HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12403 P 998 \ ~ 'it " 1/ (c - (0-11 Ll)L/U:) p LfCl ~ TRIS INDENTURE, made the I~ day of July, two thousand five, BE1WEEN % Elizabeth JaYne Plimpton, as specific devisee under the Last Will and Tesaament ofTave, H. Stine, decaow', residing at 12250 New Suffolk Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, ..:.. party of the first part, and Elizabeth Iayne Plimpton, residing at 12250 New Suffolk Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, party of the seoond part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars paid by the Vj~. IOO~ =~.:::::;:;::e~~~;:r;:::,~ui:rl:: =::.n~~~ l..~' \\\':1 ~O" ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ortand, with the buildings and improvements .l' '" thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the b'blJ'.' vir' I \ See Sc:hedule A annexed hereto and made a part hereof. TOGETHER with all right. tide and interest, if any of the party of the first part in and to any BtreetS and roads abutting the above desc:ribed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appunenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the tirst part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOlD the premises herein graated unto the party of the second part, the hein or successors and assigns of the party !lfthe seoond part forever. AND THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, IN COMPLIANCE WITH Section 13 of the Lien Law, hereby covenants that the party of the first part will receive the coMideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a tNlIt fund to be applied lirllt for the purpose of paying the COlIt of the improvement and will apply the same firlIt to the paymelll of the COlIt of the improvemelll before using any part oft~e total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense oflhis indenture so requires. IN WITNJ:SS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly exeaJted this deed the day and year tint above written. ". IN PRESENcE OF: . .... .::";:". . SCHEDULE A . . .. . -.. ,. .;;.-- . 'T~' of ~w.h 0 Id ALL that certeln plot, piece or parcel Of land, sIluate,lyIng and beJpg .'n CU!chogue{ County of Su/foIk and State of New York, with the buildings 8nd Im!mW8ments lhereori, as sII&wn on a certain map of Property 0 f Henry Kaelin, made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Surveyor, February, 27, 192, and bounded and desa1bed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on Great Peconlc Bay, where the southeastarly comer of the land of the Estate of Stuart H. Moore, deceese4, adjoins thaland now or fonnerly of Henry Kaelin; RUNNING THENCE north 12 degrees 35 minutes 3o.seconds east, along the land of the Estate of Stuart H. MOore, a dlstence of 360.80 feet to a cased post on New Su/foIk Avenua; . . THENCE south and along New Suffolk Avanue, 77 degrees, 30 mInutes east, a distance of 131.76 feet to another cased post; . r THENCE south BIong the land of George H. .Case, 1;l degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds west, a distance of 365.58 feet to tha ordinary hIgh weter mark on Great Peconlc Bay; THENCE along ordInary high water mark of Great Peconlc Bay, north 75 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds west, f a distance of 132.30 f8et to the point or p/8ce of BEGINNING. . STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK sa; On the \(""'day of July, in the year 2005, before me, the undenigned, a notary public in and fuF Slid State, penonally appeared EJizllbeda Jllylle Pllmpten, personally known to me or proved to me on the basil of satistietOly evidence to be the individual(l) whose uame(.) il (are) aubscribed to the within inltrUmeni and acknowledged to me th8t befBhelthey el(ecuted the aame in hiBlher/their capacity(iea), and that by hialherltheir eip""'re(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the penon on behalf of which the individ s) ectecI, exemted the instrument. N .' 11..'-:' .," . ,. . JENNIFER A. MCNAMARA Notary Public, Stllll of N!IW York 'f"' ''I,'J '.~I ;.,.. ...., . ""!I'.,No.499022B ~ . , .. _QuI!~od in _u County . .'. . .. .' .. ,CDmmlooiaii &pi" Dacember 30. ., . I .' ", r. ~. Quitclaim Deed':I.~I.I~~' II" "', ,. '.. . ,/."... 'r) ., . . " . . I ~ I PJi....hetIIJayne Plimpton, as devisee ;11; '-'l. ,.... ,.;.'!I..".l ':, '''1. 't'; (ort; J. :~! :':', ..... ~. 'v n. 0" " . ~." .TO.:- . . f ,." ',I ".':1', l'.. ,_.. :"' '" ., .' ,. . -Ir I : r~ ...... hi. ,.. '," I ,', ': ..... . .', ," I 'I ... I.Ll...... '" I.r:",~ ,:"', .1,'rl)ll~' I~.:.',I '". ."1", ,......1.,.- . '. ., I .' .... ........ , ',::' ,... . E11....NodIJayneP.lim~.. . " . :'. '" . .'. ... ", . "1 ' '..,.. ~ '. 1 . " " . . ,0' ......- ". ., I. ." ('",r.l1i'J:- .~ "'~," ;'.):,I,"t::_!1 . :1.f\h:JI" "I,"lr ....j t;oJ~' .', ,. .,.,..! . '" : ~_ ',' I: :.. . '......~!'.(l"'.i . !'J:J '. I" ..1:. -;"':.": l' :.. 1. -..' I ." . ~~. f.'., L ..1' 1_'.' !: -:". ~:.,.,.-; 1/,,: i:-"....:..... District". 1000 .' '. I.' . ... Sectioni.-l,16.oolC; 1,1' ;,,;:.... Block 06,09 :. .' . I' ..... . .' :1. :'ll... .. ro. .' ,'11'. .Pl' ,tl.' J.'.)'il'!'i..:lrJ",(":~":',,:, 'JH..I"-:~J:-:..:IU:l.,,:,: '.. .I.~' ..... J!'. .. .' I .~ ." :'" '. I. ~ " Lot .. . 01 tOO~ '.'_ .:,'! "f."I~JI. '; ilJ:!;. J. 'IJ.t" (Ie.... ~ r,.", I." '1"-' oJ "tJ ,,'" ~r I' "" ~.. ~ . r . . . . . - .".' . - ~ '. ." . . J .F;".' ) :...' . , . : I" I)!., . ..: I In, ..".. '. .', I' . J'" . .J" . County~fSuffolk . . ..... ....... .,...... . StlIteofNewYork Record BIICIlletum to: .~..'. '-!'_j'''';:::''. . ...:':,::.Io.fl....~:...'!:..:. ~~~}.~~.PlimptoD . 12250 New' Suffolk Avenue Cutchogue,New York 11935 I; '; "'" .... ,. '!.' . ." ...... . '.;t~ .'it"! .r!U-'I:_"i,"Il': :. ....,..r.... ~1!""."'.1 .' I ,'11' ....1(. r f . L .' " " rdiB,,!'.',r- :1',1 ~1',!.ln.r.'J!"'1f' ~., ..r ,;J ..... . ~ . . " . . ,I" . t ":..:,'7: ..r;, I' '!i .IJ -:. ~(." ".,~" 'I'~ ~f'..II~ ..:. :"...JI.' ," ;:... ':.' ...'.,:.... .' ':.. ."..". ".~ .!'. '~j: .' " .- ;'.=, '1"=:1'.1::11:111111:" LV. :"):,,'t.l'. I;..I~' i_'.'.1 . '''.! -'1 :.'_":, ,": r.e, ~I . ;.,r~'- A.":"'j.' i~'I' " ;_.j .:': '.:;J ~'f(.' .. ":.:.a~"u,'. '''.i:.i'l 'Ji: "J~ r " I :.( .. :. :.e't,..!":i. .jl.....I.:I( ( t,' .I.'r..'~' :',./ "', .., : ~. '!'.J ! " ',f.' 'It:r.rl' I ",;":'.I..~ .;! .:;:::' .".1 ~'I!~.(.;( ,...;.tr., . ( I,:"',".:;r., e';"'" .'.:,I.r,: ,. I ~. .' '..:,..:." .... '..' ,'- }.".. J "-. .i r ";' . .. ~ " .. -.' , ".: ~;/- q", -': .,,', ,:"... :. 'r:'-i, , "':!. . .., ,. 'I; . , " . , ". ,. . 4 RECORDED . 2005 11'.19 16 02: 18: 12 PI'l Edward P.Roaaine CLERK OF SUFFOlK COI..t!TV L ??oo12403 pm DTI o:Hl2464 Number of paacs TORRENS Serial It Cenif1Ca/e It . Prior Ctf. It Deed / Mortpge Instrument Deed / ~ortpge Tax Stamp FBI!S Recording / Filing Stamps 3 Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 S. 00 Mortgage ~I. 1. Basie Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Thlal SpecJAssit. Nota1ion or EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (SIale) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS SUlduuge Olber Sub TolaI Grand TOUII /69- ~ Spec./ADd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for AppoinlmeDl7t/. Transfer Tax r,.e. Mansion Tax. The property eoveral by this mortgII&e is or will be improved by a one or two family dweUing only. YES or NO IT NO. see appropriate laX clause on page It of this instrument. s. 00 - '?' - IS. 00 Sub Total 00 5 Commaalty PNHn-atloa. hDd ~503 1000 11600 0600 011000 pTS ReMA A Consideration Amount $ v CPF Tax Due $ Improved Ii Satisfaaions/DischargesIReleascs Ust Property Owners Mailing Address 'RECORD & RETURN TO: elitobe"W'l "'SO~~ ~limpton \2..2..60 N(.Y'J 5UHolt. IWl-OUe cu tChoqu (I "'..., II q ~ 5 Vacanl Land / TO TO TO SutTolk Count This paae fonus pan of the allBChcd Recordin ._~- (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) & Endorsement Pa made by: The pn:mises heROin is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In lbc Towliship of SDU1t"l hD\ d In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXBS' THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 111111111111 111111111111111 11111 11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of In.trum....t. DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber . 05-0085469 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER: 05-02464 Recorded. At. 08/16/2005 02.18.12 PH Di.trict. 1000 LIBER: PAGE. D00012403 998 Deed Amount. Section. 116.00 BXAJlINBD JIm) $0.00 1l1ock. 06.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 011. 000 POLLOWS Received the Pollowing' Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Bzempt Page/piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Camm.Pres $0.00 NO lI'ees Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMIlBR. 05-02464 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTR1DIBNT THIS IS NOT A IlILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County I L{, f,.3, ~,8, ~ I / cz.__R..._ I g, lIP ,e;..:> I Monch ~ y~ ClI._ I /, -?i./.8,.31C4.....19, 'f,g, ,. REAL PROPERTY THANSFER REPORT STATE OF _ YORK STATE 80ARD OF IlEAL rnwI"aIlT IEIINICEI RP - 5217 ItIl-fln ... JWI PROPERTY INFORMATION "=1 JZ2.50 I fV.w S,.!L.J ~ Aven..Jt!...; IE"'1r'~Gho4ve.mffOT- ~ I cnvCIR~ ;:j z. = L...J?J,',meh>n """'" G:117abt.. th IJL!~I -.- J44f rail- L 1.AlII'....,CDIII'WI\" "'IJIMII I. Ta Indica...... fUIUrI T. Bill alii to" ..... ... 1,_....__111_"'_1 -- LMI~'C~ ".1""* lUUT fC.IIiIIIfI AIG 11IIIIT.... CITY 00 ..... . 'L ..,........ OR D ...01....... ITAl! 11'_ .. ........ tile ....... 01 . ._.. -....--..... - ..- NIl_ flf24hc:H, ...,.... - ccw,. PIlI fII. ~ a.- _..., IppIy: 4A._-__.-..-__ 0 -__-_forT_ 0 C......._for__Mlp_ 0 4ttL .. ::::.n. L .... /30 Ixl 3(,0 MON' PHI DP"TH L-.AIMD-hm LAaT...../~ lOR I . . ..... . L LMTNoIMI'~ .....- 7. CtIecl.... ... ...... wNaII ..... eocurMIII) cIHaGNI the U.. all'" prapeI'tJ' ..... time of ulr. ~ 0nI ........ Aooldont;al B 2 or 3 F.mlly Rel6dentJaI C ~IVolClntUnd I' Nan.R_ldent.' v.c.nt Und I SALE INFORMATION I n. _ CoIIInct _ E ~ AarioulwlIl I ~ Cammunl.. SeMel F Commerc&.1 J Induuri. o ApIIrtment K Public Service II Entortalnmern I AInu....... J. Forut ~...bo__..__ .. Ownership Typo II Condominium .. ~ Con.IrllCtlon on V..,. Lend ,lll.___onAa_'_ 'DI.",-_.__-.g Ihal.lhIP/1lPII'lYillnlllAQricvllurll~ o o o o --; -J -I MDnI" 0.,. TNr ,.. a.-... or..... af tt.. _ -. _..........ID tnnIIer. '1. on. of .... I r......... L1 - , u:""; oS" I ~.- A Il C I) E I' (l H I J S. Balwecwl Relltivel or Forrn.r RNtivu B.1e ElIIwIen ~ Com,.,... or hirtMnlln B~ One of Ihe S.,.,.... 11Il1o . Bel_ au.,.,. Dr Sol. I. Ca.4,...ilIlo4 Agefq' or L...llng IMIfIutIon Oaed 'fItpe nil W.rI1InIy or IIIrpln and s..e ISpecify BelDW1 Sale 01 Fr~ or l.G8Ilh1n Fee ........ ISpKIfy BeIawt SIgn'IIcInt~In""""'_T__.ncI__ s.a. 01 Bull,*, I. IncIYded in 511" PrIc8 0IhIr U_I ....... Alloalng _ "';00 -'Y _ Nan. 11. FuI .... PrICI , .. n. 0 , 0 I , , . (Full Saa. PrIat is thI tDtIIl.moum p1id for lhI property Including perIDNII properly. This ~ mlY be In 1M form DI ~ IIIIMr prapIIty Dr goods, or the ...umption 01 InOl'IpgtI 01' act.. ~ ..- a) ",... round ID 1M"..,..., ..,.. doItIIlftIOUnt '''_'''_01_ I ,0.0 I --.....- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 01.. ......Id ...0...... I..... ROI' AIlI..IIIlIfl'l Roll.", T.. Bill ,.. V., of . _4 ReI tram I ..... ............101..... ..... I 17.T...._V_C..._.._, , ; / 3.~o.l) , '''''-__ I ~. (,0 l-elJ ,..___ I C..t('Jt,c.uz.. 211.T..__'...._......_......_____..., I D,si" 1000 5t.c..,lr, ~" LD-r 'L-J I I CERTlRCATION I I..,..... III.,U...... II....... AI-IIdftWIl_..... rann are Int'" carnd Ct. tbr... filmy bill" ~ .... WiIflIlld I-A_ .... lie.... vI_ wWld _ _ vI_ ... ...... ....1IlbjKt ... 10.... ~.,...._ 01 ... _ low _ 10 ... .......-I11III 01_ 1>.4. I!!B!! BUYEIrS ATTOIINEY ~~~Ar ~~L J~t> rJG.tJ ~ ANt!.. STIIIIT ""-11 I'TIIrtT MLIJ a~~1AL I ~'1 Jfj3~ ~ .... ......- ....T_ -.""" ~""" ~- ~'4J?-~'L NEW YORK STATE COpy ..n: ..