _ in hil!ihedlheir capacil)llics). and dill by hilllher/lheir signallft!s) on Ihe inIInunml. Ihe indi- vidua!!s), or Ihe penon upon behalf of which Ihe indlvidual(sJ acted. elll:Cllred Ihc: instnll1le11L 51.: On personally appea~d befo~ me. Ihe undellligned. pen'onally known 10 me or proved to me on Ihc: bMis 0( 118lis- flll:tory evidence 10 be !he individual!s) whose name(sJ is <1ft) sublocribed 10 Ihc: widlin instrumenl and scknowledp 10 me dial helshellhc:y execured Ihe ~ in hifilhedlheir caplICil)l(icsl. and dlat by hislherl!heir signalU~'J on Ihe in!llrlllllelll.1hc indi- vidull(sJ. or Ihc: penon upon behalf 0( which !he individual!s) acted. execu"'" Ihe instrumenl. and diM ,;(Jch individual made such appearance befo~ die undel1ligned in (Uum ri'7 (II' pnIlritvJ/l"'IIlM~itrrI tIIIII sIsk fir tnlnU7 fir ,., ph.., """"'1- ~'IUU"J f~iptGlIVr ,md r"lC~ III htdfviJwI, ~ INbtmrI<<I",.MlJ "rpla aall 6aIt laull WII'K CoY&JIA.IfT~.uJQT CuN'lOll'~CI'I "J'JUE No. t-J 0;)0 9 ? HARBORVIEW HOMES, INC. TO RICHARD USINGER ,; ~ r ! .. ~ .. '" ... .. .. !l .. ~ .. .. .. ... ." .. .. t ! A~IIIENT BY SUB8C1lI81NG WlTNES8(E81 Slate of Counly of I...: On " pel1lOnally appeared befon: me. the undersigned. Ihe .ublocribing wimess(esJ 10 die foregoing iMftlmen.. wilh whom I am personally acquainled. who, being by me duly sworn. did depose and say Ihal helshe/lhey ~Side(5) in (if Ih. phn:~ ItJ ,.~ ;6 In " nr.v. inrllllh tI.. ."rRl and nlWI 11II1II""". 1/...,..,"'....", dial helshe/lhey know!s' 10 be Ihe individual!s) described in and who execuled die fore- going insaument; lItal !Wid subscribing willll:ss(esl wus !wete) presenl and saw ...id execule !he same, and that said wi\neSS(es) III Ihe same lime subscribed hilW'her/their nlUl1L"(5) a.. a wibleSSles) 1he~IO. . ( 0 'f,uklr" ,''''.,,, N~' )Mt SlUIe' itllf'rJ ('I",,,,. poIl,klll ~,-w.IfI.",,}"" ,..~,..... p/un ...._."''-....... And that said lOIb.<Cribing wilJlelOl(eil made ,;uch appearance before lhe undersigned in f.dlPflU.'" unJ 11jJi~ " W..idtlcd ,ak#q fIt"A,..:ltdpwn" SECTION 113.00 BLOCK 02.00 LOT 014.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk County RSTURN BY MAD. TO: ERIC USINGER, ESQ. Siller , Wl1k, LLP 675 Third Avenue, 9th Floor New York, NY 10017Zi N p .. , ( , ..-..- , TItle No. NYOS0930 SCHEDULE A ALL !hat cenain plot, piece or parcel of land. SilWlte, lying8lld being in !he Town of Southold, lit MlIIlitucll:, Counly of Suffolk 8Ild Slate of !Io'ew York, known and des.i1l1UllCd as Lot Number 3 on a certain map enlitled 'Map of Rosewood Eslates" 8Ild filed in !he Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk 0/1 January 24. 1969 as Map Number .5240. bounded and described as follows: BEGI:.INING 81 the comer formed by the inrerseclion of the northerly side of BeIJCll Avenue with !he westerly side of Co>: Neck Lane; RUN(\'ING THENCE from said point of beginning and along the northerly side of Bergen Avenue. South 7.5 dearees 36 minutes 30 seconds West 170.00 feel; THE(\'CE North 14 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds West 130.00 feet; THENCE North 8.5 degrees 09 minutes 20 <ecouds East 189.04 feet 10 the weaterly side of COlt Neck Lane: THEN CE along the westerly side of COJl Neck Lane. South 04 degrees .56 minutes 30 seconds Easl 100.00 feet 10 the point ur place of BEG1NNlNG. / /' For collveyancing only, if intended to be conveyed. {Together with all riP. t, title and interest of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises, 10 the cenler line thereof. Date Printed May 11, 200S '. . .' I. I..! 2 .-... I ulIIber u(lni&~s ) TORllENS RECORDED 2005 Jul 15 01:51143 P" Edward P.Rollaine ClERK (F SUFFOlK COUllTV L ??oo12397 P 980 DT. 04-49253 ieriillll ;crtiticalc: II ~i... C1f./1 O('''4:J I Mnrtgagc 1IIIIIllment Deed I MOrlgDllc Tax SlImp FIlIlS Recording I Filing Slallllls l 'ilgC I FilinG F~&: Murtpge AmI. landling I. IlAsic Tax '1'-S84 2. Additional Tax IOlaliun Sub T alai ,A-52 17 (Cuullly) A-5217 (Slale) _ Sub Tulal GRAND TOTAL /yq- SpeeJAssi!. Or Spec.IAdcl. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual To\Vn_ Dual County_ Ilelll fur ^PI'Olliullllu:lI1 __ Tro/l,fer Tax (}. :3'/,9---= MiUlsiolll"ax The properly vcred by Ihis mOllll"llc is '" will be impr ved by a one: ur IWn fOlfail)' dwellillg ollly. VIiS If NO, ... .p _oflhisi. tP.'I'.,s.^. 3Q(il :UlIlIh. u" Ed. --1 (UL- \llhJ;,,'u ~:CJlilil:d Cupy I<g. CUl'Y )llIer Sub TOlal 'it.UIJ!' Ie Rcall'fUflCrly Tax St.'rvice Agellcy Veri lioalion l)l51. SccliulI _U luck I.nl 05025300 1000 11300 0200 014000 I-'T S RSMI A "!t'UL.o 6 Communily I' SllislnClionO;/OischarscslRclcases Lisl Property Owners Mailing Addres RECORD'" IUITURN TO: . CPF Tnx Due )illc Gie/c t.J5/Dc;6fC. ~ SfLLt..=R.- i 1u1L.1(, u..p. (,.15 TII-t'i\1> fJ-vc Iv.y., !if 100fT- Improved " .. lIili.lls VIlCUIIII.aml TO~ 'I'D TO , 'l1,i. pal;~ IOl1\l~ parI urlhe altiIChoo Suffolk Count Recordin & 'f)emT~ (SPEOFYTIPE OF IN.)"lRUMENT) ~of2.v/tTW Ji-~~"?I .:r:"oc . '\. 8 y __ maUl: by: TO ftctH9"RX~ ()5,'tp,' TIle premises herein is silualed in SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. In Ihe TuwlIship of S C ~"T l+ 0 L D In the VIUAGE or HAMLET of - I BOXES 5 "n JRU 9 MUST IlE TIPED OR PRlNrrD IN DLACK INK ONI.Y I'RlOP. TO I{[CORDING on Fll.INC (. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II11II1111111111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0073755 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-49253 Recorded. At. 07/15/2005 01.51.43 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012397 980 District. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 113.00 02.00 014.000 BXAMI:NlI:D AND CHARQED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount. $585,000.00 Received the Pol lowing Pees Por Above Instrument b""'lpt Bx-.pt Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCJIQ $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,340.00 NO COIIIDI.Pres $8,700.00 NO Pees Paid $11,189.00 TRANS PER TAX NUMBBR. 04-49253 THIS PAQB IS A PART OP THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County I I mYmI~ .tin .,.ga; L D 1lIaIr.,.""'.__....,....,, I 'GfP__ llR Port"'........ OA."""'*'8___.AuIharilyEodllll 0 J::z- ..____....T_ 0 ..:::...,. I Ixl loal , . . , - T II c.__...._._....._ 0 _d(jj'!t:r0 /fI7II~ LA-U I y,,?,'"1,~ ,~,' 1 ~_IlMdR", dod I t?f'/i; 1 ~I CI._ [/ ~ J ,9',71<<:4......1 PROPERTY INFORMATION ,'1,9,01 ,. ""- ~ :1.- No_ LMT NAMl/CQIIIIMIY a. T_ ~whn""T""lfIlDbt... I ..... .----..-..-. -- LAlII'NAME/I:IiIIIIWW ..-.... N&-.. AlllDIRIIEET NAIiE .. ....... ......... .& -nt Rall",,-__ ......_ - ..- No... L LAIR'..... lCOMMN't .... whIah ..... _rltllly...... tM ........ PNII*'Y at.... ,....", ... flHIrNlllA Il~ ~.. ~ CommunlIy_ F ~ J_ G _ __ H E."""""""'_L _ .:i ,; ...-v;~~.., Ih ,/3, oJ: ...... .... - .5,i'~ 0.0,0,0.0 I , , . (Full SaIl Prb II the total amount p111d for 1tI. plOpGl'ly IncbIIna ........ pnlIpIII'ty. __.... bo ......_ 01-. __.._ .....-...-. III -..-obIIgodono.I --......---- ,..-...-"'- I ,0.0 I ......., ........ In 1M ... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Data ... d _... III" Rnal_ RoII.nd Tox BUI .... v.. .. ... ..4 Hal..... 0 whldt bl...........n .... ,..-.__ ~LJ .. Ta.... ......... I RIll u1--- ~ II.... thin.......................... ...........1) A On. fMaDy IluicIuCiII B 2..a__1llIo1 C _ v..... Lond D ~ Vecn. Land I SALE INFORMATION I n. .... _..... ~ '12..,...",...."........ .~ 11. FuU....PrIce * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPoRT STATE OF NEW YOIIK STATE IIClMII OF REAl. PlIlII'IIIIY IBVICEII RP - 5217 1IPoG17 ...., RlC~\/ -- -..... ....... -... -...... -.... ...." .. o..no..hlp Typo 10 Candaminlum .. NMw Conmucaion an V__ land ____on~D- ---.--- 1llII.... _10 In onAQdculurol_"" o o o o 'L QIIIIk _. ..... _. ~.. .. _.......... tD cr.r..IIr. A B C D I! P G H I J ---..-- ... ........ RNtad CarnIaInIII or ......... In ....... anoIII"," auv-....._ -"_._"""",,..~- .-Typo---..........--~- _ "'_.. L.- _ Foo _1SpocIIv_ SIo.'R.-no 0I0ng0 In ""'- _ T_ SIoluo _ _ __ _af_._In_"""" 0IIwr U....... -.. AlIodng _ """" 1Spacl/y_ - n. T...._ V_ Cold ""-1n_1 ; , P-O,U, , '''---' CEIIT1RCATlON IllIIliIJ 1l0oi.. "'... _.,_ _ ..1IIiI_ II< _.... _ lID....... III III!'...... ~. ........., ad I' r ... _ ........... '" _......... - '" - &co......... oubjod _ to... _........ of.. _.... ............ -... ad ..... "'_...... - IIUVER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~ tV/ -- ~uJ%,J ~&~ lII!UBI....lUIlf / CIA,. "'" -ti2l4 e.~ 6:~~ ~( V I 'fM- Y"lOf AMACCXlIi ~NUIIKR NEW YORK STATE COPY